2013 Spring Newsletter - Jpvis.org

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Picnics, island adventures ... tennis programs and scheduled matches against Boothbay Yacht Club, Squirrel Island, Ocean Point. Activity night will again be on Tuesday nights and there will be the usual Ice Cream Social on Sunday nights.
2013 Spring Newsletter Welcome to a historic year for the Juniper Point Village Improvement Association as we celebrate our 100 year anniversary. I will begin with a listing of our centennial events given the significance of the coming summer to our association. These centennial programs would not be possible without a lot of work by these wonderful folks on the JPVIS Centennial Committee: Amy Whitten, Kathy Wilkinson, Anne Dooley, Ann Swope, Penny and Andy Matthews, Scott Atkinson, Beverly Simmons. As a reminder, this newsletter, the membership and lobster bake forms, and all events are contained on the JPVIS website – www.jpvis.org. Please complete the enclosed membership and lobster bake forms and return them to the JPVIS mailbox. The membership voted at the 2012 annual meeting to increase the dues very modestly. The owner dues were raised by $25 with much smaller amounts for associates. The Off Point dues were not increased. Centennial Plans The centennial committee has organized a number of events, programs and offerings to celebrate our centennial. July 28 – Cottage Walk One of the highlights of our centennial celebration will be a special Juniper and McKown Point house walk organized by Penny Matthews and Anne Dooley. They have approximately 24 homes on the walk to date. This event will be a great chance to see many of the cottages, porches or gardens that perhaps you have always wanted to see, but never had the opportunity to do so. It will be a most delightful way to socialize, meet or reconnect with other JPVIS members, and to see the varied views and many styles of residences on Juniper and McKown Points. There will be lots of variety from old, semi-original to updated, added-onto and start-over modern. The walk will start at the Community House, where a program will be available. The walk will be split into morning and afternoon sessions with a stop along the way for refreshments. We wish to thank the many home owners who have kindly agreed to share their properties for this event. A schedule for the house walk will be provided at a later date.

August 1 – Barmes’ Concert Holly Barnes has been on a sabbatical from her teaching position at Phillips Andover Academy. After a long string of Nutcracker performances with the Boston Ballet, she was free to spend a month with Art and Helene in California this winter. While visiting, Art and Holly were invited to put on a program for the Stanford Alumni Club of Sacramento. They composed a music program titled "from Berlin to the Beatles". It included a short talk about the music and a lot of piano, singing and fiddle playing. The program was very well received and they had many calls and e-mails from Stanford Alums saying how much they enjoyed it. Art and Holly have kindly offered to present this program as one of our special centennial events. Their concert will be a wonderful lead into our centennial dinner. The performance will be at the Community House at 5:00 PM. Refreshments and snacks will be served. August 3 – Grand Centennial Gala Come join the August 3 celebration, “Dancing Through the Decades” to officially mark the 100-year anniversary of our wonderful association. We are going to dine and dance the night away under an enormous tent in the Whitten Field. • • •

Authentic catered BBQ dinner with all the fixings. Dancing to the D.J.’s sounds and songs from the early 1900’s ‘til present day. The ticket price will be only $25 pp and $6 for mac & cheese and hot dogs for kids.

Mark your calendar now and make plans to be there. The celebration will commence at 5 PM with dancing until 10. We will be sending a centennial dinner invitation separately in the mail, so watch for it and reserve your place for the festivities. This is a once in a lifetime celebration. Come share the fun and the memories of the many seasons spent in this remarkable place that we all enjoy so much. Come with your whole family; bring your friends. We will be creating a new memory that you will never forget. JPVIS History Carey and Ann Swope are putting together a historical slide show for the centennial dinner. This will be a visual retrospective of 100 years of JPVIS. We have the photos that were collected for the 75th celebration and of course many photos of our own family and friends, but more photos are needed in order to have this presentation truly reflect our collective experience on Juniper Point. Here are some suggestions of pictures that are needed from all of you as soon as possible: Boating experiences. Picnics, island adventures Weddings on the point Babies on the beach Tennis fun Lobster bakes Family gatherings

All submissions need to be digital and can emailed to Ann Swope – [email protected]. Centennial Gifts We have many centennial gifts available that everyone will want to have to commemorate this historic occasion. The proceeds from the sale of gift merchandise will help fund centennial expenses and enhance the JPVIS treasury. The items consist of hats, apparel, engraved mugs and glassware. They are all presented for sale on the JPVIS website with a choice of logos and design. We will also have many of these items available for purchase at major events such as the Opening Reception and the Lobster Bake. Our Tennis Director will also take orders for centennial merchandise. Manley Reed Fund – JPVIS has a long history of community support through the Manley Reed Fund. This fund was established many years ago in the name of Manley Reed. Grants have been made from the fund to assist Boothbay Region High School students who are pursuing a career in the trades. The centennial committee would like to commemorate our 100th anniversary by making a special contribution to the Manley Reed Fund. More information on this effort will be forthcoming in separate solicitation to the JPVIS community. All contributions will be tax deductible. Treasurer’s Report In 2012 JPVIS was in surplus on both its operating budget and its overall budget. The operating budget— that is the extent to which we met our annual recurrent costs out of membership dues and event-based receipts—had an overall surplus of $9,068. As in 2011, we had quite substantial capital (or perhaps more accurately, exceptional) expenditures, related mainly to the piers, Community House, and the Director’s Cottage. Fortunately, we also had substantial memorial donations and other capital revenue that more than covered these exceptional expenses. Although we had to draw down the reserve fund in January 2012 to cover the exceptional expense to repair piers before 2012 revenues came in, we ended the year with funds sufficient to rebuild the Reserve Fund to the tune of about $8,000. Once this transfer is made the reserve fund will increase from $33,623 at end-2012 to about $41,500. Revenues in 2012 from dues and events came in slightly ahead of 2011. Operating expenditures were slightly lower than in 2011 for a variety reasons specific to each category. The notable new development was the cost of painting the Community House and Director’s Cottage, replacing the doors on the Community House, and further work on the piers totaling about $17,000. This will be covered in part by the operating surplus and in part by capital receipts (a legacy gift from Bob Barton, contributions in his honor, and annual donations by members). In order to rebuild the reserve fund, the membership voted in July 2012 to raise dues for owners, associates and off-point members by approximately 14 percent. This is estimated to add about $4000 to current revenues. With stable membership and operating expenses, this should provide for an overall surplus of about $8,000, which would be used to bolster the reserve fund. We are anticipating exceptional expenditures of at least $8000 stemming from payments for the completion of projects started in 2012 and work on Moore’s landing (funded by the legacy contribution from Bob Barton). With the transfers of surpluses from cash balances accumulated during 2012, the reserve fund should end the year with a balance of over $40,000.

Tennis – Here is a report from the tennis committee (Emily Whiting, Lee Corbin, Jessica Dumphy and Andy Matthews): Great news…. Jeff Dawson is returning for the summer. He will again be bringing an assistant, but unfortunately it will not be either of his brothers as they have work commitments. Men’s and Ladies tennis will continue as usual, with a few tweaks. Juniors will continue with their very active tennis programs and scheduled matches against Boothbay Yacht Club, Squirrel Island, Ocean Point. Activity night will again be on Tuesday nights and there will be the usual Ice Cream Social on Sunday nights. The Tennis Exhibition will be held Saturday August 10th at 12:00 noon on the Tennis Courts. Community House/Director’s Cottage – the Community House and Director’s Cottage were both painted last summer. The two french doors were repaired and the rear access door (middle door) by the tennis courts was replaced. Thanks go to Susan and Stu McGillivray and Amy Whitten for all their work on these projects. Several trees fell onto the Community House roof this winter and damaged the roof. The damage was not too severe and we were able to offset the cost of the roof repairs with insurance. Chairs and Tables – We came up a bit short last year with seating for the Lobster Bake. We have rectified this with the purchase of 50 new wooden chairs like the ones we have been using for many years. This purchase, along with 6 new tables will allow provide for more than enough seating. Events – The schedule for all summer events is posted on the website. There is a pdf printable version that lists all major events. A daily calendar of events is also available on the website. This can be viewed by selecting calendar. This calendar shows all daily programs as well as major events. Please note the Opening Reception is June 29 @ 6 PM at the Community House and the Lobster Bake is July 6. Of particular note this year is a change to the format of the potluck supper. This will be combined with the kid’s outing day. Parents, relatives and friends can enjoy watching children’s games on Whitten field and then join the group for a BBQ/potluck supper afterwards at the community house. Reminder notices via email will be sent out just before all major JPVIS events. John Gillies Gift – I am very pleased to announce that John and Patricia Gillies approached JPVIS with an offer to support the purchase of a number of items for our kid's activity programs. Kem Roth is the chairperson of a committee that is gathering ideas for appropriate games and activities from parents, kids and grandparents. The recommendations from this committee will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval. We expect to have many enhancements to our kid's games and programs in place by the beginning of this summer thanks to the generosity of John and Patricia.

Peter Edwards – President JPVIS