In this typed language, types are given by the following grammar: A,B,C. ::= 1 | A ...... Design 2015, volume 9360 of LNCS, pages 65â82. Springer ... ACM, 2001.
Bisimulations for Probabilistic Linear Lambda Calculi Yuxin Deng∗ and Yuan Feng† ∗ Shanghai
Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing, East China Normal University † University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Abstract—We investigate a notion of probabilistic program equivalence under linear contexts. We show that both a statebased and a distribution-based bisimilarity are sound coinductive proof techniques for reasoning about higher-order probabilistic programs, but only the distribution-based one is complete for linear contextual equivalence. The completeness proof is novel and directly constructs linear contexts from transitions, rather than the traditional approach of characterizing bisimilarities as testing equivalences. Index Terms—Probabilistic lambda calculi; Contextual equivalence; Bisimulation; Full abstraction
I. I NTRODUCTION Contextual equivalence in the style of Morris [24] is an important notion of program equivalence that can be used to formalize and reason about many interesting properties of computing systems. It has been widely studied in both sequential and concurrent languages. However, to directly prove that two programs are contextually equivalent is a difficult task because of the universal quantification over all possible contexts. This is especially the case when we consider programs in higher-order languages. Therefore, it is interesting to develop sound techniques that can help to establish contextual equivalence. In this aspect, applicative bisimulation [1], [20] and logical relations [27], [31] are successful in proving contextual equivalence for programs in functional languages. However, it is known that the completeness of logical relations are often hard to achieve, especially for higher-order types. In contrast, characterizations in terms of bisimulations have received a lot of attention. For probabilistic functional languages, there are also attempts to develop operational techniques for contextual equivalence. For example, Dal Lago et al. [10] have generalized Abramsky’s applicative bisimulation [1] to a call-by-name, untyped probabilistic λ-calculus. Probabilistic applicative bisimulation is shown to be sound but incomplete with respect to contextual equivalence. Full abstraction is recovered when pure, deterministic λ-terms are considered, and when an involved notion of coupled logical bisimulation is used instead of applicative bisimulation. Crubill´e and Dal Lago [7] have investigated a call-by-value, typed probabilistic λ-calculus. In that setting, applicative bisimilarity turns out to coincide with contextual equivalence. However, the correspondence does not hold if we consider applicative simulation and contextual preorder. Rioli [28] has defined a call-by-value, linearly typed c 978-1-5386-1925-4/17/$31.00 2017 IEEE
probabilistic λ-calculus, where probabilistic bisimilarity is sound but incomplete with respect to contextual equivalence. All the probabilistic bisimulations mentioned above are statebased in the sense that they are binary relations first defined for states on labeled Markov chains, and then lifted to be a relation on distributions by a lifting operation [23], [15], [11]. In the current work, we are interested in characterizing linear contextual equivalence as proposed in [14], where the programs to be compared are examined in linear contexts and used exactly once. In general, this leads to a coarser relation than the usual notion of contextual equivalence since the discriminating power of contexts is limited when the capacity of duplicating resources is prohibited; see e.g. [14], [2]. Linear contexts are motivated from computational cryptography and are also natural when observing the behavior of quantum programs [12]. To formally define linear contexts, we work in the framework of a probabilistic λ-calculus similar to the language used in [28] except that we allow both linear and non-linear types. Linear types are useful for introducing imperative concepts into functional programming [18], structural complexity theory [19], or analyzing memory allocation [34]. Moreover, the linear λ-calculus can be employed to formalize deductive systems [5]. The study of linearity in concurrent languages such as the π-calculus allows for a fine-grained analysis of process behavior [22], [35], [3]. Non-linear types are also admitted here because pure linear languages have limited expressive power. Cappai and Dal Lago [4] have worked in a similar setting and shown that linear contextual equivalence coincides with a notion of trace equivalence, which generalizes both the result and the proof idea of linear context reduction of [14] from the nonprobabilistic paradigm to the probabilistic framework. They have also proved that applicative bisimilarity is sound but incomplete for linear contextual equivalence. This mismatch persists when going from equivalences to metrics [8]. We show that it is possible to give a coinductive and complete characterization of linear contextual equivalence. The reason that completeness fails in [4], [28] lies in the fact that the bisimulations investigated there are state-based. In order to achive completeness, the key idea is to shift our focus from state-based bisimulations to distribution-based ones, that is, by directly defining bisimulations as a binary relation on (sub)distributions. More precisely, although both notions of bisimilarities are sound with respect to linear contextual equivalence, the state-based one is too strong and only the distribution-based one is complete. Technically speaking, the
soundness part requires to show that both bisimilarities are The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section II congruence relations. Since Howe’s method [20], [26] is we introduce the syntax, the reduction semantics, and a labeled successful in showing the congruence property of applicative transition semantics of a probabilistic λ-calculus. A linear bisimilarity in various dialects of the λ-calculi, it is a very contextual equivalence and two bisimilarities are defined. In robust approach. Thus, we extend it to the probabilistic setting. Section III we use the Howe’s method to show that the For the state-based bisimilarity, the use of Howe’s method is state-based bisimilarity is a congruence relation included in similar to that in [10], [6], [4], [9], [28]. For the distribution- linear contextual equivalence. In Section IV we show that the based bisimilarity, however, there is a subtlety because Howe’s distribution-based bisimilarity is sound and complete for linear lifting inherently demands syntax-directed rules, which are contextual equivalence. Finally, we conclude in Section V and naturally defined on terms but not on distributions. Our solution discuss some future work. is to work with distributions that can be viewed as the II. A P ROBABILISTIC λ-C ALCULUS denotations of terms (intuitively, the denotation of a term is In this section we introduce the syntax and operational the unique subdistribution obtained from the term by keeping reducing it until no more reduction is possible). If a visible semantics of a probabilistic λ-calculus, using similar notation action is performed on a term, its denotation can also perform from [25], [12]. the same action and evolve into a distribution that can still be regarded as the denotation of another term. This property is A. Syntax In this typed language, types are given by the following also useful for showing the completeness of distribution-based grammar: bisimilarity with respect to linear contextual equivalence. The current work can be considered as a companion of [12] A, B, C where two coinductive proof techniques for quantum lambda ::= 1 | A ( B | !(A ( B) | A ⊗ B | A ⊕ B. calculi are proposed. The definitions there are complicated due to the use of quantum closures that represent the states of Here the unit type is 1. The usual linear function types are quantum systems. In order to separate general proof ideas that in the form A ( B and non-linear function types take the are robust and applicable to broader settings from quantum form !(A ( B). For any arbitrary type A, the type !A can be closures and render them accessible to a wider audience, we simulated by !(1 ( A). Tensor and sum types are standard. Terms are built up from constants and variables, using the now work in a probabilistic functional language. We show following constructs: that linear contextual equivalence is exactly captured by the distribution-based bisimilarity defined in [16]. Furthermore, a M, N, P Terms notable improvement over [12] is the proof of the completeness ::= x Variables of distribution-based bisimilarity with respect to linear con| λxA . M Abstraction textual equivalence. In the quantum setting the completeness | MN Application proof works by introducing a testing equivalence as a stepping | M p⊕ N Prob. choice stone and then turning each test into a linear context. The | skip Skip same phenomenon appeared in [7], where the completeness | M; N Seq. composition proof of state-based bisimilarity for the non-linear contextual | M ⊗N Tensor products equivalence crucially relies on a characterization of state-based | let xA ⊗ y B = M in N Tensor projection bisimilarity as a testing equivalence by van Breugel et al. | inl M | inr M Sums [32]; the proof of the characterization itself, in turn, involves | match P with (xA : M | y B : N ) Matches advanced machinery such as Lawson topology on probabilistic | letrec f A(B x = M in N Recursions powerdomains [21] and Banach algebras. Our completeness proof here uses a different strategy and directly links labeled Most of the language constructs are standard. The term λxA . M transitions to contexts. More specifically, if the denotation of represents a linear function that uses the variable x exactly once term M as a subdistribution can perform an action a, then in M . The term M ⊗ N is a pair where both components, M it will result in a subdistribution that can be viewed as the and N , are used. The terms inl M and inr M are injections denotation of a term C a [M ], where C a is a linear context fully of term M into the left and right of a sum. Let p be a rational determined by action a and the type of M . This key observation number in the interval [0, 1]. The term (M p ⊕ N ) describes an unstable system that may evolve into M with probability p leads to a neat completeness proof. In [10] and [30], coupled logical bisimilarity and enviromen- and into N with probability 1 − p. tal bisimilarity are used to give complete characterizations of Variables appearing in the λ-binder, the let-binder, the non-linear contextual equivalence for lambda calculi. Both match-binder, and the letrec-binder are bound variables. notions of bisimilarity are based on formal sums, which We write fv (M ) for the set of free variables in term M . are syntactic representations of probability subdistributions. We will not distinguish α-equivalent terms, which are terms However, our distribution-based bisimilarity has a much simpler syntactically identical up to a renaming of bound variables. formulation than both of them and is very close to the classical If M and N are terms and x is a variable, then M {N/x} non-probabilistic bisimilarity (cf. Definition 7). denotes the term resulted from substituting N for all free
occurrences of x in M . More generally, given a list N1 , . . . , Nn of terms and a list x1 , . . . , xn of distinct variables, we write ˜ /˜ M {N1 /x1 , . . . , Nn /xn } or simply M {N x} for the result of simultaneously substituting each Ni for free occurrences in M of the corresponding variable xi . Values are special terms in the following form
semantics defined above employs a call-by-value evaluation strategy. Lemma 1 (Type safety): Let M be a closed term. Then pi either M is a value or M Mi with i = 1, 2 satisfying p1 + p2 = 1 and each Mi preserves the type of M . Let S be a countable set. A (discrete) probability subdistribution over S is a function µ : S P → [0, 1] with V, W ::= x | skip | λxA .M | V ⊗ W | inl V | inr W. P µ(s) ≤ 1. It is a (full) distribution if s∈S s∈S µ(s) = 1. Let dµe := {s ∈ S | µ(s) > 0} be the support and As syntactic sugar we write Bool = 1 ⊕ 1, tt = inr skip, P |µ| := µ(s) the size of subdistribution µ. Let D(S) and ff = inl skip. s∈dµe denote the set of all subdistributions over S. By Lemma 1 A typing assertion takes the form ∆ ` M : A, where ∆ we see that the reduction semantics induces a Markov chain is a finite partial function from variables to types, M is a (Prog, →), where Prog is the set of all closed programs and term, and A is a type. We write dom(∆) for the domain of → ⊆ Prog × D(Prog) is the transition relation with M → µ ∆. We call ∆ exponential (resp. linear) whenever ∆(x) is P pi pi satisfying µ(N ) = {|p | M N |}. Here {|p | M N |} i i (resp. is not) a !-type for each x ∈ dom(∆). We write !∆ for a context that is exponential. The type assignment relation is a multiset if M ≡ N , e.g. in the reduction of the term consists of all typing assertions that can be derived from the M 12 ⊕ M . In order to investigate the long-term behaviour of a Markov axioms and rules in Figure 1, where the contexts ∆0 and ∆00 chain, we introduce the notion of extreme derivative from are assumed to be linear. The notation ∆, x : A denotes the [13]. We first lift the relation → to be P a transition relation partial function which properly extends ∆ by mapping x to A, between subdistributions: µ → ν if ν = so it is assumed that x 6∈ dom(∆). Similarly, in the notation M ∈dµe µ(M ) · µM 0 0 and M → µ for each M in dµe. ∆, ∆ the domains of ∆ and ∆ are assumed to be disjoint. All M Definition 1 (Extreme derivative [13]): Suppose we have the typing rules are standard for linear functional languages. × We write Prog(A) = {M | ∅ ` M : A} for the set of all closed subdistributions µ, µ→ k , µk for k ≥ 0 with the following programs of type A and Prog the set of all closed programs. properties: For any typing assertion ∆ ` M : A, it is not difficult to see × × → µ = µ→ ∀k ≥ 0. µ→ 0 + µ0 ; k → µk+1 + µk+1 ; that fv (M ) ⊆ dom(∆). Let a proved expression be a triple (∆, M, A) with ∆ ` M : A. If ∆ = x1 : A1 , . . . , xn : An , a ∆- and each µ× is stable in the sense that M 6 , for all M ∈ dµ× e. k k ˜ /˜ closure is a substitution {M x} where each Mi ∈ Prog(Ai ). If Then we call ρ := P∞ µ× an extreme derivative of µ, and k=0 k R is a relation on terms M with fv (M ) = ∅, its open extension, write µ ⇒ ρ. The symbol µ→ represents a subdistribution that k R◦ , is the least relation between proved expressions such that can reduce, and µ× a subdistribution that cannot reduce. k ◦ (∆, M, A) R (∆, N, A) if and only if M {P˜ /˜ x} R N {P˜ /˜ x} Let M be a program in the Markov chain (Prog, →). The ˜ for any ∆-closure {P /˜ x}. We will write ∆ ` M R N : A extreme derivative of the point distribution on M that assigns ◦ to mean that (∆, M, A) R (∆, N, A). Sometimes we omit probability 1 to M , written M , is unique, and we use it for the type information if it is not important and simply write the denotation of M , indicated as [[M ]]. So we always have ∆ ` M R N. M ⇒ [[M ]]. Note that in the presence of divergence [[M ]] may B. The Reduction Semantics The reduction semantics is defined in terms of Markov chains. p We introduce M N to mean that term M reduces to N immediately with probability p ∈ [0, 1]. Formally, the one-step p reduction between terms is the smallest relation including the axioms from Figure 2 together with the structural rule M E{M/x}
p p
N E{N/x}
where E is any evaluation context generated by the grammar
be a proper subdistribution. Extreme derivatives can also be defined by a big-step semantics using a binary relation ⇓ between terms and value distributions. The defining rules are listed in Figure 3, where ε stands for the empty subdistribution. Lemma 2: [[M ]] = sup{µ | M ⇓ µ}, where the supremum of subdistributions are computed component-wisely. Example 1: We define a non-terminating program Ω as follows: Ω := letrec f Bool(Bool x = f x in f tt . 1 1
E ::=[ ] | E M | V E | E; M | E ⊗ M | V ⊗ E | inl E | inr E | let xA ⊗ y B = E in M | match E with (xA : M | y B : N ). 1
The first six axioms are in the form M N . They represent reductions in classical languages where term M is determined to evolve into term N with probability 1. The reduction
It is easy to check that Ω Ω and [[Ω]] = ε. More generally, for any type A, we define the term ΩA that will be used later on. ΩA := letrec f A(A x = f x in f . Let M be a term of type A. It can be checked that [[ΩA M ]] = ε. Following [14] we would like to give an alternative characterization of linear contextual equivalence. Intuitively, a linear
!∆ ` V : A ( B
A linear !∆, x : !(A ( B) ` x : A ( B
!∆, x : A ` x : A
!∆, ∆ ` M : A ( B
!∆, ∆0 ` N : A
!∆, ∆0 ` M : 1
!∆, ∆0 ` M p ⊕ N : A !∆, ∆0 ` M : A
!∆, ∆00 ` N : B
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` M ; N : A
!∆, ∆0 ` M : A ⊗ B
!∆, ∆00 , x : A, y : B ` N : C
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` let xA ⊗ y B = M in N : C
!∆, ∆0 ` M : B
!∆, ∆ ` M : A !∆, ∆0 ` inl M : A ⊕ B !∆, ∆ ` P : A ⊕ B
!∆, ∆00 ` N : A
!∆ ` skip : 1
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` M ⊗ N : A ⊗ B
!∆, ∆00 ` N : A
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` M N : B
∆ ` λxA .M : A ( B !∆, ∆0 ` M : A
!∆ ` V : !(A ( B)
∆, x : A ` M : B
V value
!∆, ∆0 ` inr M : A ⊕ B
!∆, ∆ , x : A ` M : C
!∆, ∆00 , y : B ` N : C
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` match P with (xA : M | y B : N ) : C !∆, f : !(A ( B), x : A ` M : B
!∆, ∆0 , f : !(A ( B) ` N : C
!∆, ∆0 ` letrec f A(B x = M in N : C Fig. 1.
Typing Rules.
(λxA .M )V M {V /x} 1 A B let x ⊗ y = V ⊗ W in N N {V /x, W/y} 1 skip; N N 1 match inl V with (xA : M | y B : N ) M {V /x} 1 A B match inr V with (x : M | y : N ) N {V /y} 1 letrec f A(B x = M in N N {(λxA .letrec f A(B x = M in M )/f } p M p⊕ N M M p⊕ N
N Fig. 2.
Small-Step Axioms.
context is a context where the programs under examination will be evaluated and used exactly once. Definition 2: A linear context is a term with a single free variable x such that the typing assertion x : A ` Cx:A : B, where A is a linear type, can be derived from the rules in Figure 1. We often omit the variable and the type subscription when they are clear from the text or irrelevant. Contextual equivalence is usually based on some notion of observables. The termination of a term is observable, which is very natural. For the probabilistic λ-calculus, we require that the observable behaviour of a term M is its probability of convergence |[[M ]]|. Definition 3: The linear contextual preorder is the binary relation v defined as follows: M v N for M, N ∈ Prog(A) if |[[Cx:A {M/x}]]| ≤ |[[Cx:A {N/x}]]| for all linear context Cx:A . Linear contextual equivalence ' is defined as the symmetrization of v, that is, M ' N just when M v N and N v M .
C. A Probabilistic Labeled Transition System In [17], Gordon defines explicitly a labeled transition system in order to illustrate the bisimulation technique in PCF. We follow this idea to define a probabilistic labeled transition system for the probabilistic λ-calculus, upon which we can define probabilistic bisimulations. Transition rules are listed in Figure 4: we make the typing of terms explicit in the rules as the type system plays an important role in defining the operational semantics of typed terms. A a transition takes the form M −→ µ, where M is a program, µ is a subdistribution over programs, and a is an action. If µ is a point distribution N , we simply write the transition as a M −→ N . Transitions represent the way terms interact with environments (or contexts). The action of the program skip is to exhibit itself to the environment, and after that it cannot provide any information, hence no external transition can occur any more, which is modeled by the empty subdistribution. The transition @V
λxA .M −−−→ [[M {V /x}]] says that a λ-abstraction can “consume” a term, which is supplied by the environment as an argument, and forms a βreduction. On the contrary, the action of inl V is to request a term M from the environment and replace appropriate variables in M by V . The next two rules are similar. The last rule turns the big-step evaluation into the external action eval. Therefore, term reductions are considered as internal transitions that are abstracted away. Compared with the labeled transition semantics for lambda calculi defined in [10] and also used [6], [9], [8], [28], the terms here are not multisorted as we do not treat values in two different ways (as terms versus as values). Moreover, we require that whatever action a term performs it directly reaches an extreme derivative.
M {V /x} ⇓ µ (BR1) M1 ⇓
M ⇓ε
p k · Wk
M2 ⇓
V ⇓V P
(λxA .M )V ⇓ µ
pj · V j {Wk Vj ⇓ ρkj }k∈K,j∈J X pk pj ρkj
M1 M2 ⇓
M1 ⇓ p · skip
M2 ⇓ µ
M1 ⇓
pk · Vk
M2 ⇓
p j · Wj
M1 ⊗ M2 ⇓
M1 ; M2 ⇓ p · µ
pk pj · Vk ⊗ Wj
k∈K j∈J
M ⇓µ
M 1 ⇓ µ1
M ⇓µ
(BR7r) inl M ⇓ inl µ
(M1 p ⊕ M2 ) ⇓ p · µ1 + (1 − p) · µ2
inr M ⇓ inr µ M1 ⇓
M 2 ⇓ µ2
pk · Vk ⊗ Wk
{(M2 {Vk /x, Wk /y}) ⇓ µk }k∈K
(let xA ⊗ y B = M1 in M2 ) ⇓
p k · µk
M1 ⇓ (BR10)
pk · Vk {M3 {Wk /y} ⇓ ξk }Vk =inr Wk X X : M3 )) ⇓ pk ρk + pk ξ k
{M2 {Wk /x} ⇓ ρk }Vk =inl Wk (match M1 with (xA : M2 | y B
Vk =inl Wk A
(N {(λx .letrec f (BR11)
skip −−−→ ε
∅`V :A
x:A`M :C
inl V −−−→ [[M {V /x}]] ∅ ` inr V : A ⊕ B
y:B`M :C
inr V −−−→ [[M {V /y}]] ∅`V ⊗W :A⊗B
x : A, y : B ` M : C
V ⊗ W −−−→ [[M {V /x, W/y}]] eval
M −−−→ [[M ]] Fig. 4.
x = M in M )/f }) ⇓ µ
Big-Step Semantics Rules.
λx .M −−−→ [[M {V /x}]]
∅ ` inl V : A ⊕ B
Vk =inr Wk
(letrec f A(B x = M in N ) ⇓ µ Fig. 3.
∅ ` λxA .M : A ( B
Labeled Transition Rules.
The set of programs Prog together with the transition rules in Figure 4 yields a probabilistic labeled transition system (pLTS). It is in fact a reactive system [33] in the sense that if a a M −→ µ1 and M −→ µ2 then µ1 = µ2 for all M ∈ Prog, that is, no two outgoing transitions leaving a program are labeled by the same action. Below we recall Larsen and Skou’s probabilistic bisimulation
[23]. We first review a way of lifting a binary relation R over a set S to be a relation R† over the set of subdistributions on S given in [15]1 . Definition 4: Let S, T be two countable sets and R ⊆ S ×T be a binary relation. For any X ⊆ S, we write R(X) for the set {t ∈ T P | ∃s ∈ X. s R t} and µ(X) for the accumulation probability s∈X µ(s). The lifted relation R† ⊆ D(S) × D(T ) is defined by letting µ R† ν iff µ(X) ≤ ν(R (X)) for all X ⊆ S. Definition 5: A state-based simulation is a preorder R on programs such that whenever M R N we have that (i) [[M ]] R† [[N ]] and a a (ii) if M, N are values then M −→ µ implies N −→ ν with † µ R ν. A state-based bisimulation is a relation R such that both R and R−1 are state-based simulations. Let s and ∼s be the largest state-based simulation and bisimulation, called statebased similarity and bisimilarity, respectively. They are relations on programs, but can be generalized to open terms. For reactive pLTSs, the kernel of probabilistic similarity is probabilistic bisimilarity. That is, ∼s = s ∩ −1 s . This of course also applies to the specific pLTS we are working with. 1 There are several different but equivalent formulations of the lifting operation; see e.g. [29], [11] for more detailed discussion.
The probabilistic bisimilarity defined above is a binary relation between states. Alternatively, it is possible to directly define a (sub)distribution-based bisimilarity by comparing actions emitted from subdistributions. In order to do so, we first define a transition relation between subdistributions. P a Definition 6: We write µ −→ ρ if ρ = s∈dµe µ(s) · µs , where µs is determined as follows: a • either s − → µs a → ν, and in this case we set • or there is no ν with s − µs = ε.
with the initial relation. The congruence property of ∼d will be proved in Section IV. Definition 8: Let R be a typed relation on terms. Its ˆ is defined by the following rules: compatible refinement, R, ∆ ` c : A c ∈ {x, skip} 1) (Comp1) ˆ c ∆`cR ∆, x : A ` C ∆0 ` M R N 2) (Comp2) C is a linear context ˆ C{N/x} ∆, ∆0 ` C{M/x} R A relation R is a precongruence iff it contains its own ˆ ⊆ R. Let a congruence be compatible refinement, that is R an equivalence relation that is a precongruence. Let R be a typed relation on terms. The typed relation RH is defined by the rules in Table 5. Note that all the rules except for rule (How1) follow the same pattern as the following rule.
Note that this is a weaker notion of transition relation between subdistributions, compared with that defined on Page 3. If a µ −→ µ0 then some (not necessarily all) states in the support of µ can perform action a. Let µ be a subdistribution over a reactive pLTS. After performing any action, it can reach a a a unique subdistribution. That is, if µ −→ ν and µ −→ ρ then ν = ρ. ∆, x : A ` C ∆0 ` M RH N In [16], several notions of distribution-based bisimulations (HowC) ∆, ∆0 ` C{N/x} R P C is a linear context are compared. As we will see, it is the weakest one that pre∆, ∆0 ` C{M/x} RH P cisely captures the linear contextual equivalence of probabilistic Sometimes, we do not need to analyze each specific context programs. Definition 7: A distribution-based simulation is a binary C, so we will use rule (HowC) in places of other rules except for (How1). Below is a list of several fundamental properties relation R on subdistributions such that µ R ν implies of the relation RH . (i) |µ| ≤ |ν|; a a Lemma 3: Let R be a typed relation. (ii) if µ −→ ρ then ν −→ ξ for some ξ with ρ R ξ. 1) If R is reflexive then so is RH ; If both R and R−1 are distribution-based simulations, then R is 2) If R is reflexive then R ⊆ RH ; a distribution-based bisimulation. Let d and ∼d be the largest 3) If R is reflexive then RH is a precongruence relation; distribution-based simulation and bisimulation, respectively. 4) If R is transitive then RH ◦ R ⊆ RH . Suppose ∅ ` M, N : A. We write ∅ ` M d N : A if In the sequel, we write H [[M ]] d [[N ]]; similarly for the symbol ∼d . s for the more accurate notation H The first clause of Definition 7 says that if µ is simulated (s ) . 0 Lemma 4: 1) If ∆, x : A ` M H by ν then the size of the former should not exceed that of the s N and ∆ ` P : A, 0 H then ∆, ∆ ` M {P/x} s N {P/x}. latter. The intuition underline this requirement is that divergent 2) Suppose ∆, x : A ` M and ∆0 ` P H terms exhibit less observable behavior than convergent terms. s Q : A. Then ∆, ∆0 ` M {P/x} H It is not difficult to see that, for any two programs M and N , s M {Q/x}. By Lemma 3, if R is reflexive then R ⊆ RH and RH is a if M ∼s N then M ∼d N , but the converse does not hold in precongruence. Therefore, in order to show that R is also a general. precongruence, it suffices to establish RH ⊆ R because we Example 2: Consider the following two terms: then have the coincidence of R with RH . In order to show M := λx1 .(inl x 12 ⊕ inr x) H s ⊆ s , we need the following two technical lemmas. N := (λx1 .inl x) 12 ⊕ (λx1 .inr x) H † Lemma 5: If ∅ ` M1 H s M2 then [[M1 ]] (s ) [[M2 ]]. Proof: (Sketch) By Definition 4 we need to show that † We see that M 6∼s N because to satisfy [[M ]] (∼s ) [[N ]] would require M ∼s λx1 .inl x and M ∼s λx1 .inr x, which [[M1 ]](X) ≤ [[M2 ]](H s (X)) is clearly impossible. However, we have M ∼d N because both [[M ]] and [[N ]] can perform the visible action @skip to for any set of terms X. For that purpose, it suffices to prove that, for any δ > 0, if ∅ ` M1 H reach the same distribution 12 inl skip + 12 inr skip. s M2 and M1 ⇓ µ then there exists some ν with M2 ⇓ ν and III. S OUNDNESS OF STATE - BASED BISIMILARITY µ(X) < ν(H s (X)) + δ In this section we show that ∼s is sound for ', which relies on the congruence property of ∼s . The basic idea of for any set of terms X. This can be proved by induction on the the congruence proof is to make use of Howe’s method [20], derivation of M1 ⇓ µ, nested by an induction on the derivation H [26], which requires to start from an initial relation R, define of ∅ ` M1 s M2 . a H Lemma 6: If ∅ ` V H → µ a precongruence candidate R , a precongruence relation by s W then we have that V − a H † construction, and then to show the coincidence of that relation implies W −→ ν and µ (s ) ν.
c ∈ {x, skip}
∆, x : A ` M RH N
∆ ` c RH M
∆ ` λxA .M RH P
!∆, ∆0 ` M RH N (How3l)
!∆, ∆00 ` P
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` N P R Q
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` M P RH Q !∆, ∆0 ` M RH N
!∆, ∆00 ` P
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` P N R Q
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` P M RH Q
!∆, ∆0 ` M RH N (How4l)
!∆, ∆00 ` P
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` (N p ⊕ P ) R Q
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` (M p ⊕ P ) RH Q !∆, ∆0 ` M RH N
∆ ` λxA .N R P
!∆, ∆00 ` P
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` (P p ⊕ N ) R Q
!∆, ∆0 , ∆00 ` (P p ⊕ M ) RH Q !∆, f : !(A ( B), x : A ` M RH N !∆, ∆0 , f : !(A ( B) ` P !∆, ∆0 ` (letrec f A(B x = N in P ) R Q !∆, ∆0 ` (letrec f A(B x = M in P ) RH Q
!∆, f : !(A ( B), x : A ` M !∆, ∆0 , f : !(A ( B) ` L RH P !∆, ∆0 ` (letrec f A(B x = M in P ) R Q !∆, ∆0 ` (letrec f A(B x = M in L) RH Q Fig. 5.
Howe’s Construction Rules — Selection.
Consequently, we can establish the coincidence of s with from which it is easy to show that ∼s is a congruence. Theorem 1: s is a precongruence included in v and ∼s is a congruence included in '. H s ,
In order to show that ∼d is sound for ', we would also like to use Howe’s method. But it seems that we have to define Howe’s construction rules for subdistributions, which would be very complicated. As a matter of fact, there is an indirect solution to avoid this by still using the rules in Figure 5. The idea is to represent a subdistribution µ over terms as just term M in the sense that µ = [[M ]]. In fact, we only need to consider such kind of subdistributions thanks to the following proposition. a Proposition 1: 1) If M −→ µ then there exists a term Mµ such that µ = [[Mµ ]]. a 2) If [[M ]] −→ µ, then there exists a linear context Cza such that µ = [[Cza {M/z}]]. Furthermore, Cza depends on M only through the type; that is, for any term N with the a same type of M , we have [[N ]] −→ [[Cza {N/z}]]. H Let us write H of d . In d for Howe’s extension (d ) analogy to Lemma 5, we have the next property. Lemma 7: If ∅ ` M H d N then |[[M ]]| ≤ |[[N ]]|. The following property about the matching of transitions is analogous to Lemma 6. Lemma 8: Let V be a value and P be some term. If ∅ ` a V H → µ for some subdistribution µ, then there d P and [[V ]] −
exist terms M and N such that µ = [[M ]], [[P ]] −→ [[N ]] and M H d N. Lemma 8 can be generalized so as to allow V to be an ordinary term that is not necessarily a value. Lemma 9: Let M and N be two terms. If ∅ ` M H d N a and [[M ]] −→ µ for some subdistribution µ, then there exist a terms M 0 and N 0 such that µ = [[M 0 ]], [[N ]] −→ [[N 0 ]] and 0 H 0 M d N . a Proof: Suppose ∅ ` M H → µ for some d N and [[M ]] − subdistribution µ. Note that M and N have the same type. By Proposition 1(2), there exists a linear context Cza such that µ = [[Cza {M/z}]] and for term N there is a similar transition a [[N ]] −→ [[Cza {N/z}]]. By using the rule (HowC), we derive a a that Cz {M/z} H d Cz {N/z}. From Lemmas 7 and 9, we can infer that H d is a distributionbased simulation, i.e. H ⊆ . On the other hand, by the d d reflexivity of d and Lemma 3(2), we see that d ⊆ H d . Therefore, we obtain the coincidence of d with H , and then d the following theorem easily follows. Theorem 2: As a relation on terms, d is a precongruence included in v and ∼d is a congruence included in '. By exploiting Proposition 1(2) again, we can show that distribution-based bisimilarity is complete for linear contextual equivalence, thus we obtain the full abstraction result. Theorem 3 (Full Abstraction): As relations on terms, ' coincides with ∼d . Proof: The soundness property is stated in Theorem 2. For the completeness, it suffices to show that the relation R
{([[Cx {M/x}]], [[Cx {N/x}]]) | M ' N and Cx a linear context}
is a distribution-based bisimulation. Consider any pair ([[Cx {M/x}]], [[Cx {N/x}]]) ∈ R. Since M ' N , it is easy to see that Cx {M/x} ' Cx {N/x}, and thus we infer that |[[Cx {M/x}]]| = |[[Cx {N/x}]]|. a Now suppose [[Cx {M/x}]] −→ µ. By Proposition 1(2) there a exists a linear context Cy such that µ = [[Cya {Cx {M/x}/y}]] and for the term Cx {N/x} there is a similar transition a [[Cx {N/x}]] −→ ν with ν = [[Cya {Cx {N/x}/y}]]. Furthermore, it is easy to check that (µ, ν) ∈ R as desired. In the above proof of the completeness of distribution-based bisimilarity with respect to linear contextual equivalence, we directly construct linear contexts from transitions, which differs from [12] by avoiding the intermediate step of characterizing the bisimilarity as a testing equivalence. V. C ONCLUDING R EMARKS We have presented two notions of bisimilarity for reasoning about the equivalence of higher-order probabilistic programs in linear contexts, based on an appropriate labeled transition system for specifying the operational behaviour of programs. Both bisimilarities are sound with respect to the linear contextual equivalence, but only the distribution-based one turns out to be complete. This implies, together with the coincidence of linear contextual equivalence with trace equivalence [4], that the distribution-based bisimilarity captures trace equivalence. Recall that in the nonprobabilistic setting the classical bisimilarity defined on a deterministic labeled transition system coincides with trace equivalence. The model of labeled Markov chains is the probabilistic analogue of deterministic transition systems. We have seen that there is a clear distinction between state-based and distribution-based bisimilarity; the former takes the probabilistic branching structure of each state into account while the latter does not and only observes the overall effect caused by each transition of a distribution, which results in a relation as coarse as trace equivalence. In some applications, trace equivalence is very helpful. For example, it can be used to describe the important concept of computational indistinguishability in complexity-theoretic cryptography [4]. The coinductive proof technique offerred by distribution-based bisimilarity could serve as a useful reasoning tool there. Acknowledgment We thank the anonymous referees for the helpful comments. Deng would like to acknowledge the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61672229, 61261130589), Shanghai Municipal Natural Science Foundation (16ZR1409100), and ANR 12IS02001 PACE. R EFERENCES [1] S. Abramsky. The lazy lambda calculus. In Research Topics in Functional Programming, pages 65–116. Addison-Wesley, 1990. [2] G. Bierman. Program equivalence in a linear functional language. Journal of Functional Programming, 10(2):167–190, 2000. [3] M. Bundgaard, T. Hildebrandt, and J. Godskesen. Typing linear and non-linear higher-order mobile embedded resources with local names. Technical Report TR-2007-97, IT University of Copenhagen, 2007. [4] A. Cappai and U. D. Lago. On equivalences, metrics, and polynomial time. In Proc. FCT’15, volume 9210 of LNCS, pages 311–323. Springer, 2015.
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