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we give a new short proof of a general form of the implicit multifunction theorem by using a recent multidirectional mean value inequality 15]. A novel feature of ...
Implicit Multifunction Theorems Yuri S. Ledyaev and Qiji J. Zhu


Department of Mathematics and Statistics Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008

Abstract. We prove a general implicit function theorem for multifunctions

with a metric estimate on the implicit multifunction and a characterization of its coderivative. Traditional open covering theorems, stability results, and sucient conditions for a multifunction to be metrically regular or pseudo-Lipschitzian can be deduced from this implicit function theorem. We prove this implicit multifunction theorem by reducing it to an implicit function/solvability theorem for functions. This approach can also be used to prove the Robinson-Ursescu open mapping theorem. As a tool for this alternative proof of the Robinson-Ursescu theorem we also establish a re ned version of the multidirectional mean value inequality which is of independent interest.

Key Words. Nonsmooth analysis, subdi erentials, coderivatives, implicit function theorem, solvability, stability, open mapping theorem, metric regularity, multidirectional mean value inequality.

AMS (1991) subject classi cation: 26B05.

Research partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS9704203 and by the Faculty Research and Creative Activities Support Fund at Western Michigan University. 1

1 Introduction In this paper we prove a general implicit multifunction theorem for the inclusion 0 2 F (x; p)


where F : X  P ! 2Y is a multifunction, X and Y are Banach spaces and P is a metric space. Variants of this general theorem have been studied under di erent names and in di erent contexts (see for example [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 44, 45, 46, 48]). Here we give a new short proof of a general form of the implicit multifunction theorem by using a recent multidirectional mean value inequality [15]. A novel feature of our result is that we characterize the coderivative of the implicit multifunction in term of F . Moreover, our in nitesimal conditions for the existence of the implicit multifunction require one to check only coderivatives of projections or `approximate projections'. This condition is weaker than prevailing coderivative conditions, which typically require checking the coderivative at all points. The study of implicit function theorems has a long history. When F is single-valued, (1) becomes

F (x; p) = 0:


This is the setting of the classical implicit function theorem. In particular, when the image of F is in a nite dimensional space, (2) becomes a system of equations with a parameter p,

fi (x; p) = 0; i = 1; :::; m:


We can view the problem of nding the implicit function de ned by (2) as the solvability problem of (3), which is important in constrained optimization. When x 2 Rn and m = n, the classical implicit function theorem tells us that if (x; p) is a solution to (3) and the partial gradients of the fi , i = 1; :::; m with respect to x are continuous and linearly independent at (x; p), then for any p near p, there exists a unique solution x = g(p) of (3); further, the function g is continuous at p. This theorem applies when the number of equations m is strictly less than the number of unknown variables n. In such a case the solutions corresponding to p form, in general, a nonempty set G(p), rather than a single point, which is also continuous at p. However, the 1

classical implicit function theorem cannot handle the solvability of a system of inequalities, such as

fi (x; p)  0; i = 1; ::; m:


Such systems are equally important in dealing with constrained minimization problems. Here we already perceive the need for dealing with multifunctions. Actually if F (x; p) = f(y1 ; :::; yI ) : yi  fi(x; p); i = 1; :::; I g, then (4) becomes (1) as pointed out by Robinson in [45]. The problem of solving (1) also arises in problems related to variational inequalities, open covering properties, metric regularity and many other areas. In fact, implicit multifunctions have been studied under di erent names for the aforementioned problems. Methods and concepts for dealing with these types of problems, in particular variational arguments and the concept of coderivatives, have been developed systematically. The general approach adopted in this paper is based on sucient in nitesimal conditions for the solvability of the scalar inequality

f (x; p)  0;


where f is a nonsmooth function. This approach and the related variational argument used for deriving in nitesimal conditions for solvability and for proving a nonsmooth implicit function theorem was inaugurated by Clarke [10, 11]. A similar variational approach was also used by Io e [26] to establish metric regularity properties for systems of equations with nonsmooth data, by Aubin [1] and Aubin and Frankowska [2, 3] to discuss open covering theorems and solvability, by Rockafellar [48] to discuss Lipschitz properties of multifunctions, by Borwein [4] to obtain conditions for metric regularity for a general system of inequalities, and by Ledyaev to obtain certain variants of the nonsmooth implicit multifunction theorem for Banach spaces in [33] and for metric spaces in [34]. In the latter, in nitesimal conditions were formulated in terms of derivate constructions analogous to directional derivatives. In this paper, in nitesimal conditions for the existence of an implicit multifunction are expressed in terms of coderivatives. The concept of coderivatives was introduced by Mordukhovich [35, 36] and was used to study related problems of open coverings, metric regularity and pseudo-Lipschitz properties for multifunctions in [37, 39]. The key in our approach is to establish the relation between the subdi erential in nitesimal condition for f (x; p) = d(0; F (x; p)) and the coderivative in nitesimal condition for F . 2

Here, Io e and Penot's result on the subdi erential of marginal functions is relevant [32]. This approach can also be used to derive the Robinson-Ursescu open mapping theorem [45, 51] for convex multifunctions. In doing so, we also derive a re ned version of the multidirectional mean value inequality [15], which is of independent interest. Implicit multifunction theorems have also been discussed by using approximations. For research in this direction we refer the readers to Dontchev and Hager [22, 23], Io e [27], Robinson [47], Sussmann [49], Warga [52, 53] and the references therein. We arrange the paper as follows: In section 2 we set the notation and recall and prove some preliminary results that are needed in what follows. We discuss implicit multifunction theorems in Section 3. Sections 4 and 5 are devoted to the relationships with open covering theorems, conditions for metric regularity, psuedo-Lipschitz properties of multifunctions, and stability. In section 6 we apply our method to convex multifunctions for proving the Robinson-Ursescu open mapping thoerem [45, 51]. We also prove a re ned version of the multidirectional mean value inequality.

2 Notation and Preliminaries Let X be a Banach space with continuous real dual X  . We denote by 2X the collection of all subsets of X and use R to denote the extended real line R [ f1g. For any x 2 X and r > 0, we denote the closed ball centered at x with radius r by Br (x) or B (x; r) and we denote the closed unit ball in X by BX . Let x be an element of X and S a subset of X ; the distance between x and S is d(x; S ) := fkx ? sk : s 2 S g. We denote by cone S := [k>0kS the cone generated by S . Let us recall the de nitions of the Frechet subdi erential and normal cone. Recall that a bump function is a bounded real-valued function which has a bounded nonempty support. De nition 2.1 Let X be a Banach space, let f : X ! R be a lower semicontinuous function and S a closed subset of X . We say f is Frechetsubdi erentiable and x is a Frechet-subderivative of f at x if there exists a C 1 function g such that g0 (x) = x and f ? g attains a local minimum at x. We denote the set of all Frechet-subderivatives of f at x by @F f (x). We de ne the Frechet-normal cone of S at x to be N (x; S ) := @F S (x) where S is the indicator function of S (i.e., S (x) = 0 for x 2 S and 1 otherwise). 3

It is easy to see that N (x; S ) = cone @F d(x; S ). When a function f has more than one `variable', say f = f (x; y), we use @F;x to signify the `partial subdi erential' of f with respect to the variable x. Let X and Y be metric spaces and let F : X ! 2Y be a multifunction. We denote the graph of F by Graph F := f(x; y) : y 2 F (x)g. We say F has a closed graph when Graph F is closed. Recall that F is upper semicontinuous at x if for any open set O contains F (x) there exists an open neighborhood V of x such that x0 2 V implies that F (x0 )  O. A multifunction F is lower semicontinuous at x if for any y 2 F (x) and any open neighborhood W of y there exists an open neighborhood V of x such that x0 2 V implies that F (x0 ) \ W 6= ;. Next we recall the concept of the Frechet coderivative.

De nition 2.2 Let X and Y be Banach spaces and let F : X ! 2Y be a multifunction with closed graph and y 2 F (x). If (x ; ?y ) 2 N ((x; y); Graph(F )) then we say x is a Frechet coderivative of F at (x; y) corresponding to y . We denote the set of coderivatives of F at (x; y) corresponding to y by D F (x; y)(y ).

It is easy to see that if F is a Frechet smooth single valued mapping then D F (x; F (x))(y ) = (F 0 (x)) y . Thus, the Frechet coderivative is an extension of the adjoint of the Frechet derivative. The main tools that we use in this paper are a smooth variational principle (see [6, 20]), a fuzzy sum rule (see [28, 31, 8]) a multidirectional mean value theorem (see [15, 54]) and a decrease principle (see [16]). For convenience, we recall these results in the forms that will be used in this paper below. We start with the smooth variational principle.

Theorem 2.3 (Smooth Variational Principle) Let X be a Banach space with a Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump function and let f : X ! R be a lower semicontinuous function bounded from below. Then there exists a constant > 0 (depend only on X ) such that for all " 2 (0; 1) and for any u satisfying f (u) < inf f + "2 ; X there exists a Frechet-di erentiable function g on X and v in X such that


(i) The function

x ! f (x) + g(x) attains a global minimum at x = v,


ku ? vk < ";


max(kgk1 ; kg0 k1 ) < ":

Next we state the fuzzy sum rule for Frechet subdi erentials.

Theorem 2.4 Let X be a Banach space with a Frechet-smooth bump function and let f1 ; :::; fN : X ! R be lower semicontinuous functions. Suppose PN that all but one of f1 ; :::; fN are locally Lipshcitz around x and n=1 fn attains a local minimum at x. Then, for any " > 0, there exist xn 2 x + "B and xn 2 @F fn(xn ); n = 1; :::; N such that jfn (xn ) ? fn(x)j < "; n = 1; 2; :::; N and k

N X xnk < ": n=1

To state the multidirectional mean value inequality we denote the convex hull of a point x and a set Y by [x; Y ] := fx + t(y ? x) : y 2 Y; t 2 [0; 1]g.

Theorem 2.5 (Multidirectional Mean Value Inequality) Let X be a Banach

space with a Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump function, let Y be a nonempty, bounded, closed and convex subset of X , let x 2 X and let f : X ! R be a lower semicontinuous function. Suppose that, for some h > 0, f is bounded below on [x; Y ] + hBX and



!0 y2Y +BX

f (y) ? f (x) > r:

Then, for any " > 0, there exist z 2 [x; Y ] + "B and z  2 @F f (z ) such that

r < hz  ; y ? xi for all y 2 Y: Further, we can choose z so that

f (z) < lim inf f + jrj + ": !0 [x;Y ]+B X


The decrease principle follows easily from the multidirectional mean value theorem [16].

Theorem 2.6 (Decrease Principle) Let X be a Banach space with a Frechetsmooth Lipschitz bump function, let f : X ! R be a lower semicontinuous function bounded from below and let r > 0. Suppose that, for any x 2 Br (x),  2 @F f (x) implies that kk >  > 0. Then inf f (x)  f (x) ? r:

x2Br (x)

We will also need the following basic result on the subdi erential of the marginal (optimal value) function

f (x) := yinf '(x; y) 2Y where ' is a lower semicontinuous function. For related results see Borwein and Io e [5], Io e and Penot [32] and Thibault [50]. Actually, we will discuss, in a more general form, the subdi erential of the lower semicontinuous envelope of the marginal function. Recall that for a function f : X ! R the lower semicontinuous envelope of f is de ned by inf f (y): f (x) := hlim !0+ ky?xk 0 and ( ;  ) 2 (0; ky0 k0 ) + N ((x ; y ); Graph F ) + BX   BY  ; i.e., there exists (0 ; 0 ) 2 BX   BY  such that  ? 0 2 D F (x ; y )(ky k0 ?  + 0 ): (10) Rewriting (10) as ( ? 0 )=kky k0 ?  + 0 k 2 D F (x ; y )((ky k0 ?  + 0 )=kky k0 ?  + 0 k)(11) and noting that kky k0 ?  + 0 k  1 ? 2, it follows from assumption (i) that lim inf k k = lim inf k ? 0 k=kky k0 ?  + 0 k  : !0 !0 Relation (9) then implies that

kk  : Using Lemma 3.6 instead of Lemma 3.3 we have the following version of the implicit multifunction theorem. 13

Theorem 3.7 Let X and Y be Banach spaces with Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump functions, let (P; ) be a metric space, and let U be an open set in X  P . Suppose that F : U ! 2Y is a closed-valued multifunction satisfying: (i) there exists (x; p) 2 U such that

0 2 F (x; p); (ii) p ! F (x; p) is lower semicontinuous at p, (iii) for any xed p near p, x ! F (x; p) is upper semicontinuous, and (iv) there exists  > 0 such that for any (x; p) 2 U with 0 62 F (x; p)

  lim inf fkx k : x 2 D F (x0 ; p; y0 )(y ); ky k = 1 !0 with x0 2 B (x); y0 2 pr (0; F (x0 ; p))g: Then there exist open sets W  X and V  P containing x and p respectively such that (a) for any p 2 V , W \ G(p) 6= ;, (b) for any p 2 V and x 2 W , d(x; G(p))  d(0; F (x; p))=; and (c) if P is a Banach space with a Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump function then for any (x; p) 2 W  V , x 2 G(p),

D G(p; x)(x ) = fx : (?x; p ) 2 cone @F d(0; F (x; p))g: In Theorem 3.7 the characterization of the coderivative for the implicit multifunction is given in terms of the Frechet subdi erential of the scalar function d(0; F (x; p)). A natural question arises: How does the coderivative of the implicit multifunction G relate to the coderivative of F ? A partial answer is contained in the following proposition. We will use the sequential limiting subdi erential and normal cone de ned in [36]. Let us recall their de nitions rst. Let f : X ! R be a lower semicontinuous function and let S be a closed subset of X . The sequential limiting subdi erential of f at x is de ned by @~f (x) := fw ? lim vi : vi 2 @F f (xi); (xi ; f (xi)) ! (x; f (x))g; i!1


and the sequential limiting normal cone of S at x 2 S is de ned by N~ (S; x) := fw ? lim vi : vi 2 N (S; xi ); S 3 xi ! xg i!1

Proposition 3.8 Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.7, the following are true: (a) for any x 2 X  ,

[y2Y  fp : (?x; p ) 2 DF (x; p; 0)(y )g  DG(p; x)(x );


(b) for any x and

p 2 DG(p; x)(x ) (13) and any " > 0 there exists (x" ; p" ; y" ) 2 Graph F and (x" ; p" ; y" ) such that kx ? x"k < ", kp ? p"k < ", ky"k < ", (14) (?x" ; p" ) 2 D F (x" ; p" ; y")(y" ) and

kx ? x" k < "; kp ? p" k < ";


and (c) If in particular, the multifunction F is regular at point (x; p; 0) 2 Graph F which means N ((x; p; 0); Graph F ) = N~ ((x; p; 0); Graph F ); then we have equality in (12). Proof. (a) Let p belong to the left-hand side of the inclusion (12). Then we have that for some y 2 Y  ,

(?x ; p ; y ) 2 N ((x; p; 0); Graph F ): By de nition there exists a C 1 function g such that g0 (x; p; 0) = (?x ; p ; y ) and Graph F ? g attains a minimum at (x; p; 0). Then

Graph G (q; y) ? g(y; q; 0) = Graph F (y; q; 0) ? g(y; q; 0) attains a minimum at (x; p). Thus, p 2 D G(p; x)(x ): 15

To show (b) and (c) let p 2 D G(p; x)(x ). Then (p ; ?x ) 2 N ((p; x); Graph G) = [K>0K@d((p; x); Graph G): By de nition there exists a C 1 function g such that g0 (p; x) = (p ; ?x ) and a positive constant K such that

g(p; x)  g(q; y) + Kd((q; y); Graph G)  g(q; y) + Kd(y; G(q))  g(q; y) + (K=)d(0; F (y; q)): (16) Observing that d(0; F (y; q)) = inf u2Y fkuk + Graph F (y; q; u)g it follows from inequality (16) that

(p ; ?x ) 2 @ uinf f(K=)kuk + Graph F (y; q; u)g: 2Y Then (b) follows from Theorem 2.7. Moreover, if F is regular, then (c) follows directly from (??). An immediate corollary of Theorem 3.7 is:

Corollary 3.9 Let the conditions in Theorem 3.7 be satis ed. In addition assume that F : U ! 2Y satis es (ii') (x; p) ! F (x; p) is partially pseudo-Lipschitz in p with rank L around (x; p; 0), i.e., there exist open neighborhoods O of 0, such that, for any (x; p1 ); (x; p2 ) 2 U , O \ F (x; p2 )  F (x; p1 ) + L(p1; p2 )BY Then G(p) is pseudo-Lipschitz with rank L=, i.e., there exist open sets W  X and V  P containing x and p respectively such that

W \ G(p2 )  G(p1) + L (p1 ; p2 )BX 8p1; p2 2 V:

Proof. Let W , V be as in the conclusion of Theorem 3.7 and let p1 ; p2 2 V . Consider an arbitrary element x 2 W \ G(p2). Then 0 2 F (x; p2 ) and therefore 0 2 O \ F (x; p2 ). Conclusion (b) of Theorem 3.7 implies that d(x; G(p1 ))  d(0; F (x; p1 ))=. Since 0 2 O \ F (x; p2 )  F (x; p1 ) + L(p1 ; p2 )BY we have

d(x; G(p1 ))  d(0; F (x; p1 ))=  L(p1 ; p2 )=; 16

i.e., x 2 G(p1 ) + L (p1 ; p2 )BX . Since x 2 W \ G(p2 ) is arbitrary we have

W \ G(p2)  G(p1 ) + L (p1 ; p2 )BX ;

as was to be shown.

Remark 3.10 An obvious sucient condition for (iv) in Theorem 3.7 is (iv') there exists a  > 0 such that for any (x; p) 2 U with 0 62 F (x; p), x 2 F (x; p; y)(y ) implies that kx k  ky k.

While condition (iv') is easier to state than condition (iv) in Theorems 3.4 and 3.7 the latter is much weaker and easier to use. We illustrate this with the following example. Example 3.11 De ne a multifunction H by graph H := f(x; y) 2 R2 : y = x; y = 2xg[

1 [


f(x; 1=n) 2 R2 : x 2 [1=2n; 1=n]g

and set F (x; p) = H (x) + p. Then F satis es (iv) in Theorem 3.4 but not (iv'). Remark 3.12 When X and Y are Hilbert spaces and F is a closed and convex valued multifunction that is Lipschitz in x, Dien and Yen [21] established the following sucient in nitesimal condition for the existence of an implicit multifunction to 0 2 F (x; p): there exist r; s > 0 such that for all (x; p) suciently close to (x; p), for all ky k = 1 with s(y ; F (x; p)) < 1, and all x 2 @C;x s(y ; F (x; p)) there exists a unit vector u 2 X satisfying s(y; F (x; p)) + rhx ; ui  s: (17) Here s(; F (x; p)) is the support function for F (x; p) and @C;x signi es the Clarke generalized gradient with respect to x. Observe that if 0 62 F (x; p) and x 2 @F;x d(0; F (x; p)) then there exists a unique unit vector y with s(y ; F (x; p)) < 1 such that d(0; F (x; p)) = ?s(y; F (x; p)): Then x 2 @F;xd(0; F (x; p))  @C;x d(0; F (x; p))  ?@C;xs(y ; F (x; p)): Therefore, kx k  hx ; ui  s=r + d(0; F (x; p))  s=r: Thus condition (17) implies the in nitesimal condition (iv) in Theorem 3.1 with f (x; p) = d(0; F (x; p)).


4 Open Covering, Metric Regularity and PseudoLipschitz Properties for Multifunctions The classical implicit function theorem is closely related to open mapping theorems. What can we expect from the implicit multifunction theorem? It turns out that the implicit multifunction theorem is also a very potent result. In particular, let P = Y and consider the multifunction F (x) ? y. We can deduce directly from the implicit multifunction theorem the open covering theorem and coderivative sucient conditions for both the metric regularity and the pseudo-Lipschitz property for multifunctions. In what follows, F ?1 represents the preimage of the multifunction F de ned by F ?1 (y) := fx : y 2 F (x)g.

4.1 Open Covering

We start with an open covering theorem.

Theorem 4.1 (Open Covering) Let X and Y be Banach spaces with Frechetsmooth Lipschitz bump functions. Let U be an open set in X  Y and let F : U ! 2Y be a closed-valued multifunction satisfying: (i) there exists (x; y) 2 U such that y 2 F (x); (ii) F is upper semicontinuous, (iii) there exists  > 0 such that for any (x; y) 2 U , y 62 F (x)

  lim inf fkx k : x 2 D F (x0 ; y0 )(y ); ky k = 1; !0 with x0 2 B (x); y0 2 pr (y; F (x0 ))g: Then there exists an open set W containing x such that, for any Br (x)  W ,

int Br (y)  F (Br (x)) Proof. Let P = Y and apply Theorem 3.7 to F (x)?y. Let W and V be as in the conclusion of Theorem 3.7. Taking a smaller W if necessary, we may assume that Br (x)  W implies Br (y)  V . Note that G(y) = F ?1 (y)


and d(0; F (x) ? y) = d(y; F (x)) is Lipschitz in y with rank 1. For any ky ? yk < r, we have y 2 V and, therefore, d(x; F ?1 (y))  d(y; F (x))  d(y; F (x)) ? d(y; F (x)) < r:

 That is to say int Br (y)  F (Br (x)).

Remark 4.2 (a) In the above theorem we actually get more than the open

mapping property. This property is referred to as \open covering at a linear rate" [37, 38] or \fat" open covering [52]. Other discussions on the open covering property can be found in [2, 8, 24, 25, 26, 30]. (b) By Theorem 3.4, when F (x) is locally compact-valued we can replace condition (iii) in Theorem 4.1 by (iii') there exists  > 0 such that, for any (x; y) 2 U , y 62 F (x),

  inf fkx k : x 2 D F (x; y0 )(y ); ky k = 1; with y0 2 pr(y; F (x))g: (c) It is obvious that the following condition (iii") there exists a  > 0 such that, for any (x; y) 2 U , y 2 F (x),

  inf fkx k : x 2 D F (x; y)(y ); ky k = 1g: implies condition (iii) in Theorem 4.1. However, (iii") is stronger than (iii). In fact, consider the multifunction H de ned in Example 3.2. H evidently is an open covering at a linear rate. It is easy to verify that condition (iii) holds for H while condition (iii') does not. Thus Theorem 4.1 re nes the corresponding open covering theorems in [39].

Remark 4.3 It follows from the proof of Theorem 3.1 that we can obtain the conclusion

int Br (y) 2 F (Br (x)) 8(x; y) 2 Graph F \ U in Theorem 4.1 provided that B3r (x)  Br (y)  U . This essentially means that the above inclusion holds uniformly for all (x; y) 2 U having the distance max(3r; r) from the boundary of U . This observation is useful in what follows. 19

When there exists a positive lower bound for the  in the in nitesimal condition in Theorem 4.1 for all x equidistant from x, we show that the local covering result in Theorem 4.1 implies a global covering result. Similar global covering results were discussed by Io e [29] and Warga [53]. Our proof follows the scheme suggested by Io e [29] and exploits his idea of passing from a local surjectivity condition to a global one (see [30]).

Theorem 4.4 Let X and Y be Banach spaces with Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump functions. Let F : X ! 2Y be a closed-valued upper semicontinuous multifunction with y 2 F (x). Assume that there exists a lower semicontinuous function  : [0; +1) ! (0; +1) such that the multifunction F satis es the following global in nitesimal regularity condition

fkx k : x 2 D F (x0; y0 )(y ); ky k = 1; kx0 ? xk <  and y0 2 pr (y; F (x0 ))g:

(t)  lim inf inf !0 kx?xk=t;y62F (x) Then, for any a 2 [0; a1 ),

int B (y; where a1 := supfa :

Ra 0

Z a 0

(t)dt)  F (B (x; a))

(t)dt < +1g.

Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that (x; y) = (0; 0). For any K > 0, de ne

K (t) = inf f(t0 ) + K jt ? t0 j : t0 2 [0; +1)g: Then K is Lipschitz for all K and K "  pointwise as K ! +1. We prove that, for any K > 0 and any  2 (0; 1),

B (0;

Z a 0

K (t)dt)  F (B (0; a)) 8a 2 [0; a1 ):


This clearly R ay 2 R a implies the conclusion of the theorem because, for any int B (0; 0 (t)dt), there exist K > 0 and  2 (0; 1) such that y 2 B (0; 0 K (t)dt). Fix K > 0 and  2 (0; 1). For any y 2 BY we de ne

a := supfa 2 [0; a1 ) :

Z a 0

K (t)dt  y 2 F (B (0; a))g:


To prove (18) we need only show that a = a1. Suppose, to the contrary that a < a1 . Choose b 2 (a; a1 ). Then there exists  2 (0; b ? a) such that for any t; t0 2 [0; b] and jt0 ? tj < ,

(t0) > K (t)


 := inf f(t) : t 2 [0; b]g > 0:


and n Let that an # a and an " a and de ne yn := R an a and an be sequences Rsuch an n n 0 K (t)dt  y and zn := 0 K (t)dt  y . Then y 62 F (B (0; a )) and zn 2 F (B (0; an )). Choose xn 2 B (0; an ) such that zn 2 F (xn). We show that kxn k ! a. In fact, if this is not true then there exists r < =3 such that kxn k < a ? r. Take n suciently large so that kyn ? zn k < r. Then by Theorem 4.1 and Remark 4.3

yn 2 int B (zn ; r)  F (B (xn ; r))  F (B (0; a)) a contradiction. R Next we de ne yn := 0kxn k K (t)dt  y. Then

n Z an

y ? yn 1


K (t)dt ! K (a):

an ? kx k an ? kx k n n kxn k

By (19) for r < =6 and n suciently large, kx ? xn k < r implies that

(kxk) > K (a):


Choose n large enough so that (21) holds along with an ? kxn k < r and

kyn ? ynk  (kxn k)(an ? kxnk): Then, using Theorem 4.1 and Remark 4.3 again, we have

yn 2 int B (yn; (kxn k)(an ? kxnk))  F (B (xn ; an ? kxn k))  F (B (0; an )); a contradiction.


4.2 Metric Regularity and the Pseudo-Lipschitz Property

It is well known that the open covering theorem is closely related to metric regularity and the pseudo-Lipschitzian property [4, 37, 39]. In fact, it is shown by Mordukhovich and Shao [39] that, when appropriately de ned, they are equivalent properties for multifunctions. Thus, it is unsurprising that the implicit multifunction theorem can also be used to deduce in nitesimal sucient conditions for metric regularity and the pseudo-Lipschitzian property. Nevertheless, the metric estimate in the implicit multifunction theorem makes the deduction fairly easy. Moreover, as in the case of the open covering theorem, we also weaken somewhat these sucient conditions. Recall that a multifunction F : X ! 2Y is metrically regular at (x; y) 2 Graph F provided that there exist a constant r > 0 and neighborhoods W and V of x and y respectively such that, for any x 2 W and y 2V, d(x; F ?1 (y))  rd(y; F (x)):

Theorem 4.5 (Metric Regularity) Let X and Y be Banach spaces with Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump functions. Let U be an open set in X  Y and let F : U ! 2Y be a closed-valued multifunction satisfying: (i) there exists (x; y) 2 U such that y 2 F (x); (ii) F is upper semicontinuous, and (iii) there exists  > 0 such that for any (x; y) 2 U , y 62 F (x)

  lim inf fkx k : x 2 D F (x0 ; y0 )(y ); ky k = 1; !0 with x0 2 B (x); y0 2 pr (y; F (x0 ))g:

Then there exist neighborhoods W and V of x and y respectively such that, for any x 2 W and y 2 V , d(x; F ?1 (y))  1 d(y; F (x)):

Proof. Let P = Y and apply Theorem 3.7 to F (x) ? y. Observing that G(y) = F ?1 (y) and d(0; F (x) ? y) = d(y; F (x)), the conclusion follows directly.


Remark 4.6 Let h : X ! Y be a C 1 function and let S be a closed subset of X . De ne

F (x) = ;h(x) xx 226 SS ,. (22) Then F is metrically regular at (x; h(x)) if and only if h is metrically regular with respect to S at x (see [8] for the de nition). In [8, Theorem 4.3] it was shown that h is regular with repect to S at x provided that there exists a  > 0 such that, for any x 2 S close enough to x, any unit vector y 2 Y  and any x 2 N (x; S ), k(h0 (x)) y + x k  : (23) (In [8] h is required to be strictly di erentiable at x, a condition slightly weaker than C 1 .) We will show that [8, Theorem 4.3] follows from Theorem 4.5. The sucient conditions for metric regularity in Theorem 4.5 and [8, Theorem 4.3] are, in essence, conditions in terms of the normal cone to the graph of the multifunction F . Note that many sucient conditions for metric regularity in terms of the tangent cone associated with the graph of F can be deduced from [8, Theorem 4.3] (and, therefore, Theorem 4.5) as demonstrated in [8]. We now turn to proving that the conditions in [8, Theorem 4.3] imply the conditions in Theorem 4.5. Let y = h(x). The F de ned in (22) satis es (i) and (ii) in Theorem 4.5. It remains to show that (23) implies the in nitesimal condition (iii) in Theorem 4.5. Consider (x; y) close to (x; y), an unit vector y 2 Y  and a coderivative z  2 D F (x; y)(y ). Then there exists a C 1 function g with g0 (x; y) = (z  ; ?y ) such that, for all (x0 ; y0 ) 2 Graph F close to (x; y), g(x0 ; y0)  0 = g(x; y): Then, for x0 2 S close to x, f (x0) := g(x0 ; h(x0 ))  0 = f (x): Thus, x = f 0 (x) = z  ? (h0 (x)) y 2 N (x; S ): It follows from (23) that kz  k = k(h0 (x)) y + x k  .

Theorem 4.7 (Pseudo-Lipschitz Property) Let X and Y be Banach spaces

with Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump functions. Let U be an open set in X  Y and let F : U ! 2Y be a closed-valued multifunction satisfying:


(i) there exists (x; y) 2 U such that

y 2 F (x); (ii) F is upper semicontinuous, and (iii) there exists  > 0 such that for any (x; y) 2 U , y 62 F (x)

  lim inf fkx k : x 2 D F (x0 ; y0 )(y ); ky k = 1; !0 with x0 2 B (x); y0 2 pr (y; F (x0 ))g: Then F ?1 is pseudo-Lipschitz with rank 1=. Proof. Let P = Y and apply Corollary 3.9 to F (x) ? y. We conclude this subsection by pointing out that Remarks 4.2 (b) and (c) also apply to Theorems 4.5 and 4.7.

5 Stability of Implicit Multifunctions and In nitesimal Conditions for Solvability We now take a di erent view of the implicit multifunction G given by Theorem 3.1. Recall that

G(p) := fx : f (x; p)  0g;


where f (x; p); = d(0; F (x; p)). The condition (iv) in Theorem 3.1 ensures the nonemptiness of G(p) on V , i.e., the solvability of the inclusion 0 2 F (x; p) for all p 2 V . Moreover, we also have the metric estimate d(x; G(p))  d(0; F (x; p)) ; 8x 2 V:

(25) (26)

Let us consider a parameter > 0 and the corresponding implicit multifunction under -perturbations:

G (p) := fx : 0 2 F (x; p) + BY g = fx; f (x; p)  g: 24


It is obvious that

G(p)  G (p); 8 > 0:


Interestingly, it follows from Theorem 3.1 that the opposite inclusion holds with an appropriate tolerance. More precisely, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 5.1 Let assumption of Theorem 3.1 hold. Then, for > 0 small


In particular,

d(x; G (p))  d(0; F (x; p) + BY ) ; 8x 2 V: 0

V \ G (p)  G 0 (p) + ? BX :

(29) (30)

Proof. Straightforward.

Remark 5.2 Note that relation (29) is closely related to Robinson's stabil-

ity results for systems of equations and inequalities. The term \stability" is used to emphasize the fact that (29) implies that the solution of the inclusion 0 2 F (x; p) + BY


is close to the solution of (25). Moreover, the distance to that solution is less than =, where measures the perturbation of the right hand side of (26). The next proposition establishes that the \stability condition" (29) implies the in nitesimal solvability condition (iv) in Theorem 3.1.

Proposition 5.3 Let X and Y be Banach spaces with Frechet-smooth Lipschitz bump functions, let (P; ) be a metric space and let U be an open set in X  P . Suppose that F : U ! 2Y is a closed-valued multifunction satisfying: (i) there exists (x; p) 2 U such that 0 2 F (x; p); (ii) p ! F (x; p) is lower semicontinuous at p, and


(iii) for any xed p near p, x ! F (x; p) is upper semicontinuous. Then the following two conditions are equivalent: (a) There exist  > 0 and a neighborhood U of (x; p) such that, for any (x; p) 2 U with f (x; p) > 0,  2 @F f (x; p) implies that k k  . (b) There exist neighborhoods V and W of p and x respectively such that for any p 2 V , x 2 W , and > 0, d(x; G (p))  d(0; F (x; p) + BY ) :

Proof. We need only prove that (b) implies (a). Let U be a neighborhood of (x; p) such that U  W  V . Consider (x; p) 2 U with f (x; p) > 0 and  2 Df (x; p). Then there exists a C 1 function g such that g0 (x) =  and f ? g attains a minimum at x. Let us choose t > 0 and set = f (x; p) ? t. Then it follows from (b) that there exists xt 2 G (p) such that kxt ? xk  f (x; p) ? + t2 = t + t2: De ne et = (xt ? x)=t. Then xt = x + tet and ket k  1 + t. Since xt 2 G (p) we have f (xt ; p)  = f (x; t) ? t. Thus f (xt; p) ? f (x; p) g(xt ; p) ? g(x; p)


 t t = hrg(x + t tet ); et i  ?krg(x + t tet )k  ket k  ?krg(x + ttet )k(1 + t); where t 2 (0; 1). Taking limits as t ! 0 yields k k  , which completes the proof.

6 The Robinson-Ursescu Open Mapping Theorem and a Re nement of the Multidirectional Mean Value Inequality The Robinson-Ursescu [45, 51] open mapping theorem for a closed convex multifunction encompasses many results in classical linear functional analysis as special cases. Various applications of this open mapping theorem can be found in [9, 45, 46]. The method we used in the previous sections can also be used to prove the Robinson-Ursescu open mapping theorem [45, 51] for convex multifunctions. To do so, we need a re ned form of the multidirectional mean valued inequality. We discuss the details in this section. 26

6.1 A re ned multidirectional mean value inequality

In the multidirectional mean value inequality of Theorem 2.4 it is only asserted that the point z is close to [x; Y ]. We now show that when f is a locally Lipschitz quasi-di erentiable function, the multidirectional mean value inequality can be re ned to ensure that z 2 [x; Y ]. In particular, when f is a Gateaux di erentiable function this reduces to [15, Theorem 4.1]. This re nement is what we need to derive the Robinson-Ursescu open mapping theorem. It is also of independent interest. We start by recalling Pshenichny's de nition of quasi-di erentiable function [43]. De nition 6.1 A function f on X is quasi-di erentiable at x provided that there exists a convex, weak-star closed set @f (x) such that, for all d 2 X , the directional derivative f 0 (x; d) of f at x in the direction d exists and f 0(x; d) = max hx ; di: x 2@f (x)

Evidently a convex function is quasi-di erentiable at points where it is continuous and the quasi-di erential coincides with the convex subdifferential; any function is quasi-di erentiable where it is Gateaux di erentiable, and the quasi-di erential consists of a single element { the Gateaux derivative{ at such a point. A systematic study of the properties of the quasi-di erential and its applications in optimization problems was carried out in Pshenichny's monograph [43]. We will need the following special case of Theorem 4.2 of [43]. Theorem 6.2 Let X be a Banach space and let C be a closed convex subset of X . Suppose that f is a locally Lipschitz quasi-di erentiable function that attains a minimum at x 2 C over C . Then 0 2 @f (x) + N (C; x); where N (C; x) is the convex normal cone of C at x. Now we can state and prove our re ned multidirectional mean value inequality for quasi-di erentiable functions. Theorem 6.3 Let X be a Banach space with x 2 X , let Y be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of X , and let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz quasi-di erentiable function. Suppose that f is bounded below on [x; Y ] and inf f (y) ? f (x) > r: y2Y 27

Then, for any " > 0, there exist z 2 [x; Y ] and z  2 @f (z ) such that

r < hz  ; y ? xi + "ky ? xk for all y 2 Y: Further, we can choose z to satisfy f (z) < [x;Y inf f + jrj + ": ]

Proof. 1. A special case. We begin by considering the special case when

inf f (y) > f (x) and r = ?" < 0:


Let f = f +[x;Y ] . Then f is bounded below on X . Without loss of generality we may assume that

" < yinf f (y) ? f (x): 2Y

Applying the Ekeland variational principle we conclude that there exists z such that f(z) < inf f + " (32) such that f(w)  f(z) ? "kw ? zk: (33) That is to say w ! f (w) + [x;Y ] (w) + "kw ? zk attains a minimum at z . By (32) f(z ) < +1. Therefore z 2 [x; Y ]. Applying Theorem 6.2 we have 0 2 @ (f () + "k  ?z k)(z ) + N ([x; Y ]; z ): Noting that @ (f () + "k  ?z k)(z )  @f (z ) + "BX  , there exists z  2 @f (z ) such that 0 < hz  ; w ? z i + "kw ? z k; 8w 2 [x; Y ]nfz g: (34) Moreover, inequality (32) implies that f(z )  f (x) + " < inf Y f , so z 62 Y . Thus we can write z = x + t(y ? x) where t 2 [0; 1). For any y 2 Y set w = y + t(y ? y) 6= z in (34) yields 0 < hz  ; y ? xi + "ky ? xk; 8y 2 Y: (35) 28

2. The general case. We now turn to the general case. Consider X  R with the norm k(x; r)k = kxk + jrj. Take an "0 2 (0; "=2) small enough so that

inf f (y) ? f (x) > r + "0


and de ne F (z; t) := f (z ) ? (r + "0 )t. Obviously F is locally Lipschitz on X  R and is bounded below on [(x; 0); Y  f1g]. Moreover, one can directly check that F is quasi-di erentiable and @F (x; t) = @f (x) fr + "0 g. Furthermore, inf F = inf f ? (r + "0 ) > f (x) = F (x; 0): Y

Y f1g

Applying the special case proved above with f , x and Y replaced by F , (x; 0) and Y  f1g we conclude that there exist (z; s) 2 [(x; 0); Y  f1g] and z 2 @f (z) satisfying

f (z) ? (r + "0 )s < (w;t)2[(x;inf0);Y f1g](f (w) ? (r + "0 )t) + "0 i.e., inf (f (w) ? (r + "0 )(t ? s)) + "0  inf f + jrj + "

f (z)
r: y2Y


Then, for any " > 0, there exist z 2 [x; Y ] such that

r < hrf (z); y ? xi + "ky ? xk for all y 2 Y: Further, we can choose z to satisfy f (z) < [x;Y inf ] f + jrj + ":

Corollary 6.5 Let X be a Banach space with x 2 X , let Y be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of X , and let f : X ! R be a convex continuous function. Suppose that f is bounded below on [x; Y ] and

inf f (y) ? f (x) > r:


Then, for any " > 0, there exist z 2 [x; Y ] and z  2 @f (z ) such that

r < hz  ; y ? xi + "ky ? xk for all y 2 Y: Further, we can choose z to satisfy f (z) < [x;Y inf f + jrj + ": ]

6.2 The Robinson-Ursescu open mapping theorem

We give a short proof of this theorem using the re ned multidirectional mean value inequality, Corollary 6.5. A multifunction F : X ! 2Y is called a closed convex multifunction if the graph of F is a Sclosed convex set. Recall that a set S  X is absorbing provided that X = >0 S and a point s is in the core of S (denoted by s 2 core S ) provided that S ? s is absorbing. The Robinson-Ursescu open mapping theorem says that when F is a convex multifunction, conditions in Theorem 4.1 can be replaced by y 2 core F (X ).

Theorem 6.6 (Robinson-Ursescu) Let F : X ! 2Y be a closed convex multifunction. Suppose that y 2 coreF (X ). Then F is open at y, that is to say, for any x 2 F ?1 (y ) there exists  > 0 such that for r > 0 small enough, int Br (y )  int F (Br (x)): Proof. Let p : X  Y ! Y be a linear operator de ned by p(x; y) = y.


p(Graph F ? (x; y)) = F (X ) ? y 30

is absorbing and Graph F is convex a standard catagory argument implies that there exists  > 0 such that 2BY  cl p((Graph F ? (x; y)) \ BX Y ):


We show that Br (p(x; y))  p(Br (x; y) \ Graph F ). Let z 2 Br (p(x; y)) and set h(x; y) := kp(x; y) ? z k. Applying Theorem 6.5 to function h, set Br (x; y) \ Graph F and point (x; y) yields that there exist u 2 Br (x; y) \ Graph F and u 2 @h(u) such that inf h ? h(x; y) ? r=2  hu ; (x; y) ? (x; y)i; 8x 2 Br (x; y) \ Graph F: (37) Y If h(u) = 0 then p(u) = z and we are done. Otherwise u = p y with y 2 @ k  k(p(u) ? z) being an unit vector. Then we can rewrite (37) as 0  inf h  h(x; y) + r=2 + hy ; p((x; y) ? (x; y))i Y  r + r=2 + hy ; p((x; y) ? (x; y))i; 8(x; y) 2 Br (x; y) \ Graph F: Observing that 2rBY  cl p((Graph F ? (x; y)) \ rBX Y ) the in nimum of the right hand side of the above inequality is ?r=2, a contradiction.

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