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compile a comprehensive list of everyone who has helped me achieve my ...... The 1893 World's Fair demonstrated that Tesla's ac system had an economic ...... Nominated for the Harold L. Olesen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate.
AUTONOMOUS LOCAL CONTROL IN DISTRIBUTED DC POWER SYSTEMS Robert S. Balog, Ph.D. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006 Philip T. Krein, Adviser This dissertation investigates local control techniques that are applied to individual components in a dc power system. These local controls operate autonomously using locally obtained information, sensed at their respective components. Yet, they contribute to overall system stability without requiring a central controller or peer-to-peer communication network. In the event of a disturbance in the dc system, whether ephemeral or cataclysmic, autonomous local controls enable the system to self-heal in the sense that unaffected components still operate. Load priority ensures that if energy is limited, the most important loads have preferential access. Limited system knowledge, such as the overall health of the system or change in mission objective, can be used to fine tune the controller performance. However, the controllers still operate autonomously if access to this information is lost. These controls are ideal for high-reliability, advanced energy systems since they can perform system-level coordination and are fault-tolerant. Applications considered are supply-side and demand-side management. On the supply side, droop control is examined as a form of autonomous local control that adds damping to stabilize the power system. On the demand side, control strategies are shown for both single bus and multibus systems. In a single bus system, dynamic load interruption is shown to be useful to prevent voltage collapse, when demand exceeds supply, and to be capable of automatic load restoration upon system stabilization. In a multibus system, autonomous local controls can ensure reliable system operation by reconfiguring how the load is supplied to ensure seamless power transfer during fault conditions or partial loss of generation.

© 2006 by Robert S. Balog. All rights reserved.


BY ROBERT S. BALOG B.S., Rutgers University, 1996 M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002

DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006

Urbana, Illinois

ABSTRACT This dissertation investigates local control techniques that are applied to individual components in a dc power system. These local controls operate autonomously using locally obtained information, sensed at their respective components. Yet, they contribute to overall system stability without requiring a central controller or peer-to-peer communication network. In the event of a disturbance in the dc system, whether ephemeral or cataclysmic, autonomous local controls enable the system to self-heal in the sense that unaffected components still operate. Load priority ensures that if energy is limited, the most important loads have preferential access. Limited system knowledge, such as the overall health of the system or change in mission objective, can be used to fine tune the controller performance. However, the controllers still operate autonomously if access to this information is lost. These controls are ideal for high-reliability, advanced energy systems since they can perform system-level coordination and are fault-tolerant. Applications considered are supply-side and demand-side management. On the supply side, droop control is examined as a form of autonomous local control that adds damping to stabilize the power system. On the demand side, control strategies are shown for both single bus and multibus systems. In a single bus system, dynamic load interruption is shown to be useful to prevent voltage collapse, when demand exceeds supply, and to be capable of automatic load restoration upon system stabilization. In a multibus system, autonomous local controls can ensure reliable system operation by reconfiguring how the load is supplied to ensure seamless power transfer during fault conditions or partial loss of generation.


To my Wife


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I owe a debt of gratitude to my adviser, Dr. Philip T. Krein. I value the opportunity to have worked with him and appreciated his support as I undertook a number of nondissertation related projects which broadened my background. He always gave me plenty of latitude to explore new ideas and new areas. Dr. Krein’s mentorship has taught me to examine the fundamental elements of a problem and to dig deeply into the archives to link my contribution with the past work of others. I am also thankful for the support he provided so that I may attend numerous professional conferences to present my work, interact with the larger community, and grow professionally. I would like to thank the members of my doctoral committee for their guidance and suggestions. Their enduring influence was to help me understand the importance of relating and explaining my work to the broader community. I would like to thank Dr. Peter Sauer for his many heartfelt words of encouragement and support and Dr. Patrick Chapman for always being available for technical consultation and honest career advice. I appreciated their personal interest and counsel, particularly this past year while my adviser was away on sabbatical. I also thank my other committee members: Dr. Thomas Overbye for providing many useful insights into challenges in the ac utility system and Dr. Christoforos Hadjicostis for providing an outside perspective and motivating me to think about the larger field of fault-tolerant controls. In addition to my committee, I would like to thank Dr. M. Anantha Pai for his encouragement and Dr. George Gross for his personal interest. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Dieter Vandenbussche for his help in formulating the bilevel mathematical programming abstraction in Chapter 5 and Dr. Daniel Liberzon for many discussions on switched systems which helped solidify the mathematical notation in the discussion on state-dependent switching in Chapter 6. Although I self-identify as an experimentalist, my conversations with Dr. Vandenbussche and Dr. Liberzon helped me to gain an appreciation for mathematical abstraction.


Success in any endeavor is always contingent upon the confluence of great people. To compile a comprehensive list of everyone who has helped me achieve my pursuits is an intractable problem. So to everyone I send a heartfelt thank you. I would be remiss, however, if I neglected to mention a few extraordinary people. First, I emphatically thank Joyce Mast for her countless hours of technical writing support. Although I may not have always appeared receptive, her suggestions have helped shape my discordant, incoherent paragraphs into melodic exposition – or as much as could be expected from an engineer. In addition, she has a uniquely positive outlook on life and takes great personal interest in the students she works with. I would also like to thank Karen Driscoll and her predecessors in the administrative office for their support and personal interest. It was always cathartic to commiserate with Karen over the seemingly nebulous bureaucratic web of the University. I would also like to thank Karen Chitwood for “breaking me in” when I first arrived on campus. Many thanks go out to my colleagues who either helped me directly or were just good company. In particular I would like to thank Jonathan Kimball for his many useful suggestions, help with coordination of the laboratory, and mostly just acting as a sanity check. Joseph Mossoba is not only my respected colleague but also a great friend – despite the mild hazing I put him through. Joe and I have complimentary skill sets that enabled us to work extremely well together. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with both Jonathan and Joe in the future. Xin Geng was a terrific officemate and helped me drudge through the mathematics. I would also like to thank those who initially welcomed me into the group and have long since graduated: Dimitrios Chaniotis, Pedro Correia, Santiago Grijalva, Mike Kokovec, Daniel Logue, Trong Nguyen, and Cesar Pascual. I enjoyed the opportunity to work with many talented and ambitious undergraduate lab assistants including Andrew Niemerg, Brian Raczkowski (now a UIUC graduate student), Nathan Brown, and Leonor Linares. In particular, Scott Donahue and David Schmitz were tremendously helpful with the experimental portions of this dissertation. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is greatly enhanced by the quality service of the machine shop and electronics services shop. Both of these organizations have my sincere gratitude and respect. In the machine shop, I wish to thank Scott McDonald vi

and Bob Feller who almost always refrained from laughter whenever I proudly displayed my mechanical drawings, and never ran out of constructive advice. I would like to also thank the rest of the group – Jim, Greg, Scott, and Craig – for their technical expertise, without which I would not have had quality experimental hardware. Despite their rough exteriors, these guys really do care. In the electronics shop, Dan Mast has been a tremendous resource. His Rolodex of contacts is invaluable when equipment needs to be purchased or when it doesn’t work as advertised and customer service places you in the voice-mail shuffle. He always has plenty of advice, is eager to share it, and seems to truly love working with students. As for the rest of his group, they are the reason why the laboratory facilities at Illinois are second to none. I thank Jim, Frank, Gary, Earl, and Norm for all their help. In today’s reality of budget cuts, the machine shop and electronics shop provide vital services that enhance the quality and reputation of the UIUC program and distinguishes it from other institutions. I encourage the department to continue unwavering support. On a personal note, although I came to Illinois to pursue my graduate studies, life is more than just work. I am fortunate to have met some truly wonderful people and to have made many great memories. One of the first people I met was Greg Uhrhan when I rang the doorbell at the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity house. Although I was not a member of the UIUC chapter and was more than a few years older than the undergraduates, Greg and the others welcomed me and were an instant source of friends in an otherwise strange land. It was through KDR that I met Chris Hickersberger and Gwendolyn Chen. The Graduate Student Advisory Council provided an opportunity to socialize with graduate students in different departments and disciplines. It was there that I met Mike Persia, Bryan Dunne, and Kimberly Buchar. I am lucky to have met such wonderful friends and I hope that we remain so even as life takes us in different directions. I thank my family for all of their support and encouragement: my mother who has always been a source of strength, support, and encouragement; my father who for a short 14 years was my best friend, mentor, and role model; my uncle who was always there as a sounding board with wise words of advice; and my sister for encouraging my scholastic pursuits. The English language is crude and unrefined with the term “in-law.” Teşekurederim anne ve baba


who welcomed me into their family with open arms, as if I was their own son, and Ayşegül who loves me as if I was her own brother even though I stole her abla. Although listed last here, she is first in my heart and the person to whom I dedicate this dissertation – my wife, Ülkü. Mere words cannot explain the happiness, love, and sense of completion that I feel having her in my life. I could not imagine completing this work without her support. This chapter in our lives has come to an end, but I will forever fondly recall that “I met my wife while we were both in grad school.” This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research under EPNES Grant No. ECS-0224829 and by the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromagnetics (CEME) at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.


TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................... xii LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................................xvii ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMINOLOGY................................... xviii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 1 1.1 Examples of High-Reliability DC Systems ...........................................................................2 1.1.1 Telecommunications power systems.......................................................................3 1.1.2 Naval combat survivability test-bed.........................................................................3 1.1.3 Underwater scientific observatories.........................................................................5 1.1.4 Spacecraft......................................................................................................................6 1.1.5 Distributed generation and microgrids ...................................................................7 1.2 Why Direct Current Systems? .................................................................................................8 1.3 Controls to Improve Reliability ........................................................................................... 13 1.3.1 Droop control........................................................................................................... 14 1.3.2 Dynamic load interruption ..................................................................................... 14 1.3.3 Bus selection.............................................................................................................. 15 1.3.4 Load priority.............................................................................................................. 15 1.4 Common Control Structures................................................................................................ 15 1.4.1 Centralized control................................................................................................... 16 1.4.2 Agent systems ........................................................................................................... 17 1.4.3 Multiagent systems................................................................................................... 18 1.5 Demonstration System for a DC Architecture with Autonomous Local Controls......................................................................................................................... 19 1.6 Organization ............................................................................................................................ 20 CHAPTER 2 MODELING .............................................................................................23 2.1 Controller Model .................................................................................................................... 23 2.2 Reduced-Order Modeling ..................................................................................................... 25 2.2.1 Small-signal analysis ................................................................................................. 27 2.2.2 Example comparison............................................................................................... 30 2.3 Scaled-Power Modeling......................................................................................................... 30 2.3.1 Analysis....................................................................................................................... 32 2.3.2 Example: Scaled output filter, constant parasitic resistances ........................... 33 2.3.3 Example: Scaled output filter and parasitic resistances..................................... 36 2.4 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 38 CHAPTER 3 STABILITY ISSUES IN DISTRIBUTED DC SYSTEMS.....................39 3.1 Power System Stability........................................................................................................... 40 3.1.1 Maximum power transfer ....................................................................................... 40 3.1.2 Dynamic impedance of loads................................................................................. 43 3.1.3 Voltage stability......................................................................................................... 44 3.2 Dynamic Coupling in a DC System .................................................................................... 45 3.3 Input Filters ............................................................................................................................. 46 3.4 Middlebrook Stability Criterion ........................................................................................... 47 ix

3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

Middlebrook Extra Element Theorem............................................................................... 49 Damped Input-Filter Design................................................................................................ 51 Extension of Middlebrook Criterion to Arbitrary System Interface ............................ 52 Beyond the Middlebrook Criterion..................................................................................... 53 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 56

CHAPTER 4 LOCAL CONTROL..................................................................................57 4.1 Load-Control Strategies for System Stability..................................................................... 58 4.2 Transient Time Scales ............................................................................................................ 59 4.2.1 Short-term transients ............................................................................................... 60 4.2.2 Long-term transients................................................................................................ 61 4.3 Load Prioritization and Scheduling..................................................................................... 62 4.4 Nature of the Disturbance.................................................................................................... 63 4.5 Integrated Local-Control Strategy ....................................................................................... 63 4.6 Example Applications............................................................................................................ 66 4.6.1 Inrush current protection ....................................................................................... 66 4.6.2 Priority-dictated load shed in a radial dc bus ...................................................... 68 4.7 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 69 CHAPTER 5 SINGLE-BUS SYSTEMS..........................................................................70 5.1 Supply-Side: Droop Control................................................................................................. 72 5.1.1 Steady-state stabilization ......................................................................................... 73 5.1.2 Dynamic stabilization .............................................................................................. 75 5.2 Load-Side: Dynamic Load Interruption............................................................................. 79 5.2.1 The P-V curve........................................................................................................... 79 5.2.2 Simulation example.................................................................................................. 81 5.3 Voltage-Based Load Interruption........................................................................................ 83 5.3.1 Power flow analysis.................................................................................................. 85 5.3.2 Converter efficiency................................................................................................. 86 5.3.3 Contingency analysis................................................................................................ 88 5.3.4 Search algorithm....................................................................................................... 89 5.3.5 Experimental results ................................................................................................ 91 5.4 dv/dt-Based Dynamic Load Interruption ......................................................................... 93 5.5 Combined Under Voltage and dv/dt Load Shed............................................................. 96 5.6 Signal Conditioning ................................................................................................................ 97 5.7 Bilevel Programming.............................................................................................................. 99 5.8 Impedance-Based Online Measurements ........................................................................ 101 5.9 Conclusions............................................................................................................................ 102 CHAPTER 6 BUS SELECTION IN MULTIBUS SYSTEMS ................................... 105 6.1 Bus Selection: Auctioneering Diodes................................................................................ 106 6.1.1 Experimental results .............................................................................................. 109 6.2 Bus Selection: Active Control ............................................................................................ 111 6.3 Simulation Results ................................................................................................................ 113 6.4 Stable Bus Selection with State Dependent Switching .................................................. 120 6.4.1 System transient response..................................................................................... 121 6.4.2 Bus impedance loading effect .............................................................................. 124 6.5 Conclusions............................................................................................................................ 126 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................... 127 x


Future Work .......................................................................................................................... 128

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 130 APPENDIX A EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE DETAILS..................................... 143 A.1 Point-of-Load Buck Converter.......................................................................................... 143 A.1.1 Buck converter PCB silkscreen ........................................................................... 145 A.1.2 Buck converter schematics ................................................................................... 146 A.1.3 Buck converter filter inductor design ................................................................. 153 A.1.4 Buck converter ripple ............................................................................................ 153 A.1.5 Buck converter small-signal analysis................................................................... 157 A.2 Point-of-Load Supervisor Controller................................................................................ 162 A.2.1 PIC controller functional layout.......................................................................... 163 A.2.2 PIC controller PCB silkscreen ............................................................................. 165 A.2.3 PIC controller schematics..................................................................................... 166 A.3 Supervisor Control Firmware............................................................................................. 171 A.3.1 Main program.......................................................................................................... 171 A.3.2 LCD driver subroutines ........................................................................................ 190 APPENDIX B MATLAB POWER FLOW SEARCH ALGORITHM........................ 193 CURRICULUM VITA ................................................................................................... 198


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Naval Combat Survivability (NCS) dc distribution test-bed...........................................4 Figure 1.2: Microgrid with dc ring architecture. ....................................................................................8 Figure 1.3: Low voltage ac distribution with modern sources and loads....................................... 12 Figure 1.4: Centralized controller approach to system control........................................................ 17 Figure 1.5: Autonomous agents provide local control within the environment. ......................... 18 Figure 1.6: In a multiagent system, agents communicate with other agents to coordinate control. .................................................................................................................................. 19 Figure 1.7: Multiple sources, multiple bus demonstration dc distribution system....................... 20 Figure 2.1: Multiport converter module............................................................................................... 24 Figure 2.2: Power converter module with supervisor controller..................................................... 25 Figure 2.3: Active-clamped forward converter. .................................................................................. 25 Figure 2.4: Active-clamped forward converter circuit model with parasitic resistances and transformer model. ............................................................................................................. 26 Figure 2.5: Buck converter circuit model with parasitic resistances................................................ 27 Figure 2.6: Comparison of the open-loop control-to-output transfer function of a 48 V to 5 V, 50 W buck and forward converter. The frequency of the double-pole resonant notch formed by the clamp capacitor and transformer magnetizing inductance is 3.667 kHz. When this notch is moved outside of the closedloop bandwidth, the small-signal performance of the forward converter can be approximated by a buck converter............................................................................. 31 Figure 2.7: Bode plot for full-power and scaled-power buck converters where the output filter is scaled and component resistances are assumed constant. ............................. 35 Figure 2.8: Bode plot for the full-scale and reduced-scale buck converter where both the output filter and component resistances are scaled...................................................... 37 Figure 3.1: Model of a simple power system with a variable resistance load. ............................... 41 Figure 3.2: P-V curve with resistive load line and constant power load line for a nominal system, weakened systems, and collapsed system......................................................... 42 Figure 3.3: Equivalent circuit of a power system with a variable resistive load............................ 44 Figure 3.4: Cascaded input filter and dc-dc converter....................................................................... 48 Figure 3.5: Middlebrook stability criterion........................................................................................... 49 Figure 3.6: Damped inductor filter........................................................................................................ 51 Figure 3.7: Impedance comparison of the buck converter and the input filter. Asymptotes show that the buck converter input impedance is dominated by the reflected load impedance at low frequencies and by the output filter inductor and capacitor at higher frequencies. The second-order input filter design ensures adequate damping of the resonant peak.............................................. 52 Figure 3.8: Impedance criterion at series-connected networks........................................................ 53 Figure 3.9: Nyquist plot of a loop gain that satisfies the Middlebrook stability criterions, thus guaranteeing a stable system..................................................................................... 55


Figure 3.10: Nyquist plot of loop-gain with superimposed GMPM and ESAC forbidden regions. .................................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 4.1: Control structure to autonomous local controllers. Sensed information remains in situ...................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 4.2: Power buffer for a DC system........................................................................................... 60 Figure 4.3: Sustaining time capability [124]. ........................................................................................ 61 Figure 4.4: Control strategy for an autonomous, load-side load controller................................... 64 Figure 4.5: Flowchart for inrush current controlled startup............................................................. 66 Figure 4.6: Simulation of startup inrush conditions for buffered and unbuffered operation............................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 4.7: Radial dc system. .................................................................................................................. 68 Figure 5.1: Single bus radial test system with three loads. ................................................................ 70 Figure 5.2: Droop-controlled voltage source. ..................................................................................... 73 Figure 5.3: Current sharing using droop-control................................................................................ 74 Figure 5.4: Initial system transient response for a lightly damped system..................................... 76 Figure 5.5: Bus current at each POL converter. At 5 s the load increases at bus1. The previously stable system becomes unstable with growing oscillations. At 5.5 s, the droop resistance at the source converter is adjusted to restabilize the system. ............................................................................................................................ 77 Figure 5.6: Bus voltage at each POL converter. At 5 s the load increases at bus 1. The previously stable system becomes unstable with growing oscillations. At 5.5 s, the droop resistance at the source converter is adjusted to restabilize the system. ............................................................................................................................ 78 Figure 5.7: P-V curve showing operating points as the system impedance increases and loads are interrupted. .......................................................................................................... 80 Figure 5.8: Ideal bus voltage and load power as system impedance increases and loads are interrupted to prevent voltage collapse. ................................................................... 80 Figure 5.9: Voltage collapse as load increases. .................................................................................... 82 Figure 5.10: POL converter 2 is shed at 2.0 s, allowing higher priority loads 1 and 3 to remain active. As additional load is added to the system at 3.0 s, converter 1 is shed, preserving system stability and allowing the highest priority load, 3, to remain active. .................................................................................................................. 83 Figure 5.11: Control introduces chattering into the system. ............................................................ 84 Figure 5.12: Model of a radial dc power system with a single source and three point-ofload converters. ................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 5.13: Outer loop of power flow algorithm incorporating converter efficiency. .............. 86 Figure 5.14: Curve fit for experimental efficiency data. .................................................................... 88 Figure 5.15: Results of exhaustive contingency analysis on the radial test system with a single source and three point-of-load converters. The load on each converter can be either off, base load, or overload. Solid bars indicate contingencies where a bus voltage in the system is below the UVP for that converter.................. 90 Figure 5.16: System voltages drop in response to an increase in loading at POL3. Since the new terminal voltage for POL3 is below the UVP, it will trip off-line to self-protect............................................................................................................................ 92


Figure 5.17: The lowest priority load (POL2) is shed following the increase at POL3, thus allowing the higher priority loads 1 and 3 to remain on. .................................... 93 Figure 5.18: The lowest priority load (POL2) is shed to preserve voltage stability as the system is progressively loaded. ......................................................................................... 94 Figure 5.19: Controller does not respond to a slowly decreasing bus voltage.............................. 95 Figure 5.20: Rapid decrease in bus voltage triggers load shed. ........................................................ 96 Figure 5.21: Response to progressive voltage collapse where undervoltage load shed turns off the lowest priority load followed by dv/dt based load shed for the medium priority load. ......................................................................................................... 97 Figure 5.22: Undervoltage load interruption of POL2 shortly after 0.62 s followed by dv/dt triggered load interruption of POL1 in response to increase in rate of decline of system voltage. .................................................................................................. 98 Figure 5.23: Bus voltage at each point-of load converter. Without load interruption (dotted lines) the bus voltage collapses and POL3 falls out of regulation. With dynamic load interruption enabled (solid lines), because the load at POLC2 is shed, the bus voltages remain strong. ........................................................ 103 Figure 5.24: Impedance ratio at the interface between the point-of load converter and the system. Without load interruption (dotted lines) the impedance ratio for POLC3 drops below unity. With dynamic load interruption enabled (solid lines) the impedance ratio at each converter is prevented from remaining near unity. ........................................................................................................................... 104 Figure 6.1: Dual bus redundant system.............................................................................................. 105 Figure 6.2: Diode OR’ed dual buses supplying a resistive load. .................................................... 107 Figure 6.3: Forward bias characteristics of the MUR3040PT [174].............................................. 108 Figure 6.4: Diode OR’ed dual buses supplying a dc-dc point-of-load converter....................... 109 Figure 6.5: Current sharing in a diode OR'ed dual bus system with resistive load. ................... 110 Figure 6.6: Current sharing in a diode OR'ed dual bus system with closed-loop buck converter load. ................................................................................................................... 111 Figure 6.7: Dual bus system with active-switched bus selection supplying a dc-dc pointof-load converter............................................................................................................... 112 Figure 6.8: Dual bus system with bus converters and auctioneering diodes............................... 112 Figure 6.9: Dual bus system after change in source impedance using auctioneering diodes. ................................................................................................................................. 113 Figure 6.10: Dual bus system after change in source impedance using ideal switch selection. ............................................................................................................................. 115 Figure 6.11: The bus selector switches from the primary bus (bus1) to the alternate bus (bus2) at 1.3 s following a change in system impedance at 1.0 s. This results in the highest voltage for the downstream load converter........................................ 116 Figure 6.12: The bus selector switches from the primary bus (bus1) to the alternate bus (bus2) at 1.3 s following a change in system impedance at 1.0 s. However, this does not result in the highest output voltage. Thus, at 1.6 s the controller switches back to the primary bus. .................................................................................. 117 Figure 6.13: Bus selection using bus controllers and auctioneering diodes. Bus controllers respond to changing bus voltage by adjusting the output voltage V1 and V2 so that diode action smoothly commutates current from one bus to the other..................................................................................................................................... 118


Figure 6.14: Bus controller with smooth current commutation via auctioneering diodes. ...... 119 Figure 6.15: Normalized transient response of the bus voltage. ................................................... 123 Figure 6.16: Exponential Lyapunov function for the transient response of the dynamic system.................................................................................................................................. 123 Figure 6.17: The switched system is divided into subsystems, each having the same load...... 124 Figure 6.18: Control formulation where each switched system is modeled as a continuous-time system. A multicontroller provides the auxiliary variables for each system and indicates the bus selector output. Since all systems evolve simultaneously, implementing bus selection control does not require memory. .............................................................................................................................. 125 Figure 6.19: State estimator to implement single switch reconfiguration in a multibus system.................................................................................................................................. 126 Figure 7.1: Army mobile power system for forward camps........................................................... 129 Figure A.1: Buck dc-dc converter PCB silkscreen showing component layout......................... 145 Figure A.2: Buck converter schematic page 1: Converter topology. ............................................ 146 Figure A.3: Buck converter schematic page 2: Voltage mode control. ........................................ 147 Figure A.4: Buck converter schematic page 3: Synchronous rectification dead time generator and gate dDrive. .............................................................................................. 148 Figure A.5: Buck converter schematic page 4: Inductor current sensor...................................... 149 Figure A.6: Buck converter schematic page 5: A/D microcontroller interface.......................... 150 Figure A.7: Buck converter schematic page 6: Digital potentiometer microcontroller interface............................................................................................................................... 151 Figure A.8: Buck converter schematic page 7: Power supply. ....................................................... 152 Figure A.9: Buck converter inductor design...................................................................................... 153 Figure A.10: Buck converter efficiency as a function of input voltage. ....................................... 154 Figure A.11: Comparison of expected static switch losses for a diode (Vd = 0.35 V, Rd = 0.032 Ω) and a FET (Rds = 0.028 Ω) assuming constant duty ratio............ 155 Figure A.12: Buck converter duty ratio as a function of input voltage. ....................................... 155 Figure A.13: Buck converter duty ratio comparison to model prediction................................... 156 Figure A.14: Buck converter output voltage ripple. The term ∆vC refers to the peak-topeak capacitor ripple voltage........................................................................................... 156 Figure A.15: Buck converter inductor current ripple. The term ∆iL refers to the peak-topeak inductor ripple current............................................................................................ 157 Figure A.16: Theoretical control to output Gvd(s) transfer function. Solid line is for rated load, dashed line is for 50% load. .................................................................................. 161 Figure A.17: Theoretical input to output Gvg(s) transfer function. Solid line is for rated load, dashed line is for 50% load. .................................................................................. 161 Figure A.18: Theoretical compensator H(s) transfer function. ..................................................... 162 Figure A.19: Comparison of theoretical control to output Gvd(s) transfer function to the loop gain transfer function T(s)...................................................................................... 162 Figure A.20: Functional layout of the PIC controller...................................................................... 163 Figure A.21: PIC controller PCB silkscreen...................................................................................... 165 Figure A.22: PIC controller schematic page 1: Microcontroller.................................................... 166 Figure A.23: PIC controller schematic page 2: Communication and peripherals. ..................... 167 Figure A.24: PIC controller schematic page 3: Input switches...................................................... 168


Figure A.25: PIC controller schematic page 4: Output LEDs, LCD interface, and connector for SPI hardware............................................................................................ 169 Figure A.26: PIC controller schematic page 5: Power supply........................................................ 170


LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Categories of load priority in the NEPTUNE power system..........................................6 Table 2.1: Comparison of ideal converter transfer functions for the buck converter and the active-clamped forward converter ............................................................................ 28 Table 2.2: Example forward converter design. ................................................................................... 30 Table 2.3: Example buck converter: scaled output filter, constant device resistances ................ 34 Table 2.4: Control-to-output transfer function comparison at rated load..................................... 34 Table 2.5: Example buck converter: scaled output filter and device resistances.......................... 36 Table 2.6: Control-to-output transfer function comparison at rated load..................................... 36 Table 3.1: Linearized system state matrix showing state-coupling.................................................. 46 Table 4.1: Load priority-assignment example. .................................................................................... 62 Table 4.2: Operational parameters for the radial system .................................................................. 69 Table 5.1: Current sharing under droop-control as the number of source converters decreases. .............................................................................................................................. 74 Table 5.2: Priority-based undervoltage set-points .............................................................................. 81 Table 5.3: Load priority assignment in the three-bus test-bed......................................................... 83 Table 5.4: Coefficients for third-order Gaussian curve fit with 95% confidence. ....................... 87 Table 5.5: Load priority assignment in the three-bus test-bed......................................................... 91 Table 5.6: Load priority assignment in the three-bus test-bed including dv/dt control............. 97 Table A.1: UIUC Power Electronics Design Archive part numbers for custom hardware and firmware. ..................................................................................................................... 143 Table A.2: Priority configuration......................................................................................................... 164 Table A.3: dv/dt control configuration.............................................................................................. 164


ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMINOLOGY The terminology of power electronics and power systems is not unified. Since this dissertation discusses topics in both realms, albeit from a power electronics perspective, it is necessary to define terms that might imply alternate connotation. In this dissertation, the following definitions are adopted: Alternating current (AC): Electrical current where the direction of flow in a complete circuit periodically reverses. The frequency of current reversal is usually either 50 Hz or 60 Hz in terrestrial power distribution networks. Bus: The physical interconnection that carries power from the sources to the loads. Direct current (DC): Electrical current that continuously flows in one direction around a complete circuit. Demand-side management (DSM): Adjusting the quantity or schedule of energy consumption to meet the available supply. Interruptible or postponable loads are controlled so that the total demand does not exceed the available supply. Also called load-side management. Distributed power system (DPS): Smaller, grid connected modular electricity sources situated close to the load and used to improve the quality and reliability of energy supplies. These sources often use alternative (sustaining) energy resources. The term also refers to architectures such as those found in datacom and telcom where there are multiple interconnected sources and loads. Dispatch: The prescribed operating point for an energy source. This can include output power and voltage set-points. Dynamic load interruption (dynamic load shed): Reduction in the energy demand of a power system by turning off loads to prevent voltage collapse or undervoltage conditions. Interrupted load are reenergized as the ability of the power system to support additional load increases.


Failure: The inability of a component or system to perform the required task. Fault: A change in the characteristics of a component or subsystem such that the mode of operation is changed in an undesirable way. Fault-tolerant system: A system where faults or failures of a component or subsystem may lead to the change in operation or reduced performance but does not propagate into a system-wide fault or failure. Line regulation: The ability of a power converter to maintain constant output voltage when the input voltage varies. Load disturbance: Perturbation to the system operating point due to changes in the load. System configuration is usually not required unless the new operating point is unstable. Node: A physical location on the bus where power is injected or withdrawn. Electrical sources and electrical loads connect to the bus at nodes. Operating point: The steady-state voltage and current. In a system, the operating point is a set of all voltages and currents for every element in the system. Point-of-load (POL): The characteristic of occurring or existing at the location of the load. Point-of-load converter (POLC): A power converter that is located proximal to its load, and provides the exact voltage regulation requirements. Point-of-load control: Distributed control that is colocated with its controlled power converter yet provides system-level functionality. Power flow: The process of solving the nonlinear algebraic equations that represent power flow in an electrical system. In a dc system, each node k has two variables: voltage magnitude xix

Vk and real power Pk . Unlike conventional nodal or loop analysis, loads are specified

in terms of power not impedance, and the result of the power flow is the node voltage. Regulator: Feedback control that maintains a prescribed operating point, such as fixed output voltage. Security: The ability to supply energy to the load without violating system constraints or causing instability. Stability: Refers to small-signal stability as well as large signal stability such as oscillations or voltage collapse. Supply-side management (SSM): Adjusting the quantity or dispatch of energy generation to meet the demand. This is the traditional model for control in a power system. System disturbance: Perturbation to the system operating point due to changes in the supply or distribution topology. Events include change in generation, large changes in load, bus faults, bus reconfiguration, and momentary or permanent physical damage. System disturbances almost always require by topological reconfiguration or dynamic load interruption. Undervoltage protection (UVP): Lowest allowed input voltage for a power system component, chosen by the hardware manufacturer to protect the converter from excessive current or other destructive operation. Undervoltage limit (UVL): Minimum operating input voltage for a power system component, chosen during normal operation by the autonomous local controller such that UVL ≥ UVP and allowing the component to interrupt load based on priority. Voltage collapse: Progressive decrease in system voltage magnitude. Increasing current flow in a system increases resistive losses and decreases the bus voltage at each point-of-load converter. Unabated, voltage collapse ultimately leads to blackout conditions when the sources trip offline to self-protect.


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Direct current power systems have long been the standard for power distribution in many applications where reliability is the primary concern, such as the telecommunications industry [1-4]. In Navy ships, where reliability is also of utmost importance, interest in integrating and managing total system energy resources has led to new applications [5-9]. Dc systems are also attractive for use in industrial power systems where sensitive loads benefit from an increase in power quality and reliability, resulting in tremendous cost savings [10, 11]. In addition, dc systems facilitate the interconnect of alternative energy sources and energy storage to improve reliability and availability [12, 13]. Thus a dc system is a candidate for any application where reliability is important. Reliability is enhanced through the use of a distributed system topology, priority assignment for individual loads, and fault-tolerant control architecture. In a distributed topology, multiple energy sources are interspersed throughout the system to prevent loss of a single source from compromising the entire system. If problems develop in the distribution system, island operation allows the remaining sources to continue serving nearby loads. Redundant buses and partitioning switches provide the ability to route power around problems to ensure a seamless supply of electrical energy for the loads. If the power system becomes energy constrained, where the demand exceeds the supply, priority assignment for each load allows coordination to ensure that the most important loads remain energized. A coordinated control approach is required to harness the reliability of a distributed dc system and closely monitor and control individual loads for performance, economy, or mission objective. Today this functionality is available only through a central controller such as a building energy management system. However, a centralized controller has several drawbacks that include limited flexibility, limited scalability, and a single point of failure. With a distributed control system, the control responsibility exists at each component. It is modular, scalable, and flexible. Without a single point of failure, distributed control systems are fault-


tolerant, since the malfunction of individual controllers need not affect the operation of the other controllers. This dissertation investigates distributed local control techniques that are applied to individual components in a distributed dc system. These local controls operate autonomously using local information sensed at their respective components. Yet, they contribute to overall system stability without requiring a central controller or peer-to-peer communication network. In the event of a disturbance in the dc system, whether ephemeral or cataclysmic, autonomous local controls enable the system to self-heal in the sense that unaffected components still operate. Load priority ensures that if energy is limited, the most important loads have preferential access. Limited system knowledge, such as the overall health of the system or change in mission objective, can be used to fine tune the controller performance. However, the controller still operates autonomously if access to this information is lost. These controls are ideal for high-reliability, advanced energy systems since they can perform system-level coordination and are fault-tolerant. Applications considered are supply-side and demand-side management. On the supply side, droop control is examined as a form of local control that adds damping to stabilize the power system. On the demand side, control strategies are shown for both single bus and multibus systems. In a single bus system, dynamic load interruption will be shown to be useful to prevent voltage collapse, when demand exceeds supply, and to be capable of automatic load restoration upon system stabilization. In a multibus system, autonomous local controls can ensure reliable system operation by reconfiguring how the load is supplied to ensure seamless power transfer during fault conditions or partial loss of generation. 1.1

Examples of High-Reliability DC Systems Although most power is distributed in an ac format over the terrestrial power grid, dc

systems offer a number of advantages in a growing group of applications. Perhaps the most well-known modern dc system is used by the telecomm industry to power the telephone infrastructure [3]. More recently, dc systems have been implemented in other applications including scientific systems for underwater monitoring stations [14] and subatomic physics research [15], commercial and military aircraft power systems [16-19], and spacecraft systems 2

including the International Space Station [20-22]. Future applications under investigation include power distribution in industrial complexes [23] and future maritime vessels [24]. Results from this dissertation can be applied to each of these systems. High voltage DC (HVDC) is being increasingly used in the commercial power system to transmit bulk power, particularly in Europe, but is not considered here because it represents only a small part of the predominantly ac system. 1.1.1

Telecommunications power systems

The 48 V power plant in the telecommunications central office (CO) is probably the most well-known example of a modern dc power system. Numerous papers have been written on the subject covering all aspects of the system [1-3]. The battery backup system, including maintenance and charge balancing, has received significant attention along with system redundancy issues. As a result, five nines (99.999%) has become ubiquitous as the reliability yardstick for telecommunication systems. By contrast, the typical reliability for the commercial ac utility is three nines (99.9%) [25]. The role of the telephone company is evolving from only providing the traditional POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) to branching out into the new revenue centers of IP telephony, broadband, and datacom services. The new research challenges are to determine how to best integrate the 48 V dc telephone system with the traditionally ac datacom systems while still meeting strict reliability criteria [1, 4, 26, 27]. The concept of load priority is useful to ensure that if commercial power is lost for an extended period of time, due to a hurricane or other disaster, battery power and backup generator fuel are rationed to support critical communication to ensure public health and safety and support recovery efforts. 1.1.2

Naval combat survivability test-bed

Modern naval ships have two separate energy systems – mechanical for propulsion and electrical for weapons, navigation, communication, and auxiliary systems. Future naval ships will integrate propulsion with the other systems to better manage total system energy to meet the need of an increasing electrical load, support future electrical pulse-power weaponry, and provide flexibility and improved system reliability [5-8, 28, 29]. System reliability in the event of


a single or cascading failure is critical to allow fulfillment of the mission even after sustaining battle damage [7, 28]. The Naval Combat Survivability (NCS) dc distribution system was jointly developed at Purdue University and the University of Missouri-Rolla under the sponsorship of the US Navy with the purpose of creating a well-documented test-bed for reduced-scale research in future Naval electrical systems [30-32]. The primary scope of the 15 kW dc test-bed, shown in Figure 1.1, is primary power distribution from the source to load zones. Full 2n redundancy in the design includes dual parallel dc buses (port and starboard) and two full-rated ac-dc power supplies (PS) to ensure uninterrupted operation in the event of partial system failure. Zonal contactors (not shown) permit damaged sections of buses to be disconnected from the system, allowing limited reconfiguring of the bus topology. Within each zone, the output of the ship service converter modules (SSCM) are diode-OR’ed to prevent a fault on one bus from being sustained by the other bus. Droop control is used to regulate current sharing between the SSCM modules [30, 31] although no details of the control were found.

500V dc Starboard Bus



400V dc


400V dc

400V dc


ac generation 15kW

ac generation








3Φ 208V ac



400V dc

400V dc

400V dc SSCM



500V dc Port Bus Zone 1 PS: Power Supply SSCM: Ship Service Converter Module

Zone 2

Zone 3

SSIM: Ship Service Inverter Module MC: Motor Controller

LB: Load Bank CPL: Constant Power Load

Figure 1.1: Naval Combat Survivability (NCS) dc distribution test-bed.

Three zone types, shown in Figure 1.1, have been identified based on load characteristics: 3φ ac load bank (LB), dc constant power loads (CPL), and 3φ motor loads connected through a motor controller (MC). While the system shown is limited to one zone for each load type, a practical system would consist of a plurality of zones identified, perhaps, by the load serviced such as “guidance systems” or by the load location such as “galley exhaust fan.” 4

Of particular interest is the CPL zone. This zone is rated at 5 kW and realized by a conventional buck converter with a resistive load. In practice, though, the CPL zone would consist of multiple loads each accompanied by a dedicated dc-dc converter to supply the required voltage [23]. This paradigm introduces an intermediate bus within the CPL zone, a concept that more broadly applies to the distributed dc architectures already in use in telecom and datacom systems and under investigation for use in industrial systems [10, 23, 33-35]. Extensive research has been published on the performance, stability, and control of the naval test-bed system [31, 32, 36-40]. The single-bus application in this dissertation can be applied to the dc loads within the CPL zone. The multibus application can be applied to a zone’s SSCM to improve reliability. 1.1.3

Underwater scientific observatories

Underwater scientific observatories present unique challenges for power distribution [14]. Older systems had very modest power requirements, mostly for sensors, and typically used a single supply feed from a shore-based facility. Newer systems require significantly higher power levels, on the order of 100 kW, to support increased instrumentation, video capability, movable platforms, and autonomous undersea exploratory vehicles [14, 41-43]. In order to accommodate the higher power requirements and to provide increased reliability, the NEPTUNE project has proposed using an interconnected dc system being fed from two shore-based locations [14]. Power feeds from the sources at 10 kV and dc-to-dc converters step down to the required voltage at each node. Interconnectivity maximizes the availability of the network in the event of cable damage or node failure and prevents the need to quickly organize an expensive repair. Ocean floor observatory systems also have to deal with the complexities of powering cables on the order of thousands of kilometers long. Sea-rated cables can have series resistance on the order of 0.75 Ω/km to 75 Ω/km and significant capacitance [42, 43]. The high resistance requires high voltage to minimize losses and presents stability concerns when connected to constant-power loads. Thus the choice of underwater cable presents a significant design constraint on the stability of an underwater system. 5

Emergency control algorithms monitor the power system and apply a hierarchy of priority to each load based on four classifications shown in Table 1.1 [14]. The priority classification is useful in the event load-shed becomes necessary to prevent voltage collapse and the order in which loads are re-energized once the system is capable of supporting increased loading. The concept of priority-based control is fundamental to the work in this dissertation and is explored in further detail in later chapters. Table 1.1: Categories of load priority in the NEPTUNE power system Classification Essential High-Priority General Deferrable


Description Crucial to safe system operation. They must be kept energized. Important loads. Extra effort is required to keep them energized. General purpose loads. No extra effort is required to keep them energized. Candidate loads for shedding as the system approaches peak power.


Spacecraft contain complete distributed power systems including generation, distribution, storage and load. Dc systems are extensively used since solar panels, batteries, and typical payload all are fundamentally dc devices [44]. The distributed design offers numerous advantages over a centralized design including high reliability, ease of failure containment, redundancy, controllable power quality for different loads, flexibility, and expandability [45, 46]. The power requirements of spacecraft continue to grow with communication and sensor spacecraft requiring upwards of 30 kW and space platforms such as the International Space Station requiring over 100 kW [47]. A significant amount of the literature in spacecraft power systems is devoted to the small-signal stability of a dc power system [44, 45, 48-51]. Chapter 3 reviews some of the stability criteria that resulted from this work. The International Space Station (ISS) power system is composed of two relatively independent dc system with different voltages [20, 21]. The U.S. system runs at 120 V and has solar power modules with a capacity of 76 kW. The Russian system is divided into 120 V and 28 V components and has 29 kW of solar generation. The two systems are interconnected with bidirectional dc-dc converters to allow transfer of power based on demand and available


supply. The low-earth orbit means that no solar insolation of the panels will occur for a portion of the 90 min orbital period. During the eclipse, on-board batteries supply the entire load. Dynamic priority-based load control can help to extend the availability of stored energy for critical loads if electrical demand increases during the eclipse. 1.1.5

Distributed generation and microgrids

The commercial power industry has traditionally been vertically integrated and centrally controlled. Deregulation has forced decentralization throughout the industry and mandated less restrictive access to the power infrastructure and markets, particularly in the area of distributed generation. While the majority of the bulk power is still produced by large generation plants with steam turbines and synchronous generators, distributed generation (DG) has become more attractive. In a DG system, the sources are usually colocated with their loads. The close proximity to the load allows utilization of waste heat in a combined heat and electricity cycle that increases the overall energy conversion efficiency [52]. In the past, local generation was almost exclusively used for stand-alone backup power. Today, distributed generation is integrated with the commercial power system and can help level peak demands as well as provide on-line buffering from disturbances on the bulk power grid [53]. A microgrid is a flexible, controllable, interface between local sources of generation and load and the larger bulk power system [54]. A microgrid with distributed generation and load is a electrically weak power system; the high effective system impedance makes the system prone to voltage instability and collapse even though the steady-state power flow may be well below the available maximum power transfer limit. Constant power loads exacerbate the stability problem by demanding constant power even if the system is not capable of delivering it. Like the other dc systems, stability is remains an active are of research for these systems. Lasseter proposed a dc ring topology for a microgrid, as shown in Figure 1.2, to integrate a plurality of loads and sources and support one topological failure [11]. Multiple local sources including standby generation and alternative energy sources augment the feed from the larger ac grid to supply a variety of load types. Rectifiers provide the interface between ac sources and the dc bus, inverters convert the dc bus into ac voltage for ac loads, and dc-dc converters connect dc sources and loads with different voltages to the bus. The dc bus facilitates 7

distribution of energy while decoupling the dynamics of each source and load. The salient requirement is that the distributed resources must be “plug-and-play” like the ac power grid. Voltage droop is proposed as the control method for the source converters, allowing transparent control of current sharing without requiring communication between the sources. The load-side management monitors the bus voltage at the POL input terminals and trips lesser-priority loads off-line when the bus voltage falls below a threshold, thus maintaining bus voltage. The single-bus techniques in this dissertation can be applied to the dc ring, or any other dc microgrid. The multiple bus techniques are applicable if a second ring is added to improve reliability.

Figure 1.2: Microgrid with dc ring architecture.


Why Direct Current Systems? Since the time alternating current was adopted at the standard for power systems, power

conversion technology has changed significantly. So has the way in which electrical energy is consumed. Therefore, the assumptions on which the original ac system was designed are being revisited and reconsidered. The intention in this dissertation is not to advocate a universal proposition as a replacement of the ac system, but to identify issues that are being considered as the industry prepares our power system for the next century of service. The 1893 World’s Fair demonstrated that Tesla’s ac system had an economic advantage over Edison’s dc system for power distribution. The main technical advantage of ac was the ease of voltage conversion. Transformers could be used to step up voltage to lower the transmission losses and then step down the voltage for use at the load. At the time, there was no equivalent single device to perform voltage conversion in a dc system. Thus the 8

Westinghouse backed ac system became the standard for generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electrical energy. In the early twentieth century, the loads were incandescent lamps and induction motors and the sources were synchronous generators. As society’s dependence on electrical energy increased, the ac grid became ubiquitous and the power industry ballooned. Recent deregulation has encouraged creative financing and market gaming that seems to have placed reliability and profitability as contentious goals [55]. In the process, the grid infrastructure has continued to age and new generation, transmission, and distribution have been insufficient to keep pace with increasing demand [56, 57]. The widespread blackout of the U.S. Northeast on August 14, 2003, was widely reported in the popular media and served as a reminder of society’s dependence on electrical power. The lay press, accustomed to reporting advances in information technology, was befuddled by this catastrophe and issued a wakeup call for significant innovation in power grid technology [58-60]. However, experts seemed less astonished and suggested that the size and complexity of the power grid make blackouts inevitable [61, 62]. Others have begun to question the benefits of deregulation and the impact of the 2005 Energy Bill on ensuring the reliability of our commercial power grid [63]. Although the blackout seized public attention and suggested that the industry had fallen behind present day needs, outside of the public view there are vibrant research and development efforts. Advances in the understanding of dynamic stability and improvements in network visualization are two examples of new analytical and design tools. Older technology is being replaced by power electronics in applications such as reactive power compensation, motor drives, and point-of-use energy conversion [64]. Alternative energy sources like photovoltaic and fuel cells are becoming economically feasible due to tremendous progress in material sciences. However, modern loads are fundamentally different from early twentieth century loads. Three-phase ac motors delivering torque to the factory are being replaced by computers processing numbers in data centers [56]. Where motors are used, line-start induction machines 9

are being replaced by motor-drive pairs that increase the efficiency and performance while reducing size, weight, and cost [65, 66]. Although lighting still represents a large portion of the load, tungsten filament lamps are increasingly being replaced by higher efficiency fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts. Solid state, high-efficiency light emitting diodes (LED) will likely render incandescent lamps obsolete [67]. All of these new loads fundamentally favor direct current power systems since they require that 60 Hz ac be rectified and filtered before the power is in usable form. The demand for premium power is increasing in all areas of commerce. Industrial processes are becoming increasingly sensitive to power quality [57]. Service-oriented sectors, such as financial services, rely on communications and data networks as the backbone of their enterprise. Transients lasting only milliseconds can result in the shutdown of entire production facilities and data server outages [4, 68, 69]. According to a report by EPRI, the existing power infrastructure is not sufficient to deliver the increasing demand for high-quality, “digitalgrade,” power for reliable operation of these digital devices [57]. Distributed generation (DG) from both renewable and nonrenewable sources has been shown to improve the reliability of the grid and can help provide premium power [70]. Experts suggest, however, that too much may cause stability problems for the ac system [70-73] and require conditioning with power electronics [52, 53] or interconnection through a dc system [74]. Integrating nonrenewable generation into the distribution system is a way to increase the effective capacity of the transmission system and provide premium power to locally connected loads [75]. It can also improve the efficiency of generation because waste heat can be used for additional electrical generation in a combined-cycle power plant or as a source of thermal energy in a cogeneration plant [52]. Renewable energy and green energy sources such as wind, solar, fuel cells, and geothermal are likely to become widespread in the future due to environmental regulations and the diminishing supply of fossil fuels [76]. Many of these sources do not produce first-power at line voltage and frequency. A dc system facilitates the interconnection of these sources and energy storage to improve the reliability and availability of the system [12, 13, 74].


Originally, many buildings in urban areas such as Manhattan, NY, were equipped with dc electrical systems that have since been converter to ac [77]. Recently there has been renewed interest in distributing dc inside buildings [78-80]. Proponents cite the increasing demand for dc power by electronic devices and sensitive loads as well as the desire to move backup power from UPS systems powering individual loads to system wide centralized backup power [80]. A recent study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that office and network equipment directly use 74 TWh of electricity [81]. The total energy consumption is much larger when the heat load is considered. Power dissipated in electronic equipment places a cooling burden on HVAC equipment, particularly during summer months when electricity demand is already high. The heat load of the electrical equipment can be computed from the coefficient of performance (COP) for the cooling system: COP =

Pload Pcooling


The lower limit for the COP of a vapor compression cycle HVAC system, found in most office buildings, is 2.5 [82]. This means that 40 W of electricity are consumed to remove 100 W dissipated by an electrical load. Therefore, an improvement in electrical conversion efficiency of even just a few percent will have a significant impact on total energy demand. As the number of modern sources and loads connected in a distribution system increases, it is useful to reevaluate system integration. Figure 1.3 is an example of a distribution system in a modern commercial building. The system is primarily supplied from the commercial ac grid but has been augmented with additional sources for backup, green, or economic operation. Alternative energy sources which produce dc electricity, such as fuel cells and solar panels require an inverter to connect them to the ac grid. Natural gas microturbines, which rotate at high speed, require energy conversion to be grid compatible. On the load side, most new loads are either fundamentally dc or require one or more conversion steps with a dc link. The implication is that there are a number of redundant energy conversion steps cascaded between the energy source and the energy load. In the case of a computer with a UPS, if the electricity used is generated by an alternative energy source, there are likely to be five or more energy


conversion steps cascaded. Assuming that each step was 90% efficient, the effective system efficiency is only 59%. A dc distribution system eliminates the need for a number of these conversion steps. Microturbine Fuel Cell


HVAC Motor Drive



Fluorescent Lighting





Electronic Ballast

60Hz ac










Solid State Lighting

DC AC AC DC Computer

Figure 1.3: Low voltage ac distribution with modern sources and loads.

Modern electronic loads draw harmonic current that can overload and overheat distribution wiring [83-85]. Equipment nameplate power ratings and system derating factors [86] accommodate these currents at the cost of only using a fraction of the transfer capability of the copper wire to deliver real power to the load. A useful metric is the copper utilization factor (CUF) which is defined here to be the ratio of power consumed by the load to the available capacity of the distribution circuit: P ⋅n CUF = out units VAcapacity


Poor copper utilization suggests, according to this definition, that there is a mismatch between the way power that is generated and delivered to the load and way it is consumed by the load.


There are well-known techniques that act as an interface between the dc electronic loads and the ac system [87, 88] but they require additional conversion stages which increase the size, weight, and cost of the point-of-load converter. In summary, this section has presented some of the evolutionary changes that have occurred in our power system since ac was adopted as the standard. These issues give reason to consider dc for advanced energy systems. This dissertation only examines dc applications for autonomous local control. 1.3

Controls to Improve Reliability In many power systems, matching the supply with the demand to ensure stable and reliable

operation is a nontrivial control problem. The task is further complicated if the power system becomes energy constrained, that is, there is either insufficient supply or insufficient distribution to deliver it to the load. Many of the applications where dc is used, such as shipboard and spacecraft systems, are finite energy systems. Without the ability to connect to auxiliary sources of energy, they may continually operate near the threshold of being energy constrained. Considering the load as an actuator instead of a disturbance presents new control possibilities that can increase the reliability of such a power system [89-92]. Relying on the load to be a participant in system stability requires a control system that is fault tolerant and self-healing. Fault-tolerant controls can survive partial loss or malfunction of system components [93]. Self-healing controls take action to abate further disruption and ensure that the remaining components can operate as best as possible [94-96]. These two qualities are critical since the power system may be required to continue to operate under external attack, such as in a Naval application, or unmanned such as on spacecraft or undersea. This dissertation considers both supply-side and load-side management strategies in a distributed dc system. On the supply side, droop control will be used to share current among multiple sources, add system damping to improve dynamic performance, and provide system wide information in the form of the bus voltage. On the load side, bus selection will be explored in a multibus system. Dynamic load interruption will be used when load shed becomes necessary. Autonomous local controllers implement the supply-side and load-side 13

management. They use locally obtained information in the form of the bus voltage and can operate without requiring a central control or peer-to-peer communication. These controls are fault tolerant; there is no single point of failure and if one malfunctions the others can continue to operate. They are also self-healing; important loads remain powered, while less important loads act to prevent cascading system failure. 1.3.1

Droop control

Droop control has been proposed in the literature as a way to share current when multiple sources feed a single bus [97-100]. Since this is done by adjusting the output impedance of the converters, droop control will be shown to be useful to control system damping. A drop in bus voltage, whether due to partial loss of generation or the need to stabilize the system, conveys information comparable to what frequency does in an ac system [101]. Load-side controls that can sense this drop in voltage may take steps to improve system security. 1.3.2

Dynamic load interruption

In the terrestrial ac grid literature, load shedding is often perceived as an undesirable event and usually reserved for emergency conditions where damage to power generation equipment and cascading blackouts are likely [91, 102]. Some utilities have interruptible contracts with large industrial customers and use load shed to curtail load during peak demands [103]. The load-shed is initiated from a central dispatch location. Recent work has reexamined the role of interruptible loads in the power system [90, 104]. Automating the load-shed process and incorporating power electronic methods increase the actuation time to less than a single linecycle. It has been reported that automatic, dynamically interruptible loads offer an alternative to building more generation [103-105]. As interruptible load transitions from a static loadleveling [106] into a dynamic security technique [104, 107], additional benefit can be gained by considering the residential energy market [91, 108, 109]. A more interesting aspect load shed is load restoration, a topic not well represented in the literature. Turning on a previously shed load can introduce additional perturbations in the system. The result could be reshedding of the same load or shedding of other loads. An undesirable effect would be the interruption of critical loads when less important loads attempt


to re-energize. The objective of the restoration process is to maximize the number of loads supplied without violating system constraints [110]. 1.3.3

Bus selection

Multiple supply buses can increase the reliability of a power system by providing multiple configuration options for supplying power to the load. The load can operate from both buses simultaneously or operate from a preferred bus and have others available as backup feeds. Choosing the best bus from which to operate requires either a contingency power flow analysis or a perturb-and-observe switching strategy. The former is possible in a central control system. The latter is required if the system is completely distributed using only local information. 1.3.4

Load priority

In an energy constrained system, load priority is critical for system stability and control because it provides a structure approach to the decision and control process [11, 111, 112]. When the system becomes energy constrained and load shed becomes necessary, load priority allows important loads to remain energized at the expense of less important loads [14]. Depending on the system, priority can be assigned on a circuit by circuit basis or at each individual load. A flexible control strategy is needed since it is possible that the priority of a particular load can dynamically change. 1.4

Common Control Structures Control schemes in power systems can be described in terms of architecture and process.

The architecture refers to the location and structure of the control system and spans the range from centralized to distributed. In a centralized architecture, measurements and sensor signals return to a common location where control action for the entire system is determined. Actuation signals disseminate out into the system. The control objectives and optimization functions can be changed easily. The local control architecture places the controls at the point of sensing and actuation. It offers a lower installation cost than centralized control, faster response time, and increased reliability since it does not rely on communication [102].


The control process can be rule-based, algorithmic, or behavioral [102]. Rule-based controls are technologically simpler to implement but require the expert knowledge of the designer and specific knowledge of the system to be controlled [102]. Thus a rule-based system may not be flexible enough to accommodate system operation and reconfiguration beyond what was foreseen in the original design. Algorithmic controls are more complicated but are better suited when flexibility is important. Some examples of algorithmic controls are adaptive controls, genetic algorithms, and neural networks [110]. Rule-based and algorithmic controls are reactive in nature in that they associate sensory input with specific actuation. Behavioral control is governed by a set of objectives and a set of constraints and is not limited in the way it can react to a system. Like the algorithmic controls, behavioral controls generally require an accurate model of the system in order to determine the best course of action. The work in this dissertation investigates rule-based local controls. It is left as future work to refine the strategies presented here by applying more sophisticated algorithmic or behavioral local control techniques. 1.4.1

Centralized control

In a centralized control system, a controller interacts with multiple entities in the environment. Sensor information and actuation signals are home-run from the entity to the controller, as shown in Figure 1.4. Thus each entity is fully observable and controllable. Centralized control schemes are well suited for difficult optimization problems, such as economic operation, that require system-level coordination. In general, the control objectives and optimization functions can easily be changed to match operational requirements of the system. Physical distance and conditions of the communication link can limit the ability of the central controller to react quickly. In the absence of complete system knowledge the controller can use a state-estimator to approximate the condition of the system, a common practice by the commercial power utilities. However, analysis of the 2003 blackout suggests that a centralized control scheme can be inadequate in an emergency situation, particularly if the system is undersensed since the state estimators can provide misleading information about the actual state of the system.


Figure 1.4: Centralized controller approach to system control.


Agent systems

In 1995, Wooldridge and Jennings proposed the now accepted definition of an agent to be “a computer system that is situated in some environment, and that is capable of autonomous action in the environment in order to meet its design objectives” [113]. Unlike a central controller, an agent generally does not have complete control over the environment. Rather, an agent directly controls an entity within the environment, as shown in Figure 1.5, which in turn can affect the behavior of other entities in the environment. The degree of coupling between the entities within the environment determines the scope of the agent’s influence. The literature describes numerous qualities of agents. Two important properties are intelligence and autonomy. Intelligence is the computational and/or analytical ability of the agent to perceive the environment and solve problems pursuant to a goal. Autonomy is the ability to take action, based on the intelligence capability, to achieve the goals without supervision.


Sensor input






Agent Actuation


Bus Selector Environment

Figure 1.5: Autonomous agents provide local control within the environment.


Multiagent systems

Combining several agents pursuing the same goal leads to a multiagent system. In a multiagent system, decision-making is distributed among a large number of agents. These agents are social in that they are capable of interacting with other agents, shown in Figure 1.6, in order to satisfy their objectives, yet autonomous in the way that they react to their controlled entities. A multiagent architecture increases the fault-tolerance of the system; if an agent fails, its neighbors can compensate, albeit perhaps indirectly, for the loss. Communication allows agents to exchange knowledge and coordinate decisions. A particularly important aspect of coordination is arbitration when the action of one agent has an adverse affect on the environment of another agent. In the absence of the communication, such as a failure, each agent operates to achieve its own environmental objectives. Multiagent systems are being proposed for use in a variety of power systems for control in normal operations [114-117] as well as emergency conditions [118] with significant interest in shipboard power systems [119-121]


Peer-to-Peer Communication Agent

Agent Agent


Load Load

Bus Selection

Supply Environment

Figure 1.6: In a multiagent system, agents communicate with other agents to coordinate control.


Demonstration System for a DC Architecture with Autonomous Local Controls In order to verify control algorithms at the system level, a demonstration dc system is

needed. The topology of the system considered is shown in Figure 1.7. Dual buses provide redundancy. Each bus is comprised of either a single source or multiple sources colocated as shown and distributed loads, connected to the bus with point-of-load dc-dc converters, in a radial topology. Bus selectors allow essential loads to be connected to buses for redundancy. The control system is implemented using autonomous local controllers at each component. At the sources, droop control adjusts the source impedance to facilitate current sharing among multiple sources, control system damping, and allow the bus voltage to convey information about the health of the system. At each point-of-load converter, dynamic load interruption senses changes in the bus voltage and interrupts load, according to load priority, as the voltage drops indicating system problems. Interrupted loads are automatically restored as the system recovers and bus voltage increases. Bus selectors also monitor the bus voltage and switch important loads to the bus with higher voltage to abate system damage. Since the priority of a load may dynamically change, the operation of each component can be tuned by receiving signaling information. In a shipboard power system, this signaling information could 19

originate from a command and control center and convey the status of the ship, such as “general quarter” or “in port.” In a building, this signaling information might indicate a fire or other public safety alarm. dc-dc & input filter Dc source 1, Bus1




dc-dc & input filter








Dc source 2, Bus 1

Bus Selector Dc source 1, Bus2 Dc source 2, Bus 2

dc-dc & input filter


Essential Load


Dc source 3, Bus 2


Lbus dc-dc & input filter







dc-dc & input filter


Figure 1.7: Multiple sources, multiple bus demonstration dc distribution system.


Organization Chapter 1 contains an introduction and statement of problem. The motivation for

considering dc distribution systems is supported by a literature review of existing and emerging high reliability dc applications. One of these systems, the U.S. Naval electric ship concept, is presented within the context of the EPNES challenge [8, 28] and serves as a motivating example throughout the dissertation. Included in this chapter are reasons for considering dc systems. Lastly, a radial dc system is presented that will be used as the test system in the dissertation. Modeling is important when studying large systems such as a power distribution system. Efficiency and performance requirements often mandate sophisticated converter topologies that have complicated models. For practical reasons, it is desirable to simulate with simple


models and prototype at reduced power levels. Chapter 2 discusses reduced-order and reduced-power modeling of converters that preserve small-signal characteristics. The interconnection of a large number of high-bandwidth nonlinear dc power converters remains an area of active research [9, 122]. The constant-power behavior of dc-dc converters results in negative dynamic input resistance and can have a destabilizing effect on the system [123]. Maximum power transfer capability, straightforward with resistive loads, is complicated by constant-power loads. The small-signal interaction between the negative dynamic impedance of the power converter, its input filter, and the dc distribution system presents wellknown stability concerns. Chapter 3 explores the origins of instability in a dc system and reviews the small-signal criteria that have been proposed in the literature. Chapter 4 develops the concept of autonomous local control as the central theme of this thesis. Local control, using locally sensed information, is presented as a control strategy that does not require a centralized controller to coordinate system operation but that promotes system stability. Load priority is used to integrate a power buffer with new load-side control techniques. Chapter 5 demonstrates a single-bus application for both the supply and load. Droop control, a local control technique for power sources, is shown to have a global small-signal stabilizing effect on the system, a result not previously explored in the literature. On the load side, intelligent dynamic load switching is presented as a local control that stabilizes the system by reducing demand. A challenge in implementing dynamic load switching is to determine the values for the undervoltage and load-restoration set points. An algorithm based on an exhaustive load-flow analysis is presented for the test system. The problem is then generalized as a multilevel integer program suitable for arbitrary systems. Dynamic load control changes the effective system impedance. Monitoring the system impedance will be presented as an online technique to initiate dynamic load control. Experimental verification demonstrates load interruption according to priority. Local controls can be used in a multiple bus system to promote systemwide stability and reliability. Chapter 6 examines methods for connecting a point-of-load converter to multiple 21

supply buses. ORing diodes, commonly used, provide smooth crossover from one bus to another but present an ill-defined operating state when the bus voltages are similar. Two alternative methods are presented. In the first, controlled switches replace the diodes and allow carefully orchestrated bus switching. Concepts from hybrid switched-system theory are applied to ensure stable switching. Active switching introduces discontinuous current onto the buses. This can be undesirable for some applications where interference or electromagnetic signature is a concern. A second solution is proposed that uses auctioneering diodes combined with bus converters. The diodes ensure continuous current and fail-safe operation and the bus converter programs the exact profile for bus switching. Conclusions are summarized in Chapter 7 along with a discussion of potential future work in this area. In this work, significant emphasis has been placed on design and reduction to practice. To that end, extensive custom hardware was designed by the author and fabricated with the help of undergraduate laboratory assistants. Appendix A provides design details for the analog closed-loop dc-dc converter and digital supervisor that implemented the autonomous local controller. Schematics and printed circuit board (PCB) artwork are shown for the converter and controller. A thorough analysis of the buck converter including derivation of small-signal transfer functions and closed-loop properties is presented along with experimental performance data. Firmware and operational details are provided for the digital controller. Appendix B provides the MATLAB implementation of the search algorithm from Chapter 5 to find the undervoltage load-interruption and load-restoration voltage set points. Portions of Chapter 4 and 5 of this dissertation have been previously published [124, 125].


CHAPTER 2 MODELING Analysis of high-order, nonlinear, systems requires good modeling. In a dc system, there are a number of phenomena that of are interest and each requires different modeling techniques. In this dissertation, it is assumed that the characteristics of each individual converter, including closed-loop operation, are known and properly designed to be independently stable and meet certain performance objectives. The focus in this work is on the interaction of a system of dc-dc converters. The first section in this chapter defines an abstract model for the system-level control and operation of a generic power converter. Since subsequent chapters will discuss control techniques, it is important to define the scope of these control actions. The interaction of converters with each other and the distribution bus involves both smallsignal and large-signal effects. A common technique when analyzing these small-signal interactions is to obtain the small-signal transfer functions [126-128]. Since these transfer functions depend on component parameters such as inductance and capacitance as well as the operating point of the converter, it is difficult to generalize the converter operation to other power levels and operating points. This becomes important since, for practical reasons, it is desirable to experiment with low-power and smaller systems. While results published in the literature are often obtained from reduced-scale prototypes [30], there is seldom an attempt in the literature to correlate the performance of the prototype system to the full-scale system. The remainder of the chapter investigates techniques for deriving scaled models, suitable for prototype experimentation, that retain the significant small-signal characteristics of their fullscale equivalents. 2.1

Controller Model In a dc system, there can be a number of controllers each designed and dedicated to

perform a certain control objective. At each load there is a controller to regulate the closedloop performance of the individual converter, such as in voltage mode control. Sources have similar controls to ensure that the prescribed output voltage is regulated. At the system level,


controllers are responsible for dispatching generation, detecting overload, and other tasks to coordinate operation. These controls can be embodied as physically separate devices or copackaged with other components. In general, power converters can be modeled as a two-port power module where the input and output terminals describe the respective voltage and current. Depending on the external circuit and appropriate constituent relationships, these terminals can behave resistively or as constant current, constant voltage, or constant power. A regulator, internal to the module, enforces the desirable behavior. In order to support system-level coordination, a third port can be added to the model as shown in Figure 2.1. This control input allows external signals or control action to modify the behavior of the internal controller. This can be realized in a plurality of forms including central control distributed via a dedicated control bus or network, central control distributed via the power bus, and pure local control derived from input and output terminal conditions.

Vin Iin Control

Vin Power Converter Module


Figure 2.1: Multiport converter module.

In this dissertation, the class of power converters includes bus converters as well as pointof-load converters. In a system with multiple supply buses, a bus converter provides the interface between the point-of-load converter and the supply buses. The power converter model in Figure 2.1 supports multiple source buses by considering the input port as a vector. The converter model is used to differentiate the regulator control that governs the converter operation from other control action such as load interruption or reconfiguration. Figure 2.2 shows how an auxiliary controller can be connected to the control input of the power converter module. This outer-loop controller is called a supervisor control since it acts as a hierarchical agent and governs the system-level behavior and interaction of the power


converter module. The supervisor can accept local information as well as system-level information to formulate the control action: Control = f (Vin ,V&in ,I in ,I&in ,Signal,Priority,Load )


The control strategies considered in this dissertation are designed to be a supervisor to the closed-loop control for the particular power converter.

Figure 2.2: Power converter module with supervisor controller.


Reduced-Order Modeling The single-ended forward converter shown in Figure 2.3 is a cost-effective topology for

dc-dc applications in the range of a few hundred watts and has become widely accepted in industry [129-132]. The transformer provides galvanic isolation and the ability to choose a duty ratio to optimize efficiency. However, the added complexity of the second switch and clamp capacitor makes the topology more difficult to simulate and verify in hardware

Figure 2.3: Active-clamped forward converter.

In a step-down application, the conventional forward converter has lower peak current than the buck converter [133] and has a low-side referenced switch which simplifies gate-drive circuitry. The transformer provides not only galvanic isolation but also a turns ratio that allows


an additional degree of freedom. In a 48 V to 5 V application, the choice of a turns ratio of N=4 allows a converter with a nominal duty ratio near 50% which improves efficiency compared to the 11% duty ratio required for a conventional buck converter in the same application. In a forward converter provisions must be included to reset the core flux during the time the main switch is turned off. A forward converter with active-clamp reset offers numerous advantages over other core-reset mechanisms such as a catch-winding, RCD snubber, or zener clamp [129, 130]. The active-clamp reset method, shown in Figure 2.4, supports duty ratios greater than 50% which allows a greater transformer turns ratio that can reduce conduction losses on the primary side and require lower voltage-rated secondary-side rectifiers (with less loss due to a lower forward voltage drop). Further, an active-reset scheme recovers the energy stored in the magnetizing inductance of the transformer, further improving efficiency. The active-reset scheme shown is also “self-correcting” in that the increased magnetizing current, due to a longer on-time in a preceding switching cycle, results in increased clamp voltage as the magnetizing current charges the clamp capacitor.







Figure 2.4: Active-clamped forward converter circuit model with parasitic resistances and transformer model.

However, the added complexity of the active-clamp forward converter increases difficulty in simulation and hardware verification. In simulation, the additional state variables associated with the transformer inductances (primary and secondary leakage and magnetizing) and the clamp capacitor result in a higher-order system requiring additional computations and memory. In hardware, significant attention needs to be paid to the transformer design to ensure good coupling to minimize leakage inductance and reduce switch stress. 26


Small-signal analysis

It is well known that the classical forward converter exhibits buck-like small-signal characteristics similar to those of the conventional buck converter shown in Figure 2.5 [131]. A direct comparison between the buck and the active-clamp forward converter is useful to better understand the degree of similarity. For the purposes of small signal stability analysis, it is desirable to design and prototype a controller using the buck converter. To allow substitution of the buck converter for the forward converter, the small signal transfer functions would ideally be identical or at least have a bounded difference.

Figure 2.5: Buck converter circuit model with parasitic resistances.

In the ideal case with no parasitic elements modeled and assuming perfect transformer coupling, the buck and forward converter small-signal transfer functions, shown in Table 2.1, are structurally identical for continuous conduction. The control-to-output transfer function and output impedance of the ideal forward converter are identical to those of the ideal buck converter while the input-to-output transfer function for the forward converter is scaled by the inverse of the turns ratio. The general form of the transfer functions in Table 2.1 is

G (s ) = Go



⎧ 1 ⎪ωo = 1 LC ⎪ where ⎨ C s ⎪Q = R + +1 load ⎪ L Qωo ⎩


The control-to-output transfer functions for the full model of the buck converter, shown in Figure 2.5, are G vd (s ) = G vdo

(1 + sCESR ) [L + C (ESR[Rloss + Rload ] + Rload Rloss )]

⎛ ESR + Rload ⎞ ⎟⎟ + s s 2 LC ⎜⎜ ⎝ Rloss + Rload ⎠ Rloss = (1 − Do )Rd + Do Rds + R L 1 (Rd + R L + Rload )Vout + Rload Vd G vdo = (Rloss + Rload ) Do


Rloss + Rload



Table 2.1: Comparison of ideal converter transfer functions for the buck converter and the active-clamped forward converter

Buck Converter

Active-Clamped Forward Converter

V D = out Vin

V D = (a ) out Vin

1 ⎛V ⎞ G vd (s ) = ⎜ out ⎟ ⎝ D ⎠ s 2 LC + s L + 1 Rload

1 ⎛V ⎞ G vd (s ) = ⎜ out ⎟ ⎝ D ⎠ s 2 LC + s L + 1 R load

G vg (s ) = (D )

1 s 2 LC + s

L Rload

1 ⎛D⎞ G vg (s ) = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ a ⎠ s 2 LC + s L + 1 Rload ~ v out sL = ~ itest s 2 LC + s L + 1 Rload


v~out sL = ~ itest s 2 LC + s L + 1 Rload

The input-to-output transfer functions for the full model of the buck converter, shown in Figure 2.5, are G vg (s ) = Gvgo

⎛ ESR + Rload s 2 LC ⎜⎜ ⎝ Rloss + Rload Rload Gvgo = Do Rloss + Rload

(1 + sCESR ) ⎡ L + C{ESR[Rloss + Rload ] + Rload Rloss }⎤

⎞ ⎟⎟ + s ⎢ ⎠ ⎣

Rloss + Rload

⎥ +1 ⎦


The output impedance transfer functions for the full model of the buck converter, shown in Figure 2.5, are Z out (s ) =

Rload Rloss + Rload

sL + Rloss

⎛ ESR + Rload ⎞ ⎡ L + C {ESR[Rloss + Rload ] + Rload Rloss }⎤ ⎟⎟ + s ⎢ s 2 LC ⎜⎜ ⎥ +1 Rloss + Rload ⎝ Rloss + Rload ⎠ ⎣ ⎦


The transfer functions for the forward converter shown in Figure 2.4, assuming continuous conduction and negligible leakage inductance, become fourth-order with the inclusion of the clamp capacitor CC and magnetizing inductance LM , and are too complicated to show here. In general, factoring a fourth-order transfer function is nontrivial and requires careful attention in order to obtain a physically insightful, low-entropy expression [134].


Choosing the same duty ratio and output voltage for the buck and forward converter results in transfer functions that appear reasonably similar. However, without the transformer turns ratio, the input voltage for the buck converter must be lower than that for the forward converter and is found to be

(a )VoutFWD

V V = outBUCK ⇒ VinBUCK = inFWD VinFWD VinBUCK a


The choice to operate at the same output voltage and duty ratio preserves the output power level of the forward converter, useful for some thermal study as well as analysis of the output filter dominant frequency response. The disadvantage is that the lower input voltage requires proportionally higher input current which results in increased stress and losses in the switching devices. In the complete model of the forward converter, the clamp capacitance and transformer magnetizing inductance introduce a double pole to the small-signal model of the converter. The resonant frequency of this double pole depends on the operating point of the converter: f clamp =

d 2π LmCC


This double pole introduces a notch in the frequency response of some of the converter transfer functions. Therefore, the second-order frequency response of the basic topology is complicated by a notch with a center frequency scaled by the duty ratio. In a typical forward converter, the magnetizing inductance is large to ensure that the primary current is tightly coupled to the secondary current (minimize the magnetizing current) and the value of the clamp capacitor is large to ensure constant clamping voltage. The result is that the notch occurs at low frequency and would be difficult to approximate in a secondorder buck model. In practice, however, designers routinely choose the value of the clamp capacitor to push the double pole outside the converter cross-over frequency [131] based on reasonable voltage ripple for the clamp capacitor [135]. Thus, with suitable restrictions, the buck converter is an appropriate approximation for the small-signal characteristics of the forward converter. The simpler topology allows faster simulation yet the model retains the


necessary small-signal information for feedback compensator design and system stability studies. 2.2.2

Example comparison

This section compares the control-to-output transfer function of a buck converter to a forward converter. The first-order parasitic series resistances and linearized semiconductor parameters are included. The values for a 48 V to 5 V at 50 W, active-clamp, forward converter from Figure 2.4 are listed in Table 2.2. The double-pole resonance due to the clamp capacitor and magnetizing inductance is calculated to occur at 3.670 kHz. Table 2.2: Example forward converter design.

Parameter Output Nom. Duty Ratio Output Filter

Diode FET Transformer

Clamp Capacitor

Value 5 V, 50 W 50.0 % Lf 25 µH RLf 0.01 Ω Cf 25 µF ESRf 0.05 Ω Vd 0.5 V Rd 0.032 Ω Rds 0.1 Ω Lm 0.001 H a 4.0 R1 0.01 Ω R2 0.01 Ω Cc 0.47 µF ESRc 0.0025 Ω

In the equivalent buck converter, it is desirable to maintain the same duty ratio so that the transfer functions remain identical. This translated into a 12 V input voltage. Thus, it becomes possible to model a system of 48 V to 5 V forward converters using 12 V to 5 V buck converters. The Bode plot comparing the control-to-output transfer function for the forward converter and buck converter is shown in Figure 2.6. 2.3

Scaled-Power Modeling Linear systems have the property of being invariant under a change in variable. This allows

systems to be scaled in both magnitude and frequency [136]. In a dc-dc converter, scaling can be used to create equivalent small-signal systems at different power levels. Thus, lower-power converters can be used to simulate and prototype higher power while retaining all dynamics. 30

Using this approach, the control system can be designed and verified in prototype and then scaled to the high-power version. Gvd magnitude





0.01 Forward Converter Buck Converter

0.001 102







Gvd phase




-135 Forward Converter Buck Converter

-180 102


104 Hz

Figure 2.6: Comparison of the open-loop control-to-output transfer function of a 48 V to 5 V, 50 W buck and forward converter. The frequency of the double-pole resonant notch formed by the clamp capacitor and transformer magnetizing inductance is 3.667 kHz. When this notch is moved outside of the closed-loop bandwidth, the small-signal performance of the forward converter can be approximated by a buck converter.




For an RLC circuit, magnitude scaling is really just impedance scaling. Consider a change of impedance based on the magnitude scaling factor γ m : Z′=γm Z


R′ = γ m R


The real resistance of the scaled system is

Scaled-system inductances and capacitances can be found by applying the impedance change scaled-variable: Z = jωL ⇒ γ m Z = jω γ m L → L ′ = γ m L Z=

1 jω C

⇒γm Z =

γm → C′ = C γm jω C


The new impedance-scaled system preserves the properties of the original system: ωo =

1 ⇒ ωo ′ = LC

γm 1 = → ωo ′ = ωo ′ ′ γ m LC LC

1 C C′ C =γm R → Q′ = Q ⇒ Q′ = R′ Q=R ′ γm γm L L L


A second invariant transformation of linear systems is frequency scaling. Unlike the magnitude scaling transform, here the impedance is held constant while the frequency variable is scaled. Consider a change of frequency based on the scaling factor γ f : ω′ = γ f ω


Real resistance does not change in the scaled-frequency change of variables: R′ = R


Scaled-system inductances and capacitances can be found by holding the impedances constant while substituting the scaled-frequency variable:




Z = jωL = j ω ′L ′ = j γ f ω L ′ → L ′ = L γf 1 1 1 Z= = = → C′ = C γf jω C jω ′ C ′ j γ f ω C ′




The new frequency-scaled system scales the frequency terms of the original system but leaves the damping unchanged: ωo =

1 ⇒ ωo ′ = LC

γf γf 1 = → ωo ′ = γ f ωo L ′C ′ L C

C C′ C γf Q=R =R → Q′ = Q ⇒ Q′ = R γf L L L′


Therefore, in a linear system, a combination of impedance scaling and frequency scaling can be used to transform a system at one operating point into an invariant system at another operating point. In a dc-dc converter, scaling can be used to create equivalent systems at different power levels. Impedance scaling can be potentially useful to scale the power levels of dc-dc converters based on the change in load impedance. The advantage to this approach is that high-power converters can be simulated and prototyped in low-power versions while preserving the dynamics of the high power system. Using this approach, the control system is designed and verified in prototype and then simply scaled to the high-power version. 2.3.2

Example: Scaled output filter, constant parasitic resistances

This section compares the control-to-output transfer function of a buck converter designed for high power to a scaled-power equivalent. The method of impedance scaling is used where the scaling factor is the ratio of rated power for the full and scaled models. The parasitic component values are assumed to be the same for both designs. The values for the 48 V to 5 V full-power and scaled-power buck converters are listed in Table 2.3. The ripple specification was used to determine the output filter values [127]. The result of applying the impedance scaling factor to the filter inductance and capacitance is shown in Table 2.3. The open-loop control-to-output transfer functions for both designs


exhibit second-order characteristics. The cut-off frequency and damping factors are listed in Table 2.4. The time constants for the filter capacitance are identical for both designs; however, the filter inductance time constant is slightly shorter for the scaled-power design compared to the full-power designs. The effect is that the scaled-power design has a slightly higher cut-off frequency and slightly greater damping. Table 2.3: Example buck converter: scaled output filter, constant device resistances Parameter Input Output Switching Frequency Nom. Duty Ratio Scaling Factor Ripple Specification Output Filter

Diode FET

γ ∆iL ∆vC Lf RLf Cf ESRf Vd Rd Rds

Full Power Design 48 V 5 V, 500 W 100 kHz 12.6% 1 ±10% ±2% 2.7 µH 0.005 Ω 125 µF 0.05 Ω 0.5 V 0.000 Ω 0.010 Ω

Value Scaled Power Design 48 V 5 V, 50 W 100 kHz 11.5% 0.1

24.6 µH 0.005 Ω 12.5 µF 0.05 Ω 0.5 V 0.000 Ω 0.010 Ω

Table 2.4: Control-to-output transfer function comparison at rated load Parameter Rated Load Cut-off Frequency Damping

Full Power Design 500 W 8.638 kHz 0.339

Value Scaled Power Design 50 W 9.066 kHz 0.356

The Bode plots for the two designs are shown in Figure 2.7. The full-power design is denoted as “HP” and the scaled-power design is denoted as “LP.” For comparison, the transfer functions are obtained for both designs at both 50 W and 500 W, which represents 10% and 100% of the 500 W rated power for the “HP” design and 100% and 10x of the 50 W rated power for the “LP” design. The two most relevant curves for direct comparison are the “HP” and “LP” at respective rated power. The Bode plot reveals good agreement between the “HP” and “LP” design at lower frequencies but a large discrepancy at higher frequencies, particularly above the unity-gain frequency. This implies different feedback compensation for each design if identical closed-loop performance is desired.


Results in this section demonstrate that impedance scaling has the potential to scale the filter components in a reduced-scale buck converter to mimic the small-signal response of a higher-power design. However, scaling only the filter inductance and capacitance caused a change in the bias operating point of the converter which resulted in different small-signal behavior at higher frequencies. The next section will extend this work by applying impedance scaling to the component parasitic resistances in the converter.

Buck Converter: Gvd magnitude







design design design design


at at at at



rated load 10% load rated load 10x load 103







Buck Converter: Gvd phase






-180 10

design design design design 102

at at at at

rated load 10% load rated load 10x load 103

104 Hz


Figure 2.7: Bode plot for full-power and scaled-power buck converters where the output filter is scaled and component resistances are assumed constant.



Example: Scaled output filter and parasitic resistances

This section considers the application of impedance scaling to both the filter component and the parasitic resistance values in the reduced-scale buck converter. The control-to-output transfer function contains terms that are the product of current and the parasitic resistances such as series resistance, capacitor ESR, and the resistance obtained from semiconductor models. Since the impedance scaling reduces the currents, the same scaling factor can be applied to increase the resistances such that the terms in the transfer function remain the same. The values for the 48 V to 5 V full-power and scaled-power buck converters are listed in Table 2.5. Table 2.5: Example buck converter: scaled output filter and device resistances.

Parameter Input Output Switching Frequency Nom. Duty Ratio Scaling Factor Ripple Specification Output Filter

Diode FET

γ ∆iL ∆vC Lf RLf Cf ESRf Vd Rd Rds

Full Power Design 48 V 5 V, 500 W 100 kHz 12.6% 1 ±10% ±2% 2.72 µH 0.005 Ω 125 µF 0.05 Ω 0.5 V 0.000 Ω 0.010 Ω

Value Scaled Power Design 48 V 5 V, 50 W 100 kHz 12.6% 0.1

27.2 µH 0.05 Ω 12.5 µF 0.5 Ω 0.5 V 0.000 Ω 0.10 Ω

The result of applying the impedance scaling factor to the filter inductance and capacitance is shown in Table 2.5. The resulting transfer functions both exhibit second-order characteristics. The cut-off frequency and damping factors are listed in Table 2.6. The time constants for the filter capacitance and filter inductance are now identical; therefore, the transfer functions have identical cut-off frequency and damping. Table 2.6: Control-to-output transfer function comparison at rated load.

Parameter Rated Load Resonant Frequency Damping

Value Full Power Design Scaled Power Design 500 W 50 W 8.638 kHz 8.638 kHz 0.339 0.339


The Bode plots for the two designs, at their respective rated power, are shown in Figure 2.8. The Bode plot reveals that the two transfer functions are virtually identical. Therefore, the results in this section demonstrate that impedance scaling can be applied to both the filter components and other resistive parameters to obtain a reduced-scale buck converter that mimics the small-signal response of a higher-power design. Buck Converter: Gvd magnitude 100



0.1 Full power design Scaled power design 0.01 10









Buck Converter: Gvd phase 0



135 Full power design Scaled power design 180 10



104 Hz


Figure 2.8: Bode plot for the full-scale and reduced-scale buck converter where both the output filter and component resistances are scaled.



Conclusion Good models capture the salient characteristics of a system such that simulations yield

realistic results and model-based design can be directly applied to the real system. Models in a power system can benefit from reduction of complexity (reduced order) and reduction of power level (reduced power). Operational and performance requirements often require the use of advanced topologies, such as the active-reset forward converter. However, many of these topologies have fundamental characteristics similar to simpler topologies; that is, the forward converter has small-signal characteristics similar to a buck converter. This chapter demonstrated how, with suitable assumptions, the small-signal characteristics of a forward converter can be approximated with a buck converter. This reduced-order model retains the important characteristics yet is simpler to model and simulate. For practical and safety reasons, it is desirable to prototype power systems at reduced-scale power levels. However, ripple specifications result in different filter designs for different power levels. In general, as the power level increases, the converter bandwidth decreases as the value for the filter components increases. This chapter presents one method of applying linearsystem scaling techniques to create reduced-power converters with equivalent small-signal response. As a design tool, it is beneficial when the dynamics of the full-power system can also be scaled with the power level so that the resulting control techniques can be directly scaled to the full-power system. It is important to recall that the transfer function for a converter is a linearized representation of the switching power converter at a specific operating point. While it is useful for the small-signal design and analysis of the converter, it does not uniquely describe the large-signal operation of the converter nor can it be used to generalize the performance of the converter at other operating points.


CHAPTER 3 STABILITY ISSUES IN DISTRIBUTED DC SYSTEMS Fundamental to the operation of a distributed dc power system are the issues of dynamic coupling and stability. Dynamic coupling occurs when noise injected onto the bus from one converter affects the performance of another converter. This noise can be caused by the period switching of the power converter, the interaction of the feedback control, or the load of the converter. In extreme cases, the dynamic coupling can cause the system to beat as the switching action in one converter influences the control in other converters. A common technique to prevent this type of dynamic coupling is to use an input filter [126, 128, 137, 138]. Early designs of dc power systems suffered from unexplained oscillations in the bus voltage. Sokal was one of the first researchers to attribute this system instability to the negative dynamic resistance that is characteristic of a closed-loop switching power converter [123]. Middlebrook later formally presented analysis techniques to understand the interaction between the closed-loop converter and the input filter. The Middlebrook stability criterion, as it came to be known, provides a sufficient condition to ensure stability [139]. His analysis is the seminal work in the area. Newer work seeks less restrictive necessary conditions to ensure stability, but requires additional system knowledge and therefore is not applicable for arbitrary systems. This chapter reviews the origins of instability due to the closed-loop regulation of the dc converter. Load regulation uses control action to adjust the converter duty ratio such that the output voltage remains constant, rejecting bus voltage variations. Constant output voltage results in constant-power operation of the converter. While this control action is ideal for tightly regulated output voltage, it causes the converter to exhibit negative incremental input resistance [123, 139]. System instability occurs when the impedance of the input filter rises too high to properly damp the negative input impedance of the converter and the system becomes a negative resistance oscillator. Further analysis, using Middlebrook’s extra element theorem [126], reveals that the input impedance of the closed-loop buck converter actually has two distinct behaviors – negative dynamic resistance within the controller bandwidth and positive


dynamic resistance outside the controller bandwidth [126]. Each type of behavior places unique restrictions on the design of an input filter 3.1

Power System Stability The voltage stability of a power system describes the capability of reaching and sustaining

an acceptable operating point in a controlled way following a disturbance. More formal definitions can be found in a number of books on the subject [101, 140-142]. Voltage instability, therefore, is the absence of voltage stability and voltage collapse is the process in which the power system progresses toward an unacceptable operating point due to voltage problems. Weak power systems, such as distributed generation systems and microgrids, are unable to deliver incremental power and maintain the prescribed system voltage during system transients. When modeled as a voltage behind impedance, the sources are characterized as having high impedance which makes the system prone to voltage instability and collapse even though the steady-state power flow is well below the available maximum power transfer limit. Constant power loads exacerbate the stability problem by demanding a specific power even if the system is not capable of delivering it. 3.1.1

Maximum power transfer

Consider the model in Figure 3.1 of a simple power system which comprises a voltage source Vs , a source resistance Rs , and a variable resistive load Rl . The source resistance in the model represents the series combination of the equivalent resistance of the source and the bus impedance. The expression for the power consumed by the load is ⎛ Vs Pl = I 2 Rl = ⎜⎜ ⎝ Rs + Rl


⎞ ⎟⎟ Rl ⎠


Since the relationship between the voltage and the power is quadratic, the voltage at the load is a solution to the quadratic system: V ± VS 2 − 4 Pload Rline VR = S 2



In an ideal, lossless system, the voltage at the load is the open-circuit source voltage. In this quadratic model, two solutions exist for the load voltage although only the stable operating point is a feasible solution to the real system.

Figure 3.1: Model of a simple power system with a variable resistance load.

The point of maximum power transfer capacity marks the maximum power flow beyond which solutions to the power flow cease to exist. This corresponds to the onset of voltage instability in an ac system [143]. In a dc system, the maximum power transfer capability of the circuit occurs when the load impedance matches the bus impedance [144] and is found to be Pmax =

Vs2 4 Rs


The P-V curve is a common tool to visualize the operation of a power system by plotting the system voltage vs. power as shown in Figure 3.2. The quadratic curve represents the system equation. The P-V curve starts at 1.0 p.u. voltage, the open circuit voltage of the source. As the power consumed by the load increases, the voltage at the load begins to drop, following the P-V line for the system. Below the maximum power limit, the nose of the P-V curve, losses in the system are greater than the power delivered to the load. A distribution fault or generator outage is modeled as an increase in the system impedance which limits the maximum power transfer capability of the system and shifts the nose of the PV curve to the left.


Nominal system Weakened system Voltage Collapse Resistive load line Constant power load line


Voltage [pu]


0.6 Max power 0.4






0.6 0.8 1 Power [pu] Figure 3.2: P-V curve with resistive load line and constant power load line for a nominal system, weakened systems, and collapsed system.

Many common loads in a power system have either constant impedance or constant power characteristics. The load lines for both types are also shown in the P-V curve in Figure 3.2. The operating point for the system is found graphically as the intersection of the system P-V curve with the load line. Resistive loads are well-behaved in the sense that as the system impedance changes, the operating point slides along the load line. Reduced voltage at the load results in reduced power consumption: an incandescent light bulb dims when the line voltage drops below the nominal value. Constant-power loads are less system-friendly. As the system impedance increases (and the voltage drops), the load draws increasing current to maintain constant power. This results in an operating point at a much lower voltage than with a resistive load. As the system impedance increases, there is a point where the constant-power load line and system equation no longer intersect. The system cannot supply the power demanded by the load and the voltage collapses.



Dynamic impedance of loads

While the P-V curve is an excellent tool to understand the steady-state operation of a power system, it does not capture the dynamic operation of the system. The characteristics of the load can cause instability that can lead to voltage collapse even if the steady-state powerflow is stable. This section examines the dynamic impedance for a resistive load and a constant power load. When the load in a system is resistive, as shown in Figure 3.1, the constitutive equation for the terminal characteristic is given by Ohm’s law: Vl = I l Rl


The incremental load impedance is the linearized impedance at the operating point and is found by differentiating the voltage at the load terminals with respect to the current into the load: ∂V ~ Rin = l = Rl > 0 ∂I l


Thus, for a resistive load, the incremental impedance, denoted by the tilde, is positive. In a closed-loop power converter, regulation uses control action to adjust the converter duty ratio such that the output voltage remains constant, rejecting variations in both the bus voltage and load. For a linear resistive load connected to the output of the converter, constant output converter output voltage requires constant input power for the converter. While the control action is desirable for good load regulation, it causes the converter to exhibit negative incremental input resistance [123, 139]. Consider an equivalent circuit to the one shown in Figure 3.3 where the resistive load is replaced with a dc-dc power supply. The input power of the converter can be written as Pin = I inVin


The incremental input resistance is found by differentiating with respect to current. After suitable algebraic manipulation, the incremental input resistance is


∂V V2 ~ Rin = l = − 1 the terms in (3.16) become T (s ) ≈ 1, 1 + T (s )

1 ≈0 1 + T (s )


This results in the input impedance tracking the negative dynamic impedance of the converter with perfect regulation: 1

Z in (s )


Z N (s )


Above the closed-loop crossover frequency, the loop gain is small: T (0) < 1 . T (s ) ≈ 0, 1 + T (s )

1 ≈1 1 + T (s )


This results in the input impedance tracking the open-loop converter: 1

Z in (s )


Z D (s )


Thus, the Middlebrook extra element theorem shows that the input impedance of the closedloop buck converter can be approximated by the negative dynamic resistance of the converter below the crossover frequency and by the open-loop converter above the crossover frequency.



Damped Input-Filter Design In practice, the most challenging aspect of the Middlebrook criterion (3-13) is proper

damping of filter resonances. The filter impedance shown in Figure 3.5 is a second order L-C filter with the characteristic high Q resonant impedance peak. In practice, it is difficult to obtain arbitrary damping without substantial series resistance – incompatible with the requirement of high efficiency. A damped inductor input filter, shown in Figure 3.6, was designed according to the Middlebrook stability criterion. The series resistances RLf and ESRf are parasitic resistances associated with the filter components. The shunt Lb-Rf branch is designed to provide the desired damping to satisfy an maximum impedance specification [126].

Figure 3.6: Damped inductor filter.

The impedance plot in Figure 3.7 compares the buck converter input impedance Zi to the damped-inductor filter output impedance Z fo . Asymptotes are drawn to show the frequency response of the buck converter output capacitor, smoothing inductor, and input resistance under ideal regulation. Above the resonant frequency of the buck output filter, the input impedance tracks the frequency response of the inductor, the dominant impedance at high frequencies. Below the resonant frequency, the input impedance tracks the dc resistance of the converter. Since the crossover frequency of the compensator network was chosen to be near the filter resonant frequency, the behavior of the input impedance matches the asymptotic behavior predicted using the Middlebrook extra element theorem. The damped-inductor input filter guarantees stability by enforcing the Middlebrook stability criterion even at lightly loaded conditions where the output filter of the buck converter is lightly damped.




Ideal model lightly loaded Ro/D2 10


|Z| [Ω]

Complete model at rated load



Ideal model at rated load 10



µ /ωC



Input Filter 2

ωµ L 10





10 Frequency [Hz]





Figure 3.7: Impedance comparison of the buck converter and the input filter. Asymptotes show that the buck converter input impedance is dominated by the reflected load impedance at low frequencies and by the output filter inductor and capacitor at higher frequencies. The second-order input filter design ensures adequate damping of the resonant peak..


Extension of Middlebrook Criterion to Arbitrary System Interface The original Middlebrook work [139] established an impedance criterion for a single filter

– converter interface. The same approach can applied to a large dc power system where various parts of the system are broken into source and load blocks. The source and load impedance are then defined for each interface. Figure 3.8 shows two systems connected in series. The source block has an input-tooutput transfer function of TS and an output impedance of ZS. The load block has an input-tooutput transfer function of TL and an input impedance of ZS. The input-to-output transfer function for the series-connected system is TSL =

TS TL 1 + (Z S Z L )


The impedance ratio is the loop gain of the combined system and can be used to determine the stability and loading effects.


V TS = So VSi

V TL = Lo VLi

Figure 3.8: Impedance criterion at series-connected networks.

In a distributed dc system with multiple point-of-load power converters, such as Figure 1.7, the converters load the source in parallel, plus some bus resistance. The Middlebrook criterion can be applied to the interface between the source and this system. The equivalent system, the parallel combination of all the converters, must satisfies the impedance criterion: Z o Vupper limit Turn off if : Vinput < Vlower limit


One method to obtain these set points is to perform an exhaustive contingency load flow analysis. Each contingency represents a particular combination of operating points for the 84

system point-of-load converters. For a small system this offline process is straightforward and computationally fast. The resulting set of power flow solutions is processed by a search algorithm to find the upper and lower voltage limits for each load converter. 5.3.1

Power flow analysis

Power flow analysis is used to determine a priori the values of the voltage set points for undervoltage load interruption and restoration. The MATLAB® Power System Toolbox [163] contains a suitable power flow algorithm for the test system, redrawn in Figure 5.12. The radial design results in rapid convergence of the power flow algorithm. The point-of-load converter is a closed-loop buck converter designed to have good line and load regulation to ensure constant output power given a fixed resistive load. Input power to the converter depends on the efficiency of the converter, which is a function of the input voltage and the output power. Thus, the power flow equations are complicated by the nonlinear efficiency of the dc-to-dc converters.

Figure 5.12: Model of a radial dc power system with a single source and three point-of-load converters.

To improve the power flow results, the efficiency of the converters was included in the power flow algorithm, shown in Figure 5.13. This added an outer iteration loop to the power flow algorithm although it could be incorporated directly into a power flow routine to increase computation efficiency. The power flow algorithm begins by assuming that there is no voltage drop in the system and that the voltage at each node on the bus is identical to the open-circuit source voltage. These node voltages are then used to calculate the initial efficiency for each dcdc converter and hence the initial power withdrawn from each node on the bus. The PST power flow program is then run. The result of the power flow, the new system node voltages, is used to update the efficiency of each converter and the process is repeated until node voltages converge to within an acceptable bound.



Converter efficiency

The efficiency of a dc-dc converter depends on the operating point. To enforce constant output power, the input current of the converter must change as the voltage of the system changes. Since losses in the converter depend on the input current, the efficiency of the converter is a function of the input voltage. In order to implement the power flow algorithm from Section 5.3.1, the efficiency of the dc-dc converters is needed for all possible input voltages and output power levels.


Initialize all bus voltages to Vs

Compute efficiency for each converter

Updated bus voltages

Run PST load flow, obtain new bus voltages


Bus voltages converged ?

Yes End

Figure 5.13: Outer loop of power flow algorithm incorporating converter efficiency.

The converter efficiency can be obtained either by analytical techniques or by experimental methods. Analytical techniques require that the topology be modeled in thorough enough detail to capture all significant parasitic elements and switching losses. The advantage of the analytical method is that parameter tolerances can be modeled and included. Obtaining the efficiency of the converter experimentally is considerably easier and is not prone to modeling error. The disadvantage of this technique is that a large number of converters would need to


be sampled in a practical application in order to incorporate parameter variations. However, this information is usually known already for quality control purposes. The efficiency of the prototype converter was experimentally obtained at two power levels that were chosen to span the range of expected load. The MATLAB curve fit toolbox (cftool) was used to fit a third-order Gaussian curve (Gauss3) with a 95% confidence bound to the data. The general form of the third-order Gaussian curve is 2⎞ 2⎞ 2⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ V − b3 ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ V − b2 ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ V − b1 ⎞⎟ ⎟ η (V ) = a1 exp⎜ − ⎜ + a3 exp⎜ − ⎜ + a2 exp⎜ − ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ c2 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎝ c1 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎝ c3 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝


The variable V is the sensed input bus voltage to the point-of-load converter, η is the efficiency. The parameters for the curve at each power level are listed in Table 5.4. A plot of the experimental data overlaid with the fit curve is shown in Figure 5.14 and verifies good agreement. Table 5.4: Coefficients for third-order Gaussian curve fit with 95% confidence.

Curve fit parameter a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3

Converter Output 5 V, 18 W 5 V, 43 W 30.64 67240.0 -103.9 -115.5 53.12 32.8 0.636 0.8092 20.87 12.45 28.7 182.2 0.5538 0.006936 55.44 14.03 24.52 8.126

An approximation to the actual efficiency of a converter can be found by interpolating between the efficiency curves taken at two fixed output power levels, η P1 (V , P ) and η P2 (V , P ) . The interpolated efficiency curve is found by forming the convex hull of these two

efficiency curves: ⎛

η ' (V , P ) = η P1 (V , P ) ⋅ ⎜⎜1 − ⎝

⎛ P − P1 ⎞ P − P1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ + η P (V , P ) ⋅ ⎜⎜ 2 P P P2 − P1 ⎠ − ⎝ 2 1⎠


The result is an equation that relates the converter efficiency to the input voltage and load power and is suitable for incorporation into the power flow analysis to improve accuracy. 87

0.95 5 V, 18 W experimental data 5 V, 18 W curve fit 5 V, 43 W experimental data 5 V, 43 W curve fit

0.93 0.91


0.89 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77





20 25 30 Input Voltage [V] Figure 5.14: Curve fit for experimental efficiency data.



Contingency analysis

Contingency analysis is performed to obtain the system voltages for each combination of point-of-load converter operating points. Notation that links the power flow result to the configuration of the converter is V (converter ) limit



The parameter converter uniquely identifies the converter and takes values converter ∈ {1,2,...N }, where N is the total number of converters


The parameter state identifies the current operating state of the converter and takes values state ∈ {off, on, base, high }


The states base and high describe the output power of the converter as either nominal rated base power or overload power. The state on is the compliment of off and includes both the base and high states. This is useful when the actual output power is unimportant. Thus the cardinality of the set of unique output-power levels is state = 3



The number of power flows that are needed to perform an exhaustive contingency analysis for all possible configurations for N point-of-load converters is N



The three-converter example in Figure 5.12 will therefore require 27 power flow computations. The parameter limit identifies the type of voltage limit. It takes the value limit ∈ { min, max,UVP }


The min limit is the lowest allowed input voltage before the converter turns off, max is the highest input voltage before a converter turns on, and UVP refers to the hardware undervoltage protection limit designed to self-protect. The results of the exhaustive contingency analysis for the system in Figure 5.12 are graphically presented in Figure 5.15. The results of the 27 power flows are shown for each of the three point-of-load converters. Horizontal lines indicate the open circuit supply voltage, VS, and the undervoltage protection limit, VUVP, where the converter turns off to self-protect. Since POL3 is furthest form the source, it has the lowest bus voltages for each contingency. Solid bars indicate contingencies of interest where one or more converters in that contingency would trip off-line due to UVP. 5.3.4

Search algorithm

The upper-limit and lower-limit voltages for each point-of-load converter can be found from the maximum and minimum values for sets of specific contingencies. This optimization is done by a search algorithm that parses the results of the contingency analysis. The process starts with the lowest priority converter, POL2. The lower bound on the lower-limit is ⎫ ⎧V (NE )UVP , ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ on ;V (E ) ≤ V (E ) max ( ) V (NE )on V NE > ⎨ min UVP ⎬ ⎪ ⎪ on ⎪⎩V ( NE ) ;V (SE ) ≤ V (SE )UVP ⎪⎭


The algorithm finds the voltage POL2 for all contingencies where the higher priority loads are on and their input voltage is below the UVP limit. In this example, this occurs for five


contingencies at POL3, shown as the dark bars in Figure 5.15. The algorithm also considers the possibility that the voltage at POL2 can fall below the UVP limit.

23 VS 22 21 20 19

Input Voltage

18 17 16 15 14 V


13 12 11 10 9



27 1 POL2 27 1 27 contingencies at each point−of−load converter



Figure 5.15: Results of exhaustive contingency analysis on the radial test system with a single source and three point-of-load converters. The load on each converter can be either off, base load, or overload. Solid bars indicate contingencies where a bus voltage in the system is below the UVP for that converter.

The upper-limit has both an upper and lower bound. Only the essential and nonessential loads are considered here for simplicity. ⎧⎪V (E )off , ⎫⎪ V (E )high ;V (NE )off < V (NE )off < min ⎨ ⎬ max ⎪⎩V ( E ) base ;V (NE )off ⎪⎭


The lower bound for restoring the nonessential load occurs when the essential load is at the maximum power and the nonessential load is off. The upper bound is found by minimizing a set of contingencies where the essential load is off or supplying base load power and the nonessential load is off. These combinations of contingencies were chosen to ensure that restoring the nonessential load never jeopardizes operation of the essential load. The MATLAB implementation of this algorithm for the system in Figure 5.12 can be found in Appendix B. 90


Experimental results

A reduced-power prototype of the single supply, three load system in Figure 5.1 was constructed using a closed-loop buck converter and PIC-based controller. Design details can be found in Appendix A. The supply voltage was regulated for constant 22 V. The output of each buck converter was 5 V with a base load of 30 W and high-output load of 36 W. Signal conditioning in the autonomous local controller is designed to allow quick response to changes in the bus voltage, but prevent false load interruption due to bus dynamics. The priority of each load and the result of the contingency search algorithm are listed in Table 5.5. The actual values used in the controller differ slightly from those computed due to parameter differences between the model and actual circuit elements and resolution limitations in the controller. Since POL3 is considered to be essential, the controller is programmed with 0 V as both the upper-limit and lower-limit to ensure that it will always be energized. Table 5.5: Load priority assignment in the three-bus test-bed.

Priority Computed from power flow Lower-limit minimum Upper-limit minimum Upper-limit maximum Actual values in controller Lower-limit Upper-limit

POL1 Semiessential

POL2 Nonessential

POL3 Essential

15.524 V 18.966 V 19.480 V 18.820 V 19.000 V

16.140 V 19.575 V

0V 0V

The results of three tests are presented here. The first will demonstrate the system response to increased loading without using dynamic load interruption. The second will use the same loading conditions but with dynamic load interruption enabled. The last will show more complicated system response with multiple loads changing. The bus voltages are lowpass filtered in the accompanying figures to aid visualization of the system response and control action. The operation of the system without dynamic load interruption is shown in Figure 5.16. The system is originally in steady state and each point-of-load converter is supplying the base load. At approximately 0.4 s, the load at POL3, the essential load, increases, as indicated by the step change on the load step variable. The new steady-state voltage at POL3 is below the UVP


limit. The load is reduced back to the base level at about 1.4 s to prevent the converter from


turning off to self-protect. The system then returns to the original condition. System Voltages

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

Vs POL1 POL2 POL3 UVP Load Shed

POL1 1 0 POL2 1 0 POL3 1 0 Load Step POL1 1 0 POL2 1 0 POL3 1 0





0.8 1 Time [s]





Figure 5.16: System voltages drop in response to an increase in loading at POL3. Since the new terminal voltage for POL3 is below the UVP, it will trip off-line to self-protect.

Next, the dynamic load controller is enabled and the load profile is repeated. When the bus voltage at the nonessential load, POL2, decreases below the lower-limit, the controller interrupts the load as shown in Figure 5.17. This action reduces system loading which results in higher bus voltage and guarantees that the higher priority loads remain energized. Just after 1.2 s, the load on POL3 decreases to the original level. The bus voltage rises as load is removed from the system. The dynamic load controller at POL2 senses that the voltage is now above the upper-limit and restores operation of the load, returning the system to the original configuration. Figure 5.18 illustrates dynamic load interruption for more complicated sequence of load changes. Initially only POL2 is on (the high load shed for POL1 and POL3 is because they were manually turned off.) The bus voltages for POL2 and POL3 are the same since there is no current flowing in the last bus segment. At 1.1 s, POL3 turns on (the load shed signal goes


low) which causes the voltage at each node on the bus to decrease. At 2.4 s, the load at POL3 increases, shown as the load step signal going high. The bus voltages decrease again. Now, the voltage at POL3 is near the UVP limit. At 3.7 s, POL1 turns on. Since POL2 is a nonessential load, the local controller interrupts it to prevent the bus voltage from dropping below the UVP limit for the essential load at POL3. At 5.25 s, the load at POL1 turns off. Since the system can


now support the load interrupted, the load control restores POL2. System Voltages

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

Vs POL1 POL2 POL3 UVP Load Shed

POL1 1 0 POL2 1 0 POL3 1 0 Load Step POL1 1 0 POL2 1 0 POL3 1 0





0.8 1 Time [s]





Figure 5.17: The lowest priority load (POL2) is shed following the increase at POL3, thus allowing the higher priority loads 1 and 3 to remain on.


dv/dt-Based Dynamic Load Interruption Information about the health of the system can also be obtained from the rate-of-change

of the bus voltage. Whereas a gradual decrease in bus voltage could occur as the system is progressively loaded, a sudden decrease in voltage might signify a more serious event such as the partial loss of generation or topological reconfiguration. The dynamic load interruption control can be made to react differently to each depending on the priority of the load.



System Voltages

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

POL1 POL2 POL3 UVP Load Shed

POL1 1 0 POL2 1 0 POL3 1 0 Load Step POL1 1 0 POL2 1 0 POL3 1 0




3 Time [s]




Figure 5.18: The lowest priority load (POL2) is shed to preserve voltage stability as the system is progressively loaded.

In the autonomous local controller, the bus voltage is sampled by an A/D and passed to the microcontroller. A timer-interrupt routine is used in order to ensure uniform sampling. Computing the time-rate-of-change of the bus voltage is straightforward: dv ∆b Vscale ⋅ Qresolution = dt tint N int


where ∆b is the number of bits that the sampled value changed by, t int is the time between interrupts (the interrupt period), N int is the number of periods, V scale is the gain of the voltage sensor, and Q resolution is the resolution in mV/bit of the A/D converter. Since the algorithm was implemented in the PIC using integer math and the expected value of dv/dt is small, ∆t was chosen to occur over four interrupt periods to increase numerical accuracy. It is important for the controller to know if the sensed dv/dt disturbance was self-induced or due to external events in the system. A self-induced disturbance occurs upon a load-restore command in response to sensing recovery of a previous bus transient. The prototype POL converter did not incorporate a soft-start feature that is often found in commercial designs. As


a result, the converter turned on, drawing full power and causing high dv/dt on the bus. To prevent the startup dv/dt from retriggering a load-shed event, the controller firmware was designed to ignore excessively large dv/dt thus discriminating against self-induced transients. A more robust method for future implementation is to include a flag to indicate that the POL converter was just re-enabled. Figures 5.19 and 5.20 illustrate the response of the controller to different rates-of-change of the bus voltage of -7 V/s and -12 V/s, respectively. At 2.3 s, the source voltage begins to decrease. In Figure 5.19, the controller senses the slow decrease and does not react. In Figure 5.20, the rapid decrease in voltage triggers load interruption. With the bus unloaded, the voltage at the POL is the same as at the source. Load operation is restored following the transient. The dv/dt threshold can be programmed for different load priorities exactly like the upper and lower voltage limits.

System Voltages

23 22


21 20


19 18 17 16 15

Load Shed 1 0 0



0.6 Time [s]



Figure 5.19: Controller does not respond to a slowly decreasing bus voltage.



System Voltages

23 22


21 20


19 18 17 16 15

Load Shed 1 0 0



0.6 Time [s]




Figure 5.20: Rapid decrease in bus voltage triggers load shed.


Combined Under Voltage and dv/dt Load Shed The bus voltage control law in (5.9) and dv/dt-based control are combined in the

autonomous controller firmware to coordinate controller response with system conditions and load priorities. The load priorities and controller parameters are given in Table 5.6. Figure 5.21 illustrates progressive voltage collapse in the system. Initially, the rate of collapse is slow at 2.5 V/s. At 0.62 s, the control at the nonessential load POL2 detects that the bus voltage has dropped below the lower-limit and interrupts the load, shown in detail in Figure 5.22. Soon after, the rate of decline of the bus voltage increases to 13 V/s. The controller on the semiessential load, POL1, detects the rapidly changing voltage and interrupts the load. The essential load remains energized throughout the entire transient event. At 1.6 s, the transient has passed and the bus voltage begins to rise. The loads are restored in priority order, beginning with POL1 followed by POL2. Thus, in this example a combination of undervoltage and rate-ofchange were used to interrupt load and the system progressively became worse. Voltage sensing was used to automatically restore load operation as the system recovered and the bus voltage rose.


Table 5.6: Load priority assignment in the three-bus test-bed including dv/dt control.


Priority Lower-limit Upper-limit dv/dt threshold

POL1 Semiessential 18.820 V 19.000 V -6 V/s

POL2 Nonessential 15.800 V 19.575 V n/a

POL3 Essential 0V 0V n/a



System Voltages

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11




Load Shed POL1 POL2 POL3

1 0 1 0 1 0





Time [s]

Figure 5.21: Response to progressive voltage collapse where undervoltage load shed turns off the lowest priority load followed by dv/dt based load shed for the medium priority load.


Signal Conditioning Implementation of these techniques requires good signal conditioning to avoid noise and

discern the real “information” in the bus voltage. Simple low-pass filtering introduces phase delays and removes important information. Instead, a combination of techniques was used. The hysteretic control in Section 5.3 works best with filtered data since noise can cause false triggering. A finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter was used to smooth the sensed bus voltage. The dv/dt based control in Section 5.4, however, requires a different approach. Here a moving average filter was used. A large negative dv/dt is assumed to be due to the selfinduced transients of the control’s converter and is therefore ignored. The value of zero is used for that sample in the moving average.


System Voltages 22


21 20



19 18 17



16 15 14



13 Load Shed 1 POL1 0 1 POL2 0 1 POL3 0 0.54





0.64 Time [s]






Figure 5.22: Undervoltage load interruption of POL2 shortly after 0.62 s followed by dv/dt triggered load interruption of POL1 in response to increase in rate of decline of system voltage.

The control algorithm uses dwell timers to ensure stable switching and prevent false triggering due to the transients created by the converter and bus dynamics by delaying the control response. Three separate timers are used: dv/dt turn-off timer (5.21), hysteretic turnon timer (5.22), and hysteretic turn-off timer (5.23). The complete controller firmware with the embodiment of these algorithms is provided in Section A.3. ⎫ ⎧ dv If ⎨ < threshold ⎬ then dt ⎭ ⎩ -Turn off load


-Set dwell timer (CNT1) If {Vin > Vmax } then -Set dwell timer (CNT2) ⎧CNT1 expires or not set ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ If ⎨and ⎬ then ⎪CNT2 expires ⎪ ⎩ ⎭ Turn on load



If {Vin < Vmax } then -Set dwell timer (CNT_off) If {CNT_off expires}then


Turn on load


Bilevel Programming The problem of finding the dynamic load interruption voltage limits can be generalized

through the framework of mathematical programming, with results suitable for extension to arbitrarily large systems. A bilevel program, a sub-subset of mathematical programming, has a hierarchy of two optimization problems; the variables of the outer program are constrained by the optimal solution of the inner program [164, 165]. The max-min problem, one particular bilevel program, has been studied recently within the context of the power system “Terrorist Threat Problem” [166-168] and represents a formulation where the outer and inner objective functions are different. The objective of dynamic load interruption is to ensure that the highest priority loads remain energized. A bilevel program is useful here in order to maximize the number of loads that can operate subject to the constraints of priority, system network flow, and undervoltage protection. Consider an objective function which represents the performance score for the system: ∑c jx j


where c j = Priority of the j th load x j = Interruption signal for the j th load


Let ⎧0, interrupted x j ∈⎨ ⎩1, unconstrained


indicate that the load has either been interrupted or is unconstrained. If the load is unconstrained, the load is free to operate in any output power state, including off. The loads are multiplied by a weighting coefficient based on priority:


cnon − essential < csemi − essential < cessential


Since the control objective is to ensure that loads are allowed to operate in priority order, the weighting coefficients are chosen such that that the sum of lower priority weighting coefficients is less than the higher priority weighting coefficient. A candidate function to generate the weighting factors for an arbitrary system is


c ∈ 2 m −1 , m = 1,2... M priority levels



The objective of the program is to find the control parameter Vmin that results from the bilevel problem:

min ∑ c j x j


i, v, x, u



subject to the network constraints: v j = v j −1 − ibus j Z j N


ibus j = ∑ i j k= j

where Z j is the j th bus impedance, N is the number of loads, and v0 is the prescribed source voltage, the j th load power:

( )

x j p j u j = v ji j


and the voltage constraints to keep loads from turning off due to undervoltage



j Vmin − v j ≤ M 1− x j , M > 0


The auxiliary variables are defines as u j = Operation the j th load; u j ∈ {off , base, high} v j = Bus voltage of the j th load ibus j = Bus current in the j th bus p j = Power withdrawn from the system at the j th load i j = Current withdrawn from the system by the j th load



To verify the optimization formulation, consider the case when the voltage at the jth load is greater than the lower-limit. The load is unconstrained, so by definition x j = 1 . Therefore, from (5.29), j j Vmin − v j ≤ 0 ⇒ Vmin ≤vj


which confirms the desired operation. Now, consider the case where load interruption occurs. By definition, x j = 0 . From (5.29) j ∃M > 0 s.t. 0 < Vmin −vj ≤ M


The objective of the inner minimization function is to find the worst-case performance index where the most important loads do not have sufficient voltage to turn on by the control law in (5.9). The objective of the outer optimization is to maximize the value of the worst-case configuration performance index. Thus the max-min optimization results in the best, worstcase operation. The result of the bilevel program in (5.26) – (5.30) is the lower-limit for load interruption in the control law (5.9). A similar formulation can be written to obtain the upperlimit for load restoration. 5.8

Impedance-Based Online Measurements The methods discussed so far are suitable when the upper and lower limits for dynamic

load interruption can be computed off-line. Techniques for on-line measurement of the impedance ratio at the POL-bus interface, suitable for integration into point-of-load converters, have been proposed as a method to detect system faults [169, 170]. These techniques are useful here because the measured impedance relationship can be used as a signal to sense the health of the system. Figure 5.23 shows the bus voltages of the system in Figure 5.1 responding to a change in load at POL2 and POL3. The dashed lines show that the system behavior, without dynamic load interruption, leads to voltage collapse. The bus voltage at POLC3 is below the minimum input voltage and the converter falls out of regulation. The solid lines show the system response when load interruption is enabled. POL2, the nonessential load, turns off when the sensed bus voltage drops below the threshold value, which arrests voltage collapse. Figure 5.24


shows the ratio of POL converter input impedance to the Thevenin system impedance for each converter. Without load interruption control, this ratio for POLC3 drops below unity, a violation of the Middlebrook criterion for stability. Enabling the load interruption prevents the ratio from becoming less than unity. An interesting problem left for future work is to study the linkage between the impedance relationship at each point-of-load converter and the system voltage. Figures 5.23 and 5.24 suggest that measuring the ratio on-line can provide another way that autonomous local controls can sense the condition of the system and interrupt load to prevent voltage collapse. 5.9

Conclusions This chapter examined autonomous local controllers in a single-bus system. On the supply

side, droop control is used to share current among many source converters. The small-signal characteristics of droop control were shown here to add damping to a system. Changes in the bus voltage, whether because of changes in supply or the need to damp the system, convey valuable information to controls distributed in the system. On the load side, intelligent dynamic load interruption is presented as a local control that stabilizes the system by reducing demand. A challenge to it is determining the values for the undervoltage and load-restoration set points. An algorithm based on an exhaustive load-flow analysis was used for the demonstration system. The problem was later generalized as a bilevel mathematical program that is suitable for an arbitrarily sized system. It was shown that dynamic load control changes the effective system impedance. Monitoring this impedance is a candidate for an on-line technique to initiate dynamic load control and is proposed for future work.




20 15 10 5 POL 2


20 15 10 5 POL 3


20 15 10 5 0.35



0.5 time[s]




Figure 5.23: Bus voltage at each point-of load converter. Without load interruption (dotted lines) the bus voltage collapses and POL3 falls out of regulation. With dynamic load interruption enabled (solid lines), because the load at POLC2 is shed, the bus voltages remain strong.




Zin / Zsys

4 3 2 1 0 POL 2


Zin / Zsys

4 3 2 1 0 POL 3


Zin / Zsys

4 3 2 1 0 0.35



0.5 time[s]




Figure 5.24: Impedance ratio at the interface between the point-of load converter and the system. Without load interruption (dotted lines) the impedance ratio for POLC3 drops below unity. With dynamic load interruption enabled (solid lines) the impedance ratio at each converter is prevented from remaining near unity.


CHAPTER 6 BUS SELECTION IN MULTIBUS SYSTEMS A dc distribution system can be made more reliable by using multiple buses for redundancy, shown in Figure 6.1. Multiple buses provide multiple configuration options for supplying power to the load: power can be supplied from multiple buses simultaneously, from multiple buses but only one at a time, or from only one bus. The first two choices require additional effort to control how the load is divided. Bus selection autonomously selects the most appropriate bus to power the load. Auctioneering diodes, a common technique of bus selection, will be shown to result in ill-defined bus currents when the bus voltages are similar. The control techniques of active switching and bus converters with auctioneering diodes will be presented to remediate this problem.

Figure 6.1: Dual bus redundant system.

When load power is drawn from multiple buses simultaneously, an interface is required between the load and each bus to avoid directly tying the buses together. Multiple input power converters, which allow simultaneous operation from one or more sources [171, 172], might be applicable. However, they have complicated operation and design. Further, drawing power from multiple buses can complicate the generation dispatch on each bus. It is also possible to cycle through all available buses but draw power from only one at a time. This scheme requires persistent switching and draws discontinuous current from each bus, which can excite system resonances and cause voltage oscillations. Thus it is likely that in a multiple bus system, each load will be connected to only one bus.


This chapter focuses on a bus selection strategy where the load draws power from the bus with the higher voltage. This results in lower current and thus lower losses. Discrete auctioneering diodes, an inexpensive solution for OR’ing multiple supply buses, are a common solution. The diode action automatically and passively chooses the bus with the highest voltage to supply the load, yet it provides instantaneous transfer if that voltage suddenly drops. It also prevents reverse current, or back-feeding. The voltage of each bus depends on the impedance of the topology configuration and the operating point of the system. Simply diode-connecting the point-of-load converter to each bus results in indeterminate current flow when the buses have similar voltages. The result is that both buses end up supplying the load, but the currentsharing is uncontrolled. Thus, auctioneering diodes is not the best choice. A more sophisticated solution is to actively control which bus supplies the load. Forward conducting, bidirectional blocking switches allow full control of the bus selection process yet retain the reverse current protection that the diodes provided. A simple control strategy is to select the bus with the higher voltage which mimics the ideal auctioneering diode but avoids the indeterminate current sharing when bus voltages are close. This simple control, however, is subject to chattering, as the switching-induced transient conditions excite the dynamics of the bus and cause the bus voltages to oscillate. The control challenge becomes how to prevent excessive switching and constant perturbation of the system. Hybrid system theory provides a framework to prevent chattering through “slow switching” [173]. Dwell time is examined as a technique to inhibit switching due to the system transient behavior. With excessive switching prevented, the bus selector can then autonomously choose the configuration which results in the highest voltage supplied to the load. 6.1

Bus Selection: Auctioneering Diodes Consider the dual bus redundant system supplying a resistive load shown in Figure 6.2

where each bus is represented as an ideal voltage source with some series resistance. The first order analysis of the circuit assumes a constant voltage-drop approximation for the diodes. Applying Kirchoff’s voltage law to the left and right loops results in the branch equations: 106

vload = Vs1 − i1Rs1 − VD1 vload = Vs 2 − i2 Rs 2 − VD 2

(6.1) (6.2)

Figure 6.2: Diode OR’ed dual buses supplying a resistive load.

Kirchoff’s current law applied to the center node contributes an additional equation: iload = i1 + i2


Finally, the constitutive equation for the load relates dependent variables: vload = iload ⋅ Rload


In this trivial example, closed-form solutions for the bus currents can be found by solving Equations (6.1) through (6.4): R (V − V ) + Rload (VD 2 − VD1 + VS1 − VS 2 ) i1 = s 2 S1 D1 RS1RS 2 + Rload (RS1 + RS 2 )

R (V − VD 2 ) + Rload (VD1 − VD 2 + VS 2 − VS1 ) i2 = s1 S 2 RS1RS 2 + Rload (RS1 + RS 2 )


The v-i characteristics of a typical power rectifier, shown in Figure 6.3, are more complicated than represented by the voltage-drop or voltage-drop plus resistor models. In general, the voltage drop of the nth diode can be written as a function of the forward current: v Dn = f Dn (in )


When the constant diode voltage is replaced by (6.6), the solution for the bus currents becomes nonlinear: i1 =

Rs 2 [VS1 − f D1 (i1 )] + Rload [ f D 2 (i2 ) − f D1 (i1 ) + VS1 − VS 2 ] RS1RS 2 + Rload (RS1 + RS 2 )

R [V − f D 2 (i2 )] + Rload [ f D1 (i1 ) − f D 2 (i2 ) + VS 2 − VS1 ] i2 = s1 S 2 RS1RS 2 + Rload (RS1 + RS 2 )



Rd = 95mΩ

Rd = 95mΩ Rd = 32mΩ

Rd = 32mΩ

Figure 6.3: Forward bias characteristics of the MUR3040PT [174].

In the distributed dc systems, the resistive load is often replaced by a closed-loop switching power converter as shown in Figure 6.4. The constant power characteristic, including converter losses, changes the constitutive equation for the load on the buses: Pout


= vload ⋅ iload


where η is the efficiency of the converter and Pout is the output power of the point-of-load converter. Since losses in a switched-mode power converter are a function of the operating point of the converter, the efficiency is a function of input voltage η = fη (vin ) . The constitutive equation at the input of the point-of-load converter becomes Pout = vload ⋅ iload fη (vin )

The system is now quadratic in terms in the source currents.



Figure 6.4: Diode OR’ed dual buses supplying a dc-dc point-of-load converter.

Equation (6.9) is solved for the load voltage and substituted into (6.1) and (6.2) Pout = Vs1 − i1Rs1 − VD1 fη (vin1 ) iload Pout

fη (vin 2 ) iload

= V s 2 − i2 R s 2 − V D 2

(6.10) (6.11)

Finally, the nonlinear diode is substituted for the constant voltage-drop model. The final Kirchoff’s voltage law equations become Pout = Vs1 − i1Rs1 − f D1 (i1 ) fη (vin1 )iin


Pout = Vs 2 − i2 Rs 2 − f D 2 (i2 ) fη (vin 2 ) iin


While the circuit in Figure 6.4 will reach a steady state operating point, the solution for the equilibrium point of Equations (6.3), (6.12), and (6.13) is nontrivial. This is important when system security contingencies are simulated, generation is dispatched, or detailed load-flow is required a priori. 6.1.1

Experimental results

The circuit in Figure 6.2 was implemented experimentally to confirm the crossover (current commutation) characteristics of current sharing. A symmetric condition was tested with both series resistances chosen to be identical. The auctioning diodes were the ultra-fast rectifier MUR160, which has ratings of 1 A and 600 V. Voltage source VS1 was held constant while voltage source VS2 was swept. Data was taken for two values of the series resistance, representing different system impedances. The significant effect of series resistance is seen in Figure 6.5 which supports the analysis that, as the source resistance approaches zero, the diodes behave close to ideal. In the presence of finite, nonzero source impedance, such as the


resistance of the bus and the interconnections, current sharing occurs over a wider range of bus voltage separation.

1 D2



Diode Current [% of Load]



∆ ∆




0.3A, Rs=0.0 Ω 0.6A, Rs=0.0 Ω 0.6A, Rs=1.0 Ω 0.3A, Rs=2.2 Ω




0 -2.0



-0.5 0 0.5 Voltage Difference (V1−V2)




Figure 6.5: Current sharing in a diode OR'ed dual bus system with resistive load.

The experiment was repeated, replacing the resistive load with the closed-loop buck converter (details provided in APPENDIX A) to test the operation of the system in Figure 6.4. The results reveal that the auctioneering diodes with a constant power load have similar current crossover characteristics as the auctioneering diodes with a resistive load. The constant-power load, however, adds additional complication to the current sharing that prevents these smooth commutation curves from occurring in a dynamic sense. The results in Figure 6.6 were only attainable by slowly varying the bus voltage and allowing the system to stabilize at the new operating point. Thus, the plot captures the permissible steady-state operation but does not represent the system trajectory as it moved from one operating point to the next. Because of the nonlinear nature of the diode circuit, the operating point is sensitive to disturbances in the bus voltages. The implication is that simply diode OR’ing a point-of-load converter to multiple buses does not provide a good, deterministic solution.


1 D2



Diode Current [% of Load]



∆ ∆



0.5A, Rs=0.0 Ω 1.0A, Rs=0.0 Ω 0.5A, Rs=1.1 Ω 1.0A, Rs=1.1 Ω





0 -2.0



-0.5 0 0.5 Voltage Difference (V1−V2)




Figure 6.6: Current sharing in a diode OR'ed dual bus system with closed-loop buck converter load.


Bus Selection: Active Control Although the diode OR’ing technique is a reliable and low cost technique in a multiple bus

system, it has a number of drawbacks that include operating point sensitivity, scalability issues at high power, undetectable diode failure that jeopardizes system reliability, and limited system reconfigurability. As current levels increase, the voltage drop of the diode dissipates substantial power – the same problem experienced by freewheeling diodes in dc-dc converters. An open diode, which is undetectable if another diode is conducting, reduces the redundancy of the system. A shorted diode unintentionally energizes other buses which presents a hazardous condition for maintenance and a potential path for circulating current. Finally, the inability to control the current flow limits the reconfigurability of the system. An alternative approach is to replace the diodes with active switches shown in Figure 6.7. Forward-conducting bidirectional-blocking switches, shown using the restricted switch symbols [127], provide reverse current protection, like diodes, but also allow external control of the device state. The simplest control strategy is to mimick the behavior of the auctioneering diodes by selecting the bus with the higher voltage. More sophisticated controls


can utilize a voltage profile so that switching only occurs if the voltage drops below a threshold or changes too quickly. Using controlled switches also allows monitoring of the switch devices to detect if short or open failures have occurred. The disadvantage of using the controlled switching scheme shown in Figure 6.7 is that, unlike diodes, there is no fail-safe mechanism which automatically guarantees load operation if at least one bus is energized.

Figure 6.7: Dual bus system with active-switched bus selection supplying a dc-dc point-of-load converter.

A topology that retains the fault-tolerant qualities of auctioneering diodes but also provides complete control of the bus selection is a bus converter in series with a diode as shown in Figure 6.8. The bus converters can be run in either open-loop or closed-loop mode. In openloop, the output voltages track the bus voltages and are programmed such that there is a large difference between the voltages v1 and v2 to avoid the current-sharing problem of using diodes alone. If a bus or converter fails, the load converter is automatically transferred by diode action to the remaining bus. In closed-loop, the output voltages are regulated to maintain the programmed levels.

Figure 6.8: Dual bus system with bus converters and auctioneering diodes.

When the bus converters are run in closed-loop, more sophisticated control algorithms are possible. The gain and bandwidth of the controller affect how closely the output of the bus converter tracks the bus voltage. The magnitude and rate of change of the reference voltage control the exact trajectory of current through the current-crossover region of the auctioneering diodes. In some applications, it may be desirable to designate a particular bus as the primary bus and other buses as backup buses. Events such as the bus voltage dipping below a threshold value or changing too quickly, signs that there is trouble with that system, trigger


the bus controller on the primary bus to lower the output voltage or to switch to unregulated behavior, which allows the auctioneering diode to automatically commutate to the backup bus. 6.3

Simulation Results The dual-bus circuit with auctioneering diodes and point-of-load dc-dc converter in Figure

6.4 was simulated in DYMOLA. The results for a change in system impedance are shown in Figure 6.9. Initially, the load is supplied entirely by bus 1, and the output voltage of the auctioneering diode circuit is one diode-drop below the voltage at bus 1. At 1.0 s the impedance on bus 1 increases. The difference in the bus voltages moves the operating point inside of the crossover region in Figure 6.6. The increase in impedance on bus 1 affects the system in two ways: the difference between the two bus voltages is reduced and the crossover region (the voltage range over which both auctioneering diodes conduct current) is widened. Thus the system operating point is now within in the crossover region and current-sharing is determined by the relative bus impedances. Since no hard switching occurred, the dynamics of the system are smooth. 29.0 28.5

Voltage [V]

28.0 27.5 27.0



26.5 26.0

bus1,bus2=26.162V bus2=26.804V




Current [A]

2.50 2.00

out=2.090A output



1.50 1.00


0.50 0.00

bus2=0A 0.2




1 time [s]





Figure 6.9: Dual bus system after change in source impedance using auctioneering diodes.



Since the operating point using auctioneering diodes depends on the relative system impedances, current sharing is not static and can change as the system impedances change. The auctioneering diodes were replaced with controllable switches as shown in Figure 6.7 to allow precise control over bus selection. The control law governing the switch operations is defines as bus1 if v1 ≥ v 2 + δ bus2 if v 2 < v1 + δ


The δ term introduces hysteresis to prevent chattering if the bus voltages are close. The system is initially in steady state with the load supplied from bus 1. The ideal switches have negligible voltage drop so the output voltage of the bus selector is the same as the voltage at bus 1. Like the previous example, the impedance of bus 1 is increased at 1.0 s, which lowers the voltage at the bus selector. The bus selector senses the change in the voltage on bus 1 and reacts by switching to bus 2 when the conditions in (6.14) are satisfied. The switching action unloads bus 1 causing its voltage to rise, and loads bus 2 causing its voltage to decrease. The sudden change excites the system dynamic which causes a large swing in the bus voltage and current. The system behavior, shown in Figure 6.10, exhibits persistent switching limited due to the hysteresis window. Thus this simple switching control law destabilizes an otherwise stable system. More advanced control laws are required to prevent periodic switching. The application of the dwell-time concept prevents switching from occurring immediately. Transient events are initiated in a distribution system due to changes in the operating point of the system. This can occur due to a change in load or topology – changes that affect the system impedance. Dwell time is used to prevent the bus selector control from reacting to these transient events. Figure 6.11 is a bus selector with dwell time responding first to a step change in load power and then to a step change in system impedance. Initially the load is supplied from bus 1, which was designated as the primary bus. Bus selection is indicated by the select signal. The dwell flag is initially set low, indicating that the control is monitoring the bus voltage and ready to respond to a change. At 0.5 s, the load on the output of the bus selector increases. The step-change excites a system transient response during which the instantaneous primary bus voltage drops below the alternate bus voltage. When this occurs, a dwell timer is started and the dwell flag is set. After the dwell timer expires, 114

chosen to be 0.3 s in this simulation, the controller re-examines the bus voltages and determines if a switching event is required. Since the voltage of the primary bus, after the transients subside, remains higher than the voltage of the alternate bus, no switching occurs. Thus dwell time prevents destabilizing switching by separating the bus dynamic response from

Voltage [V]

the steady-state operating point. 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 3.5

bus1 bus2 ouput

Current [A]

3.0 2.5 bus1 bus2 ouput

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.9





1 time [s]






Figure 6.10: Dual bus system after change in source impedance using ideal switch selection.

At 1.0 s, the impedance of the primary bus increases. This change causes the sensed instantaneous primary bus voltage to drop below the alternate bus voltage and again starts the dwell timer. After the dwell period ends at 1.3 s, the dwell flag is reset and the controller reexamines the bus voltages. Since the steady state value of the primary bus voltage is now below the alternate bus voltage, the load switches from the primary bus to the alternate bus. The signal select reflects the new configuration. The switching excites system transients on both buses and the dwell timer is restarted to avoid triggering further switching. When the dwell timer expires, the bus selector control examines the bus voltages. For a dual bus system, there are three possible results: the switch resulted in an increase in the output voltage of the controller, a decrease in the output voltage, or no change. In the case shown in Figure 6.11, the switch to the alternate bus resulted in higher output voltage of the bus selector. Since this is


the desirable result, no further switching occurs. The dwell signal remains set for additional time to prevent further switching and allow stabilization at the new steady-state condition. 30.0 29.5

output, bus1

Voltage [V]

29.0 bus1

28.5 28.0 27.5 27.0


output, bus2


Bus Select


26.0 1 0 1 2 0.2




1 time [s]






Figure 6.11: The bus selector switches from the primary bus (bus1) to the alternate bus (bus2) at 1.3 s following a change in system impedance at 1.0 s. This results in the highest voltage for the downstream load converter.

Switching to the alternate bus does not always result in higher voltage on the output of the bus selector. In Figure 6.12, the steady state bus selector output voltage after switching at 1.3 s is lower than before switching. The controller switches back to the primary bus when the dwell timer expires at 1.6 s. The dwell signal remains set to prevent further switching. It is also possible that switching to the alternate bus results in identical bus selector output voltage. While in practice this is unlikely to occur, the controller can be configured to either switch back to the primary bus to preserve the preferred topology or remain connected to the alternate bus to eliminate additional switching. The simulations in Figures 6.11 and 6.12 do not include a hysteresis window in the comparison of the bus voltages. A hysteresis window can be used to increase noise immunity and prevent false switching. A nonsymmetric hysteresis window can be used to enforce a preference for the primary bus.


30.0 29.5

output, bus1

Voltage [V]

29.0 28.5 28.0



27.5 output, bus1

27.0 26.5

Bus Select


26.0 1 0 1 2 0.2




1 time [s]






Figure 6.12: The bus selector switches from the primary bus (bus1) to the alternate bus (bus2) at 1.3 s following a change in system impedance at 1.0 s. However, this does not result in the highest output voltage. Thus, at 1.6 s the controller switches back to the primary bus.

Active-switching requires a break-before-make sequence to avoid shorting the buses. This produces discontinuous currents that excited bus dynamics. The result is voltage ringing, EMI, and potentially adverse interaction with other system components. Another limitation is that there is no built-in fail-safe condition if the bus selector ceases to function. Bus converters followed by auctioneering diodes, shown in Figure 6.8, provide smooth current commutation and fault-tolerant operation. The test system in Figure 6.13 consists of two buses each with independent sources. Each bus supplies a dedicated load and a bus converter. The bus converters have the same buck topology as the point-of-load converters and are run in closedloop with P-I control to regulate their output voltage. The controller gain terms of the bus converter are chosen to keep the dynamics slow to improve stability. The output of the two bus converters are connected to the point-of-load converter by auctioneering diodes. The point-of-load converter provides the final regulation for the load.


Lbus2,2 Cbus2,2









+ Vbus2,2 -


i2 v2 + Vbus2,1 -


Bus Converter 2

iout vout

i1 v1 +

Vbus1,1 -

Bus Converter 1



Bus Selector Lbus1,2 Cbus1,2

+ Vbus1,2 -


Figure 6.13: Bus selection using bus controllers and auctioneering diodes. Bus controllers respond to changing bus voltage by adjusting the output voltage V1 and V2 so that diode action smoothly commutates current from one bus to the other.

The results of the simulation are shown in Figure 6.14. The system is initially in steady state. The open-circuit voltage of VS1 is 48 V and VS2 is 46 V. Both sources initially have the same source resistance. The reference voltage for bus converter 1 is set to 30 V, and bus converter 2 is set to 27 V which is sufficient to avoid the crossover region of the auctioneering diodes. At 0.5 s, the load on POLC3 increases suddenly. None of the converters has an input filter to smooth the effects of the step-change, so ringing is observed. The increased loading causes the voltage at bus 1 to drop but is it still greater than the voltage on bus 2. The output of the bus converter initially tracks the change on the bus voltage until the P-I controller restores regulation. At 1.2 s, the source impedance on bus 1 increases by a factor of 3.5 causing the voltage on bus 1 to drop below bus 2. The P-I controller slowly brings the output of the bus converter back into regulation; however, the voltage at bus 1 remains less than the voltage at bus 2.




Voltage [V]



46 bus4



44 43 32


Voltage [V]

30 28




v2 vout

v1 v2 vout

24 22



Current [A]


i1, iout


i2, iout

1.5 i1 i2 iout

1 0.5 0

i2 0





i1 2.5 time [s]






Figure 6.14: Bus controller with smooth current commutation via auctioneering diodes.

At 3.0 s, after allowing time for system transients to subside, the reference voltage for bus converter 1 is reduced from 30 V to 20 V over a 0.5 s period. As the voltage at v1 falls, the auctioneering diodes enter the crossover region and current begins to commutate from bus 1 to bus 2. Unlike in the hard-switched examples, the trajectories are smooth. The only ringing is caused by diode D1, modeled as a voltage drop plus resistance, turning off abruptly. Thus, the bus converters were programmed to carefully control the exact crossover profile which resulted in smooth bus switching.



Stable Bus Selection with State Dependent Switching In a multiple bus system where active switching is based on the sensed bus voltages, the

bus selection process is prone to excessive switching due to the dynamics of the system. Chattering can also occur in a high-impedance system because the bus voltages change as a function of loading. This section examines active switched bus selection using properties of hybrid switched systems to develop an analytical justification for using dwell time to ensure stable switching. This analysis begins by assuming that each point of load converter has appropriate filtering so that the input current from the bus is continuous and smooth. The input filter also decouples the switching dynamics of the converter from the slower dynamics of the input bus. Therefore the system, viewed from the bus side, exhibits smooth dynamics that evolve according to the differential algebraic model x& = f ( x, y, z ) 0 = g ( x, y , z )


The function f (x, y, z ) represents the continuous system dynamics and g (x, y, z ) provides the constitutive algebraic equations of the network that determine the bias point of the system. The variable x is the continuous state variables of inductor currents and capacitor voltages, y is the auxiliary variables such as source voltages, and z is the binary discrete controls that represent connections of the load to the N supply buses. The set of possible binary controls is z ∈ Ζ = {0,1}N


Dynamic systems that involve the interaction of continuous and discrete dynamics are referred to as hybrid systems [175]. In the multibus system, switching ideally occurs only as needed. Thus the problem of interest becomes two continuous-time systems with isolated discrete switching events. This class of system, known as a switched system [175], can be derived from the hybrid multibus system by separating the discrete dynamics from the continuous dynamics in a switched differential algebraic model x& = f p (x, y ) 0 = g p ( x, y )



Control action to switch among the p source buses introduces state-dependent discrete switching events indexed by p where p (x, y ) ∈ P


The index set P is finite and contains the N supply buses from which to select to power the load P = {1,2 ,...N }


A second assumption is that all systems of (6.17) in set P are globally stable. This assumption is satisfied at the interface of the point-of-load converter and input filter by application of the Middlebrook criterion from (3.13). At the interface to the bus, the assumption is satisfied by verification of the property of passivity. The linearized system comprised of the power converter and input filter is written for each supply bus in P : x& p = Ap x p + B p u p y p = C Tp x p


Passivity is guaranteed for a Hurwitz matrix A and strictly positive real transfer function [175]:



g p (s ) = C pT sI − Ap −1 B p


Thus, all possible configurations of the point-of-load converter and supply buses are independently stable. However, it is well known that unconstrained switching can destabilize a switched system even if all individual subsystems are stable [175]. In the multibus system, there are two categories of events that can cause undesirable switching: excited system dynamics and susceptibility of bus voltage to loading. 6.4.1

System transient response

Events in a power system, such as switching or sudden change in load or generation, can excite system dynamics. In a properly damped, stable system, this dynamic response decays quickly. Active bus selection is a form of state-dependent switching where sensed bus voltage


is used to determine switching. The switch signal σ is chosen to select the bus with the highest voltage: ⎛

{ }⎞

σ = arg⎜⎜ max V p ⎟⎟, p ∈ P p ⎝


If the instantaneous bus voltages are evaluated in (6.22), the dynamics of the system response, shown at 0.5 s in Figures 6.11 and 6.12, can potentially trigger switching even though the steady-state values would not. Dwell time is a constrained switching technique that allows the transient effects to dissipate prior to applying the control law (6.14). If all subsystems are stable and the dwell time is sufficiently large, stability of the switched system is guaranteed [175]. Consider a candidate Lyapunov function that represents the magnitude of the transient ripple voltage on the p system buses: = p (t ) ≈ V p, ripple


Damping in the system provides the exponentially decaying characteristic to the system response, shown in Figure 6.15. Thus, for the normalized transient response the Lyapunov function in (6.23) can be approximated by an exponential function: = p (t ) = e

(−α p t )


where α p is related to the system damping of the pth bus. The Lyapunov function physically represents the envelope of the normalized transient response. An example is shown in Figure 6.16.

A lower bound on the dwell time is found when the envelope of the transient response decays to within the hysteresis limits of the switching control law (6.14): V p, ripple ≤ δ


This condition implies that the Lyapunov function has become sufficiently small as shown in Figure 6.16: 122

= p (t ) ≤ M


Thus the lower bound for the dwell time of the pth bus is

[ p, dwell

⎛ 1 ⎞ ln⎜ ⎟ M > ⎝ ⎠



where M Vload (t0− )⎫⎪⎬, t ≥ t + t (t0− ) if Vload ( t1 ) ≤ Vload (t0− )⎪⎭ 1 0 dwell


If switching results in higher voltage at the load, then the current switch configuration is retained and no further switching is required. If the new bus voltage is lower, then the system switches back to the original bus.

Analysis of stable switching is complicated by the memory in the control law (6.29). A useful analytical technique to avoid the complexities of controller memory is to divide the switched system in Figure 6.7 into two continuous-time subsystems, each comprised of one of the buses connected to the same load as shown in Figure 6.17. ibus1 Zs1

POL converter


ibus2 Zs2 Vs2


vbus2 POL converter

Figure 6.17: The switched system is divided into subsystems, each having the same load.


Thus the control formulation in (6.29) can be analyzed as a multiple equivalent continuous time systems. The new control system is shown in Figure 6.18. Each process represents one of the p continuous-time systems in (6.17) connected to the POL converter on the output of the bus selector. The multicontroller provides the auxiliary variables and switching signal that identifies the subsystem connected to the actual load. Since all processes evolve in continuous time, this new control formulation no longer requires memory.



Figure 6.18: Control formulation where each switched system is modeled as a continuous-time system. A multicontroller provides the auxiliary variables for each system and indicates the bus selector output. Since all systems evolve simultaneously, implementing bus selection control does not require memory.

The control law for Figure 6.18, following a bus transient at t0 and dwell time of tdwell, is ⎛

{ }

σ (t1 ) = arg⎜⎜ max Vq′ , q ∈ Q⎟⎟, t1 ≥ t0 + tdwell ⎝ q


The index set Q is finite and contains the combination of N supply buses with the bus selector load: Q = {1,2 ,...N }


It follows that if the bus selector knew a priori the effect of its load on each bus, at most one switch would be necessary to optimize the reconfiguration in (6.30) after a perturbation. This would require that the bus selector have a state estimator for each q configuration. A block diagram of one possible on-line implementation, suitable for use with an adaptive controller, is shown in Figure 6.19. As the system operates in the qth configuration, the controller tunes the estimator to track the true system. Other control implementations can include a neural network that is retrained to the new system after each reconfiguration.


Without knowledge of the performance of each subsystem, however, the bus selector is forced to switch and evaluate. For the dual bus system this translates into at least one switch shown in Figure 6.11 and at most two switches shown in Figure 6.12. Thus stable bus switching requires that the maximum number of switches switching is constrained after a system perturbation.

Figure 6.19: State estimator to implement single switch reconfiguration in a multibus system.


Conclusions This chapter examined methods for connecting a point-of-load converter to multiple

supply buses. It was shown that diode OR’ing, a commonly used method, provides smooth crossover from one bus to another but present an ill-defined operating state when the bus voltages are similar. Two alternative methods are presented. In the first, controlled switches replace the diodes and allow carefully orchestrated bus switching. Dwell time, a concept from hybrid switched-system theory, is used to prevent chattering and ensure stable switching. This active switching introduces discontinuous current onto the buses that may be undesirable for critical applications where interference or electromagnetic signature is a concern. A second solution is proposed that uses auctioneering diodes combined with bus converters. The diodes ensure continuous current and fail-safe operation and the bus converter programs the exact profile for bus switching.


CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS Direct current power systems are useful where reliability is of utmost importance. Traditional applications of dc systems include telephony and spacecraft. Newer applications include naval shipboard systems, industrial parks, and alternative energy distributed generation systems. Direct current has even been proposed as a distribution system in future office and residential buildings. In addition to improved reliability, these newer applications benefit from greater integration and management of total system resources. Demand-side management, a paradigm where the load is considered to be an integral partner in system operation and stability, is important for energy constrained systems such as shipboard power. Traditional applications can be made more reliable, particularly under emergency conditions, if loads can be managed to ensure that available energy is allocated for the most critical loads such as life support and egress systems in buildings. Fault-tolerant power architectures and control systems prevent faults or failures in a subsystem component from propagating to the entire system. This dissertation proposed a demonstration dc system that used dual buses and multiple supplies for redundancy. The focus for reliability, however, was on the controls. Autonomous locals reside and operate at each component in the system. They use information obtained locally, from the bus voltage, to modify the behavior of the component to meet an objective. These controls operate autonomously and do not rely on communication with a central controller or other peers. On the supply side, active droop control has been used before for current sharing in paralleled sources. Droop control was shown to add adjustable damping to the system. In both applications, whether due to partial loss of generation or the need for more damping, the bus voltage drops. On the load-side, point-of-load controllers sense this change in the bus voltage and can infer the health of the system. While they do not know why or how the bus voltage dropped, they can take steps locally to avert further deterioration. A load-side control strategy was proposed that integrates a power buffer, dynamic load interruption, and bus selection


based on the priority of the load, which provides a structured approach to the decision and control process. Details of operation for dynamic load interruption with automatic load restoration and bus selection were presented. Since these controls use state-dependent switching, chattering is a concern. Hysteresis and dwell time were used to ensure stable switching. Load interruption requires voltage set points. In the demonstration system, these were found using a search algorithm and exhaustive power flow. A general method, suitable for extension to an arbitrary system, was framed as a bilevel program. For bus selection, principles from hybrid systems were applied to analyze the system and ensure stable switching. In conclusion, this dissertation examines a fault-tolerant distributed dc system. Source-side and load-side techniques were presented that use the system voltage to convey information about the overall health of the system. Since these controls operate autonomously using locally obtained information, they enhance the reliability of the power system. 7.1

Future Work Since this work represented an early effort in this area, the emphasis was on developing the

overall methodology and techniques. The results presented here are encouraging and suggest that continued work in the area is appropriate. In particular, additional theoretical work is needed to explore these techniques in larger systems. The issue of existence and uniqueness of the solution to the bilevel programming problem is paramount to the applicability of these techniques. In addition, Chapter 5 outlined a method to obtain load-interruption parameters on-line by monitoring interface impedance. Further work in this area can provide a way for the autonomous controls to adapt more easily to a changing system, without needing a power flow program or system-level optimization. The techniques developed in this dissertation are more broadly applicable beyond the naval power system. In particular, commercial buildings can benefit from the priority-based local control for emergency operation. In a disaster scenario, when the building requires evacuation, critical loads such as emergency lighting and life support systems need preferential


access to electrical energy. Autonomous local controls ensure that there is no single point of failure for these critical loads. Another application for these techniques is in army mobile power. The current system does not automatically parallel mobile generators, nor does it allow for critical loads to be dual sourced. The techniques in this dissertation can increase the reliability of such a system as shown in Figure 7.1.

Multiple Sources

Mobil generators

Multiple Sources

Critical Load


Load Bus Selector

Load Load

Critical Load

Bus Selector Load ~1000 ft, 60-100 A cable 18 V drop end-to-end

Figure 7.1: Army mobile power system for forward camps.




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APPENDIX A EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE DETAILS Extensive custom-designed hardware and firmware were developed for experimental verification of the control algorithms in this dissertation. It is expected that this design effort can be leveraged by subsequent investigation. The important design components listed in Table A.1 have been documented and deposited in the in the UIUC Power Electronics Design Archives. Table A.1: UIUC Power Electronics Design Archive part numbers for custom hardware and firmware.

System Buck dc-dc converter schematic Buck dc-dc converter PCB POL controller schematic POL controller PCB Firmware for POL controller Heatsink assembly with fan

Part Number SK0019 PB0019 SK0023 PB0023 SW0027 PJ0018

This appendix is organized into sections providing details for the buck converter and POL controller listed in Table A.1. Section A.1 provides the design details for the buck dc-dc converter hardware. Section A.2 provides the design details for the point-of-load controller hardware. Section A.3 contains the listing of the firmware code for the point-of-load controller. A.1

Point-of-Load Buck Converter The design of the buck converter is deliberately simple to allow flexibility. The power stage

uses a high-side MOSFET as the main switch and supports either diode or synchronous rectification. A high and low side boot-strapped gate drive provides independent control for the main switch and synchronous rectification, if used. The output filter is designed for board mounting of two different sized ferrite pot cores. Extra pads are provided for other inductor form-factors. Multiple pads are provided for ceramic and electrolytic filter capacitors on both the output and input side. Output load can be connected on-board with pads spaced for 5 W Ohmite resistors or externally via banana jacks. A MOSFET allows a second on-board or external load to be switched in parallel with the primary load to support load-step operation.


Instrumentation is facilitated via a wire loop to allow a current probe to monitor the inductor current and test points to monitor important voltages. The voltage-mode control is implemented in discrete analog circuitry to allow direct observation or modification to all aspects of the PWM process. Extra op-amps are provided to support modification to current-mode control. Jumpers select between closed-loop and openloop operation. The PWM control signal is modified by a dead-time circuit to provide complementary signals with dead-time to support synchronous rectification. Test points are provided for each important control signal. The buck converter hardware was designed to work with a digital supervisory controller via a SPI interface. Four successive approximation 12 bit analog-to-digital converters monitor the input voltage, the output voltage, and the inductor current. The last channel is uncommitted. A dual channel digital potentiometer is jumper selectable to control the frequency of the voltage-controlled oscillator that generates the PWM ramp. The second channel is uncommitted and can be used with the extra op-amps to tune the performance of the feedback control. Extra digital signals enable the gate drive signal and load-step resistor. This section provides complete design and performance details for the buck converter. Figure A.1 shows the silkscreen later for the PCB and Figures A.2 – A.8 contain the electrical schematic. Figure A.9 show the design details for the custom filter inductor. Figure A.10 – A.15 provides experimental performance data for the voltage-mode buck converter. Figure A.16 – A.19 provide the theoretical analysis of the small-signal transfer functions for the open-loop and closed-loop buck converters.



Buck converter PCB silkscreen

Figure A.1: Buck dc-dc converter PCB silkscreen showing component layout.


Figure A.2: Buck converter schematic page 1: Converter topology.

A.1.2 Buck converter schematics


147 Figure A.3: Buck converter schematic page 2: Voltage mode control.

148 Figure A.4: Buck converter schematic page 3: Synchronous rectification dead time generator and gate drive.

149 Figure A.5: Buck converter schematic page 4: Inductor current sensor.

150 Figure A.6: Buck converter schematic page 5: A/D microcontroller interface.

151 Figure A.7: Buck converter schematic page 6: Digital potentiometer microcontroller interface.

152 Figure A.8: Buck converter schematic page 7: Power supply.

A.1.3 Buck converter filter inductor design T orroid Inductor design C opyright 2004 by R obert S .B alog, all rights reserved. Objective: T o design a powdered iron toroidal inductor. Design parameters are entered in highlighted regions. Database parts are all 26 type material powdered iron - yellow with white strip: (Data taken from Micrometals)

Inductor S pecifications: T130





14AW G

16AW G

18AW G

20AW G

22AW G

V max := 40 V

Maximum voltage across the inductor

L := 88mH

Desired inductance

f := 50kHz

S witching frequency

D := 30%

Duty ratio

p := 1

Number of parallel wires

O ther

C ore siz e available

W ire siz e available

Inductor design:

C ore parameters: A L = 81 nH

mr = 75

OD = 1.299 in Ht = 0.437 in

Number of turns: L

N := ceil

N = 33


S aturation Limitation: I max := N min :=

B sat A core AL N V max D B sat A core f

I max = 7.83 A

Maximum dc current to avoid saturation

N min = 11.5

Minimum number of turns to avoid ac flux saturation

Maximum energy storage: 2 lcore A core

W max := B sat

- 3

W max = 2.759 · 10

2 mcore


Length of wire for each turn: wirelengthturn := 2 Ht + 2 ( OD - ID )

wirelengthturn = 3.411 in

T otal length of wire needed (assumes close winding packing): wirelength := N wirelengthturn

wirelength = 112.564 in

DC S eries R esis tances (copper resistance): R S :=

R wire p

R S = 37.17 mW


P rint All

R ecalculate

Figure A.9: Buck converter inductor design.

A.1.4 Buck converter ripple The prototype converter was built using a MOSFET high-side switch and an ultrafast rectifier. The efficiency of the buck converter is greatest at high output voltage and low input voltage as shown in Figure A.10. High output voltage requires a high duty ratio for a given input voltage show in Figure A.11. Similarly, low input voltage requires a high duty ratio for a 153

given output voltage. At higher duty ratio D , the load current circulates through the freewheeling diode for a shorter portion of the switching period, 1 − D . Synchronous rectification improves efficiency, as shown in Figure A.12, by replacing the freewheeling diode with a second FET, thus substituting a resistor-based voltage drop for the fixed voltage drop of a diode. High-side gate drives required finite time to charge the bootstrap capacitor, thus limiting the maximum duty ratio attainable. This results in a loss of regulation and explains the flat portions of the efficiency curves in Figure A.10. Buck Converter Efficiency


5V, 10W 5V, 19W 5V, 43W 12V, 46W 12V, 89W

Duty Ratio Limit

0.98 0.96 0.94 Efficiency

0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0.78




20 25 Input Voltage [V]




Figure A.10: Buck converter efficiency as a function of input voltage.

The circuit performance of the experimental converter compares favorably to the performance predicted by the model as shown in Figure A.13. The model incorporates parasitic losses including the diode parameters and series resistances but does not include switching losses or the duty ratio limit of the gate drive circuit. The design of the prototype buck converter did not attempt to optimize voltage and current ripple. Instead, the filter components were chosen to produce reasonable ripple levels and enough controller bandwidth to offer reasonable closed-loop performance. The converter output voltage ripple as a function of the input voltage is shown in Figure A.14 and the inductor current ripple is shown in Figure A.15. The expected nominal input voltage in the test


system is between 20 V and 24 V which translates into a output voltage ripple between ±2.9% and ±5% and a current ripple between ±4% and ±10%. 7 Diode Rectification Synchronous Rectification


Static Loss [W]

5 4 3 2 1 0





4 5 6 Switch current [A]





Figure A.11: Comparison of expected static switch losses for a diode (Vd = 0.35 V, Rd = 0.032 Ω) and a FET (Rds = 0.028 Ω) assuming constant duty ratio.

Buck Converter Duty Ratio


Duty Ratio Limit


5V, 10W 5V, 19W 5V, 43W 12V, 46W 12V, 89W

80 Duty Ratio [%]

70 60 50 40 30 20 10




20 25 Input Voltage [V]



Figure A.12: Buck converter duty ratio as a function of input voltage.



Buck Converter: Vout = 5V, 43W 100

Duty Ratio Limit

Measured Experimentally Predicted by Model

90 80

Duty Ratio [%]

70 60 50 40 30 20 10




20 25 Input Voltage [V]




Figure A.13: Buck converter duty ratio comparison to model prediction.

Buck Converter Output Capacitor Voltage Ripple


5V, 10W 5V, 19W 5V, 43W 12V, 46W 12V, 89W

0.9 0.8

∆ v C [V]

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0




20 25 Input Voltage [V]




Figure A.14: Buck converter output voltage ripple. The term ∆vC refers to the peak-to-peak capacitor ripple voltage.


Buck Converter Inductor Current Ripple


5V, 10W 5V, 19W 5V, 43W 12V, 46W 12V, 89W


∆ iL [A]








20 25 Input Voltage [V]




Figure A.15: Buck converter inductor current ripple. The term ∆iL refers to the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current.

A.1.5 Buck converter small-signal analysis Circuit Parameters: Inductor: L=88 [uH], RL=0.081 [ohm] Capacitor: C=44 [uF], ESR=0.049 [ohm] FET: Rds(on)=0.028 [ohm] Diode: Vd=0.35 [V], Rd=0.032 [ohm] Vinput: 25.00 [V] Voutput: 5.00 [V] Load: R= 1.250 [ohm], 2.500 [ohm] Compensator: Rd1= 3.9 [kohm], Rd2= 1.0 [kohm] C1 =3900 [pF], C2 = 30 [pF], R1 =10.0 [kohm], R2 =12.0 [kohm], Rc1= 1.0 [kohm], Rc2= 1.0 [kohm] PWM: fswitch= 50 [kHz] Vref=1.282 [V], Vramp=12.0 [V]

C3 =4700 [pF] R3 = 0.2 [kohm]

DC operating point of converter model with Ideal source: Pout= 20 [W], D=0.229, IL= 4.00 [A], Vc=5.00 [V] Pout= 10 [W], D=0.220, IL= 2.00 [A], Vc=5.00 [V] Ripple approximation (full load): delta IL: 0.815 [A] -> +- 10.2 % delta VC: 0.046 [V] -> +- 0.5 % Ripple approximation (50% load): delta IL: 0.824 [A] -> +- 20.6 % delta VC: 0.047 [V] -> +- 0.5 % run 'ctrlpref' to change plot options


Buck Converter control to output Gvd(s): Transfer function: 6.766e-005 s + 31.71 ------------------------------------5.028e-009 s^2 + 9.707e-005 s + 1.362

Buck Converter control to output Gvd(s) 50% loaded: Transfer function: 0.0001353 s + 63.41 -----------------------------------9.868e-009 s^2 + 0.0001059 s + 2.612 Zero frequencies [kHz]: full load: 74.58 light load: 74.58 Pole frequencies [kHz]: full load: 2.62 2.62 light load: 2.59 2.59 Gain Margin (full load): Gm=Inf dB @ Phase Margin (full load): Pm=23.80 Deg @ DC gain: 27.3392 [db] 27.7041 [db]

NaN rad/s (NaN kHz) 8.05e+004 rad/s (12.81 kHz) Rated Load 50% load

The bode plot of the transfer functions above were used to generate Figure A.16. Buck Converter input to output Gvg(s): Transfer function: 6.101e-007 s + 0.2859 ------------------------------------5.028e-009 s^2 + 9.707e-005 s + 1.362 Buck Converter input to output Gvg(s) 50% loaded: Transfer function: 1.22e-006 s + 0.5718 -----------------------------------9.868e-009 s^2 + 0.0001059 s + 2.612 Zero frequencies [kHz]: full load: 74.58 light load: 74.58 Pole frequencies [kHz]: full load: 2.62 2.62 light load:




Gain Margin (full load): Gm=Inf dB @ Phase Margin (full load): Pm=Inf Deg @ DC gain: -13.5594 [db] -13.1944 [db]

NaN rad/s (NaN kHz) NaN rad/s (NaN kHz) Rated Load 50% load

The bode plot of the transfer functions above were used to generate Figure A.17. Buck Converter output impedance Zo(s): Transfer function: -2.347e-010 s^2 - 0.0001103 s - 0.1401 -------------------------------------5.028e-009 s^2 + 9.707e-005 s + 1.362 Buck Converter output impedance Zo(s) 50% loaded: Transfer function: -4.695e-010 s^2 - 0.0002206 s - 0.2802 -------------------------------------9.868e-009 s^2 + 0.0001059 s + 2.612 Zero frequencies [kHz]: full load: 74.58 50%t load: 74.58 Pole frequencies [kHz]: full load: 2.62 50%t load: 2.59 Gain Margin (full load): Gm=0.880077 dB Phase Margin (full load): Pm=24.07 Deg @

0.20 0.20 2.62 2.59 @

1.60e+004 rad/s (2.55 kHz)

1.20e+004 rad/s (1.91 kHz)

Compensator: H(s) Transfer function: 2.244e-009 s^2 + 9.474e-005 s + 1 -------------------------------------------1.32e-017 s^3 + 5.098e-011 s^2 + 3.93e-005 s Zero frequencies [kHz]: 3.40 3.32 Pole frequencies [kHz]: 0.00 445.50 169.31 Gain Margin: Gm=Inf dB @ NaN rad/s (NaN kHz) Phase Margin: Pm=91.29 Deg @ 1.70e+008 rad/s (27051.38 kHz) Feedback divider (sensor) scalar gain: Ho


Transfer function: 0.2041 Compensator actuator scalar gain: Ha Transfer function: 0.5 Modulator scalar gain: M Transfer function: 0.08333

The bode plot of the transfer functions above is shown in Figure A.18. Open Loop Gain: T(s)=Ho*H(s)Ha*M*Gvd(S) (at rated load): Transfer function: 1.518e-007 s^3 + 0.07755 s^2 + 3072 s + 3.171e007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------7.803e-018 s^5 + 3.029e-011 s^4 + 2.382e-005 s^3 + 0.4568 s^2 + 6295 s Zero frequencies [kHz] (full load): 74.58 3.40 3.32 Pole frequencies [kHz] (full load): 0.00 445.50 169.31 2.62 Gain Margin (full load): Gm=Inf dB @ Inf rad/s (Inf kHz) Phase Margin (full load): Pm=95.68 Deg @ 5.55e+003 rad/s (0.88 kHz)


The bode plot of the transfer function above is shown in Figure A.19 Open Loop Gain: T(s)=Ho*H(s)Ha*M*Gvd(S) (at 50% load): Transfer function: 3.036e-007 s^3 + 0.1551 s^2 + 6143 s + 6.342e007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------1.532e-017 s^5 + 5.933e-011 s^4 + 4.624e-005 s^3 + 0.5051 s^2 + 1.207e004 s Zero frequencies [kHz] (50% load): 74.58 3.40 3.32 Pole frequencies [kHz] (50% load): 0.00 445.50 169.31 2.59 Gain Margin (50% load): Gm=Inf dB @ Inf rad/s (Inf kHz) Phase Margin (50% load): Pm=107.21 Deg @ 6.55e+003 rad/s (1.04 kHz)



Bode Diagram

Magnitude (dB)

40 20 0 -20 -40 -60

Phase (deg)

0 -45 -90 -135 -180 2 10











Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure A.16: Theoretical control to output Gvd(s) transfer function. Solid line is for rated load, dashed line is for 50% load.

Bode Diagram

Magnitude (dB)

0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100

Phase (deg)


Frequency (rad/sec)

-45 -90 -135 -180 2 10










Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure A.17: Theoretical input to output Gvg(s) transfer function. Solid line is for rated load, dashed line is for 50% load.



Bode Diagram

Magnitude (dB)

80 60 40 20 0

Phase (deg)

90 45 0 -45 -90 2 10













Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure A.18: Theoretical compensator H(s) transfer function.

Magnitude (dB)

Bode Diagram 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100

Gvd(s) T(s)

Phase (deg)


Gvd(s) T(s)


Frequency (rad/sec)

-90 -135 -180 2 10













Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure A.19: Comparison of theoretical control to output Gvd(s) transfer function to the loop gain transfer function T(s).


Point-of-Load Supervisor Controller The point-of-load supervisor controller is based on a PIC 18F458 with a 40 MHz

oscillator. All firmware was written in C using the PCWH PIC C compiler from Custom Computer Services. The controller has LED indicators for heartbeat, load shed, and load step. The heartbeat indicator is used to verify proper program execution and blinks with a slow steady period of approximately 1 s when in normal operation. The other indicators are illuminated to 162

reflect the status of their respective operating states. An LCD screen provides feedback to the operator to indicate the input and output voltage, the inductor current, the priority of the controlled load, as well as setup parameters including a programmable identifying enumeration. Pushbutton momentary switches allow the operator to scroll through menu items, adjust parameters settings, and toggle load shed and load step operation. DIP switches select hardware configurable priority and dv/dt control parameters. Firmware is stored in FLASH memory and can be updating in-circuit via the RJ-11 jack and suitable in-circuit programmer. This section provides complete design and performance details for the point-of-load supervisor controller. Figure A.20 contains a functional layout of the input and output controls. Tables A.2 and A.3 describe the DIP switch selectable control operation. Figure A.21 shows the silkscreen artwork layer for the PCB and Figures A.22 – A.26 contain the electrical schematics. A.2.1 PIC controller functional layout DIP Switches

1 0 dv/dt control

Priority Selection

ICD jack

Adapter OFF Battery Power ON

Load Step Menu Down Increment Decrement Scroll Display

PIC Microcontroller

Load Shed Menu Up


LEDs Heartbeat Load Shed Load Step

To Buck Converter


Contrast LCD 2 Lines x 16 Characters


Figure A.20: Functional layout of the PIC controller.


Table A.2: Priority configuration.

Switch 1 0 1 0 1

2 0 0 1 1

Priority Essential (High) Semi-Essential (Med) NonEssential (Low) No Control

Table A.3: dv/dt control configuration.

Switch 8 0 1

dv/dt mode

Disable Enable


A.2.2 PIC controller PCB silkscreen

Figure A.21: PIC controller PCB silkscreen.


Figure A.22: PIC controller schematic page 1: Microcontroller.

A.2.3 PIC controller schematics


167 Figure A.23: PIC controller schematic page 2: Communication and peripherals.

168 Figure A.24: PIC controller schematic page 3: Input switches.

169 Figure A.25: PIC controller schematic page 4: Output LEDs, LCD interface, and connector for SPI hardware.

170 Figure A.26: PIC controller schematic page 5: Power supply.


Supervisor Control Firmware This section contains the code listing for the firmware in the point-of-load supervisor

controller. Section A.3.1 is the main program. Section A.3.2 is the hardware driver for the LCD display. A.3.1 Main program ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// EPNES DC SMPS Ver 1.00 //// //// Distributed Load-Side Controller //// //// //// //// Uses PB0023 Rev B PIC Controller PCB //// //// PB0019 Rev C Buck Converter PCB //// //// //// //// (2) MCP3202 12 bit dual channel A/D via Hardware SPI //// //// CH0 = (ADC0 CH0) Vin //// //// CH1 = (ADC0 CH1) N/A //// //// CH2 = (ADC1 CH0) I inductor //// //// CH3 = (ADC1 CH1) Vout //// //// //// //// Interrupt driven sampling, 926.4 us period //// //// Scrollable Menu via 2x16 char LCD display //// //// Calibration parameters setup via startup menu //// //// main loop xxxxx ms //// //// //// //// PORTA pinout //// //// A0 Button 3 A4 n/c //// //// A1 Button 4 A5 n/c //// //// A2 Button 5 //// //// A3 dV/dt control //// //// PORTB pinout //// //// B0 LoadStep LED B4 Load Step (button 2) //// //// B1 Shutdown LED B5 Load Shed (button 1) //// //// B2 Heartbeat LED B6 RESERVED (ICD) //// //// B3 RESERVED (ICD) B7 Enable Loadshed (ICD) //// //// PORTC pinout //// //// C0 CS~ DPOT C4 DIN //// //// C1 CS~ ADO C5 DOUT //// //// C2 CS~ AD1 C6 LOADSTEP //// //// C3 CLK C7 SHUTDOWN //// //// PORTD pinout //// //// See LCD subroutine //// //// //// //// EE Memory Map (LSByte, MSByte) //// //// Converter Parameters //// //// Bytes 000 - 000 Converter Name //// //// //// //// Calibration Parameters //// //// Bytes 010 - 011 Vin Scale //// //// Bytes 012 - 013 Vin Offset //// //// Bytes 014 - 015 Vout Scale //// //// Bytes 016 - 017 Vout Offset //// //// Bytes 018 - 019 Iout Scale //// //// Bytes 01A - 01B Iout Offset //// //// //// //// Controller Parameters ////


//// Bytes 040 - 041 Vmin limit Low Priority //// //// Bytes 042 - 043 Vmax limit Low Priority //// //// Bytes 044 - 045 neg dV/dt Low Priority //// //// Bytes 050 - 051 Vmin limit Med Priority //// //// Bytes 052 - 053 Vmax limit Med Priority //// //// Bytes 054 - 055 neg dV/dt Med Priority //// //// Bytes 060 - 061 Vmin limit High Priority //// //// Bytes 062 - 063 Vmax limit High Priority //// //// Bytes 064 - 065 neg dV/dt High Prioroty //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// (C) Copyright 2005 Robert S. Balog Jr. //// //// and David H. Schmitz //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #define version "1.00" #device *=16 #device ICD=TRUE #use delay(clock=40000000,RESTART_WDT) #FUSES WDT #FUSES HS #FUSES PUT #FUSES NOPROTECT #FUSES BROWNOUT #FUSES STVREN #FUSES LVP #FUSES NOCPD #FUSES NOWRT #FUSES DEBUG #include #include

//Firmware version //16 bit pointers //ALLOW ICD //40 MHz clock //Watch Dog Timer //High speed Osc (> 4mhz) //Power Up Timer //Code not protected from reading //Reset when brownout detected //Stack full/underflow reset //Low Volt Prog on B3(PIC16) //No EE protection //Prog memory not write protected //Debug mode for use with ICD //LCD routines //Standard IO library

// LCD Port definition #if defined(__PCH__) #byte portb = 0xF81 #else #byte portb=0x06 #endif //#bit MLT #bit HB_LED int16 loopcnt=0; #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define int1 int1

//Port memory addresses //port B for 18F series //port B for 16F series

= portb.3 = portb.2

//Main Loop Timer LED //Heartbeat LED //Heartbeat counter


//Loadstep LED //Shutdown LED //Enable loadshed button //Shutdown gate signal button //Controller enable //Controller enable //dV/dt control enable //CS ADC0 //CS ADC1 //Load Step //Gate Driver SHUTDOWN //toggle switch action to step //toggle switch action to shed

// Define pushbutton pin mappings #define BTN1 PIN_B5 #define BTN2 PIN_B4 #define BTN3 PIN_A0 #define BTN4 PIN_A1


#define BTN5


// Button variables int1 button1_old, button2_old; int1 button3_old, button4_old; int1 button5_old; int1 button1_state, button2_state; int1 button3_state, button4_state; int1 button5_state; int1 b1_toggle, b2_toggle, b3_toggle; int1 b4_toggle, b5_toggle; int8 inc_but, inc_cnt; int16 button_slow = 0; #define BUTTON_LIM

//registers for button debouce //registers for button debouce //registers for button debouce //state of button - 0 when pressed //state of button - 0 when pressed //state of button - 0 when pressed //Toggle buttons //Toggle buttons //Adjustable button increment speed //counter to make sure updates on //buttons only occur at set interval //reset value for button_slow


// Define Priority Names #define PRIORITY0 "None " #define PRIORITY1 "Low " #define PRIORITY2 "Med " #define PRIORITY3 "High " const char priority_title[4][17] = {PRIORITY0, PRIORITY1, PRIORITY2, PRIORITY3}; // EEPROM Data info #define NUMSETPARAM 6 #define NUMPRIPARAM 3 #define NUMPRI 3 #define NUMCONPARAM 1 #define CONINFOFF 0x00 #define SETPAROFF 0x10 #define PRIOFF1 0x40 #define PRIOFF2 0x50 #define PRIOFF3 0x60 const int PRIOFFS[] = {PRIOFF1, PRIOFF2, PRIOFF3}; //#define DPAROFF

//num of //num of //num of //num of //Offset //Offset //Offset //Offset //Offset

Setup parameters Priority parameters Priorities Converter Parameters of Converter Info Param of Setup parameters of Priority 1 parameters of Priority 2 parameters of Priority 3 parameters

//Array of Priority offsets //Offset of Dynamic parameters

// Variables for the ADC process #define CH0len 240 #define CH2len 32 #define CH3len 24 #define NEGMAX -20

//length of averaging array //length of averaging array //length of averaging array //Max neg dvdt for load shed

// Dwell Time Counters - # of interupt periods #define T_THRES 100 //CH0 > Vmax and load EN #define Toff_THRES 500 //CH0 < Vmin and load Shed unsigned int16 value_ch0[CH0len], ch0, ch0_ave, ch0_noave; int16 deriv_ch0[CH0len]; //ch0 d/dt values int16 max_deriv, min_deriv; int16 deriv0_avg; //ave of ch0 d/dt values int16 milsecs1 = 0, milsecs2 = 0; //ellapsed mS cntr - reset manually int16 milsecs_off; //dwell before off int1 counten1 = 0, counten2 = 0; //flag for dwell ON mS counter int1 counten_off = 0; //flag for dwell OFF mS counter unsigned int16 value_ch2[CH2len], ch2, ch2_ave; unsigned int16 value_ch3[CH3len], ch3, ch3_ave; int32 A1 = 0, B1 = 0, C1 = 0; //Filter int1 ch0_update=1; //update int1 ch2_update=1; //update int1 ch3_update=1; //update


parameters flag for Display flag for Display flag for Display

int16 int int8 int8 ldiv_t ldiv_t ldiv_t

ADC00, ADC10, ADC11; upper, lower; pntr_ch0=0, pntr_ch2=0; pntr_ch3=0, dindex_ch0=0; vch0fmt; vch2fmt; vch3fmt;

//ADC 1 CH 0 &1 //temp bytes for ADC //pointer into arrays //*.quot & *.rem structure //*.quot & *.rem structure //*.quot & *.rem structure

// MENU Control int8 menutime= 0; int1 scrollmenu = 0; int8 topline = 0; //LCD top line int8 botline = 1; int1 run_setpointmenu =0; int1 run_update=1; int1 menu_update = 1; #define MENUSIZE 4 #define DCHAN0 4 #define DCHAN2 15 #define DCHAN3 4 // Define Menu Titles #define MENU0 "Vin #define MENU1 "Iout #define MENU2 "Vout #define MENU3 "Priority

//Time in a menu //toggle switch to scroll menu down //LCD bottom line //flag for setpoint menu - 0 in menu //flag to update runtime menu //General menu update flag //Difference between displayed and //current values for update to occur

" " " "

// Define array of Menu titles const char menu_titles[MENUSIZE][17] = {MENU0, MENU1, MENU2, MENU3}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function Prototypes ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //LED & LCD initialiation void LED_init(); void lcd_splash(); void lcd_menu0(); void lcd_menu1_setup(); //power on setup menu void setup_menu(); //runtime setup menu void setpointmenu(int &menu_state, int16 iv_param[]); //Low Pass filter for measured inputs, stores intermediate values to A1,B1,C1 unsigned int16 filter(unsigned int16 input); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Timer Interrupt, interrupt period controlled w/in main loop ///////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #INT_TIMER2 void sample(){ // Capture data from A/D chip via SPI // Read ADC 0 Ch 0 ////////////////////////////////// output_low(ADC0); //enable CS spi_write( 12 ); //Start Conversion upper=spi_read( 0 ); //Read upper byte lower=spi_read( 0 ); //Read lower byte output_high(ADC0); //disable CS ADC00 = make16(upper,lower)>>3; //Make 12 bit result // Read ADC 1 Ch 0 ////////////////////////////////// output_low(ADC1); //enable CS





spi_write( 12 ); upper=spi_read( 0 ); lower=spi_read( 0 ); output_high(ADC1); ADC10 = make16(upper,lower)>>3; Read ADC 1 Ch 1 output_low(ADC1); spi_write( 14 ); upper=spi_read( 0 ); lower=spi_read( 0 ); output_high(ADC1); ADC11 = make16(upper,lower)>>3; Read & filter data on ADC 0 Ch 1 pntr_ch0++; if (pntr_ch0==CH0len) pntr_ch0=0; value_ch0[pntr_ch0] = ADC00; ch0_ave = filter(ADC00); Increment inturrupt counters if(counten1) milsecs1++; if(counten2) milsecs2++; if(counten_off) milsecs_off++;

//Start Conversion //Read upper byte //Read lower byte //disable CS //Make 12 bit result ////////////////////////////////// //enable CS //Start Conversion //Read upper byte //Read lower byte //disable CS //Make 12 bit result ////////////////////////////////// //when pntr=end+1 reset to 0 //store to circular buffer //low pass filter present sample //////////////////////////////////

} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// MAIN PROGRAM //////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { unsigned int32 sum; unsigned int16 last_ch0; unsigned int16 last_ch2; unsigned int16 last_ch3; int16 stat_iv_param[NUMPRIPARAM*NUMPRI]; int16 set_iv_param[NUMSETPARAM]; int1 pinstat; int8 i,n; int1 der; int8 priority, last_priority; int menu_state = 0; lcd_init(); lcd_splash(); led_init();

//summation for A/D averaging //temp variable for channel // average being displayed //local copy of Priority EE param //local copy of setup EE param //general variable //derivative flag //Priority variable //State for tracking menu //LCD initialization routine //Startup LCD splash screen //call cycle led routine

// Initialize SPI ////////////////////////////// //DIV_16 -> 1.25MHz @ 20MHz crystal //Clock idle is low //clock is low to high transition setup_spi(SPI_MASTER | SPI_L_TO_H | SPI_CLK_DIV_16 |SPI_XMIT_L_TO_H); output_high(ADC0); //Initialization output_high(ADC1); //Initialization delay_ms(1000); lcd_menu0(); delay_ms(1000); lcd_menu1_setup();

//Splash Screen with code VER

// Initialize Timer ////////////////////////////// //Timer pulses every 1.6us (DIV16), overflow every 308.8us (0xC0) //and triggers interrupt every 926.4us (3*0xC0) setup_timer_2(T2_DIV_BY_16, 0xC0, 3); enable_interrupts(GLOBAL); //enable interrupts



//enable timer interrupt

// Enter Power-On SETUP menu //Set Tristate to detect button inputs set_tris_b(0b11110000); set_tris_a(0xFF); pinstat = input( BTN5 ); delay_us(150); pinstat = (pinstat || input(BTN5)); if (pinstat==0) { setup_menu(); }


//Test for button press //Debounce

// Read Parameters from EEPROM ////////////////////////////// //Read Priority Parameters for (i = 0; i < NUMPRI; i++) { for (loopcnt = 0; loopcnt < (NUMPRIPARAM*2); loopcnt++) *(&stat_iv_param[NUMPRIPARAM*i]+loopcnt)=read_eeprom(loopcnt+PRIOFFS[i]); } //Read Setup Parameters for (loopcnt = 0; loopcnt < (NUMSETPARAM*2); loopcnt++) *(&set_iv_param[0] + loopcnt) = read_eeprom(loopcnt+SETPAROFF); // Turn on converter output_low(SHTDN_LED); output_low(SHTDN);

////////////////////////////// //turn on converter LED //turn on converter

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// MAIN LOOP ////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while (true) { // MLT=!MLT; IF (loopcnt==1024) { HB_LED=!HB_LED; loopcnt=0; menutime++; } loopcnt++;

//main loop timer //Heartbeat LED

//Increment heartbeat counter

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Debounce Buttons ////////////////////////////// button1_state = (button1_old || input(BTN1)); // 0 = btn pressed button2_state = (button2_old || input(BTN2)); button3_state = (button3_old || input(BTN3)); button4_state = (button4_old || input(BTN4)); button5_state = (button5_old || input(BTN5)); button1_old = input(BTN1); button2_old = input(BTN2); button3_old = input(BTN3); button4_old = input(BTN4); button5_old = input(BTN5); // Act on button press, not depress if(!button1_state && b1_toggle) { b1_toggle = 0; if(!run_setpointmenu) { SHUTDOWN=!SHUTDOWN;

//Load SHED


output_bit(SHTDN, SHUTDOWN); output_bit(SHTDN_LED, SHUTDOWN); } } if(!button2_state && b2_toggle) { b2_toggle = 0; if(!run_setpointmenu) LOADSTEP=!LOADSTEP; } if(!button3_state && b3_toggle) { }

//Load STEP

//Not Assigned

if(!button4_state && b4_toggle) //Scroll menu list { b4_toggle = 0; if(!run_setpointmenu) scrollmenu = 1; } if(!button5_state && b5_toggle) //Toggle menu { b5_toggle = 0; run_setpointmenu = ~run_setpointmenu; run_update = 1; menu_update = 1; if(menu_state == NUMPRI*NUMPRIPARAM) //If save requested, save values { for (n = 0; n < NUMPRI; n++) { for (i = 0; i < (NUMPRIPARAM*2); i++) write_eeprom(i+PRIOFFS[n], *(&stat_iv_param[NUMPRIPARAM*n] + i)); } } } // reset when button depressed if(button1_state) b1_toggle = 1; if(button2_state) b2_toggle = 1; if(button3_state) b3_toggle = 1; if(button4_state) b4_toggle = 1; if(button5_state) b5_toggle = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate time derivative of data /////////////////////////////////// while (dindex_ch0 != pntr_ch0) {

// // //

dindex_ch0++; //INC index in circular buffer if(dindex_ch0 == CH0len) { dindex_ch0 = 0; max_deriv = 0; // reset min & max derivs and update menu min_deriv = 0; menu_update = 1; } // if statement accounts for pointer being in circular buffer // stores value to another circular buffer, pointer = last entry stored


// 1079 multiplier based on dt value of 926.4 us // //

// //

if(pntr_ch0 == 0) deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[0] - value_ch0[CH0len-1]) * (int32)5395 * set_iv_param[0] / (int32)4095; deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[0] - value_ch0[CH0len-4]); else if(pntr_ch0 == 1) deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[1] - value_ch0[CH0len-3]); else if(pntr_ch0 == 2) deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[2] - value_ch0[CH0len-2]); else if(pntr_ch0 == 3) deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[3] - value_ch0[CH0len-1]); else { // attempt at scaling to real values deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[pntr_ch0] - value_ch0[pntr_ch0-1]) * (int32)5395 * set_iv_param[0] / (int32)4095; deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = (value_ch0[pntr_ch0] - value_ch0[pntr_ch0-4]); // Throw out entries under negative threshold - voltage spikes if ((signed int16)deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] < (signed int16)NEGMAX) deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] = 0; }

// Track maximum and minimum derivative values // if((signed int16)deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] > (signed int16)max_deriv) // max_deriv = deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0]; // if((signed int16)deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] < (signed int16)min_deriv) // min_deriv = ((signed int16)deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0]); } //perform 4 entry windowed average on derivative if (dindex_ch0 == 0) deriv0_avg = (signed int16)(deriv_ch0[0] + deriv_ch0[CH0len-1] + deriv_ch0[CH0len-2] + deriv_ch0[CH0len-3])/4; else if (dindex_ch0 == 1) deriv0_avg = (signed int16)(deriv_ch0[0] + deriv_ch0[CH0len-1] + deriv_ch0[CH0len-2] + deriv_ch0[1])/4; else if (dindex_ch0 == 2) deriv0_avg = (signed int16)(deriv_ch0[0] + deriv_ch0[CH0len-1] + deriv_ch0[1] + deriv_ch0[2])/4; else deriv0_avg = (signed int16)(deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0] + deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0-1] + deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0-2] + deriv_ch0[dindex_ch0-3])/4; // determine when to update display if (abs(ch0_ave - last_ch0)>DCHAN0) { ch0_update = 1; //update display flag ch0 = (set_iv_param[0] * 5 * (int32)ch0_ave) / (int32)4095; ch0_noave = ch0; vch0fmt = ldiv(ch0,1000); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Average A/D conversions on AD1 CH0 ->ch2 //////////////////////////// value_ch2[pntr_ch2++] = ADC10DCHAN2) { ch2_update = 1; //update display flag ch2 = (set_iv_param[4]*5*(int32)(ch2_ave-set_iv_param[5]))


/ (int32)4095; if ((ch2_ave>256) && (ch2_ave==set_iv_param[5])) ch2=0; vch2fmt = ldiv(ch2,1000); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Average A/D conversions on AD1 CH1 ->ch3 //////////////////////////// value_ch3[pntr_ch3++] = ADC11DCHAN3) { ch3_update = 1; //update display flag ch3 = (set_iv_param[2] * 5 * (int32)ch3_ave) / (int32)4095; vch3fmt = ldiv(ch3,1000); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIORITY assignment ////////////////////////////// priority = !input(P1) + (!input(P2)stat_iv_param[NUMPRIPARAM*0+1]) { //1st priority, 2nd parameter if(milsecs2 100)) || (counten1 = 0)) { counten1 = 0; counten2 = 0; output_low(SHTDN_LED); //turn on output_low(SHTDN); //turn on } } if (ch0_noave 0)) { delay_ms(500); menu_stat--; // Decrement menu - go to top menu_update = 1; // Set flag to update menu } //Select Button Pressed if (but5 == 0) { switch (menu_stat) { //Most cases do nothing when select pressed, // maybe could be used to reset value? case MENU_ENT-1: // Save data and exit menu // Write to EEPROM Converter Info write_eeprom(CONINFOFF, (int)iv_param[0]); // Write to EEPROM Priority Parameters for (n = 0; n < NUMPRI; n++) { for (i = 0; i < NUMPRIPARAM*2; i++) write_eeprom(i+PRIOFFS[n], *(&iv_param[NUMCONPARAM+NUMPRIPARAM*n] + i)); } // Write to EEPROM Setup Parameters for (i = 0; i < (NUMSETPARAM*2); i++) write_eeprom(i+SETPAROFF, *(&iv_param[NUMCONPARAM+NUMPRIPARAM*NUMPRI] + i)); // Set condition to quit while loop delaymain = 0; case MENU_ENT: // Exit menu only delaymain = 0; break; default: break; } } //DN button pressed //If menu entry is less than MENU_ENT, increment menu entry if ((but2 == 0) && (menu_stat < MENU_ENT)) //DN button pressed { delay_ms(500); menu_stat++; menu_update = 1; } // Right now increment and decrement buttons increase and decrease by 1 // if held for 10 cycles, they will increase and decrease by 10 // Inc button pressed // Increments array item value when pressed if ((but3 == 0) && (menu_stat < MENU_ENT)) // Check button and array range { if ((i == 255) && (n < 40)) // If button was pressed previously, i=255 n++; // Track how long button is held


if ((n > 20) && (i == 255)) // If held for more than 10 cycles iv_param[menu_stat] += 100; // increment by 10 else if ((n > 10) && (i == 255)) // If held for more than 10 cycles iv_param[menu_stat] += 10; // increment by 10 else // Otherwise iv_param[menu_stat]++; // increment by 1 if (i != 255) // If i was not 255 { i = 255; // set to 255 n = 0; // and reset hold counter } delay_ms(200); menu_update = 1; } // Dec button pressed // Decrements array item value when pressed // Works the same as above for button 4 except i is 254 if ((but4 == 0) && (menu_stat < MENU_ENT)) { if ((i == 254) && (n < 40)) n++; if ((n > 20) && (i == 254)) iv_param[menu_stat] -= 100; else if ((n > 10) && (i == 254)) iv_param[menu_stat] -= 10; else iv_param[menu_stat]--; if (i != 254) { i = 254; n = 0; } delay_ms(200); menu_update = 1; } // Check to see if neither increment or decrement pressed if ((but3 == 1) && (but4 == 1)) { i = 0; // If neither button is pressed, i is 0 n = 0; // and hold counter is 0 too } if (menu_update) { menu_update = 0; // Set menu as updated switch (menu_stat) { case 0: printf(lcd_putc,"\fConverter Name "); printf(lcd_putc,"\n %3U >",(int)iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 1: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmin limit Low ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 2: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmax limit Low ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 3: printf(lcd_putc,"\fdV/dt neg Low ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 4: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmin limit Med ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 5: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmax limit Med ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 6: printf(lcd_putc,"\fdV/dt neg Med ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 7: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmin limit Hi ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 8: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmax limit Hi ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 9: printf(lcd_putc,"\fdV/dt neg Hi ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 10: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVin Scale ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 11: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVin Offset ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 12: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVout Scale ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 13: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVout Offset ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 14: printf(lcd_putc,"\fIout Scale ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 15: printf(lcd_putc,"\fIout Offset ",iv_param[menu_stat]); break; case 16: printf(lcd_putc,"\f Save Changes "); break; case 17: printf(lcd_putc,"\f Exit Without ",iv_param[menu_state]); break; case 6: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmin limit Hi ",iv_param[menu_state]); break; case 7: printf(lcd_putc,"\fVmax limit Hi ",iv_param[menu_state]); break; case 8: printf(lcd_putc,"\fdV/dt neg Hi ",iv_param[menu_state]); break; case 9: printf(lcd_putc,"\f Exit and Save