ISSN 00406015, Thermal Engineering, 2015, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 220–226. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2015. Original Russian Text © P.V. Roslyakov, I.L. Ionkin, O.E. Kondrateva, A.M. Borovkova, V.A. Seregin, I.V. Morozov, 2015, published in Teploenergetika.
Continuous Emission Monitoring and Accounting Automated Systems at an HPP P. V. Roslyakov, I. L. Ionkin, O. E. Kondrateva, A. M. Borovkova, V. A. Seregin, and I. V. Morozov Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), National Research University, ul. Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Moscow, 11250 Russia email:
[email protected] Abstract—Environmental and industrial emission monitoring at HPP’s is a very urgent task today. Industrial monitoring assumes monitoring of emissions of harmful pollutants and optimization of fuel combustion technological processes at HPP’s. Environmental monitoring is a system to assess ambient air quality with respect to a number of separate sources of harmful substances in pollution of atmospheric air of the area. Works on creating an industrial monitoring system are carried out at the National Research University Mos cow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) on the basis of the MPEI combined heat and power plant, and envi ronmental monitoring stations are installed in Lefortovo raion, where the CHPP is located. Keywords: continuous emission control and monitoring system (CEC&MS), environmental monitoring sta tion, gas analyzer, regime and control cross sections of boiler duct, MPEI CHPP DOI: 10.1134/S0040601515030088
The main objective of the state energy policy in ensuring environmental energy safety is a successive limitation of environmental and climatic impact of the fuel and energy complex, particularly by reducing emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere (1). The key moment in this issue is a widescale intro duction of continuous emission monitoring systems and environment economic monitoring systems within the area of energy facilities impact on it. Such an approach combines industrial production and environment protection. Due to the development of new technological pro cesses and introduction of modern, tighter environ mental norms, automated continuous emission con trol and monitoring systems (CEC&MS) at HPP’s have recently become more common. Presently, only calculation methods are usually being used in Russia for reporting on emissions. However, wellregulated instrumentation measurements provide much greater accuracy in determining concentration of pollutants in flue gases, as compared with calculation methods, and taking into account the prospect of increasing payment for emissions introduction of CEC&MS and proven instrumentation monitoring methods will allow enterprises to save material resources and allo cate them to environmental protection actions. Thus, for the purpose of implementation of the Ecological Doctrine of the Russian Federation [2] and the Declaration on Environmental Responsibility of INTER RAO [3] concerning the consistent lowering of environmental impact production activity, INTER
RAO plans to fit 75% of the established capacity of its boilers with fixed measuring equipment by 2018 for constant monitoring of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and installation of measuring systems is primarily provided for on those boiler units where environmental protection actions will be imple mented. The measuring instruments included in the constant emission monitoring system must determine the amounts of pollutants emitted into the atmo sphere in real time. This will help provide openness and accessibility of environmental monitoring results from the operating enterprises of INTER RAO, as well as interaction with all concerned parties during investi gations carried out for assessment of environmental impact of the electrical power engineering enterprises in the process of designing and construction of new facilities. In turn, the main tasks of environment monitoring are to collect meteorological data and data on air purity, to plot diagrams of pollutant distribution in groundlevel air, to determine the extents of maximum damage caused by energy facilities under different conditions, and to give recommendations on location of these facilities. In Moscow, the atmospheric air quality monitoring system is based on the network consisting of 38 auto matic air quality monitoring stations (AAQMS) from which information on the level of atmospheric air pol lution is transferred via cellular channels to the single information and analysis center. The information
CHPP Administration
NO, CO, O2
Meteorological data Server (current data, DB)
External users
Environmental monitoring laboratory
Data processing unit
Fig. 1. Basic scheme of emission monitoring system functioning at MPEI CHPP. MCB—main control board; HCB—heat con trol board; DB—database.
received is in demand and used in urban planning, in planning the development of economic and transport complex, developing environmental protection actions, carrying out environmental impact assess ment, modelling environment pollution, etc. [4]. Works on CEC&MS creation and implementation have been carried out by the Moscow Power Engineer ing Institute (MPEI), National Research University, at different heat and power plants since the late 1990s [5, 6]. In recent years, MPEI has focused on develop ing a combined automated system allowing them to simultaneously carry out continuous monitoring and regulation of emissions of harmful substances, on the one hand, and environmental monitoring within the area of energy facilities impact, on the other hand. The concept of this system for heat power plants is to take into consideration the amounts of emissions into the atmosphere, provide their reduction by mon itoring and regulating fuel combustion process in steam and water heating boilers, and optimize operat ing conditions. Also, atmospheric air quality monitor ing is implemented within the HPP impact area. Experience has shown that any emission control and monitoring system (CEC&MS) is unique in its kind. Therefore, its development starts with a detailed technical assignment from the customer, including a clear description of the technological process, its parameters and characteristics. The CEC&MS includes gas analyzers (for measuring NO, SO2, CO, and O2 content), dust meters (for measuring concen THERMAL ENGINEERING
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tration of solids), flow meters (for determining the flow rate of hot air and flue gases), fuel gas tempera ture, and pressure gauges. All measurement instru ments must fix the values of all monitored parameters in real time, and, in accordance with the Technical Requirements for emission monitoring automated system at HPP [7], the relative permissible measure ment error shall not exceed: ±15% for nitrogen oxide and dioxide concentra tions; ±10% for carbon monoxide concentrations; ±15% for oxygen concentrations; ±10% for flue gas flow rate; ±20% for massive emission of gaseous components. Further, a combined system begins to take a form out of separate devices. An important role in contin uous emission monitoring systems belongs to devices that allow the combination of all gas analyzers and sensors into one system and carry out remote con trol, collection, processing, storage and visualization of data. Therefore, for any HPP, the automated system of continuous control and monitoring of harmful emis sions into the atmosphere is a measurementinfor mation complex that provides a systemic solution of set tasks. When developing and, in particular, when imple menting the continuous emission monitoring system to the HPP, the correct choice of gas analyzers (gas
3 SE
F EC EC Regime cross section
Control section
5150 TAH
Fig. 2. Installation of measuring systems in the regime and control cross sections of the gas duct. SE—smoke exhauster; CS—convection superheater; EC—economizer; TAH—tubular air heater; 1—probe; 2—sampling line; 3—analyzer.
analysis systems) and location of their installation in the boiler gas duct is an important task, and, to a greater extent, the robustness of the whole CEC&MS and reliability of measurements will depend on this. It should be emphasized that there are no model set
of measuring systems or model scheme of their installation. Currently, domestic and foreign gas analysis equip ment manufacturers offer a great variety of devices to monitor industrial emissions (optoelectronic, electro
Characteristics of measuring systems installed on the boiler Device
Measured components
Measurement method
GM 31
NO: 0–250 mg/m3
GM 35
CO: 0–250 mg/m CO2: 0–12%
Speed: 5–15 m/s
±0.1 m/s
O2: 0–21% (by volume)
CO: 0–500 mg/m3 NO: 0–250 mg/m3 NOx: 0–250 mg/m3 O2: 0–10% (by volume)
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chemical, fluorescent, magnetic, etc.), which have different design solutions, composition, and cost. The choice of measuring systems and development of their installation scheme have been carried out indi vidually for each specific boiler unit, which is deter mined by its design features, type of combusted fuel, composition of combustion products, and ranges of changes of boiler operating performance, etc. In some cases, it is possible to install measuring equipment on stacks rather than on each boiler [8]. In this regard, MPEI offered a feasibility study methodology for opti mal choice of gas analyze devices and systems, and points of their location in the boiler unit gas duct, with the qualityprice ratio taken into account [9]. The experience gained allowed us to generalize some approaches and develop recommendations on choice and installation of measuring equipment for continuous monitoring systems, which, in particular, were reflected in the development program of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), National Research University. During execution of this program, a combined system of continuous con trol and monitoring of harmful emissions into the atmosphere with boiler flue gases has been imple mented at the training and experimental CHPP over the last several years [10], which may serve as a pattern for the Russian heat and power plants. The MPEI CHPP continuous emission control and monitoring system is distinguished from the analogous systems of ordinary heat power plants only by the presence of an additional training function. The basic scheme of functioning of the MPEI CHPP pollutant emission monitoring system is given in Fig. 1. The current data on operating parameters (pressure, temperature, speed, concentration, etc.) and process characteristics are taken by means of approximately 150 sensors and systems installed on the boiler. In accordance with the requirements [11], continuous measurement of the content of О2 oxygen, nitrogen oxides, and carbon oxide should be per formed in the gas duct of the boiler powered by natural gas. The pulverized coal heat power plants also require monitoring of the content of sulfur oxides and fly ash in flue gases. Besides, the flow rate, pressure and tem perature of combustion products should be measured in all cases. The cross section located in the economizer split ting was chosen as a regime cross section for the MPEI CHPP boiler and as a cross section that is the closest to the furnace chamber and in which the fuel reburning process is already finished and the temper ature of combustion products allows for carrying out reliable continuous measurements. The measure ment results in this cross section are used to control burning processes. The cross section in the vertical THERMAL ENGINEERING
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Fig. 3. One of the stations of environmental monitoring of atmospheric air quality within the MPEI CHPP area.
hooduptake duct was chosen as a control section. It is the most remote gas duct cross section from the furnace where it is possible to carry out mainte nance and operationfriendly installation of devices. The remoteness of the control section from the furnace and the last convection heating surfaces allows one to obtain a relatively uniform field of con centrations of measured components. The measure ment results in the given cross section are used to monitor boiler harmful emissions into the atmo sphere taking into account conversion processes that may be observed along the boiler gas duct down stream the furnace [12]. The regime and control cross sections of the gas duct are shown in Fig. 2.
Environmental monitoring system March 11, 2014 08:08:25 Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 1
Station 2
Station 4
0.41 mg/m3 21.11 mg/m3 1.39 mg/m3 23.10 mg/m3 W
Station 3
NO2 0.18 mg/m
0.30 mg/m
0.02 mg/m
0.01 mg/m
1.8 m/s
3.8 m/s
0.8 m/s
3.9 m/s
749 mm Hg
749 mm Hg
749 mm Hg
748 mm Hg
H2S 0.05 mg/m3 0.02 mg/m3 0.03 mg/m3 0.51 mg/m3 1
2 SO2
0.52 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3 0.08 mg/m3 0.00 mg/m3 4 3
CO2 38.49 mg/m3 0.61 mg/m3 246.18 mg/m3 6.96 mg/m3 Archive
Fig. 4. Environmental monitoring system.
For CEC&MS at CHPP the MPEI installed a SICK measuring complex in the boiler control sec tion, which included the following gas analyzers: GM 31 (for measuring NOx, SO2), GM 35 (for mea suring CO, CO2, and H2O), ZIRKOR 302 (for mea suring O2), and the FLOWSIC 100 measuring com plex (for determining the flow speed of flue gases and their flow rate). Some devices are additionally equipped with temperature and pressure gauges. There is an S710 sampling system installed in the regime cross section to monitor the content of O2, CO, NO, and NO2 in combustion products. The table shows the measurement and error ranges of the given systems [15]. The complex performs continuous monitoring of the content of fuel gases and harmful emissions, and the monitoring results are transferred to the SCADA system at MPEI CHPP in the online mode. The con trol measurements performed during adjustment of the given CEC&MS indicate high reliability of indica
tions and operation of the whole measurementinfor mation complex. At the final stage, the given system was supple mented by an environmental monitoring system, which included four meteorological stations to mea sure atmospheric air temperature, pressure, humidity, and concentration of harmful substances present in it (NOx, SOx, CO) in the areas adjacent to the university. Figure 3 represents a picture of one of the stations installed at MPEI CHPP stack maintenance eleva tion, and Fig. 4 shows the current indications of envi ronmental monitoring station sensors. The installed stations were integrated into an already operating CEC&MS structure at MPEI CHPP, and the obtained information is transferred to the monitoring system database (Fig. 5) and used to assess atmospheric air quality and to plot patterns of harmful substance scattering from the MPEI CHPP pipe at the adjacent areas [13]. Calculations of scatter ing of contaminants from the MPEI CHPP pipe are THERMAL ENGINEERING
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30 20 10 0 22 20 18 16 14 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6 4 2
Data archive Start recording time
Duration Days: 01 00:00
17:00:00 09.03.2014
0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 4000
Download data
Station 1
CO, mg/m3
D (wind direction)
Station 2
O2, %
V (wind velocity)
Station 3
NO2, mg/m3
Station 4
2000 0 400 300 200 100 0 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0 758 756 754 752 750 20 15 10 5 0 80 60 40 20 16:59:50
P (atmospheric pressure)
H2S, mg/m
Т (temperature)
SO2, mg/m3
Н (relative humidity)
CO2, mg/m3
Time step Minute
Export 1 Settings
2 4
Close 3 12:00:00
Fig. 5. Archive of environmental monitoring data.
carried out using the ECOLOG certification program taking into account the real development of Lefortovo raion (Fig. 6). The instrumentation data from meteorological sta tions are used to specify and supplement the actual scattering pattern and in particular to carry out calcu lations of maximum ground level concentrations and maximum permissible emissions from MPEI CHPP, taking into account background values of harmful sub stance concentration. The data from the environmen tal monitoring stations are collected on a single server where they are stored and processed. Preliminary operation experience has shown that the CEC&MS implemented at the MPEI CHPP allows one to successfully carry out the following functions: (1) Continuous monitoring of concentrations of harmful components in fuel gases and determination of their mass and gross emissions into the atmosphere. THERMAL ENGINEERING
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(2) Considering and reporting from CHPP on emissions (following the procedure of CEC&MS reg istration with the state environmental regularity authorities, the payment by the station for emissions will decrease by approximately 10 to 20% compared with the estimated gross emissions). (3) Optimization of combustion operating condi tions (implementation of CEC&MS allowed reduc tion of NOx emissions via adjustment of infurnace activities). (4) Calculation of scattering of harmful substances in atmosphere and monitoring of pollution of the adjacent areas (using data received from the installed meteorological stations makes it possible to specify the estimated methods for lowering the scattering of harmful substances). (5) Organization of training process using the oper ating equipment. The accumulated experience of CEC&MS imple mentation and operation will allow for their use to a
Sortirovochnaya (marshallingyard) railway station
Maximum permissible concentration ratio
0. 05
0.06 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.12
0.05 0.07 0.09
0.11 0.13
0.01 0.03
06 0.
0.15 0.17
0.27 0.21
0.25 0.35 0.45 0.60 0.80 1.00
Fig. 6. Scattering of harmful NOx emissions in Lefortovo raion taking into account real development.
larger extent at Russian heat and power plants, which will eventually lead to limitation of industrial pollution of atmospheric air. REFERENCES 1. Energy Strategy of Russia Until 2030, http://minenergo. Ecological Doctrine of the Russian 2. The Federation, // e0000000/index.shtml. 3. Declaration on Environmental Responsibility of INTER RAO, Declaration_on_environmental_responsibility.pdf. 4. A Report on the Environmental Condition in Moscow in 2012, Ed. by A. O. Kulbachevskii (Spetskniga, Moscow, 2012) [in Russian]. 5. P. V. Roslyakov, I. A. Zakhirov, L. E. Egorova, I. L. Ion kin, A. V. Chadaev, and A. A. Raisfeld, “A system for continuous monitoring and control of the process of combustion and harmful emissions into the atmo sphere,” Therm. Eng 47 (6), 511–518 (2000). 6. P. V. Roslyakov, “Control and monitoring of HPP harmful emissions into atmosphere,” Ekol. Proizvod. Energ. 2 (7), 11–15, (2007). 7. Technical Requirements for HPP Contaminant Emission Automated Monitoring System, (RAO EES Rossii, Mos cow, 1997) [in Russian].
8. P. V. Roslyakov, L. L. Novozhilova, and L. E. Egorova, “Organization of monitoring of harmful emissions from HPP stacks based on numerical studies,” Vestn. Mosk. Energ. Inst., No. 4, 28–39 (2008). 9. P. V. Roslyakov, I. L. Ionkin, I. A. Zakhirov, L. E. Egor ova, A. M. Bychkov, and A. P. Livinskii, Monitoring of HPP Harmfull Emissions into Atmosphere, Ed. by P. V. Roslyakov, (MEI, Moscow, 2004) [in Russian]. 10. P. V. Roslyakov, I. L. Ionkin, and L. E. Egorova, “Devel opment of the combined automated system for continu ous monitoring and control of MPEI TPP harmful emis sion and wastes and for surrounding territory monitor ing,” in Proc. of AllRussia ScienificPractical Conf. “Educational Medium Today and Tomorrow,” Moscow, AllRussian Exhibition Center, October 1, 2008 (MGIU, Moscow, 2008), pp. 351–354. 11. RD (Guiding Document) 34.02.30698: Organization Rules for Monitoring of Pollutant Emissions into Atmo sphere from Power Plants and Boiler Houses (SPO ORGRES, Moscow, 1998) [in Russian]. 12. P. V. Roslyakov, I. A. Zakhirov, I. L. Ionin, and L. E. Egorova, “Studying processes of carbon oxide and benzapyrene conversion along the gas duct of boiler units,” Therm. Eng. (4), 44–5 (2005). 13. A. M. Borovkova, I. L. Ionkin, O. E. Kondratyeva, I. V. Morozov, and P. V. Roslyakov, “Atmospheric air monitoring system in the energy facility impact area,” Energetik, No. 1, 42–45 (2014).
Translated by D. Zabolotny THERMAL ENGINEERING
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No. 3