Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic

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Keywords: Brain tumors а MRI а Image segmentation а SVM ... learning algorithms that can computationally delineate glioma tumors in multimodal ... methods [37, 38] that rely on a random forest classifier and convolutional neural net-.
Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic Resonance Images and Patient’s Overall Survival Prediction Using Support Vector Machines Alexander F. I. Osman(&) Radiation Oncology Department, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut 1107 2020, Riad El-Solh, Lebanon [email protected]

Abstract. This study is aimed to develop two algorithms for glioma tumor segmentation and patient’s overall survival (OS) prediction with machine learning approaches. The segmentation algorithm is fully automated to accurately and efficiently delineate the whole tumor on a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for radiotherapy treatment planning. The survival algorithm predicts the OS for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients based on regression and classification principles. Multi-institutional BRATS’2017 data of MRI scans from 477 patients with high-grade and lower-grade glioma (HGG/LGG) used in this study. Clinical patient survival data of 291 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) were available in the provided data. Support vector machines (SVMs) were used to develop both algorithms. The segmentation chain comprises pre-processing with a goal of noise removal, feature extraction of the image intensity, segmentation process using a non-linear classifier with ‘Gaussian’ kernel, and post-processing to enhance the segmentation morphology. The OS prediction algorithm sequence involves two steps; extraction of patient’s age, and segmented tumor’s size and its location features; prediction process using a non-linear classifier and a linear regression model with ‘Gaussian’ kernels. The algorithms were trained, validated and tested on BRATS’2017’s training, validation, and testing datasets. Average Dice for the whole tumor segmentation obtained on the validation and testing datasets is 0.53 ± 0.31 (median 0.60) which indicates the consistency of the proposed algorithm on the new “unseen” data. For OS prediction, the mean accuracy is 0.49 for the validation dataset and 0.35 for the testing dataset based on regression principle; whereas an overall accuracy of 1.00 achieved in classification into short, medium, and long-survivor classes for a designed validation dataset. The computational time for the automated segmentation algorithm took approximately 3 min. In its present form, the segmentation tool is fully automated, fast, and provides a reasonable segmentation accuracy on the multi-institutional dataset. Keywords: Brain tumors Glioma overall survival

 MRI  Image segmentation  SVM

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 A. Crimi et al. (Eds.): BrainLes 2017, LNCS 10670, pp. 435–449, 2018.


A. F. I. Osman

1 Introduction Glioma tumors are the most common primary brain malignancies [1]. They tend to have different degrees of aggressiveness, variable prognosis, and various heterogeneous histological sub-regions (i.e. peritumoral edema, necrotic core, enhancing tumor core, and non-enhancing tumor core) [1]. Glioma tumors are broadly classified into high-grade and lower-grade. High-grade glioma (HGG) tumors are invasive tumors that aggressively grow in a relatively short period of time leading to the patient’s death. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive HGG (grade IV) tumor with a median survival rate of two years or less and requires immediate treatment [2, 3]. Low-grade glioma (LGG) tumors, on the other hand, are slow-growing with a life expectancy of several years. External beam radiation therapy is a treatment option for patients with glioma tumor. Tumor delineation represents an essential step in the patient’s radiation therapy chain, and the patient’s treatment quality deeply relies on accurate tumor delineation. Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are used in the process of delineating glioma tumor structures, where they offer soft tissue contrast superior to that of computed tomography (CT) images “The tumor volumes are usually drawn on CT slices acquired during the patient’s treatment simulation, MRI studies are required for image registration/fusion. CT–MR image registration or fusion combines the accurate volume definition from MR with the electron density information available from CT. The MR data set is superimposed on the CT data set through a series of translations, rotations, and scaling. This process allows the visualization of both studies side by side in the same imaging plane even if the patient has been scanned in a completely different treatment position.” [4]. The Glioma delineation process is also crucial in adaptive radiation therapy (ART), where tumor volume shrinkages in response to the radiation during the patient’s treatment course. Consequently, new delineation is required as a result to develop a new patient’s treatment plan. The tumor delineation process is usually done manually by radiologists as well as it involves a considerable amount of time and effort. Additionally, for a given tumor delineation task, there are significant variations among the radiation oncologists themselves in contouring the tumor. Therefore, introducing the image processing routines and state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms that can computationally delineate glioma tumors in multimodal MRI scans could have the potential in the improvement of diagnosis, treatment planning, and follow-up of individual patients. It could serve as a supportive tool for radiotherapy planning or replace the conventional segmentation methods. It would be remarkably useful for standardizing the segmentation process and significantly expediting clinic workflow. However, developing an automatic or semi-automatic algorithm for brain tumor segmentation is technically challenging. For example, one reason is that lesion areas are only defined through intensity changes that are relative to encompassing normal tissue. And, even manual segmentations by expert raters show significant variations when intensity gradients between adjacent structures are smooth or obscured by/with artifacts. Another reason is that glioma tumors and its sub-structures vary considerably among patients in its appearance and shape, localization, and size.

Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic Resonance Images


In the literature [5–36], many algorithms have been developed using different approaches (generative and discriminative models) for computational segmentation of brain tumors in MR images. Over the past few years, discriminative probabilistic methods [37, 38] that rely on a random forest classifier and convolutional neural networks [18, 19, 39] have shown as the most successful methods for segmentation of brain tumors. Fussing segmentations from different algorithms have shown indications for better performance than the best individual algorithm applied to the same task [40]. Ensemble learning [41] fits well when a set of predictors that are unbiased but with high variability in the individual prediction. It is expected more anticipated to provide a better solution in the next future due to its concept of averaging over multiple predictors which reduce variance and, hence, decreases the prediction error. It has been shown that it is hard to compare the most of these different segmentation strategies that have been reported since the authors’ datasets differ so widely. In this direction, recently few community-wide efforts [40, 42] have focused on brain tumor segmentation algorithms. They have made available multimodal MRI datasets and established validation frameworks that have used as a benchmark for the evaluation of different segmentation algorithms for brain tumors. This year (2017), the multimodal brain tumor segmentation (BRATS’2017) challenge [40, 43–45] is making available a large “standard” dataset with accompanying delineations of the relevant tumor sub-regions, and patient’s overall survival data. Nowadays, as most of the proposed algorithms based on neural networks, we believe that it is interesting to see the potentials of other methods such as support vector machines (SVMs) for glioma segmentation [26, 46] which has not widely explored among the other methods. In this paper, we propose approaches for glioma tumor segmentation and patient’s overall survival based on support vector machine methods. The first method offers an algorithm for automated whole tumor segmentation on an MRI scan via sophisticated non-linear pattern classification methods. The segmentation process consists of four stages. At first, the volumetric MR data pre-processed with a goal of noise removal. Next, the relevant features extracted. Subsequently, a non-linear SVM classifier with ‘Gaussian’ kernel implemented to the fed features to train the classifier. And lastly, the generated segmentation labels post-processed to enhance the produced segmentation. The second method offers patient’s overall survival prediction from the segmented tumor and patient’s age data via the linear regression and non-linear pattern classification methods to obtain better-estimated information of the patient’s expected survival characterization. The OS prediction process consists of two steps of both, regression or classification. Step one involves features extraction. The extracted features include patient’s age, tumor size, and tumor location. Step two involves OS prediction. Initially, these features accompanied by the ‘ground truth’ patient’s survival data are used to train a non-linear SVM classifier and a linear SVM regression model, both with ‘Gaussian’ kernel. Then, the trained models are used to predict the OS for new ‘unseen’ data, into classes such as short (18 months) survivors; or estimating a single value.


A. F. I. Osman

2 Materials and Methods 2.1


Clinical pre-operative multimodal MRI scans from 477 HGG/LGG patients with 291 available GBM patient’s OS data used in this study provided by BRATS’2017 challenge [40, 43–45]. The provided MRI scans were clinically-acquired in a routine way in multi-institutions using different scanners and various protocols. For the segmentation task, the given images grouped into training, validation, and testing datasets. Out of 477 patients’ MRI data, 285 (60%) provided as a training dataset, 46 (10%) as validation dataset, and 146 (30%) as testing dataset. Training dataset supplied with their ground truth segmentation labels of various glioma sub-regions. The manually segmented labels performed by experts following the same annotation protocol, and their annotations revised and approved by board-certified neuroradiologists. Annotation labels included were the gadolinium (GD) enhancing tumor (ET), the peritumoral edema (ED) – whole tumor (WT), and the necrotic and non-enhancing tumor (NCR/NET) – tumor core (TC). Each patient multimodal imaging data consisted of four MRI modalities (Fig. 1) namely; (a) T1-weighted (T1), (b) post-contrast/gadolinium T1c-weighted (T1-GD), (c) T2-weighted (T2), and (d) T2-Flair (Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery). They were co-registered with aligning the volumes of the four MRI modalities to the same anatomical template, and interpolated to the same resolution of 1  1  1 mm3 and skull-stripped to correlate all four images for each patient.

Fig. 1. Shown is an example of a segmentation training dataset (one patient). Four MRI modalities (Left) namely; T1-weighted (T1), T1-weighted with gadolinium contrast (T1-GD), T2 –weighted (T2), and T2-weighted Flair (T2-Flair) with manually segmented annotations (right) of glioma tumor sub-structures (ground truth segmentation labels).

Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic Resonance Images


The provided clinical OS data and the patient’s age data included with correspondences to the pseudo-identifiers of the GBM/HGG imaging data. Out of 291 included patients’ data, 163 (60%) were given as training data, 33 (10%) as validation data, and 95 (30%) as testing data. Only training data were provided with their clinical ground truth OS data. 2.2

Feature Extraction

The image intensity feature used in the proposed segmentation algorithm. Pixel values in the MR images were normalized to the maximum global intensity value in the three-dimensional (3D) MRI data. Thresholding performed on the pixels. We used a fixed threshold of 30% (pixel values higher than the threshold considered). We found that this proposed threshold value appropriate for the provided multi-institutions MRI data. The assumption of using a fixed threshold value supports our fully automated idea but has limitations as well (not optimal for the segmentation where MRI signals that produce the image intensities vary for different patients/scanners/protocols). The 3D matrix of the thresholded image intensities transformed to a vector. Standardized scaling of the fracture data by the weighted feature mean and standard deviation will be performed later when fed into the classifier for segmentation. Features used for the proposed OS prediction algorithm were patient’s age, tumor size estimated as the total number of pixels in the segmented tumor volume, and tumor location roughly estimated from the tumor’s center of mass coordinates (X, Y, and Z pixel coordinates). Similarly, feature scaling will be performed later when they fed into the classifier and the regression model. These features were handled independently with no correlation between them. For the class prediction, patient’s age feature alone was considered. We found that the accuracy of the class prediction (short, medium, and long survivors) were optimal with solely patient’s age feature. 2.3

Support Vector Machines

Support vector machines [41, 47–49] are discriminative machine learning methods can be used for classification and regression problems. For a calcification problem, the SVM classifier searches for an optimal hyperplane that separates the data into two classes with the maximum-margin, which makes it a superior choice for classification tasks. In a situation of non-separating classes, SVMs can use a soft margin [47] by adding slack variables nj and a penalty parameter C to get a minimal number of errors. The objective is to solve the SVM optimization problem 2

min kbk þ C b;b;n

X j

! nj ;



A. F. I. Osman

subject to   yj f xj  1  nj ; and nj  0;


for all j ¼ 1; . . .:; n; and for a positive scalar C. The vector b contains the coefficients that define an orthogonal vector to the hyperplane, b is the hyperplane offset or the bias term, and the root of f ð xÞ for particular coefficients defines a hyperplane, and xj ; yj are an observation pair or data points. SVM Kernels [50] may be implemented for non-simple hyperplane examples for a class of functions Gðx1 ; x2 Þ with the property that there is a linear space S and a function u mapping x to S such that Gðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ \uðx1 Þ; uðx2 Þ [ ;


where the dot product takes place in the space S. Special properties of the decision surface ensure high generalization ability of the learning machine. SVM regression, a nonparametric technique, relies on kernel functions [50]. The soft-margin minimization can be solved using common quadratic programming techniques. Including slack variables, similar to the soft margin concept in SVM classification, the SVM regression objective function of an optimization problem is to minimize J ðbÞ ¼ b0 b þ C

N  X

 nn þ nn ;



subject to     8n : yn  x0n b þ b  e þ nn ; x0n b þ b  yn  e þ nn ; nn  0; nn  0;


where, constant C is the box constraint, a positive numeric value that controls the penalty imposed on observations that lie outside the epsilon margin ðeÞ and helps to prevent overfitting (regularization). This value determines the trade-off between the flatness of f ð xÞ and the amount up to which deviations larger than e have tolerated. It has been shown that it is computationally expensive to use quadratic programming algorithms. Alternatively, sequential minimal optimization (SMO) method [51] may be used which speeds up the computation and overcomes the running out of memory problem. 2.4

Automated Segmentation and OS Prediction Algorithms

We summarize here the concepts of the two proposed methods, segmentation framework, and OS prediction, using the SVM approach. First, we illustrate a fully automated algorithm to generate segmentation labels of the whole tumor (edema structure) using one MRI modality, T2-FLAIR. Although the segmentation task in the competition aimed to produce the entire tumor sub-structure labels (enhancing tumor, whole tumor, and the tumor core), the proposed method implemented to generate the segmentation just to the whole tumor. Then, we give a detailed description of the OS prediction

Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic Resonance Images


method based on classification and regression principles. This algorithm uses the segmentation results produced by the segmentation algorithm and the patient’s clinical data to predict the overall survival of GBM patients with regression (estimating a single value) or classes (short, medium, or long survivors). Segmentation Algorithm. In this method, the segmentation process consists of four stages. At first, the volumetric MR data go through pre-processing. The goal of the pre-processing is to remove the noise in the data. Denoising process performed on the volumetric MRI data by employing a 3D median filter. Next, the processed data undergo features selection and extraction during this stage (“Feature Extraction” section). Image intensity is only feature used for segmentation in the proposed method. The denoised image data normalized to the global maxima in the volumetric image data, and a thresholding technique with an adequate constant value (30% has shown to be appropriate) applied. The volumetric data are transformed into a vector and prepared to feed the classifier. Subsequently, the imaging data undergo core segmentation through a non-linear SVM classifier. The classifier returns a full trained SVM classification model (trained using the training data with ‘ground truth’). To train the classifier, the image intensity feature data accompanied with the ‘ground truth’ segmentation data fed into the classifier. The features scaled by the weighted feature mean and standard deviation. A radial basis function ‘Gaussian’ kernel [50], which showed the best results amongst the kernels for the classification understudy during the training phase, used with an appropriate scaling factor (the default box constraint value for the classification set as the interquartile range of response variable divided by 1.349). SMO method [51], which is relatively fast, used for objective-function minimization with the minimum estimated cross-validation loss. Once the classification process completed, the algorithm checked whether it successfully converged or not. To produce the segmentation labels for new ‘unseen’ data, a prediction function [52] used to return the predicted segmentation labels using the trained SVM classifier. And finally, the produced segmentation labels undergo post-processing. The core step in the post-processing stage is to perform morphological analysis and enhance the produced segmentation. Morphological image analysis [53] filters employed to improve the produced segmentation. A first filter to suppress light segmented regions connected to border pixels using 4-connectivity. A second filter creates a diamond-shaped structuring element using 5 pixels distance from the structuring element origin to the points of the diamond. A third filter performs morphological closing on the segmented region returning the second filter. And a fourth filter fills holes in the segmented region. OS Prediction Algorithm. The OS prediction process consists of two steps for regression or classification. Step one involves feature excretion. The features include patient’s age, tumor size, and tumor location, and they are directly estimated as shown in the “Feature Extraction” section. They combined independently and fed into the classifier and the regression model. For the class prediction, patient’s age feature alone used. Step two involves OS prediction. In this step, initially, these features accompanied by the ‘ground truth’ OS data and fed into a non-linear SVM classifier and a linear SVM regression model to train the models. Features scaled by the weighted feature mean and standard deviation. In both models, a radial basis function kernel [50] with


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Fig. 2. Illustration of the segmentation and overall survival prediction chains for the two proposed methods.

adequate scaling and SMO [51] method used as similarly as in the proposed segmentation method. Then, a prediction function [52] used to return a vector of the predicted classes and regression for the new ‘unseen’ data using the trained SVM classifier and regression model, respectively (Fig. 2). 2.5

Performance Evaluation

To evaluate the performance of the segmentation and OS prediction (regression) proposed algorithms, BRATS’2017 validation and testing datasets were used for this purpose. For the OS class prediction algorithm, validation was performed using a hold-out data (n = 16) with “ground truth” from the BRATS’2017 training data. The segmentation and the OS predicted results of the two algorithms were benchmarked using BRAT’2017 challenge evaluation system. Dice score and accuracy measures were used as performance measure for the segmentation and OS prediction, respectively.

3 Results The predicted glioma segmentation results and the OS predictions on the BRATS’2017 validation and testing datasets summarized in this section. The produced segmentation labels for the whole tumor with the developed algorithm are shown in Fig. 3. The figure shows the performance of the proposed segmentation method qualitatively.

Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic Resonance Images


Fig. 3. An example of predicted segmentation labels (whole tumor) on a T2-Flair MRI scan (8 axial views) of one validation dataset with our automated algorithm.

The quantitative measures of the segmentation algorithm performance in the BRATS’2017 challenge presented in Table 1. Average Dice score for the whole tumor segmentation obtained on the validation and testing datasets is 0.53 ± 0.30, which indicates the consistency of the proposed algorithm on the “unseen” data. The average median is 0.60, and the average 75th percentile is 0.81 on the validation and testing datasets. The latter means that 75% of the evaluated segmentations with Dice score 0.81 or less. Table 1. Evaluation results of the proposed method in the BRATS’2017 challenge for the whole tumor (WT) segmentation on 46 validation and 146 testing datasets. Validation phase Testing phase Dice WT Dice WT Mean 0.533 0.528 STD 0.299 0.317 Median 0.613 0.583 25 quantile 0.231 0.229 75 quantile 0.798 0.827

The survival predicted results for regression and class prediction with the proposed prediction algorithms are shown in Fig. 4. The figure shows the regions of the predicted classes and the regression fit of the OS. In Fig. 4 (Left), the constructed regions are well separating the OS classes with borders. The regression fit of the OS data (Fig. 4 (Right)) seems reasonable with a few features used for prediction. The evaluation results of the survival prediction on the validation and testing datasets listed in Table 2. For the OS regression, the main accuracy decreased in the testing dataset, which probably explained as an overfitting issue.


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1600 "Ground truth" survival data


Predicted survival

Overall Survival (days)

1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 20







Age (years)

Fig. 4. The plots of the OS class predicted regions (Left) and the OS fit (Right) results during the training phase with ‘ground truth’ data. Table 2. Evaluation results of the proposed method in the BRATS’2017 challenge for OS prediction on 33 validation and 95 testing data. Valuation phase Testing phase Accuracy Accuracy Regression 0.49 0.35 – Classificationa 1.00b a Classification principle is not evaluated by the BRATS’2017 challenge. b Indicates the overall class prediction accuracy as well as the individual accuracy in prediction into short, medium, and long survivors.

In class prediction, a mean accuracy of 1.00 was achieved based on short, medium, and long-survivor OS class predictions on a designed validation dataset. The overall accuracy is 1.00 in predicting the classes which indicate that the model is perfect. The computational time for the automated segmentation algorithm took approximately 3 min where a few seconds needed for the OS prediction algorithm.

4 Discussion Two tasks of glioma brain tumor segmentation and patient’s overall survival predictions using BRATS’2017 datasets were successfully implemented in this work using the support vector machine methods. The reason behind choosing SVM is a superior algorithm for classification tasks. Its concept based on searching for a maximum-margin distance between the hyperplane and the closest examples (group data). One feature, image intensity, was used in the proposed segmentation algorithm. We assumed that it is the most prominent feature. We could not include more features in this study, although we believe that the more features considered the most likely better

Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation on Magnetic Resonance Images


accuracy achieved. The quantitative evaluation measure of the proposed segmentation algorithm on the BRATS’2017 validation and testing datasets showed an accuracy of 0.53 (Dice score of 0.53 on both datasets). We consider this accuracy is reasonable for our segmentation algorithm which could be associated with some factors. For instance, we used a single feature for the segmentation process. Another factor is that we did not propose a way to deal with the multi-institution imaging data acquired using different scanners with large variations. The predicted segmentation results of our algorithm need to be much improved to provide higher segmentation accuracy. A possible approach to improve its accuracy is (a) standardizing image intensities of imaging modalities/scanners and patient images with methods that proposed by Nyul et al. [54] which could significantly reduce the effect of the patients/modalities variations and improve the predicted segmentation. A second approach (b) is including more representative input features. Above all, the segmentation model achieved similar levels of performance on the validation and testing datasets, even though the latter contains data from different sources, indicating the robustness of the method. Prediction of patient’s overall survival using the segmented tumor in combination with patient’s age and tumor radiomic features could serve as a survival-predictor and provide an informative clue about the patient’s treatment outcome. Among the extracted features for OS prediction (three features with equal weights for regression, and one feature with full weight for class prediction), patient’s age parameter was found to be the most relevant feature in the prediction of the patient’s survival. The quantitative evaluation measure of the proposed OS algorithm on the BRATS’2017 validation and testing datasets showed a drop in accuracy from 0.49 to 0.35 when the algorithm implanted on new ‘unseen’ data. This decrease in accuracy could be explained as an overfitting issue. For the class prediction model, which is not evaluated by the BRATS’2017, the model showed a perfect class prediction (overall accuracy is 1.00) with no mistake made in the classification. We would like to stress that the classification model evaluated using a lower number of data, therefore validating and testing it on more data is required to establish higher confidence. Considering more appropriate radiomic features that capture phenotypic differences between tumors (“personalized”) could provide a better regressive prediction of GBM patient’s overall survival.

5 Conclusions We developed two algorithms for glioma tumor segmentation on MR images and patient’s overall survival prediction based on SVM learning algorithms. The segmentation and OS prediction algorithms were trained, validated, and tested using the BRATS’2017 challenge datasets. In its current form, the segmentation tool is fully automated, fast, and provides a reasonable accuracy on multi-institutional data. The OS prediction algorithm showed perfect accuracy in class prediction and reasonable accuracy in regressive prediction. Further improving the segmentation algorithm could provide a robust, accurate, and cost-effective supplement tool to the conventional methods. Similarly, considering more appropriate radiomic features that capture phenotypic differences between tumors (“personalized”) could provide a better regressive prediction of GBM patient’s overall survival. Even though the accuracy of the


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proposed segmentation algorithm underperformed the recently established BRATS baseline, it showed a robust consistency on the new “unseen” data. A set of different algorithms combined with an ensemble learning approach would certainly be ideal for this task.

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