Software Requirements Specification Template

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Aug 7, 2017 - Software Requirements Specification for Meeting Management Tool .... which are done by the subordinates, the sub collector office activities ...
Software Requirements Specification for

Meeting Management Tool Prepared by

Coordination Mr. M. PRADEEP KUMAR, I.A.S., Sub Collector, Kumbakonam, Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu, India - 612001

Guidance Mr. P. SIVARAM, Assistant Professor (MMT Project Mentor), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre, SASTRA University, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India - 612001

Developer Mr. B. SELVAGURU, Scholar (MMT Project Mentee), IV B.Tech, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre, SASTRA University, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India - 612001

Copyright © 2017 by Prof. P. Sivaram & Mr. B. Selvaguru. (SRC, SASTRA University)


Software Requirements Specification for Meeting Management Tool

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Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iii 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1

Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1


Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 1


Project Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................2 2.1

Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................... 2


Product Features .............................................................................................................................. 3


Operating Environment .................................................................................................................... 3

3. System Screen Shots ................................................................................................................4 4. Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................................9 4.1

User Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 9


Hardware Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 9


Software Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 9


Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 9

5. Other Requirements ..............................................................................................................10 5.1

Performance Requirements ............................................................................................................ 10


Safety Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 14


Security Requirements ................................................................................................................... 14

Software Requirements Specification for Meeting Management Tool

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Project Documentation History Project Name MMT MMT

Date 27/07/2017 07/08/2017

Reason for Changes Initial Version Release Inauguration Release

Version 1.0 1.1

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

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1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to give a detailed description of the requirements for the “Meeting Management Tool” (MMT) software. It will illustrate the purpose and complete declaration for the development of system. It will also explain system constraints, interface and interactions with other external applications. This document is primarily intended to be proposed to the client for the approval and a reference for developing the first version of the system for the development team.

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions •

Sub Collector.


1.3 Project Scope With the help of this Android App (MMT), the Office Administration is made simple and effective in terms of evaluating Subordinates' work performance. This App acts the role in the form of a tool, and supports Decision Making Process in the activities of office administration. In the process of conducting periodic meetings, to improve efficiency on the regular activities accomplishment, which are done by the subordinates, the sub collector office activities are collected in the form of data and information through the developed Android App named Meeting Management Tool (MMT). The data and information collection and reviewing are performed with various levels of office administration professionals (Tahsildar, Deputy Tahsildar, Revenue Inspectors, and Village Administrative Officers).

Furthermore, the MMT app needs Internet connection to fetch and display data and information. All system information

is maintained in a database, which is located on a web-server and the database is an online database.

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

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2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective The MMT app projects its appearance in various forms, with respect to the user views. As for the top administrative professional (Sub Collector’s) view it reforms with its special features as Decision Support System, Administrative Assistance System and Subordinate’s Performance Evaluation System. From the subordinates view the system reforms its appearance as Management Information System. MMT Block Diagram Sub Collector s Login

Tahsildars Login

Questionnaire Session

Answers Session

Review Answers

Meeting Checklist

Analyze Subordinates Performance

Analyze Subordinates Performance




Fig. 1. Meeting Management Tool Block Diagram. This system will consist of two parts: the first part is rest with the subordinates’ activities, which are the data entry operations as per the questions asked in the prior day of the administration meeting, and the second part is the top administrative professional’s

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

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monitoring activity, which provides the options on performance analysis, with the help of the answers for the questions asked. In general, the top administrative professional allocates the questions, the day before the meeting and this list is considered as the meeting checklist. Before attending the meeting, the subordinates are liable to answer the questions to attend the meeting. On the meeting process the discussions on the meeting checklist points are verified and the details are reported and shared among the attendees. To improve the administrative activities efficiency, such information collection and the available crisp information based discussion, avoids the pitfalls in the progress on the specific activity.

2.2 Product Features •

Portability – Due to smartphone app, it is highly portable.

Reliability – With the smartphone and the internet availability, it is highly reliable.

Availability – Effective performance based on internet connectivity, it is available.

Accountability – With the information available on MIS, the operations are accountable.

2.3 Operating Environment ❖ Android Operating System ❖ Minimum: KitKat. ❖ Maximum: Nougat. ❖ RAM: Minimum 1 GB. ❖ Internet Connectivity.

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

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3. System Screen Shots

Fig. 2. Initialization of the MMT App and Login Screen.

Fig. 3. Sub Collector s Login Screen & Logged in Screen.

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

Fig. 4. Collector s & Sub Collector s Instructions.

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Fig. 5. Answers on Collector s & Sub Collector s Instructions.

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

Fig. 6. Sub Collector s Performance Analysis & LogOut.

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Fig. 7. Stages in Performance Evaluation.

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

Fig. 8. Performance Evaluation State Screen Shot .

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Fig. 9. Stages in Performance Evaluation.

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

Fig. 10. Tahsildar s Panel of Retrieving the Questions from Collector & Sub Collector and Providing Answers.

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Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

4. Interface Requirements 4.1 User Interfaces •

Internet Enabled Smart Phone and its connectivity with web and database server.

802.11b Wireless Communication Standard.

4.2 Hardware Interfaces •

Android OS Enabled Smart Phone. (At least Android KitKat OS 4.4)

4.3 Software Interfaces •

Android’s JSON based Online Database Connectivity.

Web and Database Server based PHP - MySQL Transaction Techniques.

Single Database and multiple tables based online database.

4.4 Communications Interfaces •

WIFI Technology based Communication.

Internet based Communication.

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Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

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Sl. No.

Subject which has to be reviewed

A) Important instructions given by District Collector on Monday meeting. 1 B) Important instructions given by Sub Collector


Disposal of Online certificates

Details 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ............................................ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. of cases pending with 1. Tahsildar... 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 3. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II 4. R.I. Kumbakonam 5. R.I. Devananchery 6. R.I. Cholanmaligai 7. R.I. Murukangudi 8. R.I. Natchiyarkovil

Particulars carry outing By Sub collector / Tahsildar

Sub Collector


Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”







Pending with 1. Tahsildar... 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 3. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II 4. Taluk Head surveyor Disposal of Online Patta Transfer petitions. 4. FFS. Kumbakonam 5. FFS. Devananchery 6. FFS. Cholanmaligai 7. FFS. Murukangudi 8. FFS. Natchiyarkovil Last date of submission of diary. Zonal Deputy Tahsildar Diary 1. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II Last date of submission of diary. 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... Firka Revenue Inspector Diary 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... Last date of submission of diary. 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... Firka Revenue Inspector Personal Register 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... No. of petitions pending with 1. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II Natham settlement, U.D.R. correction and R.I. Kumbakonam....... Patta name transfer order cancellation appeal 3. 4. R.I. Devananchery....... petitions 5. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 6. R.I. Murukangudi........ 7. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... No. of petitions pending with 1. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II Sub Collector special marked petitions 3. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 4. R.I. Devananchery....... 5. R.I. Cholanmaligai.......

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Sub collector/ Tahsildar

Sub collector/ Tahsildar

Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

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6. R.I. Murukangudi........ 7. R.I. Natchiyarkovil.......


Land Acquisition, Land Transfer, Land Alienation, Land Value, and land classification changes

No. of petitions pending with 1. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II No. of petitions pending with 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... Balance amount to be recovered... 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... Balance amount to be recovered... 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... Balance amount to be recovered... 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil.......



Birth and Death late entry enquiry petitions



Revenue Recovery Act demand collection details


pauper suit demand collection details


Land ceiling sale demand collection details


Urban land tax demand collection details

Balance amount to be recovered... 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Cholanmaligai.......



Social Security Scheme beneficiary petitions enquiry details

No. of petitions pending with 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery.......





Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”



Pension scheme petitions enquiry details

Election- electoral roll forms enquiry details


Seizure of illegal sand vehicle details


As per G.O.Ms.No. 540 eviction cases.


House site patta achievement details.

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3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... No. of petitions pending with 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... No. of petitions pending with 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil.......

No. of vehicle seized... 1. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 2. R.I. Devananchery....... 3. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 4. R.I. Murukangudi........ 5. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... No. of petitions pending with 1. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II 3. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 4. R.I. Devananchery....... 5. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 6. R.I. Murukangudi........ 7. R.I. Natchiyarkovil....... No. of cases pending with 1. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-I 2. Zonal Dy. Tahsildar-II 3. R.I. Kumbakonam....... 4. R.I. Devananchery....... 5. R.I. Cholanmaligai....... 6. R.I. Murukangudi........ 7. R.I. Natchiyarkovil.......






Software Requirements Specification for “Meeting Management Tool”

5.2 Safety Requirements •

Antivirus Installed Smart Phone with Consistent cum Continuous Updates Provision.

5.3 Security Requirements •

In first version of the software, only 4 users are operating the entire system.

Based on the Smartphone’s MAC address the web portal based database server (online server) can be provided with transaction access only for the 4 users (As Constraint).

This improves the security of the system activities.

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