An Optimized Design Flow for Fast FPGA-Based Rapid Prototyping

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Register-Transfer-Level (RTL) netlists onto multiple-FPGA architectures. ... Our proposed Rapid-Prototyping design flow is illustrated in Figure 2. Partitioning,.
An Optimized Design Flow for Fast FPGA-Based Rapid Prototyping Jörn Stohmann, Klaus Harbich, Markus Olbrich, Erich Barke Institute of Microelectronic Systems, University of Hanover, Callinstr. 34, D-30167 Hanover, Germany {stohmann, harbich, olbrich, barke}

Abstract. In this paper, we present an optimized design flow to map Register-Transfer-Level (RTL) netlists onto multiple-FPGA architectures. Our FPGA-dedicated method fully exploits design structure by letting the basic design steps technology mapping, hierarchical partitioning, floorplanning and signal flow driven placement, interact. This efficiently reduces runtime and yields design implementations of higher performance and better resource utilization than published before.

1 Introduction Since a couple of years, FPGA-based rapid prototyping systems [1, 2] have become very popular in digital design verification. In such systems, a digital circuit is mapped onto programmable devices implementing a hardware prototype, which can be connected to an existing hardware environment for in-circuit functional verification. Traditional design flows to map a design to the FPGA target are derived from ASIC flows. They neither do consider specific demands of FPGA designs nor do they take advantage of high-performance FPGA properties like fastcarry chain logic. Today, the implementation of designs into emulation systems is performed in a straightforward step-by-step design flow, as illustrated in Figure 1. It includes synthesis, partitioning, mapping, placement and routing. As stated by [3], synthesis algorithms mainly address glue logic optimization and do not consider regular structures, like adders or multipliers. Partitioning algorithms yield good solutions for small designs, however, they often can not satisfy the demands of today’s complex designs. The same is true for traditional mapping algorithms which are based on gate-level netlists [4, 5, 6, 7]. Since structural information is lost during synthesis, each design step has to be accomplished at high-volume gate-level netlists. This yields very long runtimes, low FPGA utilization and low clock rates. In this paper, we present a new approach to map Register-Transfer-Level netlists directly onto the programmable FPGA devices. The proposed implementation system includes automatic partitioning, mapping, floorplanning and placement. In contrast to traditional design flows, these steps are realized as interacting processes.

All structural information is kept and taken into account during implementation. Our FPGA-dedicated design flow yields high FPGA utilization and high design clock rates, while runtimes of the algorithms are very short. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the complete system and describes the interactions of the implementation processes in detail. Since our approaches to module generation and high-level partitioning have been recently published in [8, 9], only the modifications are shortly described and we will focus on the new floorplanning method, which is necessary to complete the optimized design flow, in Section 3. In Section 4, we present some experimental results. Finally, Section 5 provides concluding remarks. H DL (R T L)

HDL (R T L )

S ynthes is

N e tlis t (G ate -Le v e l)

P artitioning

M o du le G e n e ra to r S ys te m G e n e ratio n D e c om po s itio n P lac e m e n t

H ig h Le v el P artitioner FPGA A s s ign m e n t

F lo o rp la n n e r S h ap e A s s ign m e n t S ign a l F lo w D e term in a tio n

T e c hnolo gy M apping

R o uting P lac em ent / R outing

FP G A / P ro to type

FPGA / P rototyp e

Fig. 1. Traditional design flow

Fig. 2. New RT-Level Prototyping design flow


2 System Overview Our proposed Rapid-Prototyping design flow is illustrated in Figure 2. Partitioning, mapping and floorplanning are combined within one main process with data exchange between the interacting subprocesses. First, an RTL netlist is translated into a hierarchical design database, preserving the original circuit hierarchy, the circuit modules and their interconnections. Then, each RTL module is directly mapped to the FPGA logic blocks by a module generator system in order to satisfy designer's demand on minimum CLB consumption or on maximum design clock rate. Additionally, components exceeding FPGA's pin or CLB capacity are automatically decomposed. The computation time to map the entire design depends only linearly on the number of RTL components. Thus, even very large designs can be handled since runtimes of

the module generators are very short. After mapping, each RTL component is described by a CLB netlist. In case that components have been decomposed, for each part a separate CLB netlist is generated. All information about mapping and decomposition, like CLB count and cut lines, is added to the database and used by the partitioning program. Partitioning is performed at RT-Level, where each element - even adders and multipliers - is represented by one node or in case of decomposed components by several nodes. This yields very short runtimes, even if traditional partitioning algorithms are used, since netlist complexity is very low. Another advantage is, that area consumption can unambiguously be measured in terms of "CLBs" and not in terms of "Equivalent Gates", since all components are already mapped. Thus, the exact measurement allows very high CLB utilizations of the FPGAs. However, high utilization enlarges the placement and routability problem. We overcome this difficulty by integrating an FPGA-specific floorplanner into the optimized design flow, which directly interacts with the partitioner and the module generators. When the partitioner has distributed the modules to the multiple-FPGA architecture, the floorplanner determines optimum shapes for each component and arranges the blocks with respect to the design signal flow. This guarantees short interconnections between the components and simplifies routing. Based on these floorplans the module generators perform a structure driven placement considering their inherent knowledge about individual module properties, component's shape and internal signal flow. This combination of floorplanning and generator based placement leads to high-density and regular CLB distributions which tremendously speed up the final routing step accomplished by FPGA vendor's tools as explained in Section 3.3.

3 RTL Design Implementation 3.1 Module Generator System Synthesis of datapath components often results in poor implementations in terms of logic resource usage and performance [3]. Furthermore, it suffers from very long computation times. Several module generator approaches to overcome these problems were published which can be divided into two classes, softmacro and hardmacro generators. Hardmacros [16] are tailored to a specific FPGA architecture. They fully exploit the specific FPGA features, like fast-carry logic. However, they are bound to one specific architecture, fixed in shape and their complexity is limited by the FPGA's capacity. Softmacros [10, 11] are more flexible because they are described in terms of generic cells or boolean equations. If they exceed FPGA's capacity, they have to be decomposed by traditional partitioning programs. Another major drawback is that mapping and placement of the macros have to be done by time consuming algorithms since structural knowledge will be lost during synthesis. Our generators combine the benefits of both, flexibility of softmacros and FPGAspecific implementation of hardmacros. They perform mapping as well as structural decomposition and placement. A generic FPGA model, introduced in [12], ensures

T o p -L e v e l o f d e sig n h ie ra rc h y S u b -L e v e ls o f d e sig n h ie ra rc h y

H ie ra rch ic a l e le m e n t R T L m o d u le CLB

D ecom posed R T L m o d u le

C o n te n t o f R T L m o d u le

Fig. 3. Hierarchical graph representation

full exploitation of FPGA features during each design step and permits the application to a widespread range of commercial FPGAs. Module specific knowledge is implemented within the generators allowing an easy determination of optimum cut lines for decomposition and a signal flow driven placement. This yields CLB distributions which can easily be routed by the FPGA vendor's tools. We have implemented a library of module generators based on the definitions of the Library of Parameterized Modules [13]. Up to now, our library includes multipliers, adders, comparators, registers and finite state machines. A detailed description of the module generation approach can be found in [8, 12]. To cope with either minimum delay or minimum area implementations, we provide two different generators for each LPM element. For example, multipliers are implemented using either the Modified-Booth (high speed) or the Pezaris structure (small area). Control path elements and glue logic are synthesized to gate level, clustered and then mapped by a modified version of the well known TOS program [7].

3.2 High-Level Partitioning The main problem in partitioning is complexity. A lot of heuristics have been published [14, 27] in this area. New approaches considering high level design information [15] or design hierarchy [9] show good results even with todays design complexity. The main disadvantage of these approaches is, that they are still based on gate-level netlists, thus requiring time consuming synthesis, which also implies a tremendous increase in complexities. In our new approach, we drastically reduce the complexity by keeping the structural information (e.g. design hierarchy) and considering it during partitioning. The recursive High-Level-Partitioner (HLP) is based on [9], but modified to interact with the module generator system. Thus, no FPGA utilization estimation steps are required, since all design elements are exactly measured in terms of CLBs. The algorithm is based on a hierarchical graph representation, shown in Figure 3, which is directly derived from design hierarchy and modified regarding RTL mod-

ules. The hierarchy levels of RTL modules are created by the generators instead of the graph construction algorithm. The optimum module decomposition performed by the generators is directly embed into the hierarchical graph. Starting at the top level, the recursive HLP procedure is performed at each hierarchy level Hi. All levels, which meet FPGA's pin and CLB constraints are stored as a block in a temporary partition. Then, at each level Hactual different merging strategies, based on connectivity matrix and vector binpacking, can be used for optimization. Although most of RTL designs can be partitioned very fast at high level, designs containing huge amounts of glue logic have to be partitioned with traditional k-way algorithms, but again with lower complexity due to CLB level representation. 3.3 Floorplanning and Placement In contrast to traditional rapid prototyping flows, which often yield unefficient FPGA utilizations of about 20-30%, the combined module generation and partitioning processes generate solutions with low FPGA count and very high utilization. However, if FPGA utilization increases, the runtimes for placement and routing will drastically rise, too. Thus, the runtime gain of mapping and partitioning would be lost during placement and routing. In Table 1, the drastical increase of the runtime is shown in case of different multiplier designs using Xilinx' ppr tool. To bridge the gap between high resource utilization and short placement and routing runtimes, we integrate an FPGA-dedicated floorplanner and a generator based structural placement step into the optimized design flow. In contrast to the common ASIC floorplanning problem [17], the task of placing module components on FPGAs has different objectives. Area bounds are given by FPGA size, therefore, the problem is not to minimize area, but to fit the module components in the FPGA's array. In addition to mirroring or rotating the component shapes, the floorplanner has also to specify the height to width ratio and to determine a module distribution with short interconnections. Up to now, only a few automatic FPGA floorplanners have been published [18, 19]. In our approach, all components are treated as rectangular subareas on the FPGA's CLB array. By assigning a signal flow direction to each component, the floorplanner can control the CLB placement inside the component's shape. Based on the module structure, optimum connection positions at the edges of the component's shapes are determined and grouped to busses. Table 1. Runtimes to place and route different multipliers onto an XC4013-5. PPR: Placement and routing performed by Xilinx’ ppr tool; ODF/PPR: Placement done by module generators, routing done by Xilinx’ ppr. Results are given in [min:sec] (Sparc10). Multiplier Width










FPGA utilization










PPR (flat netlist) 00:25 01:06 02:48 05:14 08:45 15:19 19:46 28:53 44:37 ODF/PPR

00:33 00:44 00:53 01:04 01:20 02:09 03:05 03:37 04:35

The floorplanner uses slicing trees, to represent the topological placement of the components [20]. Although this leads to a restriction in possible arrangements, it is of less importance than the possibility to change component shapes. To determine optimum floorplans, we consider three objectives: bus length between components, proper shape of components and routing area between components, noted as FB , FS and FA , respectively. The total cost F is given by F = FB + fS ⋅ FS + f A ⋅ FA , with weights fS and fA.


Bus lengths are estimated using the following calculation. Considering a net with r k ports at positions Vi with i = 1, , k , the center of gravity S is calculated first. Then, the Manhattan distances between all ports and the center are accumulated:

K r 1 r r r L = ∑ V − S , with S = ∑ V k


i =1


k i =1


This estimation of net length L is easy to perform and takes the routing tool's ability of making spider connections into account. A bus length Lbus is estimated by the weighted arithmetical mean of the MSB and LSB net length. The weight N corresponds to the number of bus nets. In order to weight long busses, bus lengths are squared to compute FB . L + Llsb 1 n Lbus = N ⋅ msb and FB = ∑ L2busi n i =1 2 The floorplanner uses information about module's structure to determine an optimum shape (Wiopt , Hiopt ) for each component i. Additionally, special capabilities of the target FPGAs can be considered. For example, in case of the Xilinx XC4000 a high height to width ratio is required to take full advantage of the fast-carry logic. The deviation of a component shape from the optimum one, is estimated by FS =

1 m ∑ e Wi − Wi opt + Hi − Hi opt m i =1

2 j

for each of the m components within an FPGA. Finally, the routing area FA is estimated to ensure that there are enough routing channels to make connections between the module components. F is computed hierarchically on the slicing tree. Even incomplete trees can be evaluated. Partial results are stored in the slicing tree nodes. Thus, a recalculation of an altered tree demands only few actions when most subtrees were not touched. As mentioned, the floorplanner takes into account module structure and FPGA capabilities. This information is given by a simple expert system, called "WiseMan", which includes methods for determining optimum shapes and assigning busses to shape edges. Our method consists of two steps: A floorplan is built-up by a constructive algorithm and then optimized by a genetic approach. The constructive floorplanning algorithm starts with an initial forest consisting of simple one-node trees for each component. Here, a component represents either a netlist element or a part of a decomposed element. Then, two trees of the forest are considered at a time and all

ConstructiveFloorplanner (C): Create initial forest T = ot t i = nodeb ci gt while Number of trees > 1 { find t i , t j , that maximizes

∑ buswidth

busses dt i ,t j i

; Nleaf b t i g + Nleaf dt j i find combination for t i and t j that minimizes cost F et d ti , t j ij ; replace t i and t j by new t d ti , t j i ;} shrink outer shape to FPGA size Fig. 4. Pseudo code of the constructive algorithm

Fig. 5. Placement of two adders feeding a multiplier onto a Xilinx XC4005 device

combinations of cut type (vertical or horizontal) and order are evaluated to construct a new tree with minimum cost, which replaces the original one. This step is repeated until all trees of the initial forest are combined within one slicing tree. If one of the considered trees is a leaf representing a component, several suggestions for optimum shapes and signal flows are taken from the "WiseMan". A pseudo code description to determine a cut tree for a given component set C = lc1 , , c n q is given in Fig. 4. Since the given floorplanning problem has many degrees of freedom like position, shape and signal flow direction, an iterative genetic optimization algorithm was chosen to improve the constructive algorithm's solution. Because genetic algorithms have been proved to succeed in floorplanning [21], only special features of our approach are described here. The presented algorithm performes genetic operations directly on slicing trees instead of using gen-strings [22]. Thus, time consuming translations of the genstring solutions to slicing trees are avoided. Compared to other genetic algorithms this approach is very fast. Since good start solutions are provided by the constructive algorithm, floorplans are achieved in a few seconds. Finally, all information about shapes and signal flow directions is passed to the module generators to accomplish the placement. Taking these assignments and the inherent structural knowledge into account, we yield very regular CLB distributions. The module generator based placement has linear time complexity. Furthermore, the routing is done within a few seconds up to a few minutes even if FPGA vendor's


routing tools are involved. As demonstrated in Table 1 for ODF/PPR, runtimes are up to ten times lower, particulary for large components, while the routing quality is identical to the results achieved by PPR. In every case, the runtimes for floorplanning and placement are less than one minute on a Spac10. As an example, Figure 5 shows a routed FPGA that contains two 10-bit adders, one at the left and one on top, providing input to a 10-by-10 bit Pezaris multiplier.

4 Experimental Results We have implemented our approaches to RTL mapping, high-level partitioning and floorplanning in C++ running on SUN workstations (Sparc10). For data storage and data exchange an object-oriented database [23] is used. To demonstrate the benefits of our approach, we have applied the FPGAdedicated design flow to several circuits. The first design is a 32-by-32 array multiplier, the second one is an ALU, both taken from [24]. The other benchmarks are industrial designs: The third is a twelve-bit echo generator, the fourth is an echo compensator and the fifth is a 32 bit datapath of a video application circuit. The characteristics of the examples and the FPGA devices are listed in Table 2. For benchmarks I and II the results for number of FPGAs, number of CLBs, average IO utilization, and average CLB utilization achieved by our approach are compared to a recently proposed functional partitioning approach [14], marked as FP in Table 3. In case of the multiplier (I), the number of XC3090 FPGAs could be reduced by a factor of two. For the XC4005, we yield the same results. For the second benchmark we yield as well compact design implementations reducing the number of CLBs and number of FPGAs by a factor of two. In all cases, our approach yields partitions with higher CLB utilization and, with the exception of XC4005, lower IO utilization than published before. Table 3. Comparison of traditional design flows (MARS/Quest) and a recently published method (FP) [24] to our optimized design flow (ODF) Table 2. Characteristics of the benchmark circuits and FPGA devices

Circuit Method #FPGA #CLBs ∅CLB ∅IO T [min] I







































16 --













































































XC4005 XC4010 XC4013

112 160 182

Further, we compared our optimized FPGA-dedicated design flow (ODF) with two traditional Rapid-Prototyping flows MARS [24] and Quest [25]. The HDL synthesis to yield a netlist, that can be passed to the emulation software, was accomplished by Synopsys Design Analyzer using DesignWare Components [10]. Benchmarks I, IV and V were targeted to XC4005 and benchmark III to XC4013. For the examples, the number of FPGAs is reduced by 59% (I), 32% (III), 58% (IV) and 40% (V) due to the lower CLB count of the generator-based mapping approach. The total implementation time is drastically reduced by 87% (I), 22% (III), 74% (IV) and 60% (V). Especially in case of the array multiplier this tremendous savings are accomplished by the module generator which performs both, design mapping and partitioning. In case of benchmark V the HLP algorithm shortens partitioning runtime from 50 minutes to 38 seconds and yields a very compact implementation with an average CLB utilization of 78%. Note, that for benchmark III the runtime of the synthesis step is not considered, since the design description was already targeted to an industrial library. Thus, the speedup of using module generators instead of synthesis could not be taken into account. The example given in Figure 5, was placed by the generators and routed by Xilinx's ppr-tool. Floorplanning and placement were performed in less than 30 seconds and for routing only 4 minutes were required by ppr. Most of the internal routing is done within the given shapes leaving the outer resources untouched. This ensures routability even for high CLB utilization rates. Since the CLBs are placed signal flow driven, the routing structure is very regular yielding a high performance emulation frequency of about 10 Mhz.

5 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented an FPGA-dedicated design flow that includes RTL module mapping as well as high-level partitioning and floorplanning-based placement. In contrast to traditional approaches, these steps are performed by interacting subprocesses. Since RTL modules are directly mapped to FPGA logic blocks, no logic-level synthesis is required and structural information is kept as well as used during each design step. Additionally, partitioning complexity is drastically reduced. We have demonstrated, that module decomposition and high-level partitioning can overcome the known IO bottleneck and yield very good results regarding number of FPGAs and CLB utilization while runtimes of the implementation algorithms are very short. Further, we have introduced a floorplanning approach to determine module shapes and signal flow directions with respect to module properties and FPGA features. Although we do not address the routing problem, we have shown that signal flow driven placement strongly supports the routing step leading to a regular routing structure and a good usage of FPGA resources.

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