The SIMalliance Open Mobile API Specification

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apps have been developed. 269 billion downloads in 2015. 1.6m apps. 1.5m ... Android users have the choice of... Apple u
The SIMalliance Open Mobile API: Providing security for mobile applications 7+ billion

We live in a connected mobile world...

global SIM connections at the end of 2014 (Source: GSMA)

3.7 billion

unique mobile network subscribers

Growing number of handsets are being deployed with an embedded Secure Element (eSE), in addition to a SIM

12 billion

(Source: GSMA)

Secure Elements (SEs) to be shipped in 2020

(Source: Eurosmart estimate)

...where Secure Element usage is increasing UICC (SE)

Secure MicroSD

Embedded SE

There has been a mobile app explosion... with


269 billion

apps have been developed

1.6m apps

Android users have the choice of...

1.5m apps

Apple users have the choice of...

downloads in 2015




...resulting in an unprecedented need for security, to protect many different types of mobile service. The revolution in secure mobile service delivery can benefit many sectors:

Banks & financial institutions



Healthcare providers


Retail and consumer brands


But, there are security concerns to consider... Delivery of IP-based services through smartphones which run many diverse operating systems (OS) and OS versions, has opened the network to attack from viruses and hackers.

So how can mobile services be secured?

Security concerns can prevent the adoption of secure mobile services by consumers. For example:

• The SE provides security for mobile services from the OS up. • It provides the most advanced security for a mobile application in a connected device.

of people say that they would not use mobile payments


• A SIM is an SE which is already available in all mobile devices. • Handset manufacturers are increasingly deploying embedded SEs, resulting in many handsets with multiple SEs (SIM + eSE). • Advanced security is possible if mobile applications are designed to utilise an SE.



citing security concerns (Source: Info Security Magazine)

What value does SIMalliance bring?

The SIMalliance OMAPI is a globally recognised royalty-free specification that standardises mobile application access to SEs in a device.

SIMalliance has developed: The SIMalliance OMAPI Specification is:


• Implemented in nearly 250 models of NFC Android smartphones.

Core Spec

• Available to implement on all smart phone models globally. • Supports all types of SE (SIM and eSE) and therefore enables multiple business models for bringing mobile services to market.


Test Spec

The SIMalliance OMAPI is recognised as a core specification by the industry: • Referenced by the GSMA. • Included in GlobalPlatform’s Device Compliance Programme. • The Global Certification Forum is certifying devices with OMAPI.


• The North American Certification Scheme, PTCRB, will soon start certifying devices with OMAPI implementattion.

Test App

OMAPI can be used to secure: NFC

NFC services

Ticketing/ public transport

Payments services

Access control

ID services

Loyalty services

ID management

Benefits for service providers: 1. Higher levels of end user trust = faster and more widespread adoption of services

2. Reduced development costs

For more details please visit

3. Improved time to market

4. Improved time to revenue

More in-depth SIM market data can be purchased on a yearly subscription. Contact

[email protected]

About SIMalliance SIMalliance is the global, non-profit industry association which simplifies secure element (SE) implementation to drive the creation, deployment and management of secure mobile services.