Nov 2, 2008 - geo-temporal semantics from text, using simple text mining methods that leverage on a .... Consortium (OGC5) already proposed a simple Web Geo- parsing Service for ...... [3] A. Kornai (editor), 2003. Proceedings of the HLT- ...
The IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing
Extracting and Exploring the Geo-Temporal Semantics of Textual Resources Bruno Martins Hugo Manguinhas José Borbinha Instituto Superior Técnico - Department of Computer Science and Engineering Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal {bruno.g.martins,hugo.manguinhas,jlb}
Geo-temporal criteria are important for filtering, grouping and prioritizing information resources. This presents techniques for extracting semantic geo-temporal information from text, using simple text mining methods that leverage on a gazetteer. A prototype system, implementing the proposed methods and capable of displaying information over maps and timelines, is described. This prototype can take input in RSS, demonstrating the application to content from many different online sources. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approaches.
from the text, leveraging on time and location extensions that are already widely deployed, i.e. geoRSS3 and xCal4. As this system consumes and produces information in RSS, it can be transparently placed between information producers and novel geo-temporal exploration interfaces. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the main concepts and related works; Section 3 presents the proposed techniques for geo-temporal information extraction; Section 4 describes the prototype interface for exploring geo-temporal information over maps and timelines; Section 5 presents results from evaluation experiments; finally, Section 6 presents our conclusions and directions for future work.
1. Introduction
2. Concepts and related work
Geo-temporal information extraction is the automated process of analyzing text, finding geographic and temporal references, and combining these references into meaningful semantic summaries (i.e. geo-temporal scopes for the documents). The text may come from Web pages, newsfeeds, or metadata records in digital libraries, among other examples. The problem has been addressed with mixed success, for instance by the NLP [3] and GIR [2][22] communities. Previous studies showed that geo-temporal criteria have important roles in filtering, grouping and prioritizing information resources [2][21][26]. This paper describes automated methods for extracting geo-temporal semantics from text, using simple text mining methods that leverage on a gazetteer service [6]. The proposed techniques are evaluated through comparisons with gold-standard collections of textual resources, where each item has a geo-temporal context assigned by humans. These collections are a) newsfeed items geo-temporal information, and b) metadata records from the DIGMAP digital library of old maps [7], having temporal and geographical annotations provided by librarians. The paper also presents a prototype geo-parser system1, developed in the context of DIGMAP and demonstrating the proposed techniques. This system can process data in the RSS2 text syndication format, extract the geo-temporal semantics, and display the individual items in a dynamic Web interface that combines maps and timelines for resource exploration. Through this geo-parser, RSS feeds can be augmented with semantic information extracted 1 2
Extracting different types of entities from text is usually referred to as Named Entity Recognition (NER). For over a decade, this has been an important NLP task [9]. NER has been successfully automated with near-human performance. However, the work described here differs from the standard NER task for the following reasons: • The types for our named entities (e.g. references to cities or villages) are more accurate than the course-grained types that are generally considered (i.e. person, organization or location). • The documents are multilingual. This includes languages for which annotated corpora are scarce (e.g. Portuguese or Spanish). As in other text mining tasks, more NER work has been done for the English language. • The recognition in itself does not derive a meaning for the recognized entities. We must also match them explicitly to geospatial areas and time-spans. Extending NER with gazetteer matching presents harder problems than the simple recognition [17]. • Handling large collections requires processing the individual resources in a reasonable time, constraining the choice of techniques and heuristics. Performance was often neglected in previous NER evaluation studies. • The named entities in a text can be seen as part of a specific semantic context. These entities should be combined into meaningful semantic summaries (i.e. an encompassing geo-temporal scope for each document), 3
978-0-7695-3279-0/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICSC.2008.86
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taking into account the relationships among them (e.g. part-of relationships between geographic regions).
A past workshop addressed techniques for exploring place references in text, focusing on more complex tasks than the simple recognition [3]. Some of the presented systems addressed the full disambiguation of place references (i.e. geo-parsing) although only initial experiments have been reported. The usual architecture for these systems is an extension of the general NER pipeline, adding stages that address the matching of the extracted names to gazetteer entries -- see Figure 1. In order to find the correct sense of a geographic reference systems usually use plausible heuristics [15]:
Traditional NER systems combine lexical resources (i.e. gazetteers) with shallow processing, consisting of at least a text segmenter, a lexicon and NE extraction rules. The extraction rules combine lexicon names with clues like capitalization and surrounding text. They can be generated by hand or automatically. The former method relies on experts, while the latter uses machine learning with manually annotated training data. The best machine learning systems achieve f-scores over 90% in newswire texts. However, they require balanced and representative training data [20]. A bottleneck occurs when such data is not easily available. This is usually the case with nonEnglish languages or very specific tasks, such as the problem of handling thin-grained geo-temporal references. The degree to which gazetteers help in NE extraction also seems to vary. Some studies showed that gazetteers did not improve performance [16], but others reported significant improvements using gazetteers and trigger phrases [11]. Mikheev et al. showed that a NER system without a lexicon could perform well for most classes, although not for places [19]. The same study also showed that simple gazetteer matching performs reasonably well. Eleven out of the sixteen teams at the NER shared task of the 2003 Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2003) used gazetteers in their systems, all obtaining performance improvements [20]. Extract references in the text
Lookup on gazetteer
Disambiguate from possible entries
Textual Documents
Annotations Assign identifyers to the references
One referent per discourse: a geographic reference often means only one of its senses when used multiple times within one discourse context (e.g. the same document). This resembles the one sense per discourse heuristic proposed for word sense disambiguation [12].
Related referents per discourse: geographic references appearing in the same discourse context often indicate nearby locations.
Default senses: a default sense can be assigned to ambiguous references, since important places are more likely to be referenced (e.g. the name Lisbon is more likely to reference a city than a street).
Research into geo-parsing approaches is only now getting momentum. A good survey was given in [23] but, in comparison with standard NER, considerably less information is available. Different combinations of the three heuristics above have been tested [13][23], although results are difficult to compare. The systems vary in the types of classification and disambiguation performed, and the evaluation resources are also not consistent [10][23]. Regarding interoperability, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC5) already proposed a simple Web Geoparsing Service for recognizing place references. However, that document is currently discontinued [4]. Although providing comprehensive details on the service interface, the document did not discuss any issues related to implementation. SpatialML6 is another recent proposal for interoperability between geo-parsing systems, emphasizing the need for standard evaluation resources. The prototype system reported in this paper supports both these data formats, although preference is given to the RSS interface. Previous works have also tackled the problem of combining the place references given in a text in order to find the encompassing geographic scope that the document discusses as a whole. For instance Web-a-Where proposes to discover the geographic focus of Web pages using part of relations in a gazetteer [5] (i.e. Lisbon is part of Portugal, and documents referencing both these places should have Portugal as the scope). Looping over the disambiguated references, Web-a-Where aggregates for
Extracted references Entity names, types and clues in surrounding text
Entity names and gazetteer identifyers
Figure 1. Typical approach for geo-parsing text. .
One conclusion from CoNLL-2003 was that ambiguity in place references is bi-directional. The same name can be used for more than one location (referent ambiguity), and the same location can have more than one name (reference ambiguity). The same name can also be used for places and other entity classes, such as persons or companies (referent class ambiguity). A recent study estimates that more that 67% of the place references in a text are ambiguous [13]. Another study shows that the percentage of names that are used by more than one place ranges from 16.6% for Europe to 57.1% for North and Central America [28].
5 6
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3.1 The geo-temporal gazetteer
each page the importance of the various levels in a gazetteer hierarchy. The levels are then sorted by importance and results above a given threshold are returned as the focus. In Web pages from the ODP7, Web-a-Where guessed the correct continent, country, city, and exact focus respectively 96, 93, 32, and 38 percent of the times. More advanced methods have also been described [19], but at the cost of additional complexity and computational efforts. On what concerns temporal references, previous works addressed the linking of events with time [8][13]. Similarly to the case of places, there exists a precise system for specifying time and time ranges (i.e. calendar dates), but people often use ambiguous names instead [24]. Ambiguity in temporal references is perhaps even a bigger challenge that in the case of places, particularly for applications requiring thin-grained annotations (e.g. Easter comes in different dates for the Catholic and Orthodox churches, and Winter depends on the hemisphere). The work reported in [8] described an approach for deep time analysis, capable of satisfying the needs of advanced reasoning engines. The approach was rooted on TimeML, a standard for temporal annotations that defines an XML format for capturing properties and relations among time-denoting expressions [14]. However, in our work, we are only addressing temporal references at a much simpler level. We never try to disambiguate expressions such as Monday or Autumn, instead focusing on complete dates and names for historical periods. At most, we deal with issues of reference/referent ambiguity similar to those occurring in place names (e.g. the term Renaissance can indicate a period in the 12th century in Europe, the 1920s Harlem renaissance in the US, or other periods), again by using heuristics. Concerning previous works addressing the combined analysis of temporal and geographical references, two important projects are GeoTracker and ECAI TimeMap. GeoTracker proposed to aggregate RSS feeds according to the time and location given in the contents [21]. A simple rule-based system extracts place names from text and the temporal dimension is given by the publication date of the resources. Information extraction is in our case addressed in more detail. ECAI TimeMap addresses the exploration of scholarly materials in space and time [24]. Work within the project has given much attention to the development of geo-temporal gazetteers [25], but again the issues related to information extraction were not the main focus.
Having a multilingual gazetteer that comprehensively lists names of places and historical periods, together with their properties (i.e. place types, spatial coordinates, time spans, hierarchical position, alternative names and semantic associations) is a key requirement to our task. Figure 2 illustrates the most important gazetteer elements.
Figure 2. Core elements of the DIGMAP gazetteer.
In the context of DIGMAP, we developed a Web gazetteer service integrating. data from multiple sources (e.g. the geonames8 website or the ECAI time period directory [25]). This gazetteer follows the XML Web interface and the data model proposed for the Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) gazetteer [1], introducing changes related to the handling of temporal data. A separate publication describes the gazetteer in more detail [6] and Table 1 provides basic descriptive information. The data in the gazetteer directly influences the outcome of our experiments, as we depend on it for the correct interpretation of the text references. In particular, the disambiguation methods depend on a rich set of hierarchical relations among the gazetteer entries. We are currently integrating new data from other sources besides geonames (e.g. authority records from library catalogues, which are rich in historical place names). Table 1. Statistical characterization of the DIGMAP gazetteer Characterization statistic
3. Geo-temporal text mining This section presents the proposed techniques for geotemporal information extraction. We start by presenting the gazetteer service, followed by the algorithms for geographical and temporal information extraction. Finally, we present general issues related a Web geo-parser service implementing the proposed approaches.
Number of places
Important places
Number of place names
Number of place types
Preferred terms ADL-FTT
Number of historical periods
ECAI Dir. + Wikipedia
Number of period names
Number of place relationships
Number of time/place relations
Number of relationship types
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Mostly part-of or contains
3.2 Extracting geographical information
rationale that features with a higher s score are more likely to be referenced. The descendants(f) value corresponds to a normalized count on the number of child features for f that are defined in the gazetteer. The idea is that places with more sub-divisions are more likely to be referenced. For the place references having more than one matching feature returned by the gazetteer query, we use the one reference per discourse and related referents per discourse assumptions to try adjusting the ranking scores given by the previous formula. The features having a parent or child feature found in the set of all references discovered in the document have their ranking score boosted by 0.2 up to a maximum value of 1. The end result of this stage is a set of place references and, for each, a list of possible referencing concepts ordered by their ranking score. This score can be seen as the probability of a given place reference being indeed related to that particular feature.
The extraction of geographical information is divided in three parts, namely the recognition of place references, the disambiguation of place references and the combination of place references into encompassing geographic scopes.
3.2.1 Recognition of place references For the recognition of place references we use a simple NER method based on word segmentation and gazetteer lookups. Capitalized names, i.e. sequences of n consecutive words with the first letter in upper case, are first matched against a list of important places, i.e. places in the gazetteer with a type class above a given threshold. For each class in the gazetteer’s hierarchical classification system, we assign a score s ∈ [0,1] (i.e. continents score higher than countries, countries higher than cities, cities higher than villages, etc.). Place names with a type class having a score s ≤ 0.5 are not used for simple recognition (i.e. the places below city). The rationale is that names for small unimportant places are often highly ambiguous, but simple techniques can be effective for recognizing the names of large and important geographical areas. For names of small regions we use look-ups in the full list of gazetteer place names. However, instead of the simple matching procedure, we also look for the presence of words indicating place types (e.g. words like district or municipality) in the surrounding text. The surrounding context is given by a window of 3 words appearing before and after the place name. We only consider the place reference if the name is accompanied by a place type. The surrounding text approach is general enough to work for several different languages, only requiring a multilingual list for words that are related to specific place types.
3.2.3 Combining the disambiguated place references After recognizing and disambiguating the place references we combine them in order to find the general geographical context covered by the document. This is done through a similar technique to the one proposed in [5]. For each feature potentially referenced in the document, we use the part-of relationships defined in the gazetteer to fetch the hierarchical parents up to the root level. This results on a set S of possible geographic scopes. In this set S, all the features that are referenced in the document start with the sum of the ranking scores given in the extraction stage. These scores are then propagated and aggregated into the hierarchical ancestors, using a quadratic function for decreasing them according to the hierarchic level. For instance, let us consider a document containing references to geographical features A and B, with corresponding scores sA and sB. Let us also consider that the gazetteer contains part-of relationships corresponding to the hierarchies C/B/A and C/B. The final score of feature A would be sA, for feature B would be sB+sA*0.75 and for feature C would be sB*0.75+sA*0.752. The end result of this stage is a list of possible geographic scopes (i.e. the features in S with a score grater than zero) ordered by the corresponding aggregated score. After normalization (i.e. divide all scores by the largest one), this score can be seen as the probability of a given geographic feature representing the geographic scope of the document.
3.2.2 Disambiguation of place references For the disambiguation of place references we use gazetteer queries together with a simple set of heuristics. From the previous step, the names for small geographic regions already contain an associated place type. For the important regions, we also look in the surrounding text for words indicating place types, although the recognition does not depend on finding them. In the cases in which we have place type information, the query to the gazetteer combines the name with the type, and only features having that exact combination are returned. In the case of names having no associated place type, we query the gazetteer for features having just the same exact name. After the gazetteer returns geographic features matching the query, we rank them according to a score that reflects a default sense heuristic. For each feature f, we assign a score according to the formula bellow.
3.3 Extracting temporal information Similarly to the geographical case, the extraction of temporal information is also divided in three parts, namely recognition, disambiguation and scope assignment. The recognition stage also uses a simple NER method based on word tokenization and gazetteer look-ups. Capitalized names are matched against a list containing names of historical periods. This approach is
score(f) = (0.8 * feature_type(f)) + (0.2 * descendants(f)) The feature_type(f) value is the score corresponding to the gazetteer class discussed in Section 3.2.1. We use it on the
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complemented with regular expression rules for recognizing dates and other time-denoting expressions. The dates recognized with regular expressions are converted into a canonical representation using rules. For the disambiguation of names of historical periods, we use queries to the gazetteer together with a simple set of heuristics. We start by making a simple gazetteer query for temporal features having the same exact name. A ranking score for each of these features is given as 1/n, where n is the total number of features assigned to the name. The ranking score for the references extracted through rules is 1, as these are unambiguously assigned to a time-span For the temporal references having more than one matching feature returned for the query, we use related reference per discourse heuristics to try adjusting the ranking scores. Since names of time periods can vary according to the geographical location (e.g. Revolution Period can mean different things in different parts of the world), temporal features associated with a geographic feature that is also referenced in the document have their ranking score boosted by 0.2 up to a maximum value of 1. Features whose time-extent overlaps with that of other temporal features also referenced in the document have their score boosted by 0.2 up to a maximum value of 1. For computing the temporal scope of the document we start by discarding all temporal references with a score below 0.5. The scope is then given by the time-span that has a starting date corresponding to that of the earliest temporal reference in the document, and an ending date corresponding the latest temporal reference. In the cases where the temporal information extraction fails to provide results, and if the RSS feed already defines a publication date for the items, we use this information to assign the temporal scope. This provides a fallback mechanism for the visualization interface described in Section 4, resulting in items being shown on the timeline according to their publication dates.
service [4] in order to account with i) different types of geo-temporal references in the text, ii) disambiguation scores associated with the discovered references, iii) geotemporal scopes assigned to the documents, and iv) format transformations through the use of XSLT files. This latter mechanism can be used for transforming the results generated when processing a general text resource into RSS or other formats (e.g. SpatialML). Nonetheless, a direct interface to the service that inputs/outputs RSS is also available. This direct interface uses the Rome9 toolkit for processing RSS feeds and getting the text from the relevant fields (i.e. title and description) of each individual item, before calling the extraction methods. Each item in the RSS file is assigned to a corresponding geo-temporal scope. When geo-parsing non-RSS documents, the geo-temporal scopes are assigned to the entire document, although when outputting the resulting in RSS we generate one item for each place or time reference discovered in the text. Two additional modules, i.e. elements belonging to a namespace, are used to encode geo-temporal information in the RSS files. The xCal specification, an XML representation of the widely used iCalendar format, is used to add the temporal information. Although the RSS standard already includes time information (e.g. publication and issue dates), xCal allows for a finer definition of time (i.e. assign a start and end date to each feed entry, corresponding to the inferred temporal). As to the geographic information, geoRSS is used for encoding the spatial footprint of each feed entry. We use the GML geoRSS profile, which builds on a subset of OGC's Geography Markup Language (GML) limited to the WGS84 coordinate format, in order to associate each feed entry to either a point or a bounding box (i.e. the gazetteer footprint of the inferred geographic scope).
4. Geo-temporal resource exploration After having the geo-temporal context information extracted from the documents and encoded in RSS, we have a structured document with xCal elements saying that items are valid between begin and end dates, and with geoRSS elements giving the position for each item. With this data, an exploratory user interface can show feed items with dual visualizations, mapped and timelined using split screen frames. We implemented such an interface, taking as inspiration the TimeMap10 JavaScript library. The dynamic interface offers a 2+1D (space+time) crossreferenced representation of the geo-temporal scopes assigned by the geo-parser to each item on the RSS feed. Using a map control, users can toggle between satellite, terrain or map views of the globe. Markers corresponding to the assigned scopes are shown over the map and timeline. The timeline scale and initial map area are automatically adjusted according to the geo-temporal
3.4 Service interface for enriching RSS feeds RSS, standing for Really Simple Syndication, is an XML format to describe feeds (i.e. channels) of content, such as news articles and blog entries. Most modern Web publishing platforms offer at least minimal RSS support. Two key features of RSS are i) the format is simple and machine-understandable, and ii) it is extensible by using modules. Through extensions, the geo-temporal context can be described for the feed items and in an interoperable manner, so that applications can request, aggregate, share and map the geo-temporal annotations. As stated in the introduction, we developed a geo-parser Web service as part of the DIGMAP project, implementing the approaches described in the previous section for extracting geo-temporal context information from documents. One of the access interfaces for this geo-parser system is based on our own XML format, which resulted from extending OGC’s proposal for a Web geo-parser
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running on the same Apache Tomcat14 application server. We ran a JMeter test corresponding to a maximum of 5 user request threads and with a ramp-up period of 2 seconds. The simulated requests were randomly chosen from a set of 100 examples involving the geo-parsing of text segments extracted from the Reuters-21578 corpus. Figure 4 presents the obtained results, showing that the prototype system can scale well to support demanding applications. Processing very large document collections should not be a difficult task to accomplish. In the same test, we also measured the response times as a function of the size of the input text. The set of 100 examples was divided according to size ranges, from 5Kb up to 50Kb of text, with a step of 5Kb. Figure 4 shows that the system scales almost linearly with the size of the input document. For 50Kb of text (above the average size of a Web page) and having 5 simultaneous requests, the system gives results in approximately six seconds (this includes the recognition of geo-temporal references in the text and the attribution of scopes). The obtained results can be improved through the use of caching mechanisms or by tuning the application server.
scopes given for all the items in the RSS feed. The markers displayed on the map can also have the color, size or transparency set according to parameters. For now, we are using the size to represent the disambiguation score for the assigned geographic scope. Finally, pop-up windows are used to display a textual report for an RSS item when it is selected from either the map or the timeline. For showing information over a map, we used the Google Maps11 API, which already supports the geoRSS format. For the timeline, we used the Simile Timeline Widget12, converting the RSS xCal elements into the JSON format used by this toolkit. For generating the map markers, we use a Java servlet that generates circular markers as PNG images with a desired size, color and transparency. Figure 3 presents a screenshot for the prototype system, showing the map interface with the time line on the top.
Figure 3. The user interface for geo-temporal exploration of information resources.
5. Evaluation experiments
. experiments with the geoThis section describes initial parser. The general evaluation methodology consisted of three main steps. First, we measured the performance of the geo-parser service by simulating different workloads with the Apache JMeter13 tool. Next, we measured result quality by comparing the geographic and temporal footprints assigned to the textual resources against human-made annotations. Finally, we measured the usability of the proposed exploration interface through a small user study.
Figure 4. Results for experiments with JMeter.
5.2 Evaluation on result quality .
To evaluate the quality of the proposed extraction algorithms, we compare the geographical and temporal scopes that are automatically assigned to the documents against human-made annotations. Two gold-standard collections of annotated textual resources were considered:
5.1 Evaluation of computational performance With the Apache JMeter tool we simulated several simultaneous requests made to the geo-parser service, measuring response times in different conditions. JMeter issues HTTP requests to the Web service and records the time to complete. Both the service and JMeter were running on the same machine for our evaluations. This approach removed network latency, which can vary substantially. The experiments were performed on an Intel 2GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook with 2GB RAM. The gazetteer and the geoparser were both implemented as Java Web services,
• A set of 612 newsfeed items, in multiple languages and in the geoRSS format, with temporal and geographic scopes previously assigned by humans. The geographic scopes are provided as centroid coordinates. The temporal scopes are sometimes assigned explicitly (e.g. geoRSS feeds from the social calendar service with xCal tags) and, for the other cases, we consider the publication dates. • A set of 511 metadata records from the DIGMAP digital library of old maps [7], having temporal and geographical annotations provided by librarians. The
11 13 12
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geographical scores are provided as minimum bounding boxes. The temporal scopes correspond to creation dates for the resources, sometimes given as a year date and others as a time period.
In what regards temporal references, and from the 612 items used for the evaluation, only 40 of the 612 items had a human-made temporal annotation (i.e. xCal tags). These items also had a date expression placed on the title tag (i.e. the month followed by the year), making it easy to recognize their temporal context. For future work, we plan on giving considerable more detail to evaluating the recognition of temporal references over RSS feeds.
For the geographic scopes, we also compared the proposed approach against two simple baselines: 1. Generating the geographic scope with basis on the most frequent place reference in the text
Table 3. Results obtained with different languages.
2. Generating the geographic scope with basis on the bounding box covering all the place references in the document with a score above a 0.5 threshold. The evaluation metrics are based on the distance between the assigned scopes and the human-made annotations: • For resources geographically annotated with bounding boxes, we use the ratio given by two times the overlap area between the annotation and the automatically assigned scope, and the total area for the two scopes. • For resources geographically annotated with centroid coordinates, we use the distance between the point in the annotation and the centroid point of the geographic area automatically assigned as the scope. • For the temporal annotations, we use the difference in years between the middle dates of the time period assigned automatically and the provided annotation.
Geo. Baseline 1
456 (75%)
7.1 Km
Geo. Baseline 2
320 (72%)
31 Km
Temporal Scopes
38 (6%)
0 Years
161 (81%)
3.5 Km
131 (85%)
9.2 Km
48 (74%)
4.7 Km
59 (61%)
18.0 Km
32 (76%)
6.3 Km
Scopes Assigned
Average Average Accuracy Accuracy Distance Overlap 25 Km 100 Km
395 (77%)
32 Km
Baseline 1
395 (77%)
38 Km
Baseline 2
392 (77%)
63 Km
98 (19%)
8.7 Years
The average distance is nonetheless larger in this experiment, as items in the DIGMAP collection mostly cover large geographical areas. The difference between the centroid of the assigned scopes and the centroid of the real scopes spans several Kilometers, although the results are still of acceptable quality for many applications (e.g. the assigned scopes have a high overlap with the scopes that were given in the annotations). Also regarding the area of overlap, it should be noted that the automatically assigned scopes were often given only as centroid coordinates, due to the fact that the gazetteer only contained this
Average Accuracy Accuracy Distance (25 Km) (100 Km) 0.55
Table 4. Results for the DIGMAP gold-standard collection
Table 2. Results for the RSS gold-standard collection
5.8 Km
Accuracy 25 Km
Table 4 presents the obtained results with the goldstandard collection of metadata records from the DIGMAP catalogue. The results are comparable to those obtained with the collection of RSS feeds, slightly superior in terms of the accuracy in assigning documents to large geographical areas. Again, the proposed method for assigning geographic scopes outperformed the simple baselines used in our tests.
Table 2 presents the obtained results with the goldstandard collection of RSS feeds. The results show that the proposed method for assigning geographic scopes outperforms the simpler baselines used in our tests. Of the 612 resources used in the test, we could recognize place references in a significant percentage of them. In terms of accuracy, the results seem to be of sufficient quality for usage in a real-world application involving the use of the geographic document context. This is particularly true if we think of wide-coverage applications where data is only explored at the level of large geographical regions.
456 (75%)
Average Distance Experiments with metadata records
5.2.1 Experiments with RSS feeds
Geo. Scopes
Scopes Assigned
Regarding the application to different languages, the best performance is obtained in English. There are also some differences in the results obtained for other languages. Table 3 provides the accuracy results for the geographical scopes, separating them in according to language.
By imposing thresholds on the values obtained for the metrics above (i.e. overlap ratio above 90%, distance below 25 kilometers and difference below 2 years) we can also measure results in terms of accuracy (i.e. the percentage of items assigned to correct scopes).
Scopes Assigned
Items Processed
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information. These cases were not accounted for in the computation of the average overlap. In what concerns the recognition of temporal references, we encountered several problems. Most of the resources in the DIGMAP catalogue were only assigned to a year of creation, whereas the textual descriptions contained names of historical periods. Even when the descriptions contained the year of creation, it was given as a numeric value without further context in the text (we did not consider an extraction rule for these cases as it would also return many false positives corresponding to general numeric expressions). Currently ongoing work is addressing the evaluation of the temporal extraction procedures through the use of a more adequate document collection. Despite the problems with the temporal domain, the obtained results are encouraging and of sufficient quality for usage in many different applications. The DIGMAP project is currently exploring the usage of the geo-parser for the automatic indexing of resources in its catalogue.
feed, in order to use the browsing interface to explore the individual feed items. Finally, users were asked to answer an evaluation questionnaire, scoring each topic from 1 to 10. Table 5 presents the averaged results for the 5 users. The obtained results show that users did not find the system too complicated. They also perceived a benefit in the geo-temporal exploration functionalities. Besides the direct answers, users provided some interesting comments, for instance regarding the size of the markers (e.g. map marker size should automatically adjust to the current zoom level) and the possibility to encode temporal information using transparency or color in the markers. These comments will be addressed in future work. One of the users made a particular remark regarding the quality of the results, noting that the accuracy of the system seemed to be better for wide-coverage RSS feeds (i.e. the RSS feed for Reuters World news) than for regional information sources (i.e. an RSS feed for a Portuguese local newspaper). Nonetheless, in the case of the Reuters feed, all items were assigned to the correct areas.
5.3 User interface and service evaluation
6. Conclusions and future work
The literature on human-computer interaction (HCI) provides standard questionnaires for evaluating interface usability [29]. In our tests, we were interested in seeing if users could benefit from a user interface for the geotemporal exploration of RSS feeds that integrated timelines and maps. We therefore conducted a small user study involving a questionnaire similar to the proposals previously described in the HCI literature.
Textual documents are often about something that happened somewhere at some particular time. Thus, most document collections can be organized according to these dimensions. Although the general idea seems simple, both place names and time periods are highly ambiguous (e.g. what is the meaning behind expressions such as Gulf War Period or Columbia). The ambiguity of names must be resolved, in order to gain a full understanding of the geotemporal context of a document. This paper argues that relatively simple extraction techniques can still provide results with a sufficiently high quality. Moreover, if the ambiguity problems can be overcome to some extent, a geo-temporal exploration of the information resources can be done using visual interfaces that combine maps and timelines. This work also indicated that a correct interpretation of the temporal context of a document can be a harder task for automated methods than the interpretation of their geographic context. For future work, we will first focus on improving results for the temporal domain. There are also many heuristics that can result in general improvements. Besides place types, place demographics or the document’s language can be used in default sense heuristics. The thresholds involved in the proposed methods could also be target of further studies, in order to tune them to optimum values. The use of more advanced natural language processing methods (e.g. part-of-speech tagging) could also be attempted. However, besides incremental improvements, a bigger challenge is related to problems in the current geoRSS representation, as it ignores the fact that resources can relate to one or more particular places at a specific time, usually for a given period of time, and then to some other places for other periods. Considering these dependencies is important in applications such as digital libraries of
Table 5. Averaged results from the user study Question under evaluation Expertise with computers (1:none 10:expert) Expertise with search engines (1:none 10:expert) Expertise with digital libraries (1:none 10:expert) Expertise with feed aggregators (1:none 10:expert) Expertise with GIS/GIR (1:none 10:expert) Importance of timeline browsing (1:irrelevant 10:important) Importance of map browsing (1:irrelevant 10:important) Importance of time-map integration (1:irrelevant 10:important) Terminology relates to task domain (1:distantly 10:closely) Instructions describing the tasks (1:confusing 10:clear) Instructions are consistent (1:never 10:always) Operations relate to tasks (1:distantly 10:closely) System gives informative feedback (1:never 10:always) Display layouts simplify the tasks (1:never 10:always) Workflows and sequences of displays (1:confusing 10:clear) Error messages are helpful (1:never 10:always) Learning the operations (1:difficult 10:easy) Human memory limitations (1:overwhelmed 10:respected) Exploration of features (1:discouraged 10:encouraged) Overall reactions (1:terrible 10:wonderful) Overall reactions (1:frustrating 10:satisfying) Overall reactions (1:uninteresting 10:interesting) Overall reactions (1:dull 10:stimulating) Overall reactions (1:difficult 10:easy)
Result 8.8 8.4 8.6 6.2 6.0 8.6 8.8 8.4 7.8 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.8 8.6 7.4 8.2 8.2 8.0 8.4 7.6 8.2 9.0 8.6 8.2
Five different users were involved in the study. These users were all colleagues from our university department and all were experienced in the use of computers. Subjects were first instructed in the usage of the system and afterwards they were invited to enter the URL of an RSS 8
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historical materials. Instead of the simple geoRSS format, we plan on studying novel ways to represent scopes more precisely and with temporal variations.
7. Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to the colleagues from IST and from the DIGMAP project that helped reviewing early versions of this paper. This research was partially funded by the eContentplus Programme of the European Community, under the contract ECP-2005CULT-038042 (DIGMAP project).
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