Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis

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Our interest in process mining came from the area of software engineering. ... (CMM), this level of maturity of a software company is called repeatable [3].
Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis Ekkart Kindler, Vladimir Rubin, and Wilhelm Sch¨ afer Software Engineering Group, University of Paderborn, Warburger Str. 100, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany {kindler, vroubine, wilhelm} Abstract. The theory of regions and the algorithms for synthesizing a Petri net model from a transition system, which are based on this theory, have interesting practical applications – in particular in the design of electronic circuits. In this paper, we show that this theory can be also applied for mining the underlying process from the user interactions with a document management system. To this end, we combine an algorithm that we called activity mining with such Petri net synthesis algorithms. We present the basic idea of this approach, show some first results, and compare them with classical process mining techniques. The main benefit is that, in combination, the activity mining algorithm and the synthesis algorithms do not need a log of the activities, which is not available when the processes are supported by a document management system only.



Today, there is a bunch of techniques that help to automatically come up with process models from a sequence of activities that are executed in an enterprise [1]. Typically, such sequences come from the log of a workflow management system or some standard software which is used for executing these processes. There are many different algorithms and methods that help to obtain faithful process models; some techniques come up with an initial model quite fast and the process models are incrementally improved by new observations [2]. All these techniques can be summarized by the term process mining. Our interest in process mining came from the area of software engineering. Software engineering processes are often not well-documented, though good engineers have the processes in their minds. In the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), this level of maturity of a software company is called repeatable [3]. Therefore, we looked for methods for automatically mining these process models from the observed work. The main source for observing the work of software engineers are the logs of the version management systems and document management systems that are used in the development process. The problem, however, is that these systems are aware of documents only and not of the underlying activities. Basically, they see the creation, modification, and checkin of documents, but they are not aware of the activities and to which activity these events belong to. Therefore, the standard mining algorithms do not work; we must identify the activities from the event logs of the document management systems before: we call this activity mining. By activity mining, we get more information on the J. Eder, S. Dustdar et al. (Eds.): BPM 2006 Workshops, LNCS 4103, pp. 105–116, 2006. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 


E. Kindler, V. Rubin, and W. Sch¨ afer

process than just a sequence of activities. In order to exploit this information, we developed an algorithm for obtaining the process models [4]. Having a closer look to the results of activity mining algorithms revealed that we could easily obtain a transition system for the underlying processes, where the transitions are the activities of the processes. So, basically, deriving a process model from the result of the activity mining algorithm means deriving a Petri net from a transition system, which is a well-known area of Petri net theory called Petri net synthesis. It was established by the seminal paper by Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg [5] on regions and later extended and elaborated by other authors [6,7,8]. In this paper, we show that our activity mining algorithm in combination with the tool Petrify [9] can be used for faithfully mining process models from logs of document management systems and version management systems. The focus of this paper is on the use of synthesis algorithm; for details on the activity mining algorithms, we refer to [4].


Related Work

There is much research in the area of process mining [1]. People from different research domains, such as software process engineering, software configuration management, workflow management, and data mining are interested in deriving the behavioural models from the audit trails of the standard software. The first application of “process mining” to the workflow domain was presented by Agrawal et al. in 1998 [10]. The approach of Herbst and Karagiannis [11] uses machine learning techniques for acquisition and adaptation of workflow models. The seminal work in the area of process mining was presented by van der Aalst et al. [12,13]. In this work, the causality relations between activities in logs are introduced and the α-mining algorithm for discovering workflow models is defined. The research in the area of software process mining started in the mid 90ties with new approaches to the grammar inference problem proposed by Cook and Wolf [14]. The other work from the software domain is in the area of mining from software repositories [15]. Our approach [4] aims at combining software process mining with mining from software repositories; it derives a software process from the logs of software configuration management systems. Another research area, which is discussed in this paper, is the area of Petri net synthesis and the theory of regions. The seminal paper in this area was written by Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg [5]. It answered a long open question in Petri net theory: how to obtain a Petri net model from a transition system. Further research in this area came up with synthesis algorithms for elementary net systems [7] and even proved some promising complexity results for bounded place/transition systems [6]. First ideas of combining process mining and process synthesis were already mentioned in the process mining domain [13,16]. In this paper, we make the next step, we present an algorithm that enables us using the Petri net synthesis tool Petrify [9] for process mining.

Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis


Fig. 1. Mining and Synthesis Schema


Mining and Synthesis

In this section, we present the overall approach; it combines our mining algorithms with Petri net synthesis algorithms in order to discover process models from versioning logs of document management systems. The overall scheme of this approach is presented in Fig. 1. It starts with a versioning log as an input; by means of our activity mining algorithm, we derive a set of activities from the log. Using the set of activities, we do transition system generation. From the transition system, we derive a Petri net with the help of the synthesis algorithm. In this paper, we briefly discuss our activity mining algorithm; however, the focus of this paper is on the transition system generation, the use of the synthesis algorithm and the process models that can be obtained by it. 3.1

Transition System Generation from Versioning Logs

In this section, we deal with the versioning logs and present the transition system generation algorithm. Initial Input and Activity Mining. Here, we briefly discuss our activity mining algorithm and the structure of the input it needs. This input information is versioning logs of different document management systems, such as Software Configuration Management (SCM) systems, Product Data Management (PDM) systems and other configuration and version management systems. An example of a versioning log is shown in Table 1. The log contains data on the documents and timestamps of their commits to the system along with data on users and log comments. The versioning log consists of execution logs (in our example, they are separated by double lines), the structure of which can be derived using additional information, not discussed in this paper. These execution logs contain information about the instances of the process. Our small example was inspired by the software change process [17]; for this process, there are different executions, in which different documents are committed in different order starting with the “design” and finishing with the “review”. We group execution logs into clusters. A cluster is a set of execution logs, which contains identical sets of documents. For example, the first two execution logs make up a cluster, because they both contain “design”, “code”, “testPlan” and “review” documents; the third execution log forms another cluster. From the information about the execution logs and their clusters, the documents and the order of their commits to the system, we derive a set of activities


E. Kindler, V. Rubin, and W. Sch¨ afer Table 1. Versioning Log Document design code testPlan review design testPlan code review design verificationResults code review

Date 01.01.05 01.01.05 05.01.05 07.01.05 01.02.05 15.02.05 20.02.05 28.02.05 01.02.05 15.02.05 20.02.05 28.02.05

14:30 15:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 09:00 18:45 11:00 17:00 09:00 18:45

Author de dev qa se de qa dev se de se dev se

Comment status: initial status: generated status: initial status: pending status: initial status: initial status: generated status: pending status: initial status: initial status: generated status: pending

with the help of the activity mining algorithm (for details, see [4]). The resulting set is shown in Table 2. Since we have only information about the documents, we adopt a document-oriented view on the activities: they are defined by the input and the output documents1 . The output documents are derived from the logs straightforwardly; the challenge of activity mining is deriving the inputs, because this information is not represented explicitly. The input contains all the documents that precede the output document in all the execution logs. For each activity, we have also shown the clusters from which it was derived; i.e. “1” means the cluster with the first two execution logs, “2” is the cluster with the third one. For example, activity 1 has s0 as input, design as output and can be derived from clusters 1 or 2. In general, let us assume, there are n clusters and each cluster is given a unique identifier from the set C = {1, . . . , n}. For every subset cl ⊆ C, there is a of sets of documents that belong to each set Dcl , which contains the intersection  execution log of this cl: Dcl = e∈cl De . So, each activity is a tuple (I, O, cl), where cl is a set of clusters from which this activity was derived; I and O are the sets of input and output documents resp. In a formal notation, a set of activities is defined the following way: A ⊆ {(I, O, cl)|I ⊂ Dcl , O ⊂ Dcl , cl ⊆ C}


For each tuple, we define a “.” notation, which gives the concrete field value by its name. E.g. for activity a1 = ({s0}, {design}, {1, 2}), we have a1 .I = {s0}, a1 .O = {design} and a1 .cl = {1, 2}. 1

For technical reason, we include a document “s0” to the input of every activity except 0 and also add two additional activities that produce “e0”; it is done for making the process start and the process end explicit.

Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis


Table 2. Set of Activities Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Input s0 s0, s0, s0, s0, s0, s0, s0, s0,

Output s0 design design code design, verificationResults code design testPlan design verificationResults design, code, testPlan review design, code, verificationResults review design, code, testPlan, review e0 design, code, verificationResults, review e0

Clusters 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Transition System Generation. Different clusters, described in the previous section, correspond to different sets of documents and represent an alternative behaviour, whereas from one cluster we can derive concurrent behaviour. For example, activities 4 and 5 in Table 2 belong to different clusters, their output documents “testPlan” and “verificationResults” belong to the document sets of different clusters respectively. Thus, after creating the “design”, there is an alternative either to produce a “testPlan” or to obtain “verificationResults”. But the activities 2 and 4 belong to the same cluster, thus, after the “design”, it is possible both to produce “code” and then a “testPlan” or first a “testPlan” and then “code”, i.e. they are concurrent. The main goal of the transition system generation algorithm is generating a labelled transition system using a set of activities and modelling the alternatives and the concurrency in it. The transition system consists of states, events and a transition relation between states, which are labelled with events. In our context, a state is a set of activities, which represents the history of the process, i.e. it contains the activities that were executed. All the activities of the state must occur in the same cluster. For example, the system is in a state s1 = {0, 1, 2} when activities 0, 1 and 2 have been executed and, thus, documents “s0”, “design” and “code” have been produced. An event is a document produced by an activity enabled in a state. An activity is enabled in a state if it does not belong to the state but belongs to the same cluster as the state’s activities; and the set of the documents produced by the state’s activities includes the input set of the enabled activity. For example, activity 4 is enabled in state s1 , because it does not belong to the state, but it belongs to the same cluster as activities 0, 1 and 2; and it needs the documents “s0” and “design” as an input, these documents are a subset of the document set produced by s1 . So, when activity 4 is executed in the state s1 , it produces a document “testPlan” and the system goes to a new state s2 = {0, 1, 2, 4}. Thus, there is a transition between states s1 and s2 and it is labelled with “testPlan”. The resulting transition system is shown in Fig. 2; for better readability, the states’ names do not contain the activities but the names of the produced documents, e.g. s1 is called “s s0 design” and s2 – “s design s0 testPlan” respectively.


E. Kindler, V. Rubin, and W. Sch¨ afer


design s_s0_design

code s_design_s0_code









review s_code_design_s0_testPlan_review

e0 s_code_design_review_s0_testPlan_e0



review s_code_design_s0_verificationResults_review

e0 s_code_design_review_s0_verificationResults_e0

Fig. 2. Generated Transition System

Formally, a transition system is a tuple T S = (S, E, T, s0 ), where S is a set of states, E is a set of events, T ⊆ S × E × S is transition relation and s0 ∈ S is an initial state. In our case, a state s ∈ S is a subset of activities, i.e. s ⊆ A, where A is defined in (1). The initial state s0 = {({}, {s0}, C)} contains the activity, e which produces “s0” and belongs to all clusters. There is a transition s → s  between two states, if there is an activity a ∈ A such that (a = s \ s) ∧ (a.O = e) and for all b ∈  s : ⊆, i.e. it belongs to the same cluster as the activities in s and a.I ⊆ b∈s b.O, i.e. it is enabled in s. We implemented these formal definitions as a set of clauses in SWI-Prolog [18]. As output, our algorithm generates a file with the transition system. This file is accepted by a synthesis tool, see Sect. 3.2, and can be automatically visualized as shown in Fig. 2. 3.2

Petri Net Synthesis

In this section, we describe the last step of our mining and synthesis approach: synthesis of a Petri Net from a mined transition system. We use the tool Petrify [9] for it. Petrify, given a finite transition system, synthesizes a Petri net with a reachability graph that is bisimilar to the transition system. The synthesis algorithm is based on the theory of regions and was described in the work of Cortadella et al. [19]. Petrify uses labelled Petri nets and, thus, supports synthesis from arbitrary transition systems. It supports different methods for minimizing the Petri nets and for improving the efficiency of the synthesis algorithm. Here, we do not go into the details of the synthesis algorithm, but give the essential idea and motivate the relevance of it for the process mining area.

Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis


code review design


verificationResults testPlan

Fig. 3. Synthesized Petri Net

A region is a set of states to which all transitions with the same labels have the same relations: either they enter this set, or they exit this set or they do not cross this set. For example, in the transition system in Fig. 2, the set of states { s code design s0 testP lan review, s code design s0 verif icationResults review


is a region, because all transitions with a label “review” enter this set and all transitions with a label “e0” exit it. Petrify discovers a complete set of minimal regions for the given transition system and then removes the redundant ones. A region corresponds to a place in the synthesized Petri Net; so, Petrify tries to minimize the number of places and to make the Petri net understandable. For example, the synthesized Petri net is shown in Fig. 3. A place between Petri net transitions “review” and “e0” corresponds to the set of states, shown above. In the transition system, different transitions correspond to the same event. An event in the transition system corresponds to a Petri net transition. For example, for the event “review” there is a transition with the identical name. There is an arc between a transition and a place in the Petri net, if the corresponding transition in the transition system enters or exits the corresponding region. In the context of process mining, the generated Petri net represents the control aspect of the process and models concurrency and alternatives, which were initially hidden in the logs. The transitions represent the activities. Since we have a document-oriented view on the activities, the execution of every activity results in committing a document to the document management system. By now, activities are named by the names of the committed documents, for example, activity “code” results in committing the document “code” to the system. Since Petrify supports label splitting, it allows us to synthesize Petri nets under different optimization criteria and belonging to different classes, such as pure, free-choice, etc. Practically, for big projects, for complex Petri nets, we can generate pure or free-choice versions of them, which can be better understandable by managers and process engineers and, therefore, serve communication purposes in the company. For example, for the Petri net shown in Fig. 3, we can generate a “pure” analog of it, see Fig. 4. 3.3

Other Applications – Activity Logs

Along with applying our algorithms to the area of process mining from the versioning logs, we have also dealt with the activity logs as a standard input for


E. Kindler, V. Rubin, and W. Sch¨ afer code design






Fig. 4. Synthesized Pure Petri Net Table 3. Activity Log Execution 1 Execution 2 Execution 3 s0 s0 s0 doDesign doDesign doDesign writeCode planTest verify planTest writeCode writeCode doReview doReview doReview e0 e0 e0

the most of classical mining approaches [13,14]. These logs are usually obtained from the workflow management systems or some standard software which is used for executing the processes in the company. For activity logs, we have deliberately chosen an example, which is very similar to the one given for verioning logs in the previous part of this section; it was done to motivate the generality of the mining and synthesis approach and to improve the readability of the paper. Actually, the algorithms for dealing with the versioning logs and for dealing with the activity logs are absolutely different and one can not be replaced by the other. An example of the activity log (event log, as it is often called in literature) is shown in Table 3. It consists of process executions, which represent process instances (cases); in our example, we have three instances of the process. Every instance contains a set of activities and an order of their execution. For example, in the first instance, activities are executed in the following order: “doDesign”, “writeCode”, “planTest” and then “doReview”. We add activity “s0” to the beginning of every log and activity “e0” to the end of every log to make the process start and the process end explicit. From the activity log, without any preprocessing steps, we can generate a transition system. In this case, a state is again a set of activities. An event is an activity enabled in a state. An activity is enabled in a state when there is a process execution, where the activity is executed after the set of the activities of the state. For example, the system is in a state s1 = {s0, doDesign}, when activities s0 and doDesign have been executed. Since in the “Execution 1”, an activity “writeCode” is executed after the activities of the state s1 , an event “writeCode” can occur in this state. When the activity is executed, the system comes to a state s2 = {s0, doDesign, writeCode}; so, there is a transition between the states s1 and s2 . The resulting transition system is shown in Fig. 5. The Petrify synthesis algorithm generates a Petri net from it, see Fig. 6.

Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis



doDesign s_s0_doDesign

planTestswriteCode s_s0_doDesign_planTests







writeCode s_s0_doDesign_verify_writeCode









Fig. 5. Generated Transition System

planTests doDesign

verify doReview



Fig. 6. Synthesized Petri Net a

In a formal notation, there is a transition s → s between two states, where s = {a1 , . . . , ai−1 }, a = ai , s = {a1 , . . . , ai } and a1 , . . . , ai are activities, if and only if there is a following execution a1 , . . . , ai−1 , ai , . . .. 3.4

Implementation and Evaluation

In this section, we show the first steps and directions for the evaluation of the presented algorithms. For making a small ad-hoc comparison with the existing process mining approaches, we have used ProM and the α-algorithm [13] for generating a Petri net from the log presented in Table 3. As a result, we have got the Petri net shown in Fig. 7. The algorithms provide different results, but, for example, for our small activity log, the synthesized Petri net has no deadlocks and it models all the process executions from the activity log, whereas the model obtained with ProM reaches a deadlock situation after executing activities “doDesign” and “planTests” and, thus, does not model the “Execution 2”. This shows that our algorithm gives a better result for at least one example. But there are other benefits: First, we are capable of dealing with different sources of information: versioning logs and activity logs. Second, our approach is


E. Kindler, V. Rubin, and W. Sch¨ afer

doD esign verify

writeC ode doR eview planTests

Fig. 7. Petri Net generated by ProM Table 4. Execution Times # of Executions 3 5 7 10 Average # of Documents in Execution 4 5 6 10 Execution Time (msec) 941 1157 2307 9994

flexible and extensible, because improving the initial algorithms (they work with versioning logs) for dealing with the activity logs resulted in: 1) removing clustering and activity mining parts, which are specific and necessary for versioning logs; 2) slightly changing the transition system generation part2 . In general, the Petri net synthesis approach assumes having complete transition system with all possible transitions, which is not always a realistic case; but, for the versioning logs, the activity mining algorithm has to cope with the defects of the input data and the transition system generation algorithm remains the same. Our algorithms were implemented in Prolog, which gives a certain flexibility of the solution and simplifies the capabilities of experimenting with it and expanding it. We have made several experiments with the algorithms. For these experiments, the logs were generated artificially but they are based on our experience on real examples. The execution times of all the algorithms (mining, transition system generation and synthesis) are shown in Table 4. The execution time depends on the number of executions (execution log) and the average number of documents in the execution. The columns in the table correspond to the experiments; the time needed for constructing a Petri net from 10 logs with 10 documents in each log is less then 10 seconds, which is a rather promising result, since this is an example in the size of a realistic log. In this section, we have presented the first steps towards combining the mining and the synthesis approaches for discovering process models from both versioning logs and activity logs. Though, the approach is not fully worked out and evaluated yet, we can already see its benefits even for the given simple examples.


Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have presented mining and synthesis algorithms, which derive a Petri net model of a business process from a versioning log of a document 2

Now, the ProM community has done their own implementation of some regions algorithms, which is available as a “Region miner” plugin for ProM.

Process Mining and Petri Net Synthesis


management system. This way, we have opened a new application area for mining without activity logs. We have also shown an extension of our approach, which can deal with activity logs of workflow management systems. The approach uses the well-developed and practically-applicable theory of “Petri net synthesis” for solving a vital problem of process mining. In order to do it, we have developed a transition system generation algorithm, which is the main focus of the paper. The algorithms which were presented in this paper can deal with concurrency and alternatives in the process models. By now, we are not dealing with iterations. Detecting iterations in the versioning logs is a very important domainspecific and company-specific problem. We will deal with this problem in our future research, even though this problem appears rather seldom, if the conventions of using the document management system are introduced and fulfilled in the company. Another relevant domain-specific problem is identifying the activities and naming them meaningfully. Both issues belong to the part on activity mining. In the future, we will improve the activity mining algorithm and, possibly, use the interaction with the user for solving these problems. However, activity mining is not the focus of this paper; as soon as it is improved, the transition system generation algorithm has only to be slightly changed for introducing iterations and activities’ identifiers to the transition systems. Much work has to be done in applying the mining and synthesis algorithms to different document management systems in different application areas and making practical evaluation of them both in the area of business process management and software process engineering. Since our approach is also relevant to the area of mining the activity logs, in the future, we should also compare it to the existing approaches in this area. This paper aims at making the first step from the well-developed theory of Petri net synthesis to the practically relevant research domain of process mining.

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