Sharp asymptotics for the partition function of ... - Purdue University

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Statistics & Dept. Mathematics, Purdue University. 150 N. University St., West Lafayette, IN 47907#2067, USA [email protected]. May 5, 2008. Abstract.
Sharp asymptotics for the partition function of some continuous-time directed polymers Agnese Cadel

Samy Tindel

Institut Elie Cartan, Universite de Nancy 1 BP 239, 54506-Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France [cadel,tindel]

Frederi Viens Dept. Statistics & Dept. Mathematics, Purdue University 150 N. University St., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067, USA [email protected]

May 5, 2008

Abstract This paper is concerned with two related types of directed polymers in a random medium. The rst one is a d-dimensional Brownian motion living in a random environment which is white-noise in time and homogeneous in space. The second is a continuous-time discrete-space Markov process on Zd , in a random environment with similar properties as in continuous space, albeit de ned only on R+ Zd . The case of a space-time white noise environment can be achieved in this second setting. By means of some Gaussian tools, we estimate the free energy of these models at low temperature, and give some further information on the strong disorder regime of the objects under consideration.

Key words and phrases: Polymer model, Random medium, Gaussian eld, Free energy, Lyapunov exponent. MSC: 82D60, 60K37, 60G15. This author's research partially supported by NSF grants no.: DMS 0204999 and DMS 0606615.





Background, models, and motivation

Models for directed polymers in a random environment have been introduced in the physical literature [10, 13, 14, 19] for two main reasons. First, they provide a reasonably realistic model of a particle under the in uence of a random medium, for which a number of natural questions can be posed, in terms of the asymptotic behavior for the path of the particle. The second point is that, in spite of the fact that polymers seem to be some more complicated objects than other disordered systems such as spin glasses, a lot more can be said about their behavior in the low temperature regime, as pointed out in [11, 13]. At a mathematical level, after two decades of e orts, a substantial amount of information about di erent models of polymer is now available, either in discrete or continuous space settings (see [8, 18, 20] and [3, 17] respectively). The current article can be seen as a part of this global project consisting in describing precisely the polymer's asymptotic behavior, beyond the spin glass case. Except for some toy models such as the REM or GREM [2, 22], little is known about the low temperature behavior of the free energy for spin glasses systems, at least at a completely rigorous level. We shall see in this paper that polymer models are amenable to computations in this direction: we work to obtain some sharp estimates on the free energy of two di erent kind of polymers in continuous time, for which some scaling arguments seem to bring more information than in the discrete time setting. Here, in a strict polymer sense, time can also be interpreted as the length parameter of a directed polymer. A word about random media appellations: we believe the term \random environment" normally implies that the underlying randomness is allowed to change over time; the appellation \random scenery" or \random landscape" is more speci cally used for an environment that does not change over time; the models we consider herein fall under the time-varying \environment" umbrella. We now give some brief speci cs about these models. 1. We rst consider a Brownian polymer in a Gaussian environment: the polymer itself is modeled by a Brownian motion b = fbt ; t 0g, de ned on a complete ltered x probability space (C; F; (Ft )t 0 ; (Pb )x2Rd ), where Pbx stands for the Wiener measure starting from the initial condition x. The corresponding expected value is denoted by Ebx , or simply by Eb when x = 0. The random environment is represented by a centered Gaussian random eld W indexed by R+ Rd , de ned on another independent complete probability space ( ; G; P). Denoting by E the expected value with respect to P, the covariance structure of W is given by E [W (t; x)W (s; y)] = (t ^ s) Q(x y); (1) 2

for a given homogeneous covariance function Q : Rd ! R satisfying some regularity conditions that will be speci ed later on. In particular, the function t 7! [Q(0)] 1=2 W (t; x) will be a standard Brownian motion for any xed x 2 Rd ; for every xed t 2 R+ , the process x 7! t 1=2 W (t; x) is a homogeneous Gaussian eld on Rd with covariance function Q. Notice that the homogeneity assumption is made here for sake of readability, but could be weakened for almost all the results we will show. The interested reader can consult [12] for the types of tools needed for such generalizations. Once b and W are de ned, the polymer measure itself can be described as follows: for any t > 0, the energy of a given path (or con guration) b on [0; t] is given by the Hamiltonian Z t Ht (b) =

W (ds; bs ):



A completely rigorous meaning for this integral will be given in the next section, but for the moment, observe that for any xed path b, Ht (b) is a centered Gaussian random variable with variance tQ(0). Based on this Hamiltonian, for any x 2 Rd , and a given constant (interpreted as the inverse of the temperature of the system), we de ne our (random) polymer measure Gxt (with Gt := G0t ) as follows: dGxt (b) =


Ht (b)


dPbx (b);


Ztx = Ebx e

Ht (b)



2. The second model we consider in this article is a general continuous time process on the discrete lattice Zd in a white noise potential: the polymer is modeled by a continuous time homogeneous Markov process ^b = f^bt ; t 0g on Zd , de ned on a complete ltered ^ F; ^ (F^t )t 0 ; (P^ x )x2Zd ). The corresponding expected value will be probability space (C; ^b x ^ ^ denoted by E^b , or simply by E^b when x = 0. Notice that ^b can be represented in terms of its jump times f i ; i 0g and its positions f~ xi ; i 0g between the jumps, as ^bt = P xi 1[ ; ) (t). Then, under P^^, 0 = x0 = 0, the sequence f i+1 0g is i; i i i+1 i 0 b i.i.d. with common exponential law E( ), and the sequence f~ xi ; i 0g is an arbitrary d homogeneous Markov chain on Z . We only assume that this chain has nite one-step range, i.e. that the number q of possible positions it can jump to in one step is nite. For instance, the simple symmetric random walk jumps only to nearest neighbors, with equal probabilities, and we have = 2d and q = 2d. ^ will be de ned as a sequence fW ^ (:; z); z 2 In this context, the random environment W Zd g of Brownian motions, de ned on another independent complete probability space ^ P). ^ Just like in the Brownian case described above, the covariance structure we ( ^ ; G; ^ is of the following type: assume on W h i ^ (t; x)W ^ (s; y) = [t ^ s] Q(x ^ ^ W E y); (4) 3

^ de ned on Zd . Note that the case where Q ^ (z) = 0 for all z for a covariance function Q ^ (0) > 0, is the case where Brownian motions in the family fW ^ ( ; z) ; z 2 Zd g except Q are independent, i.e. the case of space-time white noise. The Hamiltonian of our system can be de ned formally similarly to the continuous case, as Z t ^ t (^b) = ^ (ds; ^bs ): H W 0

^ t (^b) Notice however that, since b is a piecewise constant function, the Hamiltonian H can also be written as ^ t (^b) = H

Nt X

^( W

i+1 ; xi )

^ ( i ; xi ); W



where Nt designates the number of jumps of ^b before time t, and Nt +1 = t by conven^ t is de ned, a Gibbs-type measure G ^ t can be introduced tion. Once the Hamiltonian H similarly to (3) in the Brownian case. As mentioned before, our aim in this article is to give some sharp estimates on the free energies p( ) and p^( ) of the two systems described above, for large . The quantities of interest are de ned asymptotically as i 1 h 1 ^ p( ) = lim E [log(Zt )] ; and p^( ) = lim E log(Zt ) ; t!1 t t!1 t

it is known (see e.g. [20] for the Brownian case) that the limits above, which are often called Lyapunov exponents, exist, are positive, and are both bounded from above by Q(0) 2 =2. It is then possible to separate a region of weak disorder from a region of strong disorder according to the value of p( ): we will say that the polymer is in the weak disorder regime if p( ) = Q(0) 2 =2, while the strong disorder regime is de ned by the strict inequality p( ) < Q(0) 2 =2. These two notions have some nice interpretations in terms of the behavior of the particle under the Gibbs measure (see e.g. [4, 9]), and it is expected, for any model of polymer in a random environment, that the strong disorder regime is attained whenever is large enough. It is then natural to ask if one can obtain a sharper information than p( ) < Q(0) 2 =2 in the low temperature phase. Indeed, on the one hand, this may quantify in a sense how far we are from the weak disorder regime, and how much localization there is ^ t . On the other hand, the penalization method explained in [21] can be on our measures Gt ; G roughly summarized in the following way: if one can get a sharp equivalent for the quantity Eb [e Ht (b) ], then this will also allow a detailed description of the limit limt!1 Gt . This latter program is of course beyond the scope of the current article, but is a good motivation for getting some precise information about the function p( ).



Summary of results

We now describe our main results. Our principal result in continuous space will be obtained in terms of the regularity of Q in a neighborhood of 0. In particular, we shall assume some upper and lower bounds on Q of the form c0 jxj2H



c1 jxj2H ;

for all x such that jxj 2 [0; r0 ];


for a given exponent H 2 (0; 1] and r0 > 0. It should be noticed that condition (6) is equivalent to assuming that W has a speci c almost-sure modulus of continuity in space, of order jxjH log1=2 (1= jxj), i.e. barely failing to be H-H•older continuous (see [23] for details). Then, under these conditions, we will get the following conclusions. Theorem 1.1. Assume that the function Q satis es condition (6). Then the following hold true: 1. If H 2 [1=2; 1], we have for some constants C0;d and C1;d depending only on Q and d, for all 1, C0;d 4=3 p( ) C1;d 2 2H=(3H+1) : 2. If H 2 (0; 1=2], we have for some constants and d, for all Q, 0 C0;d


p( )


0 C1;d

0 0 depending only on Q , and C1;d C0;d

2 2H=(3H+1)


Corresponding almost sure results on t 1 E [log(Zt )] also hold, as seen in Corollary 1.3 and Proposition 2.1 below. Let us make a few elementary comments about the above theorem's bounds, which are also summarized in Figure 1.2. First of all, the exponent of in those estimates is decreasing with H, which seems to indicate a stronger disorder when the Gaussian eld W is smoother in space. Furthermore, in the case H 2 [1=2; 1], the gap between the two estimates decreases as H increases to 1; for H = 1=2, we get bounds with the powers of equal to 4=3 and 8=5; and for H = 1, the bounds are 4=3 and 3=2. It should be noted that the case H = 1=2 is our least sharp result, while the case H = 1 yields the lowest power of ; one should not expect lower powers for any potential W even if W is so smooth that it is C 1 in space: indeed, unless W is highly degenerate, the lower bound in (6) should hold with H = 1, while the upper bound will automatically be satis ed with H = 1. The case of small H is more interesting. Indeed, we can rewrite the lower and upper bounds above as 0 2 2H+F (H) 0 2 2H+G(H) C0;d p( ) C1;d where the functions F and G satisfy F (x) = 2x2 + O (x3 ) and G (x) = 6x2 + O (x3 ) for x near 0. We therefore see that the asymptotic 2 2H is quite sharp for small H, but that the 5

2.0 Upper bound Lower bound 1.9

Exponent of beta






1.3 0.0











Continuity coefficient H

Figure 1: Exponent of

in p ( ) as a function of H

second order term in the expansion of the power of for small H, while bounded, is always positive. Using ideas introduced in [12] to deal with spatially non-homogeneous media, it is possible to extend Theorem 1.1. The reader will check that the rst of the following two corollaries is trivial to prove using the tools in this article. The second corollary requires techniques in [12], and can also be proved directly by using sub-Gaussian concentration results (see [27]). We do not give any details of its proof, for the sake of conciseness. Neither corollary assumes that W is spatially homogeneous. One will note that no assertion on the existence of p ( ) is made in these corollaries, but that the rst corollary already implies strong disorder for large in the sense that lim sup t 1 E [log(Zt )] < 2 Q (0) =2. [12] can be consulted for conditions under which p ( ) exists even if W is not spatially homogeneous. Corollary 1.2. In the non homogeneous case, the following bounds are satis ed: [Upper bound] Assume that for some r1 ; c1 > 0, for all x; y 2 Rd such that jx the spatial canonical metric of W is bounded above as 2

(x; y) := E (W (1; x)

Then, replacing p ( ) by lim sup orem 1.1 hold.


W (1; y))2

c1 jx


r1 ,

yj2H :

t 1 E [log(Zt )], the two upper bound results in The-

[Lower bound] Assume that for some r0 ; c0 > 0, for all x; y 2 Rd such that jx we have 2 (x; y) := E (W (1; x) W (1; y))2 c0 jx yj2H : 6


r0 ,

Then, replacing p ( ) by lim inf orem 1.1 hold.


t 1 E [log(Zt )], the two lower bound results in The-

Corollary 1.3. Under the hypotheses of Corollary 1.2, its conclusions also hold P-almost surely with lim sup !1 t 1 E [log(Zt )] replaced by lim sup !1 t 1 log(Zt ), and similarly for the lim inf 's. Since our estimates become sharper as H ! 0, and also due to the fact that the behavior of p( ) is nearly quadratic in for small H (i.e. approaching the weak disorder regime), we decided to explore further the region of logarithmic spatial regularity for W , in order to determine whether one ever leaves the strong disorder regime. Namely, we also examine the situation of a covariance function Q for which there exist positive constants c0 , c1 , and r1 such that for all x with jxj r1 , c0 log


(1= jxj)



c1 log


(1= jxj) ;


where is a given positive exponent. Assumption (7) implies that W is not spatially H•oldercontinuous for any exponent H 2 (0; 1]. Moreover, the theory of Gaussian regularity implies that, if > 1=2, W is almost-surely continuous in space, with modulus of continuity proportional to log +1=2 (1= jxj), while if 1=2, W is almost-surely not uniformly continuous on any interval in space, and in fact is unbounded on any interval. We will then establish the following result, which is optimal, up to multiplicative constants. Theorem 1.4. Assume condition (7) where > 0. We have for some constants D0;d and D1;d depending only on Q and d, for all large enough, D0;d




( )

p( )





( ):

Besides giving a sharp result up to constants for the free energy p( ), the last result will allow us to make a link between our Brownian model and the discrete-space Markov process polymer described by the Hamiltonian (5). Indeed, the following result will also be proved in the sequel. Theorem 1.5. Assume that there are two distinct sites e1 and e2 in Zd which can both be reached with positive probability after one jump of the Markov process ^b, and that 1 > ^ ^ 1 e2 ) > 0, where Q ^ has been de ned in (4). Then the free energy p^( ) of the Q(0) Q(e homogeneous Markov process polymer satis es, for large enough: D00




( )

p^( )





( );


^ and the the law for two constants D00 and D10 depending only on the covariance function Q of the Markov process ^b. 7

Relation (8) will be obtained here thanks to some simple arguments, which allow the extension to spatially inhomogeneous media. In the special homogeneous case of spacetime white noise (Q (x) = 0 for all x 6= 0), more can be said: the exact value of the limit lim !1 p^( ) log ( ) = 2 can be computed in this situation; this result has been established by the authors of the work in preparation [15]. In relation with the continuous space model considered in Theorem 1.4, we see that to obtain the same behavior as with space-time white noise in discrete space, we need to use precisely the environment W in Rd with the logarithmic regularity corresponding to = 1=2 in (7). As mentioned before, this behavior of W happens to be exactly at the threshold in which W becomes almost-surely discontinuous and unbounded on every interval. Nevertheless such a W is still function-valued. Hence, for the purpose of understanding the polymer partition function, there is no need to study the space-time white noise in continuous space, for which W (t; ) is not a bona de function (only a distribution), and for which the meaning of Zt itself is di cult to even de ne. Another way to interpret the coincidence of behaviors for \space-time white noise in R+ Zd " and for \ = 1=2" is to say that both models for W are function-valued and exhibit spatial discontinuity: indeed, in discrete space, one extends W (t; ) to Rd by making it piecewise constant, in order to preserve independence. The fact that the limit in Theorem 1.4 depends on does prove, however, that the continuous-space polymer model under logarithmic regularity is richer than the discrete-space one. As in the H•older-scale continuous space setting, we have the following corollaries, in which W is allowed to be spatially inhomogeneous. Again, we do not include proofs of these results for the sake of conciseness. Corollary 1.6. Assume the lower and upper bound hypotheses in Corollary 1.2 hold with jx yj2H replaced by log 2 (1= jx yj). Then the conclusions of Theorem 1.4 hold with p ( ) replaced by lim inf !1 t 1 E [log(Zt )] for the lower bound, and by lim sup !1 t 1 E [log(Zt )] for the upper bound. Almost-sure results as in Corollary 1.3 also hold. ^ (0) > Corollary 1.7. For the discrete-space polymer in Theorem 1.5, assume, instead of Q 2 ^ (e1 e2 ), that E ^ (W (1; e1 ) W (1; e2 )) > 0. Then the conclusions of Theorem 1.5 hold Q ^ with p^ ( ) replaced by lim inf !1 t 1 E[log( Z^t )] for the lower bound, and with p^ ( ) replaced 1^ by lim sup !1 t E[log(Z^t )] for the upper bound. Almost-sure results as in Corollary 1.3 also hold. Let us say a few words now about the methodology we have used in order to get our results. It is inspired by the literature on Lyapunov exponents for stochastic PDEs [5, 6, 7, 12, 25, 26]; our upper bound results rely heavily on the estimation of the supremum of some well-chosen Gaussian elds, using such results as Dudley's so-called entropy upper bound, and the Borell-Sudakov inequality (see [1] or [27]); our lower bound results are obtained more \by hand", by isolating very simple polymer con gurations b or ^b which maximize 8

^ t (^b), and showing that the random medium's increments in the Hamiltonian Ht (b) or H these con gurations contain enough weight to provide lower bounds. It turns out that these estimation procedures works better when the con guration b is simple enough, such as a piecewise constant or linear function. For the upper bound in the continuous case, a careful discretization of our Brownian path will thus have to be performed in order to get our main results; the resulting proof cannot exploit the discrete case itself because of the di erent nature of the discrete and continuous environments. Some of the techniques in this paper are inspired by the work [12] in one-dimensional continuous space; however, we have implemented a more e cient use of Gaussian tools, based fully on the idea of concentration initiated in [20]; as a consequence, our results are improvements over those in [12] in terms of being quantitatively sharper, of handling d-dimensional space explicitly, and also in terms of having more elegant and much shorter proofs. In the special discrete-space case where ^b is taken to be the simple symmetric random walk, the results in Section 4 herein can be derived using a scaling argument via known results, e.g. from [5]; however, our results are more general, as they show that the the Lyapunov exponent order 2 log 2 for the simple symmetric random walk is actually a universal property for any polymer based on a Markov process in discrete space; in addition, based on continuous-space ideas in [12], our discrete results extend easily (in slightly weaker form) to non-homogeneous potentials, an extension which cannot be obtained using techniques such as in [5]; lastly, our proofs in Section 4, using again the full force of Gaussian concentration, are signi cantly shorter and more e cient than in previous works. The structure of the article is as follows: Section 2 contains preliminary information on the partition function. Section 3 deals with the Brownian polymer. Section 4 covers the discrete-space polymer.


Preliminaries; the partition function

In this section, we will rst recall some basic facts about the de nition and the simplest properties of the partition functions Zt and Z^t which have been already considered in the introduction. We will also give brie y some notions of Gaussian analysis which will be used later on. We begin with basic information about the partition function of the Brownian polymer. Recall that W is a centered Gaussian eld on R+ Rd , de ned by its covariance structure (1). The Hamiltonian Ht (b) given by (2) can be de ned more rigorously through a Fourier transform procedure: there exists (see e.g. [7] for further details) a centered Gaussian independently scattered C-valued measure on R+ Rd such that Z W (t; x) = 1[0;t] (s)e{ux (ds; du); (9) R+ R d


where the simple notation ux stands for the inner product u x in Rd . For every test function f : R+ Rd ! C, set now Z (f ) f (s; u) (ds; du): (10) R + Rd

While the random variable (f ) may be complex-valued, to ensure that it is real valued, it is su cient to assume that f is of the form f (s; u) = f1 (s) e{uf2 (s) for real valued functions f1 and f2 . Then the law of is de ned by the following covariance structure: for any such test functions f; g : R+ Rd ! C, we have Z ^ E [ (f ) (g)] = f (s; u)g(s; u)Q(du)ds; (11) R+ Rd

^ is the Fourier transform of Q (see [24] for details). where the nite positive measure Q From (9), we see that the It^o stochastic di erential of W in time can be understood R ^ (du) has a density f (u) with as W (ds; x) := u2Rd e{ux (ds; du), or even, if the measure Q respect to the Lebesgue measure, which is typical, as Z p e{ux f (u)M (ds; du) W (ds; x) := u2Rd

where M is a white-noise measure on R+ Rd , i.e. a centered independently scattered Gaussian measure with covariance given by E [M (A) M (B)] = mLeb (A \ B) where mLeb is Lebesgue's measure on R+ Rd . We can go back now to the de nition of Ht (b): invoking the representation (9), we can write Z t Z tZ Ht (b) :=

e{ubs (ds; du);

W (ds; bs ) =





taking this expression as a de nition of Ht (b) for each xed path b; it can be shown (see [7]) that the right hand side of the above relation is well de ned for any H•older continuous path b, by a L2 -limit procedure. Such a limiting procedure can be adapted to the speci c case of constructing Ht (b), using the natural time evolution structure; we will not comment on this further. However, the reader will surmise that the following re^ mark, given for the sake pof illustration, can be useful: when Q has a density f , we obtain RR {ubs Ht (b) = [0;t] Rd e f (u)M (ds; du) :

We use as the de nition of the partition function Ztx , its expression in (3), and set its expectation under P as 1 pt ( ) := E [log (Ztx )] ; (13) t usually called the free energy of the system. It is easily seen that pt ( ) is independent of the initial condition x 2 Rd , thanks to the spatial homogeneity of W . Thus, in the remainder 10

of the paper, x will be understood as 0 when not speci ed, and Eb ; Zt will stand for Eb0 ; Zt0 , etc... We summarize some basic results on pt ( ) and Zt established in [20] using Gaussian concentration. Proposition 2.1. For all

> 0 there exists a constant p( ) > 0 such that p( ) := lim pt ( ) = sup pt ( ): t!1


t 0

Furthermore, the function p satis es: 7! p( ) is a convex nondecreasing function on R+ .

1. The map

2. The following upper bound holds true: 2

p( )




3. P-almost surely, we have lim


1 log Zt = p( ): t


^ t (^b) is easier to de ne, and can For the discrete-space polymer on Zd , the Hamiltonian H be expressed in a simple way by (5). Recall then that Z^t ; p^t ( ) are de ned as: i h h i ^ ^ ^ log(Z^t ) : Z^t = E^^b e Ht (b) ; and p^t ( ) = E Then, using the same kind of arguments as in [20] (see also [15]), we get the following:

Proposition 2.2. The same conclusions as in Proposition 2.1 hold true for the homogeneous Markov process polymer ^b. Proof. The proof of Proposition 2.1 above, given in [20] using Gaussian concentration, is easily adapted to the case where b is an arbitrary homogeneous Markov process, to yield this proposition. We omit the details.


Estimates of the free energy: continuous space

In this section, we will proceed to the proof of Theorems 1.1 and, 1.4, by means of some estimates for some well-chosen Gaussian random elds. The hypothesis we use guarantees that there is some H 2 (0; 1) such that W is no more than H-H•older continuous in space. Accordingly, we de ne the homogeneous spatial canonical metric of W by 2


y) := E (W (1; x)

W (1; y))2 = 2 (Q(0) 11


y)) ;


for all x; y 2 Rd . Our hypotheses on translate immediately into statements about Q via this formula. In our results below, we have also tried to specify the dependence of our constants on the dimension of the space variable. An interesting point in that respect is given in the lower bound of Subsection 3.2 below, which has to do with weak versus strong disorder in very high-dimensional cases.


Upper bound in the Brownian case

The upper bound in Theorem 1.1 follows immediately from the following proposition, which proves in particular that strong disorder holds for all H 2 (0; 1]. Proposition 3.1. Assume that there exist a number H 2 (0; 1] and numbers c1 ; r1 such that for all x; y 2 Rd with jx yj r1 we have (x

y) < c1 jx

yjH :

Then there exists a constant C depending only on Q and a constant and d, such that for all 0, p( )


Cd 1+3H

2+4H 1+3H

(18) 0

depending only on r1


Proof. Let us divide the proof in several steps: Step 1: Strategy. From relation (14), we have p( )

lim sup pt ( ): t!1

Our strategy is then to give an estimation of pt ( ) for a discretized path ~b 2 "Zd that stays close to b and proceeds only by jumps. Thanks to this substitution, and using H•older's and Jensen's inequalities, we shall obtain h h h i ii ~ ~ E [log(Zt )] = E log Eb exp Ht (b) Ht (b) exp Ht (b) (19) h h ii h h ii 1 1 E log Eb exp 2 [Ht (b) Ht (~b)] + E log Eb exp 2 Ht (~b) 2 2 Z t h ii 2 1 1 h 2 log Eb exp 2 (bs b~s ) ds + E log Eb exp 2 Ht (~b) : 2 2 0 Notice that the rst term on the right-hand side represents the error made by considering the discretized path ~b instead of b, but thanks to hypothesis (18) and the de nition of ~b we will easily control it. Step 2: The discretized path. Let us describe now the discretized process we shall use in the sequel: we will approximate the Brownian path b with a path that stays in "Zd , where " is 12

a small positive number. Let bj be the j-th component of the d-dimensional path b. Let T1j j be the rst time that bj exits the interval ( "; ") and Ti+1 be the rst time after Tij that j bj exits (bT j "; bT j + "). So, for a xed component j, the times (Ti+1 Tij )1 i=0 are i.i.d. i


and the successive positions xjm = bjT j , which are independent of the jump times, form a m one-dimensional symmetric random walk on "Z in discrete time. j 1 Now let (Tn )1 n=0 be the increasing sequence of all the (Tm )j;m and let (xn )n=0 be the nearest neighbor path in "Zd with x0 = 0 whose j-th component takes the same step as xjm at time Tmj . We de ne the discretized path ~b as the path that jumps to site xn at time Tn and it is constant between jumps. Remark 3.2. At any time s, each coordinate of ~bs is within " ofpthe corresponding one of bs . So the distance separating the two paths is never more than " d. Thus we have, for all s 0, jbs ~bs j "d1=2 : Remark 3.3. Thanks to Remark 3.2 we can now control the error term we have de ned at relation (19). In fact, owing to Hypothesis (18), we have 1 log Eb exp 2 2t





b~s )




1 log Eb exp 2 2t







b~s j2H dt



2 2H H


d ;

where we recall that C is a constant depending on Q that can change from line to line. Plugging this last inequality into (19), and de ning p"t (

h 1 h ) = E log Eb exp t

2 Ht (~b)

we have thus obtained the following estimate for pt ( ): pt ( )




1 d + p"t ( ): 2

2 2H H



We shall try now to get some suitable bounds on p"t ( ). Step 3: Study of p"t ( ). Let Ntj be the number of jumps of the j-th component of ~b up to time t. For a multi-index k = (k1 ; ; kd ) let jkj = k1 + + kd , so the total number of 1 d ~ jumps of b up to time t is jNt j = Nt + + Nt . Denote by S(t; n) the simplex of all possible sequences of n jump times up to time t, namely S(t; n) = ft = (t0 ;

; tn ) : 0 = t0


tg :


kj The set of the rst kj jump times of the j-th component of ~b is a point (tji )i=1 in S(t; kj ). Given the set of all jump times tji : j 2 [1; ; d] ; i 2 [1; ; kj ] , let t~l : l 2 [0; jkj + 1]


be the same set but ordered and with the convention t~0 = 0, t~jkj+1 = t. And nally let x~l be the value of ~b between the two jump times t~l and t~l+1 . Denote by Pn the set of all such sequences x~ = (~ xl )nl=1 , i.e. the set of all nearest-neighbor random walk paths of length n starting at the origin. Then if we x jNt j = jkj, we can write jkj jkj Ht (~b) = X jkj; (t~l )l=1 ; (~ xl )l=1 ;

where jkj jkj xl )l=1 = X jkj; (t~l )l=1 ; (~

jkj X

W (t~i+1 ; x~i )

W (t~i ; x~i ) :


Thanks to these notations, we have h h ii " ~ tpt ( ) = E log Eb exp( 2 Ht (b)) h h jN j jN j = E log Eb exp 2 X jNt j; (t~l )l=1t ; (~ xl )l=1t

So we can write the expectation with respect to b as: h i X h Eb exp( 2 Ht (~b)) = Eb exp( 2 Ht (~b)) jNt j 2 [t (n


n 1

Pb [jNt j 2 [t (n


i 1); t n]

1); t n]] :

The number of jumps of the discretized path ~b in a given interval [0; t] will play a crucial role in our optimization procedure. For a parameter > 0 which will be xed later on, let us thus de ne Tn = k; t~; x~ : k tn ; t~ 2 S(t; k); x~ 2 Pk : Then the following estimates will be essential for our future computations: Pb Ntj > n t E sup X(k; t~; x~)


t ( n")2 + t n 2

p Ktd n ;

(22) (23)


where K is a constant that depends on the covariance of the environment Q. Inequality (22) can be found textually in [12]: it is Proposition 22 therein with = 1. Inequality (23) is established identically to equation (30) in [12], with the minor di erence that the total number of paths in Pm is not 2m but (2d)m , which, in the inequality above (30) near the bottom of page 33 in [12], accounts for a factor e1+log(6d) = 6ed instead of ec1 therein, hence the factor d in (23). De ning Yn = supTn X(k; t~; x~), we can now bound p"t ( ) as follows: tp"t ( )

E [log(A + B)]

E (log A)+ + E (log B)+ + log 2; 14

where A = Pb [jNt j

t] exp (2 Y ) ;

and B =

X n 1

Pb [jNt j 2 [n t; (n + 1) t]] exp 2 Y



We will now bound the terms A and B separately. Step 4: The factor A. We can bound Pb [jNt j E (log A)+

t] by 1 and we easily get, invoking (23), p 2 E [Y ] 2 Kdt : (24)

=E Y

. Since X is a Gaussian eld and since it is easy

Step 5: The factor B. Let to show that



:= sup Var(X(m; t~; x~))


(m;t~;~ x)

the so called Borell-Sudakov inequality (see [1] or [27]) implies that, for a constant a > 0, E [exp (a jY



2 exp

a2 2


a2 tQ(0) 2

= 2 exp



2 (1=2; 1) and let us denote log+ (B) = (log B)+ . We have 2 !t 3 X 1 5 E log+ B = E 4log+ Pb [jNt j 2 [nt ; (n + 1)t ]] exp 2 Y (n+1) t n 1 2 !t 3 X p 5; E 4log+ Pb [jNt j > nt ] exp 2 (Y (n+1) ) exp 2 Ktd (n + 1)

Fix now a number

n 1

p where we used that (23) implies Kdt (n + 1) . We also know that for any sequence P P t of non-negative reals (xn )n the following holds: ( n xn )t n xn . Thus we have 1 E log+ B t " E log+ "


X n 1

E log+ dt


(Pb [jNt j > nt ]) X n 1


2 (Y t


2 (Y t

) exp 2t1


t1 yn 2

) exp


p Kd (n + 1)



where we used estimate (22) in the following way: Pb [jNt j > nt ]

d X

Pb Ntj >


d exp

t 2 15

nt d n" d

= dPb Nt1 > 2


t n d


nt d


and where we have obtained: " n d

yn =

p 4 Kd (n + 1):

2 n d


Now, bounding log+ (x) from above by log(1 + x), for x 1, and using Jensen's inequality, we have: " # 1 X 1 2 t E log+ B log 1 + dt E exp (Y (n+1) ) exp yn ; t t 2 n 1 so, using (25), it is readily checked that " 1 E log+ B log 1 + 2dt exp t






" d

yn =


t1 2




so as to compensate the negative

= (16 Kd3 " 2 )2=3 :


2dn "2



n 1

In order for the series above to converge, we must choose terms in yn . Speci cally, we choose p " 2 = 16 Kd ; d With this choice, we end up with:



1p n+1 : 4

Now we note that: If we choose ";

such that "

so that

" d

yn and since n2


n 2


n+1 4

n 1

n 1




n 2



"2 = (16K ")2=3 d d



1p n+1 ; 4

we get

t1 2



n , 8


" d t1 2


" d

n2 2

n 8

2dn "2

1p n+1 4 1

= 1


1 1 t 16

" 2 d


Notice that this last term can be made smaller than 1 if t is large enough. Hence we can write a nal estimate on E log+ B as follows: for large t we have 1 E log+ B t

log 1 + 2dt log(1 + 2dt 16





t2 1 2 2 Q(0) )+ 2 1 : t


Final step. Using inequalities (24) and (28) and the value of , we can estimate p"t ( ) in the following way: p log 2 log(1 + 2dt ) 2 2 Q(0) + + + 2 Kd t t1 t p + o(1): 2 Kd

p"t ( )

So using the value of

given in (26) we have 4=3 2

p"t ( )



+ o(1);



where C is a constant that depends on Q and that can change from line to line. Putting this result in (20) and taking the limit for t ! 1 we get lim sup pt ( )

2 H 2H


d "

+ d2






In order to make this upper bound as small as possible we can choose " such that 2 H 2H

d "

= d2






6 3H

" = d 2+6H

1 1+3H


so that lim sup pt ( )


2+4H 1+3H


d 1+3H ;


which is the announced result. We then only need to check for what values p of we are allowed to make this choice of ". Condition (18) states that we must use " d r1 . This is 1 3H 5=2 equivalent to d . One can check in this case that the restriction on 0 =: (r1 ) "; in (27) is trivially satis ed.


Lower bound in the Brownian case

In the following proposition, which implies the lower bound in Theorem 1.1, we shall also try to specify the dependence of the constants with respect to the dimension d. Let us state an interesting feature of this dependence. The proof of the proposition below shows 1 H=2 that the results it states hold only for . One may ask the question of 0 = cd what happens to the behavior of the partition function when the dimension is linked to the inverse temperature via the relation = 0 , and one allows the dimension to be very large. The lower bounds on the value p ( ) in the proposition below will then increase, and while they must still not exceed the global bound 2 Q (0) =2, the behavior for large turns out to be quadratic in many cases. The reader will check that, when H > 1=2, this translates as p ( ) c 2=(2 H) which is quadratic when H = 1, and p ( ) c 2 for all H 1=2. This is an indication that for extremely high dimensions and inverse temperatures, for H 1=2 or H = 1, strong disorder may not hold. Strong disorder for Brownian polymers may break down for complex, in nite-dimensional polymers. This is only tangential to our presentation, however. 17

Proposition 3.4. Recall that has been de ned at (17) and assume that there exist a number H 2 (0; 1] and some positive constants c2 , r2 such that for all x; y 2 Rd with jx yj r2 , we have (x y) > c2 jx yjH : (30) Then if H 1=2, there exists a constant C depending only on Q, and a constant only on Q and d, such that, for all > 0 , p( )



2 H+1

Cd H+1




On the other hand if H > 1=2, there exists a constant C 0 depending only on Q, and a constant 0 > 00 0 depending only on Q and d, such that for all p( )

C 0d

2H 1 3

4 3


Proof. Here again, we divide the proof in several steps. Step 1: Strategy. From relation (14), we have p( ) = sup pt ( ); t 0

where pt ( ) is de ned by equation (13). So a lower bound for p( ) will be obtained by evaluating pt ( ) for any xed value t. Additionally, by the positivity of the exponential factor in the de nition of Zt , one may include as a factor inside the expectation Eb the sum of the indicator functions of any disjoint family of events of b . In fact, we will need only two events, which will give the main contribution to Zt at a logarithmic scale. Step 2: Setup. Let A+ (b) and A (b) be two disjoints events de ned on the probability space b under Pb , which will be speci ed later on. Set Z 2t Xb = H2t = W (ds; bs ): 0

Conditioning by the two events A+ (b) and A (b) and using Jensen's inequality we have h n oi E(log Zt ) log (min fPb (A+ ); Pb (A )g) + E max Z~+ ; Z~ ; (31) where

Z~+ := Eb [Xb j A+ ]


Z~ := Eb [Xb j A ] :

These two random variables form a pair of centered jointly Gaussian random variables: indeed they are both limits of linear combinations of values of a single centered Gaussian eld. Thus this implies h n oi 1 E max Z~+ ; Z~ =p 2 18







Therefore we only have to choose sets A+ and A not too small, but still decorrelated enough so that condition (30) guarantees a certain amount of positivity in the variance of Z~+ Z~ . Step 3: Choice of A+ and A . Let f be a positive increasing function. We take bis

A+ = f (t) A =

2f (t)

2f (t); 8i = 1; : : : ; d;


8s 2 [t; 2t] ;

f (t); 8i = 1; : : : ; d;

8s 2 [t; 2t] :

In other words, we force each component of our trajectory b to be, during the entire time interval [t; 2t], in one of two boxes of edge size f (t) which are at a distance of 2f (t) from each other. Because these two boxes are symmetric about the starting point of b; the corresponding events have the same probability. While this probability can be calculated in an arguably explicit way, we give here a simple lower bound argument for it. Using time p scaling, the Markov property of Brownian motion, the notation a = f (t) = t, we have Pb (A+ ) = =

d Y i=1 d Y i=1

Pb 8s 2 [1; 2] : bis 2 [a; 2a] 1 2




y 2 =2

Pb 8s 2 [0; 1] : bis + y 2 [a; 2a] e

Z 7a=4 d h Y 1 Pb 8s 2 [0; 1] : bis + y 2 y 2 5a=4 i=1

= Pb b11 2 [5a=4; 7a=4] Pb 8s 2 [0; 1] : jb1s j


a ai ;y + e 4 4 a=4


y 2 =2




Step 4: Estimation of Z~+ and Z~ . It was established in [12] (inequality (18) on page 24 and calculation following, on the same page) that in dimension d = 1 Z 2t h i 2 2 2 ~ ~ E Z+ Z E (xs;+ xs; ) ds t

where the quantities xs;+ and xs; are random variables such that for all s 2 [t; 2t]: xs;+ 2 [f (t); 2f (t)] and xs; 2 [ 2f (t); f (t)]. In dimension d 1 the result still holds. In fact d in this case we have xs;+ ; xs; 2 R , so it is su cient to take each component of the xs;+ in the interval [f (t); 2f (t)] and each component of xs; in [ 2f (t); f (t)], so their distance is greater than d1=2 f (t). Thus, using condition (30), we have Z 2t 2 2H 2 ~ ~ E Z+ Z C xs;+ xs; ds Ct 2 dH (f (t))2H ; (33) t

where as usual C is a constant that can change from line to line. Hence, we obtain: h n oi 1 E max Z~+ ; Z~ =p 2


Z~+ 19






t (f (t))H dH=2 ;


Observe that in order to use condition (30) we have to impose f (t)

r2 .

Step 5: The case H 1=2. It is possible to prove that in this case the optimal choice for f p is f (t) = t, which corresponds to a = 1, so that Pb (A+ ) is a universal constant that does not depend on t. Thus we have, from (31), (32) and (34), for any t > 0, H 1 E [log Z2t ] d log C + C dH=2 t 2 : (35) 2t 2t Now we may maximize the above function over all possible values of t > 0. To make things simple, we choose t so that the second term equals twice the rst, yielding t of the form 2 H 2 t = Cd H+1 H+1 ; and therefore

p2t ( ) =

sup p2t ( )



Cd H+1

2 H+1



This result holds as long as the use of condition (30) can be justi ed, namely as long as f (t) r2 . This is achieved as soon as > 0 where 0 = Cr2 H 1 d1 H=2 ; and since H 1=2, Cd3=4 . 0 Step 6: The case H > 1=2. In this case we consider f (t) = ct , for a given 2 [0; 1=2) and some constant c chosen below. Thus we have a = ct 1=2 . In this case, if a is larger than a universal constant Ku , the result (32) yields that, for some constant C, we have d Y

Pb (A+ )

exp( Ca2 ) = exp( Cc2 dt2




So, using again condition (30) and relation (34) we obtain p2t ( )



+ C dH=2 t

H 1=2


where the constant C may also include the factor c2 . Again, choosing t so that the second term equals twice the rst, we have t = Cd

1 H=2 (H 2)+3=2

and so sup p2t ( )



H 1=2 (H 2)+3=2

1 2)+3=2


2 2 (H 2)+3=2

(36) :


In order to maximize the power of in the lower bound for supt>0 pt ( ) we should nd the maximum of the function 2 2 g( ) = (H 2) + 3=2 for 0 < 1=2: Since this function is monotone decreasing when H > 1=2, the maximum is reached for = 0, so g(0) = 4=3. Recall once again that, in order to apply condition (30) in the computations above, we had to assume f (t) r2 ; since now f (t) is the constant c, we only need to choose c = r2 . We also had to impose a = r2 t 1=2 > Ku , which translates as > 00 := (Ku =r2 )4=3 d1 H=2 .



Logarithmic regularity scale

As mentioned in the introduction, the special shape of our Figure 1.2 induces us to explore the regions of low spatial regularity for W , in order to investigate some new possible scaling in the strong disorder regime. In other words, we shall work in this section under the assumptions that there exist positive constants c0 , c1 , and r1 , and 2 (0; 1), such that for all x; y with jx yj r1 , (1= jx

c0 log




c1 log

(1= jx

yj) ;


where > 0. Assumption (37) implies that W is not spatially H•older-continuous for any exponent H 2 (0; 1]. Moreover, the theory of Gaussian regularity implies that, if > 1=2, W is almost-surely continuous in space, with modulus of continuity proportional to log +1=2 (1= jx yj), while if 1=2, W is almost-surely not uniformly continuous on any interval in space. The case = 1=2, which is the threshold between continuous and discontinuous W , is of special interest, since it can be related to the discrete-space polymer which will be studied in the next section. The main result which will be proved here is the following: Theorem 3.5. Assume condition (37). We have for some constants C0 and C1 depending only on Q, for all large enough, 2







p( )








Proof. Step 1: Setup. Nearly all the calculations in the proof of Propositions 3.1 and 3.4 are still valid in our situation. Again, C may change from line to line. Step 2: Lower bound. For the lower bound, reworking the argument in Step 2 in the proof of Proposition 3.4, using the function log (x 1 ) instead of the function xH , we obtain the following instead of (33): E (Z+

Z )2

t ( c0 )2 log


1 df (t)



which implies, instead of (35) in Step 5 of that proof, the following: p2t ( )

d log C +C t 2t




1 df (t)


In other words, now choosing f (t) = t1=2 as we did in the case H < 1=2 (recall that we are in the case of small H, as stated in the introduction), p2t ( )

d log C +C t 2t 21



1 p dt


Now choose t such that the second term in the right-hand side above equals twice the rst, i.e. 1 p = Cd 1 : t1=2 log dt For small t, the function on the left-hand side is increasing, so that the above t is uniquely de ned when is large. We see in particular that when is large, t is small, and we have 2 t 1 . This fact is then used to imply 1 = t


C d


Therefore, for some constants 2,



1 p dt

2 (C )2 log


( ):

and c depending only on Q, for the t chosen above with C 2 d

p2t ( )






Step 3: Upper bound. Here, returning to the proof of Proposition 3.1, the upper bound (29) in the nal step of that proof holds regardless of , and therefore, using the result of Remark 3.3 with (r) = log (1=r), we immediately get that there exists c depending only on Q such that for all " < r1 and all > 3 , lim sup pt ( )





as long as one is able to choose " so that " side of the last inequality above, we get

+ Cd2

" d





1. By equating the two terms in the right-hand 3

1 p

" log


1 p

= Cd3




: " d p Since the function " ! 7 " log 3 1=(" d) is increasing for small ", the above equation de nes " uniquely when is large, and in that case " is small. We also see that for any 1 > 0, for large , 1=" . Therefore we can write, for 3 , almost surely, 2

lim sup pt ( )

C (1







This nishes the proof of the theorem.


Estimates of the free energy: discrete space

Recall that, up to now, we have obtained our bounds on the free energy in the following manner: the upper bound has been computed by evaluation of the supremum of a wellchosen random Gaussian eld, while the lower bound has been obtained by introducing 22

two di erent events, depending on the Brownian con guration, which capture most of the logarithmic weight of our polymer distribution. This strategy also works in the case of the discrete-space polymer whose Hamiltonian is described by (5), without many additional e orts, but a separate proof is still necessary. This section shows how this procedure works, resulting in the proof of Theorem 1.5. ^ etc... ^ ; E^^; E, Quantities referring to the discrete-space polymer have been denoted by ^b; W b In this section, for notational sake, we will omit the hats in the expressions above, and write instead b; W; Eb ; E like in the Brownian case. Recall that since this path b under Eb is a continuous-time homogeneous Markov process, it can be decomposed as the composition of a discrete-time Markov chain and a Poisson process with parameter . We only impose a single condition on b: that it have nite range, i.e. that the number of possible site that the chain can jump to in one step is a nite number p. For instance, if b is the simple symmetric random walk, then = 2d and p = 2d. Recall our simple non-degeneracy condition on Q in this case: we assume that there are two distinct sites e1 and e2 in Zd which can both be reached with positive probability after one jump of the Markov process b, such that cQ := Q(0)


e2 ) > 0:


Condition (38), which is used only in the lower bound result, is extremely weak. For instance, if b has a positive probability of reaching all of its nearest neighbors in one step, one can replace Condition (38) by the condition that Q not be identically constant; brief details justifying this claim are given after the proof of the next proposition. Asking that Q not be identically constant is, in fact, no restriction at all since the case of Q identically constant is equivalent to W not depending on x, in which case the polymer measure is the original measure Pb , which is of no interest.


Lower bound for the discrete-space polymer

The lower bound announced in Theorem 1.5 is contained in the following. Proposition 4.1. Assume condition (38) holds true. Then there exists a constant which depends on cQ and the law of b, such that if > 0 then almost surely 1 lim log Zt t!1 t


> 0,

2 cQ : 18 log

Proof. Invoking Proposition 2.2, we have p ( ) = limt!1 pt ( ) = supt 0 pt ( ). Therefore, any chosen xed value t yields pt ( ) as a lower bound for p ( ). Recall that for our Markov process b in continuous time and discrete space, Nt the total number of jumps before time t is a Poisson process with parameter . For a lower bound 23

on pt ( ), we throw out, in the expectation de ning Zt , all the paths b that do not jump exactly once before time t. Recall that by hypothesis, the two sites e1 and e2 both have a positive probability of being reached at the time of that one jump; we also throw out all jump positions that are not e1 or e2 . Therefore, with 0 > 0 the smaller of the two probabilities of reaching e1 and e2 in one jump, and 1[0;t] (s) ds=t the law of the single jump time given Nt = 1, Z t ds Zt Pb [Nt = 1] 0 e W (s;0)+ W ([s;t];e1 ) + e W (s;0)+ W ([s;t];e2 ) ; t 0 where W ([s; t]; x) := W (t; x) W (s; x). Using this and Jensen's inequality, we get Z t ds t Zt e W (s;0)+ W ([s;t];e1 ) + e W (s;0)+ W ([s;t];e2 ) ; 0 te 0 t Z t 1 log( 0 t) ds E(log Zt ) + E [max (W ([s; t]; e1 ); W ([s; t]; e2 ))] : 2 t t 0 t

Now we evaluate the expected maximum above. The vector (W ([s; t]; e1 ) ; W ([s; t]; e2 )) p p is jointly Gaussian with common variances t sQ(0) and covariance t sQ(e1 e2 ). Therefore 1 E [max (W ([s; t]; e1 ) ; W ([s; t]; e2 ))] = E [jW ([s; t]; e1 ) 2 1 p W ([s; t]; e2 )])1=2 = p t

1 = p (Var [W ([s; t]; e1 ) 2

Thus, recalling condition (38) with , where cQ = Q(0) C log2 = 2 , we obtain 1 E(log Zt ) t

log t log( 0 + t t 2 2 + log C

) p 2 cQ p 3 C



W ([s; t]; e2 )j]

Q (0)


Q (e1

e2 ):


e2 ), and choosing t =

2 p cQ + p 3 t 2


C log2

(log C + 2 log log

+ log(



: (40)

p p The proof is completed by noting that the constant 2=C + 2 cQ = 3 C in the leading term above is maximal for C = 36 =cQ , and is then equal to cQ = (18 ); as for , it only need to be chosen large enough so that the second and third terms in (40) contribute nonnegatively, which is possible because of the presence of the term 2 log log . Now assume that, like the simple symmetric random walk, our Markov chain has a positive probability to reach every one of its nearest neighbors. To adapt the above proof to simply use, instead of Condition (38), the fact that Q is not identically constant, note that since Q (0) = maxx2Zd Q (x), we already have Q (e0 ) < Q (0) for some e0 2 Zd . First consider the case where e0 2 2Zd , i.e. that e0 's components are even. Then we can write e0 = 2e1 with 24

e1 2 Zd . Then in the above proof, instead of choosing between two trajectories with exactly one jump, one reaching e1 and one reaching e2 , use two nearest-neighbor trajectories with the same number of jumps, one reaching e1 and one reaching e1 . The remainder of the proof is identical in structure and only slightly more involved computationally; it is omitted. In the case where there is no e0 2 2Zd such that Q (e0 ) < Q (0), this means that Q is identically equal to Q (0) all over 2Zd . Because of W 's homogeneity, this implies that Q takes on only two values, Q (0) on 2Zd and Q (1) < Q (0) on Zd 2Zd . Said di erently, W is periodic in all d directions with period 2. This very speci c model is still non-degenerate enough to allow the conclusion of the above proposition to hold. One can show this similarly to the above proof, by using two trajectories, one with exactly one jump, and one with exactly two jumps. The details are left to the reader.


Upper bound for the discrete-space polymer

The upper bound result in Theorem 1.5 can be summarized in the following proposition. Proposition 4.2. Under the assumption that Q (0) < 1, there exists a constant which depends on Q, , and q, and a universal constant C > 0, such that if > almost surely 2 1 2 lim log Zt CQ (0) q : t!1 t log

0 0 0 0

> 0, then

Proof. Similarly to the decomposition of the discretized path in Step 3 of the proof of Proposition 3.1, our homogeneous Markov path b here, which is already in Zd , necessarily jumps at the jump times i of a single Poisson process (Nt )t 0 . We then only need to de ne S(t; n) as the simplex of size t and of dimension n, which is thus the set of all possible jump times t~ = ( i )ni=1 conditional on fNt = ng, and its distribution L dt~ is uniform on S(t; n). Since our Markov process b is not restricted to a simple random walk, the set Pn of all possible jump-site sequences x~ = (xi )ni=1 for a trajectory of length n is no longer of cardinality (2d)n , but the hypothesis that our Markov process has nite range means that Card[Pn ] q n . We denote the probability of the discrete path x~ 2 Pn by m (~ x). We can de ne m X ~ X m; t; x~ := fW ( i+1 ; xi ) W ( i ; xi )g : i=0

Let be a xed positive number which will be chosen later. Let T = [m t Sm , where Sm := fmg S (t; m) Pm , and set also Y = supT X: As in the Brownian case, we can bound E [log Zt ] above as follows: E [log Zt ]

E [log (A + B)]

E log+ A + E log+ B + log 2;



where log+ A = (log A)+ = max(log A; 0) and A := Pb [Nt t] exp ( Y ) h X B := Pb [Nt = m] Eb exp



X m; t~; x~

Nt = m :

m> t

Step 1: The term A. Similarly to inequality (23) in the continuous case, one invokes the proof of equation (30) in [12] to obtain that p Ktq n ;

E sup X(k; t~; x~)



where K depends only on Q. So, bounding Pb [Nt E log+ A

t] by 1, we have p Ktq :

E [Y ]


Step 2: The term B. The term B de ned in (42) can be bounded as follows: E [log B+ ] "

= E log+ 2

= E 4log+ "

E log+


Pb [Nt = m]

m> t




(~ x)


Pb [Nt = m]

n 1 m2[ nt; (n+1)t]


Pb [Nt > nt] exp


X m; t~; x~


x ~2Pm





n 1

X m; t~; x~



x ~2Pm


(~ x)


L dt~



L dt~ 5


So, using the fact that for t > 1, the power t 1 of a sum is less than the sum of the terms raised to the power t 1 , followed by Jensen's inequality, we have, similarly to what we did in the proof of Proposition 3.1, ! X 1 Y 1 (n+1) E log+ B log 1 + (Pb [Nt > nt])t E exp : t t n 1 Using once again Gaussian supremum analysis results (see [1] or [27]), for any ; x > 0, E [exp (xY )]

exp (xE [Y ]) exp x2 Ku max Var X m; t~; x~ (m;t~;~ x)2I p 2 exp xqKt exp x Ku tQ(0) ;

where Ku designates a universal constant, and where we used (43) and the trivial fact 2 E[X m; t~; x~ ] = Q (0) t. Hence E exp

Y(n+1) t


qK 26



(n + 1) +

Ku Q(0) t


If we choose t such that t > (2 Ku Q(0))=(qK 1=2 ), the estimate on B becomes ) ( X p p 1 1 1 n+1+ : E log+ B log 1 + (Pb [Nt > nt])t exp qKu 2 t n 1


Step 3: The tail of Nt . Using the presumably well-known tail estimate Pb [Nt > t] t( ) , valid for all 1 (see e.g. [16, pages 16-19]), if we set exp t log 0 = = and we assume 0 exp (1 1= ) we have Pb [Nt > t]

exp ( t






Step 4: Grouping our estimates and choosing . From (45) and (46) we have ( X p p 1 1 0 E log+ B log 1 + exp n log 0 n + q Ku n+1+ t 2 n 1



To exploit the negativity of the exponential term, we simply require 0

Indeed, since n 0

n log 0






= 4qKu



1, we then have that the term inside the exponential is n



1 4



n log

1 0 n log 2





n+1+ p


1 n 2

1 4

1 2





n log



1 4






1 2

1 2


1 2




1 0 n log 2



which implies 1 E log+ B t


log 1 +

X n 1


1 0 n log 2




= log 1 +


1 2

1 0 log




:= c :

The restriction 0 exp(1 1= ) implies that c is a constant that depends on the Poisson parameter only. Combining this with (41) and (44), we get 1 E [log Zt ] t

p log 2 + c + qK : t


Step 5: Conclusion. It is easy enough to see that, with x := (4q



K)2 ;


the equation (47), which is 0 = x= log2 0 , has a unique solution 0 when x exceeds e, and that 0 also exceeds e in that case: indeed 0 = e when x = e and d 0 =dx = 1 log2 0 + 2 log 0 > 0 for all 0 e. Therefore, since log2 0 > 1, we can write 0 x, and thus we also have: x x 0 = : (50) 2 0 log log2 x 0

This lower bound on 0


implies the following upper bound on

x log2



x = x= log2 x (log x




x : 2 log(log x))2


Since there exists x0 such that, for any x > x0 , we have log x > 4 log(log x);


and we can recast expression (51) into: p (4q K)2 4x = p (log + log 4q K)2 log2 x


from which we obtain

(4q Ku )2 E[log(Zt )] t





(4q =:

p 0





). Thus for t large enough:

2 log 2 + c + 4K 2 q 2 : t log

Taking limits as t tends to 1 and choosing 2


so that c log ; 4K 2 q 2


the theorem is proved with C = 16K 2 , after noting that in the proof of (30) in [12], the constant K is a universal constant times Q (0). Finally, we show that the theorem holds for large enough. Analyzing the conditions 0 we used above, we only have to take ; );where Kd ; ; are now 0 := max(Kd ; 0 speci ed. This is due to the fact that we assumed exp(1 1= ) and this implies, via (50), that x exp(1 1= ) (log + 1 1= ), and therefore, from (49), we have to take Kq; , where Kq; is a constant that depends only on q and . In addition, according to (52) and (53), and are the solutions to the following equations: 2


c log 4K 2 q 2





K ) = 4 log(log(4q


K )):

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