Jul 9, 2015 - (http://www.jim.or.jp/journal/e/pdf3/44/05/973.pdf). 46. 46. .... Hasani A, Lapovok R, Tóth LS, Molinari A (2008) Deformation field variations in.
CFD 2D simulation of viscous flow during ECAE through a rectangular die with parallel slants - Springer
ORIGINAL ART ICLE The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology September 2014, Volume 7 4, Issue 5, pp 943-962
CFD 2D simulation of viscous flow during ECAE through a rectangular die with parallel slants Alexander V. Perig , Nikolai N. Golodenko
Abstract The objectiv e of this article is the description of adv antages of a slanted die geometry , used for equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of materials. The prime nov elty statement of the present research is an experimental flow pattern, obtained with circular gridlines and a numerical solution of a v iscous flow 2D problem for the slanted die, deriv ed with Nav ier–Stokes equations in curl transfer form. The geometry of the slanted die was chosen for the case of a rectangular die with channel intersection angle 2θ = 90° and with parallel slants in the channel intersection zone, where the slant width is equal to the inlet and outlet channel widths. Computational material flow kinematics, macroscopic rotation patterns, material flow v elocity fields, tangential stresses, and punching pressure fields during v iscous materials ECAE hav e been deriv ed with a numerical finite-difference solution of the curl transfer equation for 2D v iscous flow of incompressible continuum during ECAE. Theoretical results hav e been v erified with phy sical simulation experiments by the introduction of initial circular gridlines. Both theoretical and computational results confirm the suitability and technological adv antages of dies with parallel slants ov er the known Segal and Iwahashi dies for ECAE, as slanted conv ergent dies enable the reduction of the dead zone size and prov ide the minimization of dangerous macroscopic rotation during ECAE processing of both metal and poly mer materials.
CFD 2D simulation of viscous flow during ECAE through a rectangular die with parallel slants - Springer
ECAE Die Parallel slants Curl transfer equation Finite difference CFD 2D Phy sical simulation Circular gridlines Loading related content...
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About this Article Title CFD 2D simulation of v iscous flow during ECAE through a rectangular die with parallel slants Journal The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Volume 7 4, Issue 5-8 , pp 943-962 Cov er Date 2014-09 DOI 10.1007 /s0017 0-014-5827 -2 Print ISSN 0268-37 68 Online ISSN 1433-3015 Publisher Springer London Additional Links Register for Journal Updates Editorial Board About This Journal Manuscript Submission Topics Industrial and Production Engineering Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Mechanical Engineering Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design Key words ECAE Die Parallel slants Curl transfer equation Finite difference CFD 2D
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Phy sical simulation Circular gridlines Industry Sectors Pharma Materials & Steel Automotive Chemical Manufacturing Finance, Business & Banking Biotechnology Electronics IT & Software Telecommunications Consumer Packaged Goods Energy, Utilities & Environment Aerospace Oil, Gas & Geosciences Engineering Authors Alexander V. Perig (1 ) Nikolai N. Golodenko (2 ) Author Affiliations 1. Manufacturing Processes and Automation Engineering Department, Donbass State Engineering Academy , Shkadinov a Str., 7 2, Kramatorsk, Ukraine, 84313 2. Department of Water Supply , Water Disposal and Water Resources Protection, Donbass National Academy of Civ il Engineering and Architecture, Derzhav in Str., 2, Makey ev ka, Ukraine, 86123