A Rule Induction Model Empowered by Fuzzy-Rough Particle Swarm ...

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Dec 12, 2014 - Loading web-font TeX/Math/Italic ... Particle swarm optimization Population based algorithm Induction rule Rough-set Fuzzy-rough Minimal ...
A Rule Induction Model Empowered by Fuzzy-Rough Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Classification of Microarray Dataset Sujata Dash

Abstract Selection of small number of genes from thousands of genes which may be responsible for causing cancer is still a challenging problem. Various computational intelligence methods have been used to deal with this issue. This study introduces a novel hybrid technique based on Fuzzy-Rough Particle Swarm Optimization (FRPSO) to identify a minimal subset of genes from thousands of candidate genes. Efficiency of the proposed method is tested with a rule based classifier MODLEM using three benchmark gene expression cancer datasets. This study reveals that the hybrid evolutionary Fuzzy-Rough induction rule model can identify the hidden relationship between the genes responsible for causing the disease. It also provides a rule set for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer datasets which helps to design drugs for the disease. Finally the function of identified genes are analyzed and validated from gene ontology website, DAVID, which shows the relationship of genes with the disease.

Keywords Particle swarm optimization Population based algorithm rule Rough-set Fuzzy-rough Minimal reduction


1 Introduction Feature selection (FS) is to determine a minimal feature subset from a problem domain while retaining a suitably high accuracy in representing the original features [1]. In real world problems FS is essential due to the abundance of noisy, irrelevant or misleading features. Only a small fraction of training samples from the large pool of genes involved in the experiment are effective in performing a task. Also a small subset of genes is desirable in developing gene-expression-based diagnostic tools for delivering precise, reliable, and interpretable results. With the gene selection S. Dash (&) North Orissa University, Baripada, Odisha, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 L.C. Jain et al. (eds.), Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 3, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 33, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2202-6_26



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results, the cost of biological experiment and decision can be greatly reduced by analyzing only the marker genes. Hence, identifying a reduced set of the most relevant genes is the goal of gene selection [2]. Gene selection method can be divided into three sub-sections: Filter, Wrapper and Embedded approaches. Wrappers utilize learning machine and search for the best features in the space of all feature subsets. Despite being optimal in simplicity and performance, wrappers rely heavily on the inductive principle of the learning model. Due to this they suffer from excessive computational complexity as the learning machine has to be retrained for each feature subset considered [3]. The filter method is generally inferior to the wrapper method as the filter approach usually employs statistical methods to collect the intrinsic characteristics of genes in discriminating the targeted phenotype class, such as statistical tests, Wilcoxon’s rank test and mutual information, to directly select feature genes [4] whereas, the wrapper method involves inter-correlation of individual genes in a multivariate manner, and can automatically determine the optimal number of feature genes for a particular classifier. In the gene selection process, an optimal gene subset is always relative to a certain criterion. Several information measures such as entropy, mutual information [5] and f-information [6] have successfully been used in selecting a set of relevant and non redundant genes from a microarray data set. An efficient and effective reduction method is necessary to cope with large amount of data by most techniques. Growing interest in developing methodologies that are capable of dealing with imprecision and uncertainty is apparent from the large scale research that are currently being done in the areas related to fuzzy [7] and rough sets [8]. The success of rough set theory is due to three aspects of the theory. First, only hidden facts in the data are analyzed. Second, additional information about the data is not required for data analysis. Third, it finds a minimal knowledge representation for data. Due to this Rough set theory is used in complement with other concepts such as, fuzzy set theory. The two fields may be considered similar in the sense that both can tolerate inconsistency and uncertainty. The only difference among these two fields is the type of uncertainty and their approach to it. While fuzzy sets are concerned with vagueness, rough sets are concerned with indiscernibility. The fuzzy-rough set-based approach considers the extent to which fuzzified values are similar. This paper presents a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based Fuzzy-Rough algorithm to address the problem of gene selection. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), developed by Kennedy and Eberhart [10], is a population-based metaheuristic on the basis of stochastic optimization, inspired by the social behavior of flocks of birds or schools of fish [11]. A swarm of particles move toward the optimal position along the search path that is iteratively updated on the basis of the best particle position and velocity in PSO [12]. Here we consider a rule induction algorithm called MODLEM, introduced by Stefanowskiin [13]. MODLEM is a rule based specific search induction algorithm, whose rules are one of the most popular type of knowledge used in practice. This is mainly because they are both very expressive and human-readable at the same time. This algorithm is most suitable for analyzing data containing a mixture of numerical and qualitative attributes [14].

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The proposed approach in this paper is an integration of PSO searching algorithm with Fuzzy-Rough subset evaluator called FRPSO. Combining PSO with Fuzzy-Rough as an evaluator has rarely been investigated by previous researchers. The performance of our proposed method will be evaluated by 4 microarray datasets collected from Bioinformatics Laboratory, University of Ljubljana, http:// www.biolab.si/supp/biancer/projections/info/lungGSE1987.htm, [15]. In Sect. 2 of this paper, the population based Fuzzy-Rough feature selection algorithm has been investigated to identify the minimal set of responsible genes. In Sect. 3 of this paper, the application of MODLEM on the microarray datasets is discussed along with experimental results and validation of the rule sets and Genes. In the concluding section of this paper, discussions have been done on this novel approach followed by list of references.

2 Selection of Attributes DNA microarray (commonly known as DNA chip or biochip) is a collection of microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface. It allows the researchers to measure the expression levels of thousands of genes consecutively in a single experiment. This is operated by classifier approaches to compare the gene expression levels in tissues under different conditions [16]; for example, the study of Jiang et al. [17] devised an RF-based method to classify real pre-miRNAs using a hybrid feature set for the wild type versus mutant, or healthy versus diseased classes. Wang et al. [18] presented a hybrid method combining GA and SVM to identify the optimal subset of microarray datasets. This method was claimed to be superior to those obtained by microPred and miPred. Furthermore, Nanni et al. [19] recently devised a support vector machine (SVM) as classifier for microarray gene classification. This method combines different feature reduction approaches to improve classification performance of the accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC). Appropriate gene selection procedures are required to improve classification performance to reduce high computational cost and memory usage. For some learning problems, some attributes may be irrelevant or even redundant. In case there are too many irrelevant attributes in the initial description of examples, the complexity of a learning process might increase and a reverse trend is visible for the classification performance of the induced classifier [20]. Thus, the aim should be to find the smallest subset of attributes leading to higher classification accuracy than the set of all attributes. In this paper we have discussed how the feature selection can be reduced to a search problem, where one selects a good feature subset based on a selected evaluation measure [20]. Each state in the search space represents a subset of possible features. As per Kohavi [20], to design a feature selection algorithm one has to define three following components: search algorithm (technique that looks through the space of feature subsets), evaluation function (used to evaluate


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examined subsets of features), and classifier (a learning algorithm that uses the final subset of features). These elements can be integrated in two ways: (a) filter approach and (b) wrapper approach [20]. In the filter approach, features are selected based on properties of the data independently of the learning algorithm used as a classifier. To provide instances of studies which have proposed to use PSO algorithm for gene selection problems, the following stand out. Alba [9] stated that a modified PSO (geometric PSO) for high-dimensional microarray data. Both augmented SVM and GA were proposed for comparison on six public cancer datasets. Mohamad et al. [21] presented an improved binary PSO combined with an SVM classifier to select a nearoptimal subset of informative genes relevant to cancer classification. Zhao et al. [22] lately presented a novel hybrid framework (NHF) for gene selection and cancer classification of high dimensional microarray data by combining the information gain (IG), F-score, GA, PSO, and SVM. Their method was compared to PSO-based, GA-based, ant colony optimization-based, and simulated annealing (SA)-based methods on five benchmark data sets: leukemia, lung carcinoma, colon, breast, and brain cancers. Chen et al. [24] used PSO+ 1NN for feature selection and tested their algorithm against 8 benchmark datasets from UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository as well as to a real case of obstructive sleep apnea.

3 Fuzzy-Rough Data Reduction Fuzzy-Rough feature selection (FRFS) method is devised on the basis of the fuzzy lower approximation to enable reduction of datasets containing real-valued features. This method becomes similar to the crisp approach when dealing with nominal well-defined features. The crisp positive region in Rough Set Theory (RST) is defined as the union of the lower approximations. By the extension principle, the membership of an object x ∈ U, belonging to the fuzzy positive region can be defined by lPOS

F ðQÞð xÞ



lPx ðxÞ X2U Q


Object x will belong to the positive region only if the equivalence class it belongs to is a constituent of the positive region. This is similar to the crisp version where objects belong to the positive region only if their corresponding equivalence classes do so. The new dependency function can be defined using the definition of the fuzzy positive region as,

cP ðQÞ ¼

    lPOSP ðQÞ ðxÞ jU j

P ¼


lPOSP ðQÞ ðxÞ jU j


A Rule Induction Model Empowered …


Here the dependency of Q on P is the proportion of objects that are discernible out of the entire dataset, similar to the crisp rough sets. This corresponds to determining the fuzzy cardinality of µPOSP(Q) (x) divided by the total number of objects in the universe. This may give rise to a problem if compared to the crisp approach. In conventional rough set-based feature selection, a reduct is a subset R of the features which have the same information as the full feature set A. In terms of the dependency function this means that the values γ (R) and γ (A) are identical and equal to 1, provided the dataset does not contain any contradictory information. However, in the fuzzy-rough approach this is not necessarily true just because the uncertainty encountered when objects belong to many fuzzy equivalence classes results in a reduced total dependency. This can be overcome by determining the degree of dependency of a set of decision features D upon the full feature set and use this as the denominator rather than |U|, allowing γ′ to reach 1.

4 MODLEM Algorithm It is a sequential covering algorithm, which treats nominal and numeric data in a similar way. It generates heuristically a minimal set of rules for every decision concept by finding best rule condition during rule induction from the attribute search space. It handles directly numerical attributes during rule induction when elementary conditions of rules are created, without using any preliminary discretization process. The rules induced from objects are represented as logical expressions of the following form: IF ðconditionsÞ THEN ðdecision classÞ; where conditions are specified as conjunctions of elementary conditions on values of attributes, and decision part of the rule assigns a given class to an object which satisfies the condition. Due to the restriction in size of the paper, formal presentation of the algorithm is skipped and only the main objective of the algorithm is discussed. For more information [21, 23, 25] can be referred. The set of rules tries to cover all positive examples of the given concept and not to cover any negative examples. The procedure of rule induction starts by creating a first rule, i.e., choosing sequentially the best elementary conditions according to the criteria chosen (we have used class entropy in our experiments). Then the rule is matched with all positive learning examples. Moreover, when a rule is formed, all positive learning examples are required to be matched with the rule and the matching examples are needed to be removed from further consideration. The process is repeated iteratively as long as some positive examples of the decision concept remain still uncovered. Then, the procedure is repeated sequentially for each decision class. The elementary conditions on numerical attributes are represented as either (a < va) or (a ≤ va), where a denotes an attribute and va its value. Selection of the threshold va is


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made from checking several possible candidates and then all temporary conditions are evaluated over uncovered examples by means of the chosen evaluation measure. But, if the same attribute is selected twice while framing a single rule, one can obtain the condition (a = [v1; v2]) which results from an intersection of two conditions (a < v2) and (a ≥ v1) such that v1 < v2. In case of nominal attributes, the equivalent conditions are represented as (a = va). For more details about the function finding best elementary conditions see, e.g., [21, 25]. When the input data contains inconsistent examples, the rough sets theory can be used to handle them. In this theory inconsistencies are neither removed from consideration nor aggregated by probabilistic operations. Instead, lower and upper approximations of each class are computed. Basing on that two sets of rules corresponding to lower and upper approximations are induced. When the set of induced rules are applied to classify new examples, a classification strategy introduced by Grzymala in LERS system is used. This strategy considers completely matched rules but in some cases allows partially matching rules when it does not find the rules matching the description of tested examples [26].

5 Experimental Methods We integrated PSO algorithm with Fuzzy-Rough algorithm to address the gene selection problem. The important genes were identified by PSO algorithm employing Fuzzy-Rough as fitness function to verify the efficiency of the selected genes. We used a random function to initialize the particle population of PSO. Good initial seed value leads to a better result.

5.1 Representation and Initialization of Particle in PSO A particle represents a potential candidate solution (i.e., gene subset) in an n-dimensional space. Each particle is coded as a binary alphabetical string. We updated the dimension d of particle i by  xnew id ¼

1; 0;

  [ uð0; 1Þ if sigmoid vnew id


where, the sigmoid function  new  vid



1 þ evid



The fitness function of PSO is measured by Fuzzy-Rough evaluation algorithm. Figure 1 shows the process of FRPSO on gene selection process.

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Fig. 1 Fuzzy-rough-PSO (FRPSO) algorithm

5.2 Fuzzy-Rough-PSO (FRPSO) Algorithm See Fig. 1.

6 Results and Discussion 6.1 Experimental Studies In this study, 4 microarray cancer datasets with different sizes, features, and classes have taken for experimental analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The datasets were collected from “Bioinformatics Laboratory, University


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Table 1 Microarray data sets used in this experiment Data set

No. of features

No. of samples

No. of classes

Particle size PSO

No. of selected genes/attributes

MLL Childhood tumours Lung tumour DLBCL tumour

12,534 9,946 12,601 7,130

72 23 203 77

03 03 05 02

130 99 135 73

14 6 20 8

of Ljubljana” [15], which include MLL, Lung Tumor, Childhood Tumor and DLBCL Tumor. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of those microarray datasets. The PSO parameters were selected referring many research articles and optimized by using the literature [10]. Moreover, many trials were conducted to test the parameter setting to obtain the best objective value. The parameter values selected for FRPSO are as follows: number of particles in the population was set to the one-tenth number of genes (field of “particle size” in Table 1). The parameter, c1 and c2, were both set at 2, whereas the parameter, lower (vmin) and upper bounds (vmax), were set at −4 and 4, respectively. The algorithm was repeated until either the fitness was 1.0 or the number of the repetitions was reached by the default value of T = 100. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of microarray dataset. To avoid generating random results, this study has adopted a tenfold crossvalidation statistical strategy by dividing dataset into two segments for evaluating and comparing learning algorithms. One segment of data is used to learn or train a model and the other is used to validate the model. Cross-validation can be used as a means for choosing proper parameters of the model rather than using purely for estimating model performance. Figure 2 shows, 10 certain rules which are generated from lower approximation involving 14 genes in which some are identified as strongly associated with 3 cancers i.e., ALL, AML and MLL. Rules 3, 5 and 9 strongly identify all the 3 types of cancer than the other 7 induced rules. Gene 33589_at is strongly associated with all three cancers i.e., rule one: (38989_at >= 582.5)&(33589_at < 13)& (32189_g_at < 1046.5) => (class = ALL) (17/17, 70.83 %), classify more than 70 % Rule 1. (38989_at >= 582.5)&(33589_at < 13)&(32189_g_at < 1046.5) => (class = ALL) (17/17, 70.83%) Rule 2. (41651_at >= 5066.5)&(32850_at < 1516) => (class = ALL) (7/7, 29.17%) Rule 3. (32138_at < 199)&(34449_at < 135.5) => (class = ALL) (4/4, 16.67%) Rule 4. (38627_at < -58) => (class = ALL) (3/3, 12.5%) Rule 5. (41664_at >= 586)&(33589_at in [13, 543])&(32581_at < 31) => (class = MLL) (15/15, 75%) Rule 6. (32799_at >= 2713)&(34449_at >= 888) => (class = MLL) (3/3, 15%) Rule 7. (32799_at >= 2713)&(33589_at < -1134) => (class = MLL) (2/2, 10%) Rule 8. (38866_at < 13)&(33589_at >= -286) => (class = MLL) (3/3, 15%) Rule 9. (38989_at < 133)&(36045_at < 3.5) => (class = AML) (25/25, 89.29%) Rule 10. (41651_at < 1672)&(33589_at < -286) => (class = AML) (15/15, 53.57%) Fig. 2 Certain rules generated from lower approximation for MLL by MODLEM

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ALL cancer data, rule 5: (41664_at >= 586)&(33589_at in [13, 543])& (32581_at < 31) => (class = MLL) (15/15, 75 %) classify 75 % MLL cancer and rule 9: (38989_at < 133)&(36045_at < 3.5) => (class = AML) (25/25, 89.29 %) classify more than 89 % AML cancer dataset. Gene 38989_at is also strongly associated with ALL and MLL. Conditional entropy is used as a condition measure to find best elementary conditions to form rules. Class approximation is natural type of rules while certain rules are generated from lower approximation and possible rules are generated from upper approximation in terms of Rough-Set Theory. Similarly, 6 important genes out of 9,946 are identified by 5 rules in Childhood Tumor which is shown in Fig. 3. Rule 1 classifies more than 81 % EWS, more than 66 % eRMS by rule 3 and 100 % aRMS by rule 5. Figure 4, demonstrates 12 induced rules generated from lower approximation for Lung Tumor which classify all 5 cancers from the dataset identifying 20 genes out of 12,601. Gene 38138_at is strongly associated with all five cancers. Figure 5 shows the classifier model of DLBCL which contains 7 rules which classify DLBCL and FL by identifying 8 significant genes from the dataset. Gene L38810_at is strongly associated with DLBCL and FL.

Rule 1. (2017_s_at >= 0.09) => (class = EWS) (9/9, 81.82%) Rule 2. (32334_f_at >= 0.66) => (class = EWS) (6/6, 54.55%) Rule 3. (38522_s_at >= 0.67) => (class = eRMS) (2/2, 66.67%) Rule 4. (33500_i_at >= 0.58) => (class = eRMS) (1/1, 33.33%) Rule 5. (32334_f_at < 0.54)&(37287_at < 0) => (class = aRMS) (9/9, 100%) Fig. 3 Certain rules generated from lower approximation for childhood tumor by MODLEM

Rule 1. (38138_at >= 377.86)&(37141_at >= 7.64)&(41549_s_at < 92.88)&(33693_at < 30.04) => (class = AD ) (100/100, 71.94%) Rule 2. (41151_at < 258.56)&(38138_at < 1788.99)&(37797_at >= -16.47)&(37187_at >= 23.28)&(37148_at < 177.38) => (class = AD ) (87/87, 62.59%) Rule 3. (35090_g_at >= 124.49)&(38442_at >= 298.22)&(38138_at >= 328.33) => (class = AD ) (14/14, 10.07%) Rule 4. (39805_at >= 62.22) => (class = AD ) (8/8, 5.76%) Rule 5. (749_at < 54.89)&(37148_at >= 102.74)&(33667_at >= 1792.99) => (class = NL ) (16/16, 94.12%) Rule 6. (32052_at >= 4253.91) => (class = NL ) (5/5, 29.41%) Rule 7. (36572_r_at >= 592.41)&(39023_at < 136.77) => (class = SMCL ) (6/6, 100%) Rule 8. (33693_at >= 106.75)&(38138_at >= 512.27) => (class = SQ ) (14/14, 66.67%) Rule 9. (38968_at < 44.24)&(36702_at < 76.58) => (class = SQ ) (6/6, 28.57%) Rule 10. (33667_at < 1870.71)&(547_s_at < 4.33)&(33843_g_at >= -58.08) => (class = SQ ) (4/4, 19.05%) Rule 11. (38138_at < 119.98) => (class = COID ) (19/19, 95%) Rule 12. (34265_at >= 390.66) => (class = COID ) (18/18, 90%) Fig. 4 Certain rules generated from lower approximation for lung tumor by MODLEM


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Rule 1. (X61123_at < 1444)&(S82024_at < 265.5) => (class = DLBCL) (20/20, 34.48%) Rule 2. (L38810_at >= 512)&(U47101_at < 2662.5)&(D42073_at >= -93.5) => (class = DLBCL) (39/39, 67.24%) Rule 3. (L38810_at >= 1164.5) => (class = DLBCL) (24/24, 41.38%) Rule 4. (D28423_at < 444) => (class = DLBCL) (12/12, 20.69%) Rule 5. (L38810_at < 585)&(X61123_at >= 1444)&(U57721_at < 479.5) => (class = FL) (10/10, 52.63%) Rule 6. (U47101_at >= 2662.5)&(L38810_at < 1164.5) => (class = FL) (6/6, 31.58%) Rule 7. (U65402_at >= 2030) => (class = FL) (3/3, 15.79%) Fig. 5 Certain rules generated from lower approximation for DLBCL by MODLEM

Table 2 Classification accuracy (%) validated with tenfold CV Data set

Percentage of accuracy

Mean absolute error

No. of rules

Model building time (in s)

MLL Childhood tumours Lung tumour DLBCL tumour

68.0556 60.8696

0.213 0.2609

10 5

27.54 8.24

86.2069 74.026

0.0552 0.2597

12 7

120.95 4.85

The results of these experiments are given in Table 2. For each data set, the first column shows the average classification accuracy obtained by the classifier over ten-fold-cross-validations. Mean absolute error and model building time in seconds is also given. The next column represents the number of rules generated by the classifier for each datasets.

6.2 Validations of the Obtained Results The validation of the result is shown in two ways. One is mathematical validation and another one real life functional classification of genes. The mathematical validation is based on the induced rules generated from the reducts obtained from Fuzzy-Rough-PSO and classification of whole dataset on the basis of that generated rules which have only few responsible genes. The accuracy of prediction of the diseases is verified by applying rule sets generated by MODLEM classifier on the datasets. The cross validated result, as shown in Table 2 indicates that these rules can accurately predict the data with total coverage 1. In all the datasets only few marker genes classify the entire datasets which validate our results. To find biological relevance of the method, next part of validation need to be applied to find actual functional classification of those genes in human body. This is obtained from a Gene Ontology website called DAVID (http://david.abcc.ncifcrf. gov/) where it is available. If the lists of marker genes are provided as input with

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Table 3 Functional classification of marker genes for leukemia Gene identifiers

Gene name

Gene symbol

Gene functions obtained from DAVID


Caspase 2, apoptosisrelated cysteine protease (neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 2)



GRB2-related adaptor protein 2



Myelin transcription factor 1



Nucleoporin 153 kDa


This gene encodes a protein which is a member of the cysteine-aspartic acid protease (caspase) family. Sequential activation of caspases plays a central role in the execution-phase of cell apoptosis This gene encodes a member of the GRB2/Sem5/Drk family. This member is an adaptor-like protein involved in leukocyte-specific protein-tyrosine kinase signaling. polyA sites exist The protein encoded by this gene is a member of a family of neural specific, zinc finger-containing DNA-binding proteins. The protein binds to the promoter regions of proteolipid proteins of the central nervous system and plays a role in the developing nervous system Nuclear pore complexes are extremely elaborate structures that mediate the regulated movement of macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm. These complexes are composed of at least 100 different polypeptide subunits, many of which belong to the nucleoporin family

appropriate gene identifier, the website gives the function of these genes or proteins in human body. In addition to this, it is also possible to find genetic disease which happens due to variation in gene expressions. Table 3 shows a sample of functional classification of marker genes for Leukemia dataset.

7 Conclusion In this study, the genetic information available in 4 microarray datasets such as MLL, Childhood Tumor, Lung Tumor and DLBCL Tumor have been used to diagnose human disease. It is also considered that the set of genes will behave in a general way in this investigation. With this constraint, a model has been proposed to provide optimize solution for two different purposes. First one is predicting disease using genetic information from microarray data and second one, identification of


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marker genes responsible for causing the disease. The algorithm of the model is developed using an intelligent Fuzzy-Rough population based method, FuzzyRough-PSO (FRPSO) as a gene selection tool. The results obtained here is quite dependable. The validation of the predicted results has been carried out in two ways. The result shows more than 60 % accuracy in prediction in the form of diagnosis of disease. The result also predicted marker genes for causing cancers. Then using these responsible genes, induction rules can be generated to classify the datasets. This may help in drug design for cancer with regulating the function of the marker genes or proteins by injecting drugs which will stop proliferation of cancer in human body. The real life validation can be carried out in the DAVID website.

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