milk products monitoring system with arm processor for ... - IEEE Xplore

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for monitoring system to detect and identify the spoilage of milk and produce a healthy product. Therefore this work helps in early detection of toxic substances in ...
2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City

MILK PRODUCTS MONITORING SYSTEM WITH ARM PROCESSOR FOR EARLY DETECTION OF MICROBIAL ACTIVITY Dr.S.Asif Hussain1 Assistant Professor Middle East College Knowledge oasis Muscat, Sultanate of Oman E-mail: [email protected]

Dr.M.N.Giri Prasad2 Dept. of E.C.E., Professor JNTUA, Ananthapur Andhra Pradesh, India [email protected]

Chandra Shekar Ramaiah Head of the Department of E & C Middle East College Knowledge Oasis, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman [email protected]

S. Mazhar Hussain Lecturer Dept. of E.C.E Middle East College, Muscat Sultanate of Oman [email protected]

Abstract— Smart City initiative is an attempt to identify the technologies that can solve problems which cities must confront, such as poor air quality and health related issues, and hence create a network of partner cities to share the ideas for future progress. In this work an issue which is to facilitate smarter cities through world sensing is discussed. Food safety in rural and urban areas is a very important topic, as it closely affects the health of citizens. Recent studies highlight that raw milk contain pathogenic organisms which could result in illness if consumed which can increase the incidence of diseases and deteriorate the quality of life. Hence, it is necessary to develop tools for real-time and smart sensing for quality monitoring, so and to make appropriate and timely decision. In this paper, we present uSense, a low-cost cooperative monitoring tool that allows one to know, in real-time, the concentrations of gases in raw milk. As the raw milk is stored for many days the growth of bacteria will be more which results in undesirable smell, taste and toxic substances. Hence there is need for monitoring system to detect and identify the spoilage of milk and produce a healthy product. Therefore this work helps in early detection of toxic substances in milk to avoid complications in the initial phase for a good final product. The proposed prototype is an ARM based monitoring unit which monitors the unwanted ingredients present in the tested milk with the help of TGC gas sensors. The concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC) present in the head space of milk is degraded drastically and contaminated when it is found with bacteria, Senescent, photo oxidation, and provident metals such as copper, Iron and nickel. The raw milk obtained has some bacteria which do not have ill effect but as it is refrigerated and stored for many days there will be rapid transformation of bacteria which yields in to spoilage of milk. So there should be appropriate measures to handle the raw milk in order to avoid degradable effects. Keywords—ARM; Senescent; Spoilage; Volatile organic compounds;

I. INTRODUCTION Advances in technology have led to improvement in early identification, detection of degradable products in the market. Recent Innovations in the field of science and Engineering have led to growth in food products also. Certainly in the present environment there is a significant need of monitoring system to define the quality of the perishable dairy products. The basic necessity of a human being is milk which has high calcium and carbohydrates which provide much strength to human body. The assessment of food products is an essential need to the society as this leads to the development of urbanization. Raw milk requires attention or a quality control to assess the dairy product before manufacturing [11] or producing in to various milk products. The analysis of milk involves sensory elements to describe the nature and essence of the product which is a great challenge. Rapid processing and development of milk products requires a cost effective tool in order to assess a final milk product. Milk obtained from healthy cow is with bacteria but as the time is spent in storing the milk it yields in to Multiplication of bacteria produces spoilage of milk, Smell and Taste. Various sensory system were proposed for a standard milk process but still the accuracy in the system in not up to the mark. Therefore spoilage of milk can be reduced by involving the sensory system in initial stage so as to have a healthy product at the end. This work involves detection of spoilage of milk due to contamination of microbial bacteria which can be detected easily from the presence of acetic acid and ethanol, acetal dehyde present in the head space of the milk which is not present in the raw milk before it gets spoiled.

978-1-4673-9584-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City TABLE 1 shows the milk products and its Compounds which spoils the milk


by microbial activity


Spoilage microorganism or microbial activity

Raw Milk

A wide variety of different microbes

Pasteurized Milk

Psyshrotrophs, Poreformers, Microbial enzymatic degradation

Concentrated Milk

Spore Forming Bacteria, Osmophillic Fungi

Dried Milk

Microbial enzymatic degradation


Psyshrotrophs, enzymatic Degradation

Cultured Buttermilk, Sour Cream

Psychotrophs, Coliforms, Yeasts, Lactic acid Bacteria

Cottage Cheese

Psychotrophs, Coliforms, Yeasts, Molds, Microbial Enzymatic Degradation

Yogurt, Yogurtbased Drinks


Other fermented dairy foods

Fungi, Coliforms

Cream Cheese, Processed Cheese

Fungi, Spore-Forming Bacteria

Soft, Fresh Cheeses

Psychotrophs, Coliforms, Fungi, Lactic acid bacteria, micro bial enzymatic degradation

Ripened cheeses

Fungi, Lactic acid bacteria, SporeForming bacteria, Microbial enzymatic degradation

While pent anal, hex anal and iso pentanal indicate copper induced oxidation in milk, ageing of milk can be significantly identified through the present of dimethyl sulfide, pent anal etc. It is observed that the head space of milk from the cow bearing genetic defect contains trimethyl ammine hence by detecting the VOC’s responsible for the off flavor, quality of raw milk can be identified.

The proposed system is designed with MOS based sensing units for the purpose of real time quality analysis of raw milk products. The sensors were formulated and calibrated to a various concentrations of volatile organic compounds which were responsible for volatile milk flavors. The proposed prototype is an ARM based monitoring unit which monitors the unwanted ingredients present in the tested milk. Earlier analysis of raw milk was carried with highly advanced analytical instruments such as FTIR, UV- visible Spectrometer and mass chromatograph. These Instruments do not provide high portability, feasibility while handling which results in to high costs and creates more complex situation. The results shown by this instruments are with very poor accuracy. III. E-NOSE MONITORING UNIT The proposed system consists of various sensors and RF wireless units as depicted in fig.1.The basic units is a Sensory system which is directly exposed to the milk samples from 3cm distance where the responses of each sensors are observed from the milk surface. The TGS Sensors [10] collects data samples from the Spoiled raw milk and this data is processed in the form of gas molecules. If the input data of the gas molecules is in the form of (parts per million) to voltage then by using the heating elements the above data is considered for the further process. The heating element is heating as per the concentration of the molecules and it depends on the molecules levels to convert vapor gas in the form of voltage. The voltage values are varying continuously according to the concentration of the spoiled milk where vapour gas molecules are represented with parts per million. The TGS sensors are connected to the LPC 2148 IC which presents the processing of the data values in the form of voltages and it is displayed by using the LCD Module. The maximum voltage is produce at the LCD display the more chemical concentration factors are available in the test milk. The tested raw milk shows the amount of spoilage which is to decide and compare the good raw milk voltage levels with spoilage raw milk voltage levels. If the minimum voltage levels are available the raw milk is good and if the maximum voltage levels are available the raw milk is spoiled. If the maximum voltage levels are available then this is to indicated by the indicators using LED’s. The total data can be monitoring in the PC by using the RF ZigBee module where its role is to transfer the data from ARM 7 unit to remote PC by using the peer to peer protocol. The data can be displayed on to the PC terminal window which is achieved by flash magic tool periodically by data updating of all sensors which can be continuously monitored and recorded in the PC. A. TGS GAS SENSORS The proposed work is done with the three sensors which are TGS 813, TGS 2620, TGS 822. Theses sensors give the information to LPC 2148 processor which is again processed

2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City

and displayed on the LCD. The sensors used are made from Tinoxide semiconductor. B. TGS 813 This type of gas sensors is made from tin dioxide (sno2) semiconductor which produces a low conductivity in clean air. TGS 813 sensor is much sensitive in nature to propane, Methane and also butane. This type of sensor is suitable for monitoring LPG Gases and also it suitable in detecting wide range of gases for industrial applications. The significant advantage of this sensor is it is of low cost.TGS 813 sensor immediately finds the concentration in air where it’s simple electrical circuit converts the conductivity charge in to an output signal and its gas concentration corresponds in turn.

Fig. 2. Figaro Gas Sensor

TABLE 2: Typical Values of Gas sensor

. TGS 813



Related Values


Heater Voltage



AC or DC

Circuit Voltage



Load Resistance



LPC 2148 TGS 822

TGS 2620

DC Only Ps