Integrating Computer Game-based Learning into ...

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based learning; game concept; game design document. I. INTRODUCTION ... 3D game engine specifically aimed for 3D game design and development are widely available ..... from [6] Dickinson, J.K. ...
Integrating Computer Game-based Learning into Construction Education Mohd Fairuz Shiratuddin, Ph.D. School of Information Technology Murdoch University Murdoch, Australia email:

Abstract—The attention to computer game-based learning has grown as research continues to demonstrate its effectiveness for education. Games have been proven to be an effective tool in supplementing conventional teaching methods. However, prior to the development of such educational game, in order to be effective, it is essential that pedagogic concerns are addressed first and integrated into the game design process. Educational games cannot be designed and developed exclusively by instructional designers, or exclusively by game developers, because the former know little about game development, and the latter know little about the science of teaching and learning. As such, development of educational games requires both the instructional designer and game developer to be equally involved during the design stage. This paper presented a comparative summary of the phases involved in the Instructional Design Process and Tasks, and the Game Design Process and Products. This paper also included a brief overview of the Game Concept and Design Document and discussed how it can be adapted for construction education. Keywords-construction education; educational game; gamebased learning; game concept; game design document



The attention in computer game-based learning has grown as research continues to demonstrate its effectiveness for education. Games have been proven to be an effective tool in supplementing conventional teaching methods [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Through game playing, students are engaged in the learning process, feel motivated, able to strengthen their cognitive skills, and gain satisfaction as well as a sense of achievement. The greatest potential of games for learning however lies in the games’ ability to engage students meaningfully and effectively in the process of learning. Many modern games are played in some form of a real-time 3D Virtual Environment (VE) in either first, third or birds-eye view perspective. Software development tools in the form of 3D game engine specifically aimed for 3D game design and development are widely available with variety of features and levels of affordability. In order to be effective, prior to the development of such educational game, it is essential that pedagogic concerns are addressed and integrated into the game design process. It is important to apply established instructional strategies and theories to design educational games and to facilitate game-based learning [11], [12], [13], [14], [15]. Early on

during the design stage, it is essential to include team members who understand pedagogical principles and able to structure the gameplay to include the learning substance so that the targeted outcomes are accomplished. However, educational games cannot be designed and developed exclusively by instructional designers, or exclusively by game developer, because the former know little about game development, and the latter know little about the science of teaching and learning. As such, development of educational games requires both the instructional designer and game developer to be equally involved during the design stage. Thus, instructional designers should play a vital role in the game development process to include educational substance into the game, ensure the game’s positive influence on students' learning motivations, and ensure that the game-based learning is effective. To accomplish the objectives of game-based learning, instructional designers and game developers as experts in their fields should equally contribute their valuable knowledge and skills during the game development process [11]. Construction students can benefit immensely from the integration of game into their learning process. In construction education, the learning process includes the understanding of theoretical and vocational foundations. Game-based learning for construction thus should be based on authentic tasks, activities, and gameplay with near realistic 3D visualization. Illustrative presentation of work situations, tasks, and activities through games is a potential way to improve vocational learning. During the development of educational construction games, construction educators as the instructional designer should be involved profoundly during game design stage; to address and apply pedagogic concerns and to ensure the learning process is structured properly to accomplish the desired outcomes. In game development, game concept and design document (GCDD) is an integral part of the game design stage as it describes the vision for the game, contents, schedules and strategy for implementation. Construction educator as instructional designer should collaborate with the game designer to produce a sound GCDD to ensure that the game will be successful as an educational tool. In this paper, a discussion on the GCDD that is adapted for integrating computer game-based learning for construction education is presented.



Computer games have been proven to be an effective tool in supplementing conventional teaching methods. The Federation of American Scientists acknowledged that “People acquire new knowledge and complex skills from gameplay, suggesting games could help address one of the nation’s most pressing needs – strengthening our [American] system of education and preparing workers for 21st century jobs” [1]. As such, growing intensity is seen in the utilization of computer games by educators and instructional designers in the K-12, higher education, business and industry. Computer games include games designed for personal computers, for video game console systems such as the Microsoft XBoxes, Nintendo Wii and Sony Playstations, and online games which are accessed either through a special game client or through a web browser interface. Current generation of computer games has shown a trend for game experiences that produce realistic and “natural” interaction techniques. Reference [10] posits that the reason for computer games being an effective educational tool is that they are engaging for students. Students are motivated through the fun factors, challenges and instant feedback within a visual and interactive virtual playing environment. Reference [6] suggests that interest is sustained when playing game because the environment and ambience information are creating an immersive experience for students. According to [16], psychosocially games can influence learning and encourage learners who lack interest or confidence. Computer games can be identified as a “powerful learning environments” as described by [5] because they foster the optimal learning processes. Game environments allow students to be actively engaged, independently or collaboratively, on authentic rich tasks which have been adapted to their individual needs. There is a four part cycle in which students engage in game playing – probe, hypothesize, reprobe, and rethink [7]. Throughout this cycle, the student reflects on the effect his actions have on the game world to establish the underlying game rules. Reference [15] also describes a similar cycle where the student engages in repeated “judgement-behaviourfeedback” loops. Game playing is also linked with the potential to develop skills in decision making, design, strategy, cooperation, and problem solving [9]. According to [2], researchers have argued that playing computer games gives learners a “mental workout”. Due to the structure of activities embedded in computer games as opposed to the game content, playing games help develop cognitive skills. Students are challenged with short and long term decision making, which force them to exercise their problem solving strategies which involve observing a series of complex tasks and sub-tasks. Empirical studies also suggested that computer games can favor the development of various skills, such as critical thinking, metacognition, and problem-solving skills [3], [4], [8]. However, the application of appropriate theories to the design of effective game-based educational tools has not been sufficiently studied [13]. Literature has been emphasizing the importance of applying established instructional strategies and theories to design educational games and to facilitate game-

based learning [11], [12], [13], [15], [14], discuss the importance of a balanced contribution of effort, knowledge, and skill from both instructional and game designers in the overall game development process. Reference [11] further presents an overview of how to integrate instructional design and the game design processes. III. GAME CONCEPT AND DESIGN DOCUMENT AS AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF GAME DEVELOPMENT Game design is an integral subset of game development. Reference [17] defines game design as the process of “imagining a game, defining the way it works, describing the elements that make up the game (conceptual, functional, artistic etc.), and transmitting information about the game to the team who will build it.” Reference [18] describes game design as the process of designing the content and rules of a game in the pre-production stage; and the design of gameplay, environment, storyline, and characters during production stage. Typically, the design stage produces a game concept and design document (GCDD) and it can vary from one design team to the other. The GCDD is quite similar to the “basis of design” document for architectural design. A design team usually consists of producers, game designers, artists and programmers. Reference [17] offers some examples of components of a game design document: high concept document, game treatment document, character design document, world design document, game script, and etc. In essence, a GCDD describes the vision for the game, contents, schedules and strategy for implementation. The production of a GCDD is a team effort as it provides guidelines for the project as a whole, and instructions for the design and development team [17], [19], [20]. Typically, a GCDD consists of three major sections: concept, design, and technical. The concept document expresses the core idea of the game. The target audience for this is all those who are responsible for advancing the idea to the next step: a formal game proposal. Sub-sections of this document include game analysis i.e. the description of the game genre, style, how it is played, the selling point of the game, the target market, and etc. The next section which is the design document, describes how game objects behave and controlled, and the properties they have. Its sub-sections include the descriptions of the elements of the game, creative decisions and restrictions that need to be regarded, and a general overall goal of the design. For example the definitions of how a student wins, loses, and passes the levels; student’s rewards and penalties; whether it is a single or multi-student game; and the user interface. Other issues are also described including the story, the concept art, the audio & sound, and the game architecture. The final section is the technical document that provides information concerning the technical aspects of the game; such as a list of system requirements that a device will have to meet to run the game, the restrictions that may apply to the end product, technical requirements for the visual aspects of the game, audio content, programming content, and code structures (i.e. an overview of how objects/functions/data interact, a list

of what specified functions/routines do and a list of what order modules will be written). IV.


Designing an educational game differs from other forms of game because the designer has to ensure an outcome that includes learning, not just enjoyment of playing the game. Designing meaningful game environment in the construction education context, calls for close cooperation between the game developers and construction educators/instructional designers with pedagogic and field-specific expertise. Such design teams can take into account and balance the needs of learning and technical applications [12]. If unbalanced, the games will fail in meeting the expectation of the producers of the game, the educators, and principally the students. E.g. the game may have applied sound pedagogical foundations but it is not entertaining, hence resulting in students losing interest in learning. In contrast, game design and development that is dictated by entertainment only can lead to the game not applying key pedagogical principles. Students may be entertained, but this may leave them with the lacking of vital skills and knowledge. As stated by [21], such games distract students who may be enthralled by the high-end graphics and animation, or by competing, scoring and winning, rather than learning. It is thus central that the importance and depth of the content information and vital instructional events not to be over-looked, oversimplified or trivialized while striving to uphold compelling goals of interactive entertainment [12]. A. Construction Education Delivering construction education is an ongoing process of providing knowledge and theories to students. For primary, middle, and high schools, students are introduced to basic knowledge about the construction industry. More focused and complex issues and theories are taught to students in vocational and college settings to prepare them to be part of the industry workforce. There are also construction courses designed to cater for current working people in the construction industry who like to enhance their skills through education and training. Construction education includes teaching and learning of the industry content through a wide-ranging spectrum of construction-related topics. These include, but not limited to estimating, materials and methods, laws and contracts, subcontracting, labor and productivity, scheduling, project management, computers and information technology, energy and sustainability, safety, business practice, automation and robotics, mechanical and electrical systems, and delivery methods. The construction industry is well identified for its multi-disciplinary criterion. As such, construction educators attempt to deliver contents that integrate these disciplines. For example, to be an effective and efficient construction manager, graduates have to be familiar and conversant with the technical, legal, monetary, and human issues. Integration strategy where discipline-specific focus is retained while maintaining cross-disciplinary interests can be designed with the inclusion of educational tools such as computer games. Computer games can assist in simulated learning and help educators provide students with authentic and

memorable learning experiences. A computer game environment for a topic such as health and safety can create opportunity for students not only to experience the game playing, but also the ability to learn and identify problems, perform corrective actions and apply best practices in a dynamically evolving construction site. For example, health and safety on the construction site that includes topics such as falling hazards, being struck by falling objects, trench collapse, etc., can be delivered through various gameplays in a game environment. Students can gain the extra knowledge rather than basing them from just handbooks, textbooks or in-class lectures. Illustrative presentation of occupational situations through games is a potential way to improve vocational learning. Computer games that are utilized as interactive training systems allow students to visualize and have appropriate interactions with the computer-generated models, thus minimizing physical training requirements and avoiding costly and hazardous mistakes [22]. According to [23], studies have shown that advance technologies such as 3D visualization and virtual reality can provide a good foundation for the new workforce within the Built Environment, providing that they are integrated appropriately within the Built Environment curriculums. 3D visualization and virtual reality are one of the core components of current and modern computer games. In construction education where learning is based on authentic tasks, activities and gameplay with near realistic 3D visualization are able to address the motivational challenges. B. Game Concept and Design Document for Educational Construction Games Reference [11] highlights the importance of “instructional designers to know how and when to contribute their skills and knowledge during the overall game development process.” Reference [11] presents an overview of how to integrate instructional design and the game design processes. They depict instructional design as an interactive process consisting of four basic phases; including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation [24]. Comparably, they present game design as a process that is also broken down into four phases; including concept, pre-production, production, and post-production [25]. Table 1 shows how to [11] integrate the instructional design process into game design process. They note, however, that both processes are not necessarily a direct one-to-one correlation as may be suggested by the table. Referring to Table 1 [11], the production of a game design document occurs at the second phase i.e. Pre-Production. To design an educational game for construction students, a sound GCDD that balances the input of construction educator/instructional designer and game developer is required. This document describes the vision for the game, contents, schedules and strategy for implementation. It provides guidelines for the project as a whole, and instructions for the game development team (producers, game designers, artists and programmers).

TABLE 1. RELATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROCESS AND THE GAME DESIGN PROCESS [11] Instructional Design Process and Tasks Analysis Phase (Analysis Report) • • • •

Assess needs and identify instructional goal(s) Analyze goal(s), tasks, skills and/or content Analyze learner characteristics Analyze learning and performance context

Design Phase (Design Documents) • • • •

Generate, cluster & sequence objectives Determine learner assessment method Generate instructional strategy Select media

Game Design Process and Products Concept Phase (Pitch and Concept Document) • Define context • Analyze competition • Formulate high concept and identify genre • Determine and list key features • Establish pedagogical foundations • Summarize story, setting(s) and gameplay • Determine platform Pre-Production Phase (Design Documents) • Generate game design documents, detailing story, setting(s) and gameplay • Write technical design document • Prepare art bible and production plan

Development Phase • Acquire materials or outsource development • Create flowcharts and storyboards • Generate prototypes • Formatively evaluate and revise materials • Produce instructional materials

Prototype & Production Phase • Develop analog or low-fidelity prototypes • Produce Alpha version • Produce Beta version • Produce Gold version

Implementation and Evaluation Phases • Deliver and manage instruction • Plan and conduct summative evaluations

Post-Production • •

Generate and release subsequent versions Generate and release upgrades/expansions

Game genre: A genre is “a category of games characterized by a particular set of challenges, independent of the setting or game world content” [17]. A suitable genre should be selected to match the teaching and learning strategies to be accomplished. The classic game genres and their related activities and challenges in games are as summarized in Table 2. TABLE 2. SUMMARY OF GAME GENRES AND THEIR RELATED ACTIVITIES AND CHALLENGES Genre Action games Real-time-strategy games Role-playing games Real-world simulations (sports games and vehicle simulations) Construction and management games Adventure games Puzzle games

Types of activities and challenges Physical challenges Strategic, tactical, and logistical challenges Tactical, logistical, exploration, and economic challenges Physical and tactical challenges

Economic and conceptual challenges Exploration and puzzle-solving challenges Logic and conceptual challenges

Game Elements: This section explains the basic activities students will be doing while playing the game whether shooting, collecting, chasing, combat, dodging, constructing, etc. Game Sequence: Whether the game has a LinearStorylines, Hyper-Storylines that students can influence, or Simulation. Target Audience: It should be decided who the game is intended for whether it is for pre-K to 12, undergraduate or graduate students, training, or for career and professional development purposes. Target audience also dictates the benefits and the kind of experience to be presented to students. Considerations should be given on issues such as whether student will be able to play as hard-core game player (very dedicated) or simply casual game player (light game playing), level of education and age of students, students with impairments and of other cultures [17]. Focus Construction Area: There are various different areas of construction education where computer games can be integrated and supplement the conventional teaching and learning. They include but not limited to construction management, health and safety, surveying, site planning, measurement materials and methods, law and contracts, subcontracting, labor and productivity, scheduling, project management, energy and sustainability, safety, automation and robotics, mechanical and electrical systems, delivery methods, etc. Since each area will have its own learning objectives, the game design must consider them.

A. Concept The purpose of this phase is to express the core idea and the goal/s of the game, and pitching the idea to a funding agency that will fund the development of the game. It also summarizes key aspects of the game and convinces why it will be successful for student learning. Construction educator should provide an analysis of the game content, tasks and activities that will be carried out or played in the game, and skills that students will acquire in order to establish pedagogical approaches and outcomes. Construction educators are in the best position to provide the critical information about learning objectives, learner assessments, and instructional strategies. Specifying, clustering and sequencing of the learning objectives are valuable for determining the appropriate gameplay, settings and/or levels. It will also help in writing and identifying key plots, and crafting an exciting and motivating story arc.

B. Design This phase describes how game objects behave and how they are controlled, and the properties they have, the creative decisions and restrictions that need to be regarded, and a general overall goal of the game design.

Other issues that are addressed in collaboration between construction educator and the game design team are:

Award/Reward: It defines how winning, losing, passing level, and rewards will be awarded in the game. Construction

educators may offer valuable input through their expertise, necessary skills, and knowledge to create valid and reliable questions and answers that are aligned to specified objectives. Other conventional evaluation and tests methods that can be included are short answers, multiple-choice, true-false, and matching.

and motivating story arc. Learning objectives, learner assessments, and instructional strategies are taken into consideration to determine the key plots and story arc. A story board is usually used to tie in the graphics to texts. This can later be transformed and developed into game assets that are required for the game.

Single or Multi-player Game: Whether the game can support a single player or multi-player (in a locally shared game environment, or online). In a game environment, single and multi-player settings enforce students to be actively engaged in their learning process. This corresponds to the constructivism theory of learning i.e. “learning-by-doing”. Distributed systems allow the opportunity for multiple students to collaborate, learn and interact in real time in a virtual simulation. This setting is comparable to the concept of Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) which is relevant to the principles of social constructivism, and the social context of learning.

Concept Art: Consists of drawings or sketches made early in the design process to give an idea of what some things will look like in the game. These are used as visual references. Construction educators can collaborate with a graphic designer to obtain realistic and relevant graphics to construction education.

The use of avatar is common in modern computer games. An avatar can either have intelligent characteristics (i.e. artificial intelligent characters or bots) or simply present as a virtual representation that is controlled by the student's input. An avatar can represent a student performing activities in a game either in group or individually. Non-player characters (NPCs) or avatars can also be configured to become construction workers building a facility in the VE. There is numerous potential for construction education topics e.g. surveying, health and safety training, project and site management etc. that can be developed as a single or multiplayer games. Game Platform: Will the game be deployed for a specific or multi-platform? This can range from video game consoles, personal computer, mobile devices, tablets, web or cloud-based devices. Determining the suitable deployment platform will ensure wider audience hence larger dissemination of the educational content. A suitable platform is also needed as most students will only have access to the averagely affordable devices. User Interface: The role of user interface (UI) is important because from the student’s interaction with the UI, he/she perceives whether the game is “satisfying or disappointing, elegant or graceless, fun or frustrating.” This is the starting point whether a student will be interested or lose interest to engage in learning. Obviously, disinterested students mean the objective of the game as a learning tool would not be achieved. The UI translates the student’s input and actions in the real world; via Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointing (WIMP)-based or touch-based devices, into the respective actions in the game world. The outputs of the UI are usually presented in the form of visual and auditoria elements. It is thus important that the UI is designed to be engaging, easy to learn and use, create a smooth and enjoyable experience. At the same time, vital information for learning and the importance of pedagogy are not overlooked, oversimplified or trivialized. Story: This is where the story of the game is described in detail. Construction educators’ input their expertise to assist in writing and identifying the key plots, and crafting an exciting

Audio, Sound, and Lighting: Audio elements in a game include sound effects, vibration, ambient sounds, music, dialog, and voiceover narration. The use of audio elements and facilities ensure students have realistic and authentic experience while playing the game and a memorable experience after playing the game. For example, sound effects correspond to the actions and events of a construction site such as the sound of jack-hammer, truck engines, footsteps etc. can give students a more immersive gameplay experience. The use of ambient sounds can give students the aural feedback; e.g. traffic sounds can make a student feels that he/she is in an urban street, or sounds of exotic birds inform him/her that the time of day is early in the morning. Lighting effect e.g. sun and shadows can increase realism in the game environment, and it is equally important in a construction game. Shadow effects can inform students the time of day, where the sun is, whether the building is receiving enough natural light etc. Game Architecture: It represents the overall game flow and design and it is best done using a flow chart. C. Technical This phase describes the technical aspects of the game. The technical document is best achieved with consensus from the people responsible for the visual, programming and audio aspects. Participation of construction educators may not be critical in this phase. However, close contact with development team and continuous testing of any technical elements developed would ensure coherencies between the learning the game play aspects of the game. This phase also describes: • The system requirements such as the hardware/device that will have to be met to run the game. • Any restrictions that may apply to the end product e.g. licensing, commercial, open source, age, etc. • Technical requirements for the visual aspects of the game. • Audio content. • Programming content. • Code structure i.e. an overview of how objects/functions/data interact, a list of what specific functions/routines do and a list of what possible modules that will need to be written.



Learning activities should extensively utilize and embrace new technologies. When discussing learning and computer games, it should be taken into account the theoretical knowledge and needs of learning, as well as the existing possibilities of game development. Designing pedagogically meaningful game environment for specific context such as the construction education and industry is a challenging task. It calls for a close cooperation between the technical game developers and specialists with pedagogic and field-specific expertise; from the educators’ and students’ point of view. In vocational education setting where learning is based on authentic tasks, game environment provides better ways of visualization of tasks and illustration of occupational situations, and able to address students’ engagement issues and motivational challenges. Game-like scenario has the potential to improve vocational learning and to respond to the changing needs of the construction industry workforce. This paper presented a comparative summary of the phases involved in the Instructional Design Process and Tasks, and the Game Design Process and Products. This paper also included a brief overview of the game concept and design document (GCDD) and discussed how it can be adapted for construction education. Construction educators as instructional designers play a vital role in the production of the GCDD to address and apply relevant pedagogic issues and principles during the design stage of the computer game development. A sound GCDD is essential to develop an educational construction game if game-based learning is to be part of the learning process for construction students.

[12] [13]

[14] [15] [16]






[22] [23]



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