What is an Open Source System

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Tied to proprietary developer -if you have a proprietary ... might not be very easy to find a developer who is going to ... *LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Library Management Systems v Why Open Source? v What is an Open Source System (OSS)? v Freeware and Open Source: is there a difference? v Proprietary Systems v Benefits and Drawbacks of Open Source Systems vThe Open Source Library Management Systems available v

At the end of the presentation, the participants would: a. b.

c. d. e.

Have a general idea of what F/OSSs are; Be able to differentiate the following: 1. FREE Soft wares 2. OSS, and 3. Proprietary Soft wares; Be able to understand the benefits and drawbacks of F/OSS; Be familiar with the various F/OSSs for the library and its sources; and Be able to make decisions on using F/OSS in their respective libraries.

Integrated Library Managem ent System (ILMS/ILS)

MODULES: 1. acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials) 2. cataloging (classifying and indexing materials) 3. circulation (lending materials to patrons and receiving them back) 4. serials (tracking magazine and newspaper holdings) 5. the OPAC (public interface for users)

Dibrary, which opened in Banpo-dong, southern Seoul Inside the Productivity Computer Cluster on the second floor, which is the core of the National Digital Library. Here, people can access 116 million pieces of digital content.


National Digital Library of China - 2,900 - features a new collection of 700-800,000 books - 25,000 re ference books - 10,000 ne wspape r and periodical titles - 560 com puters scattered (244 of them have been installed in special digital reading room s) http://w w w.thebeijinger.com/blog/2008/09/10/The-National-Librarys-New -Building

Cost of commercial soft wares is very high q Commercial developers do not reveal the source code* of their programs q

* source code - consi sts of the programmi ng statements that are created by a programmer with a text edi tor or a vi sual programmi ng tool and then saved i n a file.

• A software

that users have the ability to run, distribute, study, and modify the program for any purpose. • A computer software for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that meets the Open Source Definition or that is in the public domain.

Open Source Initiative (http://opensource.org/docs/osd) “Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code.” Criteria: 1. Free Redistribution - Freely distributed; no royalty or fee for sale. 2.

Source Code - M ust be available (included in distribution or readily available)


Derived Works - M ust be redistributed under the same terms as original software.


Integrity of The Author's Source Code - Original source code must be maintained; modified versions assigned different name or different version number.


No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor 7. Distribution of License - License applied to anyone receiving the program. 8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product 9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software 10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral 6.

“There’s no such thing as a FREE lunch.” – Mr. Nehemias Pasamba

(Valuing Library Servi ces)

"freeware" is a "software which can be downloaded, used, and copied without restrictions." • access to the source code • no community • no development infrastructure • no real way to improve upon it http://www.oreillynet.com/oscon2002/gra phics/jc4_01.jpg


owned or copyrighted by someone.

Benefits of a Proprietary CMS • Support - this is what you pay for, you generally will have access to a team of people who know the CMS code inside and out. • Setup - you can probably have the third party company offering the CMS setup your website, no need to go searching for talent else where.

Drawbacks of a Proprietary CMS • Licensing Fees - A lot of proprietary content management systems require that you pay a licensing fee or at least a setup fee vs an open source cms that is free to use. • Tied to proprietary developer - if you have a proprietary CMS then chances are that the company who licenses the product to your company will require that they work on the system - and since they'd have their hooks into you it might not be very easy to find a developer who is going to have the learning curve on managing the code behind the CM. What's worse is that you have to depend on that company to create upgrades and new features vs harnessing the bug fixing and new feature contributing power from a sea of open source developers.


Drawbacks of a Proprietary CMS Developer feeds - Don't be fooled by the fact that support is readily available - it will come at a price and they'll most likely charge you just about anything they want. •


No licensing fees - yep, you don't have to shell out any cash to own your own copy of some of the more elegant and advanced content management systems in the world. q Can contract any open source developer anyone on the planet who works in a LAMP environment will be able to help develop your site. *LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP q


*XAMPP - Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html)

Flexibility - because of the open source paradigm you get to do anything you want with your code, add a feature here or there, modify and re-sell it, eat your code for breakfast, etc. (just kidding on that last one). q Wisdom of the crowd - the wider the distribution of an open source CMS means a larger user base and user community: more people work on the software, patch bugs, create contributed modules, create new and better versions, etc. and you get all that benefit for free! q

If you’re using these…

Try these…


Or maybe this…


1. Athenaeum Light 2. Avanthi Circulation System 3. Emilda 4. FireFly 5. Glibms 6. Java Book Cataloguing System 7. Koha Open Source Library System 8. ITIL Library Management System 9. Mylibrarian 10. Mylibrary 11. OpenBiblio 12. OpenBook Open Source Library System 13. Open-ILS (Evergreen) 14. PhpMyLibrary 15. Python Simple Library Circulation System 16. Research Guide 17. Seansoft Library Loan Management System 1.17B 18. WebLis http://w w w.infolibrarian.com/soft.htm


Considered as the first open source library automation system ₪ Developed initially in New Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd and first deployed in January of 2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust ₪ The architecture, based on PER.L, MYSQL and Apache, is stable in a Linux environment.


₪ Full-featured

ILS. In use worldwide in libraries of all sizes, Koha is a true enterprise-class ILS with comprehensive functionality including basic or advanced options. ₪Koha includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more. ₪ Currently has developers around the world ₪ Translations made (or being made) into Polish, French, Chinese, and more. ₪ Koha is used around the world ₪ Latest version is Koha 3.00.03.


Koha features: •A

full featured modern integrated library system (ILS).


feed of new acquisitions.

•E-mail •Award

winning and open source no license fee,

and/or txt patron's overdues and other notices.

ever. •Print your •Linux, Unix,

own barcodes.

Windows and MacOS platform. •Serials management module.


Based. •Full catalog, circulation


can full integrate it into your website.

•Copy cataloging

and z39.50.


and acquisitions system for library stock management. •Web

based OPAC system (allows the public to search the catalog in the library and at home).

and UNIMARC for professional catalogers.





catalog module for special libraries.

as a document manager or digital library.


online and off line resources with the same tool.


clear search interface for all users. and comprehensive acquisition options.

is multi-tasking and enables updates of circulation, cataloging and issues to occur simultaneously.

http://obiblio.source forge .net/

Developer: Dave Stevens License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Operating System: Linux, Windows Programming Language: PHP Functional Modules: Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation

http://obiblio.source forge .net/

OpenBiblio features: Barcode input web-based OPAC, circulation and management interfaces, MARC support, Online Reservations& Renewals, Barcode Generator Report Generator Interface customization


Developer: Polerio Babao License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Operating System: Linux, Windows Programming Language: PHP, PL/SQL, Python Functional Modules: Acquisition Cataloguing Circulation


PhpMyLibrary features web-based OPAC, circulation and management interfaces, MARC support, CDS/ISIS conversion Online Reservations& Renewals, Report Generator Interface customization



v One

of the newest open source applications vIts schema and code design include strong OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) philosophy v It does not yet have the functional maturity of Koha and PMB, but shows promising potential in its underlying code and schema design. vIt has a large network installed base, including the Georgia Library PINES network of over 200 libraries. vEvergreen, like Koha, has a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) mode of server operation, but has clearly been able to support the PINES network.


v Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux v Modules: circulation, cataloging, and discovery

OPAC) v Powerful reporting module

(that is, the public catalog, or


Emilda is a complete Integrated Library System that features amongst others an OPAC, circulation and administration functions, Z39.50 capabilities and 100% MARC compatibility. MARC compatibility is achieved using Zebra in conjunction with MySQL.



System Requirements: üLinux base system (e.g. Debian is highly recommended) üApache web server üMysql server (As of 1.2-alpha, Emilda also supports version 3 of MySQL.*) üPHP, Yaz enabled (YAZ is a programmers’ toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers)

üPerl üZebra

server üBasic database administration skills

General requirements: üA web server with support for PHP üSQL database server üPHP with YAZ üPerl üZ39.50 server, supporting favorably MARC, but other formats are also possible

www.gnuteca.org.br This Brazilian OSS has a strong Portuguese installed base. It has recently been translated into French at the University of Lyon. The code exhibits good OOP design traits, but there is minimal code commenting and documentation. Functionality has yet to fully mature, but it exhibits a good design foundation. This is an interesting project that could benefit from further internationalisation work.

www.pizz.net / www.sigb.net PMB has functional richness nearly equivalent to Koha, with a better code and schema design framework. Installation is relatively simple. - has some internationalisation support, but has largely" been implemented in European libraries, and is strongest in its French support base. - multilingual in template design - Although it has some fines, acquisitions support and serials management, it is weaker in this area than Koha. - It has, however, gone further in exploring Web 2.0 features. -With a PHP/MYSQL base and good use of classes for code reuse, it is probably the most elegant of the current offerings for a small multi-library network setting.





Are F/OSS really free?


NOTE: “nominal support”

ü ü ü

Infrastructure costs Maintenance costs Hardware/upgrade expenses ü I.T. know-how ü D.I.Y.

Shall I avail of the F/OS Library Management System? If so, which one? http://www.mediabistro.com/agencyspy/original/Confused.jpg

Evaluate your institution…

…the decision is yours.

THANK YOU! [email protected]

Edmund Balnaves "Open source library management systems: a multidimensional evaluation". Australian Academic & Research Libraries. FindArticles.com. 08 Sep, 2009. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_go2490/is_1_39/ai_n29436544/ http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci213030,00.html http://images.businessweek.com/ss/05/09/opensource/image/linux.jpg http://www.bestrank.com/blog/open-source-vs-proprietary-contentmanagement-systems-cms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_software http://librarynext.wordpress.com/2008/06/04/open-source-librarymanagement-software/ http://www.slideshare.net/vimal0212/open-source-library-managementsystems http://www.open-ils.org/ http://koha.org/