ABSTRACT We present our participation in the NTCIR GeoTime evaluation task with a semantically-flavored geographic information retrieval system. Our approach relies on a thorough interpretation of the user intent by recognising and grounding entities and relationships from query terms, extracting additional information using external knowledge resources and geographic ontologies, and reformulating the query with reasoned answers. Our experiments aimed to observe the impact of semantic-based reformulated queries on the retrieval performance.
Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval
General Terms Algorithms, Design, Evaluation
Keywords Geographical Information Retrieval, Query Reformulation, Information Extraction
As user information needs become more elaborate and context-aware, classic information retrieval (IR) approaches show significative limitations on returning relevant documents, as term-statistic approaches focus on what the user said (given by the query terms), not on what the user wanted (given by the information need expressed in query terms). Users typically describe their simple information needs to IR systems using short queries. For more complex information needs involving entities such as places, organisations or persons, relationships between them such as “located in” or “published by,” the user might formulate elaborated queries that can resemble more as a question rather than a list of
keywords. Our belief is that, if a user is interested for instance in knowing “which Swedish writers died in Stockholm?,” he shouldn’t have to state his information need in short queries that old classic IR systems handle, but rather state it in natural language. The IR system should take the burden of understanding his intentions by taking advantage of the semantic content in the query, and reasoning through a result list that indeed matches what the user needs. We are developing a geographic information retrieval (GIR) system that handles complex queries, specifically queries that contain geographic criteria that define a geographic area of interest, such as “restaurants in Stockholm.” Its query reformulation module does not work directly with terms, but with the entities represented by those terms. External knowledge resources, such as Wikipedia, DBpedia and geographic ontologies, are used to extract information about entities, their properties and relationships among them, and find answers matching the user information need. The initial query is afterwards reformulated using the extracted information, and submitted to the retrieval module. The GikiP pilot task in 2008 [12], and the GikiCLEF track in 2009 [11], focused precisely on the reasoning step needed for such demanding queries, rather than the retrieval step. The task proposed to participants was addressing geographically challenging topics by using Wikipedia as an information resource, and returning answers given by Wikipedia pages. Our participation on both evaluation tasks helped to shape the semantic approaches within the GIR system described in this paper. The NTCIR GeoTime task presents an ad-hoc IR evaluation task where topics are elaborated as questions with a strong geographic and temporal bias [5]. The task challenges participants to develop a system with robust retrieval and reasoning capabilities. We participated in the NTCIR GeoTemporal task with the goal of measuring the impact on the retrieval performance using reformulated queries generated by our semantic-based query reformulation module, compared to simple, short query strings. The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Section 2 overviews our GIR system. Section 3 describes our experiments and submitted runs. Section 4 presents and analyses our results, and Section 5 concludes the paper.
RENOIR Query Reformulator
Initial Query
Reformulated Query
LGTE With BM25
SASKIA Knowledge Base API
SPARQL REMBRANDT Document Annotator
SASKIA database
Yahoo! GeoPlanet
Expected Answer Type (EAT), list of properties that the final set of answers must have.
GeoNet PT 02
Raw Documents
Figure 1: Overview of the GIR architecture
Figure 1 presents the architecture of our GIR system. There are five main modules: i) a semantic query reformulation module, Renoir, handles and reformulates user queries; ii) a document annotator tool, Rembrandt [2], recognises and grounds all entities from documents; iii) a knowledge base, Saskia, is the access point for all knowledge resources, iv) an indexer, which generates a standard term index and selective indexes for each entity type, and v) a retrieval engine, LGTE (Lucene with GeoTemporal Extensions) [8], which retrieves and ranks results. As knowledge resources, we use a local copy of the English and Portuguese Wikipedia snapshots (article texts and SQL dumps), a local copy of the DBpedia dataset [1] and the geographic ontologies GeoNetPT-02 [7] (for the Portuguese territory) and the Yahoo!’s GeoPlanetTM web-service [14]. DBpedia and GeoNetPT-02 are both loaded to an OpenLink Virtuoso triple-store server, which provides a SPARQL query interface.
Query parsing RENOIR
Initial Query
subject can be represented by i) DBpedia resources that have a property rdf:type for a value skos:Concept [9] as in http://dbpedia.org/ resource/Category:Swedish_writers, ii) a DBpedia ontology class as in http://dbpedia.org/ontology/ Writer, or iii) a semantic classification such as PERSON/INDIVIDUAL, as defined in the HAREM categorization [13], in this preferential order.
Question Interpreter
Question Object
Question Reasoner
Reformulated Query
SASKIA Knowledge Base
Conditions, list of filtering criteria on the subject, such as a geographic scope or a temporal expression (for example, “died in Stockholm” or “born in 2002”). A condition may contain i) a DBpedia ontology property, as in http://dbpedia.org/ontology/deathPlace, ii) an operator such as BEFORE or BETWEEN, and iii) a referent object, which may be represented by a grounded entity (such as http://dbpedia.org/resource/Stockholm), a generic named entity (such as the year 2002) or subject (as in “Cities of Sweden,” grounded to http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Cities_in_ Sweden).
For the example question “Which Swedish writers died in Stockholm?,” the question interpreter would start with a first set of pattern rules that detects “Swedish writers” as a subject and grounds it to the DBpedia resource http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category: Swedish_writers, which is derived from the corresponding Wikipedia’s category page. Another set of rules to detect question type matches the “Which ” pattern and assigns the subject to the EAT, that is, the answers must contain the property Category:Swedish_writers. In a different scenario where the question started with the “Where and when” pattern, as in a significative amount of GeoTime topic titles, the EAT was then assigned to the generic HAREM categories LOCAL and TIME, not to a subject. Finally, a set of pattern rules interprets the expression “died in Stockholm” into a new condition, which contains the DBpedia property http://dbpedia.org/ontology/ deathPlace and a referent entity http://dbpedia.org/ resource/Stockholm.
Figure 2: RENOIR query reformulation module The NTCIR GeoTime topics are handled by Renoir, which is detailed in Figure 2. The initial task of Renoir is performed by a question interpreter (QI), which recognises entities and expressions from the topic title, and grounds them using unique identifiers, such as DBpedia resource URLs ands GeoPlanetTM WOEIDs – Where On Earth IDs [15]. With this information, the QI generates a question object which is composed of the following attributes: Subject, grounding information for the expression in the user query that represents the expected answer type, as for example “Swedish writers.” The
The final step of Renoir is the question reasoner (QR), which aims to resolve the question (given by the question object) into a list of answers. Depending on the elements present in the question object, the QR decides the best strategy to obtain those answers, which may involve a list of SPARQL queries to the Saskia knowledge base. In the given example, for a question object with an EAT grounded to http://dbpedia.org/resource/ Category:Swedish_writers, a single condition described by a property dbpedia-owl:deathPlace and a referent geographic entity http://dbpedia.org/resource/Stockholm, the QR module issues the following SPARQL query to the DBpedia:
SELECT DISTINCT ?swedishWriters WHERE { { ?swedishWriters skos:subject } UNION { ?swedishWriters skos:subject ?category. ?category skos:broader } ?swedishWriters dbpedia-owl:deathPlace }
With the DBpedia v3.5.1 dataset, this SPARQL query returns 21 DBpedia resources, including http://dbpedia.org/resource/Astrid_Lindgren.
Document parsing
Rembrandt (http://xldb.di.fc.ul.pt/Rembrandt/) is a named-entity recognition software which is used to annotate documents by classifying named entities (NEs) and assigning them identifiers composed by Wikipedia and DBpedia URLs. Its classification strategy begins by mapping NEs to their corresponding Wikipedia and DBpedia pages, using DBpedia’s ontology classes and Wikipedia categories to infer the semantic classification. Then, Rembrandt applies a set of manually generated language-dependent rules, which represent the internal and external evidence for NEs for a given language, as in “city of X ” or “X, Inc.” This set of rules disambiguates NEs with more than one semantic classification, classifies NEs that were not mapped to a Wikipedia or DBpedia page. Figure 3 shows a text excerpt tagged by Rembrandt. Astrid Lindgren, the Swedish writer whose rollicking, anarchic books about Pippi Longstocking horrified a generation of parents and captivated millions of children around the globe, died in her sleep Monday at her home in Stockholm, Sweden . She was 94.
Figure 3: Excerpt of a document tagged by REMBRANDT, NYT_ENG_20020128.0134. Rembrandt also generates geographic signatures and temporal signatures for tagged documents. A geographic signature of a document is the surrogate of the NEs found in the document that were grounded as a geographic place, where each place is expanded upwards to the country level, following the strategy proposed by Li et al. [6]. Figure 4 presents an excerpt of a geographic signature of a document. The geographic signature is composed by a
(...) Stockholm Stockholm @HUMANO Area Stockholm Kommun Stockholm Sweden 59.332169 18.062429 58.877621 17.171261 59.786720 18.953581 (...)
Figure 4: Excerpt of the geographic signature generated for the document shown in Figure 3. list of elements, which has a count attribute that stores the document frequency of that place, and a WOEID (plus a GeoNetPT-02 ID if the place is within the Portuguese territory) as an identifier. Each element contains the different NEs used in the document to designate it (), the place’s entity name (), HAREM’s semantic classifications under the LOCAL category ( and ), the DBpedia class (), the ancestor’s WOEIDs and entity name (), and centroid/bounding box information given by GeoPlanet. 20020128
Figure 5: Excerpt of the temporal signature generated for the document shown in Figure 3. Likewise, a temporal signature of a document is the surrogate of the NEs of category DATETIME found in the document that were grounded into a temporal expression. Figure 5 il-
lustrates a temporal signature of a document generated by Rembrandt. The temporal signature starts with a element that contains the creation date of the document (inferred by the published date given in the NYT collection). Each distinct NE is represented in a