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system and the broadcast of warning signals for Digital Terres- trial Television. A graphical user interface will be created in specialized software as it is Netbeans ...
Designing a system for monitoring and broadcasting early warning signs of natural disasters for Digital Terrestrial Television Alexandra Segura, Gonzalo Olmedo, Freddy Acosta and M´onica Santill´an

Abstract—This paper deals with the design of a monitoring system and the broadcast of warning signals for Digital Terrestrial Television. A graphical user interface will be created in specialized software as it is Netbeans. Area codes will be used to generate the corresponding transport stream files which will be sent through Stream Xpress software in order to broadcast the signal. Finally, the warning will be displayed in an equipment of ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL. The main aim of this work is to show the Emergency Warning Broadcast System signal to prevent people from any natural disaster that might happen.

Digital Terrestrial Television DTT, ISDB-T and ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL systems, Emergency Warning Broadcast System EWBS and Transport Stream TS. I. I NTRODUCTION The Ring of Fire is located in the Pacific Ocean and is characterized by concentrating some of the major subduction zones of the world, causing an intense seismic and volcanic activity in the areas covered. Roughly 90% of all earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire, and the ring is dotted with 75% of all active volcanoes on Earth. It includes Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, USA, Canada, then fold up to the Aleutian Islands and down the coasts and islands of Russia, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand [1]. Ecuadorian territory is highly vulnerable to the natural phenomenon action, due to its geological structure and geographical location. According to the updated Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program data, Continental Ecuador has about 250 volcanoes of different types, and Galapagos recorded more than 3.000. There are 21 active on the continent [2]. Although these volcanoes have previously erupted, in October 1999 an eruption of the Guagua Pichincha volcano left the capital of Ecuador covered with ash. In 2000, after a long period of dormancy, the Tungurahua volcano entered an eruptive phase that continues to this day. Since 1738, Cotopaxi has erupted more than 50 times, resulting in the creation of numerous valleys formed by lahars (mudflows) around the volcano, recently the volcano has started become no dormancy. Alexandra Segura, Gonzalo Olmedo, Freddy Acosta and M´onica Santill´an, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE - Ecuador, Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].

Natural events, that may cause disasters in the Ecuador regions, were considered. This country has a high biodiversity, biological reserves, different types of soils and climates, patchy sunshine, wind which comes from different directions and intensities, varied landscapes and lots of diverse rainfall patterns, which motivate the Fen´omeno del Ni˜no. This is a cyclical climate phenomenon that causes havoc worldwide, the most affected South America and the areas between Indonesia and Australia, thereby causing heating of the South American waters. That information was obtained through the Secretar´ıa de Gesti´on de Riesgos(SGR); it is responsible for ensuring the protection of persons before any event or natural disaster happens. These paragraphs describe the constant imminent danger of Ecuador. Therefore it is imperative to find a system to alert people about the possible catastrophe. Nowadays, Ecuador is a country into Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) transition process, comprising no just the audiovisual quality, regarding the analog television, but also provides enormous differentiated advantages and over conventional television broadcast[3]. The importance of realizing this research project takes root in the making of a system of monitoring for early warning systems that generates a Transport Stream (TS) signals with the Emergency Warning Broadcast System (EWBS) code [4]. The alarms that are part of the early warning systems try to alert people about natural disasters occurring day after day, sending the above mentioned alert emergency through every electronic media communications, at first by DTT, Instant Messaging (IM), Digital Audio Broadcasting(DAB), among others which use the technology EWBS in Ecuador. This research offers a real novelty in the technological field early warning for natural disasters software which was created especially for Ecuador and Latin America, that’s the reason the institutions names and figures in the text are at Ecuador official language. An application was developed, which consist of displaying the Ecuadorian map against any natural disaster, generating at the same time an emergency signal, which could be: provincial or national alert, for this to happen, a data base with canton’s codes of every Ecuadorian province, presenting in binary code and will be turned into decimal numbers to be able to send the emergency alert. The data base with provincial or national alert codes was generated by the SGR and approved at the ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL forum [5].

978-1-4673-8451-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

The development of this application was performed using Java, which helped to program through a friendly graphic environment, easy to understand for their corresponding coding, thus helping to fully comprehend how the system worked. For the map creation, API of Google Maps were used, which allowed to create the necessary classes, for example: elevation, geographical coordinates, static map, and so on, which permitted to obtain the information and send it to create the Map of the area which was identified like in emergency alert. As soon as the application was created, the executable file was implemented, which allowed to run the interface graph of the system. II. D ESIGN For the proposed early warning monitoring system applied to natural disasters, it is indispensable to mention the importance and the main characteristics of the design, which have been used for the creation of the system. For this to be real, the programming graphic environmental tool JAVA was used, nowadays very well-known and friendly, called NETBEANS. The use of this language helps the system to be a multiplatform making possible to use API’S of GOOGLE MAPS. As soon as the graph interface was reached the necessary tests were carried out in the TDT laboratories of the University of the Armed Forces - ESPE. As it was mentioned previously, the API of Google Maps were used, for the creation of the application. The following software package with their respective classes were used, where the corresponding blocks are created: 1) The Father Class, which in this case is class, is created, which is inherited by the Daughter Classes which are composed by:,,, • In this class, Daughter Classes are deduced, it is characterized by having a series of static functions, as well its properties for the different options of requests to be asked to the API Google Maps, between these is the sensor, region, language, and so on., which provides the status of each one of the requests. • It comprises functions of geographical codification,which is used to transform an address into its geographical coordinates or vice versa. • It comprises functions to obtain the altitude points from its geographical coordinates. • It comprises functions to create static maps and to obtain its image (in format Image), which contained a scoreboard of the center of the above mentioned map. It has the possibility of several types of formats and types of maps, using different characteristics. • It comprises functions to create the URL associated with a web map which is not static and is also able to be displayed. 2) This is the class that is characterized by the name JFrame: is in charge to execute the application.

Fig. 1. EWBS Area Code of Ecuador.

• • It allows the state to be displayed of the different events in the application bar. This is the JFrame, which is a graphic environment that allows us to build the interface to enter the application. This is characterized by asking for the USERNAME and PASSWORD, and if the entered information is not correct an error message is shown. However, if the entered information is correct, it allows you to enter the APPLICATION MAP EWBS, the same one that is called Class This graphic environment allows to build the APPLICATION MAP EWBS in a friendly way (using buttons, JLabel, JText, so on.), and it calls to other classes that shape this application. One of the main buttons is that of GENERATING TS, which consists of turning a decimal code into a TS file, the same one that serves for the signs emission.

3) EWBS Area Code of Ecuador: This allows you to select the provinces that shape Ecuador, the same ones that are classified by its respective cantons. Each of them have a Code EWBS (code of area), which will appear in three forms BINARY, DECIMAL and HEXADECIMAL. This serves to generate the TS file. The option exists to show the place of the province of the canton, for which the Internet connection is needed, as shown in Fig. 1. 4) EWBS Supports Online: It allows you to enter the coordinates or adress for the province or canton. The found information is shown in a data list. Once chosen the desired canton will show a message like an SI registered code, this one shows the found address and its respective EWBS code (area code). The opposite case if this message is a not registered code, will show the FFFFF code. And finally one will proceed to generate the TS file. The design of the Interface appears built for the system in Fig. 2. 5) Personalized: This allows you to choose the options of BINARY, DECIMAL and HEXADECIMAL. After selecting the option the number is entered to generate

Fig. 4. Data structure of Emergency information descriptor.

Fig. 2. EWBS Support Online.

Fig. 3. Area Code Personalized.

the TS file. The creation of the Interface appears in Fig. 3. 6) TO GENERATE TS: In the Program Map Table (PMT), the emergency information descriptor is inserted, with the syntax described in Tab. I or the data structure of emergency information descriptor 0xF C given in the Fig. 4 [4].

TABLE I E MERGENCY I NFORMATION S YNTAX . Syntax emergency information descriptor(){ descriptor tag descriptor length for(i=0;i¡N;i++) { service id start end flag signal level reserved future use area code length for(j=0;j¡N;j++) { area code reserved future use } } }

No Bits


8 8

uimsbf uimsbf

16 1 1 6 8

uimsbf bslbf bslbf bslbf uimsbf

12 4

bslbf uimsbf

The semantics for the emergency information descriptors should fulfill the following aspects: • Service id: The 16 bits field will have to indicate the transmission number event. • Start end flag: The 1 bit field will have to correspond to the start and end signal of the EWBS operation. When this bit is 1, it will mean that the EWBS has started or is working. When this bit is 0, it means that the EWBS is finished. • Signal level or Signal Types: The 1 bit field will have to correspond (to the types of) emergency signs specified by the agencies in charge. When the bit is 0, it means that the alarm sign is a first type of start signal. When the bit is 1, it means that the alarm sign is a second type of start signal. This information will not have to be used for the control of the Suitable Recipients for EWBS. • Area code length: The 8 bits field indicates the size of the area code in bits. • Area code Personalized: The 12 bits field that corresponds to the area code specified by the agency in charge. • The Area Code Data: is also part of the terrestrial transmission system descriptor which indicates the physical conditions of the terrestrial transmission. The place of the Area Code is specific for every ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL member country. III. R ESULTS T ESTING A. Diagram of the Stage of Test By means of this diagram we can observe the connection of the equipment and the emission signal that flows in each of the software and equipment to be used during the EWBS transmission signal, as shown in Fig. 5. B. Description of Software and Equipment used for the implementation 1) StreamXpress: Developed by the company DekTec, creator of the modulator and analyzer cards included in the server. The software reads a data stream (TS) to be sent to a modulating DekTec using the Emergency Broadcasting option show in Fig.6 [5]. 2) ISDB-T Digital Set-Top Box: These decoders, which come with a remote control, have the service of Onesegment broadcasting and EWBS, which succeeds in receiving the Emergency Alert broadcast in ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL for a national television station in

Fig. 5. Test Scenario Diagram. Fig. 8. Example: Area Code GALAPAGOS 0xBE.

Fig. 6. Parameters of TMCC.

South-America. In this project the Set-top box Pixela showed in the Fig. 7 was used.[6] It is characterized by being compatible with the following functions: • Reception of emergency warning broadcasting during standby status. • Audible alarm activation upon reception of emergency warning broadcasting. • Auto power on and information display. 3) TV: It is an image and sound transmission device, displays channels, and carries through airwaves. This equipment serves to display and transmit the emergency information alarm. Then it tests the monitoring system and transmission signal in order to ensure that it meets the initial indicated requirements. C. Test 1: Area code of Ecuador 1) It proceeds to generate TS, using the APPLICATION MAP EWBS, as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 9. Transport Stream File EWBS GALAPAGOS BE.

2) The StreamXpress software is loaded in the EWBS file, which is transmitted by the EWBS ESPE channel, as shown in Fig. 9. 3) The Emergency Broadcasting is enabled, as shown in Fig. 10. 4) With the remote control of the decoder proceed to change the hexadecimal code corresponding to the canton, and enter FACTORY MODE SETTING and EWB TMCC area, as shown in Fig. 11. 5) Run the loaded file on the StreamXpress software. 6) Display the emergency television message, as shown in Fig. 12.

D. Test 2: EWBS Online Support

Fig. 7. Set-top box Pixela.

It proceeds to generate TS, using the APPLICATION MAP EWBS. The steps performed are similar to those of test 1 (EWBS ECUADOR AREA CODE), with the difference that you must change the hexadecimal code. The Fig 13 show the respective application options, where the coordinates of Ambato Canton were used and the Transport Stream with the area code 0x05 was generated.

Fig. 13. Area Code using Coordinates.


Fig. 10. Emergency Broadcasting Enable.

Fig. 11. Change Area Code on Set-top box.

Fig. 12. Display de Emergency Messge.

The main objective of this project is a monitoring system design and signal emission, before any emergency or natural disaster. As shown in the test figures for this project, the result obtained through the MAP EWBS implementation could generate the TS file with the code of the selected canton, the same one that was sent to convey through StreamXpress, of which the hexadecimal change with the remote decoder control was made and the Emergency Alert was obtained. The study of the ISDB-T standard used in Japan and ISDBT INTERNACIONAL, modified in Brazil, were adapted in several South American countries today. The EWBS study of the system, both analog and digital, has been developed by NHK of Japan and is part of the ISDB-T, whose main objective is alerting personnel to any event of natural disasters that occurs day by day. It has been successfully implemented in Japan, for this reason it is an innovative proposal in Latin-America. After analyzing the ISDB-T and ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL, including EWBS standards, a monitoring system containing the signal with the code or emergency key to the sector will be issued by the Broadcasters with the primary objective of saving human lives. To achieve the desired objective activating the emergency flag, which is in 26 bit in the TMCC signal, is required to include information on the Emergency Information Descriptor in the PMT tables, placing the area code from the affected sector. The APPLICATION MAP EWBS, which is easy-to-use, was designed and is based on Tables of Annex 1 containing the area code information of existing sectors in our country, and generates the TS; the same as used for emergency signal transmission, allowing the Emergency Damage Alert to be displayed. The signal is sent using the StreamXpress software that reads the same TS and enables the Emergency Broadcasting modulating and modulating control card. At the reception the code is modified in the decoder, in order to obtain the

emergency signal that generates a message and a sound can be displayed on a television. Tests were also performed in the channel Stand-by for emergency alarm and can be activated at any time. The only disadvantage is that if the TV does not show the Stand-by mode then it isn’t turned on, but the receiver will generate the emergency alarm sound. recommendations The use of APPLICATION MAP EWBS is recommended because it allows the TS file, decimal, binary and hexadecimal numbers to be generated; they will allow us to perform various tests in Digital Television laboratories. By using the APPLICATION MAP EWBS it is recommended to be connected to the internet if you want to see the location of the emergency sector, to obtain the coordinates of the area affected by some emergency. The digital TV receivers to be elected should have the EWBS and interactive technology in order to utilize the advantages of the ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL to any implementation in Ecuador. This requires that receivers have the area codes of different sectors, and by means of these codes people can be alerted to the natural disaster, with only the signal sent of the at risk sector, using the APPLICATION MAP EWBS. R EFERENCES [1] Circum Pacific Belt National Geographic, Ring of fire, 1996. [2] La hora, Ecuador con m´as de 27 volcanes activos, 17th june 2015. [3] Comit´e Interinstitucional T´ecnico para la Introducci´on de la Televisi´on Digital Terrestre en el Ecuador-CITDT, Informe CITDT-GAC-2012-001, 19th april 2015. [4] ARIB STANDARD, Service Information for Digital Broadcasting System, Version 4.6, 2008. [5] FORO ISDB-T INTERNACIONAL, ISDB-T Documento de Armonizaci´on, Parte 3: Sistema de Alerta de Emergencias EWBS, may-2013. [6] DekTec, DTC-300-SP | StreamXpress Software USER MANUAL, august2012. [7] PIXELA CORPORATION, Digital TV Turner box for Latin America CATALOG, retrieved from: http : // consumer electronics/.