Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels M. Kadkhodaei1, S. Samavi2, N. Karimi1, H.Mohaghegh1 S. M. R. Soroushmehr2, A. All2, K. Ward2, K. Najarian2 1Isfahan
University of Technology, Iran 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
EMBC 2016 August 2016
Outline Introduction Proposed Method Experimental Results Conclusion
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Introduction Glioma Tumor: the most frequent brain tumor in adults 30% of all brain and central nervous system tumors 80% of all malignant brain tumors
Low grade glioma: Aggressive treatment is delayed. Median survival rate.
High grade glioma: Worse prognosis and aggressive treatments. Survival rate of two years or less. Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Introduction (Cont.) Segmentation of glioma tumors: BraTS 2012: a dataset for glioma tumors. Different MRI modalities, i.e. Flair, T1, T1c, T2.
Discriminative methods: Learn from a train image set. Classify based on extracted features from images.
Generative methods: Make use of prior information or models. Generalize the model to the unseen images. Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
3/12 3/13
Our Goal Our goal: Segmenting glioma tumors from multimodal MR images.
Challenge: Size, location, shape and appearance of glioma tumors are highly variable. Flair
Our Solution: Segmentation Method Automatic segmentation of glioma tumors using classification of super-voxels.
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Proposed Method Our strategy uses the merits of: Super-voxel segmentation. Saliency detection algorithm. Flair Channel
T2 Channel
T1c Channel
Image Channel Fusion
Super-voxel Segmentation Feature Extraction
Super -Voxel Labels
Saliency Feature
Texture Features
Tumor Region Mask
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Proposed Method (Cont.) preprocessing: Contrast enhancement. Intensity normalization.
Image Channel Fusion: A three stacked color image similar to RGB format.
pseudo RGB image
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Proposed Method (Cont.) Super-voxel Segmentation: A meaningful grouping of voxels k-means clustering. Initial cluster centers: sampled in regular cubes of side-size S in three dimensions. Update a distance function . Iterates the algorithm n-times. A super-voxel: final members of a cluster.
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Proposed Method (Cont.) Saliency Features Extraction: Salient object: an object which stands out from its neighbors. In MR images: salient object = TUMOR! The fused images fed into saliency detection algorithm.
Saliency map of images Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Proposed Method (Cont.) Texture Features Extraction : Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, range, and entropy, of histogram of every super-voxel. local binary pattern (LBP) Laws’ masks and oriented edge detectors
Some of the features used in the feature extraction procedure Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Proposed Method (Cont.) Classification: The pattern recognition neural network. training function : resilient back propagation. Two classes, i.e. tumor core and everything else.
Last step: Applying Weighted Median Filter those of the saliency map.
aligns tumor edges to
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Evaluation of Our Method 30 real MR images in the dataset of BraTS 2012. High grade: 20 low grad: 10. Each sequence : 130 to 150 slices.
red color: our segmentation, green color ground truth, yellow: overlap between our segmentation and ground truth
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Experimental Results Evaluation of the proposed method in a three-fold crossvalidation manner. 𝐷𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 =
2𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁
Methods Mean Proposed Method Std. Proposed Method Mean [E. Geremia et al.] Std. [E. Geremia et al.]
Low Grade 68 12 20 27
High Grade 59 25 58 27
E. Geremia, B. H. Menze, N. Ayache, “Spatial Decision Forests for Glioma Segmentation in Multi-Channel MR Images” in MICCAI Challenge on Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation. 2012 Oct.
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Conclusion Automatic segmentation of brain tumors has a critical role in diagnosis procedure. We developed an algorithm using 3D super-voxels and saliency detection for the segmentation purposes. Assessment via dice score rate confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed classification approach.
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression Automatic Segmentation of Multimodal Brain Tumor Images Based on Classification of Super-Voxels
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Thanks for your attention
Boosted Multi-Scale Dictionaries for Image Compression