PARALLEL FRAMES OF NON-LIGHTLIKE CURVES ¨ M. Ozdemir and A. A. Ergin Abstract. The parallel frame of a curve is an alternative approach to defining a moving frame. In this paper, we express the parallel frames of timelike and spacelike curves in a Minkowski space. 1. Introduction. The Frenet frame is constructed for the curve of 3-time continuously differentiable non-degenerate curves. Curvature may vanish at some points on the curve. That is, the second derivative of the curve may be zero. In this situation, we can use an alternative frame. We use the tangent vector T~ and two relatively parallel vector fields to construct ~ along the curve this alternative frame such that the normal vector field N is relatively parallel if its derivative is tangential. We call this frame a parallel frame along T~ . The reason for the name parallel is because the normal component of the derivatives of the normal vector field is zero. The advantages of the parallel frame and the comparable parallel frame with the Frenet frame in Euclidean 3-space was given and studied by Bishop [1] and Hanson [3, 4]. The basic concept of this frame is to take the unique tangent vector ~ 1 (s) , N ~ 2 (s)} in the plane perpendicular and choose any convenient basis {N ~ ~ 1 (s) , N ~ 2 (s)} depend to T (s) at each point such that the derivatives of {N ~ on only T (s) and not each other. A parallel frame is not unique, in contrast to a Frenet frame. In three dimensional Euclidean space the alternative parallel frame equations are ~0 T (s) 0 N ~ 0 (s) = −k1 (s) 1 ~ 20 (s) −k2 (s) N
k1 (s) 0 0
~ T (s) k2 (s) ~ 1 (s) 0 N ~ 2 (s) 0 N
for a parametrized unit length curve. The relation between Frenet frames and parallel frames is as follows: ~ T (s) 1 0 N ~ (s) = 0 cos θ (s) ~ (s) 0 − sin θ (s) B
~ T (s) 0 ~ 1 (s) sin θ (s) N ~ 2 (s) cos θ (s) N
p k12 (s) + k22 (s), such that sin θ = kκ1 and cos θ = kκ2 . Also, κ (s) = k2 θ (s) = arctan , and τ (s) = θ0 (s) so that k1 (s) and k2 (s) correk1 spond R to a Cartesian coordinate system for the polar coordinates κ, θ with θ = τ (s) ds. 1
The functions k1 (s), k2 (s) are called the principal curvature along ~ 1 (s) , N ~ 2 (s), respectively. Also, (k1 (s) , k2 (s)) can be seen as a sort of N invariant of the curve. This is more difficult to conceive than in the case (κ, τ ), since parallel frames are not unique. We call (k1 (s) , k2 (s)) the normal development of the curve. If two regular curves in Euclidean space have the same normal development, then the curves are congruent [1]. 2. Preliminaries. The Minkowski space E31 is the Euclidean space E3 provided with the Lorentzian inner product h~u, ~v iL = −u1 v1 + u2 v2 + u1 v2 , where ~u = (u1 , u1 , u3 ), ~v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) ∈ E3 . We say that a vector ~u in E13 is spacelike, lightlike, or timelike if h~u, ~uiL > 0, h~u, ~uiL = 0, or h~u, ~uiL p < 0, respectively. The norm of the vector ~u ∈ E31 is defined by k~uk = |h~u, ~uiL |. For any ~u = (u1 , u1 , u3 ), ~v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) ∈ E31 , the Lorentzian vector product ~u ×L ~v of ~u and ~v is defined as follows: ~u ×L ~v = (−u2 v3 + u3 v2 , u3 v1 − u1 v3 , u1 v2 − u2 v1 ) . An arbitrary curve α = α (s) : I → E31 is spacelike, timelike, or null, if all of its velocity vectors α0 (s) are respectively spacelike, timelike, or null, for each s ∈ I ⊂ R. Throughout this paper we shall assume all curves are parametrized by their arc length. ~ (s) , B ~ (s)} are Frenet Let α (s) be a non-lightlike curve and {T~ (s) , N vector fields. Then Frenet formulas are as follows: 0 0 κ (s) 0 T~ (s) T~ (s) N ~ (s) , ~ 0 (s) = B~ κ (s) τ (s) N (1) 0 0 ~ ~ 0 τ (s) 0 B (s) B (s) ~ T ~ X ~ >L and κ (s) and τ (s) are the curvature and torsion where X~ =< X, function, respectively [5, 6]. 3. Parallel Frame of a Non-Lightlike Curve. In this section, we describe parallel frames for timelike and spacelike curves in Minkowski 3-space using methods similar to the methods in Euclidean 3-space. The parallel frame is an alternative frame for curves and can be more useful compared to the Frenet frame. First, we state the following known proposition. Proposition 1. Let e1 , e2 , . . . , en : [a, b] → En1 be smooth maps and {e1 (s) , e2 (s) , . . . , en (s)} be an orthonormal basis of En1 for all s ∈ [a, b]. Then, there exists a matrix valued function A (s) = (aij (s)) so that n P i) e0i (s) = aji (s) ej (s), j=1
ii) aij = ei < e0j , ei >L ,
iii) ej aij + ei aji = 0 (that is A (t) is semi-skew symmetric), where ei = < e i , ei >L . First, we construct the parallel frame for the timelike curves. Let ~ 1, Z ~ 2 } be a smooth orthonormal frame along a unit speed timelike {T~ , Z curve α (s) : I → E31 . According to the proposition above, there exist smooth functions f1 , f2 , and f3 such that 0 T~ 0 Z ~ 1 = f1 ~2 f2 Z
f1 0 −f3
f2 T~ ~ f3 Z1 . ~2 0 Z
~1, Z ~ 2 } to {T~ , N ~ 1, N ~ 2} Now, let’s change the orthonormal frame {T~ , Z such that entries 2,3 and 3,2 of the resulting matrix T~ 0 ~0 N 1 ~ 20 N
~1, Z ~ 2 } by angle θ (s). are zero. So, we rotate the spacelike normal vectors {Z That is, ~ 1 = cos θ (s) Z ~ 1 − sin θ (s) Z ~2, N ~ 2 = sin θ (s) Z ~ 1 + cos θ (s) Z ~2. N ~ 1 and N ~ 2 to be We want the normal component of the derivative of N ~ 0, N ~ 2 >L = 0 and < N ~ 1, N ~ 0 >L = 0. So, zero. Namely, < N 1 2 ~ 10 , N ~ 2 >L L = < −θ0 sin θZ = −θ0 sin2 θ + cos2 θ + cos θ (f3 cos θ) + sin θ (f3 sin θ)
= −θ0 + f3 .
Thus, if we choose θ (s) to satisfy the equality θ0 (s) = f3 ,
~ 1, N ~ 2 } satisfying the derivative we obtain a new orthonormal frame {T~ , N formulas 0 0 k 1 k2 T~ T~ ~ 0 = k1 0 0 N N ~1 , 1 0 ~2 ~ k2 0 0 N N2 ~ 1 >L and k2 =< T~ 0 , N ~ 2 >l . Observe that the parallel such that k1 =< T~ 0 , N frame is not unique, since the choice only depends on (2). 3
Now, let’s construct parallel frames for spacelike curves using a similar ~ 1 or N ~ 2 is timelike. method. But, in this case we must consider that one of N ~1, Z ~ 2 } is a smooth orthonormal frame along At first, suppose that {T~ , Z ~ 1 is timelike. Then a unit speed spacelike curve α (s) : I → E31 such that Z there exist smooth functions f1 , f2 and f3 satisfying 0 f 1 f2 T~ T~ 0 Z ~1 , ~ 1 = f1 0 f3 Z ~2 ~2 −f2 f3 0 Z Z where the matrix on the right side is semi-skew symmetric with respect to the signature (+, −, +), that is in the order of the causal characters of ~ 1, Z ~ 2 }. {T~ , Z We wish to make entries 2,3 and 3,2 vanish in the resulting matrix of 0 T~ ~ 10 N ~0 N 2
~1, Z ~ 2 } to {T~ , N ~ 1, N ~ 2 }. So, we rotate the normal vectors that rotates {T~ , Z ~ 1, Z ~ 2 } by angle θ (s). But, in this case, we express the rotation matrix {Z ~ 1 is timelike. So we can write using hyperbolic functions since Z ~ 1 = cosh θ (s) Z ~ 1 + sinh θ (s) Z ~2 , N ~ 2 = sinh θ (s) Z ~ 1 + cosh θ (s) Z ~2 . N ~ 1 and Similarly, we want the normal component of the derivative of N ~ 2 to vanish. Therefore, the equalities < N ~ 0, N ~ 2 >L = 0 and < N ~ 1, N ~ 0 >L = N 1 2 0 must be satisfied. Thus, considering also that the normal vector M1 is timelike, ~ 0, N ~ 2 >L L = < θ0 sinh θZ = θ0 − sinh2 θ + cosh2 θ + cosh θ (f3 cosh θ) − sinh θ (f3 sinh θ) = θ 0 + f3 .
Thus, if we choose θ (s) to satisfy the equality θ0 (s) = −f3 , we obtain a new orthonormal frame formulas 0 T~ 0 ~ 0 = k1 N 1 ~0 −k2 N 2
~ 1, N ~ 2 } satisfying the derivative {T~ , N k 1 k2 T~ ~1 0 0 N ~2 0 0 N
such that k1 = − < T~ 0 , N1 >L and k2 =< T~ 0 , N2 >L . ~ 2 is For the third case, that is, for the spacelike curves such that Z timelike, we find 0 T~ 0 k 1 k2 T~ ~ 0 = −k1 0 0 N N ~1 1 ~2 ~0 k 0 0 N N 2 2 ~ 1 >L and k2 = − < T~ 0 , N ~ 2 >L . such that k1 =< T~ 0 , N So, we have described parallel frames of spacelike and timelike curves in Minkowski 3 space. We can summarize the derivative formulas of parallel frames for timelike and spacelike curves as follows: 0 T~ 0 k 1 k2 T~ ~ 10 = − ~ k1 0 0 N N ~1 , (4) N1 0 ~2 ~ −N~ 2 k2 0 0 N N2 ~ 2 >L with ~ =< X, ~ X ~ >L . ~ 1 >L , k2 = ~ < T~ 0 , N where k1 = N~ 1 < T~ 0 , N X N1 ~ 1 and The functions k1 and k2 are called the principal curvatures along N ~ N2 . Also, parallel frames are not unique, since the choice of the parallel frame only depends on (2) and (3). ~ 1, N ~ 2 } is positively oriented and the vector Also, we assume that {T~ , N products of these vectors are defined as follows: ~1 = ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T~ ×L N ~ T and N2 ×L T = N ~ 1 N1 . N 2 2 , N1 × L N2 = T In Minkowski 3-space, the Darboux vector w ~ of the Frenet frame of a curve α is defined as follows: ~ 1) If α is timelike, w ~ f = τ T~ + κB; ~ 2) If α is spacelike with timelike normal, w ~ f = τ T~ − κB; 3) If α is spacelike with timelike binormal, w ~ f = −τ T + κB. For the parallel frame of a timelike curve, considering the parallel frame ~ 1, N ~ 2 }, it derivative formulas and properties of the vector products of {T~ , N can be seen that the equalities − → ~1 ~2 dT − → dN − → dN − → =w ~ p ×L T , =w ~ p × L N1 , =w ~ p × L N2 ds ds ds ~ 1 + k1 N ~ 2 . So, the Darboux are satisfied in the case of the vector w ~ p = −k2 N ~ 1 + k1 N ~ 2. vector of the parallel frame of a timelike curve is w ~ p = −k2 N In a similar way, we find the Darboux vector of a spacelike curve in the Minkowski 3-space as follows: ~ 1 is timelike, then w ~ 1 − k1 N ~ 2. 1) If N ~ p = −k2 N ~ ~ ~ 2) If N2 is timelike, then w ~ p = k 2 N1 + k 1 N2 . 5
Now let’s find the relation between Frenet frames and parallel frames of a non-lightlike curve. Suppose α (s) : I → E31 is a non-lightlike curve in Minkowski 3-space. Also, let the Frenet frame and the parallel frame of ~ , B} ~ and {T~ , N ~ 1, N ~ 2 }, respectively. this curve be {T~ , N ~ . So, using this From the Frenet formulas, we know that T~ 0 = κN equality and the parallel frame derivative formulas, we find that ~0 ~ ~ ~ = T = k 1 N1 + k 2 N2 . N κ κ
Taking the vector product of T~ on the left with both sides of equation (5), we obtain ~ 2 − ~ k2 N ~1 ~ k1 N N1 . (6) B = N2 B~ κ Now, we examine equations (5) and (6) with respect to the causal character of the curve. Case 1. Assume the curve is timelike. In this case, if we write cos θ = kκ1 and sin θ = obtain the equation 1 0 T~ N ~ = 0 cos θ ~ 0 − sin θ B
k2 κ
in (5) and (6), we
0 T~ ~1 . sin θ N ~2 cos θ N
This means that the parallel frame of a timelike curve is obtained by rotating the Frenet frame about the timelike vector T~ with angle θ. ~ 1. Case 2. Assume the curve is spacelike with timelike normal N k2 k1 If we write N~ 1 = −1, cosh θ = κ and sinh θ = κ in equations (5) and (6), we obtain the equation 1 0 T~ N ~ = 0 cosh θ ~ 0 sinh θ B
0 T~ ~1 . sinh θ N ~2 cosh θ N
~ 2. Case 3. Assume the curve is spacelike with timelike normal N In this case, B is also timelike and if we write again N~ 2 = B~ = −1, cosh θ = kκ1 and sinh θ = kκ2 in equations (5) and (6), we obtain 1 0 T~ N ~ = 0 cosh θ ~ 0 sinh θ B
0 T~ ~1 . sinh θ N ~2 cosh θ N
Corollary 2. The parallel frame of a non-lightlike curve in Minkowski 3-space is obtained by rotating the Frenet frame of the curve about the speed vector T~ with angle θ (s) = arctan k2 (s). k1
~ and N ~ 1 or B ~ and N ~ 2 are the same, Corollary 3. Causal characters of N respectively. Lemma 4. Let α be a unit speed timelike curve. Then q k2 κ (s) = k12 + k22 and τ (s) = θ0 (s) , θ (s) = arctan , k1 where κ (s) and τ (s) are the curvature and torsion functions of the curve ~ 1 and N ~ 2 , respectively. and k1 , k2 are the principal curvatures along the N p Proof. Using the equation κ = kT 0 k, we obtain κ (s) = k12 + k22 . For the second equation in the lemma, we write 2~ 2~ ~ 1 + k0 N ~ α000 = k10 N 2 2 + k1 T + k2 T , ~ 2 − k2 N ~ 1, ~ 1 + k2 N ~ 2 = k1 N α0 × α00 = T × k1 N
in the formula τ=
< α000 , α0 × α00 >L kα0 × α00 k2
Therefore, −k 0 k2 + k1 k20 k1 k20 − k2 k10 τ= 1 =
2 = k12 + k22
~ ~ 1
k1 N2 + k2 N
k2 arctan k1
Also, we can state the following lemma for a spacelike curve. Lemma 5. Let α be a unit speed spacelike curve. Then q κ (s) = N~ 1 k12 + N~ 2 k22 and τ (s) = N~ 1 θ0 (s) , θ (s) = arctan h
k2 , k1
where κ (s) and τ (s) are the curvature and torsion functions of the curve ~ 1 and N ~ 2 , respectively. and k1 , k2 are the principal curvatures along the N Corollary 6. k1 and k2 correspondR to a Cartesian coordinate system for the polar coordinates κ, θ with θ = τ (s) ds. Corollary 7. A unit speed non-lightlike curve in Minkowski 3-space lies in a plane if and only if its normal development lies on a line through the origin. 7
Proof. It is well-known that a curve lies in a plane if and only if the torsion function of the curve is zero (τ (s) = 0). This means that θ 0 = 0. On the other hand, κ (s) =
~ ~ N~ 1 k12 + N~ 2 k22 = k1 N + k N 1 2 2 .
Thus, the normal development (k1 , k2 ) has θ = constant. That is, its normal development lies on a line through the origin. In addition, the parallel frame of a timelike curve in Minkowski n-space can be expressed as ~0 T 0 ~ 10 k N 1 ~ 20 N k2 .. = .. . . N ~ 0 kr−1 n−1 kn ~ n0 N
k1 0 0 .. .
k2 0 0 .. .
k3 0 0 .. .
0 0
0 0
0 0
... ... ... ... ... ...
~ kn T ~1 0 N ~2 0 N .. .. . . ~ n−1 0 N ~n 0 N
and the parallel frame of a spacelike curve in Minkowski n-space can be expressed as ~0 T 0 ~ 0 − (N ) k1 N 1 1 ~0 N − (N2 ) k2 2 .. = .. . . ~ 0 − Nn−1 kr−1 N n−1 ~0 − (Nn ) kn N n
k1 0 0 .. .
k2 0 0 .. .
k3 0 0 .. .
0 0
0 0
0 0
... ... ... ... ... ...
kn T~ ~ 0 N ~1 0 N 2 . . .. .. . ~ 0 N n−1 ~ 0 Nn
Now, we will determine the osculating sphere of a non-lightlike curve using its parallel frame. Let α be a non-lightlike curve in E31 . Take the function F (t) as F (t) =< α(t) − c, α(t) − c >L ±r2 , where r and c are the radius and center of the osculating sphere, respectively. Since, the osculating sphere must have 4-point contact with α, then we have F (t) = F 0 (t) = F 00 (t) = F 000 (t) = 0. ~ 2 for a non-lightlike curve and ~ 1 + k2 N If we use T~ 0 = k1 N 0 0 ~ 1 , α(t) − c >L = < N ~ 2 , α(t) − c >L = 0 L +k2 < N ~ 2 , α(t) − c >L = − ~ F 00 (t) = 0 =⇒ k1 < N T 000 0 0 ~ ~ F (t) = 0 =⇒ k1 < N1 , α(t) − c >L +k2 < N2 , α(t) − c >L = 0. (7) ~ 1 , α(t) − c >L and ~ b =< N ~ 2 , α(t) − c >L in If we say N~ 1 a =< N N2 the equations in (7) such that a and b are constant from above, we obtain k1 N~ 1 a + N~ 2 k2 b = −T (8) k10 N~ 1 a + N~ 2 k20 b = 0. From the solution of this linear equation system, we find that T~ N~ 1 k20 a=− k1 k20 − k2 k10 and T~
N~ 2 k10
k1 k20 − k2 k10
~ 1 + bN ~ 2 , the center and radius of the osculating So, from α (s) − c = aN sphere is T~ N~ 1 k20 T~ N~ 2 k10 ~1 − ~2 c (s) = α(s) + N N (9) k1 k20 − k2 k10 k1 k20 − k2 k10 and
v u u ~ k102 + ~ k202 N2 t N1 r= , 2 0 (k1 k2 − k2 k10 )
respectively. Thus, we have proved the following theorem. Theorem 8. Let α be a unit speed non-lightlike curve. Then the radius and the center of the osculating sphere of α at α (t) are v u u ~ k102 + ~ k202 N2 t N1 r= 0 (k1 k2 − k2 k10 )2 and c = α(t) −
k1 k20
N~ 1 k20
k2 k10
~1 − N
(N2 ) k10 ~ N2 , k1 k20 − k2 k10
~ 1 and N ~ 2 are parallel vector fields along the curve α. where N Corollary 9. Let α be a unit speed non-lightlike curve in the E31 . α has an osculating sphere at α (s) if and only if k1 k20 6= k2 k10 . Also, we can state the following corollary from (8) related to the normal development (k1 , k2 ) of the curve. Corollary 10. A unit speed non-lightlike curve is spherical if and only if its normal development (k1 , k2 ) lies on a line not through the origin. Also, the distance of this line from the origin is radius of the sphere since r2 =< α (s) − c, α (s) − c >L = N~ 1 a2 + N~ 2 b2 . Ref erences 1. R. L. Bishop, “There is More Than One Way to Frame a Curve,” Amer. Math. Monthly, 82 (1975), 246–251. 2. A. J. Hanson and H. Ma, “Quaternion Frame Approach to Streamline Visualization,” IEEE Tran. on Visualize. and Comp. Graphics, 1 (1995), 164–175. 3. A. J. Hanson, Visualizing Quaternion, Morgan-Kaufmann/Elsevier, London, 2006. 4. A. J. Hanson and H. Ma, “Parallel Transport Approach to Curve Framing,” Tech. Rep. 425, Indiana University Computer Science Department, 1995. 5. T. Ikawa, “On Curves and Submanifolds in an Indefinite-Riemannian Manifold,” Tsukuba J. Math., 9 (1985), 353–371. 6. D. Pei and T. Sano, “The Focal Developable and the Binormal Indicatrix of Nonlightlike Curve in Minkowski 3-space,” Tokyo J. Math., 23 (2000), 211–225.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 53B30, 53A04 ¨ M. Ozdemir Department of Mathematics Akdeniz University 07058, Antalya Turkey email:
[email protected] A. A. Ergin Department of Mathematics Akdeniz University 07058, Antalya Turkey email:
[email protected]