Modular Neural Net System for Inverse Kinematics ... - Semantic Scholar

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arm. Their architecture is not suitable for the inverse kinematics model learning. The inverse kinematics function decomposes into a - nite number of solution ...
Modular Neural Net System for Inverse Kinematics Learning Eimei OYAMA

Susumu TACHI

Robotics Department

Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

The University of Tokyo

Namiki 1-2, Tsukuba Science City

Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku

Ibaraki 305-8564 Japan

Tokyo 113-8656 Japan

[email protected]


and control method for trajectory tracking.

Inverse kinematics computation using an arti cial neural network that learns the inverse kinematics of a robot arm has been employed by many researchers.



However, conventional learning methodologies do not

Human beings working in complex and unstructured

pay enough attention to the discontinuity of the inverse

environments generate adaptive behaviors by learning.

kinematics system of typical robot arms with joint lim-

Implementation of similar function in robots is neces-

its. The inverse kinematics system of the robot arms

sary in order to make future robots that will work

is a multi-valued and discontinuous function. Since it

in unstructured environments [1][2]. The task of cal-

is dicult for a well-known multi-layer neural network

culating all of the joint angles that would result in

to approximate such a function, a correct inverse kine-

a speci c position/orientation of an end-e ector of a

matics model for the end-e ector's overall position and

robot arm is called the inverse kinematics problem.

orientation cannot be obtained by using a single neural

An inverse kinematics solver using an arti cial neural

network. In order to overcome the discontinuity of the

network that learns the inverse kinematics system of

inverse kinematics function, we propose a novel mod-

a robot arm has been used in many researches; how-

ular neural network system for the inverse kinematics

ever, many researchers do not pay enough attention

model learning. We also propose the on-line learning

to the discontinuity of the inverse kinematics function

of typical robot arms with joint limits. The inverse

the inverse kinematics learning method that a neu-

kinematics function of the robot arms, including a hu-

ral network learns each solution branch calculated by

man arm with a wrist joint, is a multi-valued func-

the global searches in the joint space[6]. However, the

tion and a discontinuous function. It is dicult for

method is a purely o -line learning method and is not

a well-known multi-layer neural network to approxi-

applicable for on-line learning, i.e. simultaneous or al-

mate such a function. A correct inverse kinematics

ternate execution of the robot control and the inverse

solution for the end-e ector's overall position and ori-

model learning. Furthermore, the method is not goal-

entation cannot be obtained by the inverse kinematics


model consisting of a single neural network. Therefore a novel modular neural network architecture for

In this paper, we propose a novel modular architec-

the inverse kinematics model learning is necessary.

ture of the neural network and the on-line incremental learning method for the architecture. We also propose

Jacobs et al.[3] proposed a modular neural network

the on-line learning and control method for trajectory

architecture. Gomi and Kawato applied the modular

tracking. In order to evaluate the proposed architec-

architecture neural networks to the object recognition

ture, numerical experiments of the inverse kinematics

for manipulating a variety of objects and to inverse

model learning were performed.

dynamics learning[4]. Kawato et al. proposed Multiple Pairs of Forward and Inverse Models as a computational model of the cerebellum[5]. However, the input-output relation of their networks is continuous and the learning method of them is not sucient for the nonlinearity of the kinematics system of the robot arm. Their architecture is not suitable for the inverse kinematics model learning. The inverse kinematics function decomposes into a nite number of solution branches and each solution branch can be described as the product of an oneto-one inverse map and a set of free parameters describing the redundancy[6]. DeMers et al. proposed


Modular Neural Net System

Let  be the m 2 1 joint angle vector and x be the n 2 1 position/orientation vector of a robot arm. The relationship between  and x is described by x = f ( ). f is a C 1 class function. Let J ( ) be the Jacobian of

the robot arm, de ned as J ( ) = @ f ( )=@ .When a desired hand position/orientation vector xd is given, an inverse kinematics problem that calculates the joint angle vector  d satisfying the equation xd = f (d ) is considered. In this paper, a function g (x) that satis es x = f (g (x)) is called an inverse kinematics system of f (). The acquired model of the inverse kinematics system g (x) in the robot controller is called an inverse

8im(x) be the output of the

kinematics model. Let

inverse kinematics model.

network in Figure 1 approximates the continuous region of the inverse kinematics function. The expert selector selects one appropriate expert according to

Although the inverse kinematics function of the robot

the desired position/orientation of the end-e ector of

arms is a multi-valued and discontinuous function, the

the arm, as described in Section 2.2. The extended

inverse kinematics function can be constructed by the

feedback controller calculates the inverse kinematics

appropriate mixture of continuous functions[6]. We

solution based on the output of the selected expert

propose a novel modular neural network architecture

by using the output error feedback. When no precise

that can learn a discontinuous inverse kinematics func-

solution is obtained, the controller performs a type of

tion by the appropriate switching of multiple neural

global search, as shown in Section 2.3. The expert


generator generates a new expert network based on the inverse kinematics solution.

Expert Selector with Forward Model Predicted Error e (γ) Square of +

Expert Net γ




I. Iterative Method II. Initial Value Search

In order to cover the overall work space, each expert

S |e|


Extended Feedback - e(k) Controller

lection by the forward model

Φ (xd )

Square of e(α) Error Norm

Forward Model


Square of Error Norm S

(β) im

has its representative posture. The representative pos-

(α) (xd ) Φim

Expert Generator


|e (γ) |



Expert Net α

(γ) (xd ) Φim

e(β) -

Forward Model

2.2 Con guration of the expert and se-


x(pγ) +

Expert Net β

Error Norm S


Forward Model


θ(k) +

ture is the inverse kinematics solution obtained in the

Robot Arm


θ (0)

global searches by the extended feedback controller

z -1 x(k)


θ (k+1) (i) = θ (k) + K(θ(k))(xd -x(k))

x=f(θ )


Figure 1 Inverse Kinematics Solver with Modular Architecture Networks

2.1 Con guration of proposed inverse kinematics solver

when the expert is generated. Let (ri) be the representative posture of the i-th expert and x(ri) be the end-e ector position/orientation that corresponds to  (ri) . Let

8imi (x) be the output of i-th ( )

expert when

the input of the expert is x. Each expert is trained to satisfy the following equation:


i) (i) x(ri) = f ( (im (xr )))


Figure 1 shows the con guration of the inverse kine-

By changing the bias parameters of the output layer

matics solver with the modular architecture networks

of the neural network, the above equation can easily

for inverse kinematics model learning. Each expert

be satis ed. Each expert approximates the continuous

region of the inverse kinematics function in which the

tive procedure from the output of the selected expert

reaching motion can move the end-e ector smoothly

cannot reach a correct solution, the extended feedback

from its representative posture.

controller repeats the iterative procedure from a number of initial values until a correct solution is obtained.

The predicted position/orientation error is used as the performance index of the expert. When the desired

The proposed inverse kinematics solver solves an in-

end-e ector position xd is given, the i-th expert calcu-

verse kinematics problem according to the following

lates the output

8imi (xd). The expert selector selects ( )

an expert with the smallest predicted error among all

8fm () be the output of the forward i kinematics model and 8im (xd ) be the output of the experts. Let

( )

i-th expert. The predicted error of the i-th expert pi

8 8

i) (xd ))j. is calculated as pi = jxd 0 fm ( (im

Let 80fm () be the desired output for


procedural steps: (1) When the desired end-e ector position xd is given, the expert selector selects the expert with the minimum predicted error among all the experts. The extended feedback controller moves the arm to the posture that corresponds to the


learning of the forward kinematics model is conducted


as 0fm ( ) = x = f ().

output of the expert and then improves the ende ector position/orientation by using the output error feedback, as described in Section 2.4. (2) When no precise inverse kinematics solution is ob-

2.3 Extended feedback controller

tained in step (1), the other expert is selected in

The conventional on-line inverse model learning meth-

iterative improvement procedure by the output

ods, such as Forward and Inverse Modeling proposed

error feedback is conducted.

by Jordan and Feedback Error Learning proposed by Kawato, are based on the local information of the forward system near the output of the inverse model. The desired output signal provided by these methods is not always in the direction that nally reaches the correct solution of the inverse problem. An extended feedback controller avoids that drawback by employing a

increasing order of the predicted error and the

(3) When no solution is obtained in steps (1) and (2), an expert is randomly selected and a reaching motion from the representative posture of the selected expert is conducted. The above procedure is repeated until the reaching motion is successfully conducted or all the experts are tested.

kind of global search technique based on the multiple

(4) If a precise solution is obtained in each iterative

starts of the iterative procedure[8][9]. When the itera-

computation, the solution is used as the desired

output signal for the expert, as shown in 2.4.


T 01

(5) When no solution is obtained in the above proce-

jx d 0 x s j < T rst


dural steps, the controller starts a type of global

The desired trajectory xd (k ) is a straight line from

search. The controller repeats the initial joint an-

xs = f ((0)) to xd calculated as follows:

gle vector generation by using a uniform random number generator and the reaching motion from

8 > < (1 0 Tk )xs + Tk xd xd (k) = > : xd

(0  k < T ) (k  T )


the generated posture, as described in 2.4, until

When the orientation is represented by the Direction

a precise solution is obtained. When a precise so-

Cosine Matrix or the Quartanion formulation, the

lution is obtained, a new expert is generated and

components of xd (k ), which represents the orienta-

the solution is used as the representative posture

tion, must be normalized.

 r of the expert.

2.4 Reaching motion and expert learning

Let J + () is the pseudo-inverse matrix (MoorePenrose generalized inverse matrix) of J ( ), which is calculated as J + ( ) = J T ( )(J ()J T ( ))01 . J ( ) can be calculated by the observation of the movement

An illustration of the iterative procedure follows. Let  (0) be the initial posture of the iterative procedure, which is the output of the selected expert

8 i (xd), the representative posture of the selected ex( )

pert (ri) , or the randomly generated posture.

of the robot arm and the numerical di erentiation technique. Let (k ) be an approximite inverse kinematics solution at step k. When rst is small enough,  (k ) can be calculated as follows:  (k + 1) =  (k ) + J + ((k ))(xd (k + 1) 0 f ( (k))) (5)

The extended feedback controller conducts a reaching motion from the posture  (0) to xd . The reaching motion is conducted as the tracking control to the following desired trajectory of the end-e ector xd (k)(k = 0; 1; : : : ; T + 1).

matics model or the learning feedback controller [10] can also be utilized for the above iterative calculation. If a precise solution (k ) is obtained, the solution can be used for the desired output for the inverse kinemat-

Let xs be the initial end-e ector position de ned as follows: xs = f ((0))

The output error feedback through the forward kine-


Let T be an integer that satis es the following inequal-


ics model as 0im (xd (k)) = (k ). When the controller cannot nd a precise solution because of the singularity of Jacobian J ( (k)) or the

joint limits, the reaching motion is regarded as a fail-

output of which can reach xd (0) precisely as the


procedure described in Section 2.4 and the predicted error of which on the representative points

2.5 Discontinuity check

xd (kr ) is the smallest among all experts.

The initial status of the experts sometimes causes a situation where one expert approximates multiple solution branches of the inverse kinematics function. In the case that one region contacts the other region in the workspace coordinates, the result is that the expert tries to approximate a discontinuous function. This situation should be avoided. When the matrix


i) norm of @ (im (x)=@ xjx=xd is larger than an appropri-

ate threshold rjix , a new expert with a new representative posture r corresponding to xd is generated to


approximate the region near to xd . @ im (x)=@ xjx=xd (i)

is approximately calculated by using numerical di erentiation and checked when the i-th expert is selected according to step (1) in Section 2.3.

3 Tracking Control In this section, the tracking control to desired ende ector trajectories is considered. When the desired end-e ector position/orientation trajectory xd (k )(k = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; Td ) is given, the procedure of the tracking control by the proposed solver is as follows:

(2) We assume that the i-th expert which can reach xd (0) is selected and the precise inverse kinemat-

ics solution (0) is obtained. The tracking control to xd (k) is conducted according to the following control low.

1fb(0) = (0) 0 8imi (xd(0)) (6) i  (k + 1) = 8im (xd (k + 1)) + 1 fb (k + 1) ( )

( )


1fb(k + 1) = 1fb(k) + J


((k ))e(k) (8)

e(k ) = xd (k ) 0 f ((k ))


0< 1 In this paper, is set at 0:9. (3) When the solver cannot calculate the joint angle vector  (k) that can realize xd (k ) due to the singularity of J ((k )) or the joint limits, the solver give up the tracking control. When there is enough time, another expert is selected or another initial value is generated by using a random numbers and the tracking control continues.

(1) Let xd (kr ) be the representative points of the desired trajectory xd (k ). In this paper, kr = 0; Td is used. First, the solver tries to nd an expert the

During the tracking control, the learning of the se-


(i) lected expert is conducted as 0im (xd (k)) =  (k).

4 Simulations 4.1 Inverse kinematics learning of a 2DOF arm We performed simulations of the inverse kinematics model learning for a 2-DOF arm moving in the 2-DOF plane. The relationship between the joint angle vector

(a) RMS position error

 = (1 ; 2 )T and the end-e ector position vector x =

(x; y )T is as follows:

x = x0 + L1 cos(1 ) + L2 cos(1 + 2 ) (10) y = y0 + L1 sin(1 ) + L2 sin(1 + 2 ) L1 is 0:30m, L2 is 0:25m, the range of 1 is [30; 150 ], and the range of 2 is [0150 ; 150 ].

(b) RMS position error of forward model

In the simulations, joint angle vectors were generated by using a uniform random number generator, and the end-e ector positions that correspond to the generated vectors were used as the desired end-e ector positions. In order to evaluate the performance of the solver, 1,000 desired end-e ector positions were generated for the estimation of the root mean square (RMS)


error of the end-e ector position e = xd 0f ( im (xd )).

(c) Percentage of successful rst selection

A 4-layered neural network was used for the simulations. The 1st layer, i.e., the input layer, and the 4th layer, i.e., the output layer, consisted of linear neurons. The 2nd and the 3rd layers had 15 neurons each. The back-propagation method was utilized for the learning. Before the learning, the inverse kinematics solver

(d) Number of experts Figure 2 Performance Change of Inverse Model by Learning

Figure 2 shows the progress of the inverse kinematy

ics model learning. Figure 2(a) shows the RMS error of the end-e ector position

pE [eT e] by using the in-

verse kinematics model. It can be seen that the RMS error decreases and the precision of the inverse model becomes higher as the number of trials increases. The x (a) Proposed Modular Neural Networks

RMS error became 1:50 2 1003 m after 5 2 107 learning trials. The precision of MNCFM is better than that of MNFM. However, there is not so much dif-


ference between MNFM and MNCFM. Figure 2(b) shows the RMS error of the forward kinematics model


E [eTfm efm ]. efm is the error vector of the forward


kinematics model de ned as efm = f () 0 fm (). x

Figure 2(c) shows the percentage of the trials in which the posture generated by the rst selected expert can

(b) Single Neural Network

successfully reach the desired position.

After 105

learning trials, the rst selection was always correct. Figure 3 Error Vectors of Inverse Kinematics Model

The percentage of MNCFM is better than that of MNFM. Figure 2(d) shows the number of the experts

had one expert the representative posture of which

which constructs the inverse kinematics model. The

was (0:0; 0:0)T . re was 0:001m, rst was 0:05m, and rjix

number of the experts which constructs the inverse

was 102 . For comparison, the solver with the complete

kinematics model became 3 after 6 times learning tri-

forward model which outputs f ( ) without error was


also tested. Hereafter, MNCFM indicates the Modular Neural network system with a Complete Forward Model. MNFM indicates the Modular Neural network system with a Forward kinematics Model that consists of a neural network with no previous learning.

Figure 3 shows the position error vector of one example of an inverse kinematics model acquired by the proposed method. We were able to obtain a precise inverse kinematics model of the overall points that the robot arm can reach. The simulations of the inverse kinematics model learning, consisting of a single neural networks, by using the Forward and Inverse Model-

ing, were also performed. The learning was performed

desired end-e ector positions were generated by using

from 10 di erent initial states of the neural network.

a uniform random number generator for the evalua-

The minimum RMS error after 109 learning trials was


1:20 2 1002 m. An inverse model which consists of a

Figure 6(a) shows the change of the RMS error of the

single neural networks learned by using Forward and

end-e ector position. Figure 6(b) the percentage of

Inverse Modeling cannot obtain a precise inverse kine-

the successful rst selection. After 107 learning trials,

matics model of the arm as shown in Figure 3(b).

8 experts were generated. After 107 learning trials, the

Figure 4 illustrates how the expert is selected. Be-

RMS end-e ector position error became 1:30 2 1002 m.

cause the representative posture of the rst expert was

Figure 7(a) shows the position error vectors of the pro-

(0:0; 0:0)T and the Jacobian of the posture is singu-

posed inverse kinematics model. Figure 7(b) shows

lar, the expert is rarely used. The second expert and

those of the invese kinematics model which consists of

the third expert covers almost all region. Figure 4(b)

ingle neural network learned by forward and inverse

shows the region where the predicted output error of

modeling. We concluded that the proposed method

the second expert is lower than 0:01m. The graphics of

succeeded in the inverse kinematics model learning of

the robot arm in Figure 4(b) shows the representative

a 7-DOF manipulator. However, almost 106 times

posture of the second expert. Figure 4(c) shows the

learning trials were necessary to decrease the RMS

region where the predicted output error of the third

error lower than 2:0 2 1002 m. The precise forward

expert is lower than 0:01m.

kinematics model of the robot arm must be obtained before the inverse kinematics learning.

4.2 Inverse kinematics learning of a 7DOF arm

4.3 Learning during tracking control

We considered the inverse kinematics model learning

The simulations of the inverse kinematics learning dur-

of a 7-DOF arm (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.'s

ing the tracking control were performed using the 2-

"PA-10" ). The con guration of the arm is illustrated

DOF arm used in Section 4.1.

in Figure 5. The simulations of the inverse kinematics learning as described in Section 4.1 were conducted.

A desired trajectory xd (k ) was generated as follows. First, an initial joint angle vector s was generated by using a uniform random number generator. The

The 2nd and the 3rd layers of the forward kinematics

end-e ector position xs that corresponded to  s was

model and the experts had 40 neurons each. 16,384

regarded as the initial desired end-e ector position.

Second, the desired total change of the hand po-

were used. The percentage increased to more than


90% after 105 times learning trials.

1xdt was generated by using a normal ran-

dom number generator, with the standard deviation of 0:25m. The nal desired hand position was calculated


as xe = xs + xdt . xd (k ) = (1 0 k=Td )xs + (k=Td )xe

We proposed a novel modular neural network archi-

was used as the desired trajectory. Td was xed at

tecture for the inverse kinematics model learning and

20. The trajectories for the learning includes trajecto-

tested it by numerical experiments. The performance

ries that do not have the inverse kinematics solution

of the proposed nerual net system was con rmed by

corresponding to all xd (k ). 1,000 desired trajectories

numerical experiments.

were generated for the evaluation of the inverse kine-

learning speed can be improved by using improved

matics solver. All of the trajectories for the evaluation

methods for neural network learning. The utilization

have the inverse kinematics solution. The trials of the

of the redundant degrees of freedom will be reported

tracking control de ned in Equation (8) to the gener-

in near future.



We believe that the slow

ated trajectories were performed with the inverse kinematics model learning as described in Section 3. When the hand position error became larger than 0:01m, the trial was regarded as a failure and the tracking control was given up. Figure 8 shows the progress of the proposed learning method. 3 experts were generated after 10 times

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3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2


(b)Active region of second expert

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3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3


(c)Active region of third expert

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Figure 4 Con guration of Learned Inverse Kinematics Model

y 1 0

Figure 5 Con guration of 7-DOF Robot Arm

-1 1


z 0

-0.5 -1 -0.5

0 0.5 1


(a) Proposed Modular Neural Networks y 1 0 -1 1

(a)RMS position error


z 0

-0.5 -1 -0.5

0 0.5 1


(b) Single Neural Network Figure 7 Position Error Vector of Inverse Kinematics

(b)Percentage of successful rst selection Figure 6 Performance Change of Proposed Inverse Kinematics Solver

Model of 7-DOF Arm

(a)RMS position error of inverse kinematics model

(b)RMS position error in tracking control trials

(c)Percentage of successful expert selection Figure 8 Performance Change of Inverse Kinematics Model