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lem was first studied by Knuth, Robson and others [Robs74,Knut73] and has ..... [Robs74] J. M. Robson: Bounds for some functions concerning dynamic storage ...
New Approximation Algorithms for Some Dynamic Storage Allocation Problems Shuai Cheng Li1 , Hon Wai Leong1 , and Steven K. Quek2 1

School of Computing National University of Singapore 3 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543 {lisc,leonghw}@comp.nus.edu.sg 2 School of Information Technology Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore steven [email protected]

Abstract. The offline dynamic storage allocation (DSA) problem has recently received some renewed attention and several new results have been reported. The problem is NP-complete and the best known result for the offline DSA is a polynomial time 3-approximation algorithm [Gerg99]. Better ratios have been reported for special cases if restrictions are placed on the allowable sizes of the blocks [Gerg96,MuBh99]. In this paper, we present new techniques for solving special cases with blocks of restricted sizes and we obtain better approximation ratios for them. We first obtain results for small instances which are then used to solve the more general cases. Our main results are (i) a 4/3-approximation algorithm when the maximum block size h=2 (previous best was 3/2); and (ii) a 1.7-approximation algorithm for the case h=3 (previous best ). was 1 11 12



The dynamic storage allocation (DSA) problem is a classic combinatorial optimization problem that has a wide variety of applications, including dynamic memory allocation in operating systems ([Robs74,Knut73,WJNB95]). Our study an offline DSA is motivated by the berth allocation problem (BAP) in busy container transshipment ports (such as Singapore). Ships arriving at the port have fixed arrival and departure times and have to be berthed with a (straight-line) section of the port so that they can unload and load containers. Each vessel must be berth entirely within the section. Effective allocation of berthing space to the ships is an important planning task in many ports in order to increase throughput, reduce delay, and optimize the use of scarce resources (wharf areas, cranes). We show that the BAP is precisely the offline DSA problem. This DSA problem was first studied by Knuth, Robson and others [Robs74,Knut73] and has 

This work was supported in part by the National University of Singapore under Grant R252-000-128-112.

K.-Y. Chwa and J.I. Munro (Eds.): COCOON 2004, LNCS 3106, pp. 339–348, 2004. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 


Shuai Cheng Li, Hon Wai Leong, and Steven K. Quek

recently received some renewed attention. The problem is NP-complete [GJ79] and there were a series of approximation algorithms proposed in recent years [Kier88,Kier91,Gerg96,Gerg99]. The best known result is a 3-approximation algorithm by Gergov [Gerg99]. Better ratios have been reported for special cases if restrictions are placed on the allowable sizes of the blocks [Gerg96,MuBh99]. In this paper, we present new techniques for solving more special cases (of blocks with restricted sizes) that produce better approximation ratios. Our motivation for studying special case are twofold: Firstly, we hope that results of small special cases will lead to better approximation algorithms for these special cases. Secondly, our research [Li02] has shown that these approximation algorithms for special cases can be adapted to solve the general case and produce good results in practice for the berth allocation problem.


Problem Formulation and Previous Results

The offline DSA problem is formulated as follows1 : An instance B of the offline DSA is given by a set of blocks B = {B1 , B2 , . . . , Bn }. Each block Bj (1 ≤ j ≤ n) is a triple of nonnegative integers (sj , aj , dj ) where sj is the size of the requested block while aj and dj are the arrival time and departure time of Bj . A (memory) allocation b(B) = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) is a mapping that assigns to each block Bj a nonnegative integer location bj such that for all i, j, (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n), either [ai , di ) ∩ [aj , dj ) = ∅ or (bi , bi + si ) ∩ (bj , bj + sj ) = ∅. Note that in the online version of the DSA, we do not know B in advance. The DSA can be geometrically interpreted in 2-D (as illustrated in Figure 1) where the x-axis represents the time axis and the y-axis represents the linear storage. The block Bj is represented by a rectangle whose x-extend is the time interval [aj , dj ) and the y-extend is the (contiguous) space allocation denoted by (bj , bj + sj ). The DSA problem is then to pack the collection of rectangles given by B = {B1 , B2 , . . . , Bn } into a larger rectangle. Since the x-extend of each block is fixed, the rectangles are only free to move vertically and the allocation function b merely determined their y positions.

Fig. 1. A DSA instance with two blocks.

For any allocation b(B), we define the cost L(b) = max(1≤j≤n) {bj + sj }. Geometrically, we can interpret L(b) to be the minimum height of a rectangle 1

Our notations are similar to those of [Gerg96].

New Approximation Algorithms


that contains all the allocated rectangles. We distinguish two versions of the DSA. In the optimization version of the DSA, we are given an instance B of the DSA and we want to find a minimum cost allocation, namely, an allocation b that minimizes L(b). In the decision version of the DSA, we are given an instance B and a cost threshold L0 and we want to find an allocation b(B) with L(b) ≤ L0 . The berth allocation problem (BAP) is precisely the decision version of the offline DSA problem if we model each ship by a block Bj = (sj , aj , dj ), where the size sj corresponds to the length of the ship, while ai and dj correspond to the arrival time and departure time of the ship. The cost threshold L0 corresponds to the length of the section. Then the allocation bj corresponds to the allocation the ship to the location (bj , bj + sj ) along the section. An allocation b(B) with L(b) ≤ L0 corresponds to a BAP solution where all the ships are berthed without overlap within a section of length L0 . We note that the DSA is analogous to a 2-D rectangle packing problem – that of packing the smaller rectangles into the bigger rectangle. In Figure 2, we illustrate this viewpoint. We refer to the larger rectangle as the packing area. Allocating a rectangle can also be viewed as “packing” the rectangle into the packing area. For the rest of the paper, we shall use the term “allocate” and “pack” interchangeably.

Fig. 2. The DSA as a 2D packing problem. (a) A solution with width W = 5, mt1 (B) = 2, mt2 (B) = 3, and m(B) = 4. (b) Partitioning the packing area into 5 tracks.

A block Bj is said to be active at time t if t ∈ [aj , dj ), or equivalently, if aj ≤ t < dj . Let B(t) denote the set of blocks that are active at time t, namely, B(t) = {Bj : t ∈ [aj , dj )}. Then, the local density at time t (denoted by mt (B)) is defined to be the total size of the active blocks at time t, namely, mt (B) =  Bj ∈B(t) sj . The density of the instance B (denoted by M (B)) is the maximum local density, namely, M (B) = maxt {mt (B)}. Given an instance B of the DSA, it is easy to see that L(b) ≥ M (B) for any allocation b(B). The DSA problem is NP complete and there has been a number of approximation algorithms proposed. This ratio has been steadily reduced from Θ(ln h) [Robs74], and to 80 by Kierstead [Kier88]. Slusarek [Slus89], and independently, Kierstead [Kier91] reduced the ratio to 6. Subsequently, this ratio was reduced to 5 by Gergov [Gerg96] and later to 3 [Gerg99]. The latter result is the best-known general result to date.


Shuai Cheng Li, Hon Wai Leong, and Steven K. Quek

Definition 1. Let DSA(W, M, h) denote the class of DSA instances B where (1) the maximum block size is h (namely, for all j, 1 ≤ sj ≤ h), (2) the density of the instance is M (M (B) = M ), and (3) the cost threshold L0 = W . Definition 2. An instance B ∈ DSA(W, M, h) is said to be feasible if there exists an allocation b(B) with L(b) ≤ W . The class DSA(W, M, h) is said to be feasible if all instances in the class are feasible. Then, the optimization version of the DSA problem can be formulated as follows: Let L(M, h) denote the smallest W such that DSA(W, M, h) is feasible. . We have the following results: For a fixed h, let L(h) = limM→∞ L(M,h) M Theorem 1. [GJ79] L(M, 1) = M for all M ≥ 1. Namely, L(1) = 1 Theorem 2. [Gerg99] L(M, h) ≤ 3M for all h ≥ 1. Namely, L(h) ≤ 3 Results for several special cases have also been reported. For the DSA variant with two distinct block sizes (say s1 and s2 ), Gergov [Gerg96] showed that L(M, {s1 , s2 }) ≤ 2M or L({s1 , s2 }) ≤ 2 2 . For the case of blocks with sizes 1 and h, it was shown [MuBh99] that the First Fit (FF) algorithm has approximation ratio 2 − 1/h, namely, L({1, h}) ≤ (2 − 1/h). Note that this implies L(2) ≤ 1 21 . For the online DSA problem, we let ODSA(W, M, h) denote the class of instances in which all the blocks have sizes ≤ h and the local density at any time t is bounded by M and L0 = W . Let N (M, h) denote the smallest W such . For that ODSA(W, M, h) is feasible. For a fixed h, let N (h) = limM→∞ N (M,h) M the general case, the best result, due to Robson [Robs74], is that 0.5M log2 h ≤ N (M, h) ≤ 0.84M log2 h. For small values of h, it has been shown that the following holds [Knut73,Robs74,LuNO74]: Theorem 3. For the online DSA, we have (a) N (2) = 1.5, and more precisely, N (M, 2) = (3M − 1)/2, (b) 1 32 ≤ N (3) ≤ 1 11 12 , (c) N ({1, h}) = 2 − 1/h. In this paper, we study DSA(W, M, h) and obtain values of L(M, h) for small M and h = 2 and 3 using new algorithms for solving these basic cases. We then present new approximation algorithms based on channel partitioning that achieves improved bounds for L(h), h = 2, 3. Both of these bounds are superior to the corresponding best known value for N (h) (the online case). For h = 2, it is known that L(2) ≥ 54 while the best known upper bound is 32 , which is the same as N (2). We improve this to L(2) ≤ 43 . For h = 3, we show that L(3) ≤ 1.7 while the best known bound for N (3) is 1 11 12 . 2

Here, we extend the notation DSA(W, M, h) to DSA(W, M, S), where the S denote the set of allowable block sizes. We also extend the notation of L accordingly.

New Approximation Algorithms



Solving Some Small Basic Cases

We first solve DSA(W, M, h) classes with some small M and h = 2, 3. In solving these cases, we develop algorithms that partition the packing area into two adjacent channels and use a channel flip procedure for effective allocation. These ideas are central to the approximation algorithms developed in the next section for L(2) and L(3). In our packing algorithm for small DSA instances, it is convenient to divide the packing area into horizontal tracks of unit length as illustrated in Figure 2(b). For DSA(W , M , h), we have tracks 1, 2, . . . , W, where track k refer to the horizontal strip whose y-extend is (k−1, k). For a block Bj (with size sj ), setting bj = k is equivalent to allocating the (contiguous) tracks k+1, k+2, . . . , k+sj to Bj , or equivalently, the y-extend of Bj is (k, k + sj ). For example, allocating a (unit size) block Bj to track 1 means bj = 0. 3.1

Basic Cases for h = 2

Theorem 4. For the offline DSA problem, we have (a) L(2, 2) = 2, (b) L(3, 2) = 3, (c) L(4, 2) = 5,

(d) L(5, 2) = 6.

It is easily shown that DSA(2, 2, 2) is feasible using a First Fit algorithm. The algorithm for solving DSA(3,3,2) is a modified version of online first fit which we call First-Fit with Channel Flip (FF-CF). We first divide the 3 tracks into two channels C1 with 1 track and C2 with two contiguous tracks. There are two possible configurations: (a) C1 ={1}, C2 ={2,3} or (b) C1 ={3}, C2 ={1,2}. The actual configuration in use will vary during the allocation process as described below. The algorithm FF-CF processes the blocks in B in increasing order by their arrival times. The blocks are packed (allocated) using a modified first fit algorithm trying channel C1 first, and then C2 . With loss of generality, assume that the configuration used is C1 ={1}, C2 ={2,3}. In a general step, we want to pack a block B that arrives at time t. We distinguish the following cases: Case 1: If B has size 1, B is allocated to the first free track using first fit. Case 2(a): If B has size 2 and channel C2 is free, we allocate B to C2 (tracks 2, 3). If B has size 2 and channel C2 is not free, then C1 must be free and there is exactly one occupied track in C2 (since local density at time t ≤ 3). There are two sub-cases: Case 2(b): If the middle track (track 2) of C2 is free, then both tracks 1 and 2 are free. We perform a channel-flip operation at time t in which we change the channel configuration to C2 ={1,2} and C1 ={3}. We then allocate block B to the new C2 . Case 2(c): If the middle track (track 2) of C2 is occupied, then the two free tracks (tracks 1 and 3) are “split” by the middle track. This is illustrated in Figure 3. In this case, we “exchange” the two tracks in channel C2 – namely, exchange the allocation of all the size 1 blocks in C2 that arrives after the most


Shuai Cheng Li, Hon Wai Leong, and Steven K. Quek

recent size 2 block. After the exchange operation, tracks 1 and 2 are free at time t and this case reduces to Case 2(b) above. We perform a channel-flip operation at time t and allocate B to the new C2 .

Fig. 3. Example of track exchange and Channel Flip operations for DSA(3,3,2). (a) Channel C1 and C2 before block B8 is assigned; tracks 1 and 3 are free. (b) The configuration after exchanging the “active size 1 blocks” in C2 (blocks B6 and B7 ), and performing a channel flip. The block B8 is assigned to the new C2 .

Algorithm 1: DSA-Alg(3,3,2,B): [FF-CF Algorithm] 1. begin 2. Sort the blocks in B by arrival time; 3. Define channels C1 ={1} and C2 ={2,3}; 4. F S ← ∅, C2Start ← 0 5. for each block Bj ∈ B do 6. if (sj = 1) then 7. Pack Bj at the first free track using First Fit; 8. if (Bj is packed into C2 ) then F S ← F S ∪ {Bj } ; 9. else // (sj = 2) 10. if (C2 is free) 11. then Pack Bj into C2 ; 12. else Channel-Flip(F S, Bj ); 13. C2Start← dj ; F S ← ∅; 14. end 15. Procedure Channel-Flip(F S, Bj ); 16. begin 17. if (middle track of C2 is occupied) 18. then Exchange the track allocation of the blocks in F S on C2 ; 19. Flip the channel configuration of C1 and C2 ; 20. Pack Bj in the new C2 ; 21. end {Flip}

The details of the algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. Correctness of the algorithm is easily shown by proving the invariant that every size channel-flip operation generates a new empty C2 channel that is used to pack a size 2 block. The running time for this algorithm is O(n log n), since we need to sort all the blocks, and each block would get allocated once, and flipped at most once. Proof of Theorem 4(c): To prove Theorem 4(c), namely that L(4, 2) = 5, we first prove that DSA(4,4,2) is infeasible. Figure 4 shows an instance of DSA(4, 4, 2) that can be shown to be not feasible (using a case analysis).

New Approximation Algorithms


Lemma 1. DSA(4, 4, 2) is not feasible. Corollary 1. DSA(M, M, h) is infeasible for all h ≥ 2, and M ≥ 4.

Fig. 4. An infeasible DSA(4, 4, 2) instance. A careful case analysis shows that this instance requires 5 tracks, namely W = 5. It also gives a lower bound of 54 for L(2).

Next, we show that DSA(5, 4, 2) is feasible by giving a constructive algorithm called First-Fit with Block Partitioning (FF-BP). Instead of partitioning the tracks, the algorithm partitions the blocks in B into disjoint subsets B1 and B2 which are then separately packed. For DSA(5, 4, 2), the algorithm FF-BP partitions B so that the subset B1 has density 2 (m(B1 ) ≤ 2), and the subset B2 has density 3 (m(B1 ) ≤ 3). Then the blocks in B1 are packed in 2 tracks using algorithm DSA(2,2,2) and the blocks in B2 are packed in 3 tracks using algorithm DSA(3,3,2). Algorithm FF-BP goes as follows: blocks in B are processed in increasing arrival times. Whenever a blocks Bj arrives, it is appended to B1 if mt (B1 )+sj ≤ 2. Otherwise, it is appended to B2 . (Details are given in Algorithm 2.) The correctness of this procedure is shown as follows: First, m(B1 ) ≤ 2 by construction, and so we only need to show that m(B2 ) ≤ 3. Blocks of size 1 are trivially placed. Consider a block Bj of size 2 arriving at time t. Then, at most two tracks are occupied at time t (since total density is 4), namely, mt (B1 ) + mt (B2 ) ≤ 2. If Bj cannot be appended to B1 , then mt (B1 ) ≥ 1 and so mt (B2 ) ≤ 1. Thus, mt (B2 ) ≤ 3 after the block Bj is appended to B2 . Algorithm 2: DSA-Alg(5,4,2,B): [FF-BP Algorithm] 1. begin 2. Sort the blocks in B by arrival time; 3. B1 ← ∅; m1 = 2; 4. B2 ← ∅; m2 = 3; 5. for each block Bj do 6. t ← ai ; 7. if (mt (B1 ) + sj ≤ m1 ) 8. then B1 ← B1 ∪ {Bj }; 9. else B2 ← B2 ∪ {Bj }; 10. Apply DSA-Alg(2, 2, 2, B1 ); 11. Apply DSA-Alg(3, 3, 2, B2 ); 12. end

The algorithm FF-BP also solves DSA(6, 5, 2) by partitioning the blocks into two subsets B1 and B2 having density 3 each. The proof is omitted here.



Shuai Cheng Li, Hon Wai Leong, and Steven K. Quek

Basic Cases for h = 3

Theorem 5. For the offline DSA problem, we have (a) L(3, 3) = 3 and (b) L(4, 3) = 5. The proof of Theorem 5(a), namely, than L(3, 3) = 3, is simple. We first assign all the blocks of size 3. Then between any two consecutive blocks of size 3, we have an instance of DSA(3, 3, 2) that is feasible. To prove Theorem 5(b), we first note that DSA(4,4,3) is infeasible by Corollary 1. Next, we prove that DSA(5,4,3) is feasible. The algorithm used is a generalization of the First Fit with Channel Flip procedure uses in DSA-Alg(3,3,2,B). We have two channels C2 with 2 tracks and C3 with 3 tracks. Without loss of generality, we assume that C2 = {1, 2} and C3 = {3, 4, 5}. Consider a block Bj arriving at time t. If sj = 1, it is trivially assigned using first fit. If sj = 2, if C2 is free, Bj is assigned to C2 otherwise, Bj is assigned to C3 using DSA-Alg(3,3,2) 3 . If sj = 3, and C3 is free, Bj is assigned to C3 . If C3 is not free, then C2 must be free and there is exactly one occupied track. If track 3 is free, we perform a channel flip at t so that the new C2 = {4, 5} and the new C3 = {1, 2, 3} is free and assign Bj to the new C3 . (If track 3 is not free, we first invert the tracks in channel C3 so that track 3 is now free.)


Approximation Algorithms for Special Cases

In this section, we show how the results for the small instances can be used to give improved approximation ratios, namely, L(h), for small h. 4.1

Algorithms Based on Multi-level Block Partitioning

We extend the block partitioning ideas used in DSA-Alg(5,4,2) to a multi-level block partitioning algorithm called FF-MLBP. We illustrate the algorithm with the case h = 2. The block Bj in B are considered in increasing arrival time. The algorithm proceeds in 2 phases as follows:   1 1 Phase 1: Let n1 = M 3 . We define n1 level-1 subsets denoted by B1 , B2 , ... , 1 Bn1 , each with maximum density m1 = 3. Each block Bj is assigned using first fit to the first subset that can accomodate it. If Bj does not fit into any of these subsets, it is left unassigned (for Phase 2). (Note: We show later that all blocks of size 1 are assigned in Phase 1 and there are now only blocks of size 2 left.)   level-2 subsets denoted by B12 , B22 , ... , Bn2 2 , Phase 2: Now, define n2 = M 6 each with maximum density m2 = 2. It is trivial to assign the remaining blocks using first fit to these subsets. Theorem 6. DSA(4/3M + 4, M , 2) is feasible, namely, L(2) ≤ 43 . 3

Note that this assignment to channel C3 may require an “internal” channel flip within the 3 tracks of C3 .

New Approximation Algorithms


Proof. We first prove the correctness of the algorithm. It is easy  to see that all blocks of size 1 are assigned in Phase 1 since there are n1 = M subsets each 3 with maximum density of 3. Hence, there are only blocks of size 2 left in Phase 2. Suppose that a block B of size 2 arriving at time t cannot be assigned to any one of the level-2 subsets (in Phase 2). This implies that at time t, each of these n2 subsets must have density 2 (since there are no blocks of height 1). Furthermore, each of the level-1 subsets must have density at least 2 at time t (since block B was not assigned in Phase  M  the total density at time t (excluding block  1). Thus, + 2 ≥ M . This contradicts the density bound B) is ≥ 2n1 + 2n2 = 2 M 3 6 M for all blocks. Thus, all the blocks are successfully assigned in Phase 2. We now consider the number of tracks needed. Each of the n1 level-1 subsets can be solved using DSA(3,3,2) and each of the n2 level-2 subsets with DSA(2,2,2). Thus, the total number of tracks needed is 3n1 + 2n2 ≤ 43 M + 4.  This result improves the previous bound for L(2) from 3/2 (by [MuBh99]) to 4/3. This multi-level block partitioning approach can be generalized for h = 3 to give a bound of 11/6  L(3) using  a 3-phase block parititioning   (=1.833)  Mfor M , n , n = = approach with n1 = M 2 3 3 6 9 , and with m1 = m2 = m3 = 3. However, a superior result is described in the next section. 4.2

An 1.7-Approximation Algorithm for h = 3

In this section, we will present a special multi-level block partitioning algorithm for h=3 that gives a bound of 1.7 for L(3). We first describe a customized block partitioning algorithm (called FF-BP4) that assigns blocks to a packing area with 4 tracks. We divide the packing area into two channels C1 and C2 each with 2 contiguous tracks, say C1 = {1, 2} and C2 = {3, 4}. A block of size 1 can be assigned to any free track. A block of size 2 can only be assigned to channel C1 or C2 (but not to the tracks 2 and 3 even if they are free). A block of size 3 can be assigned to tracks {1, 2, 3} or {2, 3, 4} if there is room (with one of the channels flipped if necessary). Any block that can not be assigned in this way is left unassigned. Let B1 be the set of assigned blocks after running algorithm FF-BP4. We prove that mt (B1 ) ≥ 2 whenever a block B cannot be assigned at time t. If B is of size 1, then mt (B1 ) = 4. If B is of size 2, then mt (B1 ) ≥ 3 except for the case when tracks {2,3} are free in which case mt (B1 ) ≥ 2. If B is of size 3, then mt (B1 ) ≥ 2, otherwise we always pack B successfully. We are now ready to present the multi-level block partitioning algorithm for h=3. The algorithm is the same as the 3-phase FF-MLBP except that we use different algorithms to assign blocks to the subsets.   Phase 1: Define n1 = M level-1 subsets, with m1 = 4 and assign blocks using 4 algorithm FF-BP4. After this phase, only blocks of sizes 2 and 3 remain.   Phase 2: Define n2 = M 10 level-2 subsets, with m2 = 6 and assign blocks using the algorithm for DSA(6,6,{2,3}) from Theorem 6(d). All blocks of size 2 are assigned in this phase.


Shuai Cheng Li, Hon Wai Leong, and Steven K. Quek

Phase 3: Define n3 = first fit.

M  30

level-3 subsets, with m3 = 3 and assign blocks using

Theorem 7. DSA(1.7M + 13, M, 3) is feasible, namely, L(3) ≤ 1.7. Proof. We first prove the correctness of the algorithm. Suppose that a block B of size 2, arriving at time t cannot be assigned in Phase 2. This implies that at time t, each of the n1 level-1 subsets must have density at least 2, and each of the n2 level-2 subsets must have density at least  5. Thus,  M  the total density at time t (excluding block B) is ≥ 2n1 + 5n2 = 2 M + 5 ≥ M , which gives 4 10 a contradiction. Thus, all blocks of size 2 are assigned in Phase 2. Now, suppose that a block B of size 3, arriving at time t cannot be assigned in Phase 3. This implies that at time t, each of the n1 level-1 subsets must have density at least 2, each of the n2 level-2 subsets must have density at least 4, and each of the n3 level-3 subsets must have density of 3, Thus, at   the  total  Mdensity  M +4 +3 ≥ M , time t (excluding block B) is ≥ 2n1 +4n2 +3n3 = 2 M 4 10 30 which gives a contradiction. Thus, all blocks of size 3 are also assigned and the algorithm is correct.  The total number of tracks needed is 4n1 + 6n2 + 3n3 ≤ 1.7M + 13.

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