Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat & Multimedia 1(2004): 53-61
A Parallel New High Order Iterative Algorithm on Shared Memory Multiprocessors Parallel Computer MOHAMED OTHMAN & ABDUL RAHMAN ABDULLAH ABSTRACT
A new fast high-order points iterative algorithm of O(h4) applied to linear systems arising from discretization of 2D Poisson problem Was recently introduced by the writers. This algorithm shows drastic reduction in execution time as compared to the standard high-order points iterative algorithm. In this paper, the parallel implementation of the algorithm with optimal strategy on shared memory multiprocessors (SMP) was presented and discussed. The numerical results of the test problem are included. ABSTRAK
Satu algoritma lelaran titik bertertib tinggi baru dan terpantas O(h4) yang diaplikasikan kepada sistem linear hasil daripada pengdiskretan masalah Poisson 2D telah diperkenalkan oleh penulis. Algoritma ini telah menunjukkan penurunan masa pelaksanaan yang drastik berbandingkan dengan algoritma lela ran titik bertertib tinggi piawai. Dalam makalah ini, implementasi algoritma selari terse but dengan strategi optima pada multipemproses ingatan berkongsi (SMP) dibentangkan dan dibincangkan. Basil berangka daripada masalah ujian akan disertakan. INTRODUCTION
The parallel high order iterative algorithm which incorporates the standard high order scheme which is also known as compact high order scheme for solving a large and sparse linear system has been implemented successfully by many researchers. One of the most outstanding parallel algorithm that uses the scheme was proposed by Spotz, et al. (1998). Theoretically, the standard high order scheme of O(h4) was derived by Coltaz (1960). Based on the scheme, several experiments were carried out and the results obtained have shown that it has higher accuracy, see Gupta (1984). Othman et al. (2001) derived a new scheme, which is known as a new fast high order scheme for
solving the 2D Poisson equation. From the experimental results, they found that the new scheme is shown to have drastic improvement in execution time as compared to the standard high order scheme.
Let us consider the 2D Poisson equation as our model problem, which can be represented mathematically as:
subject to the Dirichlet boundary conditions and satisfying the exact solution, h u(x,y) = g(x,y) for (x,y)ЄΩ . The discretization resulted in a large and sparse linear system. Hence, the iterative method is considered as suitable approach for solving such a linear system. Consider Equation (I) on a unit square, Ωh with the grid spacing h in both directions, xi = xo + ih and Yi = Yo + ih for all i.j = O,l, ... ,n. Assume that uxxyy = h uyyxx due to the continuity of u(x,y) on Ω Based on the cross orientation approximation and central difference formula, the displacements i and j which correspond with ∆x and with ∆y respectively changes to √2h Equation (2) can be approximated at any points (xi,yj)) using the finite difference formula and yields:
Equation (2) is known as a rotated five points stencil of O(h2) provided the second and third terms on the right-hand side are ignored. Since the accuracy of the stencil is not good, it is possible to derive the higher order of accuracy. Again the finite difference formula is used to derive the high order approximation. By taking width 2h, approximation to Equation (l) at the point (xi, yj)) takes the form,
Multiplying Equation (2) by 4 and adding it with Equation (3), we have:
where Fi,j = 8f i,j + f i+1+j+1 + f i-1+j+1 + f i+1+j-1 + f i-1+j-1 + 4fi.j )Equation (8) is called a new high order scheme and its accuracy is O(h4). Details of the scheme and their computational molecule can be obtained in Othman et al. (2001). The compact high order scheme and their derivation were shown in details in Collatz (1960), Gupta (1984) and Sportz (1998).
FIGURES I. (a) and (b) show the 4C ordering strategy as indicated T1" T2, ••• , T25 and the remaining mesh points in QIi, respectively for the parallel new high order algorithm with n = 10.
Assume the Qh is large with n = 2(i+1) for any integer i=1,2, .... Several ordering strategies of parallelizing all the points iterative algorithms have been studied and investigated (see Abdullah et al. 1996). However, only the optimal strategy is described in the following section. A PARALLEL NEW HIGH ORDER ALGORITHM
Let the Qh be discretized and labeled into three different types of mesh points, 0, 0 and 0 (see Figure la). All the 0 points (or tasks T) are allocated to the available processors in four colors (4C) strategy, white (w), yellow (y), green (g) and red (r). Note that all points of type ǿ will be executed first in parallel by using the rotated five point scheme with the natural strategy. Applying this strategy to Equation (8) in tum with such strategy to each task T; leads to the following linear system:
where D; the blocks D; are diagonal and hence invertible. Thus, the S.O.R relaxation technique to Equation (9) will result to:
and is the acceleration factor. Since the evaluation of each task T; within each group is independent of one another, we can evaluate Equation (10) in parallel in the following order:
In other words, each iteration is split into four sweeps in parallel separated by a synchronizing call. This to ensure the updates in kth sweep are completed before the updates in th e (k+ l)'h sweep begin. After an iteration is completed, a local convergence check will be made by each processor, followed by a global convergence check. The iteration is terminated only if local convergence is achieved, which indicates that each processo r has achieved local convergence. After the global convergence is attainted, the solution of the remaining mesh points i.e. points of type D will be evaluated directly in parallel using the standard five points formula by assigning each row to a different processor at a time. RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS
FIGURE 2. The exact solution of the problem in a unit Ω" Throughout the experiment, a tolerance of the e = 10-10 in the local convergence test was used. The experimental values of we were obtained within ±O.OI by running the program for different values of we and choosing the one(s) that gave the minimum number of iterations. The experiments
were carried out on SMP parallel computer with several mesh sizes n as 36, 50, 70 and 100. , Table I shows the optimum value of coe' number of iterations, strategies and maximum errors. Table 2 shows the execution time and speedup for all the parallel high order iterative algorithms. The execution time, efficiency and temporal performance of all the parallel points iterative algorithms were plotted in Figures 3, 4 and 5, respectively.
TABLE I. Acceleration factor We, number of iteration, strategy and maximum error of al1 the paral1el high order iterative algorithms
TABLE 2. The numerical results of all the parallel high
order algorithms n
No. of Parallel High Order Algorithms Processors Standard New Time Speedup Time Speedup 1 20.8174 1.0000 7.6300 1.0000 2 11.3899 1.8277 4.2367 1.8009 3 8.3684 2.4876 3.1235 2.4427 4 6.4995 3.2029 2.4777 3.0794 3.7502 5 5.3320 3.9042 2.0345 1 2 3 4
55.8694 29.9873 20.7415 16.7213
1.0000 1.8631 2.6736 3.3412
9.5020 10.6912 7.6046 5.9125
1 2 3 4
156.6552 82.6981 56.1729 43.7951
1.0000 1.8943 2.7888 3.5770
65.9847 35.0348 24.8417 18.8630
1 2 3 4 5
473.8377 241.7539 171.1779 130.0251 108.0489
1.0000 1.9600 2.7681 3.6442 4.3854
212.3990 111.4662 76.8834 60.6213 49.6224
1.0000 1.8421 2.5645 3.2984 3.9887 1.0000 1.8834 2.6562 3.4981 4.1045 1.0000 1.9055 2.7626 3.5037 4.2803
The results obtained show that the parallel new high order algorithm with 4C strategy is faster than the parallel standard high order algorithm for any number of processors (Tables I and 2). It is also indicated in the graphs of execution time, efficiency, temporal performance versus no. of processors as stated in Figures 3, 4, 5, respectively. This is due to the fact that the mesh points involved in the iteration process are less than the other algorithm. It can be concluded that the parallel new high order algorithm is the most superior and effective method among the two algorithms particularly for solving 2D Poisson problem. In the future, the algorithm will be implemented on the SMP cluster architecture. REFERENCES
Abdullah, A. R. and Ali, N. H. M. 1996. Comparative Study of Parallel Strategies for the Solution of Elliptic PDEs, Parallel Algorithm and Applications 10: 93-103. Collatz, L. 1960. The Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations, Berlin: SpringerVerlag. Gupta, M. M. 1984. A Fourth Order Poisson Solver, Journal Computational Physic 55: 166-172. Othman, M. and Abdullah, A. R. 2001. A Fast Higher Order Poisson Solver, Sains Malaysiana 30: 77-86.
Spotz, W. F. and Carey G. F. 1998. Iterative and Parallel Performance of High-Order Compact System, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing 19(1): 1-14.
Mohamed Othman Fakulti Sains Kompter & Teknologi Maklumat Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang Selangor D.E.
[email protected] Abdul Rahman Abdullah Fakulti Teknologi & Sains Maklumat Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43400 UKM Bangi Selangor D.E.
[email protected]