date), how big is the problem (amount of failues). ⢠When possible ... the root cause and test them to verify which one is correct. ... implemented as defined.
8 disciplines
A problem solving methodology.
Ing. Daniel Uranga MSM September 2014
Why we need to adopt / reinforce this methodology? •
Lack of an structured approach.
Lack of team work approach.
We address effects and symptoms but often the root cause is not detected / eliminated.
We need to stop fighter fighting.
We need to stop solving problems using just our feelings (Trial-Error approach).
We need a methodology that helps us to verify effectiveness of actions 2
8 D’s, an analytical problem solving tool. •
Unfortunately, when we have to use it is because our prevention system failed.
Primary use is to solve PROBLEMS not to address opportunities of improvement.
Problem: A deviation from a standard.
Remember SPC terms? : Special causes and Common Causes. 8D is a very helpful tool in finding the source of special causes of variability.
Intuitive approach to problem solving vs. Analytical Intuitive
•Collect information (what the “expert” recommends). •Use experience and intuition. •Generate hypothesis. •Implement actions. •If wrong (quite often), generate another Hypothesis. •Check out (until problem solves). •End
•Collect all data we can (What, where, when, how big). •Start eliminating causes. •Identify root cause. •Verify root cause. •Implement actions. •Verify actions. •Prevent occurrence.
8 Disciplines. 1.- Create a team. 2.- Describe the problem. 3.- Implement containment action. 4.- Identify and validate root cause. 5.- Identify and choose corrective action. 6.- Implement corrective action. 7.- Identify and implement preventive action. 8.- Closure and congratulate the team. 5
1. Identify team Originator or area leader (where the problem has been generated) should select team members with expertise and regular involvement on the activities related to the problem. Team work is mandatory. A team leader should be selected.
2. Describe the problem • “A problem well described is half solved.”
• The very foundation of problem solving efforts is a good problem description. • To solve a problem, it must be precisely defined, the object or part concerned, location of problem (SPC,Log,SQA), when the problem was dicovered (issue date), how big is the problem (amount of failues). • When possible perform a pre-analysis in order to scope the problem and to facilitate the containment action(s). 7
3. Implement a containment action. • Team or individual should review installed containment or
come up with inmediate containment actions to protect customer, assign responsible and date.
• When applicable: Identify actions to take with with suspected product, assign resposibles and dates. • Team or individual must verify and validate that containment actions are effective. • Remember: The aim of the step is to protect the customer (it can be internal or external customer) Don’t look for the best efficiency but for the best effectiveness.
4. Identify root cause. • The objective is to develop hypotheses about what could be the root cause and test them to verify which one is correct.
• Root Cause: The one that if taken care of, would eliminate all future concerns of the problem (the problem specified on this 8D).
• Occur & Escape root cause: Team or individual must identify the Occur root cause (why did the problem occurr) & Escape root cause (why did the problem escape), with help of quality tools (brainstorming, affinity, C&E diagrams, check list, DOE's, etc. Register analysis done. • Team or individual must verify and validate both root causes, trough testing, data analysis, etc 9
5. Identify corrective actions. • Choose & verify corrective action: Team or individual must
analyse, best corrective actions available, choose the ones that permanantly eliminates both Occur & Escape root causes.
• At this stage there may still be more than one choice for a best solution. We need a good decision-making skills. Use tools like: Brainstorming, Payoff matrix, Prioritization matrices….etc. • Team or individual must verify that the choosen corrective action eliminates the root causes by testing to failure and the after conditiontion does not create another effect.
6. Implement corrective actions. • Implement corrective actions: Team or individual must assign responsibles & dates to implement the choosen corrective actions. • Do not underestimate, a complete new set of skills is needed:
• Planning skills. • Influential leadership • negotiations skills. • Use tools like: Force Field analysis. (identify driving/restraining forces). • Team or individual must verify that corrective actions have been implemented as defined.
7. Define and implement preventive action. • Choose & Implement Permanent preventive actions: Team or individual must identify, find, choose & implement permanent preventive actions, assign responsibles & dates, Originator must give follow up so they are implemented. • Once the root cause is solve, What can be done to avoid that similar problems occur? • Review / Update PFMEA. • Review the system. Update procedures, Control plan, etc.. • Address both causes: Occurrence and escape. • Validate implementation of actions
8. Congratulate the team.
• Official closure of the 8-D has to be done. • In a real world problems will always show up, instead of finger pointing we must find solutions and avoid recurrence.
• Recognition to the people that not only solve the problem but also implemented controls to allow prevention is a must.
Reference: Haviland, Paul. Analytical problem solving. ASQ’s Annual quality congress proceedings. 2004. pag. 273 – 276. World Class Quality: Using Design of Experiments To Make It Happen by Keki R. Bhote (Hardcover - 1980).
Guide line s for filling an 8-D re port
1st .Discipline
2nd .Discipline
- Identify the Team (If required, see procedure item 5.5): Originator (Team leader) should select team members with expertice and involvment reg. the problem found.
- Problem Description : To solve a problem, it must be precisely defined, the object or part concerned (Model), location of problem (SPC,Log ,SQA), when the problem was dicovered (issue date), how big is the problem (amount of failues).
- Immediate Containment Action: Team or individual should review installed containment or come up with inmediate containment actions to protect customer, assig n responsible and date. As well identify actions to take with with suspected product, assig n resposibles and dates (if applicable).
Team or individual must verify and validate that containment actions are effective.
Containment actions are Effective?
- Occur & Escape root cause: Team or individual must identify the Occur root cause (why did the problem occurr) & Escape root cause (why did the problem escape), with help of q uality tools (brainstorming , affinity, C&E diagrams, check list, DOE's, etc, refer to Philips Quality Memory Jog g er), and reg ister analysis done.
4th .Discipline
Team or individual must verify and validate both root causes, trough testing, data analysis, etc
Act Root causes verified, confirmed ?
Yes A
- Choose & v erify correctiv e action: Team or individual must analyse, best corrective actions available, choose the ones that permanantly eliminates both Occur & Escape root causes.
Do Tem or individual must verify that the choosen corrective action eliminates the root causes by testing to failure and the after conditiontion does not create another effect.
5th .Discipline
Corrective action are effective ?
Yes - Implement corrective actions: Team or individual must assig n responsibles & dates to implement the choosen corrective actions. 8-D originator must give follow up so they are implemented.
6th .Discipline
- Choose & Implement Permanent preventive actions: Team or individual must identify, find, choose & implement permanent preventive actions, assig n responsibles & dates, Orig inator must g ive follow up so they are implemented.
7th .Discipline
8-D originator must get the CAR signed by the his department manag er, if we ag rees on all the actions taken.
8-D report o.k ?
Yes Team leader (if applicable) , congratulates the team , g ive appropiate recognition.
8th .Discipline
8-D Orig inator must give follow up to the effectiveness of the corrective actions by means of the g ate chart (Monthly basis) YES Originator, Effectiveness of C.A.are O.K.