EDNY. Computer Hardware Data Form. (01/2003). Name: USPO: Complete this
form in full and return to your U.S. Probation Officer within seven days. You are ...
Computer Hardware Data Form
EDNY (01/2003)
Complete this form in full and return to your U.S. Probation Officer within seven days. You are to provide full information regarding all computers and accessories you have access to. If you are unsure about what to report, ask your U.S. Probation Officer. If you need additional space, write on a separate sheet of paper referencing the item. If an item does not apply mark “not applicable” or “N/A”. Complete for each computer you have or use: Computer
Serial No.:
BIOS Revision:
RAM Size:
BIOS Password: Where is this computer maintained at?
Is this computer used for business, education, or home?
How many people have access to this computer?
Who and why?
List all user accounts configured on this computer. Indicate your user account(s) by checking the box next to User Name:
USER NAME ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Is this computer netw orked?
PASSWORD ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 9 Yes
9 No
If so, indicate assignment on network: Hard Drive Information Currently, how many hard drives does this computer have in it? For each hard drive provide the follow ing information. (Use additional sheet, if necessary). Hard Drive
Model No.:
Serial No.:
Identified by operating system as drive letter(s):
Drive size:
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Computer Hardware Data Form
EDNY (01/2003)
Can your computer boot from this drive? 9 Yes 9 No If so, w hat is the name and version of the operating system(s)(MAC, Window s, Linux, etc.)?
Is this drive a primary or slave drive?
9 Yes 9 No Provide the follow ing information for each partition.
Is this drive partitioned? If so, how many partitions?
What is its configuration?
Size & Format (Fat 16/32, NTFS, etc.)
Operating System Designation
Bootable Name of Operating System
of of of of Use additional sheet if necessary to provide partition information. What is the configuration of all IDE/SCSI slots in this machine? Do any of the settings permit the “hot” sw apping of hard drives or external drives?
Additional Hard Drives Not in Use
List all hard drives that are not installed that you have access to. (Use additional sheet, if necessary, to provide full information.) Serial No.
Where Maintained
External Drives Provide the follow ing information pertaining to all drives that use removable media, examples of such devices: CD/DVD, CDR, CDRW, ZIP, JAZ, SCSI, etc. (Use additional sheet, if necessary, to provide full information.) Description
Serial No.
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Where Maintained
Computer Hardware Data Form
EDNY (01/2003)
Modems List all modems and/or modem cards, w hether internal or external, for the above computers. (Use additional sheet, if necessary, to provide full information.) Internal/External
Model/Serial No./Speed
Where Maintained
Other Accessories
List all peripherals and expansion cards that you ow n/possess. Examples are Palm Pilots, digital cameras, scanners, printers, SCSI, NIC or video cards, etc. (Use additional sheet, if necessary, to provide full information.) Device
SOFTWARE List major software you possess.
Do you have licenses for all copyrighted software on your system(s)? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, details:
Do you have any shareware or freeware on your system(s)? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, details: Do you have any encryption or steganography software? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, details: Do you have any viruses, worms, or other malicious software? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, details:
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Serial No.
Computer Hardware Data Form
Do you have any monitoring/filtering, spyware detection software on your system(s)? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, details: Do you have any software that erases all residual information on any media? 9 Yes 9 No If yes, details: Provide the name of any software that you installed or had installed on your computer system(s) that was not part of the computer system when it was purchased.
Provide the name of all software operating system(s) you have.
Provide the name of any anti-virus or firewall software you have. Provide the names of any software you possess that permits instant message, Internet Relay communication, or similar method of real time communication. Also include any file-sharing application (i.e. Kazaa, MIRC).
Remote Storage
Provide complete details regarding any storage locations that are not reflected above. Information to include: Location (be specific), how much storage space you have, method for paying for space, purpose of having this storage space, and passw ord to access location.
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Computer Hardware Data Form
Passwords Password
List any passw ords that are not reflected above that have access to systems, files, storage, etc.
To the bes t of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided in this s tatement is true, correct and complete. I unders tand that a fals e s tatement on this form may res ult in a violation of s upervis ion or a s eparate charge of fals e s tatements under 18 U.S.C. §1001 (up to five years impris onment, a fine of $250,000, or both).
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Computer Hardware Data Form
Additional Page
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