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made% the% decision% to% move% their% compute%infrastructure%to%Amazon%Web%. Services%(AWS)%over%managing%their%own% dat


Leading Online Shopping Destination Leverages Zadara Storage to Address Scalability, Management and Total Cost of Ownership Challenges

“Our fundamental problem was aligning our IT infrastructure with our company growth. We moved from a storage solution that was hindering growth, to one that is enabling growth.” Anders Holm, Senior Systems Engineer at Gilt Company Profile: Gilt is an innovative online shopping destination offering its members special access to the most inspiring merchandise and experiences every day at insider prices. Challenge: • Storing the growing number of product images created scalability and management challenges • Storage infrastructure was cumbersome and expensive to run and maintain • IT was not responsive to the departmental needs Solution: • Gilt replaced existing 3PAR with Zadara’s Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA) connecting to AWS Results: • Reduced storage costs by 85% • Accelerated new capacity deployment from days to minutes • Able to redeploy people from mundane storage management to strategic, high value activities

Gilt%Reduces%Storage%Costs%by%85%% with%Zadara™%VPSA™%Enterprise% StorageAasAaAService%(STaaS)% %

An% online% shopping% destination% for% the% savvy% consumer,% Gilt% continually% searches%the%world%for%the%most%coveted% brands% and% products,% including% fashion% for% women,% men,% and% children;% home% decor;% and% unique% activities% in% select% cities%and%destinations.%Gilt%releases%new% products% to% their% website% on% a% daily% basis% with% discounts% of% up% to% 70%% off% retail.% % The% growing% business% created% scalability% and% management% challenges% for% their% entire% IT% infrastructure.% Gilt% made% the% decision% to% move% their% compute%infrastructure%to%Amazon%Web% Services%(AWS)%over%managing%their%own% data% centers% to% gain% the% flexibility% and% cost%advantages%of%cloudAcomputing.%%% % When% the% time% came% to% look% at% their% storage% infrastructure,% they% wanted% the%

same% level% of% scalability,% elasticity% and% cost%advantages.%As%Anders%Holm,%Senior% Systems%Engineer%at%Gilt%in%Dublin,%put%it,% “One%of%the%benefits%of%AWS%is%that%they% manage% our% compute% resource% for% us.%% We% essentially% push% the% headaches% to% them% so% that% we% can% focus% on% our% business.”%Gilt%wanted%that%same%level%of% “asAaAservice”%solution%for%their%storage.%% However,% they% also% wanted% the% enterprise% features% that% they% were% lacking% in% their% prior% storage% solution.%% Holm% continued,% “Really% no% other% solution%on%the%market%was%able%to%meet% our%needs.%The%Zadara%VPSA%was%clearly% the%best%solution%for%us.”%

“We are able to expand existing storage or set up new storage volumes within minutes. Our ability to be responsive to our internal customers, rather than being perceived as a roadblock is a huge win for us.” “We are able to have significantly more capacity with Zadara at a fraction of the cost we were paying for 3PAR.” “Really no other solution on the market was able to meet our needs. The Zadara VPSA was clearly the best solution for us.”

– Anders Holm, Senior Systems Engineer at Gilt

One$ of$ the$ key$ problems$ with$ Gilt’s$ Gilt$ is$ also$ pleased$ with$ the$ seamless$ prior$solution$3PAR,$was$scalability$and$ connectivity$ between$ their$ AWS$ manageability.$When$they$needed$new$ compute$ resources$ and$ their$ Zadara$ capacity,$ they$ would$ add$ LUNs$ and$ Storage$ capacity.$ They$ are$ able$ to$ assign$new$volumes$to$the$applications.$$ connect$ any$ of$ their$ AWS$ accounts,$ The$process$was$cumbersome$and$was$ regardless$ of$ region,$ to$ any$ of$ their$ taking$days$to$complete.$With$the$new$ Zadara$Storage$VPSAs.$$This$has$created$ Zadara$ VPSA,$ the$ same$ task$ is$ taking$ very$ powerful$ data$ availability$ options$ minutes$ using$ the$ Zadara$ VPSA$ for$ Gilt.$ They$ are$ now$ considering$ console.$ Anders$ Holm$ summarized,$ replicating$ data$ between$ their$ key$ “We$ are$ able$ to$ expand$ existing$ locations$ and$ possibly$ using$ Zadara’s$ storage$or$set$up$new$storage$volumes$ other$ data$ protection$ features$ to$ add$ within$ minutes.$ Our$ ability$ to$ be$ additional$ levels$ of$ availability$ to$ their$ responsive$ to$ our$ internal$ customers,$ data.$ Zadara’s$ Backup$ to$ S3$ (B2S3)$ rather$ than$ being$ perceived$ as$ a$ option$ allows$ users$ to$ replicate$ their$ roadblock$is$a$huge$win$for$us.”$ data$ to$ costReffective$ Amazon$ S3$ $ objectRbased$targets.$$ Another$ significant$ challenge$ $ Gilt with$ their$ prior$ storage$ reduced Anders$ Holm$ concluded,$ “The$ architecture$ was$ cost.$ As$ the$ VPSA$ has$ worked$ storage Zadara$ Gilt$business$grew,$the$cost$of$ extremely$well.$It$has$delivered$ costs by asRpromised.$ Also,$ the$ support$ acquiring$ and$ managing$ their$ 85% storage$ would$ not$ scale$ and$ service$ department$ has$ approriately.$ Their$ storage$ been$ fantastic.$ Overall,$ it$ has$ costs$ were$ outpacing$ other$ IT$ been$ a$ great$ experience$ working$ with$ resources.$ By$ taking$ advantage$ of$ the$ Zadara.”$ Zadara$ Enterprise$ StorageRasRaRService$ $ (STaaS)$ business$ model,$ Gilt$ reduced$ Gilt$is$a$perfect$example$of$a$company$ their$ storage$ costs$ by$ 85%.$ “We$ are$ who$ recognized$ that$ the$ traditional$ able$to$have$significantly$more$capacity$ model$ of$ acquiring$ and$ managing$ IT$ with$Zadara$at$a$fraction$of$the$cost$we$ resources$ does$ not$ scale.$ Much$ like$ were$paying$for$3PAR.”$ many$ other$ resources$ such$ as$ $ electricity$and$telephone$services$have$ One$ of$ the$ side$ benefits$ that$ was$ not$ moved$to$a$utility$grid,$IT$resources$are$ expected$ when$ Gilt$ made$ the$ decision$ following$ the$ same$ proven$ path.$ to$ move$ to$ Zadara$ Storage$ was$ that$ Corporations$are$asking$for$StorageRasR people$ previously$ assigned$ to$ the$ aRService$ (STaaS),$ where$ they$ pay$ for$ mundane$ task$ of$ managing$ storage$ what$ they$ use$ and$ let$ others$ manage$ could$ now$ be$ redeployed$ on$ much$ the$ infrastructure.$ Whether$ you$ are$ higherRvalued$ activities.$ Not$ only$ did$ looking$for$a$cloudRbased$option,$or$on$ this$ increase$ overall$ productivity,$ it$ your$own$premises,$Zadara$Storage$has$ made$for$more$engaged$employees.$ the$right$solution$for$your$company.$

Zadara Storage U.S. Headquarters 6 Venture, Suite 140 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 251-0360

International Headquarters Beit Tavor 1 Yokneam 20692 Israel

For more information: [email protected]

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