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Nov 18, 2013 - Co-Chairs: Sergey Baranov, Russia & Dmitry Tkachenko, Russia. TPC-12: .... Museum items and educational methods illustrating the above.
AN EFFICIENT CAR LIKE-MOBILE ROBOT DESIGN Wael M El-Medany*, Member of IEEE and IEEE Communications Society, Ahmed M Abuaesh ˚ and Noha M Abuaesh ª *Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt, and IT College, UOB, 32038 Bahrain Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Webpage: http://people.man.ac.uk/~mbgedwme/ Tel No: +973-39764964 ˚IT Center UOB, 32038 Bahrain ªMentor Graphics, Egypt

Abstract: This paper presents the hardware design and implementation of a car-like mobile robot that work in an efficient way. The robot is programmed to avoid colliding with obstacles in its way by the aid of ultrasonic sensors. It will change its path if the connected sensors detect an obstacle. After passing the obstacle, the robot will continue on its original path. The system was designed using VHDL in a high level design method. All parts of the design have been simulated and implemented using Xilinx tools. The system was tested in both simulation level using ModelSim and hardware level using Xilinx Spartan 3 AN development board. Key-Words: FPGA, CLMR, Car Robot, Mobile Robot

I. INTRODUCTION Car-Like Mobile Robot (CLMR) system technology is a relatively new technology that replaces human drivers in vehicles by Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS). This new technology has many useful applications in various fields from military, civilian to industrial use. Even though traffic rules are strict and accurate; car accidents, road congestions and driving fatalities still take place on roads and highways [1] and [2]. Thus, technologies like the Intelligent Transportations Systems have been thought of and are being examined and tested. Robots are widely used in industrial sites, especially in hazard environments where human's presence is highly restricted [3] and [4]. This phenomenon costs companies, societies and governments lives and money. Hence, a robot that can function without direct human control will be very useful in places like nuclear plants or other dangerous industrial sites [5]. In some applications like home care, there is acute computational need for the mobile robot to instantaneously in response to newly acquired environmental information. This demands a real-time generation of a feasible path on contemporary PCs, perhaps via an ordered sequence of destination configurations [6]. Motion autonomy in Robotics may be defined as the ability for a robot to perform a given movement without any external intervention. It is a central problem in Robotics. Depending on the situation considered, motion autonomy is a goal more or less easy to reach. For instance, it is easier to achieve motion autonomy in the case of a manipulator

arm operating on an assembly line (a priori known, carefully engineered and highly predictable workspace) than in the case of a planetary rover (unknown, uncertain and little predictable environment) [7] and [8]. The control scheme for such mobile robots is traditionally decomposed into three subtasks: trajectory generation, position estimation and path tracking. A path consisting of straight lines and circular arc segments is easy to generate, but may not be suitable for a car-like mobile robot which has the non-holonomic constraint and its steering angles at the line-arc transition points have discontinuous curvature [9]. The common methodology for constructing feasible trajectories is by assembling arcs of simple curves [6] and [10]. Theoretical shortest path with bounded curvature synthesized by circular arcs of minimum radius tangentially connected by straight line segments was first presented to generate trajectories [6] and [10 14] for different environmental restrictions. Most of the CLMRs that have been implemented in real hardware were implemented using microcontroller or ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits), but a few have been implemented using FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). It has been proved that FPGA is the best choice for cost effective design [1517]. We proposed an efficient design for CLMR that achieved low cost for the hardware implementation and shortest path using Xilinx Spartan 3AN FPGA. The objectives of this research were to develop a CLMR vehicle that will somehow imitate the reactions and responses of an expert driver on a small scale. The idea can be thought of as an elementary Intelligent driver; a driver that avoids collisions and, hence, promotes safety on the roads. The Car-Like Mobile Robot is only another step among all the ITS projects that were implemented before. The materials in this paper are organized as follows: part two gives a general description for our CLMR system architecture; in part three the design flow for the CLMR is given; part four will discuss the sensor circuit; the simulation results and RTL schematic are discussed in part five; at the end in part six a conclusion will be given.

II. CLMR SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The main part of the CLMR is the controller which has been designed using VHDL, and implemented using Xilinx Spartan 3 AN FPGA. The main function of the controller is to get signals from the sensor circuit and acts accordingly by sending output signals to the motor circuits. The controller has three input signals and four output signals as shown in the VHDL top level model of fig. 1. The input signals are clock, Enable, and Sensor_In; the output signals are Selector(1:0), F_Motor, L_Motor, and R_Motor. The selector out is a two bits multiplexed selector to select between the different sensors. The robot is programmed to avoid colliding with obstacles in its way by the aid of ultrasonic sensors. We are using three sensors front, left, and right as shown in the CLMR system architecture of fig. 2. The robot will change its path if the connected sensors detect an obstacle. After passing the obstacle, the robot will continue on its original path. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is used instead of microcontroller for the implementation of the main controller.

The FPGA used is the Xilinx first nonvolatile FPGA, which is Spartan 3AN This robot uses premanufactured components for the main vehicle. The vehicle is designed for indoors use only. For example, if the car encounters a hump, it will deal with it as an obstacle and thereby avoid it.

Fig. 1- VHDL Top Level Model



Spartan 3AN FPGA

Steering Motor

Forward Motor Fig. 2 - CLMR System Architecture

After the enable signal is received (in state S0) and a time delay of 1.4 seconds has passed (in state S1), the car enters state S2. This state means that the car is moving forward. The car stays in this state as long as no obstacle is detected from the front sensor. If the front sensor detected an obstacle when moving forward (in sate S2), the car enters state S3. In S3, the car is stopped. The car will not take any action until the sensor’s reading is assured. S3 is only the first step to assure the sensor’s reading. To understand this, we should first understand the nature of the sensor’s signal, this will be clarified in section IV. To simplify the design flow an SM chart for the CLMR is shown in fig. 4. The CLMR controller check first for obstacle in front, then left, and then right. If there are obstacles in all ways the car will stop.

III. CLMR SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW In this section we are going to describe the design flow of our CLMR system. The operation of the CLMR system controller is described by the state graph of fig. 3, where S0 is the initial, and then we have another fourteen states from S1 to S14 as shown in fig. 3. In S0 the car is not moving nor is it sensing obstacles. In this state, the car is waiting for the enable signal to make it work. The car will remain in state S0 as long as the enable signal (En) is not received. Once En is detected, the car enters state S1. This state mainly represents a time delay of almost 1.4 seconds (70M/50MHz). We had to insert this time delay since the FPGA’s clock frequency is much faster than the enable circuit’s frequency. T'











Sel’ Sel S14

S4 S1'S0 S8

Sel’ Sel



Sel’ Sel’ Sel’ C’ T



Sel C S11 S10 S1'S0

S1' S0'



S7 Sel T’

Fig. 3 - State graph for the CLMR

Fig. 4 – SM Chart for the CLMR

IV. THE SENSOR INTERFACE CIRCUIT Robots usually use either optical sensors or acoustic sensors. We chose to use ultrasonic sensors in our CLMR. Ultrasonic sensors are a type of acoustic sensor. Ultrasonic sensors can offer a number of advantages over optical methods. Most notably, they can be used for measuring distance to any surface, including glass and liquids. Ranges vary from a few millimeters to around ten meters, without increasing the size of the device. Thus, ultrasonic has a perfect range of sensing obstacle which is ideal for car implementation. Typically, an ultrasonic sensor sends a 'ping' and waits to hear an echo. Sound waves are generated by the transmitter and bounce off objects, returning an echo to the receiver. Fig. 5, shows the ultrasonic sensor circuit that has been used for our CLMR. Ultrasonic distance sensors measure the time for a pulse of sound to travel to a surface and return, then calculate distance from the estimated speed of sound. In addition, ultrasonic sensors are resistant to vibration, radiation, background light and noise. They are not affected by dust, dirt or high humidity. Unlike optical sensors, their performance is the same during day, night, glaring sunlight, darkness, rain, fog or snow. Finally, ultrasonic sensors are cheaper than optical sensors and are more available. One disadvantage of ultrasonic sensors is it does not feel sound absorbing materials like cloth. The sensors we used were originally meant to be fitted at the end of vehicles as a car reversing aid system. They are designated to feel objects as far as one meter and as close as 10 centimeters. Nevertheless, we can still make do with those dimensions.

Fig. 5 - The Sensor Circuit

V. CLMR SIMULATION RESULTS AND RTL SCHEMATIC In this section we are going to discuss the system resources and simulation results. Fig. 6 shows snapshot of part of the Register Transfer Level (RTL) schematic for the CLMR controller, this snapshot here only to give an idea about the complexity of the controller circuit. The RTL Schematic is generated after synthesizing the design using Xilinx ISE 10.1. It shows the components of the main controller, some of the important components are the state machine design, the sensing component, and the controlling component. The design resources give an idea about the device utilization, in terns it will give an idea about the complexity, and this will reflects the cost of the system. The number of slices in the design is 233 out of 5888, number of 4 input LUTs is 423 out of 11776, number of slice Flip Flops is 195 out of 11776, and the number of bonded IOBs is 8 out of 372. These resources for Spartan 3AN, targeting XC3S700AN-FGG484-4 device. Fig. 7 shows snapshot of the Simulation results for CLMR turns right if obstacles appeared on its front and left sides then goes back to its original path, the begins and stops moving upon receiving the enable signal, in the figure the turn right steering motor inverted and turn left steering motor inverted are both high, whether the sensor signal is low. The enable signal and forward motor signal are active high. Begins and stops are shown in the forward motor signal during the activation of the enable signal. The controller is sequentially changing the selector output signal to sequentially sense the three sensors.

Fig. 6 - Register Transfer Level Schematic for CLMR

Sensor_in Enable F_Motor L_Motor R_Motor Selector Clock

Fig. 7 - ModelSim Simulation Results

VI. CONCLUSION The hardware design and circuit implementation of CLMR has been introduced in this paper. They can function without direct of human control. The design has been described using VHDL and implemented in hardware using Xilinx Spartan 3AN FPGA. The CLMR system has been tested in both simulation and hardware level. The design has been synthesised and implemented using Xilinx ISE 10.1. The simulation has been done using ModelSim 5.6e. The target technology for the system design is XC3s200-5ft256 device from Xilinx. REFERENCES [1]. Belta C, Kumar V. Motion generation for formation of robots: A geometric approach. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Seoul, Korea, 2001. [2]. Das A, Spletzer J, Kumar V, Taylor C. Ad hoc networks for localization and control. In: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2002. [3]. Spletzer J, Das A, Fierro R, Taylor C, Kumar V, Ostrowski J. Cooperative localization and control for multi-robot manipulation. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Hawaii, USA, 2001, p. 631-636. [4]. B. Muller, J. Deutscher, S. Grodde. Continuous

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Dr. WAEL MOHAMED EL-MEDANY is an assistant professor at the department of Communications and Electrical Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt. Currently he teaches at the department of Computer Engineering, University Of Bahrain. He holds a PhD degree from Manchester University, UK, June 1999, with a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Chip Design and its application in error control coding. He got his MSc degree in computer communications from Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, October 1991, and his BSc degree in Electronic Eng from the same University May 1987. His research interest in programmable ASIC design, Remote Sensing, Home Automation, and Intelligent Transportation System. Ahmed M Abuaesh: Ahmed is a network Engineer at the University of Bahrain, Bahrain. He graduated from the same university with a bachelor degree in computer engineering, 2006. Ahmed developed systems related to smart car technology; some of which are using the GPRS and OTA (Over The Air) technologies. Noha M Abuaesh: Noha graduated from the University of Bahrain with a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, 2007. Noha has experience in developing systems using hardware languages and testing them using AVM and OVM methodologies. Noha currently works at Mentor Graphics, Egypt.

The IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2009 International Conference devoted to 150 Anniversary of Alexander Popov Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA

May 18-23, 2009 rd

3 Call for Papers Sponsored by: IEEE Region 8 St. Petersburg Government Co-sponsored by: Russia Northwest IEEE Section, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications HONORARY FOUNDER OF NEW EUROCONS Baldomir Zajc, Slovenia IEEE Region 8 2007-08 Past Director

Topics TPC-1: Antennas, Microwave Technology and Technique. Co-Chairs: Orest Vendik, Russia & Eric Kollberg, Sweden. TPC-2: Biotechnical Systems and Technology. Co-Chairs: Eugeniy Popechitelev, Russia, Mark Pitkin, USA & Alexander Burov, Ukraine. TPC-3: Circuits and Systems. Co-Chairs: Alexander Korotkov, Russia & Juha Kostamovaara, Finland..

HONORARY CHAIRMAN Jean-Gabriel Remy, France IEEE Region 8 2007-08 Director


TPC-4: Computer Technology. Co-Chairs: Maxim Sokolov, Russia & Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, The Netherlands. TPC-5: Decentralized Power Systems, Power Control and Renewable Energy. Co-Chairs: Janush Danilevich, Russia & Tadeusz Sobczyk, Poland. TPC-6: Electrical Machines and Drives. Co-Chairs: Alexander Mikerov, Russia & Peter Magyar, Germany.

Dmitry Puzankov, Russia Russia NW IEEE Section Alexander Gogol, Russia, St. Pb. University of Telecommunications

TPC-7: Control Systems. Co-Chairs: Alexander Fradkov, Russia & Frank Allgower, Germany.


TPC-11: Broadcast and Consumer Systems. Co-Chairs: Sergey Baranov, Russia & Dmitry Tkachenko, Russia.

TPC-8: History of Electrotechnology. Co-Chairs: Larisa Zolotinkina, Russia & Jacob Baal-Schem, Israel. TPC-9: Information and Measurement Technology. Co-Chairs: Dmitry Lukianov, Russia & Helmut Sorg, Germany. TPC-10: Micro and Nano Systems. Chair: Valentine Afanasiev, Russia.

TPC-12: Signal and image processing. Co-Chairs: Alexander Sergienko, Russia & Karen Egiazarian, Finland.

Anthony Davies, UKRI IEEE Section

TPC-13: Electromagnetic compatibility and power quality. Chair: Georgy Tsitsikian, Russia.


TPC-14: Radars. Co-Chairs: Igor Immoreev, Russia & Nikolay Kolchigin, Ukraine.

Igor Mironenko, Russia, St. Pb. Electrotechnical University

TPC-15: Electroheat technologies. Co-Chairs: Yuri Blinov, Russia, Sergio Lupi, Italy & Bernard Nacke, Germany.


TPC-16: Telecommunications. Co-Chairs: Anatoliy Jastrebov, Russia & Volkmar Brueckner, Germany. TPC-17: Networking. Co-chairs: Gennady Yanovsky, Russia & Eugeny Koucheriavy, Finland Special Session: SS1: Wireless Networks: Protocols & Standards. Co-Chairs: Alexey Vinel, Russia & Dirk Staehle, Germany

Vladimir Kutuzov, Russia, St. Pb. Electrotechnical University

The above listed topics do not exclude submission and presentation of papers from other specific IEEE fields

Contact Address


EUROCON 2009 Office: St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University 5, Professor Popov ul., 197376, St. Petersburg, Russia e-mail: [email protected]

Full paper submission Paper acceptance notification

November 24, 2008 January 19, 2009

Camera-ready papers and registration

February 28, 2009


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Topics EUROCON Information and Communication Technology: Internet Services and Applications, Future Internet, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Network Convergence, Multimedia Communication Systems, Quality of Service and Quality of Experience, High Performance Networking, Optical Systems and Networks, Network Design and Optimization of Communication Systems, Network Performance Evaluation, Multiagent Systems, Intelligent Systems, Sensor Networks, Distributed Embedded Systems, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Security Circuits and Systems for Signal Processing: Analog and Mixed Circuits, RF Circuits, Low Power Circuits, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Device and Circuit Modeling, Design for Testability, Distributed Circuits, Reconfigurable Architectures, High Level Synthesis, Hardware and Software Co-design, Signal, Image and Video Processing and Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia, Distance Learning, Sensors and Transducers, MEMS, Biomedical Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Robotics, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic Power Resources and Systems: Power System Planning and Management, Power System Modeling and Simulation, Control Methods and Real Time Operation, Power System Operation and Control, Modern Technology and Computation Techniques, Transmission and Distribution systems, High Voltage Engineering, Distributed Generation, Smart Grid Policies, Regulatory Issues and Standards, Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, Energy Carriers and Storage, Deregulation and Electric Power Market, Power Quality, Electric Machines and Electric Vehicles, Electricity Demand, Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems, Energy and Environment, Sustainable Development, Transition Towards a Low Carbon Energy System, Smart Cities and Energy in Buildings: From Efficient Buildings to Smart Cities, Integrated Heating, Cooling and Electricity Systems, Energy and Economy, National Energy Systems and Energy Policy, Energy Planning Tools, Electricity Market Policies, Structures and Rules, Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Systems, End-use Customers, Demand-Side Management, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Engineering Education

MELECON MELECON 2012 is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. MELECON is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 with participants from all over the world. The purpose of this conference is serve as catalyst for the technical exchange between researchers and practitioners from different technological fields including Control Systems, Communication and Information Technology, Mechatronics, Nano- & Micro-Electronics, Electrical Power Systems, and Signal & Image Processing. The technical program will include plenary sessions, regular technical sessions, special sessions, poster sessions and tutorials. Prospective authors are invited to submit a 4-page full paper reporting original work as well as proposals

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for special sessions and tutorials in the aforementioned areas. Papers should meet the standard IEEE 2-column format. Both lecture and poster formats have the same value, and presentation method will be chosen for suitability. All submissions should be made electronically at http://www.melecon2012.org . Students are encouraged to participate in the best student paper award contest. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE-Xplore subject to advance full-registration of at least one of the authors. AFRICON The IEEE AFRICON is pleased to announce the 11th edition of the IEEE Region 8 flagship conference of the African continent to be held from 9 to 12 September 2013. The conference will take place on the beautiful tropical island of Mauritius rated as one of the top tourist destinations and famous for its calmness, peace and harmony. Located about 2,000 kilometers off the south-east coast of Africa, the island, which is known as the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean, harbors warm turquoise lagoons along with endless white beaches and an unmatched landscape. The natural beauty and warmth of the island matches well with the theme of the conference which is “Sustainable Engineering for a Better Future” . At a time where sustainability and green practices are considered as integral aspects of engineering practices and gaining increasing importance, the conference will provide an ideal platform for professionals, academia and industry from IEEE Region 8 and all over the world to meet and discuss the latest research works and findings. The conference, hosted by the Mauritius IEEE sub section, will feature 12 technical symposia where high quality technical papers covering a spectrum of areas, will be presented, including: Sustainable Engineering, Energy and Environment Communication Theory and Wireless Communications Communications Networks and Security Multimedia and Signal Processing Cloud Computing, GRIDs and Virtualization Mobile Computing and Geo-Processing systems Scientific Computing and Computational Engineering E-learning and Educational Technology Instrumentation and Control Nanotechnology, materials and structures Power Electronics Systems Business Informatics, Software Engineering and Web Services The conference will also feature in-depth tutorial sessions and workshops to provide participants from all over the world and involved in various engineering related fields with the opportunity to come together and share experiences, learn and explore solutions regarding the unique issues and challenges of some of the topical issues in the field of engineering. In addition to the technical, educational and professional opportunities, the relaxed setting of the conference will also be especially conducive to networking and will provide a place for academics and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines thereby fostering future collaboration and business prospects. We will have workshops / tutorials and also an Industry Forum which will bring together people from the industry which will open up new prospects and support academia in an exchange with business. We are also welcoming IEEE Industry members to participate massively with an opportunity to grow and find prospects. SIBIRCON SIBIRCON is one of the major international conferences held by the IEEE Region 8. It aims to provide a platform for technical exchange between researchers and practitioners from different technological fields. Proceedings of the conference will be published in print and on CD-ROM and indexed in IEEE Xplore. Previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics in the scope of the IEEE are solicited, including (but not limited to) the following areas: information theory cryptography and data security

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education and e-learning telecommunications wireless communications microwave theory and techniques development and control of energy systems power electronics energy conversion and renewable energy industry applications

HISTELCON HISTELCON 2012 aims to increase the understanding of the origins and of the early developments of electrical technologies – in particular of telecommunications. Original and innovative contributions are invited in areas including, but not restricted to: Origins and early developments of electro-technologies Milestones in different fields of electro-technology, both early and modern Scientists and Technologists involved in the above Museum items and educational methods illustrating the above

ENERGYCON ENERGYCON is a flagship event of IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) held every two years in a different Country. ENERGYCON is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and innovative technologies on Sustainable Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Conversion and Utilization of Electrical Energy. It is also the premier IEEE Region 8 forum for the application of Electronics, Instrumentation, Information and Communication Technology in the Electrical Energy Industry. ENERGYCON_2012 is organized by IEEE Region 8, IEEE Italy Section and the Italian Consorzio EnSiEL, with the technical co-sponsorship of the Italian AEIT and of the IEEE Societies ComSoc, I&M, Magnetics, PES, and PELS. It run under the motto “Towards User-Centric Smart Systems”, and encompasses a Conference, Tutorial activities, and an Exhibition. The Conference is organized around four Symposia, where accepted regular papers are presented: it allows participants to further enhance their knowledge and discuss the latest developments in the Electrical Energy field: Advances in Energy Conversion Future Energy Grids and Systems Sustainable Transportation Systems ICT for Energy This entry is filed under Links.

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