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LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS AND THEIR REPRESENTING MATRICES. DAVID WEBB. CONTENTS. 1. Linear transformations. 1. 2. The representing matrix of ...

C ONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4.

Linear transformations The representing matrix of a linear transformation An application: reflections in the plane The algebra of linear transformations

1 3 6 8

1. L INEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 1.1. D EFINITION . A function T : Rn → Rm is linear if it satisfies two properties: (1) For any vectors v and w in Rn , (1.2)

T (v + w) = T (v) + T (w) (“compatibility with addition”);

(2) For any vector v ∈ Rn and any λ ∈ R, (1.3)

T (λv) = λT (v) (“compatibility with scalar multiplication”).

Often a linear mapping T : Rn → Rm is called a linear transformation or linear map. Some authors reserve the word “function” for a real-valued function, and call a vector-valued mapping a “transformation” or a “mapping.” In the special case when n = m above, so the domain and target spaces are the same, we call a linear map T : Rn → Rn a linear operator. From the two properties (1) and (2) defining linearity above, a number of familiar facts follow. For instance: 1.4. P ROPOSITION . A linear transformation carries the origin to the origin. That is, if T : Rn → Rm is linear and 0k ∈ Rk denotes the zero vector in Rk , then T (0n ) = 0m . Proof. Consider the equation 0n + 0n = 0n in Rn . Apply T to both sides: then in Rm we have the equation T (0n + 0n ) = T (0n ). By the compatibility of T with addition (the first property above), this becomes T (0n ) + T (0n ) = T (0n ). Now add −T (0n ) to both sides to obtain T (0n ) = 0m .  1.5. E XAMPLES . We consider some examples – and some non-examples – of linear transformations. (1) The identity map Id : Rn → Rn defined by Id(v) = v is linear (check this). (2) Define R : R3 → R3 by     x x      y R = y , z −z Date: September 17, 2010. 1



reflection through the xy-plane. Then R is linear. Indeed,         v1 w1 v1 + w1 v1 + w1 R v2  + w2  = R v2 + w2  =  v2 + w2  v3 w3 v3 + w3 −(v3 + w3 )         v1 w1 v1 w1           v2 w2  , = v2 + w2 = R +R −v3 −w3 v3 w3 (3) (4)

(5) (6)

so (1.2) holds, and one checks (1.3) similarly.     x x 2 2 The mapping T : R → R defined by T = is linear (check this). y x         x x−1 0 −1 2 2 The mapping T : R → R given by T = is not linear: indeed, T = , y y−1 0 −1 but we know by Proposition (1.4) that if T were  linear,   then we would have T (0) = 0. x x The mapping T : R2 → R2 given by T = 2 is not linear (why not?). y x Any linear mapping T : R → R is given by T (x) = mx for some m ∈ R; i.e., its graph in R2 is a line through the origin. To see this, let m = T (1). Then by (1.3), T (x) = T (x·1) = xT (1) = xm = mx. Warning: Note that a linear map f : R → R in the sense of Definition (1.1) is not what you probably called a linear function in single-variable calculus; the latter was a function of the form f (x) = mx + b whose graph need not pass through the origin. The proper term for a function like f (x) = mx + b is affine. (Some authors call such a function “affine linear,” but the terminology is misleading — it incorrectly suggests that an affine linear map is a special kind of linear map, when in fact as noted above, an affine map is usually not linear at all! We will use the term “affine” in order to avoid this potential confusion. More generally, an affine map A : Rn → Rm is a mapping of the form A(x) = M (x) + b for x ∈ Rn , where M : Rn → Rm is a linear map and b ∈ Rm is some fixed vector in the target space.)

(7) (Very important example) Let A be any m×n matrix. Then A defines a linear map LA : Rn → Rm (“left-multiplication by A”) defined by LA (v) = Av


for v ∈ Rn . Note that this makes sense: the matrix product of A (an n × m matrix) and v (a column vector in Rn , i.e., an n × 1 matrix) is an m × 1 matrix, i.e., a column vector in Rm . That LA is linear is clear from some basic properties of matrix multiplication. For example, to check that (1.2) holds, note that for v, w ∈ Rn , LA (v + w) = A(v + w) = Av + Aw = LA (v) + LA (w), and (1.3) is checked similarly.   1 0 As a special case of this last example, let A = . Then 1 0        x 1 0 x x LA = = , y 1 0 y x so in this case LA is just the linear function T of the third example above.



2. T HE REPRESENTING MATRIX OF A LINEAR TRANSFORMATION The remarkable fact that matrix calculus so useful is that every lienar transformation T : Rn → Rm is of the form LA for some suitable m × n matrix A; this matrix A is called the representing matrix of T , and we may denote it by [T ]. Thus A = [T ] is just another way of writing T = LA .


At the risk of belaboring the obvious, note that saying that a matrix A is the representing matrix of a linear transformation T just amounts to saying that for any vector v in the domain of T , T (v) = Av (the product on the right side is matrix multiplication), since T (v) = LA (v) = Av by definition of LA . Proof. To see that every linear transformation T : Rn → Rm has the form LA for some m × n matrix A, let’s consider the effect of T on an arbitrary vector   x1  x2   v=  ...  xn in the domain Rn . Let       1 0 0 0 1 0           0 0 0 e1 =   , e2 =   , . . . , en =  . . .  ..   ..   ..  0 0 1 be the standard coordinate unit vectors (in R3 , these vectors are traditionally denoted i, j, k). Then         x1 1 0 0  x2  0 1 0        v=  ...  = x1  ...  + x2  ...  + . . . + xn  ...  = x1 e1 + x2 e2 + . . . + xn en , xn




so T (v) = T (x1 e1 + x2 e2 + . . . + xn en ) = T (x1 e1 ) + T (x2 e2 ) + . . . + T (xn en ) (2.2)

= x1 T (e1 ) + x2 T (e2 ) + . . . + xn T (en ).

Thus, to know what T (v) is for any v, all we need to know is the vectors T (e1 ), T (e2 ), . . . , T (en ). Each of these is a vector in Rm . Let’s write them as       a11 a12 a1n  a21  a  a   , T (e2 ) =  .22  , . . . , T (en ) =  2n  T (e1 ) =  .  ..   ..   ...  ; am1





thus aij is the ith component of the vector T (ej ) ∈ Rm . By (2.2),       a11 a12 a1n  a21  a  a   + x2  .22  + . . . + xn  2n  T (v) = x1 T (e1 ) + x2 T (e2 ) + . . . + T (en ) = x1  .  ..   ..   ...  am1

am2 amn   a1n x1 a2n   x2   .  = Av = LA (v), ..  .   .. 

a11 x1 + a12 x2 + . . . + a1n xn a11 a12 . . .  a21 x1 + a22 x2 + . . . + a2n xn   a21 a22 . . . = . = .. ..    .. . . am1 x1 + am2 x2 + . . . + amn xn am1 am2 . . . amn 


where a11  a21 A=  ... 

a12 a22 .. .

... ...

am1 am2 . . .

 a1n a2n  . ..  .  amn 

Thus we have shown that T is just LA , where A is the m × n matrix whose columns are the vectors T (e1 ), T (e2 ), . . . , T (en ); equivalently: (2.3) The representing matrix [T ] is the matrix whose columns are the vectors T (e1 ), T (e2 ), . . . , T (en ). We might write this observation schematically as  ↑ ↑ [T ] = T (e1 ) T (e2 ) · · · ↓ ↓

 ↑ T (en ) . ↓

2.4. E XAMPLE . Let us determine the representing matrix [Id] of the identity map Id : Rn → Rn . By (2.3), the columns of [Id] are Id(e1 ), Id(e2 ), . . . , Id(en ), i.e., e1 , e2 , . . . , en . But the matrix whose columns are e1 , e2 , . . . , en is just   1 0 ... 0 0 1 . . . 0 . . .   .. .. . . ...  , 0 0 ...


the n × n identity matrix I. Thus [Id] = I. Note that two linear transformations T : Rn → Rm and U : Rn → Rm that have the same representing matrix must in fact be the same transformation: indeed, if [T ] = A = [U ], then by (2.1), T = LA = U . Finally, there is a wonderfully convenient fact that helps to organize many seemingly complicated computations very simply; for example, as we will see later, it permits a very simple and easily remembered statement of the multivariable Chain Rule. Suppose that T : Rn → Rm and U : Rm → Rp are linear transformations. Then there is a composite linear transformation U ◦ T : Rn → Rp given by (U ◦ T )(v) = U (T (v)) for v ∈ Rn .











U ◦T

2.5. T HEOREM . [U ◦ T ] = [U ] [T ]. That is, the representing matrix of the composite of two linear transformations is the product of their representing matrices. (Note that this makes sense: [T ] is an m × n matrix while U is a p × m matrix, so the matrix product [U ][T ] is a p × n matrix, as [U ◦ T ] should be if it represents a linear transformation Rn → Rp .) Proof. To see why this is true, let A = [T ] and B = [U ]. By (2.1), this is just another way of saying that T = LA and U = LB . Then for any vector v ∈ Rn , (U ◦ T )(v) = U (T (v)) = LB (LA (v)) = B(Av) = (BA)v = LBA (v), where in the fourth equality we have used the associativity of matrix multiplication. Thus U ◦ T = LBA , which by (2.1) is just another way of saying that [U ◦ T ] = BA, i.e., that [U ◦ T ] = [U ] [T ].  In fact, this theorem is the reason that matrix multiplication is defined the way it is! 2.6. E XAMPLE . Consider the linear transformation Rθ that rotates the plane R2 counterclockwise by an angle θ. Clearly,     1 cos θ Rθ (e1 ) = Rθ = , 0 sin θ by definition of the sine and cosine Now e2 is perpendicular to e1 , so Rθ (e2 ) should be a unit  functions.  cos θ vector perpendicular to Rθ (e1 ) = , i.e., Rθ (e2 ) is one of the vectors sin θ     − sin θ sin θ , . cos θ − cos θ From the picture it is clear that   − sin θ Rθ (e2 ) = , cos θ since the other possibility would also involve a reflection. By (2.3), the representing matrix [Rθ ] of Rθ is the matrix whose columns are Rθ (e1 ) and Rθ (e2 ); thus we have   cos θ − sin θ (2.7) [Rθ ] = . sin θ cos θ Consider another rotation Rϕ by an angle ϕ; its representing matrix is given by   cos ϕ − sin ϕ [Rϕ ] = . sin ϕ cos ϕ Similarly, the representing matrix of the rotation Rϕ+θ through the angle ϕ + θ is given by   cos(ϕ + θ) − sin(ϕ + θ) [Rϕ+θ ] = . sin(ϕ + θ) cos(ϕ + θ) Now the effect of rotating by an angle θ and then by an angle ϕ should be simply rotation by the angle ϕ+θ, i.e., (2.8)

Rϕ+θ = Rϕ ◦ Rθ .



Thus [Rϕ+θ ] = [Rϕ ◦ Rθ ]. By Theorem (2.5), this becomes [Rϕ+θ ] = [Rϕ ] [Rθ ], i.e.,      cos(ϕ + θ) − sin(ϕ + θ) cos ϕ − sin ϕ cos θ − sin θ = . sin(ϕ + θ) cos(ϕ + θ) sin ϕ cos ϕ sin θ cos θ After multiplying out the right hand side, this becomes     cos(ϕ + θ) − sin(ϕ + θ) cos ϕ cos θ − sin ϕ sin θ − cos ϕ sin θ − sin ϕ cos θ = . sin(ϕ + θ) cos(ϕ + θ) sin ϕ cos θ + cos ϕ sin θ − sin ϕ sin θ + cos ϕ sin θ Comparing the entries in the first column of each matrix, we obtain (2.9) (2.10)

cos(ϕ + θ) = cos ϕ cos θ − sin ϕ sin θ, sin(ϕ + θ) = sin ϕ cos θ + cos ϕ sin θ.

Thus from (2.8) along with Theorem (2.5) we recover the trigonometric sum identities. 3. A N APPLICATION :


Let lθ be a line through the origin in the plane; say its equation is y = mx, where m = tan θ; thus θ is the angle of that the line lθ makes with the x-axis. Consider the linear transformation Fθ : R2 → R2 called “reflection through lθ ” defined geometrically as follows: intuitively, we view the line lθ as a mirror; then for any vector v ∈ R2 (viewed as the position vector of a point P in the plane), Fθ (v) is the position vector of the “mirror image” point of P on the other side of the line lθ . More precisely, write v as a sum of two vectors: (3.1)

v = v|| + v⊥ ,

where v|| is a vector along the line lθ and v⊥ is perpendicular to lθ . Then Fθ (v) = v|| − v⊥ . We wish to determine an explicit formula for Fθ . This can be done using elementary plane geometry and familiar facts about the dot product, but we seek here to outline a method that works in high dimensions as well, when it is not so easy to visualize the map geometrically. To this end, note that we already know a formula for Fθ when θ = 0: indeed, in that case, the line lθ is just the x-axis, and the reflection F0 is given by     x x F0 = . y −y For our purposes, though, a more useful (but equivalent) way of saying this is via the representing matrix [F0 ], which we now compute. The representing matrix [F0 ] is the matrix whose columns are F0 (e1 ) and F0 (e2 ). It is obvious that F0 (e1 ) = e1 and F0 (e2 ) = −e2 , but let’s check it anyway. It we take v = e1 in equation (3.1), we see that v|| = e0 (v = e1 is on the line l0 , the x-axis), so v⊥ = 0, the zero vector; thus F0 (e1 ) = v|| − v⊥ = e1 − 0 = e1 . Similarly, if we take v = e2 in equation (3.1), we find v|| = 0 while v⊥ = e2 (v = e2 is itself perpendicular to the x-axis), so F0 (e2 ) = v|| − v⊥ = 0 − e2 = −e2 . Thus [F0 ] is the matrix whose columns are e1 and −e2 , i.e., 


 1 0 [F0 ] = . 0 −1



To use this seemingly trivial observation to compute Fθ , we note that Fθ can be written as a composition of three linear transformations: Fθ = Rθ ◦ F0 ◦ R−θ ,


where Rθ is the “rotation by θ” operator whose representing matrix we already determined in equation (2.7). That is, in order to reflect through the line lθ , we can proceed as follows: first, rotate the whole plane through an angle −θ; this operation moves the mirror line lθ to the x-axis. We now reflect the plane through the x-axis, which we know how to do by equation (3.2). Finally, we rotate the whole plane back through an angle of θ in order to “undo” the effect of our original rotation through an angle of −θ; this operation restores the line in which we are interested (the “mirror”) to its original position, making an angle θ with the x-axis. By Theorem (2.5), we can now compute [Fθ ] easily: [Fθ ] = [Rθ ◦ F0 ◦ R−θ ] = [Rθ ][F0 ][R−θ ], i.e.,         cos θ − sin θ 1 0 cos(−θ) − sin(−θ) cos θ − sin θ 1 0 cos θ sin θ [Fθ ] = = ; sin θ cos θ 0 −1 sin(−θ) cos(−θ) sin θ cos θ 0 −1 − sin θ cos θ multiplying out the matrices yields  2  cos θ − sin2 θ 2 cos θ sin θ [Fθ ] = . 2 cos θ sin θ sin2 θ − cos2 θ Using the identities (2.9) with ϕ = θ, we finally conclude that   cos(2θ) sin(2θ) (3.4) [Fθ ] = . sin(2θ) − cos(2θ) To see that this makes some sense geometrically, note that the first column of the matrix [Fθ ] is the same as the first column of [R2θ ], the representing matrix of the rotation through an angle 2θ. But for any linear map T : R2 → R2 , the first column of [T ] is just the vector T (e1 ). Thus the equality of the first columns of [Fθ ] and [R2θ ] just means that Fθ (e1 ) = R2θ (e1 ), which makes geometric sense: if you reflect the horizontal vector e1 through the line lθ , the resulting vector should surely be a unit vector making an angle θ with the line lθ , hence making an angle 2θ with the x-axis. Although we will not make serious use of the striking power of the technique illustrated above, we conclude by showing how the algebra of linear transformations, once codified via their representing matrices, can lead to illuminating geometric insights. We consider a very simple example to illustrate. Let us rewrite equation (3.4): 

    cos(2θ) sin(2θ) cos(2θ) − sin(2θ) 1 0 [Fθ ] = [Fθ ] = = , sin(2θ) − cos(2θ) sin(2θ) cos(2θ) 0 −1 the right hand side of which we immediately recognize as [R2θ ][F0 ]. But by Theorem (2.5), the latter is just [R2θ ◦ F0 ]. Thus [Fθ ] = [R2θ ◦ F0 ]. Since two linear transformations with the same representing matrix are the same, it follows that Fθ = R2θ ◦ F0 . Now compose on the right by F0 and use associativity of function composition: (3.5)

Fθ ◦ F0 = (R2θ ◦ F0 ) ◦ F0 = R2θ ◦ (F0 ◦ F0 ).



Finally, observe that F0 ◦ F0 = Id, the identity transformation. (This is obvious geometrically, but we can prove it carefully by using the representing matrix: by Theorem (2.5) and equation (3.2),      1 0 1 0 1 0 [F0 ◦ F0 ] = [F0 ][F0 ] = = = I = [Id], 0 −1 0 −1 0 1 so F0 ◦ F0 = Id.) Then equation (3.5) becomes Fθ ◦ F0 = R2θ .

(3.6) Thus we have proved:

3.7. T HEOREM . The effect of reflection of the plane through the x-axis followed by reflection of the plane through the line lθ making an angle θ with the x-axis is just that of rotation of the plane through the angle 2θ. You should draw pictures and convince yourself of this fact. In fact, more is true: for any line λ in the plane, let Fλ : R2 → R2 denote reflection through the line λ. 3.8. T HEOREM . For any two lines α and β in the plane, the composite Fβ ◦Fα is the rotation through double the angle between the lines α and β. The proof is immediate: we merely set up our coordinate axes so that the x-axis is the line α; then we have reduced to the case of Theorem (3.7). 4. T HE ALGEBRA OF LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS We will denote the collection of all linear maps T : Rn → Rm by L(Rn , Rm ). We can add two elements of L(Rn , Rm ) in an obvious way: 4.1. D EFINITION . If T, U ∈ L(Rn , Rm ), then T + U is the mapping given by (T + U )(v) = T (v) + U (v) for all vectors v ∈ Rn . You should check that T + U is indeed linear. 4.2. T HEOREM . Let T, U ∈ L(Rn , Rm ). Then [T + U ] = [T ] + [U ]. In words, the representing matrix of the sum of two linear transformations is the sum of their representing matrices. The proof is a simple exercise using the definition of the representing matrix and the definition of matrix addition. 4.3. D EFINITION . Given a linear map T : Rn → Rm and a scalar c ∈ R, we define a linear map cT from Rn to Rm (called scalar multiplication of T by c) by (cT )(v) = c T (v) for all v ∈ Rn . As above, you should check that cT is linear, and prove the following theorem: 4.4. T HEOREM . Let T ∈ L(Rn , Rm ), and let c ∈ R. Then [cT ] = c[T ]. Note that the two definitions above endow the set L(Rn , Rm ) with the structure of a vector space. The definition of matrix addition and scalar multiplication endow the space Mm×n (R) of m by n matrices (with real entries) with the structure of a vector space. There is a mapping [ ] : L(Rn , Rm ) → Mm×n (R) that sends a linear transformation T to its representing matrix [T ]. The two simple theorems above merely say that this mapping [ ] is itself a linear map, using the vector space structures on its domain and target that we



defined above! But [ ] is even better than just a linear map: it has an inverse L( ) : Mm×n (R) → L(Rn , Rm ) that sends a matrix A ∈ Mm×n (R) to the linear transformation LA : Rn → Rm given by LA (v) = Av. The fact that [ ] and L( ) are inverses of each other is just the observation (2.1). Since [ ] : L(Rn , Rm ) → Mm×n is linear, any “linear” question about linear maps from Rn to Rm (i.e., any question involving addition of such linear maps or multiplication by a scalar) can be translated via [ ] to a question about matrices, which are much more concrete and better suited to computation than abstract entities like linear transformations; the fact that [ ] has a linear inverse L( ) means that nothing is lost in the translation. The mapping [ ] is a classic example of an isomorphism. Formally, an isomorphism of two vector spaces V and W is just a linear map V → W with a linear inverse W → V . The idea is that V and W are to all intents and purposes “the same,” at least as far as linear algebra is concerned. An isomorphism of an abstract vector space V with a more concrete and readily understood vector space W makes V just as easy to understand as W : we simply use the isomorphism to translate a question about V to an equivalent question about W , solve our problem in W (where is is easy), then use the inverse of the isomorphism to translate our solution back to V . While we will not make serious use of the idea of isomorphism (at least not explicitly), there is one important example that will use, and in any case the idea is so important throughout mathematics that is is worth making it explicit at this point. We will show that the space of linear maps L(R, Rm ) of linear maps from the real line to Rm is “the same” as the space Rm itself. In fact, any linear map T : R → Rn has a representing matrix [T ] ∈ Mm×1 in the space of m by 1 matrices; but an m by 1 matrix (m rows, one column) is just a column vector of length m, i.e., an element of Rm . What does this representing matrix [T ] look like? Recall that its columns are just the values that the linear map T takes on the standard coordinate vectors. But in R, there is only one standard coordinate vector: e1 = 1, the real number 1. Thus the first (and only!) column of [T ] is just the vector T (1) ∈ Rm . We can summarize as follows: (4.5) We can view any linear map T : R → Rm as a column vector in Rm ; we do so by associating to the linear map T the vector T (1) ∈ Rm — which, when viewed as an m by 1 matrix, is just the representing matrix [T ]. Another way of arriving at the same conclusion is the following. If T : R → Rm is any linear map from the real line to Rm , note that for any x ∈ R, T (x) = T (x · 1) = xT (1), by (1.3); equivalently, T (x) = T (1)x, which just says that T = LT (1) , i.e. (by (2.1)), [T ] = T (1).