DESIGO building automation and control system - BVO

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DESIGO INSIGHT uses life-like graphics to portray complex issues simply. Typical aspects of air conditioning, such as psychrometric charts and heating curves, ...
Building Technologies

DESIGO™ Building automation & control system System description Version 2.3

Contents The DESIGO building automation and control system: the powerful, open system4 The DESIGO system topology...................................................................................... 5 System functions........................................................................................................... 6 Operation and monitoring ................................................................................................ 6 Trend/History ................................................................................................................... 7 Alarm management ......................................................................................................... 8 Scheduler/Calendar ......................................................................................................... 9 Access rights ................................................................................................................. 10 Communication networks .............................................................................................. 11 The management level: DESIGO INSIGHT ................................................................ 12 The taskbar....................................................................................................................13 Plant Viewer .................................................................................................................. 14 Scheduler ...................................................................................................................... 15 Alarm Viewer ................................................................................................................. 16 Alarm Router ................................................................................................................. 17 Trend Viewer ................................................................................................................. 18 Object Viewer ................................................................................................................ 19 Log Viewer..................................................................................................................... 21 DESIGO INSIGHT Web Access .................................................................................... 22 The DESIGO PX automation level .............................................................................. 24 The compact automation stations.................................................................................. 25 The modular automation stations .................................................................................. 26 Operation at the automation level.................................................................................. 27 The field level: the DESIGO I/O modules................................................................... 30 Room automation – DESIGO RX ................................................................................ 32 Range overview – DESIGO RXC .................................................................................. 33 Range overview – DESIGO RXB .................................................................................. 34 The room unit: the key to individual comfort ................................................................. 35 Applications ................................................................................................................... 35 Integration into the building management system ......................................................... 36 DESIGO OPEN.............................................................................................................. 37 The management level: INSIGHT OPEN ...................................................................... 38 The automation level: PX OPEN ................................................................................... 39 The field level: I/O OPEN .............................................................................................. 41 DESIGO tools and software blocks ........................................................................... 42 DESIGO tools ................................................................................................................ 42 Programming with D-MAP ............................................................................................. 43 Libraries ......................................................................................................................... 43 Energy management ................................................................................................... 44 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 46 System topologies ......................................................................................................... 46


The DESIGO building automation and control system: the powerful, open system DESIGO is a new and up-to-date family of freely programmable management and automation stations for the full spectrum of today's building services applications. With system functions such as alarm management, time scheduling, and trend logging, combined with sophisticated control functions, DESIGO is a highly versatile asset in a building. Innovative Web technology, open databases and open communications make DESIGO a financially wise investment in the future. The scalable system: for all projects from small to large With its graded range of automation stations, room controllers and operator units, DESIGO is ideally suited to projects of all sizes and for all types of building. A flat system topology permits low-cost entry with small systems which can be extended and expanded when required.

Open to integration DESIGO is consistent in its support of open communications, making it easy to connect a wide variety of building services equipment on the basis of standard open data interfaces: • BACnet for the automation level and management level network • LON and KNX (EIB) for the networking of the room automation system and distributed secondary processes • M bus, Modbus, OPC and other interfaces for universal connection of third-party devices and systems

Easy to operate DESIGO INSIGHT uses life-like graphics to portray complex issues simply. Typical aspects of air conditioning, such as psychrometric charts and heating curves, or control routines such as load shedding and mains recovery are illustrated with clarity. The interfaces, designed in accordance with ergonomic principles, permit optimum use of the system and can be mastered quickly by operators. Access is also available via the intranet and Internet.

Long-term investment protection and economy at every stage DESIGO places emphasis on long-term investment protection by focusing consistently on compatibility. DESIGO integrates today's automation systems seamlessly into tomorrow's world. Changes in use, system expansion and retrofit projects can all be handled in gradual stages.


The DESIGO system topology The DESIGO system can be divided into three levels: the management level, the automation level and the field level. By virtue of distributed intelligence, each of these levels operates both autonomously and in a network. The principal DESIGO system components: • DESIGO INSIGHT, the management

• The I/O modules, which provide the

station, for higher-level operation and

interface to the devices at the field level, the

monitoring, graphics-based display of the

sensors and actuators. • DESIGO RX, the room automation system,

process, automatic alarm distribution and a wide range of different data analysis

for control of comfort conditions in individual


rooms, and for operation of lighting and

• DESIGO PX, the automation system for

blinds. • DESIGO OPEN, for the integration of a wide

control, operation and monitoring of the primary plant. By use of PX-WEB, the

variety of plant at all levels of the system.

automation system can be operated via a Web client.

Management level



Pager ADP / CC


Mobile phone Third-party

Pager E-mail


Mobile phone

BACnet / Ethernet / IP





BACnet / LON RS232


BACnet / LON


PXC...-U with PXM20 PXC...



LonMark / LON

Field level



I/O modules


PXC...-U with PXM20 PXC...


LON Third-party


KNX S-mode / EIB


KNX S-mode / EIB Third-party system


Automation level


Overall topology of the DESIGO system

One of the key benefits of DESIGO is its scope for gradual expansion, from the smallest systems through to large, distributed systems. Scalability is illustrated by further examples of topologies in the appendix.


System functions Operation and monitoring Operators of the DESIGO building automation and control system have a versatile range of equipment at their disposal, offering convenient access to the system and the plant. Operator station • The DESIGO INSIGHT management station is a powerful and user-friendly interface for monitoring of the overall system. User access to DESIGO INSIGHT can be matched to the level of responsibility of a given user of the building automation and control system. DESIGO INSIGHT Web Access allows access to the management level using Web technology. • The PX-WEB software uses Web technology to map all plant and system information from the automation level to a standard Web browser.

Room operator unit • With the QAX… product range, room users can view and operate the setpoints and measured values used for individual room control.

Operation in the control panel • The user-friendly, graphics-based PXM10 operator unit allows full local operation of the automation stations.

• The network-compatible graphics-based PXM20 operator unit presents all plant and system information in an easy-to-understand format, with a plain-text commentary.

Manual operation • The DESIGO I/O modules in the PTM… product range include facilities for manual/emergency operation of plant and for the display of operating states. • The PXC36-S compact automation station incorporates slide switches which can be









Operator station

Room operator unit

Operation in the control panel

Manual operation



local & central


configured for manual operation or as freely-assignable outputs.

Trend/History Fully integrated trend data processing allows effortless evaluation and analysis of realtime (online) data and (offline) historical data. The trend feature simplifies the monitoring and fine-tuning of the plant. In the DESIGO system this feature is implemented in the form of trend log objects, in compliance with BACnet standard. Data for trend analysis can be logged in a variety of different ways, satisfying a whole range of requirements: Trend logging options:

Sampling options:

• Continuous logging

• Polling

• Single run

• COV polling (Change of Value)

• Transient run (logging for a defined period)

• Event-driven polling

Trend graphs can be displayed both on the PXM20 operator unit and on the management station. The management station also allows displays in color and in 2D or 3D.

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Trend Viewer on PXM20 operator unit and DESIGO INSIGHT management station Online trend

With the Online Trend option, individual data points are registered on a COV basis or through polling, and displayed immediately. The values are stored temporarily to allow the analysis of transient response patterns, for example.

Offline trend

The Offline Trend option by contrast, does not depend on a permanent connection between the automation station and the operator unit, since the values in the automation station can be stored temporarily for retrieval on the operator unit as needed. Features of Online Trend:

Features of Offline Trend:

• Real-time display of process data

• Offline data display, no connection required

• Can be based on changes in the value of a

• Longer periods of time (day, month)

data point (COVs) or on periodic sampling

• Data acquisition in the automation system

by Trend Viewer (times can be configured)

• The data is uploaded to the management level at regular intervals or as needed


Alarm management One of the most important features of a building automation and control system is the ability to generate alarms automatically in response to faults which may occur in the HVAC and other plant, or in the automation system itself. The management of alarms (generation, display and handling) must be simple, efficient and consistent at all levels of the system. DESIGO uses the BACnet alarm functions, and supports the following three types of alarm with up to 256 alarm priority levels: • Simple alarm (for alarms not requiring user interaction) • Basic alarms (for alarms requiring acknowledgment) • Extended alarms (alarms requiring acknowledgement and reset) Alarm messages

When an alarm occurs, it is automatically detected, registered and transferred to operator units such as PXM20 or PX-WEB, or to the DESIGO INSIGHT management station. Informative alarm messages are also transmitted to remote devices such as mobile phones, fax machines, printers or PCs and Web browsers, via SMS and e-mail. Clear alarm lists provide a view of all pending and time-stamped alarms at a glance, and permit straightforward processing. Operators are alerted to incoming and pending alarms by means of pop-up windows and audible and visual signals.

Alarm routing

Alarms are transferred on the basis of time, priority and/or plant type, using an outstandingly powerful alarm routing system at the management station. This ensures the uninterrupted routing of alarms, whether or not there is an operator sitting at the management station. Users are supported in their work by various overview options which help ensure a fast and correct response even in critical alarm situations.

Alarm messages on the PXM20 operator unit and the DESIGO INSIGHT management station


Scheduler/Calendar One of the basic functions of a building automation and control system is time control of procedures and processes. The plant in the building is operated on the basis of business and working hours, and holidays. Scheduler programs ensure that the heating and lighting are switched off automatically at the end of the working day, that the temperature in the building is reduced at night, and that the plant is not kept running for longer than necessary. They can also be used to switch off the air conditioning in certain rooms during holidays. Saving energy and increasing the service life of plant

The ideal scheduler programs help save energy and increase the service life of the plant. This is another area where DESIGO excels with its straightforward and exceptionally user-friendly operation. Time-switching operations in the DESIGO building automation and control system are implemented in accordance with the BACnet standard, using the BACnet objects "Schedule" and "Calendar". for flexible operation of the building. From simple 7-day schedules to recurring exceptions, these powerful functions make programming easy. By use of standard BACnet functions, the BACnet scheduler programs can be operated system-wide from the user-friendly operator units PXM20 and PX-WEB and from the DESIGO INSIGHT management station.

Scheduler program on PXM20 operator unit and DESIGO INSIGHT management station

For safety reasons, schedules and calendars are stored in the automation station, so that in the event of a network or PC failure, the automation level can continue to operate autonomously.


Access rights Access rights can be used to filter information from the plant and system based on the individual requirements of a user. The resident engineer or the service engineers, for example, only have access to the information they strictly need. A distinction can also be made between read access and write access. Certain users may be able to read a value but not modify it, while other users may have extended access rights, enabling them both to read and to modify values. Freely-definable access rights

Only authorized personnel are granted access to the system via the operator units. When a user enters a user name and password, the system verifies the associated access rights and enables access to the relevant plant. Read and write access rights can be defined in detail, right down to individual information points.

Users supported systemwide

The following classes of access are supported in the DESIGO system: • • • • • • •

Internal Extended service Basic service Administration Extended operation Standard operation Basic operation

In addition to the above, it is possible to enable or disable the use of the various applications, access to individual graphics pages and access to entire sites from the management station for specific user groups. The tailoring of the environment to each user ensures clear areas of responsibility, so simplifying cooperation between the various user groups.


Communication networks Communication standards: specifically designed for building services With the BACnet (Building Automation and Control network) open communications protocol, compliant devices can be interconnected at low cost. The worldwide BACnet standard was developed specifically for the needs of building services, under the auspices of ASHRAE (the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers). BACnet networks provide all subscribers with access to all the data and functions of the connected devices. BACnet, LONMARK and KNX S-mode (EIB)

For the exchange of information among its own system components, DESIGO uses three standard protocols, recognized worldwide: BACnet, LONMARK and KNX S-mode (EIB). The BACnet communication protocol is used for the exchange of information between one DESIGO PX automation station and another, and between DESIGO PX and DESIGO INSIGHT. DESIGO uses Ethernet/IP, LonTalk or PTP (point-to-point, modem or null-modem) as the transport medium. At the room automation level, DESIGO RX communicates in accordance with the LONMARK standard or KNX S-mode (EIB).


In the case of BACnet/IP over Ethernet, the standard transport protocol UDP is used, since BACnet already provides adequate mechanisms for the control of data transport. Like TCP, UDP is a transport protocol, but unlike TCP, it is a wireless protocol.

Native BACnet

DESIGO is a native BACnet system, and as such, every device incorporates BACnet as a basic, integrated and permanently available feature. The management stations and automation stations are all implemented as full BACnet nodes. BACnet is integrated directly without the need for any special conversion of data. BACnet communications can be generated without additional hardware or services.

Connection of legacy systems

DESIGO is compatible with the communications resources of the legacy automation systems UNIGYR, VISONIK, INTEGRAL and SIMATIC S7 and allows their seamless integration. Changes in use, system expansion and retrofit projects can all be handled in gradual stages.


The management level: DESIGO INSIGHT The clearly structured, modular, object-oriented software of the DESIGO INSIGHT management station is based on the latest standard Windows technology: Windows XP, MS-SQL, and .NET. The functional scope and ease of use of the software reduces operating costs and familiarization time, while at the same time maintaining operational reliability. The DESIGO I NSIGHT applications are presented below: DESIGO INSIGHT via the taskbar Provides a quick overall view of the system and is used to start whichever user applications are required. • Plant Viewer: Realistic plant graphics for fast, targeted monitoring and operation of the system. • Time Scheduler: Central programming of all timecontrolled building services functions. • Alarm Viewer: Provides a detailed overall view of alarms from between one and 1,000 buildings for the fast location

• Log Viewer: Alarms, errors and user activities are logged in chronological order, and can be displayed for further evaluation, as needed. • Web Access: Provides access to the Web applications "Web Graphics", "Web Alarms", "Web Log" and "Web Reports". • System Configurator: Used to configure the general setup

and elimination of faults. • Alarm Router: Flexible transmission of alarms to printers, fax machines, mobile phones and e-mail. • Trend Viewer: Convenient analysis of trend data for finetuning the operation of plant • Object Viewer, System Browser: An efficient tool for navigation through the hierarchical tree-structure to all the data points in the system. These points can then be read or manipulated, depending on the access rights of the user concerned.

Plant graphics in Plant Viewer


of the DESIGO INSIGHT management station and the associated applications. • Graphics Builder: Powerful tool for efficient creation of customized plant graphics. • Open drivers, such as BACnet, OPC, EIB, LON etc. For direct integration of various interfaces into the management station. • Online tools for existing systems

The taskbar The shell is the first application to appear when DESIGO INSIGHT is started. It is displayed with a taskbar which provides fast and direct access to all the user applications, and displays important status information. In the case of several remote sites, it is possible to switch from one site to another via the taskbar, subject to the appropriate access rights. This ensures clear demarcation lines between the various areas of responsibility.


The user's entry into the system is simplified by user-specific start-sequences with preselected programs and plant. The icons on the taskbar provide access to the main user applications: Plant Viewer – the graphical interface to the plant Alarm Viewer – displays the state of abnormal alarm points Trend Viewer – displays graphs containing live data Log Viewer – displays all event messages including alarms Object Viewer – shows all data points in the system, in list form Scheduler – allows the user to modify plant switch times Alarm Router – routes alarms to printers, fax machines, mobile phones and e-mail systems Number of current system alarms Online Help Number of connected sites Pending alarms in order of priority

Background and safety features of DESIGO INSIGHT: • Life Check feature for checking the connection to the automation systems • Automatic DESIGO INSIGHT start and login via Windows user login. • Alarm upload after system start • Password expiry • Check on unauthorized login attempts • User and password can be synchronized

• Management station locked by timeout after period without user activity • Time synchronization between management station and automation stations • Verification of hard disk memory capacity and availability of database • Verification of correct running of all DESIGO INSIGHT applications

with those of the Windows user


Plant Viewer Plant Viewer displays the areas of a building and the associated plant in graphical form. The user works interactively with these views to monitor and control the data points throughout the building. Values can be modified and alarms can be acknowledged by clicking on the object concerned. Process display

Plant Viewer is based on the Citect process display software supplied by Citect Pty Ltd. Citect is a world leader in the supply of SCADA systems. Numerous windows of different sizes can be displayed simultaneously (overlapping or tiled). Even large graphics, such as floor plans etc. can be accommodated, and the freely definable page size makes them easy to view.

Real-time display

Measured values, setpoints, operating modes and alarms are displayed on the screen in real-time, and updated continuously. The form of display is determined in the engineering phase. Changes are indicated either by the object symbol (e.g. through animation or a change in shape or color), or by the movement, color, shape, or text of the values affected. Other features of Plant Viewer: • Genuine multitasking with fully dynamic functioning of all active pages • Object-oriented operation and monitoring of plant • Freely definable page sizes for versatile handling of several pages in the same screen • Page selection via dialog box, context menu or hyperlinks • Integrated standard page selection features based on the page naming strategy. Standard functions such as Last/Next/Top etc • Object-oriented navigation between applications


• Definition of, and quick access to "Favorite" pages • ToolTips for all dynamic objects, with the option of User, Technical or System Designation • Context-specific information such as text, photos or maintenance information can be added to each dynamic symbol • Black-and-white or color graphics printing • Import of Windows 32-bit supported graphics file formats, such as AutoCAD and PXC • User privileges for access to different levels • Tools for efficient and error-free engineering

Scheduler The Time Scheduler application in DESIGO INSIGHT can be used for central programming of all time-controlled functions in the building services plant, including the individual room control system. Graphics-based operation

The facilities for graphics-based operation of the weekly schedules and exception programs enable the user to modify and optimize scheduler programs simply, whenever necessary. Principal functions: • Graphics-based overview and manipulation of all scheduler programs in the system • Easy graphics-based programming of switch times • Programs invoked directly from the plant graphics

• Direct entry of various operating modes (e.g. Comfort, Standby, Energy Hold-off etc.) • Storage and processing are independent of the management station • Reports printed in different display formats • Calendars operated via the same easy-to-use interface

• Logging of user activities

System Browser view, and overview of daily profiles in the Time Scheduler application


Alarm Viewer The Alarm Viewer application displays alarms by type, and provides the user with helpful information as to the system intervention required. With its extensive filter and search functions, Alarm Viewer facilitates fast and well-targeted access to the required information. In larger systems with more than one management station, all management stations access the same alarm database. An alarm for any given management station is entered in this database and automatically displayed on all other management stations. Functions in Alarm Viewer: • View, acknowledge and reset single or multiple alarms. • Display the associated alarm property sheet with detailed data point information.

• Read associated alarm help text with operating instructions or additional information in text form • Object-oriented navigation to other applications, such as Plant Viewer and Log Viewer

Pop-up windows The pop-up window is an important means of attracting the attention of the user in the event of an alarm. Incoming alarms are displayed in a pop-up window that opens on the Windows desktop and appears in the foreground of all other applications (including third-party applications). If several alarms occur, they are displayed one after the other. To further alert the user to the alarm with an audible signal, an audio file (.wav) can be added to each alarm window defined. The appearance of the pop-up window can be varied for each alarm category. From this window, the user can invoke helpful instructions about the required response to the alarm, or jump directly to other applications such as Plant Viewer or Alarm Viewer.


Alarm Router The Alarm Router application is a highly effective feature of building automation and control. Important messages or events in the building automation and control system are transferred to specific receivers without the need for any user action at the management station. Alarm Router is a background application which starts when DESIGO INSIGHT is started, whether or not a user or site is connected. Alarms and important system events can be transferred via the following media: • • • • • Criteria for the transfer of alarms

Printers Fax machines Pagers Mobile phones E-mail systems

Alarms can be grouped according to various criteria. A routing table defines the conditions under which these alarm groups are to be routed to the assigned receivers. In the event of connection problems, the alarm messages can be transmitted to alternative receivers. The criteria include the following, for example: • Time schedules and exceptions (e.g. at night, switch to the printer in the security guard's office) • Responsibility for the site (e.g. send a fax to the company responsible for maintaining the air conditioning) • Urgency of the alarm (e.g. only call resident engineer by pager in the case of high priority alarms)


Trend Viewer The Trend Viewer application is used to review current process data in real time (online) and past process data (offline) over a period of time. Trend Viewer is an easyto-handle tool which can be used to optimize the operation of plant and reduce costs. Activities in Trend Viewer: • Process values and measured values logged over a period of time

• Monitoring of current plant conditions • Plant optimization and fine-tuning

• Minimum and maximum values retained in • Response times appropriate for the support graphs irrespective of time range

of large trend databases

Up to ten process values can be displayed in 2D and 3D graphs in a single trend view. Both online and offline data can be displayed simultaneously in separate windows, enabling the user to compare past and current situations.

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Objects can be dragged from the System Browser and dropped directly into Trend Viewer

Essentially, trend data can be displayed in three different modes: • Online trend logging: displays real-time process data which is updated whenever a change of value (COV) occurs, or as the result of a time-based scan • Offline trend logging: displays past process data which has been uploaded to a database at the management level. • Archive data: displays older data which has been moved from the trend database into archive files The trend views can be saved and invoked at a later date. Online trend data is continuously logged and stored in the trend database.


Object Viewer Object Viewer helps users of the building automation and control system to navigate efficiently through the entire structure. The hierarchically organized data objects are easy to select, view and modify. Object Viewer supports three different hierarchical views: • Technical View

• System View

The technical view is the plant-based

The system view is a standard hierarchical

standard view associated with the technical

view, representing the topology of the


BACnet network, whereby a site contains

• User View

devices and each device contains objects.

The user view is based on customer-specific user designations (user addresses). The address structure and contents are defined as part of the DESIGO PX engineering process.

Technical View

User View

System View

Various System Browser views


System Browser The left pane of Object Viewer contains the System Browser, which displays a hierarchically structured view of the system (in a tree-structure). The right pane of Object Viewer displays the contents of the currently selected object.

Detailed alarm display in Object Viewer

Functions in Object Viewer: • Fast navigation through the building automation and control system • Fast location of objects and alarms • Detailed information on the properties of each object • Display of real-time data from the process • Modification of setpoints and parameters, and manual override of outputs • Jump functions Back / Next


• Modification and definition of object-related text • Function with wildcarding for quick and direct access to certain objects • Object search in other views by changing view in context-menu • Read/Write access levels are supported. • Object Editor: A user-friendly user interface for editing all imported objects

Log Viewer Log Viewer provides users with access to all events that have occurred within the system. Events and user activities are archived in chronological order in the log database and can be viewed whenever required. Event Handler

The data logging system is a background service performed by the Event Handler in DESIGO INSIGHT, which continuously logs reported events as follows: • Alarm events from the process level, such as plant alarms and high priority warnings. The alarm is logged when it occurs, and thereafter upon acknowledgment, reset and return to normal. • System events from DESIGO INSIGHT management stations and PX automation stations. Examples are communication failures, selection procedures, start-up, shutdown, hard-disk monitoring, battery checks etc. • User events for reporting user activities on management station. These include authorized and unauthorized user log-in procedures and the modification of values, parameters and setpoints etc. • Status events from the process level, such as plant ON/OFF etc. The user interface of Log Viewer has the same "look & feel" as the Alarm Viewer and is based on the same versatile sort and filter functions.

Functions in Log Viewer: • Query-configurations can be stored and re-

• The events logged for a specific object,

used. The status bar displays the current

such as events associated with a given site,

filter and sort status

automation station or data point, can be

• The Log Viewer display is divided into five tabs: All, Alarm, System, User and Status, enabling the user to pre-select events of a particular category • Columns can be flexibly rearranged, resized or hidden as required

located quickly in the left pane (System Browser). • Logging of changes in the project configuration • Parameter modification feature includes original parameter value

The logged data is stored on a Microsoft SQL server or in an MSDE database, and protected by password. Log and trend data archiving

The archiving function serves to remove data from the runtime databases. This is necessary firstly to create space for new data in cases where storage capacity is normally limited, and secondly, to store the data in a suitable form for retrieval at a later date. The removed data is archived in a safe location for later retrieval and display if required. Data is archived in DESIGO INSIGHT automatically on the basis of time or quantity of data accumulated, or manually by the user.


DESIGO INSIGHT Web Access Web Access provides access to the system via a browser, using integrated Web technology. This cost-effective solution reduces the cost of training, software installation and maintenance. DESIGO INSIGHT Web Access facilitates and encourages the simple distribution of building information to those who need it, and at the point where it is needed. Unlike many other Web-based solutions, Web Access does not use any script components on the client side. All processing takes place on the Web server. This means that client browsers can work with Web Access without having to download any browser add-ons. Many customer networks inhibit or even forbid the downloading of Active-X or similar scripts. User authentication is achieved by integrating Windows network access and the authorized DESIGO INSIGHT users. Each time a user accesses the system, the appropriate DESIGO INSIGHT user access rights are automatically assigned to the Web pages displayed. • Index Page is the equivalent of the "Home Page". From here, the user can obtain a quick overall view of the system, or start navigating around the site. • Graphics-based view of the plant at the automation level, including dynamic updates of status and alarms, and navigation through the hierarchy. Data points can be operated and alarms can be manipulated directly in the graphics. The pages can be generated with the standard graphics in Plant Viewer, so retaining the familiar DESIGO INSIGHT look and feel. No special Web authoring tools are required. • Alarms from the DESIGO INSIGHT database are collated in tables. They can be sorted, filtered, and predefined, or processed dynamically. Users can process alarms and receive dynamic feedback from the system. • Log data logged on the management station can be retrieved via a browser. All activities in the browser are added, with the relevant user designations, to the normal DESIGO INSIGHT entries in the central log database. • Reports can be displayed dynamically and used for data point control. The limited performance of some handheld Web browsers can be overcome by use of reports. • The User information option provides an overview of the Read and Write privileges of a logged-in user. Features of Web Access (via a Web browser): • Fast access to important user functions • Display and edit plant graphics • Possibility of immediate display and processing of alarms • Logging in the log database of remote users


• Filtering and sorting of data in the alarm and log databases, for fast access to the information required

• The integration of the DESIGO INSIGHT access rights into the Windows network

and activities for later evaluation in the

ensures access security based on


predefined access rights

Graphical view of the plant

Alarm handling


The DESIGO PX automation level The most striking features of DESIGO PX are the consistent openness of the system and the scalability of the system with its freely programmable automation stations and operator units. DESIGO PX reliably meets all expectations associated with the control and monitoring of building services.

A family of freely programmable automation stations With its range of compact and modular automation stations, DESIGO PX can be perfectly matched both to the preferences of the customer and to the building services plant. The two categories of automation station are equal in respect of their control functions and both are freely programmable. Supported by graphics-based programming, the processing functions are fast, accurate and field-proven. In addition, important system functions such as fine-tuning programs, time schedules, local trend storage and recovery after a power failure are implemented in the automation stations themselves. The plant operator can display all the required information on the LCD display panel of the PXM10 and PXM20 operator units.

A range of graded operator units Room users and building operators benefit from a comprehensive range of operator units which can be used for targeted modification of room conditions or of the whole plant.


The compact automation stations The mounting technique and fixed configuration of integrated I/Os in the compact– series automation stations make them ideal for control of small and distributed plant. The I/Os in these automation stations can be adapted to various types of signal. The automation stations are installed directly in the control panel. The operator units are connected to the BACnet automation bus or via the PPS bus or Tool/HMI port.

PXC36-S automation station Types


I/O total


PXC10-TL automation station PXC12












4 4 0 2

6 0 4 2

8 4 4 6

12 12 6 6

16 16 8 12


I/O configuration of the compact-series automation stations UI

Universal inputs, which can be connected to passive (LG-Ni 1000) and active (DC 0…10 V) sensor elements, or to binary volt-free contacts, for signaling functions.


Binary-only inputs for signaling and counting functions (max. 4 x 20 Hz counters per PXC…).


Analog outputs for the connection of 0 ... 10 V actuators or for binary control. Via the program structure, analog outputs can also be programmed as binary switch functions and connected to 24 V/20 mA loads.


AC 230 V / 2A relay outputs for binary control

Ports/interfaces PPS2

For the connection of up to 5 QAX3… room units


For BACnet communications between automation stations


Modem port for automation stations with a T-suffix


For operator unit or DESIGO tools

The PXC36-S automation station also incorporates built-in manual switches and additional LED indicators. The manual controls, with switch positions "Auto/Stop/Manual" or "Auto/0/1/2", can be used for direct switch control of actuators or freely configured in software for other purposes. The PXC10-TL, PXC12-T and PXC22-T automation stations are designed for direct connection of a modem and can be used for remote management and alarm handling in conjunction with DESIGO INSIGHT. The PXC10-TL automation station is also optimized for wall mounting and has a built-in 230 V supply and a freely-programmable LED button.


The modular automation stations The modular–series automation stations with their flexible I/O configuration are primarily used for the control and monitoring of larger items of plant. The complete range of input/output modules, for signaling, measuring, counting, switching and positioning, supports all common types of signal. The I/O modules with local manual controls on the module housing provide the plant operator with simple manual operation of the plant directly in the control panel. This local manual control is automatically transmitted as a remote/local signal to the automation station and associated operator units. In an emergency, they operate independently of the automation station, providing stand-alone emergency operation. Where necessary, the modular automation station can be fitted with an extension module for direct connection of a modem to allow remote management and alarm handling in conjunction with DESIGO INSIGHT or PX-WEB.

PXC...-U modular automation stations Types

Extension module PXA30-T

Type PXC64-U

Modular automation station with 64 load units


Modular automation station with 128 load units


Extension module for remote management

Ports/interfaces PPS2

For the connection of up to 5 QAX3… room units


For BACnet communications between automation stations

P bus

Connection for I/O modules


For operator unit or DESIGO Tools

DESIGO I/O modules with optional manual operation and integrated isolating terminal feature


Operation at the automation level PXM20 plant operator terminal The PXM20 network-compatible operator terminal allows full operation of all automation stations connected to a BACnet network. As a BACnet client, the PXM20 automatically reads the data from the automation stations. It is therefore always up to date and can be replaced while the system is in operation. The operator terminal has a high-resolution illuminated display for graphics and text, keys for operation, and a common alarm indicator with an audible signal. It can be installed remotely in a control panel door to operate compact and modular automation stations, or it can be plugged directly into a modular automation station.

The clearly arranged function buttons and fast access buttons ensure correct operation, even by inexperienced users.

PXM20 operator unit

Graphics-based heating curve display

Alarm summary

Online trend

Time scheduler

PXM20 operator functions • Alarm monitoring with acknowledgement and visual and audible alarm indication • Data point display and operation of all measured values, setpoints, plant states, operating states and parameters

• User-friendly guidance through the plant functions • Favorites, configurable overview of main values in the plant • Multi-level access protection

• Graphics-based display and operation of time schedules, exception calendar, online-trend and heating curve


PXM10 plant operator terminal The PXM10 operator terminal allows full local operation of a DESIGO PXC or PXR automation station. The unit incorporates user-friendly "one-button" operation and a high-quality display panel. The PXM10 can be installed remotely in a control panel door to operate compact and modular automation stations, or it can be plugged directly into a modular automation station.

PXM10 operator unit

Setpoint and measured value display

Alarm display


PXM10 operator functions • Display of measured values, setpoints,

• Alarm display with scope for

plant states and operating modes


• Setpoint adjustment where required

• Graphics-based display of

• Visual alarm display

time schedules

QAX… room operator units Up to five bus-compatible QAX... room devices can be connected to the PPS bus of each automation station. The various options include: • Digital display options • Status display • Plant switching functions

QAX30.1 Function overview, QAX… room operator units










Room temperature sensor

Setpoint correction

Operating mode switch

Fan speed switch

LCD display for room temperature, setpoint adjustment and operating mode


Web operation with PX-WEB With its integrated Internet technology, the PXG80-W/WN embedded Web server allows full operation of the plant associated with the PXC, PXR and PXE automation stations by use of a standard Web browser. The operating concept and functional scope are like those of the PXM20.

PXG80-W/WN Web server

Monitoring and operation via Web client

Main functions of PX-WEB: • Operation via Web browser or mobile clients

• Alarm management via SMS (to specified

(mobile phone, Simpad, PocketPC or PDA) • Simple plug-and-play functions; no

telephone number) or by e-mail • Operation of time schedules, exception

engineering needed

calendar and heating curve graph

• User-friendly guidance through the plant

• Reading of trend data, with the facility to


export data to Microsoft Excel for evaluation

• Full access to all measured values,

• Collation of main values via "Favorites"


• Support of multiple level access protection

• Comprehensive data point operation and setpoint entry using clear text

PX-WEB type summary

Plant operation


setpoints, plant and operating states, and

• Facility to display additional plant graphics • Modem and Ethernet version available

Type PXG80-W

Web browser access via analog or ISDN modem, or null modem. Alarms via SMS


Web browser access via Ethernet/IP Alarm handling via SMS and e-mail

Alarm viewer


The field level: the DESIGO I/O modules The DESIGO I/O modules represent the interface to the devices at the field level, the sensors and actuators. The I/O modules are connected to the automation stations via the P bus and can be interconnected in application-specific configurations. A wide range of I/O modules is available, covering signaling, measurement, counting, switching and positioning. The modular system is optimized for installation in control panels. The I/O modules have LEDs to indicate the status of the plant and, depending on type, some have controls for manual or emergency operation. The integrated isolating-terminals facilitate the hardware test carried out during commissioning. With DESIGO I/O OPEN, third-party systems and components (e.g. pumps, M-bus meters, packaged air conditioning units and VSDs) can be integrated via the PTM5… "intelligent" I/O modules. When pumps are connected, for example, access to the following information is available: control of operating mode, setpoint adjustment, fault and status codes, delivery head, delivery and speed. For the user, the advantages of the DESIGO I/O modules are as follows: • Integrated isolating-terminal feature

• Third-party system integration with DESIGO

• Integrated manual controls (optional)

I/O OPEN, for M-bus meters, pumps

• Optimized for HVAC actuators and sensors

(Grundfos, Wilo), packaged air conditioning

• Optimized for installation in the control panel

units (Menerga) and variable speed drives (Siemens SED2)

DESIGO I/O modules with optional manual controls and integrated isolating terminal feature




Volt-free maintained contact

and function

Normally-open contact

Type Load units at 12.5 mA each

Signal type

Number of I/Os

Signal amplitude and range

LED display

Basic function

Manual operation

Overview of I/O modules




Normally-open contact






Normally-open contact



Volt-free pulse contact

N/O or N/C



AC 24 V / DC 42 V

Extra low voltage


2 2


AC 250 V / DC 100 V LG-Ni 1000 LG-Ni 1000

Temperature, passive Temperature, passive

2 4


0…250 Ω / Pt100 / Ni100

Resistance, passive



0…2500 Ω / Pt1000 / Ni1000

Resistance, passive



DC 0..10 V

Voltage measurement



DC 0…max. 25 mA

Current measurement



DC 4…20 mA (fixed)

Current measurement





Volt-free (max. 25 Hz)

Counter-value pulse




Volt-free maintained contact




1-stage (bistable)





Non-floating maintained contact

Volt-free pulse contact


DC 0…10 V (modulating)

DC 4…20 mA (modulating)



Single-stage with feedback



Single-stage with feedback



Single-stage with feedback



2-stage with feedback















Positioning signal


Positioning signal


Positioning signal

Positioning signal

Positioning signal

Positioning signal

PTM1.2Y10S PTM1.4Y10S









P-bus compact module




P-bus compact module





4 pumps





4 single / 2 twin pumps




4 SED2 variable speed





drives M-bus

6 M-bus meters


Room automation – DESIGO RX Convenient room automation with DESIGO RX DESIGO RX is a modern range of room controllers and room units suitable for both stand-alone operation and for communication over a network. The room controllers control and monitor thermal comfort conditions in rooms and self-contained zones while ensuring maximum energy efficiency in these spaces. The DESIGO RXB and DESIGO RXC families of controllers represent a lasting investment in the future. They make consistent use of open communication protocols, namely LON and KNX (EIB). This is how we ensure that the room automation system is easy to expand or modify in the event of a change in use.

Easy control of HVAC, lighting and blinds The modular design of DESIGO RXC combines lighting and blinds with the HVAC control system. With a single room unit, users can adjust all the room functions to individual requirements.

The right solution for every network DESIGO RXC uses the standard LON protocol for communication, is LONMARK certified and can be combined with other LONMARK-compatible devices. DESIGO RXB uses KNX S-mode (EIB) for communication, and can be combined with other EIB-compatible equipment. Seamless integration into the DESIGO building automation and control system provides access to the additional functions of building management. 01715


Integrated operation of HVAC, lighting and blinds with DESIGO RXC


Range overview – DESIGO RXC DESIGO RXC is a comprehensive range of room controllers for HVAC automation, extension modules for lighting and blinds, and a graded range of tailor-made room units. DESIGO RXC uses LONWORKS technology for data communications.

The DESIGO RXC hardware The range comprises compact and modular room controllers, easy-to-operate room units and controllers in room-style housings.



Lighting Blinds




RXC31.1 RXC40.1 RXC41.1

Chilled ceiling

RXC30.1 RXC40.1 RXC41.1



Fan coil unit QAX3... QAX9... Standard Wireless

RXC20.1 RXC21.1 RXC22.1

QAX50.1 QAX51.1 Flexible

Room units

Controller in room-style housing



Room controllers

The DESIGO RXC software Each room controller contains downloadable application software (referred to as the "application") with the optimum control programs for the room or area concerned. Siemens Building Technologies maintains a comprehensive library of reliable, fieldproven applications for HVAC and electrical applications.

The room controllers RXC10.1, the controller in a room-style housing: This room controller is a cost-effective combination of a room unit and an HVAC controller for simple temperature control. RXC20.1, RXC21.1, RXC22.1 and RXC32.1 compact controllers These room controllers have an AC 230 V operating voltage and are ideal for fan-coil applications, radiators and chilled ceilings. The RXC32.1 controller is particularly suitable for standard single-duct VAV systems. It comes with a built-in volume sensor. RXC30.1 and RXC31.1 modular controllers These room controllers for VAV, radiators and chilled ceilings are can be extended with connectable modules (RXC40 and RXC41) for lighting and blinds.


Range overview – DESIGO RXB DESIGO RXB is an innovative range of room controllers and room units. Data communications are based on KNX S-mode technology (EIB). The DESIGO RXB devices are EIBA-certified and are processed with the ETS engineering and commissioning tool.

The DESIGO RXB hardware The range consists of compact controllers, controllers in a room-style housing and room units for HVAC operation.



Lighting Blinds

EIB components electrical applications

e.g. DELTA profil



Chilled ceilings Radiator-type heating

Fan coil units


RXB21.1 RXB22.1

QAX3... , QAX9...

The DESIGO RXB software Each DESIGO RXB device is loaded with a software module (referred to as the "application") containing the application software for a group of HVAC applications. The required application is enabled in the commissioning phase. Siemens Building Technologies maintains a comprehensive library of reliable, fieldproven applications for HVAC applications.

RXB10.1 controller in room-style housing This room controller is a cost-effective combination of room unit functions and HVAC control. It is particularly suitable for radiator-and-chilled-ceiling applications, and for simple VAV systems.

RXB21.1 and RXB22.1 compact room controllers The input/output configuration of these room controllers is optimized for fan-coil application. The controllers can be installed in the fan coil unit, in control panels or on ducting.


The room unit: the key to individual comfort The QAX.. room units cover a wide spectrum of possible operating scenarios. The range includes units which measure the room temperature and allow setpoint adjustment, operating mode selection or fan-speed control and an LCD display. The QAX9.. room units are wireless devices. Special value has been placed on the design of the room units and to the ergonomic principles associated with operation.

Examples from the QAX3… range

... and the QAX50 range

The QAX5…integrated room unit combines the operation of HVAC, lighting and blinds in a single device. The keypad can be configured with the combination of buttons and switches best suited to the application.

Applications The field-proven downloadable applications make DESIGO RX highly versatile. An extensive range of standard applications is available for fan-coil units, VAV, radiators and chilled ceilings. The control parameters are matched to the relevant room at the commissioning stage.

Examples of integrated applications for DESIGO RXC The HVAC applications covered by the basic controllers RXC30.1 and RXC31.1 can be combined with control of lighting and blinds. 70225en


HVAC application

Electrical function Lighting zone




Dimming control





















Controller + extension modules

CLC: Chilled ceiling and radiator-type heating VAV: Variable air volume system


Integration into the building management system BACnet / Ethernet / IP DESIGO INSIGHT Web client

Management level

BACnet router PXG80-N



Automation level



BACnet / LON RS232



PXC...-U with PXM20


RS232 PXA30-K11 PXM10



KNX S-mode / EIB


Field level




LON Third-party system


KNX S-mode / EIB Third-party system

Stand-alone operation at field level The room automation system performs its control tasks and communicates autonomously over the LON bus or KNX S-mode bus (EIB).

Integration into the automation level Freely programmable automation stations with a LON or KNX S-mode interface connect the DESIGO RX room automation system into the building automation and control system, at the same time making other functions available. • • • •

Conversion of LONMARK objects or KNX S-mode objects into BACnet objects Concentration and simple operation of room data Grouping for optimization across rooms System functions and optimizer software such as time schedules, trends, alarm generation etc. • Coordination with the primary plant • Safety functions, e.g. in the event of storm warnings

Integration into the management level Automation ensures that all data and functions of the room automation system can also be viewed and operated at the management level. The control and operation of the RX devices with DESIGO INSIGHT opens the way to a range of additional functions including the following: • • • •


Operation and monitoring of rooms via plant graphics Logging and archiving of trend data Time schedules for building use and room occupancy Central control and override of setpoints, operating modes, lighting, blinds etc.

DESIGO OPEN DESIGO OPEN focuses specifically on consistent open communications throughout the system; in other words, it promotes the simple connection of a wide variety of building services on the basis of standard open data interfaces. For this purpose, DESIGO OPEN offers a portfolio of solutions for cost-effective integration of third-party systems and devices. These quality solutions have the following outstanding project-specific and user-specific features: Features: • Management functions across system

• Expansion and replacement of individual


components at any time

• Uniform user-interface

• Optimum cost/benefit ratio for operation and

• Full integration of third-party systems into

maintenance. • Technical support throughout the entire

the building automation and control system • Use of recognized standard communication

project cycle for long-term investment

protocols and powerful standard integration



The levels of the building automation and control system model provide an important basis for integration. • Management level with operation and monitoring, and data maintenance • Automation level with direct process control of the primary plant • Field level with terminal unit process control and sensors/actuators.

Management level



Possible router

Automation level


BACnet / LON / Ethernet / IP

PXR11/ PXR12


Possible router

PXC64-U / PXC128-U with PXM20

Possible router

PXC64-U with PXM20

Possible router


Possible router


Possible router



Field level


RXC Room controller

LON Third-party

KNX S-mode / EIB

RXB Room controller

KNX S-mode / EIB Third-party



RS232 RS485

Modbus Third-party system


M-bus meter

Peer-to-peer communication over BACnet


The management level: INSIGHT OPEN SCADA technology

INSIGHT OPEN is a modern integration platform for direct connection to the management level which uses vendor-neutral visualization systems based on SCADA technology. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are software products from the field of industrial automation, and can be used to connect various automation systems using a variety of device drivers. SCADA technology is ideal for connecting stand-alone third-party systems or open automation buses and field buses, where the emphasis is on operation and display rather than on reliable cross-disciplinary interconnection. Vertical connections are implemented with communication cards or system-specific interfaces plugged directly into a management system PC. INSIGHT OPEN makes use of the technological potential of Citect, a leading SCADA system supplied by Citect Pty Ltd. Australia. INSIGHT OPEN is an adjunct to the DESIGO INSIGHT management station and provides the following functions for the integrated third-party system or device: Functions in INSIGHT OPEN: • Graphical operation of the plant and the process

• Operation via data point topology in Object Viewer

• Alarm display and operation

• Log book and message archiving

• Dynamic trend curves and long-term data

• Alarm routing to message receivers


• Access protection

In networks, INSIGHT OPEN runs on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. INSIGHT OPEN provides an OPC client (OLE for process control) for the connection of third-party systems. This supports the specifications of Data Access Version 1.0a and Version 2.0. As a consequence, INSIGHT OPEN is an integral component of the process control system and subject to the same high expectations in respect of reliability and minimum downtime. The process values transferred from third-party systems to the DESIGO INSIGHT management station are mapped as SCADA process variables, or "variable tags". Special tags are used for alarm and trend variables: • Alarm tag, alarm process variable • Trend tag, trend process variable Unlike the data points in the building automation and control system, the process variables (tags) each contain one item of information only. Alarms and trend logs are SCADA objects which are generated by and calculated in the I/O server. Vendor-neutral protocols:

Vendor-specific protocols

• BACnet



• SIPORT NT (access control)

• KNX S-mode (EIB)

• AlgoRex (fire detection system)

• Profibus


The automation level: PX OPEN The native BACnet automation station DESIGO PX OPEN is a multifunctional integration platform used to connect third-party automation stations and open field-bus networks to the BACnet network. PX OPEN is a family of various types of device: • PX LON for the connection of LON devices, LON networks and the DESIGO RXC room automation system • PX Modbus, PX M-bus and PX SCL for the connection of Modbus, M-bus or simple ASCII protocols for RS232 or RS485 (free SCL programming) • PX KNX S-mode for the connection of EIB devices, EIB networks and the DESIGO RXB room automation system The data points of the third-party are mapped to input/output functions in BACnet and are then available as fully communicating data points for further processing and further connection, e.g. for: • • • • •

Alarm handling and prioritization Override control, priority control and commands for central operation Grouping Time schedules Trend logging

PX OPEN integrates up to 2000 items of information per device. The bi-directional exchange of data is event-driven, i.e. the systems only exchange information if the data point changes. Peer-to-peer communication can be implemented without difficulty in the BACnet network The PX OPEN integration stations are positioned in a flexible configuration in the BACnet network and can be operated via the local LCD operator units. "Simple" protocols based on ASCII strings can be connected directly to PX OPEN by use of SCL (Structured Control Language) in conjunction with a freely programmable RS232 or RS485 port. Vendor-neutral protocols:

Vendor-specific protocols

• BACnet

Hotel management: Fidelio


AlgoRex (fire detection system)

• KNX S-mode (EIB) • M-bus • Modbus


PX LON PX LON connects LON networks to DESIGO and maps LONMARK network variables to BACnet data points. Main functions of PX LON: • Compression of DESIGO RXC room controller and third-party device data • Maps DESIGO RXC applications to BACnet for operation and monitoring (grouped as HVAC, lighting and blind control functions)

• Higher-level control and optimization functions, such as room and zone-based groups, time control, and system functions such as changeover, summer/winter compensation etc. • Alarm handling, device monitoring • Trend storage

PX LON maps RXC applications in such a way as to produce a room view. This enables the rooms to be grouped together, for shared occupancy programs, or for shared commands for the control of lighting or blinds, for example.

PX M-bus PX M-bus connects the M-bus consumption meters to the DESIGO system and maps meter readings and device-related meter information to BACnet data points. Main functions of PX M-bus • Measurement of consumption data and remote monitoring of max. 250

• Alarm handling, device monitoring • Trend storage to record meter readings

consumption and heat meters or 1,000 BACnet I/O objects • Compression of data from consumption and heat meters at the automation level

PX Modbus PX Modbus connects Modbus devices or networks supporting the Modbus protocol as specified by Modicon to the DESIGO system and maps their data points to BACnet data points. PX Modbus is particularly suitable for integrating industrial controls or chillers and linking them to the automation process.

PX KNX S-mode PX KNX S-mode connects EIB networks to DESIGO and maps EIB group addresses to BACnet data points. Main functions of PX KNX S-mode • Compression of the data from the DESIGO

functions, such as room and zone-based

KNX S-mode data points at the automation

groups, time control, and system functions


such as changeover, summer/winter

• Mapping of DESIGO RXB and other KNX S-

compensation etc.

mode applications to BACnet for operation

• Alarm handling, device monitoring

and monitoring (grouped as HVAC, lighting

• Trend storage

and blind control functions)


• Higher-level control and optimization

RXB room controllers and other

The field level: I/O OPEN A small number of distributed third-party devices can be connected quickly and economically at the field level and further processed in the automation system. The devices are integrated either via digital/analog inputs and outputs, or via microprocessor-based interface modules. The microprocessor-based I/O OPEN modules connect selected third-party devices via RS232 or RS485 to the distributed input/output field bus of the automation station. The I/O OPEN module maps the third-party data points on the module bus (P-bus) to a number of virtual standard modules. The automation station communicates with these virtual modules as if they were actually present. Various types of I/O OPEN modules are used, depending on the communication protocol utilized by the field devices and compact systems. Examples of vendor-specific protocols: • • • •

M-bus meters Pumps: Grundfos, Wilo Packaged air conditioning units: MENERGA Variable speed drives: Siemens SED2


DESIGO tools and software blocks Professional software tools and a wide range of proven application blocks are available for engineering and processing the automation stations. The programming language DMAP is optimized for building services applications.

DESIGO tools The DESIGO tools suite consists of the following components: • Management of project data, creation of system topology and selection of automation stations (System Design or XWORKS Manager) • Programming and commissioning (PX Design) • Commissioning of the BACnet routers (Router Design) DESIGO tools include project management functions such as the setting up and archiving of projects and the storage and relocation of project data for the commissioning phase. The tools are also used to define the network topology, and to design room automation systems and the integration of third-party systems. PX Design consists of tools which can be used in conjunction with the block library for the programming of individual solutions, and for parameter setting and commissioning. The CFC (Continuous Function Chart) Editor is used as a basis for this work. Router Design is used to configure the BACnet routers in the system.

Designed for technical work on customer projects, the user-friendly DESIGO software utilities are easy to use. They include planning, configuration, final adjustment and commissioning of the automation station with the associated program. A variety of report functions are available for documentation purposes.


Programming with D-MAP The D-MAP programming language (= DESIGO Modular Application Programming) for DESIGO PX ensures efficient programming and parameter setting for building services plant. D-MAP is optimized for building services applications. The control strategies required for and best suited to efficient operation are implemented using graphicsbased data flow programming.

Efficient engineering with blocks and compounds The project-specific HVAC applications are configured, programmed, commissioned and maintained using the CFC Editor in PX Design. The CFC Editor is a graphics editor based on blocks and data flow techniques. Predefined and tested application programs are assembled to create compound structures (referred to simply as "compounds"), and these are then made available in the libraries.

Creating the CFC chart with the CFC Editor

Features of D-MAP programming:

• The basic elements of D-MAP programming are blocks and "compounds" (compound functional units). These are stored in libraries. • To create a D-MAP program, the blocks and compounds for the required functions are put together in the CFC Editor. This process involves creating instances (of blocks) or copies (of compounds) from the libraries. • The flow of data between blocks is programmed by interconnecting the "pins" (inputs and outputs) of various blocks.

Libraries PX Design incorporates comprehensive libraries in which the functions, function blocks and compounds are stored. The libraries contain images of actual plant, aggregates and components in a structure which can be used equally for design engineering, control, operation and monitoring and display.


Energy management Energy management with CAFM solutions The ever-increasing integration of various disciplines in buildings continuously places new demands on building automation and control systems, which have now become the main source of data for the economical running of buildings. A building automation and control system is indispensable for efficient and cost-effective building management, because it holds all the technical data from the building, and this data forms the basis for further processing in other management systems. Facilities management today places prime emphasis on user comfort and the minimization of operating costs. To meet demands in both these areas satisfactorily, additional systems are required, which build upon the existing building automation and control system. For efficient and economical facilities management, we offer our own CAFM solutions, CC (Consumption Control) for energy management and ADP (Advanced Data Processing) for financial management of the plant. Our applications will fit seamlessly into your system topology and assist you in the running of your building(s). Supplementing these two packages, EMC (Energy Monitoring and Controlling), an innovative Web-based software solution, is also available.

Financial plant management – Advanced Data Processing ADP The ADP application analyses the plant data from your building (measured values, control variables, messages etc.) and collates this data to produce meaningful reports. Any relevant data point from the building automation and control system can be logged for analysis purposes. Based on this data, further measures for optimization of the plant can be undertaken and monitored. Analysis of plant data from the building: • Analysis of ambient conditions • Identification of scope for optimization • Analysis of processes within the building automation and control system • Verification of the building automation and control process

Example: Identification of scope for optimization

A number of quite simple optimization measures can be undertaken, with a consequent reduction in costs, provided that the areas where potential savings can be made have been recognized. For example, if ADP is used to check the load patterns of particular groups of energy consumers over a certain period of time, it will become very clear where savings could be made through re-organization.


Consumption and energy management – Consumption Control CC The CC application produces meaningful reports from meter values. CC shows where there is need for intervention, and where it is worth investing money in measures to save energy. A comprehensive tool for monitoring and financial management of energy consumption, CC makes energy consumption transparently clear and highlights problem areas. It also lets you distribute costs and consumption values to cost centers, premises, profit centers etc.

Energy management Monitoring of energy consuming equipment Identification of potential savings Calculation of consumption costs Control of emissions 250000


Heat consumption for week [kWh]

• • • •

200000 150000 100000 50000 0











Ave. outdoor temperature for week [°C] Example: Energy signature

It is only possible to implement energy-saving measures successfully if it is clear where there is a need for action. The energy signature of a building is an effective tool for highlighting problem areas in a building or faults in the building services plant. This energy report shows the relationship between the weekly consumption of heating energy and the weekly average outside temperature. In the example, deviations from the defined setpoint area point to infiltration problems (a "leaky" building).

EMC: Energy Monitoring & Controlling (eAdvantage) As our first e-service solution, EMC offers you a comprehensive application for Web-based energy management. The EMC service module will help you: • To monitor and check your energy and building running costs • To identify potential areas for optimization • To improve quality and performance in the running of your building Based directly on the consumption data you enter, you will receive regular, informative reports on the consumption of energy and media, and on emissions. Readings

Various meters

Reports Manual

PC Web


ASP Server

PC Web



Web 10500Z13en


Appendix System topologies System design for small buildings A small automation system can be implemented with just a small number of individual PX modular or compact automation stations. As an option, this system can be expanded by adding one or more type QAX.. room units or PXM.. operator units.

PXM20 BACnet / LON

RS232 PXC..-U


PXC... 10500Z05en



I/O modules


System design for small buildings with a room automation system A small automation system can be implemented with just a small number of individual PX modular or compact automation stations. As an option, this system can be expanded by adding one or more type QAX… room units or PXM… operator units. The DESIGO RX room automation system ensures demand-based individual comfort for building users. The devices in the DESIGO RX range communicate with each other and with other compatible devices using a standard protocol, LON bus or KNX S-mode/EIB. They can be integrated seamlessly into the DESIGO building automation and control system, making a range of additional functions available.

PXM20 BACnet / LON RS232

PXR... PXM10 10500Z06en



LON Third-party system


PXM20 BACnet / LON

RS232 PXM10

PXC...-U PXA30-K11 KNX S-mode / EIB 10500Z07en



KNX S-mode / EIB Third-party


System design for small to medium-sized buildings A number of PX automation stations and RXC room controllers can be interconnected via BACnet over LON and, depending on the size of the system, monitored and operated with one or more network-compatible PXM20 operator units. Local operation of an automation station is also possible, with the easy-to-use PXM10 operator unit. For remote operation, the system can be extended to include Web operation with PX-WEB. With the Web operating software, building operators have access to all the functions of the PXM20 from anywhere and at any time. In the event of a fault, alarms can be transmitted via SMS or e-mail for added reliability.

Pager E-mail

Web client


Telephone line


Mobile phone

BACnet / LON



PXC..-U with PXM20



PXA30-K11 KNX S-mode / EIB






System design for medium-sized to large building complexes The DESIGO INSIGHT management station lets you get the most out of your plant. The plant is operated using highly informative, animated graphics. Optimum building operation is ensured by use of scheduler programs that can be operated centrally, a clear alarm handling system and a wide range of other options. The DESIGO system can be embedded in existing IT Ethernet/LAN infrastructures. Naturally, DESIGO INSIGHT can be expanded into a multi-user system. Web technology is implemented using DESIGO INSIGHT Web Access at the management level and DESIGO PX-WEB at the automation level.






Web client Mobile phone Third-party

Fax BACnet / Ethernet / IP




Pager PXG80-N


Mobile phone PXM20 BACnet / LON

BACnet / LON





PXM20 BACnet / LON









PXC..-U with PXM20

PXC..-U PXA30-K11

I/O modules LONMARK / LON

I/O modules with I/O OPEN

KNX S-Mode / EIB

Third-party LON Third-party system

Third-party DESIGO RXC


KNX S-mode / EIB Third-party system


Distributed buildings Remote plant can be monitored and operated by telephone. In the event of a fault, the automation stations establish a connection with the higher-level system components or display units to alert the user to the problem. At the DESIGO INSIGHT management station, the user can navigate to the associated graphics. In the case of PX-WEB the alarm is forwarded by SMS or e-mail. For remote access, connections can be established not only by modem, but also via Ethernet/LAN. For this purpose the DESIGO INSIGHT management station and PX-WEB can be connected to any point on the LAN in the building. E-mail


DESIGO INSIGHT Mobile phone Mobile phone

Fax BACnet / Ethernet / IP

Pager E-mail

PXG80-N PXM20 BACnet / LON

BACnet / LON

BACnet / LON

RS232 RS232




PXC...-U with PXM20




PXC..-U with PXM20

PXG80-W PXA30-K11

I/O modules

I/O modules


KNX S-mode / EIB 10500Z10en






Siemens Building Technologies Ltd. Building Automation Gubelstrasse 22 CH-6301 Zug, Switzerland Tel. +41 41-724 24 24 Fax +41 41-724 35 22

Building Technologies

Subject to technical alteration • 10500en • 31-August-2004


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