In this paper we present an approach to case-based retrieval of software designs, and provide ..... the best case in the first ranking position are clearly different, with C3 and C4 having the best .... checking, and domain modeling using WordNet.
Experiments on Case-Based Retrieval of Software Designs Paulo Gomes1, Francisco C. Pereira1, Paulo Paiva1, Nuno Seco1, José L. Ferreira1, Carlos Bento1 1
CISUC – Centro de Informática e Sistemas da Universidade de Coimbra. Departamento de Engenharia Informática, Polo II, Universidade de Coimbra. 3030 Coimbra {pgomes, camara}, {paiva, nseco}, {zeluis, bento}
Abstract.1 Software systems are becoming increasingly complex, demanding for more computational resources and better software development methodologies. The software engineer and the CASE tool must work like a team, and for this to happen the CASE tool must be able to understand the user, and to provide new functionalities, such as flexible retrieval of old designs. We think that Case-Based Reasoning can provide a reasoning framework capable of meeting these demands. One important task that a CASE tool based on Case-Based Reasoning can perform adequately is the retrieval of relevant designs. These designs can be stored in a case library, central to the software development company, thus enabling knowledge sharing through out the company. In this paper we present an approach to case-based retrieval of software designs, and provide experimental results describing the main characteristics of this approach.
The need for intelligent CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools has grown in the last decade. This is due to the increase in software complexity and to the rigorous demands that clients put on software developing companies. Software engineers have to develop better software in less time and with tight budgets. A possible solution to this problem is the use of intelligent CASE tools that provide functionalities for knowledge sharing instead of just code sharing. The good news are that the introduction of intelligent CASE systems creates an opportunity for the corporation to share among all its engineers, the knowledge acquired along the development of previous projects. This knowledge can be stored in a central repository, that enables the intelligent CASE tools to use it. This repository can also be updated, by adding new knowledge, or by removing outdated one, thus evolving with the corporation experience. 1
This work was partially supported by POSI - Programa Operacional Sociedade de Informação of Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and European Union FEDER, under contract POSI/33399/SRI/2000, by program PRAXIS XXI.
Software reuse [1, 2] is an engineering field that studies the use of knowledge gathered from previous developed software, in new projects. Several types of development knowledge can be reused. Ranging from the project specifications [3], to software designs [4], with code [5-7] being the most reused knowledge. Case-based reasoning [8, 9] is a field with shy similarities to software reuse. Both reuse knowledge, with the difference that in software reuse this knowledge relates to one specific domain – software development. Bringing both of these areas together has been done by some research works [10-14]. Software reuse can take advantage of several reasoning techniques developed in case-based reasoning (CBR). The knowledge repository mentioned before can be a case library, with cases describing knowledge related to a specific software project. Cases can then be indexed such that they can be reused in an efficient way. Retrieval capabilities can be added to the intelligent CASE tools allowing the use of the case library. New cases can also be learned from the interaction with the software designers or from the system’s reasoning. One of the most important tasks in a CBR tool for software reuse is the retrieval of relevant knowledge. The retrieval of irrelevant cases hinders the remaining phases of CBR. Two important issues must be dealt with in case retrieval: cases must be indexed correctly, meaning that indexes must be discriminatory so that the retrieval algorithm can make use of them; and the similarity metric must be accurate. We have developed an intelligent CASE tool (REBUILDER), which brings together CBR and Software Reuse. Our approach is intended to aid the software engineer in the design phase. We use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [15] to represent the design knowledge. Being UML a commonly used design language for most of the software engineers, users interact with the system through an UML editor. From the user point of view, this editor has extra functionalities that can help the design task. These functionalities enable the reuse of knowledge stored in a knowledge base, which comprises a case library along with other types of knowledge repositories. One of the functionalities developed in our system is the retrieval of designs (complete designs or objects). Our approach to design retrieval combines a general ontology for object classification and indexing, with an object-oriented similarity metric. In this paper we present our approach, and experimental results obtained with our system concerning design retrieval. The remaining of this paper presents the architecture of REBUILDER. We describe in detail the knowledge base, the retrieval algorithm, the similarity metrics, and the experimental results obtained with REBUILDER. We compare our approach with systems for software reuse, and finally we discuss the experimental results, the advantages and disadvantages of our system, and present future work.
2 REBUILDER’s Architecture REBUILDER is a CASE tool that provides intelligent support for the software engineer in the design phase. REBUILDER is a tool intended to be used at a corporate level, centralizing the corporation past designs in its knowledge base. There are two types of users interacting with the system. Software designers, using REBUILDER as
an intelligent UML editor, and system administrators with the main task of keeping the knowledge base (KB) consistent and updated. In order for a CASE tool to be used, the design language must be intuitive and human-centered. This is also true for software design where it is common the use of visual languages to represent software modules. One of the worldwide used software design languages is UML [15]. This language provides a representation for all the software development phases. By choosing UML as the representation language, we are providing the user with a design standard. Figure 1 presents the architecture of REBUILDER. It comprises four main modules: UML editor, KB manager, KB, and CBR engine. The UML editor is the system front-end to the software designer, comprising the working space for design. The KB manager is the interface with the KB and system administrator. It provides access to the various sub modules of knowledge, allowing the administrator to add, delete, or change knowledge in the KB. CBR Engine Retrieval
UML Editor
Software Designer
Knowlegde Base Case Library
Case Indexes
Data Type Taxonom
Knowledge Base Manager
KB Administrator
Fig. 1. The architecture of REBUILDER.
The KB comprises four sub modules: data type taxonomy, case library, case indexes, and WordNet knowledge. The data type taxonomy provides is-a relations between data types used in UML. The case library stores the design cases, each one representing a software design. Software designs are stored in UML files created in the editor. The case indexes are used for case retrieval, making retrieval more efficient. WordNet is a lexical reference system [16], used in REBUILDER as a general ontology that categorizes case objects. The CBR engine performs all the inference work in REBUILDER. There are five sub modules: retrieval, analogy, adaptation, verification, and learning. The retrieval module searches the case library for designs or design objects similar to the designer query. The most similar ones are presented to the user, allowing the user to reuse these designs, or part of them. Retrieved designs can also suggest new ideas to the designer, helping her/him to explore the design space. The analogy module maps candidate designs from the case library to the query design. The resulting mapping establishes how the knowledge transfer takes place from the old design to the designer query. Analogy goes further than case retrieval, creating new designs. The adaptation module
adapts a past design (or part of it) to the designer query. The main usage of this module is in combination with retrieval. The verification module checks the current design for inconsistencies and incoherencies. The learning module acquires new knowledge from the user interaction, and from the system interaction. This paper focus on the retrieval module.
3 Knowledge Base As said before, the Knowledge Base comprises four components: Case Library, Case Indexes, WordNet, and Data Type Taxonomy. The case library is a repository of software designs in the format of UML models. Cases are represented as UML class diagrams defining the software design structure. Class diagrams can comprise three types of objects (packages, classes and interfaces) and four kind of relations between them (associations, generalizations, realizations and dependencies). Each class diagram has a main package named root package. Packages can contain other packages, classes and interfaces. Classes can comprise attributes and methods, interfaces only have methods. Class diagrams are very intuitive, and are an effective visual way of communication between software development members. Though UML has several other diagrams each one representing the software system in a different aspect, only class diagrams are used in REBUILDER. We have selected this type of diagrams because they are the most used diagrams in UML. Cases are stored as XMI/XML files, which can be used by other CASE tools. WordNet is used in REBUILDER as a common sense ontology. It uses a differential theory where concept meanings are represented by symbols that enable a theorist to distinguish among them. Symbols are words, and concept meanings are called synsets. A synset is a concept represented by one or more words. If more than one word can be used to represent a synset, then they are called synonyms. But there is also another word phenomenon important for WordNet: the same word can have different meanings (polysemy). For instance, the word mouse has two meanings, it can denote a rat, or it can express a computer mouse. WordNet is built around the concept of synset. Basically it comprises a list of word synsets, and different semantic relations between synsets. Each element of the word list comprises a word and a list of synsets that the word represents. Semantic relations between synsets are: is-a relations (rat isa mouse), part-of relations (door part-of house), and other relations. In REBUILDER we use the word synset list (which is essential) and four semantic relations: is-a, partof, substance-of, and member-of. Synsets are classified within four different types: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. REBUILDER uses synsets for categorization of software objects. Each object has a context synset which represents the object meaning. In order to find the correct synset, REBUILDER uses the object name, and the names of the objects related with it, which define the object context. The object’s context synset can then be used for computing object similarity (using the WordNet semantic relations), or it can be used as a case index, allowing rapid access to objects with the same classification.
As cases can be large, they are stored in files, which makes case access slower then if they were in memory. To solve this problem we use case indexes. These provide a way to access the relevant case parts for retrieval without having to read all the case files from disk. Each object in a case is used as an index. REBUILDER uses the context synset of each object to index the case in WordNet. This way, REBUILDER can retrieve a complete case, using the case root package, or it can retrieve only a subset of case objects, using the objects’ indexes. This allows REBUILDER to provide the user the possibility to retrieve not only packages, but also classes and interfaces. The data type taxonomy is a hierarchy of data types used in REBUILDER. Data types are used in the definition of attributes and methods. The data taxonomy is used to compute the conceptual distance between two data types.
4 Retrieval Algorithm REBUILDER can retrieve three types of objects (packages, classes and interfaces) based on the WordNet object classification. Suppose that the N best objects are to be retrieved, QObj is the query object, and ObjectList is the universe of objects that can be retrieved (usually ObjectList comprises all the library cases). The retrieval algorithm is: ObjsFound ← ∅ PSynset ← Get context synset of QObj PSynsets ← {PSynset} ObjsExplored ← ∅ WHILE (#ObjsFound < N) AND (PSynsets ≠ ∅) DO Synset ← Remove first element of PSynsets ObjsExplored ← ObjsExplored + Synset SubSynsets ← Get Synset hyponyms / subordinates SuperSynsets ← Get Synset hypernyms / super ordinates SubSynsets ← SubSynsets – ObjsExplored – PSynsets SuperSynsets ← SuperSynsets – ObjsExplored – PSynsets PSynsets ← Add SubSynsets to the end of PSynsets PSynsets ← Add SuperSynsets to the end of PSynsets Objects ← Get all objects indexed by Synset Objects ← Objects ∩ ObjectList ObjsFound ← ObjsFound ∩ Objects ENDWHILE ObjsFound ← Rank ObjsFound by similarity RETURN Select the first N elements from ObjsFound Object retrieval has two distinct phases. First the WordNet is-a relations are used as an index structure to find relevant objects. Then a similarity metric is used to select only the best N objects. This process is a compromise between a first phase which is inexpensive from the computational point of view, and a second phase which demands more computational resources, but much more accurate in the object selection and ranking.
In the first phase the object’s context synset works like an index. Starting by QObj context synset, the algorithm searches for objects indexed with the same synset. If there are not enough objects, the algorithm uses the hypernyms and hyponyms of this synset to look for objects, going in a spreading activation kind of algorithm. When it has found enough objects, it stops and ranks them using the similarity metric. In the next section we present the similarity metrics used for object ranking.
5 Similarity Metrics There are three similarity metrics: for classes, for interfaces, and for packages. The class and package similarity metrics are based on WordNet categorization and in the object structure. The interface metric is equal to the class metric with the difference that it does not have attributes. 5.1 Class Similarity The class similarity metric is based on three components: categorization similarity, inter-class similarity, and intra-class similarity (see also [17]). The similarity between class C1 and C2, is: S(C ,C ) = ω ⋅ S(S ,S ) + ω ⋅ S(Ie ,Ie ) + ω ⋅ S(Ia ,Ia ) 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2
Where S(S1, S2) is the categorization similarity based on the distance, in is-a relations, between C1 context synset (S1) and C2 context synset (S2), see equation (3). S(Ie1, Ie2) is the inter-class similarity based on the similarity between the diagram relations of C1 and C2. S(Ia1, Ia2) is the intra-class similarity based on the similarity between attributes and methods of C1 and C2. W1, w2 and w3 are constants. We use 0.6, 0.1, and 0.3 as the default values of these constants, based on experimental work. 5.2 Interface Similarity The interface similarity metric is the same as the class metric with the difference that the intra-class similarity metric is only based on the method similarity, since interfaces do not have attributes. 5.3 Package Similarity The package similarity between packages PK1 and PK2 is:
1 ⋅ S ( SPs1 , SPs 2 ) + ω 2 ⋅ S (OBs1 , OBs 2 ) + ω 3 ⋅ S (T1 , T2 ) + ω 4 ⋅ S ( D1 , D 2 )
S ( Pk1 , Pk 2 ) =
(2 )
This metric is based on four items: sub package list similarity – S(SPs1, SPs2), UML class diagram similarity – S(OBs1, OBs2), categorization similarity – S(T1, T2), and dependency list similarity – S(D1, D2). These four items are combined in a weighted sum. The weights used in our experiments are: 0.07, 0.4, 0.5, 0.03, respectively. These values are supported on experimental work. From the weight values it can be seen that the most important factors for package similarity are the categorization similarity and the class diagram similarity. 5.4 Object Categorization Similarity
The object type similarity is computed using the context synsets of the objects. The similarity between synset S1 and S2 is: S ( S1 , S 2 ) =
1 ln( Min ∀Path( S1 , S 2 ) + 1) + 1
(3 )
Where Min is the function returning the smaller element of a list. Path(S1, S2) is the WordNet path between synset S1 and S2, which returns the number of relations between the synsets. Ln is the natural logarithm. 5.5 Inter-Class Similarity
The inter-class similarity between two objects (classes or interfaces) is based on the matching of the relations in which both objects are involved. The similarity between objects O1 and O2 is presented in equation (4).
S (O1 , O2 ) =
∑n Unmatched ( R1 ) i = 1 S ( R1i , R 2i ) ⋅ ω − ω ⋅ 1 2 # R1 n 2⋅ −1 Unmatched ( R 2 ) + ω 2 + ω3 − ω3 ⋅ # R2
(4 )
Where Ri is the set of relations in object i, Rij is the j element of Ri, n is the number of matched relations, S(R1i, R2i) is the relation similarity, and w1, w2 and w3 are constants, with ∑wi = 1 (default values are: 0.5; 0.4; 0.1). Unmatched(Ri) returns the number of unmatched relations in Ri.
5.6 Intra-Class Similarity
The intra-class similarity between objects O1 and O2 is:
S (O1 , O 2 ) = ω 1 ⋅ S ( As1 , As 2 ) + ω 2 ⋅ S ( Ms1 , Ms 2 )
(5 )
Where S(As1, As2) is the similarity between attributes, S(Ms1, Ms2) is the similarity between methods, and w1 and w2 are constants, with ∑wi = 1 (default values are: 0.6; 0.4). 5.7 Sub-Package List Similarity
The similarity between sub package lists SPs1 and SPs2 is:
n S(SPs1i ,SPs2i ) ⋅ i =1 − 1 n S(SPs1,SPs2 ) = 2 ⋅ Unmatched(SPs2 ) − + 2 3⋅ #SPs2
ω2 ⋅
Unmatched(SPs1 ) #SPs1
+ ω3
(6 ) −1
Where wi are constants, and ∑wi = 1 (default values are: 0.5; 0.4; 0.1), n is the number of sub packages matched, S(Pk1i, Pk2i) is the similarity between packages, Unmatched(Pki) is the number of unmatched packages in Pki, SPsij is the j element of SPsi, and #Pki is the number of packages in Pki. 5.8 UML Class Diagram Similarity
The similarity between lists of UML objects OBs1 and OBs2 is:
n S (OB1i , OB2i ) ⋅ i =1 − 1 n 2⋅ Unmatched (OBs2 ) − + 3⋅ # OBs2
S (OBs1, OBs2 ) =
ω2 ⋅
Unmatched (OBs1) # OBs1
ω 2 + ω3
(7 ) −1
Where wi are constants, and ∑wi = 1 (default values are: 0.5; 0.4; 0.1), #OBsi is the number of objects in OBsi, Unmatched(OBsi) is the number of objects unmapped in OBsi, n is the number of objects matched, OBij is the j element of OBi, and S(OB1i,OB2i) is the object categorization similarity.
5.9 Dependency List Similarity
Dependencies is a UML relation type, and is commonly used to describe dependencies between packages. The similarity between dependency lists D1 and D2 is given by:
# ID1 −# ID2
Max # ID1 , # ID2
S ( D1 , D 2 ) = ω1 ⋅
+ω2 ⋅
# OD1 −# OD 2
Max # OD1 , # OD 2
Where w1 and w2 are constants, and ∑wi = 1 (default values are: 0.5; 0.5), ID are the input dependencies, and OD are the output dependencies.
Experimental Work
6.1 Package Retrieval Experiments The case library used comprises 60 cases. Each case comprises a package, with 5 to 20 objects (total number of objects in the knowledge base is 586). Each object has up to 20 attributes, and up to 20 methods. Three sets of package problems were specified, based on the library cases. Incomplete set P20, with 25 problems, each problem is a case copy with 80% of its objects deleted, attributes and methods are also reduced by 80%. The other sets are the same problems but with 50% (P50) and 20% (P80) deleted. One of the experimental goals is to define the best weight configuration for package retrieval. For each problem a best case and a set of relevant cases were defined before the runs were executed. These sets are used to evaluate the accuracy of the algorithm. For each problem set, the following weight configurations were used: Configuration 1 (C1) Configuration 2 (C2) Configuration 3 (C3) Configuration 4 (C4) Configuration 5 (C5)
w1 0 0 0 0 0
w2 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0
w3 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
w4 0 0 0 0 0
Because each case has only one package, weights w1 and w4 are not used, leaving only weights w2 (diagram similarity) and w3 (categorization similarity), which concern class diagram similarity and package type similarity. For each problem run the best twenty retrieved cases were analyzed. The data gathered was: best case is first (yes or no), best case is selected (yes or no), percentage of the relevant cases retrieved, computing time, memory used, and the best 20 cases ranked by similarity.
100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 % Best Case First
% Relevant Cases Retrieved
% Best Case Retrieved
Fig. 2. The package retrieval results obtained for the percentage of: best cases in the first ranking place, relevant cases retrieved, and best case retrieved.
From the results presented in Figure 2, it can be inferred that configuration C4 has the higher percentage of relevant case retrieval, though results obtained for C2, C3 and C5 are very near. In terms of best case retrieval (among the first 20 relevant cases) all the configurations retrieve it 93.3 % of the runs, though results for the retrieval of the best case in the first ranking position are clearly different, with C3 and C4 having the best results. In terms of performance there are no significant differences between the configurations. There is some difference in the distribution of relevant cases among the 20 retrieved cases. Figure 3 shows the average of relevant cases retrieved by the number of total cases retrieved. For instance, to retrieve three relevant cases, C3, C4 and C5 reach it by retrieving the best 5 cases, while C2 needs to retrieve 6 and C1 8. Clearly configurations C3, C4 and C5 have better performances than C1 and C2. Between C3, C4 and C5, the last one presents slightly better results than C4, and this one better then C3. This shows that the categorization similarity has more importance than class diagram similarity, when ranking packages. Though, in the end, C3 and C4 have slightly better retrieval values than C5 (see Figure 2). There is a compromise between retrieving more relevant packages, associated with diagram similarity, and the ranking number of cases retrieved needed to obtain relevant cases, associated with package type similarity.
0.00 1
5 C1
7 C2
9 C3
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C4
Fig. 3. Comparison of the results for the average number of relevant cases found by number of cases retrieved.
6.2 Class Retrieval Experiments In class retrieval experiments we used the same case library as before. Three sets of class problems were specified, based on cases. The strategy used for problem definition is the same that was used in the problem packages. An incomplete set P20, with 50 problems, each problem is a copy of a class from the Knowledge Base with 80% of its methods and attributes deleted. The other sets are the same problems but with 50% (P50) and 20% (P80) deleted. For each class a set of relevant classes was defined before the runs were executed. These sets are used to evaluate the accuracy of the algorithm. For each problem set the following weight configurations was used: Configuration 1 (C1) Configuration 2 (C2) Configuration 3 (C3) Configuration 4 (C4) Configuration 5 (C5) Configuration 6 (C6) Configuration 7 (C7) Configuration 8 (C8) Configuration 9 (C9)
w1 1 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25
w2 0 1 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25
w3 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 0 0.25 0.25 0.5
Weight w1 concerns the class categorization similarity, w2 the inter-class similarity, and w3 the intra-class similarity. For each run the best twenty retrieved classes were analyzed. The data gathered was: percentage of the relevant classes retrieved, computing time, memory used, and the best 20 classes ranked by similarity.
The class retrieval accuracy results are shown in Figure 4. Configurations C1, C6 and C7 have the best results, though the difference with C8 and C5 is small. These results show a correlation between better accuracy and the categorization similarity first, and then with less importance the inter-class similarity. If configurations are ordered first by w1, and then by w2, it can be seen that the retrieval accuracy values decrease (with the exception of C6 to C7, and C2 to C4): C1 – 80.17; C6 – 80.12; C7 – 80.15; C5 – 79.83; C8 – 79.54; C9 – 78.77; C2 – 76.13; C4 – 76.59; C3 – 73.28. The average computing time is the same for all the configurations, but the average of memory used decreases from C1 to C9. Retrieval Accuracy 82.00 80.00
78.00 76.00 74.00 72.00 70.00 68.00 Series2
Fig. 4. The accuracy results obtained for class retrieval.
As the experimental results show, in class retrieval the categorization similarity is determinant for finding the right classes, which is consistent with software development knowledge. For instance when a programmer searches for a class that implements a linked list, the relevant and discriminatory features of this search is the semantic concept of linked list, and not its attributes or methods.
Related Work
There are several important works on retrieval in case-based design. From these we selected two families of systems for comparison with our approach: CBR design systems, and CBR software design systems. One relevant CBR design system is FABEL [18]. It is a case-based design system in the domain of architecture intended to work as an intelligent CAD tool. Cases have a complex representation, combining object-based with graph-based representation. Case retrieval comprises several methods, which are used to help the designer to retrieve and explore different aspects of the design. One aspect of FABEL, similar to REBUILDER, is that it uses a visual editor as a means for communication with the
designer. In this way both systems represent cases as diagrams, FABEL in the architecture domain, and REBUILDER in the software design domain. The work developed by Ashok Goel in the KRITIK family [19] combines CBR with model-based reasoning (MBR). In his work, Goel uses a case representation that describes a design at three different levels: function, behavior, and structure, which allows cases to be indexed and retrieved using these three aspects of design. REBUILDER uses only functional indexes (object synsets), but it provides a functional taxonomy for the indexing mechanism allowing the computation of similarity distances between these indexes. KRITIK does not provide this taxonomy, enabling only a boolean match of indexes. Mary Lou Maher has developed several case-based design systems in the architectural domain (CASECAD, CADSYN, WIN, DEMEX, [20]). CASECAD has two main working modes: browsing and retrieving. It allows the designer to explore the design space by browsing a case base, and it can retrieve the designs using a user query in the form of attribute/value pairs. CADSYN is very similar to CASECAD but it can also search for subsystems, using a requirements hierarchy. In WIN the case retrieval is an iterative and interactive process that uses MBR retrieval besides doing the attribute/value pair case retrieval. Finally DEMEX addresses the issues of flexible retrieval and memory exploration using three different types of memory: associative memory, model memory and case memory. REBUILDER shares some of the features of these systems, namely the ability to explore the memory of previous designs (the case library). González et. al. [21] presented a CBR approach for software reuse based on the reuse and design of Object-Oriented code. Cases represent three types of entities: classes, methods and programming recipes, thus allowing the retrieval of these types of objects. Cases comprise a lexical description (problem), code (solution) and code properties (justification). It uses a lexical retrieval algorithm using a natural language query, and conceptual retrieval using an entity and slot similarity measures. One difference between REBUILDER and this approach is that our system works at the design level, González approach deals with the coding level. Another difference is that the query in REBUILDER is the design (or part of it) in which the designer is working on, while in González system the query must be specified in one of the alternative ways provided, which are natural language or using entity slots. This can make the difference between a system that is accepted by the software engineer and one that is not. The system must understand the user and not the opposite. Besides this, the retrieval action must be natural and simple, like clicking a button, otherwise the designer will not use the retrieval mechanisms due to the time spent building the query. Déjà Vu [11] is a CBR system for code generation and reuse using hierarchical CBR. Déjà Vu uses a hierarchical case representation, indexing cases using functional features. The main improvement of this system is the adaptation-guided retrieval which retrieves cases based on the case adaptation effort instead of the similarity with the target problem. This work has several points in common with REBUILDER, some being the hierarchical case representation and reasoning, and the functional indexing of cases. Despite these similarities, Déjà Vu deals with the coding phase of software development.
CAESER [10] is another code reuse CBR tool. It works at the code level and uses data-flow analysis to acquire functional indexes. The user can retrieve cases from the case library using a Prolog-like query goal, which is used by the system to retrieve similar functions. This system like González approach deals with the coding phase, and has some drawbacks in the query generation mode. Althoff and Tautz [3] have a different approach to software reuse and design. Instead of reusing code, they reuse system requirements and associated software development knowledge.
Discussion and Future Work
In this paper we present REBUILDER a CASE tool that uses CBR to expand the software designer cognitive capabilities. It uses several reasoning functionalities, one of them being the ability to retrieve relevant designs from a case library. We describe the retrieval algorithm and how it uses a general ontology – WordNet – as an indexing structure. We also present the similarity metrics used in the system. Experimental work was also described and analyzed. Concerning the pros and cons of our system, most of the software reuse systems work at the code reuse level, thus having different approaches to retrieval. REBUILDER deals with concepts at a more abstract level than in code reuse systems. WordNet is used to establish a classification structure for design objects, at code level this is more difficult. Query generation in REBUILDER is natural for the designer, and involves no additional effort, while in code reuse, the user must issue a natural language query or one with a specific format (prolog-like or frame-like). Another advantage of REBUILDER is the low effort in case acquisition. In our approach a case is an UML model, just as it was created by the UML editor. Most of the reuse systems must do some type of analysis to create a case. Like some of the systems presented in this paper, REBUILDER provides flexible retrieval through the use of two indexing levels: it can index cases and parts of cases. Some limitations of REBUILDER have to do with WordNet. This ontology provides a general way of dealing with most of the names that appear in a design, but there are some situations where it fails to find the meaning of an object’s name, in particular when: there is no context, or it can not find the word. In the first situation the user can choose the correct synset solving the problem. WordNet provides a glossary for each synset that is used in the user’s choice. The second situation can also be solved this way but most of the times it has to do with spelling errors or the name does not follow the naming rules. This can be easily overcome if the user follows the naming rules, used by most of the software development companies. Future work on REBUILDER will include the integration of new reasoning modules: design pattern application module using CBR, verification cases used for design checking, and domain modeling using WordNet.
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