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ing total functions. One proceeds as follows. ... The present paper was inspired by the following amazingly negative ..... striction to recursive texts doesn't a ect learning power ..... its analog for uniformly r.e. classes (Theorem 1 in Sec- tion 3.1 ...
Synthesizing Enumeration Techniques For Language Learning Ganesh R. Baliga

Computer Science Department Rowan College of New Jersey Mullica Hill, NJ 08024, USA (Email: [email protected])

John Case

Department of CIS University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716, USA (Email: [email protected])

Abstract This paper provides positive and negative results on algorithmically synthesizing, from grammars and from decision procedures for classes of languages, learning machines for identifying, from positive data, grammars for the languages in those classes. In the process, the uniformly decidable classes of recursive languages that can be behaviorally correctly identi ed from positive data are surprisingly characterized by Angluin's 1980 Condition 2 (the subset principle for preventing overgeneralization).

1 Introduction In the context of learning programs in the limit for functions [KW80, AS83, OSW86b], a variety of enumeration techniques [Gol67, BB75, Wie90, Ful90b] are important and ubiquitous. Here is the archetypal case. Suppose one has an r.e. set P of programs for computing total functions. One proceeds as follows. At each point that one is given data about an input function, one conjectures the rst program, if any, listed in P that is correct on the data seen through that point. Clearly for functions f computed by some program in P , this procedure will eventually lock onto a xed conjecture correct for f . For example, if P is the set of MeyerRitchie loop-programs [MR67, RC94], then the enumeration technique we just described learns, in the limit, a correct nal program for each primitive recursive function. More generally, enumeration techniques involve some process of matching and elimination based on an initial r.e. set of programs for the objects to be learned. Enumeration techniques for function learning trivially have the crucial constructivity property that there is an algorithm for translating an enumeration procedure

Sanjay Jain

Department of ISCS National University of Singapore Singapore (Email: [email protected])

for P into a corresponding enumeration technique which learns, in the limit, a correct program for each function computed by a program in P . Lets see what happens with enumeration techniques and their constructivity in the context of learning (formal) grammars for (formal) languages from positive information about those languages [OSW86b]. The present paper was inspired by the following amazingly negative result from [OSW88]. They show: there is no algorithm for translating any pair of grammars (g; g0 ) into a learning procedure which, from positive data about any one of the languages generated by g and g0 , nds in the limit, for this language, a correct grammar! By the way, the problem is not that correct programs for nite classes of languages can't be learned in the limit; they can [OSW86b], and by an obvious enumeration technique. The problem is how to pass algorithmically from a list of grammars to a machine which so learns the corresponding languages. We consider herein the extent to which one can assuage the negative result in the just previous paragraph by, among other means, loosening the requirements for successful learning. We let card(S ) denote the cardinality of a set S . We show, for example, (Theorem 1 in Section 3 below) that there is an algorithm for translating any enumeration procedure for a nite set P of grammars into a learning procedure MP which, given any listing of a language L generated by grammars in P , eventually converges to outputting over and over no more than card(P ) grammars each of which is correct for L. The requirement for successful learning is loosened from requiring MP to output eventually a single correct grammar for L (this is called TxtEx-identi cation) to merely requiring MP to output eventually  card(P ) grammars correct for L.1 Furthermore, MP does involve an enumeration technique, a procedure which does matching and elimination based on the grammars in P . Interestingly, too, MP , in this case, outputs conjectures 1 The criterion requiring a machine, on positive data for a language L, to output eventually no more than n distinct grammars each of which is correct is called TxtFexn identi cation [Cas88, Cas92]. TxtFex1 -identi cation is just TxtEx-identi cation, but one can learn strictly larger classes of languages with TxtFexn+1 -identi cation than with TxtFexn -identi cation [Cas88, Cas92].

from the \hypothesis space" P itself [LZ93]. Suppose x is a procedure for enumerating an r.e. (possibly in nite) set of grammars P . Let Cx be the set of languages generated by the grammars in P . Some interesting Cx 's are learnable [Ang80a, Ang80b, Ang82] and some are not [Gol67]. In Section 3.1 we explore the problem of synthesizing learning machines for learnable Cx 's from the corresponding x's. One shot language identi cation (called TxtEx0 identi cation below) is just the important case of TxtEx-identi cation where the learning procedure makes but one conjecture (which must, then, be correct). The proof of Theorem 3 below (in Section 3.1) presents an algorithm for transforming any x such that Cx is TxtEx0 -identi able into a (behaviorally correct [CL82, OW82a]2 or TxtBc) learning procedure which, on any listing of a language in Cx, eventually converges to an in nite sequence of grammars each of which generates the input language.3 For this, as well as our other results providing the synthesis of a learning machine, each synthesized learning machine can be construed as implementing a (perhaps complicated) enumeration technique; however, of necessity, in most cases the conjectures of the synthesized machines go beyond the original hypothesis space [LZ93]. Regarding the positive results about Cx 's, we also present corresponding lower bound results showing, in many cases, the positive results to be best possible. For example, Theorem 4 below shows the necessity of the cost, from Theorem 3, of passing from no mind changes for the input classes to in nitely many in the synthesized learning machines. There has been considerable interest in the computational learning theory community in the learnability, from positive data, of uniformly decidable classes of recursive languages. This begins with [Gol67], but especially spans [Ang80b] through [ZL95]. In the context of the present paper, one might hope to obtain synthesized learning machines with better mind change complexity if one input decision procedures in place of grammars for the languages to be learned from positive data. In Section 3.2 below, we see that this is indeed the case. For example, the proof of Theorem 9 below (in Section 3.2) presents an algorithm for transforming any uniform decision procedure for a class of recursive languages L that is TxtEx0 -identi able into a learning procedure which TxtEx-identi es L. Theorem 10 shows the necessity of the cost, from Theorem 9, of passing from no mind changes for the input classes to nitely many in the synthesized learning machines. Suppose a 2a N [ fg, where  is not a natural number. TxtBc -identi cation [CL82] is just like TxtBc-

identi cation except that, in the nal sequence of \correct" programs, each program is allowed to make up to a mistakes (where a =  denotes the unbounded, nite case). The proof of the Main Theorem of the present paper (Theorem 11) provides an algorithm for transforming any uniform decision procedure for a class of recursive languages L that is TxtBca a -identi able into a learning procedure which TxtBc -identi es L. Hence, in passing from learnable uniformly decidable classes to algorithmically synthesized learning machines for them, we get a xed point, for each a, at TxtBca identi cation! The last theorem of Section 3.2 (Theorem 12) shows that the cost of passing from even one mind change in the input classes to in nitely many in the synthesized learning machines is necessary. The Main Corollaries (Corollaries 2 and 3) of the proof of the Main Theorem (Theorem 11) completely characterize the uniformly decidable classes in TxtBca . In fact, for the a = 0 case, surprisingly, our characterizing condition is Angluin's Condition 2 from [Ang80b]! This condition is the subset principle, a necessary condition preventing overgeneralization in learning from positive data [Ang80b, Ber85, Cas92].4 Her Condition 1, also from [Ang80b], was an constructive version of her Condition 2, providing her characterization of uniformly decidable classes in TxtEx.5 Hence, a uniformly decidable class is in (TxtBc ? TxtEx) , it satis es Angluin's Condition 2 but not her Condition 1. Finally, the discussion following the proof of Theorem 12 clari es the connection between our learning machine synthesizing algorithm from the proof of Theorem 11 and one implicit in Angluin's proof [Ang80b] of her characterization theorem.

See also [Bar74, CS78, CS83]. One can learn larger classes of languages with TxtBcidenti cation than with TxtFexn -identi cation for any n [Cas88, Cas92]; of course this is at a cost of outputting in nitely many distinct grammars in the limit.

4 See [KLHM93, Wex93] for discussion regarding the possible connection between this subset principle and a more traditionally linguistically oriented one in [MW87]. 5 We restate these conditions in Section 3.2 below. 6 Decorations are subscripts, superscripts and the like.



2 Preliminaries 2.1 Notation N denotes the set of natural numbers, f0; 1; 2; 3; . . .g. Unless otherwise speci ed, e; i; j; k; m; n; p; s; w; x; y; z , with or without decorations6, range over N .  denotes a non-member of N and is assumed to satisfy (8n)[n <  < 1]. Furthermore, 2 def = . a; b and c with or without decorations, ranges over N [ fg. ;

denotes the empty set.  denotes subset.  denotes proper subset.  denotes superset.  denotes proper superset. P and S , with or without decorations, range over sets. We sometimes write card(S )   to mean S is nite. We use S1 S2 to denote the symmetric difference of the sets S1 and S2 . S1 =a S2 means that card(fx j x 2 S1 S2 g)  a. ODD denotes the set of odd natural numbers. EVEN denotes the set of even natural numbers.

max(); min() denote the maximum and minimum of a set, respectively, where max(;) = 0 and min(;) is unde ned. Fix a canonical indexing of the nite sets 1-1 onto N [Rog67]. The min() of a collection of nite sets is, then, the nite set in the collection with minimal canonical index. Also, when we compare nite sets by < we are comparing their corresponding canonical indices. We use the symbol # to denote that a computation converges. f; g and h with or without decorations range over total functions with arguments and values from N . h; i stands for an arbitrary, computable, one-to-one encoding of all pairs of natural numbers onto N [Rog67]. ' denotes a xed acceptable programming system for the partial computable functions: N ! N [Rog58, MY78, Roy87]. 'i denotes the partial computable function computed by program i in the '-system. The set of all (total) recursive functions of one variable is denoted by R. R0;1 denotes the class of all (total) recursive 0-1 valued functions. Wi denotes domain('i ). Wi is, then, the r.e. set/language ( N ) accepted (or equivalently, gener= fx  s j ated [HU79]) by the '-program i. Wis def x appears in Wi in  s stepsg. For language L  N , L[x] denotes fw  x j x 2 Lg, and we use L to denote the characteristic function of L; L denotes complement of L. L, with or without decorations, ranges over set of subsets of the r.e. sets. We sometimes consider partial recursive functions with two arguments in the ' system. In such cases we implicitly assume that h; i is used to code the arguments, so, for example, 'i (x; y) stands for 'i (hx; yi). The quanti ers `81', and `91 ' essentially from [Blu67], mean `for all but nitely many' and `there exist in nitely many', respectively. f : N ! N is limiting recursive def , (9 recursive g : (N  N ) ! N )(8x)[f (x) = limt!1 g(x; t)]. Intuitively, g(x; t) is the output at discrete time t of a mind changing algorithm for f (acting on input x); hence, for f limiting recursive as just above, for all x, for all but nitely many times t, the output of the mind changing algorithm on input x is f (x). It is easy to show that there is a limiting recursive function h such that (8 recursive g)(81 x)[h(x) > g(x)]. Hence, the limiting recursive functions go way beyond the recursive ones; in fact, they have been known since Post ([Sha71]) to characterize the functions recursive in an oracle for the halting problem. The set of all (total) limiting recursive functions of one variable is denoted by LR. We sometimes use the symbol `:' for negation.

into (N [ f#g). The content of a sequence , denoted content(), is the set of natural numbers in the range of . The length of , denoted by jj, is the number of elements in .  denotes an empty sequence. Intuitively, #'s represent pauses in the presentation of data. We let  and  , with or without decorations, range over nite sequences. SEQ denotes the set of all nite sequences. The set of all nite sequences of natural numbers and #'s, SEQ, can be coded onto N . This latter fact will be used implicitly in some of our proofs. A language learning machine is an algorithmic device which computes a mapping from SEQ into N [ f?g. Intuitively the outputted ?s represent the machine not yet committing to an output program. The reason we want the ?s is so we can avoid biasing the number of program mind changes before a learning machine converges: if we allow initial outputs of ?s before, if ever, the rst program is output, then we can learn more things within n mind changes than if we had to begin with a program (numerical) output. In this paper we assume, without loss of generality, that for all    , [M() 6=?] ) [M( ) 6=?]. M ranges over language learning machines. Lemma 4.2.2B in [OSW86b] easily generalizes to cover all learning criteria considered in this paper thereby providing a recursive enumeration M0 ; M1 ; . . . of (total) language learning machines such that, for any inference criteria I, every L 2 I is I-identi ed by some machine in this enumeration. Moreover, this enumeration satis es the s-m-n property, i.e., given a description, algorithmic in x, of a behavior of a machine M, one can algorithmically nd a machine Mf (x) whose learning behavior is identical to that of M. In the following we x an arbitrary such enumeration M0 ; M1 ; . . . .

2.2 Learning Machines

2.3.1 Explanatory Language Identi cation Suppose M is a learning machine and T is a text. M(T )# (read: M(T ) converges ) def , (9i)(81 n) [M(T [n]) = i]. If M(T )#, then M(T ) is de ned = the unique i such that (81 n)[M(T [n]) = i].

We now consider language learning machines. We rst introduce a notion that facilitates discussion about elements of a language being fed to a learning machine. A sequence  is a mapping from an initial segment of N

2.3 Fundamental Language Identi cation Paradigms A text T for a language L is a mapping from N into (N [ f#g) such that L is the set of natural numbers in the range of T . The content of a text T , denoted content(T ), is the set of natural numbers in the range of T . Intuitively, a text for a language is an enumeration or sequential presentation of all the objects in the language with the #'s representing pauses in the listing or presentation of such objects. For example, the only text for the empty language is just an in nite sequence of #'s. We let T , with or without superscripts, range over texts. T [n] denotes the nite initial sequence of T with length n. Hence, domain(T [n]) = fx j x < ng.

We now introduce criteria for a learning machine to be considered successful on languages.

De nition 1 Recall that a and b range over N [ fg. (1) M def a a TxtEx -identi es L (written: L 2 TxtEx (M)) , (8 texts T for L)(9i j Wi =a L)[M(T )# = i]. (2)

M TxtExab-identi es L def , (written:L 2 TxtExab (M)) a [L 2 TxtEx (M) ^ (8 texts T for L)[card(fx j? 6= M(T [x]) ^ M(T [x]) 6= M(T [x + 1])g)  b]]. (3) TxtExab = fL j (9M)[L  TxtExab (M)]g: Gold [Gol67] introduced the criteria we call TxtEx0 . The generalization to the a > 0 cases in De nition 1 is motivated by the observation that humans rarely learn a language perfectly, where the a represents an upper bound on the numer of anomalies permitted in nal grammars. The a > 0 case is from [CL82], but [OW82a], independently, introduced the a =  case. For these and the other success criteria of this paper, we have that tolerating more anomalies leads to being able to learn larger classes of languages [CL82, Cas88, Cas92, BC93]. Gold's model of language learning from text (positive information) and by machine [Gol67] has been very in uential in contemporary theories of natural language and in mathematical work motivated by its possible connection to human language learning (see, for example, [Pin79, WC80, Wex82, OSW82, OSW84, Ber85, Gle86, Cas86, OSW86a, OSW86b, Ful85, Ful90a, Kir92, BCJ95]). We sometimes write TxtEx for TxtEx0 and TxtExa a for TxtEx .

2.3.2 Vacillatory and Behaviorally Correct Language Identi cation De nition 2 We say M(T ) nitely-converges (written: M(T )+) def , fM( ) j   T g is a nite subset of N . If M(T )+, then M(T ) is de ned = fp j (91   T )[M( ) = p]g; otherwise, M(T ) is unde ned. De nition 3 M, TxtFexab-identi es an r.e. language L (written:L 2 TxtFexab (M)) def , (8 texts T for L)[M(T )+ = a set of cardinality  b and (8p 2 M(T ))[Wp =a L]]. TxtFexab denotes the class of all classes La of languages such that some learning machine TxtFexb -identi es each language in L. In TxtFexab -identi cation the b is a \bound" on the

number of nal grammars and the a a \bound" on the number of anomalies allowed in these nal grammars. In general a \bound" of  just means unbounded, but , there is an algorith nite. Intuitively, L 2 TxtFexab def mic procedure p such that, if p is given any listing of any language L 2 L, it outputs a sequence of grammars

converging in a non-empty set of no more than b grammars, and each of these grammars makes no more than a mistakes in generating L. N.B. The b in TxtExab has a totally di erent meaning form the b in TxtFexab ; the former is a bound on mind changes for convergence to a single nal program, the latter is a bound on the number of di erent programs an associated machine eventually vacillates between in the limit. We sometimes write TxtFexb for TxtFex0b . TxtFexa1 -identi cation is clearly equivalent to TxtExa . Osherson and Weinstein [OW82a] were the rst to de ne 0 and TxtFex , and the other the notions of TxtFex   a cases of TxtFexb -identi cation are from [Cas86, Cas88, Cas92].

De nition 4 (1) M a a TxtBc -identi es 1L (written: L 2a TxtBc (M)) def , (8 texts T for L)(8 n)[WM(T [n]) = L]. (2) TxtBca = fL j (9M)[L  TxtBca (M)]g: In a completely computable universe all texts must be recursive (synonym: computable). This motivates the following

De nition 5 (1) M RecTxtBca-identi es L (written: L 2 RecTxtBca (M)) def , (8 recursive texts T for L)(81 n)[WM(T [n]) =a L]. (2) RecTxtBca = fL j (9M)[L  RecTxtBca (M)]g: De nition 4 is from [CL82]. The a 2 f0; g cases were independently introduced in [OW82a, OW82b]. RecTxtBca =6 TxtBca [CL82, Fre85]; however, the restriction to recursive texts doesn't a ect learning power for TxtFexab -identi cation [Cas88, Cas92]. We sometimes write TxtBc for TxtBc0 , etc. De nition 6  is called a TxtExa-locking sequence for M on L, def , content()  L, WM() =a L, and (8 j    ^ content( )  L)[M() = M( )].  is called a TxtBca -locking sequence for M on L, i content()  L, and (8 j    ^ content( )  L)[WM( ) =a L]. It can be shown ([BB75, OW82a, OSW86b, Cas92]) that if M TxtExa -identi es L, then there exists a TxtExa locking sequence foraM on L. Similarly it can be shown that, ifa M TxtBc -identi es L, then there exists a TxtBc -locking sequence for M on L.

3 Results In Section 3.1 we present our positive and negative results on synthesizing learning machines from grammars.

In Section 3.2 we present such results on synthesizing learning machines from decision procedures.

3.1 Synthesizing From Grammars = fWp j p 2 Wx g. De nition 7 Cx def One can think of the x in `Cx ' as representing a uniform grammar for generating (accepting) the languages in Cx .

The following theorem removes some of the sting from the negative result ([OSW88]) motivating the present paper. It does this by relaxation of the criterion for successful learning.

Theorem 1 (9 recursive f )(8x j Wx is nite) [Cx  TxtFexcard(Wx )(Mf (x))].7 Let match(i; T [n]) = min(fng [ (Win content(T [n]))). Intuitively match nds the minimum point of disagreement between Wi and T [n]. Note that [i is a grammar for content(T ) , limn!1 match(i; T [n]) = 1]. Let Mf (x)(T [n]) = i 2 Wxn which maximizes match(i; T [n]):


Fix x such that Wx is nite. Let L 2 Cx and T be a text for L. Since, Wx is nite, it is easy to verify that, for all but nitely many n, Mf (x)(T [n]) is in Wx and is a grammar for L = content(T ). The theorem follows. As a corollary of the proof of the above theorem, we have

Corollary 1 ([OSW88]) (9 recursive f )(8x j Wx is nite ^ (8 distinct i; j 2 Wx )[Wi 6= Wj ])[Cx  TxtEx(Mf (x))]. That the bound in Theorem 1 above is tight is witnessed by the following strong lower bound

Theorem 2 For all n  1, :(9f 2 LR)(8i0; i1; . . . ; in) [fWi ; Wi ; . . . Win g  TxtFexn (Mf (i ;i ;...;in ) )]. 0




The n = 1 case of Theorem 2 just above, with `limiting recursive' replaced by `recursive' is just the negative result from [OSW88] that inspired the present paper, but, of course, Theorem 2 is stronger and more general. Theorem 2 follows by a direct n-ary recursion theorem argument and also quickly but indirectly from the fact from [Cas88, Cas92] that (TxtFexn+1 ? TxtFexn ) 6= ;. The following theorem implies that it is possible to synthesize algorithmically, from uniform grammars, behaviorally correct learners for classes which can be learned 7 Our proof actually demonstrates that (9 recursive f )(8n; x j max(fcard(fi 2 Wx j Wi = Lg) j L 2 Cx g) = n)[Cx  TxtFexn (Mf (x) )]. This nicely generalizes the special case from [OSW88] presented as Corollary 1 below.

in one-shot (i.e., without any mind changes). As Theorem 4 further below shows, the cost of passing from no mind changes in the input classes to in nitely many in the synthesized learning machines is in some cases necessary (but see the second paragraph in Section 4 below). Recall that 2 def = .

Theorem 3 (9 recursive f )(8x j Cx 2 TxtExa0 )[Cx  2 a TxtBc (Mf (x))]. Fix x such that Cx 2 TxtExa0 . Claim 1 (8L 2 Cx)(9S  L)(8L0 j S  L0)[L0 2 Cx ) 0 2a Proof.

L = L]:

Suppose M TxtExa0 {identi es Cx. Suppose by way of contradiction that L 2 Cx is such that (8S  L)(9L0 aj S  L0 )[(L0 2 Cx ) ^ (L0 6=2a L)]: Let  be a TxtEx locking sequence for M on L [OSW86b]. Let L0 2 Cx be such that L0  content() and L0 6=2a L. Since WM() =a L, it follows that WM() 6=a L0 . Therefore, L0 62 TxtExa0 (M), a contradiction. 2(Claim 1) Let g be a recursive function such that for all x and , Wg(x;) = Wy , where y 2 Wx is an integer satisfying content()  Wy , if such an integer exists; otherwise, Wg(x;) = ;. Let f be a recursive function such that for all x, Mf (x) () = g(x; ). Fix L 2 Cx and a text T for L. Let S  L witness that L satis es the above claim. Let n0 be such that content(T [n0])  S . It follows using Claim 1 that for (Theorem 3) all n  n0 , WMf x (T [n]) =2a L. Proof.

( )

It is open whether, for a > 0, the 2a in Theorem 3 just above is also a lower bound; however, we do know the following

Theorem 4 :(9f 2 LR)(8x j Cx 2 TxtEx0 )[Cx  TxtFex(Mf (x))]. We prove here the following restricted version of the theorem. :(9f 2 R)(8x j Cx 2 TxtEx0 )[Cx  TxtFex (Mf (x) )]:


Suppose by way of contradiction that f 2 R is such that (8x j Cx 2 TxtEx0 )[Cx  TxtFex (Mf (x) )]. By the Operator Recursion Theorem [Cas74, Cas94], there exists a recursive function p such that the languages Wp(i) , i  0, are de ned in stages as follows. Initially, the Wp(i) 's are empty and  is the empty sequence. Go to stage 1. Stage s 1. For each i such that 1  i  s, enumerate p(i) into Wp(0) and let Wp(i) = content(). 2. Let xs = min(fx j content() \fhx; ii j i  0g = ;g).

3. Dovetail steps 4 and 5. If and when step 4 succeeds, go to step 6. 4. Search for 0   such that card(fMf (p(0))(00 ) j 00  0 g)  s. 5. For each i such that 1  i  s, enumerate more and more elements for the fhxs + i ? 1; j i j j  0g into Wp(i) . 6. Let   0 be the least sequence such that content( )  fj j j  S 1 + max( 1is Wp(i) enumerated until now)g. Go to stage s + 1. End stage s We consider 2 cases. Case 1: All stages terminate. In this case, it can be veri ed that Wp(0) = fp(i) j i  1g and for all i  1, Wp(i) = N . Thus, Cp(0) 2 TxtEx0. But step 4 succeeds in every stage, hence Cp(0) 6 TxtFex (Mf (p(0)) ). Case 2: Stage s starts but does not terminate. In this case, Wp(0) = fp(i) j 1  i  sg. Let s be the value of  just before the start of stage s. From step 5 it is clear that for all i such that 1  i  s, Wp(i) = fhxs + i ? 1; j i j j  0g. Hence (8i  s; j  s j i 6= j )[Wp(i) 6= Wp(j) ]. Thus, since step 4 did not succeed in stage s, Cp(0) 6 TxtFex (Mf (p(0)) ). Furthermore, it is clear that Cp(0) is nite and the languages in it are pairwise incomparable (by ). Hence, Cp(0) 2 TxtEx0 .

Let  be a TxtEx-locking sequence for M on L. Let L0 2 Cx be such that L0 6= L, L0 does not satisfy Prop0 , and content()  L0 (such an L0 exists, since L does not satisfy Prop1 ). Let 0 be an extension of  such that 0 is a TxtEx-locking sequence for M on L0 . Let L00 2 Cx be such that L00 6= L0 and content(0 )  L00 . Such an L00 exists since L0 does not satisfy Prop0 . Now it is easy to see that M does not TxtEx1 {identify at least one language in fL; L0; L00 g since, if M TxtEx1 identi es L and L0 , then on a text for L00 which extends 0 it needs at least two mind changes. 2 (Claim 2) Thus, all languages in Cx satisfy Prop1 . We will utilize this property in algorithmically synthesizing a machine for TxtBc {identifying Cx. Let f be a recursive function such that for all x and , WMf x () is de ned in stages as follows: ( )

Suppose Cx 2 TxtEx1 and (8i; j 2 Wx )[Wi = Wj ) i = j ].

Stage s 1. Let n = jj, X = Wxn and Y = fi 2 X j content()  Wis g. 2. For i 2 Y , let Zi = Wis [n]. 3. Let p1 = min(Y ) and let p2 = min(fi 2 Y j Zi  Zp g). Intuitively Wp is the rst language in Cx which \looks like" a proper subset of Wp . 4. If p2 " (recall that min(;)") then enumerate all the elements of Wps into WMf x () and go to stage s + 1. 5. Otherwise, 5.1 Let Sp = min(fS 0 j (S 0  Wps ) and (8i 2 Wxs j i 6= p1 )[S 0 6 Wis ]g). (* Note that according to our convention, the minimum over a collection of nite sets, is the set in the collection with least canonical index. *) 5.2 Let Sp = min(fS 0 j (S 0  Wps ) and (8i 2 Wxs j i 6= p2 )[S 0 6 Wis ]g). 5.3 If Sp < Sp , then enumerate Wps into WMf x () . Otherwise enumerate Wps into WMf x () . 5.4 Go to stage s + 1 End stage s

We say that L 2 Cx satis es property Prop1 def , there exists a nite subset SL of L such that (8L0 2 Cx j L0 6= L)[SL  L0 ) L0 satis es Prop0 ]. Note that if L satis es Prop0 , then, trivially, L satis es Prop1 . Claim 2 All languages L 2 Cx satisfy Prop1. Proof. Suppose by way of contradiction L 2 Cx does not satisfy Prop1 . Suppose M TxtEx1 -identi es Cx .

Fix L 2 Cx and T , a text for L. Let i1 2 Wx be the unique grammar such that Wi = L. We consider two cases. Case 1: L satis es Prop0 . Let SL witness that L satis es Prop0 . Let n0  max(SL) be the least value such that SL  content(T [n0]) and i1 2 Wxn . Fix n such that n  n0 . We claim that WMf x (T [n]) = L. Let s0 be the least number such that content(T [n])  Wis . It is clear that for all stages s  s0 , the set Y computed in step 1 (of stage s) is the singleton set fi1 g (since L satis es Prop0 ). Thus, for all stages s  s0 , step 4 will be executed and WMf x (T [n]) = L.

It is interesting to generalize Theorem 3 above about synthesis from one-shot learnable Cx's to the case of two-shot learnable Cx's. The next two Theorems (Theorems 5 and 6) provide our best to date upper and lower bounds, respectively, for the two-shot cases. Other possibilities are open. Theorem 5 (9f 2 R)(8x)[[Cx 2 TxtEx 1 ^ (8 distinct i; j 2 Wx )[Wi 6= Wj ]] ) Cx 2 TxtBc (Mf (x) )]. Proof.

, there We say that L 2 Cx satis es property Prop0 def exists a nite subset SL of L such that (8L0 2 Cx)[SL  L0 ) L = L0 ]. Intuitively L satisfying Prop0 have a nite subset which uniquely determines L (from Cx ).





( )









( )

( )



( )

( )

0 1

Case 2: L satis es Prop1 but not Prop0.

Let SL witness that L satis es Prop1 . Let n0 be so large so that the following are satis ed: (i) SL  content(T [n0]); (ii) for i  i1 , if content(T [n0])  Wi , then L  Wi ; (iii) for i < j < i1 , if Wi 6 Wj , then Wi [n0 ] 6 Wj [n0 ]; (iv) Wxn  Wx [i1 ]. Fix n  n0 . We claim that WMf x (T [n]) = L. Let s0 be so large that (8i 2 Wxn )[Wis  Wi [max(fng [ content(T [n]))]]. Thus, values of Y; Zi ; p1 ; p2 as de ned in steps 1,2,3 do not change beyond stage s0 . Below, let Y; Zi ; p1 ; p2 be as computed in stage s0 and beyond. There are two possibilities. Suppose p2 is not de ned. In this case, for all stages s0  s0 , step 4 will be executed. Note that i1 2 Y and for any i < i1, if i 2 Y , then (by (ii) above) L = Wi  Wi . Thus p1 = i1 and WMf x (T [n]) = Wi = L. Now suppose p2 is de ned. Then in stage s  s0 , step 4 will not be executed; instead, step 5 will be executed. Clearly, i1 2 fp1 ; p2 g (otherwise Wi  Wp  Wp | by condition (ii) and (iii) for choice of n0 | which implies Cx 62 TxtEx1 ). Suppose i1 = p1 (the argument is similar if i1 = p2 ). Since SL  Wp , it follows that L0 = Wp satis es Prop0 . Now since Wp satis es Prop0 but Wp does not, it follows that for all but nitely many stages s, Sp > Sp . It thus follows, due to step 5.3, that WMf x (T [n]) = Wp = L. (Theorem 5)

4.2 Enumerate the (even) number 2s into Wp(s) . 4.3 Let O = O [ Ps , where Ps is the set found above in step 3. 4.5 Go to stage s + 1. End stage s.


( ) 0



( )











( )

We consider two cases. Case 1: Stage s starts but does not terminate. In this case Wp(0) = fp(i) j 1  i  sg. Observe that for each i such that 2  i  s ? 1, 2i is the only even number in Wp(i) . Wp(1) is a nite subset of ODD and Wp(s) = ODD ? O, is an in nite subset of ODD. It is then easy to verify that Cp(0) 2 TxtEx1 . Let T  s be a recursive text for Wp(s) . It is clear that for all ( j s    T )[WMf p () \ ODD is nite]. Thus, M does not RecTxtBcn -identify Wp(s) . Case 2: All stages terminate. In this case, clearly, for all i > 1, Wp(i) is nite and contains exactly one even number, namely 2i. Also, Wp(1) contains only odd numbers. Thus Cp(0) belongs to TxtEx1 . We claimSthat M does not RecTxtBcn -identify Wp(1) . Let T = s2 s . Clearly, T is a recursive text with content exactly Wp(1) . Consider any stage s  2. It is clear by steps 3 and 4 that, for all s, card(WMf p (s ) ? Wp(1) )  n + 1. Thus, T is a recursive text witnessing that M does not RecTxtBcn {identify Wp(1) . ( (0))

( (0))

Theorem 6 (8f 2 LR)(8n)(9x)[Cx 2 TxtEx1 ? RecTxtBcn(Mf (x))]. We prove here the following restricted version of the theorem only. (8f 2 R)(8n)(9x)[Cx 2 TxtEx1 ?RecTxtBcn (Mf (x))]: Fix f and n. By the Operator Recursion Theorem [Cas74, Cas94], there exists a 1-1 increasing recursive function p such that the languages Wp(i) , i  0, are de ned as follows. Enumerate p(1) in Wp(0) . Wp(1) will be a subset of ODD. The construction will use a set O. Initially, let O = ;. Informally, O denotes the set of odd numbers we have decided to keep out of Wp(1) . Let 2 be the empty sequence. Go to stage 2.


Stage s 1. Enumerate p(s) into Wp(0) . Dovetail the execution of steps 2 and 3. If and when step 3 succeeds, go to step 4. 2. Enumerate one-by-one, in increasing order, the elements of ODD ? O into Wp(s) . 3. Search for s+1  s and set Ps containing exactly n + 1 distinct odd numbers such that content(s+1 )  ODD ? O and Ps  (WMf p (s ) ? content(s+1 )). 4. 4.1 Enumerate content(s+1 ) into Wp(1) . ( (0))


3.2 Synthesizing From Decision Procedures De nition 8

(1) We say that x is a uniform decision procedure for a class L of recursive languages def , ['x 2 R0;1 ^ L = fL j (9i)[L () = 'x (i; )]g]. (2) Suppose x is a uniform decision procedure. Then Ux is (by de nition) the class of languages for which x is a uniform decision procedure. (3) L is a uniformly decidable class of languages def , (9x, a uniform decision procedure)[L = Ux ]. (4) When a xed uniform decision procedure x is understood, we sometimes then write Ui for the language whose characteristic function is 'x (i; ). (5) By Ui [s] we mean fx 2 Ui j x  sg. As noted in Section 1, there has been considerable interest in the computational learning theory community in learnability, from positive data, of uniformly decidable classes of recursive languages [Ang80b, ZL95]. As Angluin [Ang80b] essentially points out, all of the formal language style example classes are uniformly decidable.

[Ang80b], for example, deals with so-called exact [LZ93] learning in which, for each learnable class, the programs learned derive naturally from the de ning uniform decision procedure for that class.8 Herein, we will synthesize learning machines whose hypothesis spaces, in some cases of necessity, go beyond ones naturally associated with the de ning uniform decision procedures for the classes [LZ93]. The next two theorems (Theorems 7 and 8) deal with the special case where the uniformly decidable classes are nite. The rst is an even more positive result than its analog for uniformly r.e. classes (Theorem 1 in Section 3.1 above). It's proof is straightforward, hence, omitted. The second shows the rst is best possible.

Theorem 7 (8n  1)(9 recursive f )(8x j x is a uniform decision procedure and card(Ux ) = n)[Ux  TxtExn?1(Mf (x))]. Theorem 8 (8n  1)(9i0; i1; . . . ; in uniform decision procedures) [fUi ; Ui ; . . . Uin g 62 TxtExn?1 ]. Consider Uij = fhx; yi j y 2 N ^ x  j g. It is easy to verify that [fUi ; Ui ; . . . Uin g 62 TxtExn?1]. 0





The next two theorems (Theorems 9 and 10) concern synthesis from one-shot learnable uniformly decidable classes, and the rst provides a much more positive result than its analog for uniformly r.e. classes (Theorem 3 in Section 3.1 above). The second shows the rst is best possible and that the cost of passing from no mind changes in the input classes to nitely many in the synthesized learning machines is necessary.

Theorem 9 (8a 2 N [ fg)(9f 2 R)(8x j x is a uniforma decision procedure)[Ux 2 TxtExa0 ) Ux 2 TxtEx (Mf (x))]. Fix a. Let Ux 2 TxtExa0 be given. We rst show the following Claim. Proof.

Claim 3 For all L 2 Ux, there exist nite sets SL; SL1 and SL2 such that (a) SL  L, and (b) for least i such that SL  Ui : (8L0 2 Ux j SL  L0 )[(Ui ? SL1 ) [ SL2 =a L0 ] Suppose Ux 2 TxtExa0 (M). Suppose L 2 Ux . Then there exists a sequence , such that content()  L and WM() 6=?. This implies that for all L0 2 Ux such that content()  L0 , WM() =a L0 . Let SL = content(). Let i be the least number such that SL 


8 Typically, in the literature one uses i as a \program" for the Ui from De nition 8 above. S-m-n in the '-system [Rog67] clearly yields corresponding '-decision procedures or grammars as one wishes.

Ui . Let SL1 = Ui ? WM() and SL2 = WM() ? Ui . It is easy to verify that (a) and (b) are satis ed. 2

Claim 4 Suppose T is a text for L 2 Ux. Let ST1 ; ST2 and ST be such that (a) ST  content(T ), and (b) for least i such that ST  Ui : (8L0 2 Ux j ST  L0 )[(Ui ? ST1 ) [ ST2 =a L0 ] Then, [(Ui ? ST1 ) [ ST2 ] =a L.

Since, ST  L, it follows from clause (b) that [(Ui ? ST1 ) [ ST2 ] =a L. 2 Since one can verify in the limit, for given ST1 , ST2 and ST , whether clauses (a) and (b) above are satis ed, one can algorithmically search for (some lexicographically least) such ST1 ; ST2 ; ST . This is what gives us Mf (x) given below. Let Gram(i; S1 ; S2 ) denote a grammar obtained algorithmically from i and nite sets S1 and S2 , such that WGram(i;S ;S ) = (Ui ? S1 ) [ S2 .




Mf (x)(T [n]):

1. Let Sn ; Sn1 ; Sn2  fx  ng be (lexicographically least (if any)) nite sets such that (a) Sn  content(T [n]) (b) for least i such that Sn  Ui : (8j j Sn  Uj )[(Ui [n] ? Sn1 ) [ Sn2 =a Uj [n]] 2. If no such Sn ; Sn1 ; Sn2 is found in the search above, then output ?. Else let Sn ; Sn1 ; Sn2 be the lexicographically least such set. For least i such that Sn  Ui , output Gram(i; Sn1 ; Sn2 ). End Mf (x) Using Claim 3, it is easy to verify that, for any T for L 2 Ux , Sn ; Sn1 ; Sn2 as found in step 1 above converges to ST ; ST1 ; ST2 , which satisfy (a) and (b) in Claim 4. It thus follows that Mf (x) TxtExa -identi es Ux.

Theorem 10 (8n):(9f 2 LR)(8x j x is a uniform decision procedure )[Ux 2 TxtEx0 ) Ux 2 TxtExn(Mf (x))]. Fix n. For simplicity of presentation, we give the proof only for recursive f . The proof can be easily generalized to limiting recursive f . By implicit use of recursion theorem there exists an x such that Ux may be described as follows. Let 0 be a sequence, if any, such that Mf (x)(0 ) 6=?. For i  n, if i is de ned, then try to de ne i+1 as follows: let i+1 be a sequence, if any, such that i  i+1 and Mf (x)(i ) 6= Mf (x)(i+1 ).


Let L0 = fh0; yi j y 2 N g. For i such that i is de ned in the process above, de ne L2i+1 ; L2i+2 as follows: L2i+1 = content(i ) [ fh2i + 1; yi j y 2 N g. L2i+2 = content(i ) [ fh2i + 2; yi j y 2 N g. Let Ux = fL0 g [ fL2i+1 ; L2i+2 j i is de ned in the process above g. Since, Ux is nite and all languages in Ux are pairwise incomparable (by ), it follows that Ux 2 TxtEx0 . We claim that Ux 6 TxtExn (Mf (x) ). If n+1 is de ned then, Mf (x) makes at least n +1 mind changes on n+1 and thus does not TxtExn -identify L2i+3 ; L2i+4 2 Ux . If 0 is not de ned, then L0 2 Ux , but Mf (x) does not TxtEx-identify L0. If i+1 is not de ned, then L2i+1 ; L2i+2 2 Ux , but Mf (x) does not TxtEx -identify at least one of L2i+1 ; L2i+2 (since content(i )  L2i+1 \ L2i+2 , L2i+1 6= L2i+2 and Mf (x) on any extension of i outputs Mf (x)(i )). The theorem follows. Next we present our two Main Corollaries (Corollaries 2 and 3) which completely characterize the uniformly decidable classes in TxtBca and are easy consequences of Lemmas 1 and 3 following them.9 The rst corollary is a very important case of the second which we've separated out for special attention. As we noted in Section 1 above, Angluin [Ang80b] completely characterized the uniformly decidable classes in TxtEx.10 Essentially she showed that, for any xed uniform decision procedure x, Ux 2 TxtEx , Condition 1 holds, where Condition 1 states:11 There is an r.e. sequence of (r.e. indices of) nite sets S0 ; S1 ; . . . (called tell tales ) such that, (8i)[Si  Ui ^ (8j j Si  Uj )[Uj 6 Ui ]]: (1) She also considered a Condition 2 just like Condition 1 except that the sequence of nite sets (tell tales) is not required to be r.e. and showed that Condition 2 is not sucient. Our characterization of uniformly decidable classes in TxtBc is, surprisingly, just Angluin's Condition 2! As mentioned above, it is referred to as the subset principle, a necessary condition preventing overgeneralization in learning from positive data [Ang80b, Ber85, Cas92].

It is surprising and important that the subset principle alone (Angluin's Condition 2) without the added constructivity conditions of Angluin's Condition 1 characterizes the uniformly decidable classes Ux 2 TxtBc. [OSW86b] note that a class of r.e. languages U can be learned in the limit from positive data by a not necessarily algorithmic procedure i Angluin's Condition 2 holds for U . Hence, Corollary 2 together with this observation entails that for uniformly decidable classes U , U can be learned in the limit from positive data by a not necessarily algorithmic procedure i U 2 TxtBc. Therefore, for uniformly decidable classes, algorithmicity of the learning procedure doesn't matter for behaviorally correct identi cation! It is open whether there are other types of classes U (besides uniformly decidable) for which algorithmicity of the learning procedure doesn't matter for behaviorally correct identi cation. Suppose x is a uniform decision procedure. Corollary 2, immediately above also provides the following characterization. Ux 2 (TxtBc ? TxtEx) , Ux satis es Condition 2 but not Condition 1. Hence, since Angluin [Ang80b] provided an example Ux satisfying Condition 2 and not Condition 1, her example is a uniformly decidable class witnessing that (TxtBc ? TxtEx) 6= ;. Our characterization for TxtBca more generally is a variant of Angluin's Condition 2.12 a , (8U 2 U )(9S  U j S Corollary 30 Ux 2 TxtBc x 0 is nite)(8U j S  U 2 Ux )[U 0 6 U or card(U ? U 0 )  2a]. As we will see, our Main Theorem (Theorem 11) below is an immediate consequence of Lemmas 1 and 3 to follow. a . Then (8L 2 Lemma 1 Suppose Ux 2 TxtBc 0 Ux )(9XL  L j X0 L is nite)(8L 2 Ux j XL  L0)[L0 6 L _ card(L ? L )  2a]. a (M). Suppose L 2 U . Suppose Ux 2 TxtBc x a Then there exists a TxtBc -locking sequence  for M on L. Let XL = content(). Note that WM() =a L. Now, for any L0 2 Ux such that XL  L0  L, we must have WM() =a L0 (otherwise, M does not TxtBca Proof.

identify L0 ). It follows that L =2a L0 .

Corollary 20 Ux 2 TxtBc0 , 0 (8U 2 Ux)(9S  U j S is nite)(8U 2 Ux j S  U )[U 6 U ].

Before presenting our Main Lemma (Lemma 3), we present a slightly weaker version of it: in Lemma 3, the TxtBc2a in Lemma 2, is replaced by just TxtBca .

It seems pedagogically useful to present the results in this10 order. Mukouchi [Muk92] characterized the uniformly decidable classes in TxtEx0 . [dJK96] surprisingly characterizes the r.e. classes in TxtEx and presents other interesting results. 11 Recall that the Ui 's are de ned in De nition 8 above.

We also have a variant of Angluin's characterization above, but for TxtEx in place of TxtEx, which characterization is just like hers except that (1) above is replaced by (8i)[Si  Ui ^ (8j j Si  Uj  Ui )[Uj = Ui ]]: (2)



Lemma 2 There exists an f 2 R such that the follow-

ing satis ed. Suppose x is a uniform decision procedure. Further suppose (8L 2 Ux )(9XL  L j XL is nite)(8L0 2 Ux j XL  L0 )[L0 6 L _ card(L ? L0 )  2a]. Then, [Ux  TxtBc2a (Mf (x) )]. Proof. Suppose x is a uniform decision procedure satisfying the hypothesis of the theorem. We describe the construction of Mf (x). It is easy to see that the construction is algorithmic in x. Mf (x)(T [n]) = Proc(T [n]), where WProc(T [n]) is de ned as follows.

WProc(T [n]) 1. Let Pn = fi  n j content(T [n])  Ui g.

2. Go to stage 0. Begin Stage s 3. Let DelSns = fi 2 Pn j (9i0 2 Pn j i0 < i)[Ui [s] 6 Ui [s]]g. (* Note that DelSns  DelSns+1. Intuitively DelSns consists of grammars we want to delete from Pn , since they seem to be bad (see analysis below) *). 4. Let Sns = Pn ? DelSns (* Note that (8i; i0 2 Sns j i0 < i)[Ui [s]  Ui [s]] *) 5. Let isn = max(Sns ). Enumerate Uisn [s]. 6. Go to stage s + 1. End stage s End WProc(T [n]) 0


Suppose L 2 Ux and T is a text for L. We claim that for all but nitely many n, WProc(T [n]) =2a L. This will prove the theorem. Let XL be as given in the hypothesis. It follows that for all L0 2 Ux , [XL  L0 ] ) [L0 6 L _ L0 =2a L]. Let j be the minimal number such that Uj = L. Let n be large enough so that, (i) For all i < j such that Ui 6 Uj , content(T [n]) 6 Ui . (ii) j < n. (iii) XL  content(T [n]). We claim that WProc(T [n]) =2a Uj = L. Let Pn ; Sns ; DelSns ; isn be as de ned in Proc(T [n]) above. They satisfy the following properties: (a) j 2 Pn . (b) (8i < j )[i 2 Pn ) Ui  L]. (c) (8i > j )[i 2 Pn ) [Ui 6 L _ Ui =2a L]]. (d) for all s: j 62 DelSns ; thus j 2 Sns . It immediately follows from (d) above and the comment after step (4) that WProc(T [n])  Uj . Now note that, since DelSns  DelSns+1 , we have Sns  Sns+1 . Thus lims!1 isn is de ned. Let this limiting value

be in . It follows that Uin  WP roc(T [n])  Uj = L. Now since, Uin  Uj , property (c) above implies that Uin =2a Uj . Thus, WP roc(T [n]) =2a L. It follows that Mf (x) TxtBc2a-identi es L.

Lemma 3 There exists a recursive f satisfying the following. Suppose x is a uniform decision procedure. Further suppose (8L 2 Ux)(9XL  L j XL is nite)(8L0 2 Ux j XL  L0a)[L0 6 L _ card(L ? L0 )  2a]. Then, [Ux  TxtBc (Mf (x))]. The proof of the lemma, is a careful modi cation of the proof of Lemma 2 to reduce the errors. The weaker version, Lemma 2, above suces to obtain the a 2 f0; g cases. So suppose a 2 N . Consider the following machine Mf (x) for Ux . Mf (x)(T [n]) = Proc(T [n]), where WP roc(T [n]) is as de ned below.


WP roc(T [n]). Let Pn = fi  n j content(T [n])  Ui g. Go to stage n (* we start from stage n just for ease of

writing the proof. *) Begin stage s 1. Let DelSns = fi 2 Pn j (9i0 2 Pn j i0 < i)[Ui [s] 6 Ui [s]]g. (* Note that DelSns  DelSns+1 *). (* Intuitively DelSns consists of grammars we want to delete from Pn , since they seem to be bad (see analysis below) *). 2. Let Sns = Pn ? DelSns . (* Note that after the above deletion, we have the following property: (8i > i0 2 Sns )[Ui [s]  Ui [s]]. Thus the members of Sns form a reverse subset chain (for elements  s) *) 3. Let kns = max(Sns ). (* Note: kns is a non-increasing function of s *). 4. Let Cancelsn = fi 2 Sns j card(Ui [n] ? Ukns [n]) > 2ag. (* Note: We form Cancelsn looking at enumeration of elements  n. This Cancel set may become smaller as stages go on! Intuitively Cancel just tries to delete sets which are too big compared to the input. *) 5. Let Qsn = Sns ? Cancelsn . Let isn = min(Qsn ). (* Note: since kns was a non-increasing function of s; it is easy to see that max(Cancelns ) will be a non-increasing function of s. It does not necessarily follow that isn is non-increasing function of s. However it is nearly so | what \nearly" means will be clearer in the proof after the construction*). Let Dns = Uisn [n] ? Ukns [n]. Let Asn  Dns be a set of min(card(Dns ); a) elements such that the following property is satis ed: if z1 2 Asn and z2 2 Dns ? Asn , then 0


(A) max(fi 2 Qsn j z2 2 Ui g) < max(fi 2 Qsn j z1 2 Ui g) OR (B) max(fi 2 Qsn j z2 2 Ui g) = max(fi 2 Qsn j z1 2 Ui g) and [z2 2 Ans?1 ) z1 2 Ans?1 ]. (* Intuitively we select an Asn in the following form: select the a elements of Asn so that elements which are enumerated by more decision procedures in Qsn get priority. Breaking of ties is done in a manner consistent with earlier priority settings. *) Enumerate (Uisn [s] ? Dns ) [ Asn . End stage s End Now x L 2 Ux and M which TxtBca identi es Ux. a Let  be a TxtBc -locking sequence for M on L. Let j be the minimal number such that Uj = L. Let XL be as given by Lemma 1. Fix a text T for L. Assume that n > j is so large that the following properties (a) to (d) are satis ed. For these big enough n, we will claim below that WP roc(T [n]) =a L. (a) XL  content(T [n]). (b) (8i < j )[Ui 6 L ) content(T [n]) 6 Ui ]. (c) (8i; i0 2 Wx j i < i0 < j )[Ui 6 Ui ) Ui [n] 6 Ui [n]]. S Intuitively, (c) ensures that if i < j , is in s DelSns , then it is in DelSnn (note that we started in stage n). (d) (8i < j j Ui  L)[card(fy < n j y 2 Ui ? Lg)  min(f2a + 1; card(Ui ? L)g)]. Intuitively (d) says that either all elements of Ui ? L are below n, or there are at least 2a + 1 elements of Ui ? L below n; This second part ensures that if Ui is too big then i will be in Cancelsn for every stage s. The earlier part makes sure that all the elements which are in Ui ? L have been already noticed and thus would not be enumerated in step 5 except as part of Asn . For all of following we assume that n > j is big enough so that (a) to (d) are satis ed. We will consider what Proc(T [n]) enumerates. So let all the variables below be as in Proc(T [n]). Let Big = fi < j j Ui  L ^ card(Ui ? L)  2a ^ (8i0 j i0 < i < j ^ Ui  L)[Ui  Ui ]g. Note that for all i < j , if i 62 Big, then i 62 Qsn for any s (each i < j in Wx ? Big would be either ins DelSnn (note that we started at stage n) or in Canceln for each s). So i < j which are not in Big are never in Qsn . Note the following properties of DelSns and Cancelsn . (e) j 62 DelSns for all s (thus j 2 Sns for every s). sNote that for nitely many stages s, j maybe in Canceln but that will not hurt us. (f) DelSns  DelSns+1 (and thus Sns+1  Sns ). (g) Since elements of Sns form a reverse subset chain (for elements  s), members of Cancelsn have the initial segment property within Sns , i.e., if i; i0 2 Sns , i < i0 and 0




i0 2 Cancelsn then i 2 Cancelsn .

(h) Cancelsn+1  Cancelsn (this follows since knss is a nonincreasing function of s). Thus max(Canceln ) is nonincreasing function of s. Let D = fy j (9i 2 Big)[y 2 Ui ? L]g. What we will rst show is that Proc(T [n]) enumerates a subset of L [ D. We will then show that what is enumerated within D has cardinality appropriately bounded; this will complete the proof. Now consider any stage s: If in stage s, isn  j , then clearly, whatever is enumerated in stage s is contained in L (since Uisn [s]  Uj [s]; otherwise isn would be in DelSns ). If isn < j , then clearly, Uisn  L [ D since isn must be in Big. We now consider what exactly is the di erence between L and the sets enumerated by Proc(T [n]). Clearly, DelSns , Canceln and Dns , isn , kns , Asn etc must achieve a limiting value (as s goes to 1). Let the limiting values of these variable be DelSn, Canceln , Dn , in , kn , An etc. Consider the rst stage when isn achieves a value  j . (There must be the rst such stage since otherwise M does not TxtBca identi es Ux). Since max(Cancelsn ) is a non-decreasing function of s, and Sns \ fi  j g = Sn \fi  j g for all s, we have that, if isn achieves a value  j , it is non-increasing from that point onwards (this is what we meant by nearly non-increasing in step 5 of the construction above). Furthermore, since kns  j , for all s, it follows that D \ Dns  D \ Dns+1 . (To see this note that all elements of D are  n. Moreover, the elements of Qsn form a reverse subset chain, with respect to elements  n. Thus since isn+1  isn, any elements of D which were in Dns would also be in Dns+1 ). Thus Asn \ D  Asn+1 (from the way Asn was chosen, since if isn  j , then D \ Asn is empty. On the other hand if isn < j , then isn  isn+1 (due to non-increasing property of isn once it becomes  j ) and thus based on the subset chain property, the above holds (the priority ordering among the elements of Ds does not change!)). We now have following property: WP roc(T [n]) ? L  An (due to the fact that D \ Asn+1  An ). Also L ? WP roc(T [n])  Dn ? An , since all other elements of L are enumerated in the stages beyond the point where An gets its limiting value! Now suppose An  L. In this case, the di erence between L and WP roc(T [n]) is subset of Dn ? An which is of size  a. If An 6 L. Then by the priority ordering selected for chosing elements of An , we know that elements of Dn ? An do not belong to L. Thus the di erence in L and WP roc(T [n]) is a subset of An which is of size  a.

Next we have our Main Theorem (Theorem 11) which follows immediately from Lemmas 1 and 3 above. It says that we can synthesize, from uniform decision pro-

cedures for classes in TxtBca , TxtBca -learning machines! Hence, in passing from learnable uniformly decidable classes to algorithmically synthesized learning machines for them, we get a xed point, for each a, at TxtBca-identi cation! Theorem 11 (8a 2 N [ fg)(9f 2 R)[Ux 2 TxtBca ) Ux  TxtBca(Mf (x))]. The next and last theorem of this section contrasts nicely with Theorems 9 and 11 above. It also shows that the cost of passing from one mind change in the input classes to in nitely many in the synthesized learning machines is necessary. This is so, as in our other lower bound results above, even if we employed the stronger limiting recursive procedures for synthesis of learning machines from algorithmic descriptions of the class to be learned! Theorem 12 :(9f 2 LR)[Ux 2 TxtEx1 ) Ux  TxtFex(Mf (x))]. Proof. We prove a simpler version of the theorem: :(9f 2 R)[Ux 2 TxtEx1 ) Ux  TxtEx (Mf (x))]: (3) The proof can be easily generalized to take care of TxtFex and limiting recursive f . Suppose by way of contradiction otherwise. Let f be given. By the Operator Recursion Theorem [Cas74, Cas94], there exists a 1-1 increasing, p such that the following holds. We let L = fL j (9i  1)[L = 'p(i) ]g. It will be easily seen that, for i > 0, 'p(i) is either a characteristic function or an empty function. Hence, it follows that a uniform decision procedure for L (de ned just above) exists and can be found. Let p(0) be uniform decision procedure for L. We note that all 'p(i) , i  1, which are considered in the construction below will be characteristic functions. If 'p(i) is a characteristic function, we will abuse notation slightly and refer to the language for which it's a characteristic function as Up(i) . We will have that Up(0) 2 TxtEx1 . Thus Mf (p(0)) TxtEx identi es Up(0). We let Up(1) = ODD. We will have that, for all i > 1, Up(i) is nite. In addition the construction will ensure that at least one of the following properties (A) and (B) is satis ed. (A) For i > 1, Up(i) contains exactly one even number. Moreover, for all i > i0 > 1, Up(i) \ Up(i ) \ EVEN = ;. (B) There exists a j > 1 such that, B.1, B.2 and B.3 are satis ed. (B.1) for all i > j , 'p(i) (0)". (B.2) for all i such that 1 < i < j , Up(i) contains exactly one even number. Moreover, for all 1 < i < i0 < j , Wp(i) \ Wp(i ) \ EVEN = ;. 0


(B.3) Wp(j) is nite, does not contain any even number, and for all 1 < i < j , Wp(j) 6 Wp(i) . Note that the above properties imply that Cp(0) 2 TxtEx1. In case (A) clearly, a machine can rst output a grammar for ODD. Then if it sees an even number it can output a grammar for the corresponding nite set using appropriate p(i). In case (B) Cp(0) is nite and machine can TxtEx1 -identify by rst waiting until it gets an even number or sees Wp(j) in the input and then output the corresponding grammar. The machine now needs to change its conjecture only if the input is for ODD, requiring at most 1 mind change. We now proceed to de ne Wp(i) for i > 1. Let 0 be a sequence such that content() = f1g. Go to stage 0. Stage s 1. Start de ning p(s + 2) so that it will be a characteristic function for content(s ), unless step 2 below succeeds. 2. Search for an extension  of s such that content()  ODD and Mf (p(0)) () 6= Mf (p(0))(s ). 3. If and when such a  is found, Let e be an even number large enough so that 'p(s+2) (e) has not yet been de ned and e is bigger than all the even numbers considered in previous stages. Let 'p(s+2) be characteristic function for content(s ) [ feg. Let s+1 be an extension of  such that content(s+1 )  content(s ) [ f2x + 1 j x  max(content(s ))g. 4. Go to stage s + 1. End stage s Now consider the following cases. Case 1: All stages terminate. In this case clearly, for all i > 1, Up(i) is nite, and p(i) satisfy the property (A) above. Moreover, S Mf (p(0)) makes in nitely many mind changes on s s which is a text for ODD. Case 2: stage s starts but does not terminate. In this case clearly, property (B) above is satis ed with j = s + 2. Moreover, Mf (p(0)) can TxtEx -identify at most one of Up(s+2) and Up(1) = ODD, since step 2 does not succeed. This proves the theorem. N.B. Angluin's proof of her characterization (by Condition 1) of uniformly decidable classes in TxtEx essentially provides an algorithm for transforming two things into a learning machine which TxtEx-identi es L:13 13 Actually Angluin's synthesized machine learns decision procedures rather than grammars, and, for TxtEx-

(1) a uniform decision procedure for a class of recursive languages L that is TxtEx-identi able and (2) a program for generating an associated r.e. sequence of tell tale sets S0 ; S1 ; . . . as featured in Equation (1) above. The additional input information of a program for generating the tell tales therefore makes a huge di erence in the mind change complexity of the synthesized learning machine!

4 Future Directions

Barzdin [BF72] rst considered improvements of archetypal enumeration techniques, involving a majority vote strategy which has vastly better mind-change complexity. See also [LW89]. It would be interesting to look into variants of our algorithms above for synthesizing learning machines with improved mind-change complexity at least for interesting special cases. Corollary 1 above and, more generally, the footnote to Theorem 1 above suggest to us ones exploring the relevance to our paper's topics of r.e. classes of languages which can be enumerated with  n +1 duplications but not with  n [PEH64, PEP65]. In this interest we have a preliminary result complementing Theorem 3 above (in Section 3.1) as follows. Theorem 13 (9 recursive f )(8x j Cx 2 TxtEx0 ^ (8 distinct i; j 2 Wx )[Wi 6= Wj ])[Cx  TxtEx(Mf (x) )]. We also know that, in this result, TxtEx(Mf (x) ) cannot be improved to TxtExn (Mf (x) ). It is interesting to explore extensions of the present paper for the cases of adding small amounts of negative information to the input data [BCJ95]. In the light of Theorem 22 in [BCJ95] and the discussion following the proof of Theorem 12 above, it is reasonable to hope for some resultant improvements in mind change complexity for synthesized machines.


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