Institut f. Statistik u. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/107 AUSTRIA
Benefits from using continuous rating scales in online survey research H. Treiblmaier and P. Filzmoser
Forschungsbericht SM-2009-4 November 2009
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Benefits from Using Continuous Rating Scales in Online Survey Research Horst Treiblmaier* Institute for Management Information Systems Vienna University of Economics and Business Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna, Austria1
Peter Filzmoser Department of Statistics and Probability Theory Vienna University of Technology Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Abstract The usage of Likert-type scales has become widespread practice in current IS research. Those scales require individuals to choose between a limited number of choices, and have been criticized in the literature for causing loss of information, allowing the researcher to affect responses by determining the range, and being ordinal in nature. The use of online surveys allows for the easy implementation of continuous rating scales, which have a long history in psychophysical measurement but were rarely used in IS surveys. This type of measurement requires survey participants to express their opinion in a visual form, i.e. to place a mark at an appropriate position on a continuous line. That not only solves the problems of information loss, but also allows for applying advanced robust statistical analyses. In this
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paper we use a real-world sample and a simulation to illustrate how noise impacts our data set. A noise level of 10% has only a small effect on both classical and robust estimates, but when 20% of noise is added, the classical estimators become severely distorted. Continuous rating scales in combination with robust estimators turn out to be an effective tool to reduce the impact of noise in surveys. Keywords: Measurement, Scaling, Continuous Rating Scale, Online Research, Robust Correlation, Factor Analysis, MCD estimator
Introduction The concept of measurement is fundamental to all empirical social science research, including Information Systems and closely related disciplines such as Marketing and Psychology. Given its widespread and frequent application in countless studies, it seems peculiar that Allport and Kerler (2003, p. 356) caution that „measurement is perhaps the most difficult aspect of behavioral research‟. The classic definition of measurement was given by Stevens (1946), who described it as the assignment of numerals to events or objects according to rules. This definition has been criticized over the last few decades, as for instance by Mitchell (1999), who argues that there is a difference between the traditional understanding of measurement in the natural sciences and Steven‟s definition. The first pertains to „the discovery of real numeric relations (ratios) between things (magnitudes of attributes), and not the attempt to construct conventional numerical relations where they do not otherwise exist‟ (Mitchell, 1999, p. 17, cited in Balnaves & Caputi, 2001). Accordingly, the two main tasks of quantitative science are to (1) make sure that the attribute under investigation is in fact quantitative and (2) devise procedures to measure the magnitude of this attribute. It can easily be seen that in social science research the first assumption is an essential precondition for all further analyses. Balnaves and Caputi (p. 51) give the examples of self-esteem and extroversion, but quantifiability is also implicitly taken for granted for all the constructs being frequently used in IS research. The second task, albeit being important, is scarcely a topic of 2
interest in IS literature. A plethora of research on how to build valid and reliable constructs exists (e.g. Straub, 1989; Moore & Benbasat, 1991; Salisbury et al., 2002; Straub et al., 2004; Lewis, 2005; Huang, 2005), but the core process of measurement itself is largely ignored by IS researchers. In most empirical behavioral IS studies, Likert-type scales are used to measure individuals‟ attitudes but the rationale for choosing a particular type of scaling is hardly ever given. The most frequently used classification of measurement scales distinguishes between four different levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio), which in turn impact the statistical techniques that can be applied (Stevens, 1946). The nominal scale is a system of classification (i.e. a categorical scale), the ordinal scale involves some ranking, but only in the interval and ratio scales will the difference between two variables becomes meaningful. Accordingly, it is only with these latter two scales „that researchers can justify the use of the arithmetic mean as the measure of average‟ (Coldwell & Herbst, 2004, p. 65). An illustrating example is given by Allen and Seaman (2007). They use data from an Alfred P. Sloan survey in which users compare the outcomes from online learning to face-to-face learning on a 5point Likert scale. 1.8% of the respondents considered online learning to be „superior‟, 15.1% „somewhat superior‟, 45% „the same‟, 30.3% „somewhat inferior‟ and 7.8% „inferior‟. A total of 61.9% of the respondents therefore perceived online learning to be equal or superior to faceto-face learning. However, the mean value is 2.7, indicating a lower than average level of agreement. As a solution, the authors recommend using a continuous line or track bar, which allows for an interval measure. This type of measurement was used in IS research before (Treiblmaier et al., 2004), but has not gained widespread acceptance. Above all, its specific properties have not yet been fully exploited, which can be partially attributed to a shortage of easily available statistical methods in the past and a lack of awareness on the side of the researchers. In the following sections we will first discuss the properties of various measurement scales and subsequently focus on the continuous rating scale in online surveys in more detail. Sub3
sequently we discuss the problem of outliers and nonsense data in survey research and apply classical and robust factor analysis to our data sample. Finally, we simulate the occurrence of outliers („noise‟) in our data set and illustrate how different levels of noise impact the results of factor analytic procedures.
Measurement Scaling The usage of surveys in IS research has been heavily criticized in the past for lack of psychometric rigor and appropriate modeling techniques. In order to remedy this problem, general standards for conducting surveys have to be improved and constantly questioned (Pinsonneault & Kraemer, 1993; Newsted et al., 1996). When constructing a questionnaire, researchers are confronted with the task of finding an appropriate scale to measure the construct(s) under investigation. Usually this is done by consulting previous literature and adopting a set of items which has been previously tested for validity and reliability. A classical procedure for developing constructs is the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix (Campbell & Fiske, 1959), which ensures that constructs which theoretically should be related are in reality interrelated (convergent validity), and constructs which theoretically should not be related are not in reality related (discriminant validity). Due to the many problems which occurred with this technique, alternative approaches have been developed (for an overview see Straub et al., 2004). However, by using previously tested scales, researchers ensure validity and reliability, but this does not guarantee that the data being generated are well-suited for all subsequent procedures, i.e. that they comply with the statistical techniques being used. Accordingly, Smith and Albaum (2005) list a total of nine issues which should be considered when constructing a measurement scale, including the number of categories, the decision whether an odd or even number should be chosen, the selection of descriptive adjectives and the procedure being used to account for raters‟ bias. 4
Previous research has highlighted the problem that Likert-type scales in social science research are in fact categorical, i.e. that they consist of a fixed number of responses, but researchers treat them as though they are interval scaled. Since such data are not normally distributed, the questions arise as to whether „continuous normal theory-based estimators such as maximum likelihood and generalized least square can recover the parameters of models estimated on such data and whether standard errors and test statistics are unduly affected by non-normality induced by categorization and skewness‟ (Kaplan, 2000, p. 83). These problems become even more pronounced when researchers assign labels to the individual categories (Kolic, 2004). Zeis et al. (2001) use the minimum chi-square method to fit 484 5-point Likert scale variables from various Management and Marketing surveys to different distributions (normal, lognormal, beta, gamma and Weibull). They conclude that „49% of the 484 variables were found to “not unreasonably” fit at least one of the five distributions, using a significance level of 20% (p. 36f)‟. However, in a reverse conclusion, this means that 51% of the variables did not fit. An ordinal level of measurement leads to several limitations for subsequent analyses. First, it only allows for the use of statistical techniques which do not rely on the arithmetic mean. Second, the labels being chosen by the researchers tend to influence the subjects‟ responses (Lodge, 1981). Third, information might be lost due to the limited resolution of the categories and fourth, by constraining or expanding the range which can be used, the investigator may influence response behavior (Neibecker, 1984). Figure 1 illustrates the difference between various measurement techniques by using examples from IS research. The sample item for the 7-point Likert scale for measuring perceived usefulness and the semantic differential item for measuring perceived enjoyment in the top row come from Igbaria et al. (1995). The integer scale (bottom, left) was used by Palmer (2002) to assess Web usability and the continuous rating scale was designed by Stanley and Jenkins (2007). The latter is basically a bipolar graphic rating scale with two fixed points on either end, represented as a line (Brace, 2004). It can be seen that the classic Likert scale in 5
the upper left corner is the most problematic one when it comes to the distance between the various categories. In contrast, an interval-level scale has equidistant intervals, i.e. information not only about the rank of a particular score is given, but also on how much greater or less a particular score is than another (Pett, 1997). Likert (1932) himself argued that the distances of scores such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are equal and yield data which are approximately normally distributed. The question is if the same is true for the labels (e.g. „Strongly Agree‟) which are frequently used. Recent research suggests that literacy affects the ability to discriminate between categories, i.e. that the suitability of the classical Likert scale depends on the choice of the sample (Chachamovich et al. 2009). In the other three scales in Figure 1 (semantic differential, integer scale and continuous rating scale), only the anchor points are given and it is up to the respondent to pick any value in between. In this case, the semantic understanding of the various categories is less important (as long as the anchor points are clearly defined). The higher the numbers of categories the more the categorical scales resemble a continuous rating scale.
Figure 1 Types of Measurement Scales (cf. Smith et al., 2005; Igbaria et al., 1995; Palmer, 2002; Stanley & Jenkins, 2007)
Online surveys with Continuous Rating Scales The problem of inadequate scaling, which we discussed in the previous section, can be easily overcome by using online (or at least computer-administrated) surveys with continuous scales. Before discussing a practical application which can be used for sophisticated statistical analyses, we have to deal with two problems. First, we have to investigate if online surveys can substitute offline surveys in general and second, we have to take a closer look at the characteristics of continuous scales and the rationale behind them. The relative ease of use of computers for conducting surveys has lead to the proliferation of computer-administered surveys which soon caught the interest of researchers. Previous studies have shown that in carefully designed surveys the choice of the medium does not affect the results (Hays & MacCallum, 2005). Similar research has highlighted the viability of the Internet for conducting online research (Fouladi et al., 2002; Gosling et al. 2004). Stanley and Jenkins (2007) investigated the general acceptance of graphical image-based controls for collecting web survey data and concluded that „many respondents across all ages […] found the graphical inputs acceptable, enjoyed completing the questionnaire and were looking forward to more surveys of this type in the future‟. Furthermore, they „found no significant disadvantage of graphical scales for response rates or completion times‟ (p. 92). Previously, the use of continuous scales was impractical, since the positions marked on questionnaires had to be measured manually, which was cost-intensive and inaccurate. Online surveys have made this problem obsolete (Brace, 2004). As we have previously discussed above, measurements can be seen as the discovery of numeric relations between magnitudes of attributes. Using continuous scales, which are also labeled as graphic rating scales, not only allows for generating interval-scaled data, but also avoids the cognitive effort of matching semantic statements with numbers. Instead, such scales rely on the effect of visual stimuli, or, as is nicely described in the definition of psychophysics, they allow for „the analysis of perceptual processes by studying the effect on a subject‟s experience or behavior of systematically varying the properties of a stimulus along one 7
or more physical dimensions‟ (Bruce et al., 2003, p. 462). In the 1950s, S.S. Stevens devel oped power law scales of various sensations with k , where is the magnitude of a
sensation, is the intensity of the stimulus, indicates the growth of the sensation when the stimulus increases and k is a constant (Stevens, 1975). A well-known example is the measurement of the perception of loudness, which typically yields a smaller than one, which indicates that the perception increases at a slower rate than the actual sound pressure level (Shofner & Selas, 2002). Neibecker (1984) has shown that continuous scales (he calls them „magnitude scales‟ and used the length of a line to measure the attitudes toward pictures) are a valid and reliable alternative to rating scales and can be successfully used in Marketing Research. We will illustrate that the advent and advancement of robust statistical techniques in combination with computer technology have vastly improved the usability and explanatory power of those scales in recent years.
Outliers and Nonsense Data in Survey-Based Research Survey-based research depends on the quality of the data, i.e. the „fitness for use‟ (Juran, 1988) of the data to answer the research question at hand. Various factors exist which impact the accuracy and completeness of the data. Apart from technical problems and errors on the side of the researcher, incorrect data entries may be caused by the survey respondent, either intentionally or unintentionally. Ironically, unintentional „misresponses‟ might be due to the usage of reversed Likert items, which occasionally are added to serve as control questions. This can be attributed to the complexity of cognitive operations, which is necessary for a respondent to compare a scale item with his own beliefs (Swain et al., 2008). Then again, the respondent might decide to incorrectly fill out questions either because of lack of knowledge, unwillingness to give away certain types of data (Wentland and Smith, 1993), or simply by erratically filling out the survey. The latter might be of importance when respondents are „forced‟ to complete a questionnaire (e.g. students who have to complete an as8
signment) or when incentives are given. All these situations lead to outliers, i.e. data records which are inconsistent with the remainder of the observations in that data set. Such data are problematic since they are not indicative of future behavior of data sets from the same source (Hazewinkel, 2002). Outliers can be univariate (i.e. they occur within a single variable) or multivariate (occur within a combination of variables). Various statistical techniques exist for outlier detection (e.g. the interquartile range for univariate and the Mahalanobis distance for multivariate outliers), however, those procedures are seldom applied in social science research. Some authors also refer to problematic data as noise or „nonsense data‟, i.e. data which „are low in practical value for decision making and are unreliable and internally and/or externally invalid‟ (Schutz, 1999, p. 246). The reason for this lack of outlier identification is twofold. First, Likert-type scales allow only for a limited number of response categories, which makes it virtually impossible to identify univariate outliers by using the interquartile range. Second, the item sets are frequently arranged in groups according to the constructs being used. If a respondent fills out the questionnaire sloppily (i.e. uses the same response category over and over again), no outliers will be detected as long as reversed coding is not used. Even worse, the frequently used Cronbach‟s Alpha (which is in fact a measure of internal consistency) will indicate a high level of reliability, which is desired by the researchers. The scale level and the research design therefore impede the application of one of the many outlier detection methodologies being available (Hodge & Austin, 2004).
Method Classical and robust correlation Outliers or noise in the data affect the estimation of the correlation coefficient. Consequently, statistical methods which are based on correlation estimates, such as principal component or factor analysis, or structural equation models can lead to erroneous results. As a solution, 9
robust estimates of correlation can be used, yielding reliable results despite the presence of noise and outliers. In the literature several robust covariance and correlation estimators have been proposed. Among the desirable properties of such estimates are affine equivariance, high efficiency, and a high breakdown point, but also a fast algorithm for its computation (Maronna et al., 2006). The MCD (Minimum Covariance Determinant) estimator (Rousseeuw & Van Driessen, 1999) achieves these goals; it is implemented in various statistical software packages and thus also frequently applied. The MCD estimator looks for a subset h out of all n observations with the smallest determinant of their sample covariance matrix. A robust estimator of location is the arithmetic mean of these observations, and a robust estimator of covariance is the sample covariance matrix of the h observations, multiplied by a factor for consistency at normal distributions. The subset size h can vary between half the sample size and n, and it will determine not only the robustness of the estimates, but also their efficiency. The definition of the objective function of the MCD estimator already reveals potential difficulties with categorical data, such as data originating from a 5-point Likert scale. With only a limited number of categories, it can happen that h observations are arranged on a subspace of the p-dimensional space spanned by the p variables. For example, this occurs if at least h values of one variable are equal, but also more complex situations can lead to this artifact. As a consequence, the sample covariance matrix of these h observations is singular and its determinant is zero, leading to an ill-conditioned minimization problem of the MCD. Increasing the number of categories in the scale to be used for the questionnaires will reduce the probability of singularity. As an example, a scale with categories 1, 2, ..., 100 reduces the risk of singularity considerably. An example of a two-dimensional case is given in Figure 2. On the left side, 100 artificial data points on a scale from 1 to 100 (in steps of 1) are presented. The points marked with crosses are multivariate outliers, because they do not follow the trend of the majority of the data. Note that these outliers are not visible when inspecting the single variables, and thus they are truly 10
multivariate outliers. The ellipses are tolerance ellipses, meaning that in case of a bivariate normal distribution they contain approximately 97.5% of the data points. The solid lined tolerance ellipse is based on the MCD estimates of robust location and covariance and the dashed lined ellipse is based on the classical counterparts, i.e. the arithmetic mean and the sample covariance matrix. It can be clearly seen that the outlier group inflated the classical ellipse. Since shape and orientation of the ellipses also reflect covariance and correlation, the consequences for these estimates are considerable. The classical (Pearson) correlation is -0.21 while the robust one is 0.54.
Figure 2 Tolerance ellipses based on classical (dashed) and robust (solid) estimates of location and covariance for artificial data in the scale 1-100 (left) and 1-5 (right).
The right side of Figure 2 shows the same data reduced to a scale with five categories. More precisely, data in the interval [1,20] were set to 1, for [21,40] a value of 2 was assigned, and so on. The plot no longer shows all 100 points since many of them are plotted on the same position. In this case the MCD estimator could still be computed using h=75, yielding robust and efficient estimates. However, if 75 points would lie on a line, the MCD estimator could no longer be computed. Compared to the left plot, the tolerance ellipses of classical and robust estimation are almost unchanged. The classical correlation is -0.15, and the robust correlation is 0.54. 11
Thus, in this example the scale 1 to 5 has little effect on the correlation estimates, but the outliers severely affected the classical estimates in both cases. As mentioned above, robust MCD estimation is often not possible with a scale with only a few categories because of singularity problems, and other robust estimates of location and covariance, such as Sestimates (Davies, 1987) have similar limitations. In general, the scale 1-100 does not provide better precision or more relevant information, but it can be helpful for avoiding singularity problems. Moreover, this scale may be helpful for approaching normal distribution, an important assumption of most correlation based methods.
Development of a Continuous Rating Scale and Data Collection Creating and improving the scales for our research was a multi-step process. We developed a slider bar with the help of JavaScript. The data gathering process was straightforward. A HTML form submitted the information using the POST method. A Perl script was used for reading the data which were subsequently stored in a MYSQL database. By eliminating all human interference from the process of data collection and storage, we were able to get rid of an important source of error. However, we needed several pretests and studies to figure out the best version of the slider bar. The main issues included the implementation of a „default position‟ of the slider, the length of the scale and the general usability of this type of measurement. We started with a range of 101 pixels and tested it under various conditions (screen size, screen resolution). The first version of our questionnaire had the slider as a „default option‟, i.e. it was initially placed in the middle of the line. However, it turned out that many users did not „touch‟ the slider and it was impossible for us to tell if they were in fact undecided or simply did not bother to answer (non-response). In order to account for this problem, we developed a second version, in which we included the option „does not apply‟ as a checkbox, and in which we eliminated the initial slider so that just the line was shown. As expected, this helped to reduce the accumulation of the value 50 and led to a better distribution. Additional12
ly, it was easy to detect non-respondents and we could reduce the number of pixels from 101 to 100, since there was no need to find an initial position in the middle. This makes all subsequent analyses more straightforward. Another concern was the range of the scale, i.e. the total length on the users‟ screens. In several studies we found an accumulation of „extreme values‟ (i.e. 0 and 100) which can be explained by the fact that only a short move of the computer mouse was sufficient to reach one end of our line. As a consequence, we doubled the number of pixels used for the scale without changing the interval range from 0 to 100. We used numerous pretests with small focus groups (usually 10 persons) and feedback from the respondents from several surveys to assess the usability of the slider bars. The overall results were quite encouraging and showed that almost no one experienced problems of understandability and usability. In a final attempt to improve the differentiation between the anchor points of our scales, we implemented a color system with a blue color gradually changing to red when extreme values were chosen. However, since further research is needed to determine if this coloring impacts the perception and the attitude of the respondents, we chose a data set which was gathered by using a non-colored scale with 100 different options. Figure 3 shows the final scale, as it was deployed in several surveys.
Figure 3 Continuous Rating Scale The data which we use in this paper was conducted with an online survey; asking Internet users about their attitude toward the disclosure of several data types (see Appendix A). The anchor points were „Very Risky‟ and „Risk Free‟. It was supported by a major media corporation which placed the link on their website, leading to a total of 405 respondents who fully completed the questionnaire. No incentive was given for filling out the survey, and several procedures were used to ensure that the data did not include any type of „nonsense‟ or noise. Besides recording the time it took participants to complete the questionnaire, we 13
placed demographic questions at the end (which makes it easy to identify dropouts) and used reversed scaling for several constructs. This data set will be used for all subsequent analyses.
Robust Factor Analysis A prominent method for analyzing the multivariate variable relations in survey data is factor analysis (e.g., Basilevsky, 1994). Factor analysis is based directly on the covariance or correlation matrix. Thus, outliers or deviations from the data majority have an influence on classical estimates. Best and Hawkins (1979) have shown that the choice of the scale (5-point vs. continuous) can actually impact the outcome of a factor analysis. We extend their research by introducing robust procedures for analysis. Factor analysis based on robust (MCD) correlations turned out to produce highly robust factors (Pison et al., 2003). However, the MCD estimator can only be correctly applied to the original data in the scale 1-100. For the downscaled data with categories from 1 to 5, the MCD estimator results in a singular solution. Figure 4 compares the results of classical and robust factor analysis, as well as the results of classical factor analysis for the down-scaled data. In all three cases, principal factor analysis was used to extract the three factors, which were subsequently rotated according to the oblimin criterion (Bernaards and Jennrich, 2005). The resulting loadings are shown by the loading plots which illustrate the differences of the three analyses. The horizontal axis of the loading plot is scaled according to the relative amount of variability explained by each single factor, excluding the unexplained part of the variability (uniqueness) of each variable. Additionally, the percentages at the top display the cumulative explained variance for the total data variability. The vertical axis is scaled from +1 to -1 and shows the factor loadings. Names of variables with absolute loadings of < 0.3 are not plotted because their contribution to the factors is negligible.
Figure 4 Loading plots of classical factor analysis for the original data (top), for the downscaled data (middle), and robust factor analysis for the original data (bottom). Figure 4 demonstrates that the change of the scale has practically no effect for classical factor analysis. For robust factor analysis the loadings change only slightly, which shows that the data set does not include severe outliers influencing the classical parameter estimation. Overall, the robust factors get more pronounced and thus they can be better interpreted, and the cumulative explained variance increases from 65% to 75%. It should be noted that data sets from questionnaires usually do not include extreme outliers due to the restriction to a certain scale, be it 1-5 or 1-100. Thus, single observations will not have a huge influence on the classical parameter estimation. Only a group of multivariate outliers, as was shown in Figure 2, might be influential. Multivariate outliers can be caused by respondents with a completely different answering behavior as the majority. This behavior can express the opinion of the respondents, but is can also be caused by “random” answers 15
(noise or nonsense data). We will investigate the effect of this behavior to correlation-based methods in the next section.
The Impact of Noise Occasionally, respondents of an online survey provide artificial data entries only, e.g. by clicking on random positions in the slider bar or arbitrarily checking a box in a scale 1 to 5. The informational content of such observations is zero, but it may affect correlation based methods. The effect of noise on correlation estimates will be demonstrated for the real data example from above, using a simulation study. Since noise corresponds to random answering behavior, it can be modeled by an integer random number drawn from a uniform distribution in the interval [1,100]. Accordingly, a certain percentage of the observations (10% and 20%, respectively) which are randomly selected will be replaced by random noise. This is repeated 100 times, and the classical and robust (MCD) correlation matrix is computed for each modified data set. It is then of interest how close the estimated correlations are to the correlations obtained from the original data. Let cij and rij be classical and robust correlation estimates of the original data, respectively, for i = j = 1, ..., p = 13, and let clij and rlij be the corresponding estimates of the l-th modified data set, for l = 1, ...,100. The deviations are measured by the root mean squared error (RMSE), defined for the classical estimates as
RMSE il eij
1 p l cij cij p j 1
for l = 1, ...,100 and i =1, ..., p,
and similarly for the robust estimates. The resulting values are shown in Figure 5 in form of p boxplots, where each boxplot represents the RMSE values for the correlations with a certain variable. The white boxplots correspond to the classical estimates, and the shaded ones to the robust estimates. The upper plot represents the results for 10% noise included, and the lower plot results when 20% of the observations are replaced with noise. 16
Figure 5 Boxplots presentation of the RMSE values for classical (light) and robust (dark) correlation estimates with 10% (top) and 20% (bottom) random noise. Figure 5 shows that replacing 10% of the observations of the example data by random noise has a small effect on both classical and robust estimates. However, with 20% noise the RMSE values of the classical estimates increase substantially. For some variables the median difference to the original correlations is about 0.06, for some variables it is more than 0.1. This change might not appear dramatic, but multivariate methods that are based on correlations can give quite different results, not only because the single correlations change, but the multivariate correlation structure also changes. Accordingly, it can be expected that multivariate methods that are based on correlation estimates will be severely influenced by noisy data, unless robust methods are used. This has implications for methods such as principal component analysis, factor analysis or structural equation modeling. The outcome of the methods can be improved essentially if robust correlation (or covariance) estimates are plugged in. 17
Conclusions and Limitations In this paper we present continuous rating as an alternative to frequently used Likert-type scales with a very limited number of choices. The theory behind such scales was developed in the literature decades ago. The scales were usually applied in Psychology and, less frequently, in Marketing. The major problem with such scales in the past was the inaccurate and tedious data collection process, since with pencil-and-paper surveys it was necessary to manually measure the respondent‟s answer on a sheet of paper. The usage of computeradministered surveys render such problems obsolete, since measurement and data collection can be done without any loss of precision. This potential has not gone unnoticed in scholarly research and several papers have discussed advantages of continuous rating scales, with most of them focussing on their usability. We contribute to the existing literature by using robust statistics, which was previously impossible due to the categorical nature of the data. Initially, we apply the robust MCD (Minimum Covariance Determinant) estimator to a data set which consists of variables with a data range from 1 to 100. The results show that outliers (which can occur in the form of „nonsense‟ data or noise in any survey) severely affect the correlation of the variables. In a next step, we illustrate that the application of robust factor analysis, which can be applied only with the 100-point scale, leads to more pronounced results and a higher cumulative explained variance. Given that factor analytic procedures are part of covariance based structural equation modeling, which is frequently used to test theories in IS research, our findings also bear huge significance for such advanced techniques. This is supported by Yuan and Bentler (2002), who discuss the importance of robust covariance for structural equation modeling. Finally, we show that robust estimates are much less likely to be affected by a moderate level of noise (i.e. 20%) in the data. This has huge implications for scholars and practitioners alike. Given that few clear-cut guidelines exist, as to 18
when a record in a survey can be labeled as being an outlier, it becomes increasingly important to lessen the impact of such noise on the overall results. The combination of continuous rating scales and robust estimation provides the basis for getting results which are more stable and less affected by noise. Future research can build on the techniques being presented in this paper and establish guidelines (thresholds) on how to actually remove single records from the whole data set before continuing with further analyses. Additionally, it will be interesting to compare our approach with alternative solutions to solve the problem of ordinal measurement. One of them is the Rasch Model, which is capable of transforming ordinal scores into a linear, interval scale (Harwell & Gatti, 2001). Another alternative option, which is used for estimating structural equation models, is the approach from Muthen, which explicitly allows for any combination of categorical and continuous observed data (Kaplan, 2000). The limitations of our study mostly pertain to the measurement process. Although the continuous rating scales allow for a much more accurate way of measurement than Likert scales, the question remains on how to choose correct anchor points. Furthermore, in many surveys we have experienced highly skewed distributions for some variables, though most of them still showed a higher level of dispersion than traditional Likert-type scales. The choice of the scale therefore helps to alleviate the problem of extreme responses, but cannot fully eliminate it. It is still the responsibility of the researcher to design constructs and items in such a way that the respondents‟ answering behavior follows a useful distribution.
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Appendix A How risky is the disclosure of the following data types? Variable
Data Type
Name (First Name, Last Name)
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Home Address
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Telephone Number
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Data Type
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Marital Status
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Shopping Behavior
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Political Attitude
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Religious Attitude
Very Risky – Risk-Free
Appendix B All computations have been carried out in R (R Development Core Team, 2008). Functionality for robust estimation can be found for example in the package robustbase. The MCD estimator is computed by the function covMcd(x), where x denotes the data matrix. Factor analysis is computed with the function factanal, and robust factor analysis based on the MCD estimator can be computed by factanal(x, factors = 3, covmat = covMcd(x)). In our example three factors are extracted.