Blind Direction-of-Arrival Estimation with Uniform Circular Array in ...

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Dec 15, 2015 - A blind direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm based on the estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniquesΒ ...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Volume 2016, Article ID 8109013, 7 pages

Research Article Blind Direction-of-Arrival Estimation with Uniform Circular Array in Presence of Mutual Coupling Song Liu, Lisheng Yang, Shizhong Yang, Qingping Jiang, and Haowei Wu Key Laboratory of Aerocraft Tracking Telemetering & Command and Communication, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China Correspondence should be addressed to Lisheng Yang; [email protected] Received 3 November 2015; Revised 11 December 2015; Accepted 15 December 2015 Academic Editor: Shih Yuan Chen Copyright Β© 2016 Song Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. A blind direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm based on the estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) is proposed for a uniform circular array (UCA) when strong electromagnetic mutual coupling is present. First, an updated UCA model with mutual coupling in a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) beam space is deduced, and the new manifold matrix is equal to the product of a centrosymmetric diagonal matrix and a Vandermonde-structure matrix. Then we carry out blind DOA estimation through a modified ESPRIT method, thus avoiding the need for spatial angular searching. In addition, two mutual coupling parameter estimation methods are presented after the DOAs have been estimated. Simulation results show that the new algorithm is reliable and effective especially for closely spaced signals.

1. Introduction Uniform circular array based DOA estimation methods are always attractive because the UCA has a special symmetric structure that provides almost the same resolution ability along the 360∘ azimuth angle domain. Except for conventional DOA estimation methods such as beam space searching or the Capon method [1], many other methods can be applied, such as the commonly used multiple signal classification (MUSIC) [2] or the well-known ESPRIT [3] in phase mode space. More effective methods such as UCA-RBMUSIC and UCA-ESPRIT [4] have been introduced, and the mapping error reducing method was developed [5]. However, the electromagnetic mutual coupling effect cannot be ignored in a real array. Generally, this effect will severely degrade the performance of the above methods [6]. A classic DOA estimation method based on an iterative search technique was proposed to estimate the DOA and the mutual coupling matrix (MCM) parameters jointly [7], but it has a high computation cost. The rank reduction (RARE) method introduced by [7] was further developed to obtain the DOA estimate for a UCA [8–10], but an angular search is still needed. Moreover, angular ambiguities are challenges for

RARE-based blind methods. For example, two closely spaced signals cannot be differentiated according to the UCA-RARE [8] spectrum because there is a spurious peak at the middle of the two true angles. In this paper, we design a new modified ESPRIT method for UCA to estimate the azimuth angle when mutual coupling is present. The proposed method is blind to mutual coupling and can completely avoid angular searching. Reliable DOA estimates can be obtained, especially for closely spaced signals. In addition, we will introduce two methods to estimate the MCM parameters once the DOA values are calculated.

2. UCA Model with Mutual Coupling Suppose 𝑀-element UCA has a radius π‘Ÿ (Figure 1). All of the antenna elements are identical, and there are 𝐷 far-field narrow signals impinging from {πœƒπ‘— , 𝑗 = 1, . . . , 𝐷} which are the parameters to be estimated. The snapshot can be written as z (π‘˜) = CAs (π‘˜) + n (π‘˜) , π‘˜ = 1, . . . , 𝐾.



International Journal of Antennas and Propagation z

3. Algorithm 3.1. UCA Model in DFT Beam Space. First we introduce the DFT of the MCM for UCA. Lemma 1 (see [11–13]). If C is a circular matrix with its first column vector as c = [𝑐0 , 𝑐1 , . . . , π‘π‘€βˆ’1 ]𝑇 and F is a Fourier matrix

O y

πœƒj x

F = [w0 , w1 , . . . , wπ‘€βˆ’1 ] , w𝑗

Figure 1: Uniform circular array.

𝐾 is the total sampling number and A is the manifold matrix: A = [a (πœƒ1 ) , . . . , a (πœƒπ·)] , (a (πœƒπ‘— )) π‘š


= 𝑓 (πœƒπ‘— ) exp (𝑖

s (π‘˜) = [𝑠1 (π‘˜) , . . . , 𝑠𝐷 (π‘˜)] .

[ 𝑐1


where 𝑗 = 0, . . . , 𝑀 βˆ’ 1, then Ξ› = FCF𝐻 is a diagonal matrix with entries as C’s eigenvalues: π‘€βˆ’1


. . . π‘π‘βˆ’1 . . . ...

.. .






.. .


. . . π‘π‘βˆ’1 . . .


F = F𝑇 ,

If C is also symmetric, this means that C = C𝑇 π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑐𝑗 = π‘π‘€βˆ’π‘— ,



0 = wπ‘š Cw𝑗



π‘š =ΜΈ 𝑗

and we have 𝐻

πœ‡π‘€βˆ’π‘š = (wπ‘€βˆ’π‘š ) C (wπ‘€βˆ’π‘š ) = wπ‘š 𝑇 Cwπ‘š βˆ— = πœ‡π‘š ,


where π‘š = 1, . . . , 𝑀 βˆ’ 1. From (8) and (12), we get a linear equation which cσΈ€  and πœ‡σΈ€  should satisfy for even 𝑀:

𝐸 [s (π‘˜)] = 0,

𝐸 [n (π‘˜) n (π‘˜)𝐻] = πœŽπ‘€2 I.



πœ‡π‘š = wπ‘š 𝑇 Cwπ‘š βˆ— = (wπ‘š 𝑇 Cwπ‘š βˆ— ) = wπ‘š 𝐻Cwπ‘š ,

βŒŠβ‹…βŒ‹ is the flooring function and 𝑐0 is normalized as 1. For ideal dipole antenna array (Figure 1), induced EMF (Electromotive Force) method can give a close form of self-impedance and mutual impedance and thus MCM can be calculated according to Gupta and Ksienski’s formulation [6]. Suppose the signals are uncorrelated and n(π‘˜) is white Gaussian noise:

𝐸 [n (π‘˜)] = 0,

𝑗 = 1, . . . , 𝑀 βˆ’ 1.

Then we can rewrite Ξ› as

𝑐0 ]

𝐸 [s (π‘˜) s (π‘˜)𝐻] = R𝑠 ,



F𝐻 = Fβˆ— .


] 𝑐2 ] ] .. ] ] . ] ] , 𝑁 = βŒŠπ‘€βŒ‹ . 2 π‘π‘βˆ’1 ] ] ] ] .. ] . ]

2πœ‹π‘—π‘š ), 𝑀

in which π‘š = 0, 1, . . . , 𝑀 βˆ’ 1. For the Fourier matrix F


C is the MCM, which is a symmetric circular Toeplitz matrix with the form . . . 𝑐𝑁

2πœ‹π‘— 2πœ‹π‘— (𝑀 βˆ’ 1) 𝑇 (7) 1 [1, exp (𝑖 ) , . . . , exp (𝑖 )] , βˆšπ‘€ 𝑀 𝑀

πœ‡π‘š = (Ξ›)(π‘š+1)(π‘š+1) = βˆ‘ 𝑐𝑗 exp (𝑖

where π‘š = 1, . . . , 𝑀. πœ† is the wavelength of the signals, and a(πœƒπ‘— ) is the manifold vector for the 𝑗th signal. 𝑓(πœƒπ‘— ) is the common directivity factor of the antenna elements. Since all the antenna elements are identical, 𝑓(πœƒπ‘— ) can be normalized as 1, and we use effective SNR which has already included the directivity factor. s(π‘˜) is the signal sample vector:

𝑐0 𝑐1 [ [ 𝑐1 𝑐0 [ [. .. [. . [. [ C=[ [𝑐𝑁 π‘π‘βˆ’1 [ [. .. [ .. . [


2πœ‹π‘Ÿ 2 (π‘š βˆ’ 1) πœ‹ cos (πœƒπ‘— βˆ’ )) , πœ† 𝑀




ΘcσΈ€  = πœ‡σΈ€  , where


International Journal of Antennas and Propagation



cσΈ€  fl [𝑐0 , . . . , 𝑐𝑀/2 ] ,



πœ‡σΈ€  fl [πœ‡0 , . . . , πœ‡π‘€/2 ] , 1 2 [ 2πœ‹ [ β‹… 1 β‹… 1) 2 cos ( [1 [ 𝑀 [ [ 2πœ‹ [1 2 cos ( β‹… 2 β‹… 1) [ 𝑀 [ Θ fl [ . . .. [ .. [ [ [ 2πœ‹ 𝑀 βˆ’ 2 [1 2 cos ( β‹… β‹… 1) [ 𝑀 2 [ [ 2πœ‹ 𝑀 1 2 cos ( β‹… β‹… 1) [ 𝑀 2

β‹…β‹…β‹… β‹…β‹…β‹… β‹…β‹…β‹… β‹…β‹…β‹… β‹…β‹…β‹… β‹…β‹…β‹…

Therefore, if we determine the estimate of πœ‡σΈ€  , then we can obtain the estimate of the mutual coupling parameters cσΈ€  by (13). In addition, there are similar equations where 𝑀 is odd. According to [4], we set 𝛽=

2πœ‹π‘Ÿ , πœ†

2 2πœ‹ π‘€βˆ’2 2 cos ( β‹…1β‹… ) 𝑀 2 2πœ‹ π‘€βˆ’2 2 cos ( β‹…2β‹… ) 𝑀 2 .. .

] ] βˆ’1] ] ] ] 1] ] ] . .. ] . ] ] ] ] 2πœ‹ 𝑀 βˆ’ 2 𝑀 βˆ’ 2 2 cos ( β‹… β‹… ) βˆ’1] ] 𝑀 2 2 ] ] 2πœ‹ 𝑀 𝑀 βˆ’ 2 2 cos ( β‹… β‹… ) 1 ] 𝑀 2 2

𝐽𝑙 (β‹…) is 𝑙 order first-kind Bessel function. According to its property π½βˆ’π‘™ (𝛽) = (βˆ’1)𝑙 𝐽𝑙 (𝛽)


Γ𝐽 = βˆšπ‘€ diag ([𝛼𝐿 , π›ΌπΏβˆ’1 , . . . , 𝛼0 , . . . , π›ΌπΏβˆ’1 , 𝛼𝐿 ]) ,

FσΈ€  = [F1 , F2 ] ,


F1 = [wβˆ’πΏ , . . . , w𝐿 ] ,

𝛼𝑙 = 𝑖𝑙 𝐽𝑙 (𝛽) , 𝑙 = 0, 1, . . . , 𝐿.

exp (βˆ’π‘–πΏπœƒ1 ) β‹… β‹… β‹… exp (βˆ’π‘–πΏπœƒπ·) ] [ ] .. .. Μƒ =[ A ]. [ . β‹…β‹…β‹… . ] [ ) β‹… β‹… β‹… exp (π‘–πΏπœƒ ) exp (π‘–πΏπœƒ 1 𝐷 ] [

Then the snapshot in DFT beam space is 𝐻

Μƒz (π‘˜) = FσΈ€  z (π‘˜) = FσΈ€  CFσΈ€  FσΈ€  As (π‘˜) + FσΈ€  n (π‘˜) ,


Μƒ Ξ“A Μƒ (π‘˜) Μƒz (π‘˜) = [ σΈ€  𝐻 ] s (π‘˜) + n Γ𝐢F2 A


Γ𝐢 0 𝐻 FσΈ€  CFσΈ€  = [ ], 0 Γ󸀠𝐢


Γ𝐢 = diag ([πœ‡πΏ , . . . , πœ‡1 , πœ‡0 , πœ‡1 , . . . , πœ‡πΏ ]) .



In addition, we can obtain [4] 𝐻

Μƒ Γ𝐽 A ] ] = [ F2 𝐻A F2 𝐻A



with Γ𝐽 = βˆšπ‘€ diag ([π‘–βˆ’πΏ π½βˆ’πΏ (𝛽) , . . . , 𝑖𝐿 𝐽𝐿 (𝛽)]) .




in which Ξ“ = Ξ“ 𝐢 Γ𝐽 ,

where (see (11), (12), and (18))


Finally, we obtain the snapshot in DFT beam space

if we write FσΈ€  CFσΈ€  as

FσΈ€  A = [


Μƒ is the updated manifold matrix with a Vandermonde A structure


F2 = [w𝐿+1 , . . . , wπ‘€βˆ’πΏβˆ’1 ] .




where 𝐿 is the number of excited phase modes. We define another Fourier matrix FσΈ€  , which is different from (6):



we get

𝐿 = βŒŠπ›½βŒ‹ ,



Μƒ (π‘˜) ] = πœŽπ‘€2 I. 𝐸 [Μƒ n (π‘˜) n


3.2. DOA Estimation and MCM Calculation. We carry out the eigendecomposition on the covariance matrix R𝑧̃ and Μƒ 𝑠 , which consists of eigenvectors obtain the signal subspace U corresponding to 𝐷 maximum eigenvalues. Select the first Μƒ 𝑠1 and the second 𝐿 + 1 rows as U Μƒ 𝑠2 . Μƒ 𝑠 as U 𝐿 + 1 rows of U Μƒ Μƒ Select the first 𝐿 + 1 rows of A as A1 and the second 𝐿 + 1 rows Μƒ 2 . Select the first (𝐿 + 1) Γ— (𝐿 + 1) diagonal matrix of Ξ“ as as A Ξ“1 and the second (𝐿 + 1) Γ— (𝐿 + 1) diagonal matrix as Ξ“2 . Use


International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

the same notations for other matrices Γ𝐽1 , Γ𝐽2 , Γ𝐢1 , and Γ𝐢2 . Then we have Μƒ 𝑠1 = Ξ“1 A Μƒ 1 T, U


Μƒ 𝑠2 = Ξ“2 A Μƒ 2 T, U

can be cleared by comparing the RARE spectrum [9] values Μ‚ without on πœƒΜ‚π‘— and πœƒΜ‚π‘— +πœ‹. We mark the estimated vector as d opt πœ‹ ambiguity. Finally, we can determine the DOA estimates through the Μ‚ Following is the detailed procedure of the eigenvalues of Ξ¨. blind method for DOA estimation of {πœƒπ‘— }: Μ‚ 𝑧 and do (1) Calculate the sample covariance matrix R eigendecomposition. Get the estimated signal sub̂𝑛 . Μ‚ 𝑠 and noise subspace U space U

where T is a nonsingular matrix. Thus we get Μƒ 𝑠1 Ξ¨ Μƒ =U Ξ“12 U 𝑠2


Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠 . Select the first 𝐿+ (2) Get the updated signal subspace U Μ‚ Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠1 and the second 𝐿 + 1 rows as U Μƒ 𝑠2 : 1 rows as U

with Ξ“12 = Ξ“1 Ξ“2 βˆ’1 = Γ𝐽1 Γ𝐢1 Γ𝐽2 βˆ’1 Γ𝐢2 βˆ’1 = diag (d) , πœ‡ 𝛼 πœ‡π›Ό πœ‡π›Ό 𝑇 πœ‡ 𝛼 d = [ 𝐿 𝐿 , πΏβˆ’1 πΏβˆ’1 , . . . , 1 1 , 0 0 ] , πœ‡πΏβˆ’1 π›ΌπΏβˆ’1 πœ‡πΏβˆ’2 π›ΌπΏβˆ’2 πœ‡0 𝛼0 πœ‡1 𝛼1

Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠 = FσΈ€  𝐻U ̂𝑠 . U (32)

Μ‚ and fitting matrix Ξ¨ Μ‚ according (3) Estimate the vector d Μ‚ and to (34)–(36). Carry out eigendecomposition on Ξ¨ Μ‚ get the DOA estimates {πœƒπ‘— }.

Ξ¨ = Tβˆ’1 diag ([exp (π‘–πœƒ1 ) , . . . , exp (π‘–πœƒπ·)]) T. Μ‚ ̃𝑠 Μƒ 𝑠 with U Since we use sampled data, we should replace U and define the object function as σ΅„©σ΅„© σ΅„© Μ‚ Μ‚ σ΅„©σ΅„©diag (d) U Μƒ 𝑠2 βˆ’ U Μƒ 𝑠1 Ξ¨σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„© σ΅„©σ΅„© σ΅„©σ΅„©

Μ‚ Ξ¨} Μ‚ = arg min {d, d,Ξ¨



Μ‚ d Μ‚ d 𝐿 𝐿+1 = 1.

We use the solution to the above equations from [14, 15]. Consider Μ‚ = arg min d𝐻Qd d d

(34) s.t.

Μ‚ d Μ‚ d 𝐿 𝐿+1 = 1 βˆ’1

𝐻 𝐻 Μ‚ Μ‚ Μ‚ ) U Μ‚ Μ‚ U Μƒ 𝑠1 U Μƒ Μƒ Μƒ 𝑠1 diag (d) Μ‚ = (U Ξ¨ 𝑠1 𝑠2



(4) Compare the blind RARE spectral values [9] on πœƒΜ‚π‘— and πœƒΜ‚π‘— + πœ‹ and clear the ambiguity. Output the final DOA estimates. We label the above mentioned method as β€œBlind-m1-half” Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠 . In addition, we can because we only select 𝐿 + 1 rows of U Μ‚ Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠 as U Μƒ 𝑠1 and select the first 2𝐿 and the second 2𝐿 rows from U Μ‚ Μƒ . This method is labeled β€œBlind-m1-full.” Furthermore, we U 𝑠2

Μ‚ Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠1 Μƒ 𝑠 as U can select the first 𝐿 and the third 𝐿 rows from U Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠2 or select the first 2𝐿 βˆ’ 1 and the third 2𝐿 βˆ’ 1 rows and U Μ‚ and U Μ‚ . We label the two methods as β€œBlindΜ‚ as U Μƒ Μƒ Μƒ from U 𝑠



m2-half” and β€œBlind-m2-full,” respectively. We will carry out simulations on these four methods in Section 4. Now we can estimate the MCM parameters once we get Μ‚ πœƒ. Method 1. If 𝑐𝑗 = 0, 𝑗 > 𝐿, then, according to (32) and (13), we get

with 𝑇

𝐻 Μ‚ Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠2 U Μƒ 𝑠2 ) , Q = PβŠ₯Μ‚Μƒ βŠ™ (U U𝑠1


𝐻 𝐻 Μ‚ Μ‚ Μ‚ Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠1 (U Μƒ 𝑠1 U Μƒ 𝑠1 )βˆ’1 U Μƒ 𝑠1 and βŠ™ is the Hadamard where PβŠ₯Μ‚Μƒ = Iβˆ’U U𝑠1

product. If πœ“min is the eigenvector of Q corresponding to its minimum eigenvalue, then we have Μ‚ = πœ“min , d 𝜌



𝜌 = (πœ“min )𝐿 (πœ“min )𝐿+1 . Equation (37) indicates that there is a phase πœ‹ ambiguity for 𝜌, and thus it will introduce a πœ‹ ambiguity to the DOA Μ‚ However, this ambiguity values through the eigenvalues of Ξ¨.

diag ([

Μ‚ ̂𝐿 πœ‡ πœ‡ Μ‚ ), , . . . , 0 ]) = Γ𝐽2 Γ𝐽1 βˆ’1 diag (d opt Μ‚ πΏβˆ’1 Μ‚1 πœ‡ πœ‡




Μ‚c =

Μ‚ πœ‡ Μ‚σΈ€ ) (Θ βˆ’1

Μ‚ πœ‡ Μ‚σΈ€ ) (Θ




Μ‚ = Μ‚ σΈ€  = [Μ‚ Μ‚1, . . . , πœ‡ Μ‚ 𝐿 ]𝑇 , and Θ πœ‡0 , πœ‡ where Μ‚cσΈ€  = [1, ̂𝑐1 , . . . , ̂𝑐𝐿 ]𝑇 , πœ‡ Μ‚ Θ(1 : 𝐿 + 1, 1 : 𝐿 + 1), which means that Θ consists of the first Μ‚ 0 is a 𝐿 + 1 rows and 𝐿 + 1 columns of Θ (see (15)). In (40), πœ‡ nonzero parameter, but it will be cleared by the normalization operation. Method 1 can only estimate 𝐿 mutual coupling parameters.

International Journal of Antennas and Propagation


Method 2. In addition, we can obtain a more accurate estimate of c by the method introduced in [7]. Consider 󸀠𝐻

Μ‚cσΈ€  = arg min c Ξ©cσΈ€ 

Table 1: Mutual coupling parameters. 𝑐0 1

𝑐1 βˆ’0.3204 + 0.1878𝑖

𝑐2 0.1496 + 0.1153𝑖

𝑐𝑗 , 𝑗 = 3, . . . , 8 0


(Μ‚cσΈ€  )1 = 𝑐0 = 1

(41) Table 2: Mutual coupling estimates (SNR = 30 dB, 𝐾 = 1000).

Μ‚ U Μ‚ , ̂𝑛 U Μ‚ 𝑛 𝐻Ξ₯ (a (πœƒ)) Ξ© = Ξ₯𝐻 (a (πœƒ)) where Μ‚cσΈ€  = [1, ̂𝑐1 , . . . , ̂𝑐𝑁]𝑇 . If πœ™min is the eigenvector of Ξ© corresponding to its minimum eigenvalue, then Μ‚cσΈ€  =

πœ™min . (πœ™min )1


Μ‚ ∈ 𝐢𝑀×(𝑁+1) than We give a simpler expression of Ξ₯(a(πœƒ)) that in [7, 9]. Consider

c1 βˆ’0.3204 + 0.1878𝑖 βˆ’0.3114 + 0.2053𝑖 βˆ’0.3203 + 0.1877𝑖

True value Method 1 Method 2

Spec. value


0.4 0.2 0

Μ‚ , Ξ₯ (:, 1) = a (πœƒ)



150 200 Azimuth (∘ )

c2 0.1496 + 0.1153𝑖 0.1451 + 0.1179𝑖 0.1496 + 0.1154𝑖




150 200 Azimuth (∘ )











MUSIC without MCM

𝑗 = 2, 3, . . . , 𝑁, Ξ₯ (:, 𝑁 + 1)

Spec. value

Μ‚ , 𝑗 βˆ’ 1) + circshift (a (πœƒ) Μ‚ , 1 βˆ’ 𝑗) , Ξ₯ (:, 𝑗) = circshift (a (πœƒ)


Μ‚ , 𝑁) , for even 𝑁 {circshift (a (πœƒ) ={ Μ‚ , 𝑁) + circshift (a (πœƒ) Μ‚ , βˆ’π‘) , for odd 𝑁, circshift (a (πœƒ) {

Γ—104 5 0



Spec. value

RARE [9]

Μ‚ 𝑗) is a function that shifts a(πœƒ) Μ‚ by 𝑗 times where circshift(a(πœƒ), Μ‚ in the counter direction. circularly. If 𝑗 < 0, then it shifts a(πœƒ)

Γ—104 2 1 0




Azimuth (∘ )

4. Simulations

UCA-RARE [8] Spec. value

Consider a 16-element half-wave dipole antenna UCA with 𝑓0 = 1.032 GHz and π‘Ÿ = 0.7 πœ†. Set 𝐿 = 4. The mutual coupling vector c is listed in Table 1. The theoretical parameters are calculated according to Gupta and Ksienski’s formulation [6], and small values are treated as 𝑐𝑗 = 0, 𝑗 = 3, . . . , 8. Real parameters should be estimated by array calibration method. Two signals are impinging from 35∘ and 45∘ with the same signal noise ratio (SNR). We apply the classic MUSIC, blind RARE [9], blind R-RARE [10], and UCA-RARE [8] methods to obtain azimuth estimates. The results are shown in Figure 2. It shows that the MUSIC method and RARE-based blind methods cannot differentiate these two signals because RARE-based methods will introduce spurious estimates. We should obtain the initial estimates from the MUSIC spectrum to start the iterative method [7], but it is difficult to find two different spectral peaks from the spectrum of β€œMUSIC without MCM.” We apply the proposed blind method to the above example. The estimated average DOA absolute bias and root mean square error (RMSE) versus SNR are illustrated in Figures 3–6 (𝐾 = 10000, 100 trials). Method in [7] (πœ– = 0.01) and the CramΒ΄er-Rao bound (CRB) with a known MCM are also presented [16].

0.02 0.01 0





Azimuth (∘ )

R-RARE [10]

Figure 2: MUSIC and RARE spectrum (SNR = 20 dB, 𝐾 = 1000, one trial).

This shows that all the four proposed methods can give satisfactory estimates and that the tendency of the RMSE is the same as the CRB with an increase of SNR. Method Blind-m1-full and method Blind-m2-full are more effective Μ‚ Μƒ 𝑠 are than the other two methods because more rows of U Μ‚ (see (35)). A involved when we calculate the fitting matrix Ξ¨ comparison of simulations versus sampling number will give similar results. Method in [7] gives a biased estimate. Table 2 lists the MCM parameter estimates based on the two methods introduced in Section 3. This shows that Method 2 can give more accurate results.

International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 103





RMSE azimuth sig.1 ( ∘ )

Average abs (bias) sig.1 (∘ )


100 10



10βˆ’2 10βˆ’3 10βˆ’4

10βˆ’3 10βˆ’4











SNR (dB) Blind-m1-half Blind-m1-full Blind-m2-half

15 20 SNR (dB)

Blind-m1-half Blind-m1-full Blind-m2-half

Blind-m2-full Iter. method [7]



Blind-m2-full Iter. method [7] CRB

Figure 5: RMSE versus SNR for signal 1.

Figure 3: Average DOA absolute bias versus SNR for signal 1. 101 100 RMSE azimuth sig.2 ( ∘ )

Average abs (bias) sig.2 (∘ )

103 102 101 10



10βˆ’2 10βˆ’3 10βˆ’4



10βˆ’3 10βˆ’4








SNR (dB) 5


Blind-m1-half Blind-m1-full Blind-m2-half

15 20 SNR (dB)



Blind-m2-full Iter. method [7]

Blind-m1-half Blind-m1-full Blind-m2-half

Blind-m2-full Iter. method [7] CRB

Figure 6: RMSE versus SNR for signal 2.

Figure 4: Average DOA absolute bias versus SNR for signal 2.

Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.

5. Conclusion In DFT beam space, we utilize a modified ESPRIT algorithm to obtain a reliable DOA estimate when there is a severe mutual coupling effect. The new blind method is efficient because it avoids searching for the spectral peaks. For closely spaced signals, neither the classic MUSIC nor RARE-based methods provide a good estimate, while the proposed new method can produce an accurate estimate. Moreover, these direction estimates can be used for further MCM parameter estimation.

Acknowledgments The work is supported by the Chongqing Academician Fund under Grant cstc2014yykfys90001, by the Project of Chinese Academy of Engineering under Grant 2014-XX-05, by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61501068, by the Project of Equipment Pre-Research of the Ministry of Education of China under Grant 62501040217, and by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant 106112013CDJZR165502.

International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

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