Apr 21, 2001 - In this paper, a new non-linear Volterra series model is built based upon positive, negative and double step responses. The predictive control ...
Proceedings of the 32nd ISR(International Symposium on Robotics), 19-21 April 2001
Volterra Series Models for Nonlinear System Control Qiang Liu, Ming Xie, and Mong-King Lim Robotics Research Center, School of MPE Nanyang Technological University Singapore 639798 E-mail : mqliu@ntu.edu.sg Abstract In this paper, a new non-linear Volterra series model is built based upon positive, negative and double step responses. The predictive control algorithm for non-linear system is then proposed, and the existence and uniqueness of the solution are proved mathematically. As a simulation study, the new predictive control algorithm is applied to a nonlinear robot system.
linear system. In this paper, this non-parametric model for non-linear system is built up and its representation by positive, negative and double step responses is presented at first. Unlike the impulse signal, since the step signal is easy to be generated, this method is really practicable. Based on this model, a predictive control algorithm for non-linear system is proposed. The existence and uniqueness of the solution are proved mathematically thereafter. Finally, a simulation study for a non-linear robot system is illustrated as a conclusion section.
1. Introduction In the late 1970s’, a new digital control algorithm, predictive control was applied in real control systems and its advantage over PID control was distinguished. Predictive control is a general scheme of a type of heuristic control algorithm developed independently in different fields, particularly in process control. It is characterized by: (1) using the impulse or step response as the model of the plant, (2) introducing the control law through a moving horizontal optimization, and (3) correcting the prediction values by a closed-loop algorithm [3], [4]. Up to the present, however, the application of predictive control has mainly been restricted to the systems that can be well described by a linear model because the impulse response model is only valid for the above-mentioned systems. Now, we will extend it to the non-linear systems especially to the robotics. In robotics, there are many places where nonlinear processes exist. The non-linearity to be controlled includes motor dynamics, flexible link vibrations, harmonic drive stiffness, gear backlash, and full arm dynamics. For a single motor driven multi-degree-of-freedom manipulator, the related clutches and mechanics make a tremendous contribution to the non-linearity. Traditional identification methods deliver a nominal model that only approximately describes the dynamics of a plant. In order to cope with this approximation, an increased realization so far is focusing on the quantification of the uncertainty in the robust control system and identification of a suitable nominal model for high performance control design. Recently, several researchers have extended the investigation for Volterra series to the control-relevant domain. [7], [9], [10], [11], [12]. Volterra series are utilized as the nominal model for a non-
2. Non-Parametric Predictive Model of Stable NonLinear System Predictive control is a general scheme of a type of heuristic control algorithm developed independently in different fields, particularly in process control. It is characterized by: (1) using the impulse or step response as the model of the plant, (2) introducing the control law through a moving horizontal optimization, and (3) correcting the prediction values by a closed-loop algorithm. Now, we will extend it to the non-linear systems. 2.1. Volterra Series Representation of Non-Linear System Predictive control algorithm for linear system is based on the system I/O relationship. Considering that Volterra series is a generalization of impulse response representation, the I/O relationship of the non-linear system studied in this paper is represented with Volterra series [1] to derive a new predictive control algorithm: k −1
y ( k ) = ∑ h1( k − i )u (i ) + i =0
k −1 k −1
∑∑ h (k − i , k − i )u( i )u (i ) + L 2
i1 =0 i2 =0
k −1 k −1
k −1
i1 =0 i2 =0
in =0
+ ∑∑ L ∑ hn ( k − i1, k − i2 ,L , k − in )u (i1 )u (i2 ) L u( in ) + L,
k ≥1
For most of the plant in process industries, Volterra series with up to second-order kernel are enough to describe their main dynamic characteristics. So, (1) can be simplified as
h2 (i, j) = ( y 2 p (i, 0, i − j )
k −1
+ y2 n (i, 0, i − j) − 2 h2 (i, i ) − 2h2 ( j, j)) / 4, i > j ≥ 1
y (k ) = ∑ h1 (k − i )u (i) i =0
k −1 k −1
2.3. Non-Parametric Predictive Control Model For NonLinear Systems
+ ∑∑ h2 (k − i, k − j)u (i)u ( j) + L i =0 j =0
To avoid static deviation, we used to choose its incremental form:
According to (4), (5) and (6), we can determine
h2 (i , j ) , by u p ( k ) , un ( k ) , u2p (i ,0, i − j) and
h1 ( k ) ,
u2n ( i ,0, i − j ) , and their zero state responses y p ( k ) ,
k −1
y (k ) = ∑ h1 (k − i ) ∆u (i ) i =0
k −1 k −1
+ ∑∑ h2 ( k − i, k − j ) ∆u ( i )∆u ( j ) + L
yn ( k ) , y2 p ( i ,0, i − j ) , y2n (i ,0, i − j ) . If we specify u(i ) = 0 , for i < 0 , the predictive model (3) can be rewritten as follows:
i =0 j =0
y ( k + l| k ) =
(3) is the mathematical description to non-linear system’s I/O throughout this paper. Now we derive the method to obtain the non-parametric predictive model.
In actual application, we are used to analyzing the system dynamic characteristic through positive, negative, and double step responses. It is reasonable to denote
∑ h ( k + l − i )∆u(i| k ) 1
k + l − 1 k + l −1
+∑ i=0
2.2. Method to Obtain the Non-Parametric Predictive Model
k + l −1
( k + l − i, k + l − j) ∆ u(i| k ) ∆u( j|k ) +L
y( k + l | k ) is a predictive output of y( k + l ) at time t = k × T ; ∆u (i| k ) = ∆u(i ) , for i < k ; ∆u( i| k ) is an assumed value of ∆u (i ) at time t = k × T , for i≥k. where
In practical application, we should notice that there exists a truncating length N for h1 ( k ) and h2 (i , j ) . But due to
1, k ≥ 0 ξ( k ) = , 0, k p 0
length limitation, the problem is omitted here. 3. Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution of Predictive Control for Non-Linear Systems
and choose the inputs as:
u p ( k ) = ξ ( k ) ; un ( k ) = −ξ ( k ) ;
3.1. Problem Description
u 2 p ( k ,i , j ) = ξ ( k − i ) + ξ ( k − j ) ;
In this paper, we choose the performance index for multistep predictive control as follows:
u2n ( k , i , j ) = −ξ ( k − i ) − ξ ( k − j ) .
We can get their zero state responses
J ( k ) = ∑ [ yd (k + i) − y m ( k + i | k )]2 ρ (i )
y p ( k ) , yn ( k ) ,
i =1
y2 p ( k , i , j ) , y2n ( k , i , j ) , respectively.
+ ∑ ∆u (k + i − 1 | k )ω (i ), k ≥ 0
As the system is time-invariant, we’d better notice the following two relationships:
y2 p ( k , i , j ) = y 2 p ( k − i ,0, j − i ) and y2n ( k , i , j ) = y2n ( k − i ,0, j − i ) , for 0 ≤ i < j .
h1 ( k ) = ( y p ( k ) − yn ( k )) / 2, k ≥ 1 h2 ( k , k ) = ( y p ( k ) + yn ( k )) / 2, k ≥ 1
i =1
Where • M: length of control horizon; ρ( i ) : weight coefficients of error with •
Now it is easy to get
• (4) (5)
ρ( i ) > 0 , for i = 1,2, L, M ; ω (i ) : weight coefficients of control with ω (i ) > 0 , for i = 1,2, L, M ; yd ( k + i ) : desired value of y ( k + i ) .
In order to improve the robustness of the control system and make the control action as smooth as possible, we assume that the control variables considered in optimization horizon are equal, i.e.
∆u ( k | k ) = ∆u , and
∆u ( k + 1| k ) =L = ∆u( k + M − 1| k ) = 0 .
+ ∑ ∑ [h2 (k + l − i , k + l − j ) − h2 ( k − i , k − j )]∆u(i )∆ u( j ) − y d ( k + l ) i =0 j =0
rewritten as
Based on (7), considering the control variables and closedloop correction, we can build up a predictive model as follows:
∑ [α (i) ∆u
J [ k , ∆u ] =
+ β ( k , i )∆u + γ ( k , i )] 2 ρ(i ) + ∆u 2 ω (1)
i =1
= a∆u 4 + b( k ) ∆u 3 + c( k ) ∆u 2 + d ( k ) ∆u + e( k )
ym ( k + l | k )
k + l −1
∑ h (k + l − i) ∆u (i | k ) 1
i =0
i =0
k −1 k −1
l = 1,2, L, M , k ≥ 0 , and y( 0) = 0 . Then, (8) can be
k −1
γ (k , l ) = y( k ) + ∑ [h1 (k + l − i ) − h1 (k − i )]∆u(i )
a = ∑ α (i ) ρ (i ) ; 2
k + l −1 k +l −1
∑ h2 ( k + l − i, k + l − j)∆u(i | k )∆u ( j | k)
∑ i=0
i =1
j =0
b( k ) = ∑ 2α (i ) β ( k , j ) ρ (i ) ;
k −1
= y (k ) + ∑ [h1( k + l − i ) − h1( k − i )]∆u (i ) i=1
k −1 k −1
+ ∑∑ [h2 (k + l − i, k + l − j ) − h2( k − i, k − j )]∆u (i )∆u( j ) (9) i = 0 j =0
i =1 M
c( k ) = ∑ [ β ( k , i ) + 2α (i )γ ( k , i )]ρ (i ) + ω (1) ; 2
i =1
+ ∑ h1(i ) ∆u (k + l − i | k )
d ( k ) = ∑ 2 β ( k , i )γ ( k , i ) ρ(i ) ;
i =1
l k −1 + 2 ∑ ∑ h2 (i , k + l − j ) ∆u ( j )∆u ( k + l − i | k ) i =1 j = 0 l
i =1 M
e( k ) = ∑ γ ( k , i ) ρ(i ) . 2
+ ∑∑ h2 (i , j )∆u( k + l − i | k )∆u (k + l − j | k )
i =1
i =1 j =1
l = 1,2, L, M , k ≥ 0 , and y( 0) = 0 .
Problem: The problem of predictive control for non-linear systems is equivalent to the finding of a control
∆u * which minimizes the performance index (11), * i.e., J[ k , ∆u ] = min J [ k , ∆u] .
Now , it is easy to show that
y m (k + l | k )
k −1
= y (k ) + ∑ [ h1 ( k + l − i) − h1 ( k − i)] ∆u (i)
3.2. Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution
i =0
k −1 k −1
Theorem 1 For Problem, there exists at least one solution
+ ∑∑ [h2 ( k + l − i, k + l − j) − h2 ( k − i, k − j)] ∆u (i )∆ u( j)
∆u * , which ∂J | * = 0. ∂∆ u ∆ u
i=0 j=0
k −1 + h1 ( l) + 2∑ h2 ( l, k + l − j ) ∆u ( j) ∆u + {h2 (l , l)}∆ u 2 j=0
l = 1,2, L, M , k ≥ 0 , and y( 0) = 0 . Denote
J[ k , ∆ u ]
α (1) = h2 (1,1) ≠ 0 , ω = ω (1) > 0 . When ∆u → +∞
α ( l ) = h2 ( l , l )
∑ [α (i)∆u
+ β ( k , i ) ∆u + γ ( k , i )] ρ( i ) → +∞ 2
i =1
k −1
β ( k , l ) = h1 ( l ) + 2 ∑ h2 (l , k + l − j ) ∆u( j )
Thus there exists a large number
j =0
∑[α (i) ∆u i =1
N > 0 , such that M
+ β (k , i) ∆u + γ (k , i)]2 ρ (i) > ∑ γ 2 ( k , i )ρ (i ) , i =1
∆u ≥ N Then, for
According to (13), we can obtain:
∆u ≥ N M
i =1
J [k , ∆ u ] > ∑ γ 2 ( k , i ) ρ (i) + ω∆u 2 > ∑ γ 2 ( k , i) ρ ( i) = J [ k ,0 ] (12) If we denote
G = max α (i ) ρ (i ) , β (k , i ) ρ (i ) , γ (k, i) ρ (i ) , ω 1≤i≤ M
Then in the real interval
[ − N , N ] , it holds that
J [k , ∆ u1 ] − J [ k, ∆u2 ] = c 3b2 3d bc ( − )( ∆u12 − ∆u22 ) + ( − )(∆u1 − ∆u2 ) 2 16 a 4 8a 2 c 3b 3d bc )( ∆u1 + ∆ u2 ) + ( − )] = ( ∆u1 − ∆u2 )[( − 2 16 a 4 8a =0 Since
0 < J ≤ MG 2 ( N 4 + 2 N 3 + 3N 2 + 2 N + 1) + GN 2 = constant.
J is continuous and bounded for − N ≤ ∆u ≤ N . According to the Weierstrass Theorem, ∗ there is at least one ∆u in the closed interval which J[ k , ∆u] . Based on (12), we have minimizes J[ k ,− N ] > J [ k ,0] and J[ k , N ] > J [ k ,0] . That means
c 3b 2 3d bc ( − )( ∆u1 + ∆u 2 ) + ( − ) = 0 , i.e. 2 16a 4 8a
It implies that
∆u ∗ ≠ N or ∆u ∗ is an inner point of [ − N , N ] . Therefore the optimal
∆u ∗ satisfies
∂J ∂∆ u
= 0 . Q.E.D. ∆u
∆u1 ≠ ∆u2 , they are both the solutions of 3b 2bc − 12ad the Problem, only if ∆u 3 = − − is a 2 4a 8ac − 3b ∂J =0. solution of the equation ∂∆ u Theorem 2 For
Proof : Based on
J = a∆u 4 + b∆u 3 + c∆u 2 + d∆u + e ,
∂J we have = 4 a∆u 3 + 3b∆u 2 + 2 c∆u + d . By using ∂∆ u polynomial division, J can be expressed as follows: ∆u b ∂J c 3b + +( − ) ) ∆u 2 4 16 a ∂∆u 2 16 a 3 d bc bd +( − )∆ u + (e − ) 4 8a 16 a 2
J =(
If there exists
∆u1 ≠ ∆u2 ,
∆ u1
∂J ∂∆ u
2bc − 12ad 8ac − 3b 2
From the relation of the roots and coefficients of the equation
∂J = 0, ∂∆ u
∆u1 + ∆u 2 + ∆u 3 = −
3b 3b 2bc − 12 ad ⇒ ∆u 3 = − − 4a 4 a 8ac − 3b 2
Q.E.D Since the calculations of a, b, c, d, and e are based on the non-parametric model and the previous control values, and it is almost impossible to satisfy the necessary condition. Therefore, we can claim that the optimal under the probabilistic meaning. Theorem 3 For real numbers
∆u ∗ is unique
∆u1 and ∆u 2 , with
∆u1 < ∆u2 , and they are both the solutions of the Problem, if and only if
3b 2bc − 12ad − 2 4a 8ac − 3b ∂J equation = 0; ∂∆ u ∆u 3 = −
is the solution of the
∆ of the equation
∂J = 0 is less ∂∆ u
than zero;
∂2 J | = 0 , with ∆u1 < ∆u 3 < ∆u2 , and J[ k , ∆u3 ] 2 ∆ u3 ∂∆ u
∆u1 + ∆u2 =
The criterion function
s.t. J [ k , ∆ u1 ] = J [k , ∆u 2 ] = min J [ k , ∆u ] , then
∂J ∂∆ u
∆u1 ≠ ∆u2 , we have
=0 ∆ u2
is a local maximum value.
4.2. Algorithm Proof: Omitted. 4. Algorithm of Predictive Control for Non-Linear Systems 4.1. Solution of Predictive Control The
∂J = 4a∆u 3 + 3b∆u 2 + 2c∆u + d = 0 ∂∆ u
equation can
rewritten as
y 3 + py + q = 0 b ; Where y = ∆u + 4a p=
k = 0 . Assume ∆u ( −1) = ∆u( −2 ) =L = ∆u( − N ) = u ( −1) = y( 0) = 0 . Calculate α ( i ), (i = 1,L , M ) , and a . Step 2: Calculate
yd ( k + i ), β ( k , i )(i = 1,L , M ) , and
b( k ) . Step 3: Input
y ( k ) . Calculate
γ ( k , i ), (i = 1,L , M ), c( k ), d ( k ), e( k ), p, q, ∆ . Step 4: Calculate ∆ . If ∆ > 0 , then go to step 5; else go to step 6.
2c 3b 8ac − 3b − = ; 2 2 4a 16a 16a d b3 2bc 2b3 q= − − + 4a 64a 3 16 a 2 64a3 . 8a 2d + b 3 − 4abc = 32a 3 2
Step 1: Input the kernel of Volterra Series h1 ( i ), h2 (i , j ), (i , j = 1,2, L, N ) , let
Step 5: Calculate 1
q q b ∆u = ( − + ∆ ) 3 + ( − − ∆ ) 3 − . 2 2 4a ∗
Go to step 7. Step 6: Calculate
q p ∆ = ( ) 2 + ( ) 3 be the criterion function of 2 3
∆u among ∆u1 , ∆u 2 and ∗ J[ k , ∆u ] = min J [ k , ∆u] .
∆ > 0 , there is only one real solution of the equation: 1 1 q q b ∆u ∗ = ( − + ∆ ) 3 + ( − − ∆ ) 3 − 2 2 4a 3 p (ii) If ∆ ≤ 0 , we define S = ( − ) 2 and 3 1 q θ = arccos( − ) . Get 3 2S b ∆u1 = 2 3 S cosθ − 4a b 2π ∆u 2 = 3 S cos(θ + )− 3 4a b 4π ∆u 3 = 3 S cos(θ + )− 3 4a
∆u ∗ among ∆u1 , ∆u 2 and ∆u 3 by comparing J[ k , ∆ u 1 ] , J[ k , ∆ u 2 ] , J[ k , ∆ u 3 ] so that J[ k , ∆u∗ ] = min J [ k , ∆u] . Choose
∆ u1 ,∆ u 2 ,∆ u 3
∆u 3
∆ u1 ,∆ u 2 ,∆ u 3
equation (15). (i)If
∆u1 , ∆u 2 and ∆u 3 , and then choose
Step 7: Output
u( k ) = u ( k − 1) + ∆u ∗ , k ⇐ k + 1 . If
k * T ≥ t f , then exit; or else go to step 2. 5. Simulation Studies in Control The new predictive control algorithm has been simulated for a nonlinear with the model: •
θ = −0.1755θ (t ) − 0.05088θ (t )u (t ) − 1.745u (t ) + 0.003671u 2 (t ) − 0.4768u 3 (t ) T = 0.5 , N = 60 , M = 10 , ρ( i ) = 015 . , ω (1) = 0.4 and θ d = 3.0 , We By choosing the tuning parameters as i
get the following satisfactory simulation results (Figure. 1.: [1]: u( t ) ; [2]: θ d = 3.0 ; [3]: θ ( t ) ).
Fig. 1. Results of simulation of proposed control method 6. Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed a new method for modeling non-linear system with Volterra series. The related predictive control algorithm for non-linear system is also presented. The proposed design is based upon positive, negative and double step responses. Since the existence and uniqueness of the solution are proved mathematically, we can give out the practical algorithm for robot control systematically. 7. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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