AAPM2007_Program_MASTER.xls Key to Track Color Codes

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Jul 25, 2018 - AAPM2007_Program_MASTER.xls. Key to Track. Color Codes. Professional. Therapy. CE-Tx. Scientific-Tx. Imaging. CE-Img. Scientific-Img.

AAPM 2007 - Minneapolis Annual Meeting Key to Track Color Codes Therapy Imaging Joint Imaging/ Therapy

Professional CE-Tx CE-Img

Scientific-Tx Scientific-Img

Joint Img-Tx Workshop

MOC Self Assessment Module


Sunday, July 22 Student Meeting Room: 205AB Moderator: S Kry

AA 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Professional Council Symposium: Practice Quality Improvement Ballroom A B Gerbi, M Rock Education Council Symposium Close Encounters of the Media Kind Ballroom B M Fox, R Eustice, K Classic

BB 11:00 - 12:30 pm 1:00 Exhibit Hall Opens. Box Lunch / Refreshment Break In Exhibit Hall

DD 1:30 - 2:15

EE 2:15 - 3:00

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 1) Brachytherapy Moderator: J Pouliot

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 2) IMRT: Planning Verification and QA Moderator: I Das

Moderated Poster - Joint (Area 3) Correction Strategies Moderator: P Keall

Moderated Poster - Imaging (Area 4) Image Processing, Dosimetry, QC and PACS Moderator: D Moseley

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 1) IMRT: Optimization and Delivery Moderator: P Xia

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 2) Measurements: Calibration and QA Moderator: J Gibbons

Moderated Poster - Joint (Area 3) Imaging for Therapy Assessment Moderator: D Low

Moderated Poster - Imaging (Area 4) Magnetic Resonance, Ultrasound, and Micro-CT Imaging Moderator: J Rowlands

GENERAL POSTER DISCUSSION Imaging Joint Imaging-Therapy Professional Therapy

FF 3:00 - 4:30

3:00 - 4:00 Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall Young Investigators Symposium Auditorium Moderators: T Solberg, P Medin

GG 4:00 - 6:00

Monday, July 23

A 7:30 - 8:25

B 8:30 - 9:25

Ballroom B

Ballroom A

CE-Therapy Monte Carlo I: Review of the AAPM TG-105 I Chetty, D Rogers

CE-Therapy Sheilding I: New NCRP Report: General Report background and formulation J Deye

CE-Therapy Stereotactic cranial RS/RT T Solberg, D Shepard

CE-Therapy: Shielding II: Practical Examples, Including IMRT, TBI, SRS J Rodgers


CE-Therapy Series (SAM) Topics in Radiation Therapy - I F Yin, J Siewerdsen, J Palta

Room M100F Room M100J Continuing Education: Therapy and Imaging CE-Imaging CE-Therapy The Physics and Technology of Integration of the Health Enterprise Computed Tomography - I in Radiation Oncology (IHE-RO) C McCollough, J Geleijns, R Fahrig B Curran

CE-Therapy Protons: Planning and Delivery A Smith, H Paganetti

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Radionuclide Imaging - I L Williams

Room L100J

CE-Imaging (SAM) The Physics and Technology of Breast Imaging - I D Pfeiffer , E Berns

Room L100F

Room L100E

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Radiography - I S Shepard , L Goldman

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - I G Clarke

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Fluoroscopy - I P Lin

CE-Imaging Radiation Safety and Risk Management - I M Mahesh

9:30 - 10:00 Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall President's Symposium Imaging as a Biomarker for Therapy Response Auditorium Moderator: M Martel L Schwartz, B Mittleman, M Vannier, G Becker

C 10:00 - 12:00

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch Break Professional

D 1:30 - 3:20

Therapy I

Therapy Symposium Professional Symposium Hypofractionated RT: Biological Establishing Clinical Basis and Clinical Application in the Procedures Prostate and Lung G Ibbott , E Klein S Bentzen, A Pollack, R Timmerman

Therapy II

Joint Therapy/Imaging I

Joint Therapy/Imaging II

Imaging I

Imaging II


Scientific Session Clinical Measurements Chairs: M Herman, R Wu

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium Technical and Clinical Challenges for In-Room Target Localization F-f Yin, P Kupelian, C Willett, J Galvin, J Wu

Scientific Session IMRT: Optimization Chairs: P Keall, J Purdy

Scientific Session Image Registration, Fusion, Segmentation, and Visualization Chairs: M Giger, D Moseley

Imaging Symposium Advances in X-ray Imaging Moderator: A Karellas

Workshop Ultrasound QC Workshop Directors: S Larson, D Pfeiffer

Scientific Session Measurement: Calibration and QA (I) Chairs: S Huq, S Hadley

Scientific Session Localization I Chairs: D Jaffray, S Jiang

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium Spatio-temporal Imaging for Radiation Treatment Planning and Delivery G Mageras, L Xing, J Balter, Mvan Herk , D Jaffray, P Keall

Scientific Session X-ray Imaging- New Detectors, Techniques Chairs: J Yorkston, L Antonuk

Imaging Symposium Current Status and Future Development in Breast Ultrasound Imaging T Hall, J Greenleaf, E Ebbini

Workshop Writing and Reviewing Medical Physics Papers Director: W Hendee

Room L100J

Room L100F

Room L100E

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Radiography - II C Willis

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - II E Jackson

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Fluoroscopy - II S Balter

CE-Imaging Radiation Safety and Risk Management - II A Ansari

Imaging II


3:20 - 4:00 Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

E 4:00 - 5:30

Proferred Session Chairs: M Herman, B Gerbi

Therapy Symposium Robustness of IMRT Treatments J Balter, M Sharpe, T Chan, M Alber

6:00 - 8:30 AAPM Awards Ceremony and Reception

Tuesday, July 24

A 7:30 - 8:25

B 8:30 - 9:25

Ballroom B

Ballroom A

CE-Therapy Imaging for Planning/Verification: InRoom Imaging K Brock, N Papanikolaou

CE-Therapy Daily Localization - II: EPID, MVCT J Pouliot

CE-Therapy Monte Carlo - II: Clinical Impact C Ma, J Seibers

CE-Therapy Functional/Molecular Imaging: PET for planning/Assessment J Bourland, R Jeraj


Room M100F Room M100J Continuing Education: Therapy and Imaging CE-Therapy Biological/clinical Outcome Models in RT Planning R Ten Haken, K Jee

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Radionuclide Imaging - II J Halama

CE-Therapy Daily Localization III: Tomotherapy S Meeks

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Breast Imaging - II M Williams

Therapy II

Joint Therapy/Imaging I

Joint Therapy/Imaging II

Scientific Session Other: General Chairs: K Hogstrom, C Saw

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium The John S. Laughlin Science Council Research Symposium: Quantitative Imaging for Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment, and Response Assessment Moderators: J Boone, TR Mackie

Scientific Session Motion Modeling Chairs: J Balter, G Sharp

Therapy Symposium Novel Particle Acceleration Techniques C Ma, T Tajima, V Malka, E Fourkal, K Gall

Scientific Session Tx Planning and Delivery - Dose Calculations Chairs: A Boyer, B Faddegon

Scientific Session IMRT: QA Chairs: G Ezzell,C Yu

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium The Great Debate: The Future of IGRT is… J Pouliot, J Sonke, W Tome, J Lagendijk, K Brock

Scientific Session : CT- New Developments and Applications Chairs: J Hsieh, W Kalender

Moderated Posters (Exhibit Hall C)

Moderated Posters (Exhibit Hall C)

CE-Therapy Symposium PET and SPECT Imaging in Treatment Plan Optimization L Marks

CE-Imaging Symposium in Memorium of John Hale Diagnostic Radiology Resident Medical Physics Education Update R Gorson, M Rzeszotarski, W Hendee, P Heintz, R Morin

Moderated Posters (Exhibit Hall C)

9:30 - 10:00 Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall Professional

10:00 - 12:00


Therapy I

Professional Course Therapy Symposium Series Errors – Why They Occur, The Good and the Not-So-Good of Proton Therapy? How to Minimize Them A Lomax , R Mohan, T Bortfeld, H (Part 1) Paganetti T Pawlicki, E Klein, P Dunscombe

CE-Therapy Series (SAM) Topics in Radiation Therapy - II P Xia, J Roeske, R Price

CE-Imaging (SAM) The Physics and Technology of Computed Tomography - II J Boone, M McNitt-Gray, J Kofler

Imaging I

Imaging Symposium Scientific Session Breast Imaging: Updates on Dosimetry, Radiation Protection, Technology Beyond Mammography and Quality Control C Abbey, R Badawi, M Giger, J Chairs: M McNitt-Gray, JA Seibert Boone

Workshop Funding and Protecting Biomedical Research Director: W Hendee

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch Break

D 1:30 - 3:20

Professional Symposium The Road to (Training and Practice of) the Medical Physicist of the Future J Masten, J Limmer, D Gilley, M Herman

Imaging Symposium Molecular Imaging: Biomarkers E Jackson, A Pugachev, J Saffer, L Clarke

Workshop Digital Mammography QA Workshop for Physicists I Director: W Geiser

3:20 - 4:00 Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

E 4:00 - 5:30

Professional Symposium New Member and Meet the Experts M Herman, H Amols, D Low, J Hevezi, W Hendee, G Barnes

EE 4:00 - 4:45

FF 4:45 - 5:30

Moderated Posters (Exhibit Hall C)

Workshop Image Quality Measurement Director: E Samei

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 1) Clinical Measurements Moderator: J Seuntjens

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 2) Radiobiology and Other Moderator: E Yorke

Moderated Poster - Joint (Area 3) Localization Moderator: G Mageras

Moderated Poster - Imaging (Area 4) Cone beam CT and X-Ray Imaging Moderator: J Siewerdsen

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 1) Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Moderator: I Chetty

Moderated Poster - Therapy (Area 2) Treatment Planning, Delivery and Measurements Moderator: C Ramsey

Moderated Poster - Joint (Area 3) Motion Modeling Moderator: D Yan

Moderated Poster - Imaging (Area 4) Computed Tomography and Reconstruction Techniques Moderator: B Whiting

6:00 - 10:00 AAPM Night Out

Wednesday, July 25

A 7:30 - 8:25

B 8:30 - 9:25

C 10:00 - 12:00

Ballroom B

Ballroom A

CE-Therapy Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy / SBRT B Kavanagh, S Benedict

CE-Therapy Imaging for Assessment/New Technologies Y Cao, D Jaffray

CE-Therapy Patient Motion: Adaptive RT D Yan, T Bortfeld

CE-Therapy Functional/Molecular Imaging: MRI for Planning/Assessment A Pirzkall


Therapy I

Professional Symposium Therapy Symposium Practice Performance Radiobiological Models and Improvement Introduction Treatment Planning for Medical Physicists A Nahum, E Yorke, M Witte, R Ten P Nagy, T Pawlicki, B Haken Paliwal, R Morin, G Frey


CE-Therapy Series (SAM) Topics in Radiation Therapy - III S Jiang, P Keall, D Rogers

Room M100F Room M100J Continuing Education: Therapy and Imaging CE-Imaging CE-Therapy The Physics and Technology of IMRT Site Specific - II: H&N, CNS Computed Tomography - III M Munley, T Pawlicki J Payne, T Branham, C McCollough CE-Imaging CE-Therapy The Physics and Technology of RPC Programs Breast Imaging - III G Ibbott D Georgian-Smith

Therapy II

Joint Therapy/Imaging I

Joint Therapy/Imaging II

Scientific Session Monte Carlo Dose Calculations Chairs: H Paganetti, J Siebers

Scientific Session IMRT: Cmercial Systems and Clinical Applications Chairs: Y Chen, J Palta

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium Image-Guided Alternative Therapies L Chen, T Zhu , J Rewcastle, N Goldberg

Scientific Session IMRT: Plan Verification and QA Chairs: E Klein, B Fraass

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium Imaging for TherapyAssessment Y Cao, R Jeraj, E Jackson, T Lawrence

Scientific Session Radiobiology: Fundamental and Outcome Modeling Chairs: XA Li, A Niemierko

Scientific Session Measurement: New Dosimetry Systems and Procedures Chairs: G Ibbott, DW Rogers

Scientific Session Localization II Chairs: F-F Yin, RA Siochi

Joint Imaging-Therapy Symposium Functional Imaging for Radiotherapy Guidance TY Lee, T Guerrero, T Pan

Room L100J

CE-Imaging (SAM) The Physics and Technology of Radionuclide Imaging - III F Fhey, B Kemp

Imaging I

Room L100F CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Radiography - III M Flynn CE-Imaging Multimodality Medical Imaging - I M Vannier, J Siewerdsen

Imaging II

Room L100E CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - III D Brinkmann CE Series Medical Imaging Informatics - I D Peck, M Flynn Workshop

Imaging Symposium Scientific Session Advances in CT Hardware and X-ray Imaging- Fluoroscopy, Algorithms Angiography, More New Detectors T Rifu, R Mather, E Bailey, X Pan, and Techniques M Vannier Chairs: S Rudin, S Molloi

Workshop Digital Mammography QA Workshop for Physicists II Director:W Geiser

Scientific Session Ultrasound, PET and PET/CT Chairs: B Tsui, SJ Glick

Imaging Symposium Breakthrough in MRI: Technology and Applications Chairs: J Ma, F Wehrli

Workshop Issues in Cone Beam CT Director: J Boone

Scientific Session Breast Imaging- Mammography, CT & SPECT-CT Chairs: S Vedantham, M Tornai

Symposium History and Heritage of Medical Physics P Sprawls

Workshop PET CT I PET/CT Scanner Offering from Different Manufacturers Director: O Mawlawi

Room L100J

Room L100F

Room L100E

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Radiography - IV N Ranger

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - IV E Kanal

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch Break

D 1:30 - 3:20

Professional Symposium Therapy Symposium Support for Staffing and The Challenges Associated with Assuring Quality in Differential Dose Delivery using Radiation Oncology IMRT B Salter, C Ramsey, S Dieterich, R K Hogstrom, P Price Dunscombe, M Mills

3:20 - 4:00 Refreshment Break - Mezzanine Level

E 4:00 - 5:30

Town Meeting AAPM Board of Director Members

Scientific Session Measurement: Calibration and QA (II) Chairs: G Luxton, ZLi

5:30 - AAPM Annual Business Meeting - Ballroom B

Thursday, July 26 Room MI00A

A 7:30 - 8:25

B 8:30 - 9:25

Room MI00E

CE-Therapy Accurate Clinical Measurements J Gibbons, J Seuntjens

CE-Therapy Quality Assurance for Advanced RT Technologies The Challenge for Clinical RT Trials CE-Therapy A Olch, M Urie, G Ibbott, E Klein, J Multimodality and 4D Galvin, J Moran Image Registration: Methods and Clinical Use M Kessler

9:30 - 10:00 Coffee Break - Mezzanine Level Professional Therapy I Professional Course Scientific Session Series New Dosimeters, Treatment Errors – Why They Occur, C Techniques and Clinical How to Minimize Them 10:00 - 12:00 Applications (Part II) J Bissonnette, T Holmes, S Chairs: J Bayouth, G Starkschall Dieterich 12:00 - 1:30 Lunch Break

D 1:30 - 3:20

Professional Symposium Scientific Session What Does it Mean to Sign Tx Planning and Delivery - Clinical Attestation Statements Planning R Lieto, F Cameron, B Chairs: J Williamson, S Chang Gerbi

3:20 - 4:00 Refreshment Break - Mezzanine Level Symposium Scientific Session Performance Specification Radiobiology: Treatment Planning for New Equipment E and Evaluation Purchases 4:00 - 5:30 Chairs: D Mihailidis, T Pawlicki J Van Dyk, S Mutic, B Curran, W Tome


CE-Therapy Series (SAM) Topics in Radiation Therapy - IV B Thomadsen, N Papanikolaou

Room M100F Room MI00J Continuing Education: Therapy and Imaging CE-Therapy QA for Imaging Systems Used for Planning (CT, PET, MR) S Mutic, C Ramsey

CE-Imaging Medical Imaging Informatics - II K Fetterly

CE-Therapy Quality Assurance for IMRT and IGRT J Bissonnette

CE-Imaging Medical Imaging Informatics - III P Nagy

CE-Imaging (SAM) Radiation Safety and Risk Management - III M Martin

CE-Imaging Multimodality Medical Imaging - II J Saffer

CE-Imaging The Physics and Technology of Ultrasound Imaging J. Greenleaf

Therapy II

Joint Therapy/Imaging I

Joint Therapy/Imaging II

Imaging I

Imaging II


Scientific Session IMRT: Delivery Chairs: J Wong, A Shiu

Scientific Session Tx Planning and Delivery: New Techniques and Systems Chairs: J Chu, M Podgorsak

Scientific Session Correction Strategies, Interventional Procedures Chairs: K Brock, T Willoughby

Scientific Session Magnetic Resonance and Small Animal Imaging Chairs: C Mistretta, F Wehrli

Scientific Session Image and Observer PerformanceModeling and Measurement Chairs: R Jennings, D Chakraborty

Workshop PET CT II Accreditation and Quality Assurance Director: O Mawlawi

Scientific Session SRS and SRT Chairs: DM Lovelock, F Bova

Scientific Session Target Definition Chairs: S Mutic, M Alber

Scientific Session Quantitative Imaging for Cancer Chairs: L Xing, I El Naqa

Scientific Session Cone Beam CT Chairs: D Jaffray, G-H Chen

Imaging Symposium Advanced Topics in CT: Who’s Minding the Dose? D Frush, J Boone, M McNitt-Gray

Scientific Session Brachytherapy Chairs: B Thomadsen, J Li

Scientific Session Margin Assessment Chair: P Remeijer

Scientific Session Imaging for Therapy Assessment Chairs: GH Olivera, R Jeraj

Scientific Session Breast Imaging - Ultrasound and Tomosynthesis Chairs: H-P Chan, M Goodsitt

Imaging Symposium Image Performance- Can it be Predicted? Chairs: I Kyprianou, C Shaw