Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package

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In other systems (for example Adobe. Illustrator) the tool will remain selected until the user changes it (the ..... the palette. 6.3 Experimental design and procedure.
Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package Stephen Brewster Glasgow Interactive Systems Group, Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)141 330 4966, Email: [email protected], Web: This paper describes how non–speech sounds can be used to improve the usability of a graphics package. Sound was specifically used to aid problems with tool palettes and finding the current mouse coordinates when drawing. Tool palettes have usability problems because users need to see the information they present but they are often outside the area of visual focus. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of adding sound to tool palettes. Earcons were used to indicate the current tool and when tool changes occurred. Results showed a significant reduction in the number of tasks performed with the wrong tool. Therefore users knew what the current tool was and did not try to perform tasks with the wrong tool. All of this was not at the expense of making the interface any more annoying to use.

Keywords: Earcons, sonically–enhanced widgets, sound, interface sonification.



This paper describes how the usability of a graphics package can be improved by the addition of non–speech sound. It might not be immediately obvious how sounds could be used in a graphics package which is, of course, highly visual by its nature. One problem with modern graphical displays is that they are very visually demanding; all information is presented graphically. As has been demonstrated, this can cause users to become overloaded and to miss


Stephen Brewster

important information (Brewster, 1997). One reason is that our eyes cannot do everything. Our visual sense has a small area of high acuity. In highly complex graphical displays users must concentrate on one part of the display to perceive the graphical feedback, so that feedback from another part may be missed as it is outside the area of visual focus (Brewster & Crease, 1997). This problem is worse for partially sighted users whose area of acuity may be reduced by problems such as tunnel vision. Sound also does not take up any screen space and so does not obscure parts of the display, it is good at getting our attention whilst we are looking at something else and it does not disrupt our visual focus. As an example, imagine you are working on your computer creating a drawing and are also monitoring several on–going tasks such as a compilation, a print job and downloading files over the Internet. The drawing task will take up all of your visual attention because you must concentrate on what you are doing. In order to check when your printout is done, the compilation has finished or the files have downloaded you must move your visual attention away from your picture and look at these other tasks. This causes the interface to intrude into the task you are trying to perform. It is suggested here that some information should be presented in sound. This would allow you to continue looking at your drawing but to hear information on the other tasks that would otherwise not be seen (or would not be seen unless you moved your visual attention away from the area of interest, so interrupting the task you are trying to perform). Sound and graphics can be used together to exploit the advantages of each. In the above example, you could be looking at the drawing you are creating but hear progress information on the other tasks in sound. To find out how the file download was progressing you could just listen to the download sound without moving your visual attention from the drawing task. In this paper the use of non-speech sound, and not speech, is suggested. Speech is slow and serial (Slowiaczek & Nusbaum, 1985); to get information the user must hear it from beginning to end. Speech is similar to text, whereas non-speech sounds are similar to graphical icons. An icon, or non-speech sound, can concisely represent a concept whereas many words may be needed to describe it. The non-speech sounds described later in the paper are very short (the longest was less than 0.5 sec.) and can communicate their meaning quickly, but speech sounds would take longer. Speech is also language dependent, whereas non-speech sound is universal. For these reasons this paper suggests the use of non-speech sound in this case. Even though sound has benefits to offer it is not clear how best to use it in combination with graphical output. The use of sound

Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package


in computer displays is still in its infancy, there is little research to show the best ways of combining these different media (Alty, 1995, Brewster et al., 1994). This means sounds are sometimes added in ad hoc and ineffective ways by individual designers (Barfield et al., 1991, Portigal, 1994). This paper describes the addition of sound to a graphics package (see Figure 1) as an example of how it can be used effectively. Such packages are visually demanding and users may become visually overloaded when they have to look at the drawing they are working on and the interface to the package. Sounds were added to tool palettes to stop tool mis-selection errors, and for indicating the cursor position when drawing. 2

Previous uses of sound

One of the first attempts to use sound in a graphical interface, in this case the Macintosh Finder, was Gaver with the SonicFinder (Gaver, 1986, Gaver, 1989). The SonicFinder added sounds for selecting different types of items, dragging and copying. The extra sonic feedback gave users information that they could not see, for example file size and type when selecting. The same approach was taken in sonifying the graphics package; sounds were to give users information that they could not see without taking their eyes off the task in which they were involved. However, one thing that Gaver did not do was formally experimentally test his sonic enhancements to see if they actually improved usability. His results were more anecdotal. The addition of sounds to the graphics package had to be fully tested to ensure they improved usability. Brewster and colleagues have successfully improved the usability of buttons, scrollbars and menus with non-speech sound (Brewster, 1997, Brewster & Crease, 1997 and Brewster et al., 1994). Sounds were added to help users in situations where they could not see graphical feedback they needed. For example, sounds were added to pull–down menus because users may slip off the item they want on to one above or below (Brewster & Crease, 1997). This is often not noticed as their visual attention is elsewhere. Sonic enhancements reduced time taken to recover from errors, time taken to complete tasks and workload without any increase in subjective annoyance. Beaudouin-Lafon & Conversy (1996) added sound to overcome usability problems in scrollbars. They used an auditory illusion called Shepard–Risset tones which increase (or decrease) in pitch indefinitely (similar to the Escher drawing of an endless staircase). When the user was scrolling down a continuously decreasing tone was used, when scrolling up an increasing one. If scrolling errors occurred then the user would hear tones moving in


Stephen Brewster

Figure 1: Screen–shot of the graphics package used.

the wrong direction. Results from these earlier experiments suggested that sound would be effective in overcoming the problems in a graphics package. Therefore, the same approach was used here. Rigas & Alty (1997) used non-speech, musical sounds in the interface to a graphics package for blind people. They were able to use sounds to present the layout and structure of simple graphical images. To represent coordinate locations they used a note-sequence technique: notes were used to represent each of the points between the origin and the current location; the sequence of notes was then played to indicate the location. Results were favourable within a small (40x40) grid. In the graphics package described in this paper there could be a very large grid (up to 1024x768). Therefore it would not be possible to play a sequence of notes as Rigas & Alty had done because this would take too long. However, Rigas & Alty showed that it was possible, suggesting that, with some adaptation, cursor location could be presented in sound. The commercial graphics application KidPix™ by Brøderbund Software also uses sound to make it more engaging (Kramer, 1994) for its users (who are children). The sound effects it uses are generally added for amusement but do indicate the drawing tool that is currently being used. For example the pencil tool sounds similar to a real pencil when used (making a scratching sound). These sounds were not an attempt to improve usability but to make

Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package


the interface more engaging. It is hoped that the graphics package described in this paper can take advantage of the added engagement provided by sound but also improve usability. One of the problems with graphics packages is that they often have modes (see section 4 for more details). In early work, Monk (1986) suggested that non-speech sounds could be used to overcome mode errors. In an experiment he tested the use of keying-contingent sounds to indicate different modes in a simple chemical plant simulation. Participants had to type in codes to transfer oxygen to reactors to keep the plant running. Errors occurred when switching between column-identifier mode and oxygen-addition mode. His results showed that with sounds one third less mode errors occurred, indicating that sound could provide valuable feedback on mode state. The research described in this paper builds on this earlier work. 3

Overall structure of the sounds used

The sounds used were based around structured non–speech musical messages called Earcons (Blattner et al., 1989, Brewster et al., 1993). Earcons are abstract, musical sounds that can be used in structured combinations to create audio messages to represent parts of an interface. The earcons were created using the earcon guidelines proposed by Brewster et al. (1995). The widgets in any application form a hierarchy. For example, a simple application might bring up a window as in Figure 2. This window is made up from a frame which contains a menu bar, a listbox and a scrollbar. The menu bar contains two menus and, in turn, these menus will contain menu items. The windowing system will represent this as a hierarchy of widgets. This hierarchical structure was used to define the sounds for the graphics package. The overall structure of the sounds was as follows: The application had its own spatial location (via stereo position) as a base for all of its sounds (just as an application has a base frame for all of its widgets). All widgets within the application used this and added to it by changing timbre, rhythm, pitch, etc. This approach to allocating sounds is the same as for graphical widgets: A graphical application has a base frame for its widgets. This frame has a spatial location and any widget drawn within the frame uses the base spatial location to position itself. If the frame is moved then all of the widgets move accordingly. In terms of the sounds, if the application is moved all of the sounds play from a new stereo location.


Stephen Brewster



Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4








Figure 2: A simple window with several widgets and the hierarchy used to represent them.

Each of the main components was given a different timbre, as suggested by the earcon construction guidelines (Brewster et al., 1995). For example, the selection tool was given a marimba timbre and the other drawing tools a trumpet (for more detail on this see below). For drawing or selecting horizontally a higher pitched sound was used than for drawing/selecting vertically (see below). The overall structure of the sounds has now been described. In the next sections the specific uses of sound and the usability problems to be addressed will be dealt with. In particular, the use of earcons to correct problems with tool palettes and drawing will be discussed. 4

Problems with tool palettes

Tool (or button) palettes are a common feature of most graphical interfaces and especially graphics packages. One reason for this is that they allow the user easy access to a set of tools and indicate which tool is currently active (see (a) in Figure 3). Put another way, palettes are mode indicators; they allow the user to set the mode and then indicate what the current mode is (Dix et al., 1993). Figure 3(a) shows a set of standard tools from a graphics package (shown in

Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package


Figure 1). The currently selected tool (in this case the rectangle drawing tool) is highlighted by changing its border. In some systems (for example the Microsoft Word drawing package) after one rectangle has been drawn the system will change back to the default tool, often the selection tool (the dotted square at the top left of (a) in Figure 3). In other systems (for example Adobe Illustrator) the tool will remain selected until the user changes it (the tools in some packages use a mixture of both of these methods). There is a hybrid of these two (for example ClarisDraw) where the user can single–click a tool for it to be selected once or double–click for it to remain permanently selected. This method has the advantage that users can choose whether they want to stay in a drawing tool or revert back to the selection tool – it is more flexible. Figure 3(a) shows an example of the different feedback indicating a single click and Figure 3(b) shows a double click on a tool icon.

Figure 3: Rectangle tool selection by (a) single click, and (b) double click.

Interaction problems occur because users may not notice the currently active tool. In a graphics package users will be occupied with the drawing task they are doing (perhaps drawing a series of rectangles) which will require their full visual attention. This means that they will not be looking at the palette to see the current tool. If the system switches back to a default tool users may try to draw another rectangle but end up using the selection tool by mistake. If, on the other hand, the system remains in the current tool they may draw another rectangle by mistake when they really wanted to position the rectangle just drawn. These problems are exacerbated by the hybrid system because it is less predictable as the user may not remember if the current tool was single or double clicked. 4.1

Overcoming the problems of tool palettes

In order to solve the problems of tool mis–selection users must get the right feedback to ensure that they know what is going on


Stephen Brewster

(Reason, 1990). This paper suggests using auditory feedback to solve the problems. Why use sound, why not just use extra graphical feedback? It is difficult to solve these problems with extra graphics. Graphics displayed on the palette will not be seen by users because their attention will be on the drawing task they are engaged in. The visual system has a narrow area of focus which means that users cannot look at the palette as well as their main task. Information could be displayed at the mouse location – often the shape of the cursor is changed to reflect the current tool. This has some effect but if the different cursors are too big they will obscure the drawing underneath or if they are too small they will be too subtle to be noticed by users who are concentrating on the drawing they are creating and not the cursor. Sellen et al. (1992) have also demonstrated that the use of even gross graphical feedback (changing the colour of the entire screen) can be ineffective at indicating modes. Therefore, a different approach was needed. If we give tool information in sound then it will not obscure the display, it will be noticeable and we do not need to know where users are looking in order for them to perceive it. If users must look at the palette then it forces them to stop what they are doing for their main task and causes the interface to intrude; sound does not have such drawbacks. 4.2

Earcons for the tool palette

Earcons were needed to indicate the currently active tool (the hybrid system of single and double clicking of tools will be used as an example). The main problems with the tool palette occur when switching from one tool to another. If the user does not know a switch has occurred (or conversely does not know that the same tool is still active) then errors will result as the wrong tool will be used. An earcon was played when a tool was chosen. This occurred when (a) the user clicked on a new tool or (b) after he/she had finished drawing. In (a) this could be a single or double–click sound. In (b) if no tool change occurred (i.e. the user had doubled–clicked a tool) the same tool earcon was played again to reinforce that the tool had not changed, otherwise a sound indicating a switch back to the default tool was played. The earcons were created using the earcon guidelines proposed by Brewster et al. (1995). The default selection tool was given a marimba timbre and the other tools a trumpet timbre. Only two instruments were needed because any automatic tool changes would always be from a drawing tool to the default tool. This situation was where errors were likely to occur so these changes had to be made salient to the user. The difference between these

Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package


instruments when the earcons were played would grab the users’ attention (Brewster et al., 1995). For a single-click selection one 100 msec. note at pitch C3 (261Hz) was played. When a tool was selected by a double click the user heard the single-click earcon, to indicate a change in tool, and then two 100 msec. notes at a higher pitch, C2 (523Hz), to indicate a double-click selection. These sounds were played in the timbre of the tool selected. The intensity of sound was not used to make the earcons grab the users’ attention to alert them to a tool change. Instead, a change in the earcon’s instrument and pitch were used. In general, intensity changes should be saved for the most important events that must be communicated (for example, serious errors) because intensity has the most potential for annoyance (Berglund et al., 1990, Brewster et al., 1995). The advantage of earcons used in this way is that they can stop errors happening. In previous experiments Brewster et al. used sound to help users recover from errors more quickly (Brewster & Crease, 1997, Brewster et al., 1994) but did not stop the errors from occurring in the first place. In this case, the sounds alert users to the next tool that will be used and therefore if that is the wrong tool they can choose the correct one before beginning to draw, so avoiding the error in the first place. 5

Problems when drawing

The other (related) problem is that of coordinate display when drawing. Many graphics packages give cursor coordinates to the user in the form of a small box at the bottom edge of the drawing area (see Figure 1) or by rulers around the edge of the drawing area. When users are drawing they can look across at the ruler and see where they are, but this means they must take their eyes off the drawing as the ruler is outside the area of visual focus. When precisely drawing or positioning objects it is common to see users with their noses up close to the screen concentrating hard so that they can position an object exactly where they want it. In this situation they cannot easily look at the coordinates or the ruler – they have to take their eyes off the drawing area and the task they are performing to get the information they need (this is a similar problem to the tool palettes above – the interface is intruding into the task the user is trying to perform). If users must look at the ruler then they must take their eyes off the objects being positioned. By the time users have moved their eyes from the object to the ruler, or back from the ruler to the object,


Stephen Brewster

they may inadvertently move their hand slightly on the mouse and so move the object being positioned. They may not notice this movement (and so position the object incorrectly) or may then have to look back to the ruler again to check if the position is correct (with the potential of the same error happening again). For example, suppose you wanted to position a label five pixels to the left of the top of a rectangle. You would move to the approximate location and then have to look at the ruler or coordinates to check if you were in right location. You would then move and check until the position was correct. When doing this your hand may move slightly so moving the label. This is particularly important when doing very fine positioning tasks. One way to solve the problem is to make the position information easier to get at. The coordinates could be presented graphically at the mouse location so that users would not have to move their visual attention away from their drawing task, but then the coordinates would obscure the drawing underneath (in a similar way to the tool palette described above). An alternative solution is to use sound. This would not require users to take their eyes off their drawings, so making it less likely that they would accidentally move the mouse when positioning items (also the drawing will not be obscured by extra graphics). 5.1

Earcons for drawing

Earcons were needed to indicate the coordinate location. An earcon was played if the mouse was moved one pixel with the mouse button down. This meant that if a user wanted to move five pixels he/she could listen to five sounds, making the task simpler as he/she would not have to look away from the drawing at the ruler or coordinates. In the example just described, if the user moved to the approximate location, he/she could look once at the coordinates to find out the current location and then move to the correct location by listening to the sounds. If he/she had moved to within five pixels of the correct location of the label he/she could move the five by listening to the sounds without needing to look away from the drawing task. The chance of moving the mouse inadvertently would be removed as the user would be looking at the object being positioned all of the time. The hierarchy of earcons used is shown in Figure 4. The timbre of the earcon played depended on which tool was being used. This also acted to reinforce the current tool in the users mind, helping with the problems described for the tool palette. For drawing horizontally the earcons were played at pitch C2 and for vertically at C3 , the timbre was based on the current tool.

Using Earcons to Improve the Usability of a Graphics Package


Drawing Default tool: Marimba Other tools : Trumpet Stereo position defined by the application

Move 1 pixel Vertical: Pitch C 3 base note Horizontal: Pitch C 2 base note Single tone, duration 100 msec.

Move 10 pixels Pitch E above base note

Move 50 pixels Pitch G above base note Figure 4: Hierarchy of earcons used for drawing.

It was decided that the sounds could be made to emulate a ruler more closely by providing different earcons to represent 1, 10 and 50 pixels. On a ruler it is common to see the units represent by small tick marks, the tens represented by longer marks and the fifties by the longest marks. The same was done with earcons. When users moved 1 pixel the 1 pixel earcon was played. When the mouse was moved over a 10 pixel boundary (as would be shown by a longer tick mark on a graphical ruler) the 10 pixel earcon was played in addition (see Figure 4). This made a chord of C and E (the pitch was defined by whether the movement was horizontal or vertical, the timbre was defined by the current tool). When the user moved over a 50 pixel boundary the 50 pixel earcon was played. This added another note (G) into the chord. By doing this users could drag objects around and get much of the information in sound that was given visually by the ruler without having to take their eyes off their drawing. However, if a sound was heard for every pixel all of the time then it could become annoying. To avoid this problem the speed of movement of the mouse was used to determine when earcons should be played. If the user was moving fast (X>90 pixels/sec.) then only the 50 pixel earcon was played. If the user was moving more slowly (15 pixels/sec.