query optimization - Semantic Scholar

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complexity of distributed query optimization. IEEE. Tra ns act i o ns o n K n ow le dg e a n d D ata E n g inee r in g ,. (6) :650 - 662, August 1# 6. [4] Sanjeev Arora.
On the Complexity of Approximate Query Optimization [Extended Abstract]    4 5# / 635 7%98:;$ù =8AÏ¿N‚ƒ‘AwT‡‹‚ƒuŠ…x\‘Ax{s~ wy~ ˜» ƒuix{s‰lƒl|={sw-ñy—G¸zƒ |iƒl”d¬ …ƒlw/‰uƒB

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