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and Development Stakeholders from all continents & globally;. Chief guests, sponsors, special guests, plenary speakers; session chairs, media, rapporteurs, ...
Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience, and Mitigation Communication Campaigns for SDGs in Africa Authors: Wilson Okaka 1, Judith Irene Nagasha 2 Kyambogo University, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda 1 Tel: +256 782588846, Email: [email protected] 2 Tel: +256 782 321113, Email: [email protected]

Okaka & Nagasha

22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Issues, motivation 

Public awareness communication campaigns provide better public information services for climate change and variability adaptation, resilience, and mitigation responses in Africa. Effective climate change adaptation and mitigation public communication campaigns are imperative for timely progress of the UN’s sustainable development goals in the Africa Union. In addition, public policy awareness information communication campaign explain the implications of climate change in African states like Uganda; where the increasing frequencies as well as intensities of climate risks & hazards require an innovative framework for planning better local, national, regional,& global responses to climate change drivers as well as impacts. Okaka & Nagasha

22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Problem statement 

In Africa, local communities are extremely vulnerable to the increasing incidents of risks, hazards, conflicts, ecological decadence, loss, as well as damage from climate change impacts; have worsened, in tandem with policies, statutes, plans, programmes, projects, pilots, research, & development activities that are intended to promote gender equality mainstreaming in community – based climate adaptation strategies; due to critical gaps in information, communication coordination, & knowledge among social, economic, environmental, legal, and political vital stakeholders. Okaka & Nagasha

22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Methods 

This review was conducted sourcing government documents, current literature, and news bulletins. In this review, we collated published evidence on the use of effectiveness of behaviour change communication campaigns for enhancing innovations in climate change adaptation awareness, vulnerability, resilience, & mitigations. Information was also provided through email communications with key informants. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Findings 1/2 

Climate change adaptation, resilience, and mitigation skills, technology, knowledge, research, institutional capacity, funding (budget) support, & political commitment are wanting.

Most climate change adaptation policy weaknesses, failures, illiteracy, and vulnerabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change could be attributed to huge information and knowledge gaps, lack of research and adoption of adaptation innovation (new technology, idea, trade practice, approaches).

Public communication campaigns use multiple media as well as interpersonal communication channels to achieve policy or individual attitudinal and behaviour change for adaptation. Okaka & Nagasha

22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Findings 2/2 : Social barriers are: illiteracy, poverty, gender inequality and violence against women / girls, illnesses and diseases, food security, water stress, information services including access to internet, cultural violence and related negative cultural practices, game poaching, conflict resolutions and management, adult education, gender equality; Economic barriers: mass income poverty, poor infrastructure, land access, unemployment of youth and women including house wives, poor agriculural practices / low productivity, slow tourism growth, small or medium enterprises (SMEs); competitiveness, power supply; Environmental crisis: wild fires, illiteracy, conflicting policies and laws, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, poor waste management, indoor pollution; climate change and variabilty, wetlands and land degradation. Politics cover: good governance, zero-tolerance to corruption, ruleof law. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Conclusions There

is an urgent need to plan national and regional level measures for climate change mitigation and develop practical comprehensive plans in response to the current and projected climate-related public information communication services. Vulnerabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change could be attributed to multiple factors including critical information or knowledge gaps, lack of capacity, gender inequality for women empowerment, and weak adaptive capacity by communities.  More importantly, climate change or variability is one the key natural resources that promote industrial investments, trade, research, green technologies, south-south-north alliance, community development, trade promotion, and globalization. Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017

Acknowledgements Conference convenors, secretariat & special committees led by Scientific committee Advisor: Emeritus Professor Johan Galtung (Norway).; Co-Chairs: Professor Dr. Jennifer Gidley (Australia), WFSF President, Dr. Erik F. Øverland (Norway), WFSF Executive Board, Scientific Review Committee Members: Cesar Villanueva (Philippines), Dr. Dana Klisanin (USA), Mei-Mei Song (Taiwan), Leena-Maija Laurén (Finland). All Experts, Researchers, Policy Makers, CSOs, Private Sector, and Development Stakeholders from all continents & globally; Chief guests, sponsors, special guests, plenary speakers; session chairs, media, rapporteurs, & WFSF venue staff. Thank You. God bless the world. i

Okaka & Nagasha 22nd WFSF World Conference, Jondal, Norway, 7th -10th June 2017