Xifeng Yan and Jiawei Han. gspan: Graph-based substructure pattern mining. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM ...
Efficient Mining of Frequent Outerplanar Graphs Working title Jan Ramon1 Dept. of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Abstract. In this paper, we define the class of tenuous outerplanar graphs and the notion of Block and Bridge Preserving (BBP) subgraph isomorphism and homomorphism. Our research of this graph class and coverage operators can be motivated from their significance in application areas such as the analysis of chemical molecules. We present an Apriori-like algorithm mining all frequent patterns under any of these coverage operators and prove that under each of these settings, it runs in incremental polynomial time. We also present two optimisations compared to an earlier implementation of our algorithm, discuss their theoretical properties and present empirical results.
1 Introduction The discovery of frequent patterns in a database is one of the central tasks considered in data mining. In addition to be interesting in their own right, frequent patterns can also be used as features for predictive data mining tasks (see, e.g., [2]). For a long time, work on frequent pattern discovery has concentrated on relatively simple notions of patterns and elements in the database as they are typically used for the discovery of association rules (simple sets of atomic items). In recent years, however, due to the significance of application areas such as the analysis of chemical molecules or graph structures in the WWW, there has been an increased interest in algorithms that can perform frequent pattern discovery in databases of structured objects such as trees or arbitrary graphs. While the frequent pattern problem for trees can be solved in incremental polynomial time, i.e., in time polynomial in the combined size of the input and the set of frequent tree patterns so far computed, the frequent pattern problem for graph structured databases in the general case cannot be solved in output polynomial time, i.e., in time polynomial in the combined size of the input and the set of all frequent patterns. Existing approaches to frequent pattern discovery for graphs have therefore resorted to various heuristic strategies and restrictions of the search space (see, e.g., [1, 2, 4, 5]), but have not identified a practically relevant tractable graph class beyond trees. In recent work [3], we defined the class of so called tenuous outerplanar graphs, which is the class of planar graphs that can be embedded in the plane in such a way that all of its vertices lie on the outer boundary, i.e. can be reached from the outside without crossing any edges, and which have a fixed limit on the number of inside diagonal edges. This class of graphs is a strict generalization of trees, and is motivated by the kinds of graphs actually found in practical applications. In fact, in one of the popular graph mining data sets (the NCI data set), 94.3% of all elements are tenuous outerplanar graphs. At the same time, in [3] we also developed an algorithm for enumerating
frequent tenuous outerplanar graph patterns which is guaranteed to work in incremental polynomial time. Our approach is based on a canonical string representation of outerplanar graphs which may be of interest in itself, and further algorithmic components for mining frequent biconnected outerplanar graphs and candidate generation in an Apriori style algorithm. To map a pattern to graphs in the database, we define a special notion of block and bridge preserving (BBP) subgraph isomorphism, which is motivated by application and complexity considerations. In short, H 4BBP G means that there is a subgraph isomorphism ϕ from H to G such that all bridges (edges from the ’acyclic’ part of the graph) of H are mapped on bridges of G. Furthermore, we showed that it is decidable in polynomial time for outerplanar graphs. We note that for trees, which form a special class of outerplanar graphs, BBP subgraph isomorphism is equivalent to subtree isomorphism. Thus, BBP subgraph isomorphism generalizes subtree isomorphism to graphs, but is at the same time more specific than subgraph isomorphism. Since in many applications, subgraph isomorphism is a non-adequate matching operator (e.g., when pattern matching is required to preserve certain type of fragments in molecules), by considering BBP subgraph isomorphism we take an important first step towards the direction of studying the frequent graph mining problem w.r.t. non-standard matching operators as well. Empirical evaluation revealed that the favorable theoretical properties of the algorithm and pattern class also translate into efficient practical performance. In this paper, we present a generalisation of the work in [3]. In partical, we extend this work in two ways. First, in Section 2 we generalize the theory and show that similar results hold when using homomorphism instead of isomorphism. Second, in Sections 3 and 4 we present optimisations that speed up the algorithm considerably compared to the original version.
2 Coverage under BBP subgraph homomorphism In a way similar to [3] one can define block and bridge preserving (BBP) subgraph homomorphism. Homomorphism is more closely related to the usual ILP setting using theta-subsumption: a subgraph homomorphism mapping may map several vertices of the pattern graph (corresponding to variables of a conjunction in logic) to the same vertex of the text graph (corresponding to constants in a logical interpretation). Interestingly, The same high-level proof idea can be used to show that all frequent patterns under BBP subgraph homomorphism can be enumerated in incremental polynomial time.
3 Optimally exploiting database passes In general, it is beneficial for a pattern miner to minimize the number of passes over the database, as more computation can be reused and disk access is reduced for databases not fitting into memory. We propose a new representation of outerplanar graphs as trees. The new representation is based on faces and bridges, and by changing the order of pattern generation accordingly, one can reduce the number of passes over the database. This optimisation comes at almost no cost and one can show that the algorithm still
needs only memory linear in the number of discovered patterns. In theory, a speed-up of the size of the largest pattern can be reached. Experiments show for the full NCI dataset a speed-up factor of about 1.8. The largest gain is made on molecules with blocks with several diagonals.
4 Remembering embeddings The second optimisation stores the intermediate results (embeddings of subgraphs) for use in later passes over the database (needed in later levels of the level-wise search). The main disadvantage of this optimisation is that a substantial amount of memory is needed, and therefore it is not practical for applications involving more than a few tens of thousands examples and a similar number of patterns. However, for small problems, it gains more efficiency than the first optimisation discussed above. Moreover, even though this kind of technique has been applied before in practice [6], it is of theoretical interest as we will prove in a longer version of this paper a new and better bound on the time complexity of the algorithm adopting this optimisation. Preliminary experiments mining the frequent patterns of a small portion of the NCI dataset indicate that a speedup factor of 4 can be reached.
Acknowledgments We thank Tam´as Horv´ath and Stefan Wrobel who collaborated on a major part of the outerplanar graph mining work. Jan Ramon is a post-doctoral fellows of the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) of Flanders.
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