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discovery in databases, is concerned with the nontrivial extraction of implicit ... on fuzzy set theory and hence we call the rules having these terms fuzzy ...
An Effective Algorithm for Discovering Fuzzy Rules in Relational Databases Keith C.C. Chan Wai-Ho Au Department of Computing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong related and a quantitative association involves attributes that can take on quantitative or categorical values. Existing algorithms (e.g. [2, 12]) for mining quantitative association rules require discretizing the domains of quantitative attributes into intervals so as to discover quantitative association rules. These intervals may not be concise and meaningful enough for human users to easily obtain nontrivial knowledge from those rules discovered. Instead of using intervals, we introduce a novel technique, called F-APACS, which employs linguistic terms to represent the revealed regularities and exceptions. The linguistic representation makes those rules discovered to be much natural for human users to understand. The definition of linguistic terms is based on fuzzy set theory and hence we call the rules having these terms fuzzy association rules. In fact, the use of fuzzy techniques has been considered one of the key components of data mining systems because of the affinity with the human knowledge representation [7]. Regardless of whether the association being considered is boolean, generalized or quantitative, existing algorithms (e.g. [1, 11-12]) decide if it is interesting by having a user supply two thresholds -support and confidence. Given two attributes X and Y, the support is defined as the percentage of records having both attributes X and Y and the confidence is defined as the percentage of records having Y given that they also have X. If both support and confidence is greater than the user-supplied threshold, the association is considered interesting. A weakness of these approaches lies in the difficulty in deciding what these thresholds should be. To overcome this problem, F-APACS utilizes adjusted difference [2-5] analysis to identify interesting associations among attributes. The use of this technique has the advantage that it does not require any usersupplied thresholds which are often hard to determine. Furthermore, F-APACS also has the advantage that it allows us to discover both positive and negative association rules. A positive association rule tells us that

Abstract In this paper, we present a novel technique, called F-APACS, for discovering fuzzy association rules in relational databases. Instead of dividing up quantitative attributes into fixed intervals and searching for rules expressed in terms of them, F-APACS employs linguistic terms to represent the revealed regularities and exceptions. The definitions of these linguistic terms are based on fuzzy set theory and the association rules expressed in them are, therefore, called fuzzy association rules here. To discover these rules, F-APACS utilizes an objective interestingness measure when determining if two attribute values are related. This measure is defined in terms of an “adjusted difference” between observed and expected frequency counts. The use of such a measure has the advantage that no user-supplied thresholds are required. In addition to this interestingness measure, F-APACS has another unique feature that it provides a mechanism to allow quantitative values be inferred from the rules. Such feature, as shown here, make F-APACS very effective at various mining tasks. Keywords: data mining, fuzzy association rules, linguistic terms, interestingness measure.

1 Introduction Data mining, sometimes referred to as knowledge discovery in databases, is concerned with the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data [6]. One important topic in data mining research is concerned with the discovery of association rules [1]. An association rule describes an interesting association relationship among different attributes. A boolean association involves binary attributes; a generalized association involves attributes that are hierarchically 1

Y where X ⊂ I, Y ⊂ I, and implication of the form X X Y = ∅ . The rule X Y holds in T with support defined as Pr( X Y ) and confidence defined as Pr(Y | X ) . For the mining algorithms such as that described in [1, 11-12] to determine if an association is interesting, its support and confidence have to be greater than some user-supplied thresholds. A weakness of such approach is that many users do not have any idea what the thresholds should be. If it is set too high, a user may miss some useful rules but if it is set too low, the user may be overwhelmed by many irrelevant ones. Furthermore, the intervals involved in quantitative association rules may not be concise and meaningful enough for human users to obtain nontrivial knowledge. Fuzzy linguistic summaries introduced in [13-14] express knowledge in linguistic representation which is natural for people to comprehend. An example of linguistic summaries is the statement “about half of people in the database are middle aged.” In contrast to association rules which involve implications between different attributes, the fuzzy linguistic summaries only provide summarization on different attributes. There is no idea of implication in fuzzy linguistic summaries. As a result, this technique which provides a means for data analysis is not developed for the task of rule discovery. In addition to fuzzy linguistic summaries, the applicability of fuzzy modeling techniques to data mining has been discussed in [8]. Given a series of fuzzy sets, A1, A2, …, Ac, context-sensitive Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) method is used to construct the rule-based models with the rules y is Ai if Ω1 and Ω2 and … and Ωc where Ω1, Ω2, …, Ωc are the regions in the input space that are centered around the “c” prototypes for i = 1, 2, …, c [8]. Nevertheless, the context-sensitive FCM method can only manipulate quantitative attributes and it is for this reason that this technique is inadequate to deal with most reallife databases which consist of both quantitative and categorical attributes.

a record having certain characteristic will also have another characteristic whereas a negative association rule tells us that a record having certain characteristic will not have another characteristic. Many data mining algorithms (e.g. [1-2, 4-5, 10-12]) require the class labels (conclusions of rules) to be crisp and the variables representing the class labels are therefore qualitative. This makes quantitative values are not inferred from those rules. To be more effective, F-APACS is able to deal with class boundaries that are fuzzy and to associate qualitative attribute values with quantitative attribute values. This provides a mechanism for F-APACS to allow quantitative values be inferred. In the next section, we provide a brief description of how existing algorithms can be used for the mining of quantitative association rules and how fuzzy techniques can be applied to data mining process. The definition of linguistic terms is provided in Section 3. The details of F-APACS is given in Section 4. In Section 5, we present how to allow quantitative values be inferred from fuzzy association rules. The experimental results of F-APACS over several real-life databases are discussed in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, we provide a summary of the paper.

2 Related Work Quantitative association rules are defined over quantitative and categorical attributes [12]. The statement “70% of tertiary educated people between age 25 and 30 are unmarried” is one such example. The values of categorical attributes are mapped to a set of consecutive integers and the values of quantitative attributes are first discretized into intervals using equidepth partitioning, if necessary, and then mapped to consecutive integers to preserve the order of the values/intervals [12]. Both categorical and quantitative attributes can then be handled in a uniform fashion as a set of . With the mappings defined in [12], a quantitative association rule is mapped to a set of boolean association rules. In other words, therefore, rather than having just one field for each attribute, there is a need to use as many fields as the number of different attribute values. For example, the value of a boolean field corresponding to would be “1” if attribute1 has value1 in the original record and “0”, otherwise [12]. After the mappings, the algorithms for mining boolean association rules (e.g. [1]) is then applied to the transformed data set. Let I = {i1, i2, …, im} be a set of binary attributes called items and T be a set of transactions. Each transaction t ∈ T is represented as a binary vector with t[k] = 1 if t contains item ik and t[k] = 0, otherwise, for k = 1, 2, …, m. An association rule is defined as an

3 Linguistic Terms Given a set of records, D, each of which consists of a set of attributes J = {I1, I2, …, In}, where Iv, v = 1, 2, …, n can be quantitative or categorical. For any record, d ∈ D, d[Iv] denotes the value iv in d for attribute Iv. For any quantitative attribute, Iv ∈ J, let dom( Iv ) = [lv , uv ] ⊆ ℜ denote the domain of the attribute. A set of linguistic terms can be defined over the domain of each quantitative attribute. Let Lvr, r = 1, 2, …, sv be linguistic terms associated with some quantitative attribute, Iv ∈ J. Lvr is represented by a fuzzy set, Lvr,


defined on dom(Iv) whose membership function is µ Lvr

min( µ Lv r (d [ I v1 ]), µ Lv

The fuzzy sets Lvr, r = 1, 2, …, sv are then defined as µ Lvr (i v ) 

iv µ Lvr (i v )

dom( I v ) 

dom ( I v )

if I v is discrete if I v is continuous


for all iv ∈ dom(Iv). Some value iv ∈ dom(Iv) is compatible with some linguistic term Lvr to a degree of µ Lvr (iv ) .

F-APACS then determines if an interesting association relationship exists between Lpq, Ljk ∈ L, p ≠ j. More specifically, F-APACS can be described as follows (Fig. 1).

1 i vr

Using the above technique, we can represent the original attributes, J, using a set of linguistic terms, L = {Lvr | v = 1,2,..., n, r = 1,2,..., sv } where sv = mv for categorical attributes. Each linguistic term is represented by a fuzzy set and hence we have a set of fuzzy sets, L = {Lvr |v = 1,2,..., n, r = 1,2,..., sv } . Given a record, d ∈ D, and a linguistic term, Lvr ∈ L, which is, in turn, represented by a fuzzy set, Lvr ∈ L, the degree of membership of the values in d with respect to Lvr is given by µ L vr (d [ I v ]) . In order words, d is characterized by

µ Lvr (d [ Iv ]) .

1) rules F-APACS( ) 2) begin 3) forall d ∈ D do 4) forall Lpq, Ljk ∈ L, p ≠ j do 5) degL pq L jk + = min( µ L pq (d [ I p ]), µ L jk (d [ I j ])) ;

6) 7) 8)

forall Lpq, Ljk ∈ L, p ≠ j do if interesting(Lpq, Ljk) then R = R rulegen(L pq ,L jk ) ; 

9) return(R); 10) end

Fig. 1. Algorithm F-APACS.


µLvr (d [ I v ]) = 1 , d is completely characterized by the term Lvr.

( d [ I vm ]))

F-APACS begins the data mining process by calculating the sum of degrees to which those records in databases are characterized by the linguistic terms. Given a record, d ∈ D, and linguistic terms, Lpq, Ljk ∈ L, p ≠ j which are, in turn, represented by fuzzy sets, Lpq, Ljk ∈ L, p ≠ j respectively, the degree to which d is characterized by Lpq and Ljk is accumulated in degL pq L jk .

handle categorical and quantitative attributes in a uniform fashion, we can also define a set of linguistic terms, Lvr, r = 1, 2, …, mv, for each categorical attribute, Iv ∈ J, where Lvr is represented by a fuzzy set, Lvr, such that

the term Lvr to a degree of


4 Mining Fuzzy Association Rules

For any categorical attribute, Iv ∈ J, let dom( I v ) = {i v1 , i v 2 , ..., i vmv } denote the domain of Iv. To

Lvr =

( d [ I v2 ]),..., µ Lv

Based on linguistic terms, we can apply F-APACS to discover fuzzy association rules which are presented in a manner that is natural for human experts to understand. The use of fuzzy techniques also buries the boundaries of adjacent intervals of numeric qualities. This makes F-APACS resilient to noises such as inaccuracies in physical measurements of real-life entities. Furthermore, the fact that 0.5 is the fuzziest degree of membership of an element in a fuzzy set provides a new means for F-APACS to deal with missing values in databases.

µ Lvr : dom( I v ) → [ 0,1]

Lvr =

2 r2


such that

The identification of interesting associations is based on an objective interestingness measure, called adjusted difference [2-5]. This measure is defined as

If µLvr (d [ I v ]) = 0 , d is undoubtedly not

characterized by the term Lvr. If 0 < µ Lvr (d [ I v ]) < 1 , d

d L pqL jk =

is partially characterized by the term Lvr. In case that d[Iv] is unknown, µ Lvr (d [ I v ]) = 0.5 which indicates that there is no information available concerning whether d is characterized by the term Lvr or not. In fact, d can also be characterized by more than one linguistic terms. Let us consider the linguistic terms, Lv1r1 , Lv2 r2 ,..., Lvm rm ∈ L , and the corresponding fuzzy sets,

zL pq L jk

γ L pq L jk


where z L pq L jk is the standardized difference given by z L pqL jk =

Lv1r1 , Lv2 r2 ,..., Lvmrm ∈ L . d is characterized by the terms Lv1r1 , Lv2 r2 ,... , Lvmrm to a degree of


deg L pqL jk − eL pq L jk eL pq L jk


eL pq L jk

if Ljk is positively associated with Lpq whereas it is negative if Ljk is negatively associated with Lpq.

is the sum of degrees to which records are

expected to be characterized by Lpq and Ljk and is calculated by sj

eL pq L jk =

5 Inferring Previously Unknown Values Using Fuzzy Association Rules


i =1

degL pq L ji sp

i =1

degL pi L jk



u =1 i =1

Using discovered fuzzy association rules, F-APACS is able to predict the values of some characteristics of previously unseen records. The results can be quantitative or categorical depending on the nature of the attributes whose values are to be predicted. Unlike other classification techniques which classify records into distinct classes, F-APACS allows quantitative values be inferred from fuzzy association rules. Given a record, t ∈ dom(I1) × ⋅⋅⋅ × dom(Ip) × ⋅⋅⋅ × dom(In), let t be characterized by n attribute values, α1, …, αp, …, αn, where αp is the value to be predicted. Let Lp, p = 1, 2, …, sp, be the linguistic terms corresponding to the class attribute, Ip. We further let lp be a linguistic term with domain dom(l p ) = {L p1 , L p 2 ,..., L ps p } . The value of αp is

degL puL ji

and γ L pq L jk is the maximum likelihood estimate of the variance of z L pq L jk and is given by 



degL pq L ji 

degL pi L jk

i =1 sp s j

γ L pq L jk = 1 −

degL puL ji 


degL puL ji 

u =1 i =1

i =1 sp s j


u =1 i =1

If |dL pq L jk |> 196 . (the 95 percentiles of the normal distribution), we can conclude that the association between Ljk and Lpq is interesting. If dL pqL jk > +196 . , the

assigned according to the value of lp. To predict the correct value of lp, F-APACS searches the association rules with Lpq ∈ dom(lp) as consequents. If some attribute value, say αj, j ≠ p, of t, is characterized by the linguistic term in the antecedent of a rule which implies Lpq, it can be considered as providing some evidence for or against the value of lp being assigned to Lpq. By repeating this procedure, that is, by matching each attribute value of t against the rules, F-APACS can determine the value of lp by computing the total evidence measure. Since each of the attributes of t may or may not provide evidence, and for those that do, they may support the assignment of different values, the different pieces of evidence are quantitatively measured and combined for comparison in order to find the most suitable value of lp. For any attribute value αj, j ≠ p, of t, it is characterized by a linguistic term, Ljk, to a degree of compatibility, µ L jk (α j ) , for each k ∈ {1, 2, …, sj}. Given those rules

presence of Ljk implies the presence of Lpq. It is more likely for a record having both Ljk and Lpq. We say that Ljk is positively associated with Lpq. If dL pq L jk < −1.96 , the absence of Ljk implies the presence of Lpq. It is more unlikely for a record having Ljk and Lpq at the same time. We say that Ljk is negatively associated with Lpq. F-APACS employs the adjusted difference analysis in interesting(Lpq, Ljk) to determine whether the association between Lpq and Ljk is interesting. When such association is found to be interesting, the interesting function returns true; otherwise, it returns false. If interesting(Lpq, Ljk) returns true, a fuzzy association rule is then generated by the rulegen function. The rulegen function takes as argument a pair of linguistic terms, Lpq and Ljk, to generate a fuzzy association rule such that it is in the form of L jk L pq [ wL pq L jk ] where wL pqL jk 

implying the assignment of Lpq, L jk

denotes weight of evidence [3-5] measure which is defined as wL pqL jk = log

Pr(L jk |L pq )

Pr(L jk |

L pi )

L pq [ wL pqL jk ] , for

all k ∈ ζ ⊆ {1, 2, …, sj}, the evidence provided by αj for or against such assignment is given by


wL pq L jk ⋅ µ L jk (α j )

wL pqα j =

i ≠q


k ∈ζ

wL pqL jk provides a measure of the difference in the

Suppose that, of the n − 1 attribute values excluding

αp, only some of them, α[1], …, α[j], …, α[m] with α[j] = {αi | i ∈ {1, 2, …, n} − {p}}, are found to match

gain in information when a record with Ljk characterized by Lpq and when characterized by Lpi , i ≠ q. It is positive


one or more rules, then the overall weight of evidence for or against the value of lp to be assigned to Lpq is given by

6.1 The PBX Database The PBX database is collected from a private branch exchange (PBX) system used in a telecommunication company. It consists of phone call records about the usage of the PBX system. There are 3,009 records and each record is characterized by 13 attributes. Among these attributes, two are categorical and all the remaining attributes are quantitative. There are 98.4% of records having missing values in at least one of the attributes. As an illustration, let us consider attributes Time-ofcall and Duration-of-call in detail. We define the linguistic terms (i) Mid-night, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night for Time-of-call; and (ii) Very-short, Short, Moderate, Long, and Very-long for Duration-ofcall. These linguistic terms are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively.


wq =


wL pqα[ j ] j =1

In case that Ip is categorical, lp is assigned to Lpc if wc > wh , h = 1,2,..., s′p and h ≠ c


where s ′p (≤ sp) denotes the number of linguistic terms implied by the rules. αp is therefore assigned to ipc ∈ dom(Ip). If Ip is quantitative, a novel method is used to assign an appropriate value to αp. Given the linguistic terms, L p1 , L p 2 , ..., L ps p , and their overall weights of evidence, w1 , w2 ,..., ws p , let µ L′ pu (i p ) be the weighted degree of

Degree of membership

membership of ip ∈ dom(Ip) to the fuzzy set Lpu, u ∈ {1, 2, …, sp}. µ ′L pu (i p ) is given by µ L′ pu (i p ) = wu ⋅ µL pu (i p )



where µ ′X

dom( I p )

dom ( I p )



µL′ p1

L p1








where ip ∈ dom(Ip) and u = 1, 2, …, sp. The predicted value, α, is then defined as










9pm Time-of-call

Lps p

(i p ) ⋅ i p di p

Fig. 2. Linguistic terms for Time-of-call. (10)

⋅⋅⋅ L ps p

Degree of membership

(i p ) di p

Very-short Short Moderate




(i ) = max( µ ′X (i ), µ Y′ (i )) for any fuzzy sets

X and Y. This prediction, α, provides an appropriate value for αp. For quantitative predictions, we use the root-meansquared error as a performance measure. Given a set of testing records, D, let n be number of records in D. For any record, r ∈ D, let [l, u] ⊂ ℜ denote the domain of the class attribute. We further let tr be the target value of the class attribute in r and or be the predicted value given by F-APACS. The root-mean-squared error, rms, is defined as rms =

1 n

 t − l − o − l 


r ∈D










18 Duration-of-call

Fig. 3. Linguistic terms for Duration-of-call. In [3], F-APACS has been shown to be able to discover meaningful fuzzy association rules in databases. In this experiment, Calling-party-id is chosen as the class attribute. Using the linguistic terms, we applied F-APACS to the PBX database. For comparison, we also applied C4.5 [10], a decision-tree based classification technique, to this database. Of all the records, 2,000 are randomly selected for training and the others are used for testing. Fig. 4 shows the classification accuracy.



6 Experimental Results To evaluate the effectiveness of F-APACS, we used several real-life databases including (i) a transactional database of a PBX system; and (ii) a database concerning with 800 industrial enterprises in mainland China.



Classification Accuracy 99.5% 94.6%

Fig. 4. Classification accuracy for the PBX database.

china database is equal to 4.4%. In other words, the predictions produced by F-APACS deviated from the target values by 4.4% in average.

As shown in Fig. 4, F-APACS outperformed C4.5. This revealed that F-APACS is able to discover some important knowledge that cannot be found by C4.5.

7 Conclusions We presented a novel algorithm, called F-APACS, which employs linguistic terms to represent the revealed regularities and exceptions in this paper. The linguistic representation is especially useful when those rules discovered are presented to human users for examination. Unlike other algorithms which discover association rules based on the use of some user-supplied thresholds, F-APACS employs adjusted difference analysis to identify interesting fuzzy associations among attributes. This makes it to be able to avoid the use of some usersupplied thresholds which are often difficult to determine. Using adjusted difference analysis, F-APACS is able to discover positive and negative association rules. Furthermore, unlike other classification techniques which classify records into distinct classes, F-APACS allows quantitative values be inferred from fuzzy association rules.

6.2 The china Database The china database is provided by the China Business Center of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It contains the data collected in a survey performed by the census bureau of the government in People’s Republic of China. This survey is concerned with the situations of production and operation of 800 industrial enterprises in mainland China in 1992. The china database contains 800 records representing these industrial enterprises. Each record is characterized by 56 quantitative attributes. The percentage of missing values in each attribute ranges from 0.5% to 97.5%. As an illustration, let us consider attribute A1 which represents “Total value of industrial output (constant price of 1990)” in detail. We define the linguistic terms Very-low, Low, Moderate, High, and Very-high for A1. These linguistic terms are shown in Fig. 5. Very-low

Low Moderate


High Very-high

1 Degree of membership

[1] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami, “Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases,” in Proc. of 1993 ACM SIGMOD Int’l Conf. on Management of Data, Washington D.C., May 1993, pp. 207-216. [2] K.C.C. Chan, and W.-H. Au, “An Effective Algorithm for Mining Interesting Quantitative Association Rules,” in Proc. of the 12th ACM Symp. on Applied Computing (SAC’97), San Jose, CA, Feb. 1997. [3] K.C.C. Chan, and W.-H. Au, “Mining Fuzzy Association Rules,” to appear in Proc. of the 6th ACM Int’l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’97), Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov. 1997. [4] K.C.C. Chan, and A.K.C. Wong, “APACS: A System for the Automatic Analysis and Classification of Conceptual Patterns,” Computational Intelligence, vol. 6, pp. 119-131, 1990. [5] K.C.C. Chan, and A.K.C. Wong, “A Statistical Technique for Extracting Classificatory Knowledge from Databases,” in [9], pp. 107-123. [6] W.J. Frawley, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, and C.J. Matheus, “Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview,” in [9], pp. 1-27. [7] A. Maeda, H. Ashida, Y. Taniguchi, and Y. Takahashi, “Data Mining System using Fuzzy Rule Induction,” in Proc. of 1995 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, Yokohama, Japan, Mar. 1995, pp. 45-46. [8] W. Pedrycz, “Data Mining and Fuzzy Modeling,” in Proc. of 1996 Biennial Conf. of the North American Fuzzy

0 1



1000 A1




Fig. 5. Linguistic terms for A1. Among all the attributes, domain experts identified attribute A1 as the class attribute. It should be noted that there are 30 records whose values of attribute A1 are missing or unknown. These records are ignored in our experiment. Of the remaining records, 580 are randomly selected for training and the others are used for testing. It should also be noted that attribute A1 is quantitative and the predictions on this attribute are therefore expected to be of quantitative values. Unfortunately, other classification techniques which can only classify records into distinct classes are unable to give quantitative values as predictions. It is for this reason that they are not readily applicable to this task. On the contrary, by representing attribute A1 with the linguistic terms, F-APACS is able to inferring quantitative values using fuzzy association rules. In our experiment, the quantitative attributes are represented by appropriate linguistic terms. The rootmean-squared error over the class attribute A1 for the 6

[9] [10] [11]


[13] [14]

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