Apr 5, 2005 - focus here on spatial and temporal aspects of crime in urban areas. ... research for crime analysis is statistical and empirical in nature using.
A Computational Model for Simulating Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Crime in Urban Environments P. L. Brantingham2 , U. Gl¨asser1 , B. Kinney2 , K. Singh1 and M. Vajihollahi1 Email:{pbrantin/glaesser/bkinney/komals/mvajihol}@sfu.ca 1 School of Computing Science 2 School of Criminology Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C., Canada April 5, 2005 Abstract In this paper, we present a novel approach to computational modeling of social systems. By combining the abstract state machine (ASM) formalism with the multi-agent modeling paradigm, we obtain a formal semantic framework for modeling and integration of established theories of crime analysis and prediction. We focus here on spatial and temporal aspects of crime in urban areas. Our work contributes to a new multidisciplinary research effort broadly classified as Computational Criminology. Keywords: Computational Criminology, Simulation, Modeling, Abstract State Machines, Multi-Agent Systems
1 Introduction Crime is not random. Any crime consists of four dimensions — the law, the offender, the target and the place [4]. Criminologists have developed various theories of crime [3] that contend there is definite patterning in the temporal and spatial characteristics of physical crime. The main theoretical theme argues that criminal events can be understood in the context of people’s movements in the course of everyday lives — offenders commit offenses near places they spend most of their time, and victims are victimized near places where they spend most of their time. This line of theory also argues that location of crimes is determined through a premeditated decision process of the offenders shaped by perceptions of environment that separate good criminal opportunities from bad risks
— targets located along highly accessible street networks attract crime. This implies there are a set of patterns/rules that govern the working of a social system — one composed of criminals, victims and targets, interacting with each other — the movements of whom are influenced by the city’s underlying land use patterns, street networks and transportation system. Conventional research for crime analysis is statistical and empirical in nature using methods that entirely rely on direct extrapolations from past data. Novel research directions [7, 25] however suggest a fundamentally different approach. Due to the increasing complexity and dynamics and the intricate nature of the underlying sociological systems, empirical deduction is not sufficient any more; mathematical and computational models are needed for reasoning about most likely scenarios [8]. Although theories of crime are well established in their respective fields, the lack of a coherent and consistent semantic framework for integrating the four dimensions of crime inhibits their applicability to real-life scenarios. Furthermore, a firm semantic foundation is a prerequisite for the systematic construction of well defined computational models in order to overcome the limitations of purely statistical methods [25]. The expectation is that deploying such novel tools will provide effective support for understanding of and experimenting with crime patterns and for evidence based policy making. We propose an abstract mathematical framework for semantic modeling and integration of established theories of crime analysis and prediction which is obtained by combining the abstract state machine (ASM) formalism [2] with the multi-agent modeling paradigm [39]. Specifically, we focus here on crime in urban areas and model spatial and temporal aspects of crime involving multiple offenders and multiple targets. Our goal is twofold. First, semantic modeling greatly simplifies a systematic integration and validation of crime patterns and theories and helps gaining a better understanding of complex social system aspects. Second, a solid mathematical foundation for the construction, refinement and validation of discrete event models facilitates the development of simulation models as effective instruments in prediction and prevention of crime. Our work is part of a novel cross-disciplinary research effort broadly classified as Computational Criminology. The scope of related research disciplines spans criminology, formal methods, modeling & simulation, AI and artificial life (see Figure 1). From a system theoretic perspective the behavioral patterns of the underlying dynamic system are best characterized as a combination of cognitive system and reactive system. Finally, we like to emphasize that although the original definition of ASMs is intended to capture any kind of discrete dynamic systems, their application to social systems is original and unprecedented. This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly outlines the context in which this work is carried out. Section 3 presents our distributed discrete event model of the underlying social urban system. Section 4 addresses the fitness of the model, and Section 5 concludes the paper.
2 3 4 3 5 4 6 7 3 8 9 :; < = # $ % ! " + , - . - / ) 0 - " & ' () 1 ) ( - " & * Figure 1: A multi-disciplinary approach to computational modeling of social systems using ASM technology as common core for linking distinct aspects
2 Background The history of social simulation starts with differential equations and goes through stochastic processes, game theory, cellular automata and finally distributed artificial intelligence (multi-agent systems) [24]. We build on the existing knowledge and expertise of applying the multi-agent modeling paradigm to modeling social systems, and use the distributed ASM framework for building a concise mathematical model of a particular class of such systems. The final ASM model of the system is linked to the original social system through an intermediate layer which is the multi-agent system. However, the introduction of this intermediate layer should be seen only as a facilitating means for modeling social systems; i.e. only those principles of multi-agent systems that help in streamlining our target system are incorporated. In the following sections we briefly outline the criminology background, the formal semantic framework, and the role of multi-agent modeling for social systems.
2.1 Computational Criminology Criminology has a rich history of interest in the spatial distribution of crime and criminal events [11, 35]. The sub-field of environmental criminology stems, in part, from this early ecological tradition [3]. Key concepts include the routine nature of many of our daily activities [19], and the structured way in which we become aware of, and interact with, our environment [4, 5]. The task of simulating the movement and decision-making processes for our hypothetical offender (agent) is complex, but the main elements can be shown here. Principles of environmental criminology suggest that offenders commit crime in areas with which they are most familiar. If we assume that our agent moves about in space much like most people, the agent is then tied to at least three main classes of activity nodes: home, work and recreation. The agent often travels between these nodes using familiar pathways; the more often an area is visited, the more knowledge the agent will gain re3
garding the immediate surrounds for both the nodes and the pathways connecting them [6]. At a general level, each agent has an awareness space that characterizes his or her working knowledge of the environment. Within this general area more specialized knowledge is formed by direct experiences, known as activity spaces. It is here that criminal opportunities are observed and potentially acted upon [6]. The process of choosing a target of opportunity involves target templating [5]. Each agent compares potential criminal opportunities to his or her crime template in order to assess the value potential rewards against the risks or degree of energy required for successful execution [12, 33]. Related modeling and simulation work in criminology [29, 7], suggest the value of pursuing computational methods to predict patterns in crime. Although a ‘new’ area for criminology, this area is showing signs of gaining momentum.
2.2 ASM Modeling Paradigm Abstract state machines [2] (a.k.a. evolving algebras [26]) have been proposed as a universal mathematical framework for semantic modeling of discrete dynamic systems and studied extensively in high-level design of computer-based systems. We briefly outline here the basic idea at an intuitive level of understanding using common notions and structures from discrete mathematics and computing science. For further details, we refer to the existing literature on the ASM theory [27, 1] and its practical applications [2].1 We focus here on the asynchronous ASM model, called distributed abstract state machine (DASM), as formal basis for modeling concurrent and reactive system behavior by abstract machine runs. A DASM M is defined over a given vocabulary V by its program PM and a non-empty set IM of initial states. V consists of symbols denoting the various semantic objects and their relations in the formal representation of M , where we distinguish domain symbols, function symbols and predicate symbols. Symbols that have a fixed interpretation regardless of the state of M are called static; those that may have different interpretations in different states of M are called dynamic. A state S of M yields an interpretation of all the symbols in V . Concurrent control threads in an execution of PM are modeled through a dynamic set AGENT of autonomously operating agents. Agents of M interact with each other by reading and writing shared locations of global machine states, where the underlying semantic model regulates such interactions so that potential conflicts are resolved according to the definition of partially ordered runs [26]. PM consists of a statically defined collection of agent programs, each of which defines the behavior of a certain type of agent in terms of state transition rules. The canonical rule consists of a basic update instruction of the form f (t 1 , t2 , ..., tn ) := t0 , where f is an n-ary dynamic function symbol and the ti s (0 ≤ i ≤ n) are terms. Intuitively, one can conceive a dynamic function as a function table where each row associates a sequence of argument values with a function value. An update instruction specifies a pointwise function update, i.e., an operation that replaces an existing function value by a new value to be associated with the given arguments. Complex rules 1 See
also the ASM Web site at www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm.
! " # $ % " & # ' #" ( ) % " & # *+ " , ( - # & ./ ) 01- # * % " & # + " , ( - # & 2 3 4 56 ( - # &
Figure 2: Agent based social simulation as the intersection of three fields [13] are inductively formed out of basic update instructions by means of various simple rule constructors (as will be illustrated by means of examples in the description of the model). Finally, M models the embedding of a system into a given environment — the external world — through actions and events as observable at interfaces. The external world affects operations of M through externally controlled or monitored functions. Such functions change their values dynamically over runs of M , although they cannot be updated by agents of M . A typical example is the representation of time by means of a nullary monitored function now taking values in a linearly ordered domain TIME. Intuitively, now yields the time as measured by some external clock.
2.3 From Social Systems to ASM Models Multi-Agent Based Systems (MABS) [39, 41, 21] have gained widespread popularity as a modeling paradigm for distributed systems, open dynamic environments, and systems that can naturally be regarded as a society of interacting agents [23]. Specifically, using agent-based models for simulating social systems is justified by its long history [24] and successful applications [16, 17] in social sciences. Figure 2 illustrates how the research area of Agent-Based Social Simulation (ABSS) can be characterized as the intersection of three scientific fields, agent-based computing, social sciences, and computer simulation [13]. Pertinent to our context, the MABS modeling paradigm plays a vital role in bringing together the predominant view of the world of social systems with the formal ASM view. This nexus provides a coherent framework to incrementally refine the model by integrating approaches from other disciplines such as AI and Criminology, thus incorporating the cross-disciplinary nature in an elegant fashion. Although MABS is widely used, it still lacks a formal semantic basis [15]: ‘There is a lot of formal theory in the area but it is often not obvious what such theories should represent and what role the theory is intended to play. Theories of agents are often abstract and obtuse and not related to concrete computational models.’
Social Urban Env. Offender, Victim Car, ATM Cash, Drugs
MABS Model Autonomous Agent Active Object
ASM Model DASM Agent Object
(Attributes, Behavior)
(Stat./dyn. fnctns.)
Passive Object
(Static functions)
Figure 3: Entity classification and taxonomy through different layers While some work has been done on formal approaches to multi-agent systems, e.g. [22, 31, 28], there is still a dire need for a robust formalization approach to address open issues of formalism, framework, methodology, and software engineering techniques as pointed out in [15]. In using distributed ASMs as formal basis for semantic modeling of multi-agent systems, we address crucial aspects such as distribution, concurrency, communication, environment and real time [36]. Since the underlying social urban environment involves different types of entities, a distinction needs to be made between the various constituent entities. We propose a generic classification of entities into three different categories2: passive objects, active objects and autonomous agents. The core of this classification is based on the essentials of the Belief Desire Intention (BDI) agent architecture [10, 40] and the framework for agency and autonomy [31]. A passive object is an entity that comprises a set of attributes reflecting its characteristic features. An active object is an entity with attributes and an associated behavior defined as observable changes in the state of the object where this behavior is induced by the environment and not controlled by the object itself. An autonomous agent is an entity that, in addition to attributes and behavior, has rules, motivations, and a memory. The behavior of an autonomous agent is generated by a set of rules triggered by the agent to change its internal state or the state of its environment. Consequently, an autonomous agent is responsible for generating all its behaviors. Motivations are reasons (goals or incentives) toward which the behavior is oriented, and memory is nothing but a collection of facts representing agent’s knowledge of the environment. A criminal offender is an autonomous agent with attributes (e.g. a personal profile), behavior (such as commuting), motivations (e.g. greed), and a memory (e.g. storing targets). We map each MABS entity onto an entity in the ASM model as follows. A passive object is modeled as an ASM object with static functions representing its attributes. Active objects are also modeled as ASM objects with both static and dynamic functions, where dynamic functions may represent the changes in the state. Finally, autonomous agents are modeled as DASM agents where the program of each agent characterizes the rules governing its behavior; its memory and motivations are abstractly represented by functions. Figure 3 illustrates the entity mapping through the three different layers. 2 Despite of being generic, this categorization is not intended to be universal; it is only meant to capture the dynamics of our target system.
3 Distributed ASM Model The DASM model we present here is based on a multi-agent system view where the behavior of autonomous agents is defined by two conceptually different sets of rules, action rules describing reactive behavior and cognition rules describing cognition. Agents operate in a highly dynamic, discrete environment. They are capable of learning using a form of behavioral reinforcement learning where, based on past experiences, certain preferences are developed that may influence future choices that an agent will make. Likewise, communication between agents may influence the behavior of an agent in various ways. Agents communicate with one another by reading and writing shared locations of global states. For synchronization purposes, we use an explicit event triggering mechanism defined in [18]. Intuitively, communicating agents may develop various forms of interactions like indifference, cooperation or antagonism which in turn lead to the formation of organizations [21]. At this stage, we essentially restrict on two forms of interaction, indifference (agents operate independently without influencing one another) and, to some extent, cooperation, but potentially allow for other forms of interactions as well.
3.1 Agent Architecture The main component of our model is an autonomously acting entity, called the person agent, which is defined to model the criminal behavior of an offender commuting between home, work, shopping and entertainment locations in an urban environment. Its behavioral description is structured into several modules, each of which models certain aspects of the overall behavior. Figure 4 illustrates the structural decomposition of a person agent into different logical components following the classical Divide and Conquer approach. The approach taken on modeling the urban environment complements extant theories of environment in the behavioral sciences. Conceptually, the environment can be divided into two broad categories, the objective environment and the subjective environment [30]. The objective environment, in our case called the geographic environment, is external to an agent and encompasses the totality of all things jointly forming the physical reality. The Space Evolution Module (SEM) is responsible for carving out the activity space and the awareness space of the person agent. It uses a navigation algorithm to move the agent from an origin to a destination considering the particular preferences of the agent. These preferences include a variety of aspects such as choosing shorter routes, avoiding traffic, using familiar roads, avoiding blocked roads, et cetera. The Target Selection Module (TSM) is responsible for monitoring potential targets on the routes taken by the agent, and for selecting attractive targets based on given selection criteria. This leads to the creation of the opportunity space and the crime occurrence space of the agent. The Agent Decision Module (ADM) is the component which models intelligent decisions made by the agent. Most of these decisions are made based on personal attributes of the agent (recorded in the person’s profile) and the agent’s motivations.
> 6 ? , 2 1 6 , @ A 9 + - B5 6+ D*C 2, 4? ' 0 126 , @ A 9+ EK LFMG NH IJ
>7 *6 829+ 6 D A , 20 )d 126e,; ] ^ _ `b a ,3 2*6, D +, 1 : ; 5 6 12 6 ?B5, 26+1D*6C ,2, 4@? A 9+ - ' '(.!)/1*2+"30,#1$4%- & ' 0 126 , @ A 9+ - . / ) 0 + > 6 D A , 20 ) 126 , c _ a , 3 2* 6 , D + , 1 TE OHIPUQLROFPHNWS ZV [S FHXY R J E H \ L MF
Figure 4: Agent architecture This module is left abstract in the current model but is part of the architectural design and serves as an interface to incorporate existing AI methods into our model. The SEM and the TSM both use action rules and cognition rules. Cognition rules change the state of the internal memory, whereas action rules, when fired, affect the state of the environment. Each of these modules is identified with a DASM agent and the corresponding rules form the program of this agent. Memory is a collection of facts/beliefs/knowledge — present and past — which may change dynamically over time. In our model, each of the above mentioned modules has an internal memory component, called working memory, which stores volatile information needed for path computation or target selection. The agent’s main memory component is called perception and represents the subjective environment. Perception stores a filtered view of the geographic environment and represents the environment as the agent ‘perceives’ it; it is thus the subjective reality and is constantly updated by the SEM and the TSM. The subjective environment can further be divided into sub-categories [37]. The part of the perception that an agent is aware of by way of current events, past experiences and interaction with other agents forms the awareness space of the agent. The activity space is the part of the awareness space that the agent has visited more frequently over a recent period of time. The agent typically has very detailed information about this part of the environment. This categorization of environment is illustrated in Figure 5. Finally, the profile represents the personal attributes of the agent and stores information such as preferences, skills, home locations and demographic factors that are taken into account for determining certain aspects of an agent’s individual behavior when moving in space and time.
Figure 5: Categorization of the environment
3.2 The Environment We abstractly represent a given urban environment as an attributed directed graph defined in several steps as follows. Let H = (V, E) be a directed graph representing the road map of some urban area, where V = {v1 , ..., vn } is the set of vertices — representing the intersections on the map — and E ⊆ V × V is the set of directed edges — representing roads; unidirectional roads are represented by a single edge and bidirectional ones by a pair of oppositely directed edges connecting the same two vertices. For attributing the graph H, let Θv and Θe denote the attribute sets for vertices and edges respectively. Θe splits into two disjoint subsets, Θstat and Θdyn e e , the edge attributes that are statically defined, e.g. such as distances, and those that my change dynamically, like traffic conditions. We can now define the geographic environment as an attributed directed graph GGeoEnv = (H, θ) by associating attributes with the vertices and edges of H. Formally, this is expressed by an attribution scheme θ = (θv , θe ) with θe = (θestat , θedyn ) consisting of three finite mappings: • θv : V → P(Θv ) assigns a set of vertex attributes to each vertex in V, • θestat : E → P(Θstat ) assigns a set of static edge attributes to each edge in E, e and • θedyn : E → P(Θdyn e ) assigns a set of dynamic edge attributes to each edge in E. Vertex attributes, for instance, specify geographic coordinates. Edge attributes yield information on distances, road type, road condition, speed limits, traffic situation, et cetera. GGeoEnv represents the objective environment and serves as the basis for defining the subjective environment — the agent’s perception of the objective environment. We model perception by introducing an additional attribution on top of G GeoEnv . The fact that, in general, each agent perceives the geographic environment differently implies that distinct agents see different attributions of GGeoEnv . Let Λv and Λe denote the additional attribute sets for vertices and edges respectively. The urban environment — including both the subjective and the objective environment — is defined as an attributed directed graph GEnv = (GGeoEnv , λ) where 9
λ = (λv , λe ) abstractly represents the agent specific attribution of vertices and edges by means of two injective mappings such that • λv : AGENT×V → P(Λv ), for each agent and each vertex in V , yields a nonempty set of vertex attributes, and • λe : AGENT×E → P(Λe ), for each agent and each edge in E, yields a nonempty set of edge attributes. GEnv can be seen as a attributed directed graph with colored attributes. Each color refers to the specific perception of an individual agent. Λv , e.g., specifies frequency of visits to a location and the agent’s subjective interest in a location. Λ e , e.g., specifies the frequency of using a road, reinforcement factors, intensity of awareness, et cetera. Finally, the awareness space and activity space of each agent, in a given system state, is computed by means of operations on GEnv that extract the subset of edges with an associated intensity above a certain threshold. Likewise, the opportunity space for a certain type of crime is encoded. The crime occurrence space is the intersection of the opportunity space and the activity space of an agent.
3.3 High-Level DASM Model An offender is modeled by a collection of interacting DASM agents. A master agent of type PERSON, called person agent, and three subordinate agents operating under the control of the master. Each subordinate agent represents one of the three operational units SEM, TSM, and ADM (cf. Section 3.1). A function parentAgent defined on subordinate agents links these agents to their person agent.
Asynchronous interaction between the various agents is based on an event triggering mechanism carried out using a signaling framework in which each signal specifies its sender and receiver and may carry any type of data. For further details, the reader is referred to [18]. The following sections introduce the SEM and the navigation algorithm in more detail. For more information on the TSM and its functionality, the reader is referred to [9]. 3.3.1 Space Evolution Module The main responsibility of the SEM is to control how the person agent traverses the urban environment GEnv (cf. Section 3.2) based on personal preferences. As a byproduct of navigation, a person agent’s activity space evolves as its visits more places, thus affecting the attribute values of GEnv . SEM agents access and manipulate such attributes through operations on the graph structure. These operations will be introduced on the fly. The SEM works in five different modes, idle, estimation, calculation, thinking and running, formally represented by the elements of a domain MODE. mode : SEM → MODE 10
Intuitively, the SEM moves the related person agent in discrete steps from its current position on the graph — a vertex or an edge as identified by functions currentNode and currentEdge — to its destination. The behavior of the SEM is abstractly defined by the SEM program composed of five rules, one for each mode. ProgramSEM ≡ case mode(self ) of // self refers to an SEM agent idle → semIdleMode estimation → semEstimationMode calculation → semCalculationMode thinking → semThinkingMode running → semRunningMode In the idle mode, the SEM agent is waiting for the next destination to be identified by the ADM agent sending a signal. Upon receiving this signal, a series of calculations is required to find a path matching the agent’s preferences as closely as possible, and the mode switches to estimation. The navigation algorithm takes into account a number of factors to find the most preferable path to the destination. The importance of each of these factors is determined by an associated weight which can change dynamically. For instance, major roads are often more favorable than minor roads, but when a person gets closer to the destination, minor roads leading directly to the destination may be more attractive. In the estimation mode, the SEM agent re-evaluates these weights. On the other hand, it is also possible to reset the destination and start moving toward a new destination. This means, that a person can change his or her mind in the middle of a trip. When the estimation is complete, the mode changes to calculation. In the calculation mode, auxiliary calculations for updating information on best paths are performed. Due to the nature of the navigation algorithm, described in Section 3.3.2, a re-calculation is required whenever the destination has changed, or the weights have changed. We do not further describe the calculation mode here. When the calculation is complete, the mode is changed to thinking. In the thinking mode, a decision is made regarding the person agent’s next move. There are two distinct cases. If the destination is reached, a signal is sent to the ADM agent indicating the arrival at the destination; the person agent remains at its current position, and the mode switches back to idle. Otherwise, a next edge toward the destination is chosen, i.e., an edge with the best overall preference. The mode then switches to running and the agent starts traversing the edge. The following routine sketches the behavior of the SEM in the thinking mode.
semThinkingMode ≡ if ¬destNodeReached then CHOOSE NEXT ROAD(self ) // The next edge is chosen mode(self ) := running // The agent starts passing the edge ... else // Indicate arrival to ADM mode(self ) := idle trigger s : INDICATE ARRIVAL, decisionModule(parentAgent(self )) arrivalTime(s) := now In the running mode, the current edge is being traversed. The SEM now remains in this mode until the traversal is complete (currentEdgeTraversed = true), meaning that the person agent is effectively arriving at the next vertex. Data on the edge and the time it was visited is recorded in the agent’s perception. While in this mode, a person agent may communicate with other agents by exchanging signals, thus influencing the perception of the person agent. Communication between agents and the mechanism for exchanging knowledge have been studied extensively in other disciplines. Although the details are left abstract in our model so far, we have identified this possibility as a future extension to the model. semRunningMode ≡ onsignal s : AGENT ENCOUNTER EXCHANGE KNOWLEDGE(neighbor(s)) if currentEdgeTraversed(self ) then RECORD IN PERCEPTION(self , currentEdge) currentNode := edgeTail(currentEdge) mode(self ) := estimation For a complete description of the SEM, including the (sub-)rules left abstract here, the reader is referred to [9]. 3.3.2 Navigation Algorithm The navigation algorithm that we present here reflects the natural and intuitive choices a person makes while moving in an urban landscape. The path taken might not be a globally optimal and best one, but a more natural and a good-enough one. The algorithm takes into account the factors that are known to influence human path planning and is developed in collaboration with the domain experts. Generally, a navigator has some global information about its environment which is incorporated in the algorithm through global factors. Global factors include distance, number of intervening vertices, road type and angle toward the destination. Global factors do not change during a trip, and the navigator has normally a priori knowledge of them. Intuitively, major roads are preferred over minor roads and an optimal path is sought to minimize the distance, the number of stops, and the overall angle toward the 12
Figure 6: Selecting a path from source S to destination D destination (e.g., it is uncommon to choose a road leading in the opposite direction of the destination). Additionally, past experiences also form global factors. The factors related to past experience are categorized as learning factors and include frequency of trips, importance of trips and positive/negative reinforcement. Typically, paths that have been visited more frequently before are more preferable. The navigation algorithm also considers local area information discovered on the fly. Such local factors are highly dynamic and include traffic, road conditions, and other events of interest occurring on or besides a road. The idea is to avoid dense traffic, any road construction, et cetera by using the local information available. Overall, the algorithm reflects the balance between global planning, local negotiation and learning. Technically, it can be seen as a combination of an A*-algorithm [34] and Dijkstra’s shortest paths algorithm [14]. Assume a person agent wants to move from source S to destination D (see Figure 6). The preference of an edge e for the SEM agent a that choses the path is defined as: edgePref(a, e, D) ≡ globalWeight(a) ∗ globalEdgePref (a, e, D)+ localWeight(a) ∗ localEdgePref (a, e) where • globalEdgePref(a,e,D) yields the preference of taking a ‘best’ path from S to D via B influenced solely by global factors (global planning). • localEdgePref(a,e) yields the preference of choosing e influenced solely by local factors (local negotiation). Learning is incorporated in path planning by considering past experiences of an agent as part of the global factors. The effect of local and global factors in the overall preference of an edge is controlled by the weights assigned to each type of preference, namely globalWeight and localWeight. The global preference of an edge provides a heuristic for estimating the preference of a path via this edge. This estimate is provided by Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm and takes into account only the global factors, which are supposed to be fixed while the destination remains unchanged. Hence, whenever the destination is changed or any factor weight is changed, it is required to re-apply the algorithm and update these estimates. On the other hand, the local preference of an edge is considered only when the agent reaches the respective edge. Overall, the edge with the highest preference (maximum value of edgePref ) is chosen as the next edge toward the destination. 13
4 Fitness of the Model Mathematical modeling of crime serves the purpose of studying most likely scenarios in crime analysis and prevention and provides a basis for experimental research allowing experiments that can often not easily be done in the real world. Typical purposes of such experimental research, among others, include [38]: a) use of a model for generating and testing hypothesis through controlled experiments; b) use of a model for predicting the effects of change in the system under study. In this context, the role of modeling and simulation is descriptive rather than prescriptive and, for instance, focuses on aspects such as: a) identification of behavior characteristics from response patterns generated by simulations; and b) identification of the system boundary and the factors that influence the behavior of interest. Clearly, the key issue is not to obtain a simulation response as the main result but to inspect the underlying trace that generated the response and suggest changes on that basis. Hence, the problem of providing evidence for the validity of a model has a different meaning than in prescriptive modeling where quantitative measures of reliability of predictions apply.3 An obvious way of validating the model is by simulating scenarios and comparing the results with what the theories predict. However, there is no guarantee that the theories make correct predictions under all circumstances. A possibility is the use of compositional techniques with the idea to divide the validation task by applying different approaches specific to each of the model components (e.g., cross-validation can be used for validating neural networks). The problem is then, how to validate coherence and consistence of the integration of components. This aspect deserves a more thorough investigation and is subject of our future work.
5 Conclusion We propose a novel approach to modeling and simulation of crime patterns and theories in crime analysis and prevention — a key aspect in Computational Criminology [8] — based on the abstract state machine (ASM) paradigm. We exemplify our approach by modeling and simulating spatial and temporal aspects of crime in urban environments. Emphasizing the need for a well-defined and robust mathematical framework, we devise a distributed abstract state machine as formal basis for the development of simulation models. Although unconventional, the application of the ASM formalism and abstraction principles to social systems turns out to be a promising approach; it nicely combines with the established view of multi-agent modeling of social systems and provides a precise semantic foundation — something multi-agent system modeling is lacking. The particular challenge is the complexity and diversity of the problem space due to two major factors: a) the inherent complexity and dynamics of social systems, and b) the cross-disciplinary nature of the research field spanning Criminology, Environment Planning, Modeling & Simulation, AI and Artificial Live. In this light, our main theoretical result is the abstract behavior model of person agents (based on the agent 3 For instance, in software cost estimation, a widely accepted rule of thumb suggests that a model is acceptable if 75 percent of the predicted values fall within 25 percent of their actual values [20].
architecture) interacting with their objective and subjective environments. Our model is designed for robustness with the intention to extend and refine it as required to gradually incorporate principles and techniques from other research disciplines, e.g., for dealing with various cognitive aspects, especially in modeling the target selection process. To this end, we can say that the ASM abstraction mechanisms greatly simplified the task of extracting and formalizing behavioral aspects of the system under study and were invaluable for delineating the borderline between the system and its operational environment. Our main practical result is an executable version of the distributed ASM model which is based on AsmL [32] and serves as a platform for the construction and experimental validation of discrete event simulation models.
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