A computationally efficient framework for hybrid controller design

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crosses the boundary of the symbol's pre-image. In this regard, the semantic interpretation of hybrid system plant symbols is grounded in the CSS plant.
M. D. Lemmon and P. J. Antsaklis, "A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design,” P roc o f t he 1 994 I EEE/IFAC J oint S ymposium o n C o mputer-Aided C ontrol S ystem D esig n , pp 333-338, Tucson, AZ, March 7-9, 1994.

A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design Michael Lemmon 'and Panos Antsaklis Department of Electrical Engineering University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556

Abstract A hybrid control system uses a logical DES controller to supervise the behaviour of a continuousstate plant. An important issue in hybrid control systems concerns precisely what constitutes "logically stable" behaviour in such systems. The challenge concerns the formulation of computationally efficient procedures for designing such logically stable systems. This paper provides a formal definition of hybrid system stability and outlines how this definition leads to a polynomial time procedure for hybrid control system synthesis. Keywords: hybrid systems, inductive inference, stability



Hybrid control systems arise when a discrete event system (DES) is used to supervise the behaviour of a continuous state system (CSS).Such systems arise in the supervisory control of large scale systems found in semiconductor manufacturing, power distribution, flexible manufacturing, and chemical process control. One approach to the design of hybrid control systems extracts a logical model of the continuous-state system's bebaviour. This logical model is called the DES p l a n f . The hybrid control system design approach then synthesizes a logical DES controller for the DES plant. Examples of this approach will be found in [4], [I], and 171. In [7], the design of a DES controller is emphasized. In particular, a DES plant is extracted from a continuous-state system and an appropriate controller is synthesized using an extension of the Ramadge-Wonham model (RN'hl) framework. In this framework, a DES controller is synthesized by using a fixed point recursion which produces a *The partid financial support of the National Science Foundation (IRI91-09298and MSS92-16559)is gratefully acknowledged.

supremal controllable DES plant model consistent with a formal specification on plant behaviour. For the RWM framework [5], the plant symbols can be divided into controllable and uncontrollable events, where controllable events are plant symbols which can be disabled by an appropriately designed supervisor. The RWM framework generally assumed that the DES plant was controllable so that any combination of plant symbols could be disabled by the controller. In general, however, a hybrid system will not have a controllable DES plant. Therefore, if the RWM framework is t o be used, a method is needed to identify those DES plant symbols which are indeed controllable by a DES controller. The preceding statements imply that if supervision of the equivalent DES plant is to be sufficient to supervise the original CSS plant, it is necessary that the DES plant be a logical model of the CSS plant. The DES plant can be viewed as a logical "interpretation" of the CSS plant's behaviour of interest. If that interpretation accurately or frufhfully predicts the desired symbolic behaviour of the CSS plant, then it is said to be a valid inferprefation or model of the CSS plant's desired behaviour. An important issue in the design of hybrid control system is therefore the verification of a DES plant's validity. This issue is often referred t o as model verification. The notion of model verification explored in this paper is significantly different from verification frameworks found in the computer science literature. In general, verification means that a logical system is being tested to see whether or not it exhibits a specified logical behaviour such BS liveness or permissiveness. Such approaches to model verification can be Seen as top-down protocols whose objective is to verify macroscopic logical behaviours. In this paper, a bofiom-up perspective is adopted to the verification problem. Rather than verifying desired logical behaviour, the techniques developed in this paper are concerned with deciding the valid-

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M. D. Lemmon and P. J. Antsaklis, "A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design,” P roc o f t he 1 994 I EEE/IFAC J oint S ymposium o n C o mputer-Aided C ontrol S ystem D esig n , pp 333-338, Tucson, AZ, March 7-9, 1994.

desired behaviour, 2) Determing a DES controller which implements the specification in a logically stable manner, and 3) translating the plant DES obtained in step 2 into a a set of operator procedures. Step 3 represents the most important step in the design framework introduced above. This step shows how such plant DES design methods can be practically applied in existing plant environments. Progress on this front will allow for human operators to interact with exsting automatic DES controller synthesis methods in a way which takes advantage of both knowledge domains. Progress along this front will allow for the migration of DES synthesis methodologies onto the factory floor in a way which has yet to be realized. The results and concepts introduced in this paper suggest one way in which this integration might be achieved in a computationally efficient manner. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the hybrid control systems under consideration. Section 2 discusses the semantics of the hybrid control system. Section 3 presents a definition which insures the stability of the hybrid control system’s logical behaviour. Section 4 d i s cusses a procedure for the synthesis of stable DES controllers.

ity or rather siabiliiy of controlled logical transitions within the DES plant. Essentially, this paper provides a way for testing to see whether or not a specified transition in the plant DES can be controlled in a stable manner by a continuous-control vector. Consequently, the verification procedures discussed below are intimately connected with the underlying continuous-state dynamics of the plant, rather than the discrete logical behaviour desired of the plant. The model verification approach presented in this paper repnsents the first step in a bottom-up design of bybrid system controllers. The bottomup approach originates in a consideration of the continuousstate plant’s dynamics and the limited set of control policies (agents) we have to control that plant. This approach attempts to supervise the CSS plant by building up a logical DES model of the plant. The logical model is built up as the controller attempts to transition the CSS plant in a consistent and stable manner between various logical states. The potential benefits of this approach are found in the computational complexity of the resulting scheme. Rather than starting with a large logical model and reducing it (as is done in the RWM framework), one starts with a formally specified behaviour and builds up. The resulting approach is therefore a constructive %earth" technique. This paper poses the model verification problem and shows bow convex optimization procedures can solve the “link”-verification problem for large classes of hybrid systems. It is shown that DES plant validity is closely related to the Lyapunov stability of the CSS plant. For this reason, model (DES plant) validity is referred to as transition or T-stability. This paper presents a set of sufficient conditions guaranteeing DES plant T-stability. For many types of hybrid systems, these conditions can be represented as linear inequality constraints on a suitable parameterization of the interface between the CSS plant and DES controller. Feasible points of this inequality system therefore represent interfaces which insure the 7‘-stability of transitions in the DES plant. It is shown bow these T-stabilizing interfaces can be determined using the central-cut ellipsoid method. The resulting algorithm provides a method for inductively determining 7’-stabilizing interfaces in finite time where the convergence time scales in a polynomial manner with CSS plant complexity. The results presented in this paper provide the foundations of a framework for the integration of human and machine operators. The basic framework consists of the following steps; 1) llanslation of engineering specifications and operator procedures into a logical DES specification on the plant’s


Hybrid Control Systems

A hybrid control system consists of four interconnected subsystems; the plant, the controller, the actuator, and the generator. More precisely, we define a hybrid control system, 3-1, as the ordered Ctyple, ?f = (p,,Cd,A,G)where P, is the css plant, c d is the DES controller, G is the interface generator, and A is the interface actuator. The plant, P,,is the part of the model which represents the entire continuous-state (CSS)portion of the hybrid control system. The plant evolves over a subset of 92”. The plant’s trajectory, i ( l ) , through r? can be described by a set of ordinary differential equations.

l ( 1 ) = f ( Z ( t ) , P(1)) (1) where Z E 92” is the CSS plant state and P is the

CSS plant’s control vector. In hybrid control systems, the plant will be supervised by the application of logical directives. In this regard, the control vector trajectory, f ( t ) is piecewise constant. Using this fact, we can therefore represent the CSS plant,P,, of a hybrid system, 3-1, as the ordered m + 1 tuple,

P, = (XI


. . , ap)


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY NOTRE DAME. Downloaded on October 7, 2009 at 21:04 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


M. D. Lemmon and P. J. Antsaklis, "A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design,” P roc o f t he 1 994 I EEE/IFAC J oint S ymposium o n C o mputer-Aided C ontrol S ystem D esig n , pp 333-338, Tucson, AZ, March 7-9, 1994.

4: : x - X ( f o r i = 1, ...,m ) i s t h e i t h f a m i l y (indexed by time, t ) of transition operators generated by the differential equation

S ( t ) = f(iE(t), Pi)

The interface generator’s output is obtained from the following equation,


The aciuaior converts a sequence F[n] of control symbols into a plant input, F ( t ) . The interface actuator, A, for the hybrid system ‘H, is the ordered R is a tuple, A = (R,R,y,Tr),where y : R mapping from the control symbols to the con_stant reference vectors input to the plant, R and R are the control (reference) spaces and alphabets, respectively. Tr : 92 -+ 92 is a recursive function generating a sequence of control instants, rr[n]. The actuator output is therefore represented as

wbere i;i is a constant vector in Rm and f : 32“ x Sm -+ 8” is a Lipschitz continuous function serving M the infinitesimal generator of the transition operators a?. The controller is a discrete event system. The controller will often be called the supervisor. I t receives 88 inputs a sequence Z[n] of symbols generated by the interface drawn from a finite alphabet X of plant symbols. The supervisor outputs a sequenze i [ n ] of symbols drawn from a finite alphabet R of control symbols. The controller’s dynamics are assumed to be modeled by a deterministic finite automaton (DFA). The DES controller, c d , for Py_bri$ system 3.1, is the ordered 4-tuple, C = ( S , X ,R , @ , Q ) ,where_ S is 5 finite alphabet of controller symbols, X and R are finite alphakets Of pla?t and control symbols, respectively. CP : S x X + S is the controller’s transition opera92 is the controller enabling function. tor. Q : These two functions are assumed to yield the following recursive equations.



where Z ( t ) is an indicator function which is unity over the interval (rr[n],rr[n 111 and is zero elsewhere. It is assumed that the sequence of control and plant instants obey the following relation.




Z[n] = O(S[n- I], F[n] = argmaxiE&(S[n])




The generator transforms continuous- time state trajectories, E ( t ) , into a sequence of plant symbols, Z[n]. The interface generator, Q2 for hybrid system 3.1 is the ordered 4-tupleI Q = ( X , B, a,Tr) where 0 0



2 is a finite alphabet of plant symbols. B is called the interface’s event basis. It is a family of p continuously differentiable functionals, b, : %” + % over the state space such that V&i(Z) # 0 when b , ( f ) = 0 and such that these functionals separate the state space.


In a hybrid control system, the plant and interface behave like a discrete event system. The combined plant/interface system is referred to as the DES plant. The inputs to the DES plant are the sequence of confrol events (?[n],r,[n]).The outputs of the DES plant are the sequence of plant events ([I:., rr[n]).Note that a hybrid s y s t e m event is an ordered pair consisting of a symbol and the 8ssociated time when that symbol was generated or issued.

Q : 92“ 3 is a mapping from the CSS plant state onto the DES plant symbol.

Definition 1 A DES plant of the hybfid control s y s t e m 31 i s ihe-labeled digraph, p d = ( 2 ,A ) . T h e sei of vertices, 2, i s a finite alphabet of DES plant s.ate _symbols. T h e set of arcs, A i s a subset of Z x 2. -Each arc is labeled by a control-event, (F, Tr) E R x 8 and a plant event (5, rl) E X x S.

and T, : 92 x x 9’2 92 is a recursive m a p ping used to generate a sequence of times, rr[n], called plant instants, representing the times (measured with respect to the CSS plant’s clock) when a plant symbol is. issued by the generator. In particular, T, maps the nth plant instant, rz[n],conditioned on the CSS plant’s state trajectory, Z ( t ) , onto the n + Idt plant instant, rr[n 11 = Tr(rz[n],~(t)).

The “semantic” meaning of the DES plant refers to the underlying entities which P d ’ S vertices and transitions are intended to represent. A concrete semantic interpretation can be constructed once specific choices are made for the event basis, B, and the interface mappings, o and y. In this paper, the event basis will be assumed to generate an open covering of the CSS plant’s state space. Let bf denote the subset of the state space for which b i ( 5 ) > 0.





Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY NOTRE DAME. Downloaded on October 7, 2009 at 21:04 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

M. D. Lemmon and P. J. Antsaklis, "A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design,” P roc o f t he 1 994 I EEE/IFAC J oint S ymposium o n C o mputer-Aided C ontrol S ystem D esig n , pp 333-338, Tucson, AZ, March 7-9, 1994.

Let the eet b; denote the subset of the state space for which bi(2) < 0. This collection of sets, bf, Msociated with 8 are usually assumed t o form an open cover of the CSS plant’s state space. Define the following symbols,

6: ;&

= =

EnterRegion(br) EnterFtegion(br)


(9) (10)


The set b’, will be said to be the pnimage of plant symbol 6.: The plant symbol alphabet, 2,used in this paper will be defined with respect to the event basis. Let

where 1 represents a “null” symbol. The generator mapping Q is also defined with respect to the assumed event basis. It is assumed that this mapping will be used to generate plant symbols only when the plant state crosses the boundary of some bf set. The generator mapping a,therefore takes the following form


if bi(5) = 0 and V&(Z)i(t) > 0 if bi(Z) = 0 and Vtbi(E)i(t) < 0 a(%)= otherwise (13) The plant instant generator T, is a recursive function generating a sequence of plani instant times, r=[n]. In this paper, the plant instants represent times when the boundary of sets bf are crossed by the CSS plant’s state vector. With the preceding definitions, the plant events labeling the DES plant arcs represent the symbols issued by the generator when the CSS plant state crosses the boundary of the symbol’s pre-image. In this regard, the semantic interpretation of hybrid system plant symbols is grounded in the CSS plant state’s entry into one of the elements, bi, of the event basis. The DES plant st_ates, 2 are defined in terms of the plant symbols, X . Let

f 6;


The DES controller’s state symbols, z’ can also be given a semantic interpretation grounded in subsets of the CSS’plant’s state space. Let t and fi be elements of X with pre-images x and y , respectively. Then the following definitions allow us to formulate the preimage of any plant state.

(2, [,I’ -, v)

be a logical system in which the plant symbols, 2 , form the propositional variables and the other symbols ( (,],-,and V) are used to formpropositional logical formulae from the symbols in X. Wjth these definitions, the DES plant’s state space, 2 will be taken to be any collection of wffs for the propositional logical system 2.


t is the opening of R - x.


the preimage of


the preimage of (5 V fi] is x U y .

Note that with the preceding definition of the DES plant’s state symbol, f, the symbol hss a semantic interpretation that the CSS plant’s state is in the preimage of that symbol.


Transition Stability

An important issue in hybrid systems concerns the validity of the DES plant. The DES plant can be seen as a “logical” interpretation of the CSS plant’s symbolic behaviour. If that interpretation accurately and reliably predicts the CSS plant’s behaviour, then it is a valid interpretation or model of the CSS plant. As one approach [7] to hybrid control system design involves synthesizing DES controllers for an extracted DES plant, the “validity” of the DES plant is a crucial question which has to be answered. DES plant validity can be viewed in terms of the invariance of the plant and control event sequence to small perturbations in the CSS plant’s state. An arc of the DES plant represents a transition of the CSS plant’s state between two subsets of the CSS plant’s state space. The labeling of that arc represents the symbolic behaviour of that transition. A valid DES plant would preserve that labeling under small perturbations of the initial CSS plant state. In particular, this means that the plant symbols generated by the transition q u s t be unchanged (invariant) with respect to transition perturbations. In addition, this means that the plant instants, must vary in a smooth (continuous) manner with the assumed perturbations. This notion of “validity” is closely related to the Lyapunov stability of the underlying CSS plant and hence the question of DES plant validity can be viewed as a question about the hybrid system’s stability. The preceding discussion can be formalized in the following definition of hybrid system transition or Tstability. This definition is a formalization of earlier notions of “supervisability” presented in (21. Related definitions of hybrid system stability will be found in [4].


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY NOTRE DAME. Downloaded on October 7, 2009 at 21:04 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

M. D. Lemmon and P. J. Antsaklis, "A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design,” P roc o f t he 1 994 I EEE/IFAC J oint S ymposium o n C o mputer-Aided C ontrol S ystem D esig n , pp 333-338, Tucson, AZ, March 7-9, 1994.

Definition 2 Let Pd = ( V , A ) be a DES plant for the hpbrid system (P,,C,j,A,O). Consider an arc (4,G) E A which is labeled with plant eveni, ( 5 , r t ) , and control event, (.',rr). Let U and w be the preimages of the DES plant states, 4 and 3, respectively. Let f = y(?) where y is the hybrid system's ociuator mapping. The apc (ii,ii) is transition o r T-stable if and only if for all 5, E U there ezists an open neighborhood of size e, N(fU,r),and a finite time 0 < T < 00 such that 4$(Z) as an open neighborhood in w

for all f E N ( f , , e ) . When the DES plant is T-stable, it becomes a model or valid interpretation for the CSS plant. With such a model it is then possible to supervise the CSS plant by supervising its DES plant. Such a controller can be synthesized using existing methods for DES controller synthesis. In this approach to hybrid control system design, it is critical that the DES plant be T-stable. For the case when the controls enter linearly, the following proposition has been shown to provide a sufficient condition for T-stability [2]. Proof of this will be found in [3]. Proposition 1 Consider a DES plant, P d = (V,A ) of hybrid system whose CSS planf 's iransifion operaiors are generafed by the differenfial equation m

h = fo(z)

+ i=l

Pi ji(*)


where LiV is the Lie derivative of V with respect to the ith vector field, fie


and the plant symbols, 5 , issued by the transition are ideniical


where r, is the ith component of control uecfor i; and : Rn 4 8" are a family of Lipschitz continous functions. Consider an arc (6,6) of ihe DES planf. Let the w be the pre-image of 6. Lei v denote the preimage of any DES plant state symbol, i, which is not equal t o 6. This arc will be T-stable if there ezists a continuously differeniiable positive definite functional VW : Rn 31 which is zero on a closed proper subsei of w such that for all Z E fi



and there ezists a continuously differentiable posVv : 31" 32 such that for all 5 in v ,

dive definite functional

DES Controller Design

The preceding section derived sufficient conditions for T-stability. In special cases where either the plant observations are linear combinations of plant states or the plant control policies enter linearly, then proposition 1 provides a set linear inequality constraints characterizing hybrid system T-stability. The solution of the inequality system will be an interface yielding a T-stable DES plant. The results of this paper therefore provide a methodology for designing interfaces which insure that the DES plant will be a valid model of the CSS plant. For those special cases where the sufficient conditions form linear inequality systems, there is the additional advantage gained by having a variety of efficient computational methods for solving these systems. The method of centers computes a sequence of convex bodies and their centers in such a way that the computed centers converge to the feasible point. Depending on the analytic form of the convex bodies and the centers, different types of algorithms are obtained. Examples of such algorithms are the -called ellipsoid method and interior point methods based on logarithmic barrier functions. Both of these algorithms converge after a finite number of updates and both algorithms have polynomial complexity. Therefore, not only does the inequality system allow the design of a T-stable interface, it p r e vides a computationally efficient method which may be practical for DES plants with a large number of logical states. The preceding discussion suggests that the use of convex programming algorithms such as the ellip soid method can efficiently decide whether or not an arc of a given plant DES is T-stable. The plant DES, of course, is not unique. Therefore, if we are given a plant DES which represents the desired logical behaviour of the plant, the preceding algorithm can be used to decide whether or not a n arc of the specified plant DES is T-stable. By repeatedly applying the algorithm to each arc of the specified plant DES, it


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY NOTRE DAME. Downloaded on October 7, 2009 at 21:04 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

M. D. Lemmon and P. J. Antsaklis, "A Computationally Efficient Framework for Hybrid Controller Design,” P roc o f t he 1 994 I EEE/IFAC J oint S ymposium o n C o mputer-Aided C ontrol S ystem D esig n , pp 333-338, Tucson, AZ, March 7-9, 1994.

then becomes possible to decide whether or not the specified behaviour is T-stable. Consider for example a plant DES 7 '; which generates a language K'. Assume that K' is the desired logical behaviour which we want our hybrid control system t o possess. The ellipsoidal algorithm test can be used to decide in finite time whether or not a given arc Pz is indeed T-stable. We can therefore construct a sequence of plant DES by successively testing all the arcs Pi. As each T-stable arc is identified, we build up an ordered sequence of plant DES

P y ,P y , . . .,Pd(i)

c Id3)c . .. c

c K'


The largest K ( i )whose language is contained within K' forms the supremal controllable sublanguage of the K'. If it turns out that P; is a T-stable plant DES,then the supremal controllable sublanguage is K'. Therefore the plant DES, Plj can be used as the basis for the DES controller of the hybrid system. If K(') turns out to be smaller than I