Subjective Versus Objective Evaluation of Hypnotic Efficacy ...
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May 4, 2010 - A universal definition of cure is thus obviously needed for accurate interpretation of cure rates when surgical treatment of SUI is contemplated.
subjective perceptions and objective indicators of housing affordability and overcrowding. .... subjective evaluation of quality of life in less economically advanced ...... Progress.
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Recently, the need for improvement in the evaluation of hypnotic efficacy, as well as for more rational prescribing practices, has received increased federal.
Summary: This paper reviews the available literature on the use of melatonin as a hypnotic in normal volunteers and in patients with noncircadian insomnias.
Subjective opinions are ephemeral and subject to any number of factors that can range from facts to emotions. Opinions .
A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that connects the brain to a computer ... correction based on the second best guess of the classifier. Importantly ..... where M is the number of classes and p is the accuracy of the P300 classifier.
Sep 3, 2004 - Objective and Subjective Evaluation of the Influence of. Small Amounts of Delay and Jitter on a Recent First. Person Shooter Game. Peter Quax.
Subjective Versus Objective Evaluation of Hypnotic Efficacy ...
Summary: There is little published literature on the correlation between subjective and objective efficacy of hypnotics. We wanted to determine whether there ...
Subjective Versus Objective Evaluation of Hypnotic Efficacy: Experience with Zolpidem M. H. Kryger, D. Steljes, Z. Pouliot, H. Neufeld and T. Odynski Section of Respiratory Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Summary: There is little published literature on the correlation between subjective and objective efficacy of hypnotics. We wanted to determine whether there was a correlation between the patient's subjective evaluation of the efficacy of the hypnotic with the polysomnographic (PSG) findings. We studied 16 patients with chronic insomnia (sleep latency, 2:30 minutes; total sleep time, > 240 but