case would be a business has its own private cloud infrastructure for ... MySQL database clusters on an OpenStack private cloud as the primary site and.
An Architecture Pattern for Multi-Cloud High Availability and Disaster Recovery Huanhuan Xiong, Frank Fowley, and Claus Pahl IC4 - The Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
Abstract. High availability and disaster recovery (HADR) are often discussed in highly critical business systems for business function recovery and continuity concerns. With the development of cloud computing, virtual cloud services are perfectly matched to HADR scenarios, and interoperability is a significant aspect to help users to use HADR service across different cloud platforms and providers. In this paper, we present an architectural pattern describing the integration of high availability and disaster recovery. We focus on database cluster replication between private cloud and public cloud environments. This HADR pattern for database cluster replication implements both synchronous and asynchronous replication concurrently for high availability and disaster recovery purposes. To evaluate the effectiveness of this pattern, we simulate a MySQL-database-cluster HADR scenario under three strategies: hot standby, warm standby and cold standby, and analyze the performance, business continuity features and cost. Keywords: Multi-cloud, architecture pattern, high availability, disaster recovery, clustering, database replication
Business continuity (BC) is the capability of a business to withstand outages and continue to operate services normally and without interruption in accordance with predefined SLAs [10]. High availability and disaster recovery are both subsets of business continuity [25]. High availability (HA) is the characteristic of a system to protect against or recover from minor outage in a short time frame with largely automated means. High availability addresses service availability mostly via redundancy and flexible load balancing so that if one infrastructure component (network, servers, and processes) becomes unavailable, overall service remains available. The architecture of a typical HA system is shown in Fig. 1(a). Disaster recovery (DR) is the ability to continue services in the case of outages, often with reduced capabilities or performance, and typically involving manual activities. Disaster recovery addresses service recovery and continuity through two independent environments (primary site and standby site), typically in separate and distinct facilities, each containing their own data and executables. The architecture of a typical DR system is shown in Fig. 1(b).
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Fig. 1: HA and DR architectures
The effectiveness of BC can be controlled via the key features recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) [1]. RTO is the duration of time needed until the service is usable again after a major outage, and RPO refers the point in time from which data will be restored to be usable. To reduce the downtime (RTO) and data loss (RPO) of a system with an outage, it is common to replicate data (e.g., database, application, or system meta-data) to another standby site or another provider. Recently, virtualized cloud platforms have been used to provide scalable HADR solutions. Moreover, the pay-as-yougo pricing mode can reduce the operating cost of infrequently used IT resources over the Internet [4]. A challenge for HADR in the cloud is to implement the system recovery and business continuity across different cloud platforms or providers. A typical use case would be a business has its own private cloud infrastructure for providing services, but does not want to invest in additional infrastructure that is rarely used (e.g., disaster recovery). Taking a public cloud for disaster recovery can help to reduce the capital expenditures. In addition, HADR can happen in different levels in terms of the different IT resources involved, like VMs, storage, or databases. While currently most across-cloud DR solutions focus on VM and image management, the HADR solution for relational databases across multi-cloud is still a significant problem we address here. We present an architectural pattern describing the integration of high availability and disaster recovery into a database cluster architecture between private cloud and public cloud environments – addressing a need to look at the cloud from a software architecture perspective [20]. As a case study, we deployed two MySQL database clusters on an OpenStack private cloud as the primary site and Windows Azure public cloud as the backup site separately. We used load balancing to monitor and manage the traffic between the two clouds. The pattern generalizes our specific experience, implementing synchronous replication inside of each database cluster to achieve high availability, as well as asynchronous repli-
An Architectural Pattern for Multi-Cloud HADR
cation between the primary-database-cluster and the standby-database-cluster to complete fail-over and fail-back. This paper is organized as follows. We introduce background and related work in Section 2, including database clustering and replication techniques, as well as HADR with cloud computing. In Section 3, we present the architectural pattern for hybrid database-cluster replication solution for multi-cloud. Then, we implement the HADR pattern based on OpenStack and Windows Azure in Section 4 and show the result of the evaluation in Section 5.
Background and related work
A database cluster is based on a group of linked computers, working together closely [32]. In the database context, clustering means that the application sees a single database, while under the covers there are two or more computers processing the data. Generally, there are two predominant node configurations for HA clustering: active/passive (master-slave) and active/active (multi-master). The active/passive mode provides a fully redundant instance of each node, which is only brought on-line when its associated primary node fails. The active/active mode is widely used in a homogeneous software configuration, where traffic intended for the failed node is either passed onto an existing node or load balanced across the remaining nodes. Database replication is frequent data copying from one database to another. Database replication is widely used in distributed database systems – see Table 1. There are two techniques to affect database replication [28]: eager and lazy. In eager replication, updates are propagated within the boundaries of a transaction which usually uses locking for maintaining the data consistency [19], which means all replicas are active and consistent all the time. Lazy replication updates the local copy first and then propagates the update transaction to other database replicas, which is well known for low data consistency and high scalability and performance (short response times) [12]. A cluster replication strategy can be selected based on two basic characteristics: when and where [24]. The when characteristic is based on when is the data updated, which can be described with replication methods: eager (synchronous) and lazy (asynchronous). The where characteristic is based on where the updates can take place, which can be presented by the clustering nodes: master-slave and multi-master. The primary objective of high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) solutions [14, 2, 8] is disaster recovery to restore critical business system to a normal or near-normal condition following a disruptive incident and high availability management to minimize downtime and help to achieve very low or near-zero RTOs. Popular strategies for recovering systems are high availability cluster [13], remote backup [11] and database replication [28]. Virtual servers have been used in high available clusters [5, 6]. A HA cluster has two or more nodes (VMs), each node runs one or more services. When one of the nodes fails, the services or workloads are transparently transferred to other nodes by a load balancer. However, a single load balancer also could become the
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Master-slave No updates are made at the primary (master) node until all secondary (slave) nodes have also received the update. Asynchro- When the primary node nous receives an update transaction, it is executed and committed. Then it propagates a new copy to the secondary nodes. Synchronous
Multi-master The same data has been updated in different nodes at the same time: using locking techniques to avoid concurrent transactions on the same data or atomic broadcast to determine the total order when conflicting transactions happen. The same data could have been updated at different nodes at the same time, but a problem during the synchronization might arise, e.g., some decision might need to be made on which transaction to keep and which transaction to undo.
Table 1: Database replication models
bottleneck of the system. Thus, virtual IP technology [33] can be used between load balancers for high availability and failure tolerance. Remus [5] is a project that provides a virtualization-based HA solution by allowing a group of VMs to be replicated across different data centers over WAN. SecondSite [23] extends high availability to disaster tolerance, allowing the backup VM to take over in a completely transparent manner to implement both fail-over recovery and seamless fail-back. For HADR in cloud environments, Wood et al. [31] analyze the economic benefits and deployment challenges of disaster recovery as a cloud service, exploring the traditional functionality with current cloud platforms in order to minimize cost, data loss and recovery time in cloud based DR services. There are a number of commercial HADR solutions. Amazon (AWS) [7] provides three recovery methods using combination of AWS services: cold DR, pilot-light DR and warm DR. Window Azure [15] offers end-to-end highly available DR using Microsoft virtualization (hyper-v) and failover capabilities complemented by data replication products. VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) [27] is widely used for storage-based replication to provide centralized management of recovery plans, enable non-disruptive testing, and automate site recovery and migration processes. Zerto Virtual Replication [32] is a hypervisorbased replication solution for tier-one applications, which can replace traditional array-based DR that was not built for virtual environments. OpenStack also provides both HA and DR as a service [17], HA for continued operations within a single cloud environment (one deployment of OpenStack in a single or multiple locations), DR for continued operations for multiple cloud environments (multiple deployments in various locations). However, these HADR solutions generally focus on backup of applications from on-premise to cloud or between different locations, but for the same cloud platform [22]. Interoperability across different cloud platforms and providers is still a major challenge for HADR.
An Architectural Pattern for Multi-Cloud HADR
HADR pattern: hybrid multi-cloud cluster replication
Generally, as described above, synchronous replication aims at high data consistency, which requires a reliable network and low latency, while asynchronous replication can adapt to long-distance and high network latency environments better at lower cost. The primary purposes of multi-master clustering are increased availability and faster server response time, while master-slave clustering is usually used for failover scenarios rather than high availability purpose. Thus, for our HADR pattern, we propose synchronous multi-master replication inside of a database cluster to achieve system high availability and data consistency, and use asynchronous master-slave replication between primary and secondary database cluster to ensure the backup/replication operations does not impact the normal performance of primary system. The presentation of the HADR pattern in this section follows the way architecture patterns are described in [3]: first a definition of problem and context is given, followed by the description of the solution and strategies, and completed with a discussion of comments and limitations. We also discuss concrete technologies to illustrate the implementation of the pattern. The technology discussion extends the pattern and is crucial to demonstrate its feasibility.
Problem and context
While both HA and DR strive to achieve business continued operations in the face of failures, HA usually deals with individual component failures based on local area network (LAN) and DR deals with large-scale failures across wide-area network (WAN). Generally, HA and DR would be considered as separate problems and would be addressed separately. We aim at integrating HA and DR into one system, implementing HA across WAN contexts and achieving DR across multi-cloud platforms. As discussed in Section 2, most HADR solutions focus on backup of the applications from on-premise to cloud, or between different locations but the same cloud platform. Thus, our HADR pattern addresses: – Integration of HA and DR. Our HADR pattern integrates the existing HA architectures (i.e., clustering and load balancing) with DR processes (i.e., backup, fail-over and fail-back), which aims to implement the best-practice to provide the required HA and DR, supporting various degrees of automated fail-over and availability concepts. – Multi-cloud HADR. Our pattern supports HA and DR across different cloud platforms/providers, such as having the primary HA infrastructure running in a private cloud and implementing DR in a public cloud across the Internet. We focus the HADR pattern on database clusters, aiming at synchronous replication for local high availability within the primary database cluster, and asynchronous replication for disaster recovery across a remote standby cluster.
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Fig. 2: The architecture of HADR solution
Structure. In our setup, cf. Fig. 2, two virtual server clusters are used to provide HADR for the databases. The primary site could host an OpenStack private cloud, which handles all client requests during the normal operations. The standby site, hosted in the Azure public cloud provides the database service when a failure happens in the primary site. In addition, we use one load balancer to manage the workload between these two sites. Note that OpenStack and Azure are used for illustration, but are not part of the actual pattern. Technically, the HADR pattern architecture includes site-to-site VPN and MySQL cluster replication (synchronous and asynchronous). Here, site-to-site VPN is a private virtual cloud network that overlays the Internet to connect different cloud infrastructures, which is the networking precondition of the database cluster replication. Here, the cluster provides shared-nothing clustering and autosharding for the MySQL database system, which consists of multi-master synchronous replication and master-slave asynchronous replication techniques. Site-to-site VPN. A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, such as the Internet [30]. It enables a computer to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if it is directly connected to the private network, while benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. VPNs can be either remote-access (connecting a computer to a network) or site-to-site (connecting two networks). In order to prevent disclosure of private information, VPNs typically allow only authenticated remote access and make use of encryption techniques. The secure VPN protocols we propose for the pattern architecture are: – Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) was initially developed for IPv6. IPsec uses encryption, encapsulating an IP packet inside an IPsec packet to meet security goals: authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. IPsec is ideal for network to network (site-to-site) tunneling.
An Architectural Pattern for Multi-Cloud HADR
– Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) can tunnel an entire network or secure an individual connection. An SSL VPN can connect from locations where IPsec runs into trouble with Network Address Translation (NAT) and firewall rules, thus SSL is perfect to build up a server-to-client tunnel. – Secure Shell (SSH) VPN - OpenSSH offers VPN tunneling (distinct from port forwarding) to secure remote connections to a network or to inter-network links. OpenSSH server provides concurrent tunnels and is usually used for point to point (P2P) tunnels. To implement one OpenStack VM as a load balancer to manage both OpenStack VMs and Azure VMs, we need put the VMs into one private network. To implement the pattern, we used Openswan [18] (based on IPsec) to create a site-to-site VPN between the Azure public cloud and OpenStack private cloud. MySQL cluster replication. In the HADR pattern implementation, we use multi-master synchronous replication inside each database cluster for high availability and use master-slave asynchronous replication between two database clusters for the disaster recovery. For MySQL, this can be implemented as follows: – Synchronous replication is implemented using Galera, which a multi-master cluster for MySQL/InnoDB databases. The application can write to any node in a Galera replication [26] cluster, and transaction commits (RBR events) are then applied on all servers, via a certification-based replication using group communication and transaction ordering techniques. – Asynchronous replication is implemented by Global Transaction Identifiers (GTID) [16], which provides a better master-slave transactions mapping across nodes. The slave can see a unique transaction coming in from several masters, which can easily being mapped into the slave execution list if it needs to restart or resume replication. The MySQL cluster replication reference architecture is shown in Fig. 3. 3.3
We selected three use cases to comprehensively match different common DR strategies [29]: hot standby, warm standby and cold standby. – Hot standby. This is a duplicate of the primary site, with full computer systems as well as near-complete backups of user data. Real-time synchronization between the two sites may be used to completely mirror the data environment of the primary site via virtual private network (VPN). – Warm standby. This is a compromise between hot and cold, where the basic infrastructures have already been established, though on a smaller scale than the primary production site, e.g., keep one VM running in the backup site, and real-time data synchronization between the two sites via VPN.
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Fig. 3: MySQL cluster replication reference architecture
– Cold standby. This is the least expensive type of backup site for an organization to operate, which is designed to provide the basic infrastructure needed to run a data center for long-term outages of the primary one. In cold standby, there is no VM running in the backup site, only VM snapshots are transferred from primary site to backup site on a regular basis.
Comments and limitations
As discussed in Section 2, both synchronous and asynchronous replication are widely used in high availability and fault tolerance for databases. Both of them have pros and cons, as discussed. Our cluster reference architecture in the pattern is integrating synchronous and asynchronous replication into one HADR system, using Galera for local database cluster high availability and applying GTID for remote backup across different platforms as the implementation. In addition, GTID allows a slave to have more than one master, which means if the failure happens at one master, others can continually send the transaction to the slave. This novel master-slave mapping mechanism can help to maximize the flexibility and reduce data loss. However, the architecture implementation also has some limitations. For example, at the slave side, the Galera cluster service needs to be stopped until the GTID configuration is done, but this only happens in the hot standby scenario where Galera and GTID services are running at the same time. Thus, the most efficient way to handle these two techniques together is to keep only one slave node alive during the normal operations, and start the Galera cluster service only when scaling out to more nodes (e.g., warm standby use case).
An Architectural Pattern for Multi-Cloud HADR
Fig. 4: HADR pattern implementation
Pattern Implementation and Evaluation Setup
To implement the HADR pattern, we used, as discussed, an OpenStack private cloud as primary site and an Azure public cloud as the backup site. To prepare an evaluation testbed, in each VM, we used WordPress as the testing application for the evaluation with an Apache web server and a MySQL database on Linux OS (LAMP stack), which can be considered a standard application. Each VM is then a web server node as well as a database node. Furthermore, we use the open-source HAproxy as the load balancer, monitoring and controlling the workload between primary site and backup site. The load balancer ensures that the primary cloud is managed and monitored, the HA and DR mode is activated and the update of the backup site is triggered (automated fail-back is enabled). The overall HADR implementation is shown in Fig. 4. – VPN tunnel between OpenStack and Azure. We used Openswan to build up a VPN tunnel between OpenStack and Azure cloud. Openswan is based on the IPsec protocol that encrypts the IP traffic before packets are transferred from source to destination. Since encapsulation, de-capsulation, encryption and decryption take place at the router, the processing overhead and CPU utilization increases would reduce communication speed. – Master-slave-master replication. Global Transaction Identifiers (GTID) released in MySQL 5.6 enables replicated events to be easily tracked through a replication topology of masters and slaves. Thus, any two nodes in primary site and backup site can be configured as master and slave. Rather than the traditional one-to-one mapping mechanism, GTID allows a slave to have more than one master, which helps to maximize the flexibility and reduces data loss. In addition, we implemented bi-directional (master-slave-master) replication between masters and slaves, which achieves automatic fail-over and fail-back between the primary site and backup site.
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– Multi-master replication. It aims to achieve high availability inside each site. Here, we use the MySQL Galera technique to implement the multi-master synchronous replication in the primary site to enable HA function, as well as in the backup site with the hot standby strategy. In warm standby mode, there is only one node alive in the backup site during the normal operations, and the Galera service is be started when it scales out to another nodes.
We have implemented the pattern as an abstract architectural template through an implementation based on current technologies achieving the desired structural properties. This has been illustrated in Sections 3 and 4. What needs a further investigation is the demonstration that an implemented pattern actually meets the HA and DR quality requirements and also cost and performance needs. This will also guide the mapping of the pattern to an implementation by selecting the best suitable strategy. 5.1
Objectives and Criteria
For the evaluation of the HADR pattern, we will measure the availability for HA, RPO and RTO for DR, cost (financial constraint) and response time (for system performance) in terms of most company concerns. The evaluation results vary across to the different DR standby strategies. Selecting an appropriate DR strategy is one of the most important decisions made during the disaster recovery planning (DRP). It is important to carefully consider the specific business needs along with the costs and capabilities (such as RPO and RTO) when identifying the best approach for business continuity. 5.2
We carried out experiments with the three different DR strategies on a cloud application service: hot standby, warm standby and cold standby. – Hot standby. Two VMs run in Azure as the backup, VPN runs and connects with OpenStack, data is asynchronously replicated between two sites and synchronously replicated in the backup site. – Warm standby. One VM runs in Azure as backup, VPN runs and connects with OpenStack, data is asynchronously replicated between two sites. – Cold standby. No VM runs in Azure; VPN is created, but not running. 5.3
Availability. Availability can be defined as a ratio of the expected value of the uptime of a system to the aggregate of the expected values of up and down time:
An Architectural Pattern for Multi-Cloud HADR Description
Availability (per year) Hot Automated 1 (zero standby downtime) Warm starting another VM and 0.99999 standby configure the load bal- (5 min ancer and multi-master downtime) database cluster Cold creating two VMs based 0.99994 standby on the latest snapshot, (30 min starting VMS, and downtime) configuring load balancer and multi-master database cluster
30 min
depends 15.75 euro on checkpointing interval
COST (per month) 0 (zero 0 (no data 113.75 euro downtime) loss) 5 min 0 (no data 64.75 euro loss)
Table 2: Performance and business impact analysis results with three DR strategies
E[uptime] E[uptime] + E[downtime]
Here, we assure the total time of a functional unit (uptime + downtime) is a year (typical SLA value), which is equal to 365×24×60 minutes, while the downtime varies over the different DR strategies. The availability results of hot, warm and cold DR strategies are presented in Table 2. RTO and RPO. RTO is the period from the disaster happening (the service becoming unavailable) to the service being available again, which is the same as the downtime in availability. RPO is the point in time from that data will be restored, which indicates the period from the latest backup version until the disaster happens. The results of RTO and RPO with hot, warm and cold DR strategies are presented in Table 2. Cost. To give an indicative costing (according to Windows Azure pricing as of April 2015), we assume the following VM and storage costs for DR resources (cost summaries for the three DR strategies are also shown in Table 2): – Virtual machine for computing (small size VM): 6.70 Cents per hour or 49 Euros per month – Networking: virtual network (gateway hours): 2.68 cent per hour or 15.75 euro per month – Storage: 5 cent per GB per month, or 50 euro per TB per month Response time. For web applications, the response time is the time it takes servers to respond when a user sends a query through a client to the servers. We used jmeter to simulate the workload for the primary site with different DR strategies as well as the response time when the backup site takes over. The response time results of cold, warm and hot DR strategies are shown in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5: Response time with cold, warm and hot DR strategies
An Architectural Pattern for Multi-Cloud HADR
Here, the top three graphs present the response time (in milliseconds) from the primary site with three common operations of our Wordpress application: browse home page, login and comment, while the last one shows the response time (in milliseconds) from the backup site with the same operations. As we have seen in Figure 4, the average response times of the different DR strategies from the primary site (see Graphs a,b,c) are similar, which indicates that database replication rarely impacts on response time and user experience. However, the average and maximum response time from the backup site (see Graph d) are slightly higher than the values from the primary site, which is actually expected due to the network latency and cross-cloud load balancing. Guidelines. For the experimental evaluation, we only run 2 VMs as full-size applications, which makes the differences of recovery time and cost between the three DR strategies not very substantial. However, if we were to run hundreds of VMs for the service, and each VM costs 49 Euros per month, the hot standby would cost significantly more than the warm standby solution. Considering the RPO and RTO, warm standby has the same RPO as the hot standby solution, but the RTO of warm standby depends on the capacity (e.g., cloud bursting and auto scaling) of cloud platforms, ranging from a few minutes to dozens of minutes. In fact, we would not recommend to use cold standby for emergency disaster recovery in real business scenarios, which is quite inexpensive comparing to other two strategies, but extremely inefficient regarding recovery time and data loss. Therefore, warm standby for DR would be an ideal strategy for most organizations in terms of the combination of RPO, RTP and financial concerns.
In this paper, we presented a multi-cloud HADR architectural pattern, applied to relational database clusters across different cloud platforms, which targets high availability, reliability and interoperability as quality concerns. We introduced the replication techniques and models for the cloud environment as part of the pattern definition, which helps to minimize cost, data loss and recovery time for business continuity. We suggested a number of core cloud and distributed systems technologies and implemented the abstract HADR pattern based on a real-world cloud environment. As a sample solution, we chose an OpenStack private cloud and a Windows Azure public cloud. In order to evaluate the pattern and its sample implementation, we simulated three DR scenarios for the commonly used DR strategies hot standby, warm standby and cold standby, and analyzed the availability, RPO and RTO, cost and response time in terms of most SMEs concerns. The system performance results indicate that the database replication rarely impacts the response time and user experience, while the other results show that hot standby is the most expensive and most efficient solution and that cold standby is inexpensive compared to other two strategies, but inefficient for the recovery time and data loss prevention. Warm standby has the same RPO as the hot standby solution, but the RTO of warm standby actually depends on the capacity of the cloud
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platforms (e.g., depending on cloud bursting and auto scaling strategies). We propose warm standby for DR as an ideal strategy for most organizations in terms of the comprehensive analysis of RPO, RTP and financial issues. There are a number of cloud providers offering DR as a service (DRaaS), including the DR strategies we discussed. However, they mostly focus on backup of the application or of data from on-premise to the cloud, or in between their own clouds (which means different locations, but the same cloud platforms). In this HADR pattern, we developed a general database-cluster architecture pattern focusing on the interoperability across different clouds, here specifically between an OpenStack and a Windows Azure cloud. In this investigation, we are focused on relational databases, which is still less available than VM-oriented DR solutions. As a next step, we will investigate cloud storage, developing a pattern allowing multi-cloud configurations for managing different cloud storages and a possible (semi-)automated migration between different providers [9, 21]. Acknowledgments. The research described here was supported by the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, an Irish national Technology Centre funded by Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Industrial Development Authority.
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