These works [Allen, 1983b; Cohen and Perrault, 1979] developed plan-based .... Allen et al., 1982], a plan-based system which claimed that at least two levels of ...
Discourse and Problem Solving Diane Litman
Computer Science Department
University of Rochester
Rochester. NY 14627
TR 130
October 1983
Abstract This report proposes a plan-based natural language system that incorporates knowledge of both plan and discourse structure of task-oriented dialogues. An initial representation of communicative (discourse) actions is discussed. in particular how to incorporate knowledge of legal moves as action effects rather than grammars. The subtle differences implicit in various surface realizations are also examined. as well as the structure of these communicative actions in actual dialogues. It is suggested that both local and global discourse structures are necessary (although analysis of the latter has been emphasized here). It is also suggested that planning models need to be extended to include two agent plan execution. Finally, a model of the goal recognition process is presented. Communicative and task knowledge work in parallel, one source dynamically taking control over the other and reducing the search space, depending on the kind of discourse (a task-oriented one, a conversation, etc.). Communicative recognition is hypothesized to be simple, using the knowledge provided by the analysis of surface phenomena and task plan recognition.
This research was supported in part by the System Development Foundation under Grant 481, the National Science Foundation under Grant 151-8210564, and the Office of Naval Research under Grant NOOO14-80-C 0197, as well as by ONR Grant NOOO14-77-C-0378 at Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., where it was published as Report No. 5338.