While hybrid cloud computing environments pro-vide good potential for achieving high performance and low economic cost, it also introduces a broad set of ...
A Data-aware Partitioning and Optimization Method for Large-scale Scientific Workflows in Hybrid Clouds RUBING D UAN , X IAORONG L I Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore {duanr, lixr}@ihpc.a-star.edu.sg
Abstract—While hybrid cloud computing environments provide good potential for achieving high performance and low economic cost, it also introduces a broad set of unpredictable overheads especially for running data-intensive applications. This paper describes a novel approach which refines workflow structures and optimizes intermediate data transfers for largescale scientific workflows containing thousands (or even millions) of tasks. The proposed method includes pre- and postpartitioning of workflows and data-flow optimization. Firstly, it partitions a workflow by identifying the critical path of the task graph. Secondly, it controls the granularity of partitions to reduce the complexity of task graph in order to process large-scale workflows. Thirdly, it optimizes the data-flow based on the scheduling to minimize its communication overheads. Our proposed approach is able to handle complex data flows and significantly reduce data transfer by replacing individual tasks according to data dependencies. We conducted experiments using real applications such as Montage and Broadband, and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of our methods in achieving low execution time with low communication overhead in hybrid clouds.
I. I NTRODUCTION Scientific workflows [23] are widely being used today to describe complex, multi-step applications that process potentially large amounts of data in bioinformatics, earthquake science, ecology, physics, etc. These workflows often execute in clouds or grids, taking advantage of particular resource characteristics, their availability, the distribution of data sources, and other capabilities. At the same time, applications are becoming increasingly data-intensive, but data management within workflows has received limited attention. Experiments such as those conducted by high-energy physics and gravitationalwave physics [1] are collecting TeraBytes and PetaBytes of data and storing them in distributed archives. The next generation sequencing machines are bringing bioinformatics to the same scale. Most existing systems considered the allocation of computation resources and distribution of tasks, but did not effectively take into account the refinement of workflow structure, communication overheads, and weather or not to exploit an opportunity for parallelism by creating a parallel or duplicated task. Many scheduling algorithms can improve partial performance of a workflow, but they cannot optimize communication
for the whole workflow, for example, inserting new tasks to refine workflow structure, decreasing the number and size of intermediate files, organizing data transfers in a more efficient way, etc. Because of the distributed nature of computational and storage resources in hybrid clouds, and the fact that data is often hosted in third-party archives like Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) , EBS (Elastic Block Store), or Google GCS (Google Cloud Storage), it is sometimes hard to “compute where the data is” – a simple solution to dealing with large-scale data sets. Scientists in search of compute cycles are distributing computations across multiple resources. Thus the issue of efficient data transfers between computing sites and efficient data transfer to permanent storage is becoming critical. Whenever possible, data need to be transferred in bulk with as few individual, small data transfers as possible. Data flow management must be flexible and scalable to match the characteristics of the data transfers required by different applications, to optimize for network bandwidth, and to provide controls to coordinate the transfers across multiple workflow tasks. In this paper, we present a new approach to optimize workflow structures and data management within large-scale scientific workflows while maintaining the scheduled level of cloud service. Our algorithms operate on a workflow scheduled onto resources and uses pre- and post-partitioning as a means of identifying data transfer optimization opportunities. We implemented our algorithms within a workflow management system, and demonstrated their effectiveness within the context of two real world applications, one from the astronomy domain and one earthquake science application. We evaluated our approach running these applications across the TeraGrid [2] resources and a private cloud. Our workflow scheduler maps large-scale scientific workflows onto multiple computing sites. Some real-world scientific workflows are used, such as the physics application LIGO [1], the earthquake application Cybershake [8], the astronomy application Montage [6], etc. Condor and DAGMan [24] workflow engine are used to launch workflow tasks and maintain the dependencies between them. In this paper, we aim to devise methods that address and reduce the complexity of scheduled workflow execution plan
and the performance overheads related to the workflow applications. The contributions of this paper are both theoretical and experimental. We propose: • a group of integrated algorithms for pre-partitioning and post-partitioning workflows. The pre-partitioning algorithm is used to identify groups of tasks that can be schedule independently to reduce the complexity of scheduling for large-scale workflows. The post-partitioning algorithm refines workflow structures with data replication and task replication. • a data-flow optimization algorithm for identifying and archiving intermediate data without affecting the parallelism of workflows. • multi-phase control-flow and data-flow optimization algorithms for transforming and simplifying the workflow structure to reduce the server-to-server communication overhead and its execution time; The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the conceptual model of workflows and our approach used in a workflow management system. The experimental results in Section III show that our approach can effectively improve the performance of workflow execution. Related work is reviewed in Section IV, and Section V summarizes the paper’s contributions and outlines the future work. II. M ODEL AND APPROACH In this section, we define the workflow model and notations that will be used in the following sections. And then, we present the partitioning algorithm for optimizing data-flow of workflows. A. Model Definition II.1 (Workflow) Let W = (T , CD, DD) denote a workflow application, where T = {t1 , . . . , tn } is the set of tasks, CD is the set of control-flow dependencies CD = {(tsrc c tsink ) | tsrc , tsink ∈ T } , and DD is the set of data-flow dependencies DD = (tsrc d tsink , D) | tsrc , tsink ∈ T , where D denotes the I/O data (i.e. parameters or files) to be transferred between the tasks tsrc and tsink , and c and d denotes the control-flow and data-flow dependency between the tasks. In order to manage and optimize the execution of a workflow, we need to define a workflow partition as: Definition II.2 (Workflow partition) We define a workflow partition W 0 = (T 0 , CD0 , DD0 ) as the sub-workflow of the workflow W = (T , CD, DD) iff 0 • T ⊆ T , and 0 c • CD ⊆ CD ∧ ((t1 t2 ) ∈ CD0 → t1 , t2 ∈ CD0 ), and 0 d • DD ⊆ DD ∧ ((t1 t2 ) ∈ DD0 → t1 , t2 ∈ DD0 ). 0 A workflow partition W also has the following properties: (1) there must be no control-flow and data-flow dependencies
Fig. 1.
Workflow execution steps.
to / from tasks that have predecessors / successors within the partition, which means no cross dependency; (2) the computation loads of partitions or the number of tasks are approximately even; (3) the number of dependencies(edges) among partitions is minimized; (4) the potential data and task replications of partitions are identified and created. The objective of most traditional workflow partitioning algorithms is to find a partition that evenly balances the number or execution time of tasks in each sub-workflow whilst minimizing the total number or size of intermediate data files. However, the objective of our workflow pre-partitioning is to find a partition that preserves the parallelism of workflow whilst decrease the scheduling complexity and identifying the communication bottlenecks. B. System overview Exposing the whole workflow to a scheduler can be a double-edged sword. While the scheduler can allocate all tasks to all available computing resources and perform various optimizations, the workflows that contains thousands or millions of tasks may overwhelm the scheduler, and the scheduled solution may then become too complex to be further optimized at run time, which are very important for workflows on dynamic computing environments like grids or clouds. Even when executing on a stable environment, performance can suffer when unexpected run-time events or resources contention occur. A lack of flexibility to adapt to unexpected events can be a significant downfall and is in fact considered to be a major weakness of scheduled solution. A workflow will be pre-partitioned based on its structure. Our workflow management system (WfMS) is briefly described as follows, as illustrated in Fig. 1: First, Users compose workflows using an XML generator to produce an XML
based workflow description that shields users from the system details. WfMS takes this abstract description and information about the available resources and generates an executable workflow that describes the computation, data transfers and data registration tasks and their dependencies. The WfMS scheduler consults various sites information services, such as the Globus Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS), the Globus Replica Location Service (RLS), and the Metadata Catalog Service (MCS), to determine the available computational resources and data. Given all the information, the scheduler can select resources to execute tasks based on the available resources and their characteristics as well as the location of the required data. Users can select the following algorithms to schedule their workflows: HEFT [15], random, round-robin, min-min [17], game-quick [13], etc. With a scheduled workflow, we can post-partition it and optimize its data-flow, and these mechanics are presented in the sequel. WfMS generates an executable workflow, which identifies the resources where the computation will take place, identifies the data movement for staging data in and out of the computation and intermediate data, and registers the newly derived data products in the RLS and MCS. As depicted in Fig. 1, a workflow can be regularly evaluated and adjusted at run time. Dynamic tuning can be enabled by a variety of means based on the performance prediction and evaluation, including data and task replication, and data-flow optimization. Each of these mechanism allows a workflow to be tailored to a particular computing environment. Replication can be categorized into two classes: data replication and task replication. Data replication stores the same data on multiple storage resources. Task replication executes the same task on multiple computing resources many times. Data replication and task replication as two different optimization mechanism can replace each other at run time. Finally, the executable workflow is given to the workflow executor for execution. The performance predictor and evaluator can gather information to uncover bottlenecks and trigger run-time adaptation. For instance, the performance information can trigger comparisons with expected values and assumptions that were made by the scheduler. Any significant deviation from the expectations can trigger run-time adaptation. Run-time performance and resource contention, as gathered by MDS, will trigger a variety of rescheduling. Reliability anomaly can trigger workflow re-optimization and resource avoidance. WfMS can also leverage run-time information to detect additional opportunities for parallelism, and reschedule certain partitions to execute on resources with less contention. In summary, exploiting parallelism requires a multi-stage approach. A pre-partitioner can perform the task of maximizing the potential for parallelization assuming unbounded resources and no system load. It will be the task of the scheduler and the post-partitioner to adapt the parallelism to the available cluster resources as they changed over time, and also to exploit further parallelization opportunities based on dynamic behavior.
Algorithm 1 The workflow pre-partitioning algorithm. Input: W = {t1 , ..., tN } set of the tasks, CD control-flow dependencies, DD data-flow dependencies, m the number of available computing sites Output: PS pre pre-partitioned workflow /* Initialization */ Determine the tasks on critical path by using CPM , use these tasks to initialize partitions /* Apply partition rules to merge tasks and partitions */ for i := 1 to #T asks (traverse in preorder) do /* partition W with DD and get PS DF */ if ti .ancestors() = PS j ∪ PS j .ancestors() ∧ ti .descendants() = PS j ∪ PS j .descendants() ∧ (ti ∪ PS j ).datasize() < maxData then PS DFj = PS DFj ∪ {ti } else PS DF = PS DF ∪ {{ti }} end if /* partition W with CD and get PS CF */ if ti .ancestors() ⊇ PS j ∪ PS j .ancestors() ∧ ti .descendants() ⊇ PS j ∪ PS j .descendants() ∧ m ×Tc (see Equ.1) (ti ∪PS j ).executionT ime() > m−1 then PS CFj = PS CFj ∪ ti else PS CF = PS CF ∪ {{ti }} end if end for for every partition in PS CF and PS DF do PS pre := PS pre + {(PS CF )i ∩ (PS DF )j } end for
C. Workflow partitioning algorithms Workflow partitioning poses two basic problems: finding an exploitable partition through analysis and partitioning a workflow into a parallel and concurrent form. Data dependencies can greatly degrade the performance of workflows. On hybrid computing platforms like hybrid clouds, cross-partition dependencies require communication or synchronization to maintain correctness. However, communication and synchronization are undesirable since they are relatively expensive operations. By careful partitioning and scheduling, a workflow management system can minimize the effect of data dependencies. Unfortunately, determining whether or not data dependencies exist between two partitions is nontrivial in general. Based on our experience, the number of partitions might seriously affect the efficiency and effectiveness of scheduling. Excessively large or unbalanced partitions are undesirable, since the rate of execution is limited to at most that of the slowest partition with the longest makespan. Excessively short partitions are equally undesirable when the cost of communication between partitions dominates the cost
Fig. 2.
A Broadband workflow example.
of the partitions themselves. Therefore, an ideal partitioning produces exactly enough partitions to keep all computing resources busy, while minimizing communication and latency of the slowest partitions. Our approach consists of three steps. First, a pre-partition is performed to ensure maximum work balance and parallelism and to have appropriate partition sizes to be scheduled. The second step is to schedule workflow based on the partitions. The third step is selectively replicate tasks to increase the opportunities for evenly distributed work, ensure data dependencies are satisfied, and inter-partition communication latency is maximally overlapped with computation. a) Pre-partition workflows (Granularity control): One central difficulty in parallelism is the granularity control that means to spawn partitions of the right size. On the one hand, creating partitions that are too small leads to unacceptable overheads. On the other hand, creating sequential partitions that are too big limits the number of computing sites that can be used. Traditionally, granularity control consists in deciding the size of partitions based on fixed value. We have developed a new hybrid approach to granularity control that partitions a workflow with three stages. Our granularity control strategy leads to proper partition sizes based on the control-flow and
data-flow dependencies. If we consider having m parallel partitions, each of size Tp , while the sequential part of the execution requires Ts , then a sequential execution will take tseq = Ts + m × Tp while a perfect parallel execution will require tpar = Ts + Tp + m × Tc , where Tc is the communication and other overhead required for acquiring and starting one remote execution. We gain performance if tseq > 1.By simplifying the formulas we can obtain tpar m × Tc , (1) Tp > m−1 which gives an idea about how large should be a partition in order to allow a speedup to occur. Workflow pre-partitioning is displayed as pseudo code in Algorithm 1. Partition the original workflow according to four partition rules RDF and RCF : 1) Each task of the workflow must belong to exactly one partition: ∀ t ∈ T , ∃ P ∈ PS DF ∧ t ∈ P ∧ t ∈ / P 0 , ∀ P 0 ∈ PS DF ; 2) A task can be inserted into a partition, if the task has the same ancestor and descendant set: ti .ancestors() = PS j ∪ PS j .ancestors() ∧ ti .descendants() = PS j ∪ PS j .descendants(); 3) The time granularity is defined in Equ. 1;
4) The data granularity maxData is defined as the smallest storage size of all available computing sites. Merge the two sets PS CF and PS DF of control-flow and data-flow based partitions computed in the previous two steps into one partition set, as follows: [ {PS i ∩ PS j } , PS pre = ∀PS i ∈PS CF ∀PS j ∈PS DF
while preserving the control-flow and data-flow dependencies and the partitioning goals described in the beginning. Fig. 2(a) displays the result of the workflow pre-partitioning, and the tasks with the same color are in the same partitions: PS pre = {{t1 }, {t2 }, {t3 , . . . , t6 }, {t7 , t8 }, {t9 }, {t10 , t11 }, {t14 }, {t12 , t13 , t15 , t16 }}. Based on this partition, large-scale workflows can be easily processed by scheduling algorithms since the granularity of workflows is decreased. b) Post-partition workflows (remerge partitions): After the workflow is scheduled by scheduling algorithms, such as HEFT [15], Max-min and Min-min [17], we can identify the communication bottlenecks between partitions. Fig. 2(b) displays the result of the schedule: PS schedule = {{t1 , . . . , t6 }, {t7 , t8 , t10 , t11 }, {t9 , t12 , . . . , t16 }}. As shown in Algorithm 2, the post-partitioning of a workflow helps WfMS selectively replicate tasks to increase the opportunities for evenly distributed work. For instance, some fork and join tasks can be replicated if their child or parent tasks are not scheduled on different sites, and the communication time is larger than the execution time of these fork and join tasks. More importantly, some of these tasks are on the critical path and may directly impact the workflow makespan. In Fig. 2(b), tasks t1 , t7 , and t8 comprise the critical path, and the communication overheads dominate the length of this path. Since we need to identified some replicated tasks, we need to merge them with the partitions connected through controlflow dependencies: Merge the partitions that are connected through control-flow dependencies but have no data-flow dependencies (i.e. they are scheduled on the same site): [ PS post = {{Pi ∪ Pj } − {Pi } − {Pj } | ∀ Pi 6=Pj ∈W 0
((@x : x 6= i, j ∧ (Pi c Pj )) ∧ (¬Pi d Pj )}; In the final partition, there must be no control-flow and dataflow dependencies to / from tasks that have predecessors / successors within the partitions. This is achieved by iteratively applying the following formula until nothing changes anymore and the largest partitions are achieved: Tasks scheduled on the same site belong to the same partition: ∀ t1 ∈ P ∈ WDF ∧ ∀ t2 ∈ P ∧ schedule(t1 ) = schedule(t2 ), where schedule(t) is the schedule of the task t. Fig. 2(c) displays the result of the workflow post-
Algorithm 2 The workflow post-partitioning algorithm. Input: PS pre set of the partitions, PS sch scheduled partitions, maxDepth the total number of tasks along the longest path. Output: PS post post-partitioned workflow /* Split and create new partitions*/ for d:=1 to maxDepth do for m:= 1 to #PS pre do for n:= 1 to #PS pre do if (∃ti : (ti .depth = d) ∧ (ti ∈ Pm )) ∧ ∃(tj : 0 (tj .depth = d) ∧ (tj ∈ Pn )) ∧ (Pm d Pn0 ) ∧ 0 d 0 (Pn Pm ) then Pm = Pm − {ti : ti .depth = d ∧ ti ∈ Pm } PS = PS ∪ {{ti : ti .depth = d ∧ ti ∈ Pm }} Pn = Pn − {tj : tj .depth = d ∧ tj ∈ Pn } PS = PS ∪ {{tj : tj .depth = d ∧ tj ∈ Pm }} end if end for end for1 end for /* Replicate partitions */ if a partition is a fork or join partition, evaluate if a replication of this partition can reduce Ts (communication and overhead) then /* Make a partition replication */ PS = PS ∪ Pi .shedule(clusterx ) end if /* Merge partitions */ for i:=1 to #PS do for j:=1 to #PS do if (Pi c Pj )∧((@x : x 6= i, j∧(Pi c Px ))∧(¬Pi d Pj ) then PS post := PS post + {Pi ∪ Pj } − {Pi } − {Pj } end if end for end for
partitioning. Eight partitions are created, and the partition with one task is identified as the fork partition and can be replicated: PS post = {{t1 }, {t2 }, {t3 , . . . , t6 }, {t01 , t7 , t8 }, {t9 }, {t09 , t10 , t11 }, {t14 }, {t12 , t13 , t15 , t16 }}. In Fig. 2(c), we can find that the task replication (t01 , t09 )has been created and the replicated task is merged into its successor partition. D. Data-flow optimization While partitioning and managing workflows is important, inefficient data-flow can cause communication bottlenecks to dominate workflow execution. With proper partitions, we can
Algorithm 3 The data-flow optimization algorithm. Input: PS post = {P1 , P2 , ...} post-partitioned workflow Output: PS f inal optimized workflow /* Identify removable dependencies */ SR – set of removable dependencies for i:=1 to #PS post do for j:=1 to #PS post do if (∃Pi d Pj0 )) ∧ (shedule(Pi ) = schedule(Pj )) then SR = SR ∪ {Pi d Pj } else if (∃Pi d Pj0 )) ∧ (Pi .depth − Pj .depth > 1)) then find the shortest path from Pi to Pj , and combine communication belongs to this dependency SR = SR ∪ {Pi d Pj } end if end for end for replace or remove the dependencies in SR and merge partitions again to generate PS f inal
Fig. 3.
Gant charts of schedules executed without and with partition.
Fig. 2(b) are reduced from 17 units to 15 units in Fig. 2(d). Our data-flow algorithm deals with the data sets that workflows operate on are too many and small to move efficiently. It takes this into account when deciding how and which intermediate data to be transferred for the computation. A challenge for this algorithm is to figure out if the costs involved in archiving and unarchiving data are worthwhile. To conquer this challenge, we need to collect the information on file sizes, network bandwidth, and expected execution time of tasks. To illustrate the effectiveness of our methods, a comparison of schedules executed without and with partition is presented in Fig. 3. Without partition, more time is wasted on intermediate communication, which leads to some blank time slots in Fig. 3(a).
easily identify the data that need to be transferred to the successive partition. However, in order to transfer archived data, we still need to add one archiving job and one unarchiving job to the workflow for each dependency between partitions. Therefore, while reducing and eliminating some sources of overhead our method introduces some new overheads. There is still more potential to reduce the number of data dependencies between partitions. The communication is optimized and thus performance will increase. To handle this case, we propose a data-flow optimization that can minimize the number of dependencies between partitions. Algorithm 3 shows the pseudo-code of data-flow optimization algorithm. In this algorithm, we find and remove unnecessary dependencies between partitions by applying the following rule: 1) Eliminate the data dependencies between tasks scheduled on the same site since no data transfer is needed in this case: DDDF = DD(t1 d t2 , D), ∀ t1 , t2 ∈ T ∧ schedule(t1 ) = schedule(t2 ). As shown in Fig. 2(c) and (d), 16 dependencies between tasks (the dash lines) can be replaced by partition dependencies or removed because there is no data transfer needed on the same cluster. Fig. 2(d) displays the final result of the twostage partition and optimization:
Algorithm 1 partitions a workflow by identifying the critical path of the task graph. The critical path method used in Algorithm 1 has a asymptotic time complexity of O(e), where e is the number of dependencies. Therefore, the time complexity of Algorithm 1 is O(p2 + e + n), where p is the number of partitions and n is the number of tasks. Algorithm 2 maximizes the granularity of partitions to reduce the complexity of task graph. Algorithm 3 optimizes the data-flow based on the scheduling to minimize its communication overheads. The time complexity of these two algorithms is O(p2 ). Combining the above time complexity of each algorithm, we conclude that the total time complexity of our approach is O(p2 + e + n). Since the number of partitions (p) is always less than or equal to the number of tasks (n), the worst-case running time of the three algorithms is O(n2 ). The performance of the algorithms is highly dependent upon the input workflow. In the average and best case (p n), the time complexity is in O(n + e).
PS f inal = {{t1 , . . . , t6 }, {t01 , t7 , t8 }, {t09 , t10 , t11 },
{t9 , t12 , . . . , t16 }}. The aim of our partitioning algorithms is to make efficient use of resources, achieve low data transfer overheads, and maximize parallelism. For example, the final four partitions can be executed independently and concurrently, and unnecessary data dependencies are eliminated by introducing the new tasks t01 and t09 . The makespan of the scheduled workflow in
E. Complexity analysis
In this section, we evaluate our proposed methods using Montage and Broadband. We executed these applications on a subset testbed of the TeraGrid infrastructure consisting of a set of parallel computers and workstation networks accessible through the Globus toolkit and local job queuing systems as separate sites. For the sake of clarity, our experimental testbed consists of three sites, Mercury and Abe, and we used 8
Site Mercury Abe a private cloud
#node, #CPU 887,1774 1200, 9600 16,64
GHz 1.3, 1.5 2.33 2.4
CPU Itanium 2 Intel 64 Xeon 2
Memory(Total) 4-12GB (4.5TB) 1GB (9.6TB) 2GB (8GB)
processors on each site. The characteristics of the machines are given in Table I. We used a resource provisioning tool called Corral in WfMS to start Glideins [24] and to help improve the performance of workflow applications. Glidein is a mechanism by which Condor workers (the program condor glidein) are submitted as user jobs to a remote cluster and used to add a compute node to a local Condor pool. The glideins are configured to contact the local Condor pool controlled by the user where they can be used to execute the user’s jobs on the remote resources. This Condor pool can contain resources from multiple sites. The use of glideins can significantly improve the performance by reusing the resources once they are allocated, and by eliminating many of middleware overheads that occur when jobs are submitted using traditional grid mechanisms. Montage [6] was created by the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive as an open source toolkit that can be used to generate custom mosaics of the sky using input images in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) format. During the production of the final mosaic, the geometry of the output is calculated from the geometry of the input images. The inputs are reprojected by mProjectPP to be of the same spatial scale and rotation. The background emissions in the images are then corrected to be of the same level in all images. The re-projected, corrected images are co-added to form the final mosaic. Fig. 3(a) displays a relative small Montage workflow of the mosaic size of 0.1 degree2 . For example, serial reprojection of 54 2MASS [3] (The Two Micron All Sky Survey project) images, covering 1 degree2 of sky, each about 0.5 megapixels in size and overlapping at the edges, on a 2.3 GHz Linux processor with 1 GB memory takes about 5500 seconds. Broadband is an application developed by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) to produce more accurate seismic hazard maps. These maps, generated as part of the SCEC CyberShake project, indicate the maximum amount of shaking expected at a particular geographic location over a certain period of time. The hazard maps are used by civil engineers to determine building design tolerances. Fig. 3(b) shows a Broadband workflow for a single source, stations and velocity file. We conducted the Montage experiments using 5 different size mosaics: 0.1 degree2 , 0.2 degree2 , 0.5 degree2 , 1 degree2 , and 2 degree2 . Fig. 5(a) displays the overall execution time used by kickstart, post-processing and DAGMan. As expected,the overheads increase as the number of tasks increases. The sum of all these overheads is about 10% of the overall execution time for all problem size, which shows that it has great potential for further improvement. The
overheads can be minimized if we can decrease the number of submission jobs and the complexity of workflow structure. Fig. 5(b) shows the workflow makespans with and without data transfer clustering optimization. We gain more and more performance as the problem size increased. In other words, the gaps between makespans with and without optimization increase as the number of tasks increased When the Montage problem size is 2 deg2 , the makespan considerably decreases from 1300 seconds without optimization to 880 seconds with optimization. Fig. 5(c) compares the data transfer overheads with and without optimization mechanism we proposed. Since there are more new data transfers when the problem size increases, it is necessary to analyze and simplify the dataflow. Figures 5(d) and 5(e) show that the number and size of file transfers are considerably reduced when optimization is applied which gives more details about the optimization on this application. Not only is the number of data transfers reduced to a very small number, but the number of jobs is reduced. For compute intensive applications like Montage characterized by large numbers of small data dependencies, our methods can drastically decrease the number of data transfers up to several orders of magnitude while decrease the data size by several factor. After we archive and compress the files, the size of transfers is reduced to half of its original value. The results help us to understand the effectiveness of optimization. We define the workflow data transfer time: Time = Number * Overhead + Size / Bandwidth, where Overhead is the overheads from GridFTP service and network, and Bandwidth is average network bandwidth. As the bandwidth growing up and system overheads increasing due to middleware growing complex, the number of data transfers will dominate the communication time of intermediate data. The data-flow optimization for compute-intensive application becomes more important. In practical, intensive invokes of GridFTP service formulate denial-of-service attack to some weak sites. When these problems happened , our data transfer tasks received FAILED events continuously from GridFTP services, and the workflow execution was stuck. Moreover, there is a trade-off between the number of data transfers and the size of compressed files. The number-size trade-off is a situation where WfMS can reduce the number of data transfers at the cost of less parallelism, or reduce the size of compressed files at the cost of more communication overhead. Obviously, it is beneficial to reduce the number of files for compute-intensive applications like Montage and Broadband, or to reduce the data size for data intensive applications. The large number of data transfers is the main source of Montage’s overhead. From Fig. 5, we can know that the more tasks Montage had, the more benefits we gained from the optimization. However, Broadband cannot gain performance as obvious as Montage. We run Broadband workflows that involve 2s to 10s of sources and 2s of stations. There are several reasons to explain why we cannot gain considerable performance from this application. Compared to overall execution time shown in Fig. 6(a), the overheads are still about 10%. Although Broadband cannot be notably benefited from the dataflow optimization, other overheads are reduced as shown in
(a) Montage. Real world workflows. 1400
100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 deg2
0.2 deg2
0.5 deg2 1 deg2 Size of Mosaic
2 deg2
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0.1 deg2
(a) Montage Overhead. 900 800 700
0.2 deg2
0.5 deg2 Size of Mosaic
500 400
200 100 0.2 deg2
0.5 deg2 Size of Mosaic
1 deg2
2 deg2
(d) Montage Data Transfer Number.
with optimization without optimization
10 0.1 deg2
2 deg2
0.2 deg2
0.5 deg2 1 deg2 Size of Mosaic
2 deg2
(c) Montage Data Transfer Overhead.
# file transfer with optimization # file transfer without optimization # jobs with optimization # jobs without optimization
Fig. 5.
1 deg2
(b) Montage Makespan.
0 0.1 deg2
with optimization without optimization
Communication Time (seconds)
kickstart post-processing DAGMan Overall
Size of Transferred Files (MB)
Execution Time (seconds)
Execution Time (seconds)
Fig. 4.
(b) Broadband.
with optimization without optimization
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.1 deg2
0.2 deg2
0.5 deg2 Size of Mosaic
1 deg2
2 deg2
(e) Montage Data Transfer Size.
Montage Experimental Results.
Fig. 6(b). Fig. 6(c) compares the data transfer overheads with and without optimization mechanism we proposed. The number of Broadband intermediate files is rather small, as shown in Fig. 6(d). The results displayed in Fig. 6(e) show that the total sizes of intermediate data are less than 10 MB, which indicates that compute intensive workflows can gain more performance when the number of tasks is large enough. IV. R ELATED W ORK Workflow management system is concerned with the automation of processes in which tasks are structured based on their control and data dependency. There are some existing workflow systems , such as Condor/DAGMan/Stork set [24], GridFlow [7], Gridbus [5], Triana [25], Pegasus [4],
ASKALON [19], etc. Most workflow management systems are DAG-based structure. The Directed Acyclic Graph Manager (DAGMan) developed by the Condor project allows scheduling of workflow applications using opportunistic techniques such as matchmaking based on resource offers, resource requests, and cycle stealing with no support for advanced optimization heuristics. Condor was designed to harvest CPU cycles on idle machines; running data intensive workflows with DAGMan is very inefficient. However, our new data-flow optimization is more fine-grained and only transfer the intermediate data needed by unexecuted tasks, which requires more analysis of data-flow. Pegasus group [21] proposed a footprint algorithm minimized the amount of space required by a workflow during executing by
with optimization without optimization
10000 1000 100 10
Communication Time (seconds)
kickstart post-processing DAGMan Overall
Execution Time (seconds)
Execution Time (seconds)
5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500
1 4
6 8 Number of Earthquakes
(a) Broadband Overhead.
6 8 Number of Earthquakes
Size of Transferred Files (MB)
6 8 Number of Earthquakes
(c) Broadband Data Transfer Overhead.
10 # file transfer with optimization # file transfer without optimization # jobs with optimization # jobs without optimization
with optimization without optimization
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 2
6 8 Number of Earthquakes
(d) Broadband Data Transfer Number. Fig. 6.
(b) Broadband Makespan.
1000 2
with optimization without optimization
6 8 Number of Earthquakes
(e) Broadband Data Transfer Size.
Broadband Experimental Results.
removing data files at runtime when they are not required. However, workflow structures and transfers of intermediate data files are not optimized. Grouping jobs at the same sites into sub-workflow is a simple solution but may cause invalid workflows with cross dependencies, which is well considered by our approach. Workflow partitioning in [10], [11] is an approach to divide a workflow into several sub-workflows respecting storage constraints and internal job parallelism and then submit these sub-workflows to different execution sites (virtual clusters). However, the heuristics proposed by Chen [10] only considered three types of nodes: the fan-out job, the fan-in job and the parent of the fan-in job. For many largescale workflows with multiple levels of fan-out or fan-in jobs or with complex data dependencies, their approach may not be effective enough. Our approach considers all types of jobs and optimize the workflow structure and data dependencies. ASKALON [19] is a Grid application development and computing environment developed by the University of Innsbruck, Austria. The main objective is to simplify the development and optimization of mostly workflow applications that can harness the power of distributed computing. They provides a new hybrid approach for scheduling workflow applications through dynamic monitoring and steering combined with a static optimization. In [12], they discussed the scheduling and partitioning scientific workflows in grids. Their algorithm was based on a different workflow model and language, and proposed a different approach called Virtual Single Execution Environment (VSEE) that replaces the data dependencies between tasks with the full I/O data environment. The main difference between ASKALON and our system is that they are using a different partitioning mechanism. UNICORE [20] provides manual scheduling support by
allowing the user to allocate resources and to specify data transfer tasks though a graphical user interface. Our approach can automatically map the data between its source and sink, and can automatically optimize the data movement. Scheduling in Taverna [18] in my Grid and Triana [16] is done using just-in-time; Triana provides a visual programming interface with functionality represented by units. Triana clients such as Triana GUI can log into a Triana Controlling Service (TCS), remotely build and run a workflow and then visualize the result on their device. Our system supports the hybrid computing platforms and is extensible to other public cloud services. The scheduler in Gridbus provides just-in-time mappings using Grid economy mechanisms. It makes scheduling decisions on where to place jobs depending on the computational resources characteristics and users’ Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Our system supports both static and dynamic resource allocation. Other research in performance-oriented distributed computing focused on partitioning algorithms for system-level load balancing or task scheduling [9], [22] that aims to maximize the overall throughput or to minimize response time of the system. However, our new partition and optimization algorithms are designed for large-scale workflows and use data and task replication mechanism, which can obviously improve performance and require more analysis of data-flow. In terms of multiple objective scheduling algorithms, the interesting work has been presented in [14], [26]. Ramakrishnan et al. solved this problem by a two-fold approach: 1) minimize the amount of space a workflow requires during execution by removing data files at runtime, and 2) schedule workflows in a way that assures the amount of data required and generated by the workflows fits into individual resources. They did not
consider replication mechanism as well. The algorithm in [26] introduces economic cost as a part of the objective function for data and computation scheduling, but they did not consider communication optimization problem. Workflow partitioning is a typical sub-graph problem in graph theory. Many combinational problems can be described as finding a partition of vertices of a given graph into subsets satisfying certain properties. For different objectives, we can partition a workflow with different criteria. Most other existing algorithms can simply split or merge a workflow for one purpose. There are two differences with our approach. First, a two-stage partitioning for large-scale workflows is proposed to improve both parallelism and performance. Second, the cross dependencies and performance optimization problem with big data and task replication are considered, which are not solved by other algorithms. V. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK The execution of large-scale scientific workflow applications in distributed computing environment like grids or hybrid clouds becomes more and more data centric. Intermediate data transfers can be one of the most severe overheads. In this paper, we proposed a data-aware approach to refine workflow structures and offer higher performance with lower communication overheads. We consider optimizing the data flows by grouping and simplifying data transfers. We proposed the workflow partitioning algorithms to group and map the workflow tasks onto multiple geographically distributed sites, the data-flow optimization algorithm to identify the sites of intermediate data without increasing the degree of the parallelism of the workflow, and the multiphase control-flow and data-flow optimization algorithms to transform the workflow structure for further performance optimization. We have validated our methods in a hybrid cloud test bed using two realworld workflow applications. Our approach can significantly reduce data transfer and optimize the performance of running large scale compute- and data-intensive workflow applications. In the future, we plan to explore new methods to dynamically adjust data and task replication at run time to overcome the issues such as unexpected events or resource contentions in distributed environments. Moreover, the tradeoff between the task and data replacement for runtime workflow execution are worth of investigation. R EFERENCES [1] LIGO Data Grid. http://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/lscdatagrid. [2] The TeraGrid Project. http://www.teragrid.org. [3] The Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) at IPAC. http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/. [4] Jim Blythe, Sonal Jain, Ewa Deelman, Yolanda Gil, and Karan Vahi. Pegasus: a Framework for Mapping Complex Scientific Workflows onto Distributed Systems. Submitted to Scientific Programming Journal, 2005. [5] Rajkumar Buyya and Srikumar Venugopal. The gridbus toolkit for service oriented grid and utility computing: An overview and status report. In Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, pages 19–36, New Jersey, USA, April 23 2004. IEEE Press. [6] CalTech. Montage: An astronomical image mosaic engine. http://montage.ipac.caltech.edu.
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