Forest Ecology and Management 128 (2000) 109±120
Accuracy comparison of various remote sensing data sources in the retrieval of forest stand attributes Juha HyyppaÈa,*, Hannu HyyppaÈa, Mikko Inkinena, Marcus Engdahla, Susan Linkob, Yi-Hong Zhuc b
a Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Space Technology, P.O. Box 3000, FIN-02015 Hut, Espoo, Finland Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering, P.O. Box 6100, FIN-02015 Hut, Espoo, Finland c Nokia Telecommunications, P.O. Box 370, FIN-00045 Nokia Group, Espoo, Finland
Accepted 24 September 1999
Abstract Recent advances in developing new airborne instruments and space-borne missions and in SAR technology, especially in interferometry and coherence estimation, have roused questions: can such new SAR data be utilized in operational forest inventory? What is the accuracy of different satellite data for forest inventory? This paper veri®es the explanatory power and information contents of several remote sensing data sources on the retrieval of stem volume, basal area, and mean height, utilizing the following data: Landsat TM, Spot PAN and XS, ERS-1/2 PRI and SLC (coherence estimation), airborne data from imaging spectrometer AISA, radar-derived forest canopy pro®les (obtained with HUTSCAT), and aerial photographs. Ground truth data included three different sets ranging from conventional forest inventory data to intensive ®eld checking where one man-day was spent for assessing one stand. Multivariate and neural network methods were applied in data analysis. The results suggested that (1) radar-derived stand pro®les obtained with 100 m spacing was the most accurate data source in this comparison and was of equivalent accuracy with conventional forest inventory for mean height and stem volume estimation, (2) aerial photographs (scale 1 : 20,000) gave comparable results with the imaging spectrometer AISA, (3) the satellite images used for the estimation in the decreasing explanation power were Spot XS, Spot PAN, Landsat TM, ERS SAR coherence, JERS SAR intensity images (PRI); and ERS SAR intensity images (PRI). It appears that optical images still include more information for forest inventory than radar images, (4) from all satellite radar methods, the coherence technique seemed to be superior to other methods. # 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Forest inventory; Remote sensing; Stem volume
1. Introduction
Corresponding author. Tel.: 358-9-4514775; fax: 358-94512898. E-mail address:
[email protected] (J. HyyppaÈ).
The primary objective of the assessment of forest resources is the estimation of growing stock, growth and health of the forest. Forest economic planning is a basis for decisions of the forest industry, the of®cial
0378-1127/00/$ ± see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 1 1 2 7 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 7 8 - 9
J. HyyppaÈ et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 128 (2000) 109±120
forest policy and the forest owners in order to be able to optimally exploit forest resources and products. Typically, forests are operationally assessed with two scales: economic planning of forests at stand level (small-area inventory) and monitoring of forest resources at the national level (large-area inventory). The forest stand is a homogeneous forest area with respect to forest resources and treatments needed. Typical stand size, for example, in Finland, is between 0.5 and 5 ha. Conventionally, forest inventory data has been collected primarily by means of ®eld surveys, which is both expensive and time-consuming. Important forest attributes, including stem volume per hectare, are then assessed to these stands by measuring sample plots and individual trees, and by using personal experience. Recently, digital satellite data, for example, Landsat TM, have been applied with success for large-area applications, such as for national forest inventories. The national forest inventory of Finland was the ®rst of its kind utilizing satellite data (Tomppo, 1991). Satellite remote sensing has been shown to be an appropriate tool to assess and monitor large-area forest attributes with reasonable accuracy levels. Typically, optical satellite images are widely applied in national forest inventories. However, recent progress in SAR technology including L-band backscatter measurements (JERS-1) and coherence between two SAR images has indicated a potential for large-area forest inventory. Questions have, however, arisen ± what is the information content of new SAR data compared to optical satellite data in operational forest inventory? On the other hand, the advent of new powerful airborne instruments have made it possible to monitor forest areas with pro®ling sensors, such as pro®ling radar and scanning lasers, and imaging spectrometers. Although, aerial photographs are rather widely used in forest planning (e.g. KoÈhl and Kushwaha, 1994), in many countries, such as in Finland, the low success of aerial photographs for forest inventory is due to the high level of information requirements. A comparison of the performance of all these instruments is needed in order to be able to take future measures. Even though remote sensing applications in the estimation of forest stand attributes have been intensively investigated during the last few years (e.g. PaÈivinen et al., 1993; Kasischke et al., 1995; Weg-
muÈller and Werner, 1995; Chiao, 1996; Ranson et al., 1996; HyyppaÈ et al., 1997), a thorough comparison of the usability of different remote sensing data for the estimation of stand attributes is missing. First attempt for that was made by PaÈivinen et al. (1993) who compared three data sources (Landsat TM, aerial photographs and ®eld inventory data) for forest inventory at the stand level. The main objective of the present study was to estimate the information content and accuracy of different air- and satellite-borne remote sensing data on the retrieval of the following forest stand attributes: stem volume (m3/ha), basal area (m2/ha) and mean tree height (m). The comparison was decided to be carried out at the stand level, since airborne systems require carefully collected ground truth data for comparison and it is impractical to cover large areas with high accuracy. The main emphasis was put on the retrieval of stem volume per hectare which is the most valuable parameter to be assessed in national forest inventories and also in operational inventories at the stand level. Basically, mean tree height and basal area are secondary parameters to be assessed in order to obtain the stem volume. 2. Material 2.1. Test site and field inventories The 600 ha boreal forest test site, Kalkkinen, is located in southern Finland, 130 km north of Helsinki. This rather typical boreal test site is basically ¯at with minor hills and is situated about 110 m above sea level. The main tree species are Norway spruce (49%) and Scots pine (24%), the mean volume is 156 m3/ha, whereas annual growth is 7 m3/ha. Median stand size is 0.7 ha (mean size 1 ha). The following ®eld inventory data was obtained from the test site: (1) conventional forest inventory carried out by local forestry center, (2) intensive ®eld checking for 40 spruce-dominated and mixed stands, (3) ®eld checking for 140 stands. The ®eld inventories were collected independently from each other. Conventional forest inventory was based on sample plots and visual estimation. Both ®eld checkings were based solely on systematic sample plot measurements. Intensive checking was performed by measuring about 10
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relascope sample plots in each stand. Tree species and the diameter at breast height (dbh) were recorded for each measured tree, determined with a relascope factor of 1. Age, diameter at breast height, and height were measured for the basal-area-median-tree of each sample plot. From these data, mean tree height (m), basal area (m2/ha), and stem volume per hectare (m3/ ha) were obtained for each stand, basically, as means of the sample plot values. Field checkings for 140 stands were performed by using 5±10 relascope sample plots in each stand. Measurements were carried out by following the rules of conventional forest inventories, but the number of relascope samples plots was increased in order to improve the accuracy of the estimates. 2.2. Accuracy and descriptive statistics of field data Since the intensive checking was performed carefully devoting one man-day for the checking of each stand, one can assume it as a ground truth which determines the accuracy of the checking and conventional forest inventory. The preliminary results were reported using the checking measurements for 140 stands (HyyppaÈ et al., 1998). By comparing the checking measurements for 140 stands and conventional forest inventory data, it was found out that conventional forest inventory data are accurate enough for this study with the exception that the stands which were assessed using the number of stems per hectare. These stands were removed from the conventional forest inventory data set and the rest were used to evaluate the information contents of different remote sensing data sources for forest inventory at the stand level. The descriptive statistics of the applied conventional forest inventory (483 stands) is depicted in Table 1 and accuracy of that data compared to the intensive checking measurements is depicted in Table 2. Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the field inventory data Character
Mean height (m)
Basal area (m2/ha)
Volume (m3/ha)
Mean value Standard deviation Minimum value Maximum value
16.4 7.0 0.3 27.0
17.9 10.1 0.0 52.0
156.5 105.2 0.0 423.8
Table 2 Accuracy of field inventory data Field inventory
Mean height (m)
Basal area (m2/ha)
Volume (m3/ha)
Random error Systematic error
2.0 0.57
3.7 0.0
41.0 19.3
2.3. Remote sensing data The remote sensing data set included satellite and airborne data: Spot PAN & XS, Landsat TM, ERS-1/2 SAR PRI & SLC, JERS-1 SAR (level 2.1) and airborne data from imaging spectrometer (AISA), airborne ranging radar (HUTSCAT), and aerial photographs (1 : 20,000). Table 3 summarizes the acquisition of the data in detail. The evaluation of the accuracy of several remote sensing data sources for stand attribute retrieval was made from the practical point of view ± available remote sensing data sets were collected. The result may then not be optimal for all data sources, but it gives a good indication of the potential of each data source. Fig. 1 depicts the applied methodology including remote sensing data acquisition. 3. Methods 3.1. Pre-processing 3.1.1. SAR coherence images Before the advent of SAR interferometry, only the backscattered radar power was used and the information contained in the phase of SAR images was discarded. Repeat-pass SAR interferometry utilizes two complex SAR-images of the target area taken at separate times from a nearly exactly repeating orbit. A SAR interferogram is formed by cross-correlating two complex SAR images, and multiplying one image with the complex conjugate of the other. The two images must, however, be co-registered to sub-pixel accuracy. The coherence between two complex SAR images is de®ned as the magnitude of the complex correlation (correlation coef®cient). The values of coherence range between 0 (incoherence) and 1 (perfect coherence). In repeat-pass SAR interferometry with short baselines, the temporal changes in the target
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112 Table 3 Applied remote sensing data Platform/Instrument
Description of data acquisition
Imaging spectrometer
Measured on 10 June 1996 using the AISA imaging spectrometer of the Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA), resolution 1.6 m (across-track) and 2.4 m (along-track), geometric and radiometric rectification was done by METLA, spectral range 466±870 nm. All together 30 spectral channels were recorded. The whole image was constructed from 600 m wide parallel strips. Atmospheric absorption bands between that range were omitted in channel selection. A Finnish company (FM-Kartta) performed 1 : 20,000 imaging on 8 June 1996, and digitized and ortho-rectified them into pixel size of 0.85 m. Profiling radar (HUTSCAT, Hallikainen et al., 1993) of the Helsinki University of Technology was applied. Although the radar was designed to accurately measure the backscattering properties of natural targets, the radar has turned out to be a powerful tool for mapping forest canopies due to its ranging capability to record target's backscattering properties as a function of range. The measurements were conducted in winter time (22 November 1996 and 6 February 1997) with polarization modes HH, VH, HV, and VV at an incidence angle of 238 off nadir, center frequency 5.4 GHz, range resolution 0.65 m, spatial resolution (at tree tops) 8 m, flight line spacing being 100 m. The winter measurements can disturb the mean height estimation of deciduous trees. The measurements were delayed into winter time due to the malfunction in the recording system. Acquisition date: 24 August 1996, data obtained at totally cloud-free conditions, processing level 1B, image size: 60 60 km2, pixel size: 10 m (PAN), 20 m (XS). Acquisition date: 24 August 1996, data obtained at totally cloud-free conditions, system corrected image, image size: 50 50 km2, pixel size: 30 m (with an exception of channel 6 : 120 m). Nine tandem SAR pairs of ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites with 1 day offset obtained in the time frame from summer 1995 to summer 1996 (Tandem Announcement of Opportunity project AOT.SF301 of European Space Agency). In addition to Single Look Complex pair, Precision Image of corresponding ERS-1 SAR was acquired. According to WegmuÈller and Werner (1995), the best results with SAR interferometry in forest mapping are expected using image pairs which have a short baseline and a short temporal separation between image acquisitions. Therefore, ERS-1/2 Tandem SAR images provide best possible ERS SAR data set for forest inventory. Three images obtained with three different circumstances: 16 January 1996 (cold weather), 27 May 1996, 23 August 1996 (hot, dry weather), format was level 2.1. The data were selected based on the availability of the data and the modeling experience obtained with ERS-1/2 SAR images. The subset may not be optimal, but it gives a good indication of the potential of JERS SAR data.
Aerial photographs Profiling radar
Spot XS and PAN Landsat TM ERS-1 PRI and SLC
area between the two radar passes and volume scattering in the vegetation layer are the most important causes of de-correlation. The coherence is generally low over forested areas and high over open ®elds. The coherence images were produced from ERS-1/2 Tandem SLC images using the ISAR-Interferogram Generator software developed in Politecnico di Milano. ISAR software co-registeres the two SLC images to the required sub-pixel accuracy, subtracts the ¯at terrain phase term from the interferogram and performs common-band ®ltering in order to reduce baseline decorrelation. A Gaussian estimator window was used in coherence estimation in order to reduce the deleterious effect of bright re¯ectors. Since the forest stand size in the test site was small, a small coherence estimator window size of 5 25 pixels was chosen. The images were geometrically recti®ed using base maps and ground control points.
SAR intensity images: The images were geometrically recti®ed using base maps and ground control points. Since the test site was surrounded by lakes, the recti®cation was easily checked. The intensity values were converted into backscattering coef®cient using conversion formulas. 3.1.2. Optical satellite data Optical satellite images were recti®ed using base maps and ground control points. 3.1.3. Imaging spectrometer AISA The radiometric and geometric corrections of the imaging spectrometer measurements were carried out at Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA). Radiometric correction converts obtained numerical values into radiance without any atmospheric correction. The intensity slope across the ¯ight track in AISA data due
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Fig. 1. The applied methodology in order to verify the information contents of several remote sensing data sets.
to the BRDF and the viewing geometry was corrected with an algorithm utilizing the common area between adjacent ¯ight lines. Geometric correction is based on the recording and modeling of the platform location and attitude and on the central projection imaging model for each raw image row. For each row, there are six orientation parameters, x, y, z, roll, pitch and yaw, respectively. These parameters allow the computation of ground location for each pixel. The initial values of the orientation parameters are computed from the differential GPS and three angular velocity sensors. The digital terrain model was also used in the correction. 3.1.4. Profiling radar HUTSCAT During the HUTSCAT measurement, differentialGPS-coordinates were recorded in order to locate the radar ¯ight track. The radar data was synchronized with GPS time. The intersections between radar ¯ight tracks and stand boundaries were calculated in order to determine radar pro®les corresponding to each stand. Pro®le backscatter intensities as a function of range were converted into backscattering coef®cient values.
3.1.5. Aerial photographs After scanning and ortho-recti®cation of aerial photographs, the effects of illumination variations within images were reduced by introducing additional variables (y- and x-coordinates with respect to center of image and direction of sun shine) describing the effect. The additional variables were used in the regression models. One image was suf®cient to cover almost all stands in the test site and, therefore, the estimates were calculated to individual photos. 3.2. Analytical methods The recti®ed and pre-processed data were analyzed using image processing, GIS and statistical software. The stand boundaries were obtained in a vector format from the HaÈme-Uusimaa Forestry Centre and imported to GIS system. The boundary information was visually checked using aerial photos of different scales. The stand boundary map was used to produce standwise estimates from remote sensing data. For airborne data, a 6 m wide area at the border of the stand was left unused to compensate the recti®cation
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114 Table 4 Extracted features Platform/Instrument
Extracted featuresa
Imaging spectrometer
Intensity of 30 narrow spectral channels First three principal components Ratios of principal components NDVI-like ratios of channels Channel differences Channel ratios of type ch1/ch2/ch3 Intensity of three channels (red, green and IR) All possible channel ratios NVDI-like channel ratios x,y with respect to sun and principal point Squared sum of all channels Mean profile height Weighted mean profile height Ground backscatter at HH, VV, and VH linear polarization modes Crown backscatter at HH, VV, and VH linear polarization modes Intensity Intensity of all three channels NDVI-like ratio of channels 3 & 2, 3 & 1 and 2 & 1 Channel difference 2±1, 3±1, 3±2 Squared sum of all channels Channel ratio 3/2/1 First three principal components Intensity of all seven channels NDVI-like ratio of channels for all channel combinations Channel difference of all channel combinations Squared sum of all channels Tasselcap transformation: brightness, greenness and wetness Channel ratios 5/2/5, 4/1/7, 1/3/6, 4/3/2, 7/3/1 First three principal components Coherence image between the following images: 17±18/7/95, 21±22/8/95, 9±10/9/95, 25±26/9/95, 30±31/10/95, 8±9/1/96, 15±16/6/96, 20±21/7/96 First three principal components of above coherence images Squared sum of all coherence images Backscattering coeffients of 18 SAR images Pre-filtered backscattering coefficients (3 3 Lee filter) Pixel-wise mean and standard deviation of 18 images First three principal components of 18 images Image difference of the following acquisitions: 17/7/95±18/7/95, 18/7/95±30/10/95, 30/10/95±8/1/96, 17/7/95±8/1/96 Intensity image of 16/1/96, 27/5/96, 27/8/96 First three principal components of three images All possible image differences All possible NVDI-like image ratios
Aerial photographs
Profiling radar
Spot PAN Spot XS
Landsat TM
ERS-1 coherence (SLC)
JERS-1 SAR level 2.1
Standwise means, medians and standard deviations were calculated for all above described features.
errors in remote sensing data and especially in the stand boundary map. For satellite data, no corresponding buffering was applied. From each stand, statistical standwise features were extracted to explain the variation of stem volume, basal area and mean height between the stands.
Table 4 describes the extracted features, such as mean, standard deviation, and median of intensity, spectral band ratios, principal component transforms, linear transforms (such as tasseled-cap), channel differences and shape of the histograms, for each data source.
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Extracted features were compared with the ®eldmeasured data. The criterion to eliminate and include variables was that all variables in the models should be signi®cant (p < 0.05). The maximum allowed number of features (predictors) in one model was 4. First, all data were used for model development. The estimation of stem volume, basal area and mean height was performed in the following manner. Using derived statistical features, the regression and neural network models were built. Coef®cient of determination R2, and standard error of the regression/neural net SE, were calculated in order to compare the data sources. No classi®cation by species was performed. In order to estimate the effect of different models on the estimation, in addition to the regression models, backpropagation multilayer neural network was employed. Feedforward multilayer neural networks together with the backpropagation learning principle with a momentum term were applied in the present work. The input and output data vectors employed during the training were scaled to coded (normalized) values within the range of [0.01±0.99]. A logistic sigmoid transfer function of the form f
x 1=
1 eÿx was used in each hidden and output neuron. Topologies resulting in high R2 were employed in the study.
Table 6 Estimation of Basal area Data source
SE (m2/ha)
SE (%)
HUTSCAT AISA Aerial photograph Spot XS Spot PAN Landsat TM ERS coherence JERS SAR ERS SAR
0.59 0.58 0.48 0.44 0.38 0.31 0.24 0.14 0.07
6.07 6.42 7.01 7.57 8.00 8.39 8.77 9.40 9.78
32 36 38 42 45 47 49 52 55
Tables 5±7 show the accuracy comparison of various data sources in standwise forest inventory for mean height, basal area and stem volume estimation.
The tables show the data sources used for modeling, obtained coef®cient of determination, standard error of the model, and the standard error in percentages. The slightly different mean values for each data source are due to the fact that the quantity of data varied from source to source, although the difference was not signi®cant. The predictors were not listed, since many models of almost equal performance were developed with different predictor combinations. Fig. 2 shows some of the best predictors used in the analysis versus ®eld-measured stem volume (m3/ha). The applied method (neural network or multiple regression) did not affect the order of the data sources. Principally, the neural network gave a slightly better accuracy than multiple regression, but the difference due to the method was signi®cantly smaller than the difference due to the data. Therefore, in the following, the emphasis is placed on the accuracy order of the data sources not on the applied method. The results using linear multiple regression are reported. Since the stem volume is a product of mean height and basal area, stem volume estimates summarized in
Table 5 Estimation of mean height
Table 7 Estimation of stem volume
4. Results and discussion 4.1. General
Data source
SE (m)
SE (%)
Data source
HUTSCAT AISA Aerial photograph Spot XS Landsat TM Spot PAN ERS coherence JERS SAR ERS SAR
0.77 0.47 0.34 0.37 0.26 0.17 0.15 0.08 0.03
2.97 5.10 5.43 5.85 6.05 6.41 6.43 6.77 6.97
18 31 32 36 37 39 39 41 42
HUTSCAT AISA Aerial photograph Spot XS Spot PAN Landsat TM ERS coherence JERS SAR ERS SAR
0.68 0.55 0.48 0.44 0.35 0.31 0.24 0.13 0.06
SE (m3/ha) 55.7 71.2 73.1 78.9 85.0 87.5 90.9 98.4 101.9
SE (%) 34 45 46 50 54 56 58 63 65
J. HyyppaÈ et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 128 (2000) 109±120
Fig. 2. Some of the best predictors used in the analysis vs. field-measured stem volume (m3/ha) for all main data sources. Correlation
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Table 7 re¯ect the results of Tables 5 and 6. What was interesting, was that the order of the data sources were almost the same for each forest attribute. 4.2. The accuracy of different remote sensing data sources Radar-derived mean height estimates deviated 3 m from the ®eld inventory data. HyyppaÈ and Hallikainen (1996) obtained earlier a 1.6 m accuracy using incidence angle of 38 off nadir and summer time measurements. These two changes have affected on the results. The winter time measurements of the HUTSCAT deteriorated its performance since the scattering coming from the leaves of deciduous trees were missing and the major source of scatter at 5.3 GHz is given by the needles and leaves. The accuracy of conventional forest inventory was 2 m. Mean height obtained from the radar pro®les using only one predictor was alone more accurate than any other data source. As can be seen from the basal area statistics, the canopy area pro®le reveals also some information of the density of the canopy. By combining the height information from the pro®les with the ground or canopy backscatter, the pro®ling radar stem volume estimates were signi®cantly superior to any other remote sensing data source. Fig. 3 shows a scattergram of HUTSCATderived stem volume estimates versus ®eld-measured stem volume. Imaging spectrometer and aerial photographs were obviously better than the optical satellite data, but signi®cantly less appropriate for stand attribute retrieval than pro®ling radar. It was surprising that the
Fig. 3. Field-measured stem volume vs. HUTSCAT-derived stem volume at stand level.
estimates produced by the imaging spectrometer were only slightly more accurate than the aerial photographs (ortho-images). The use of 30 spectral channels and tens of different combinations of them did not markedly improve the results. It seems that the use of a narrow band at the spectral range between 466 and 870 nm did not provide signi®cant added value to the estimates. The results are more surprising since by using more advanced methods, such as the use of computer vision and texture analysis techniques, the estimates provided by ortho-images can be surely improved. The applied methods were rather rough for the ortho-images and advanced methods can exploit better the high spatial resolution of the images. For forest applications, a wider or different spectral range in imaging spectrometers is needed. The advantage of imaging spectrometer over aerial photographs is that the models and images are more stable and, therefore, the models can be more reliable transferred from one image to the other. The satellite images used for the estimation in the decreasing explanation power were Spot XS, Spot PAN, Landsat TM, ERS SAR coherence, JERS SAR intensity images (PRI), and ERS SAR intensity images (PRI). It seems that optical images still include more information for forest inventory than radar images. In our case, the Spot image was markedly better than Landsat TM image. Therefore, the use of Spot images in national forest inventories should be more carefully studied even though the costs are higher. For example, the national forest inventory of Finland is based on Landsat TM images. Another important conclusion is that from all satellite radar methods, the coherence technique seemed to be superior to other methods. However, the applied data set included images from the ERS-1/2 Tandem period which is unique. Since the coherence of the forest is decreasing rather rapidly in time, repeat-pass images with only a few days offset are needed. The coherence over boreal forest during winter is considerably higher than during other seasons. Summation of several normalized coherence images produced images that were better suited for stand attribute retrieval. There was rather small difference whether using summer or winter coherence images for stand attributes determination. Even though, there has been quite a lot of talk of the good usability of L-band SAR images for forests (e.g. Le Toan et al., 1992), in this study, the images
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seemed to separate forest and non-forest areas rather easily, but additional information concerning stem volume and other stand attributes were dif®cult to assess. One possible solution is that the JERS suffered from a non-optimal image selection, but more likely, the JERS SAR images just are inferior to optical images. To con®rm that, also repeat-pass SAR-interferometry using JERS-1 SAR images in coherence estimation should be studied. Even though we had a good data set of ERS-1/2 images (18 PRI images), the explanatory power of them was very limited. Use of the methods speci®cally developed for ERS SAR data for forest inventory, such as Pulliainen (1994), did not improve the estimates due to high backscatter variation in response with higher stem volume amount. The obtained coef®cients of determination were rather low and errors of the models were relatively high due to the following features in the analysis. The errors in the ®eld inventory deteriorated, especially, the results of the airborne systems. The stand size was small since the median size was 0.75 ha. It was found that, especially, the number of small stands deteriorated the estimates produced by remote sensing methods. Even though the stand boundary map was checked by visual inspection, there exist errors of even few tens of meters which affect the comparison. However, these defects treated various data sets in a similar manner. Therefore, what is meaningful, is the order of the data sources in Tables 5±7. The results can be used to direct future remote sensing research in order to reach optimum performance of remote sensing-assisted forest inventories. The obtained R2 are rather low for many satellite data sets, but much higher values can be obtained using larger stand size. Therefore, the applicability of the results must be evaluated taking into consideration the applied stand size. The order of satellite images was in¯uenced by the fact that no classi®cation by species was carried out, deteriorating the performance of multi-channel instruments. The effect of classi®cation by species was tested by dividing the stands into ®ve categories: (1) pure coniferous stands (volume of coniferous trees higher than 90% of total stand volume), (2) coniferous stands (volume of coniferous trees between 70% and 90% of total stand volume), (3) mixed coniferous stand (volume of coniferous trees between 50% and 70% of total stand volume), (4) deciduous stand (volume of deciduous trees between 50% and 80%
of total stand volume), and (5) pure deciduous stand (volume of deciduous trees higher than 80% of total stand volume). Models were built for each individual category and corresponding standard error of the estimates were calculated. The total standard error of the estimate was then obtained by taking into account the individual standard errors (with degrees of freedom). The classi®cation changes the order of Landsat TM and Spot PAN images as to the ®nal order with the decreasing explanatory power ± Spot XS, Landsat TM, Spot PAN, ERS coherence, JERS SAR intensity images, and ERS SAR intensity images. The performance of all multi-channel data was improved. 4.3. Usability of the profiling radar data Typically, standwise forest inventory is carried out with a 15% error concerning main forest attributes. In our case, the error was 26.2% (41 m3/ha) for stem volume, Table 2. This implies that the area was dif®cult to assess even with conventional methods. The dif®cult circumstances (dense spruce forest) and small stand size have most probably reduced the conventional accuracy. That error is included in the previous analysis, affecting the obtained R2 and SE values. Assuming that the remote sensing method error is independent of the ®eld inventory error, the corrected error for pro®ling radar data (and also to other data sources) can be calculated by taking the root of the difference of the squared errors, denoted by s, p s 55:72 ÿ 41:02 m3/ha 37.7 m3/ha, which is slightly better than the error of the conventional forest inventory. This cannot be considered as a ®nal accuracy for the radar, since the error of conventional ®eld inventory was just an approximation. However, the conclusion is that pro®ling radar is approximately of equivalent accuracy with the conventional standwise forest inventory. However, one should remind that all the data was used for learning of the model. In order to validate the behavior of the model, 25% of the data was used for learning of the model and 75% of the data was used for testing. Further, systematic and random error of the estimates were calculated. In order to reduce the randomness of the selection of the learning data, the selection and testing was repeated 100 times. Consequently, the estimation error for HUTCSAT was increased by 3±4% depending on whether one
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or two predictor variables were used. The deterioration was higher for the aerial photography and, especially, for AISA when three predictors (deterioration 15%) were applied owing to the fact that the ranging radar performance over forest is based on a physical feature (radar-derived tree height) not on the intensity of the image which can be affected by many reasons. The radar performance was checked using intensive checking stands for 40 stands. HUTSCAT-derived tree height estimates differed with 1.5 m standard deviation and stem volume estimates differed with only 28 m3/ha corresponding to 12% error. The improvement in height estimation can be explained as there were no deciduous stands with this data set. The extremely low error in volume estimation can be explained by the low variability of the data with stem volume and that the stand contained mainly spruce trees. However, the results comply with the conclusion made above. 5. Conclusion This paper veri®ed the explanatory power and information contents of several remote sensing data sources, especially, on the retrieval of stem volume. The results convinced that ranging (pro®ling) measurements are extremely powerful for height and volume estimation and they were of equivalent accuracy with conventional forest inventory for mean height and stem volume estimation. This implies that future work should include developing pro®ling systems for forest inventory. Aerial photographs (scale 1 : 20,000) gave comparable results with the imaging spectrometer AISA. The satellite images used for the estimation in the decreasing explanation power (accuracy) were Spot XS, Spot PAN, Landsat TM, ERS SAR coherence, JERS SAR intensity images (PRI), and ERS SAR intensity images (PRI). It seems that optical images still include more information for forest inventory than satellite radar images. The use of Spot images instead of Landsat TM in national forest inventories should be more carefully studied even though the costs are higher. From all radar methods, the coherence technique seemed to be superior to other methods and is perhaps the main SAR technique threatening optical satellite images.
Acknowledgements The ERS-1/2 SLC images were provided by ESA as a part of the Tandem AO project AOT.SF301. The authors are grateful to Kai MaÈkisara (METLA) for acquisition and pre-processing of AISA data, Heikki Luukkonen (FM-Kartta Oy) for the aerial photographs, Urpo Nikunen and Aki Nalli (Tapio) for providing the conventional forest inventory data, Satu Oinonen and Tarja Tervonen for intensive ®eld checking, Vesa Junnikkala for carrying out the ®led inventory for 140 stands, and the personnel of HaÈme-Uusimaa Forestry Center for carrying out the conventional forest inventory, especially, to Laura Vuokko being so helpful during the project, and Jari Varjo (METLA) for the design of the intensive ®eld inventory measurements. The authors are grateful to the Technology Development Centre (Tekes) and to Academy of Finland for ®nancial support.
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