Duality in linear programming with fuzzy parameters

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One of the most celebrated and useful result in the matrix game theory asserts that every two ... duality theory for linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters is introduced, ...... Methods and System Analysis, Berlin, New York, 1980, pp.
Duality in linear programming with fuzzy parameters and matrix games with fuzzy pay-o(s C.R. Bector a , S. Chandrab>*, Vidyottama Vijayb a

Department of Business Administration, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 5 V4 1 Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 India Received 7 August 2002; received in revised form 23 May 2003; accepted 11 June 2003

Abstract A dual for linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters is introduced and it is shown that a two person zero sum matrix game with fuzzy pay-o(s is equivalent to a primal-dual pair of such fuzzy linear programming problems. Further certain di6culties with similar studies reported in the literature are discussed. Keywords: Fuzzy numbers; Fuzzy matrix game; Fuzzy duality

1. Introduction

One of the most celebrated and useful result in the matrix game theory asserts that every two person zero sum matrix game is equivalent to two linear programming problems which are dual to each other. Thus, solving such a game amounts to solving any one of these two mutually dual linear programming problems and obtaining the solution of the other by using linear programming duality theory. The earliest study of two person zero sum matrix game with fuzzy pay-o(s is due to Campos [2] which still remains the most basic reference on this topic. Later Nishizaki and Sakawa [9] extended these ideas of Campos [2] to multiobjective matrix games as well. Though these studies have been motivated by the classical (crisp) two person zero sum matrix game theory but unlike their crisp counter parts, they do not take into consideration the fuzzy linear programming duality aspects and, therefore, do not seem to fully conceptualize the fuzzy matrix game model. In this context it may be noted that although certain fuzzy linear programming duality results are available

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(for example, [1,4,11]) such duality results for linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters have apparently not been reported in the literature.1 The basic aim of this paper is to Erst introduce duality in linear programming with fuzzy parameters and then have a relook of the fuzzy matrix game model considered by Campos [2] so as to analyze the same in the light of this duality. SpeciEcally, it is shown that the procedure outlined by Campos [2] to solve such a game has certain inherent di6culties and it needs appropriate modiEcations and justiEcations for the various steps involved there in. The duality theory as introduced here plays a key role in the development of a modiEed procedure and its justiEcation for solving such a game. In this context it may be emphasized that the purpose of this paper is not to generalize Campos' model [2] but rather to provide results which complement=supplement the basic ideas of [2]. The paper is organized as follows. Certain basic deEnitions and preliminaries with regard to crisp matrix games and fuzzy inequalities with fuzzy parameters are presented in Section 2. In Section 3, duality theory for linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters is introduced, while the main result, that a two person zero sum matrix game with fuzzy pay-o(s is equivalent to an appropriate primal-dual pair of such fuzzy linear programming problems, is established in Section 4. Further, Section 5 discusses certain similarities and di(erences of the present study with that of Campos [2].

2. Definitions and preliminaries Let Rn denote the n-dimensional Euclidean space and R+n be its non-negative orthant. Let A ^RmXn be an (m x n) real matrix and eT = (1 ; 1 . . : ; 1) be a vector of 'ones' whose dimension is speciEed as per the speciEc context. By a (crisp) two person zero sum matrix game G we mean the triplet G = (Sm;Sn;A) where m S = {xGi?™,eTx= 1} and Sn = {y^Rn+,QJy = 1}: In the terminology of the matrix game theory, m(respectively, Sn) is called the strategy space for Player I (respectively, Player II) and A is called the pay-off' matrix. Also it is a convention to assume that Player I is a maximizing player and Player II is a minimizing player. Further for x G Sm, y G Sn, the scalar xTAy is the pay-o( to Player I and as the game G is zero sum, the pay-o( to Player II is —xTAy. We now have following two equivalent deEnitions of solution of the game G: Definition 1. The triplet (x,y,v)eSm xSn xR is called a solution of the game G if (i) (KxTAy) Ss v for all y e Sn and (ii) xTAy K6 v for all x G Sm: Here x (respectively, Ky) is called the optimal strategy for Player I (respectively, Player II) and v is called the value of the game G. 1

While preparing the revised draft of this paper, the authors came to know of a very recent Ref. [8] on fuzzy linear programming duality. The approach taken here is di(erent from that of [8] as explained in Remark 3.

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Definition 2. Let G:(Sm;Sn;A). If there exists (x*,y*)eSm x Sn such that max min xTA y = min max xTA y = (x* )TA y* x€Sm y€Sn

y€Sn x€Sm

then x* is called the optimal strategy for Player I, y* is called the optimal strategy for Player II, and v* =(x*)TAy* is called the value of the game G. The triplet (x*,y*,v*) is represented as a solution of the two-person zero sum game G. Given the two person zero sum game G = (Sm;Sn;A), it is customary to construct following pair of primal-dual linear programming problems (LP) and (LD) for Players I and II, respectively: (LP)

max s:t:

v m

Y^ aijxi > i=1


(j = 1 ; 2 ;: : : ; n) ;

eTx = 1 ;

and (LD)

min s:t:

w n

ijyj 6 w (i = 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; m);

eTy = 1; j ^ 0: The following theorems are standard in this context, e.g. Owen [10]: Theorem 1. Every two person zero sum matrix game G = (Sm;Sn;A) has a solution. Theorem 2. The triplet (Kx; y,v)eSm x Sn xR is a solution of the game G if and only ifx is optimal to (LP), Ky is optimal to (LD) and v is the common value of (LP) and its dual (LD). Next in this sequel is to understand the concept of double fuzzy constraints, i.e., constraints which are expressed as fuzzy inequalities involving fuzzy numbers. For this, let N(R) be the set of all fuzzy numbers. Also let A, b and c, respectively, be (mxn) matrix, ( m x l ) and ( n x l ) vector having entries from N(R), and the double fuzzy constraints under consideration be given by AX jC, with adequacies p and q, respectively. Based on a resolution method proposed in [13], the constraint AX ?~c is expressed as ATY ©c — q{\ — t]), t] implies F(d)^F(b). There is also an implicit additional assumption of linearity of F in Campos [2] which is being taken here as well. Since in subsequent sections, the function F is used to defuzzify the given fuzzy LPPs, here onwards it is called as defuzziEcation function rather than a ranking function. Therefore, the double fuzzy constraints of the type AX q£ are to be understood as (AX)i ©bi + (1 -X)pi

for 0 6 X 6 1


(i = 1;2;::: ;m)

and (ATY)j ®£j - (1 - ti)qj

for 0 6 t] 6 1


(j = 1;2;:::;n);

which in turn means

and F((ATY)j)

> F(Cj) - (1 - f])F{q).

Now, let dy, hi, pf, Cj and gy are triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) and F is Yager's [13] Erst index given by

F(D) = — where dL and dU are the lower limits and upper limits of the support of the fuzzy number D. Then for the special case of TFNs the constraints AX qc, respectively, mean


and m



/le[0,1], J


Pi = (pj ,Pi,pYX Cj




i=\,...,m c J

( f> j> j )


d v


xTAy* 1,

Q = l,...,«),

ui ^ 0 ; (i = 1 ; : : : ;m) and n

max V^ sj j=1

s:t: n



^ 0;


Now expressing the double fuzzy constraints in (FP9) and (FD9) in terms of adequacies p and as described in Section 2, we can rewrite these problems as m



^ ui i=1


i=1 M,- ^ 0,

(z = l , . . . , m ) ,

a G [0 ; 1] and n



^ sj j=1

s:t: tiijSj ©

> 0; G [0 ; 1] ;


C.R. Bector et al. / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 146 (2004) 253-269


where the scalar 1 on the right-hand side of (FP 10) and (FD10) is to be taken as the fuzzy number

1, i.e. bi = biL = biU = 1 for all i=1;:::;m. Now, in case dy, pt, q^ are triangular fuzzy numbers and Yager's [13] index is used for relation ©and © i n the above problems then (FP 10) and (FD10) reduce to (FP 11)


i=1 i=1

s:t: m

a^ + dy + a^)M; ^ 3 — (_p^ + pj + />y)(l — a), i=1

ui ^ 0

(i = 1,....

a G [0;1] and (FD11)

max j=1

s:t: ^ (aj; + ay + d]j )sj 6 3 + (qiL + qi j=1


Looking at the above development and other results mentioned in Campos [2] we make the following observations for the Campos' model: 1. In this model, though the pay-o( matrix is fuzzy, as its elements are fuzzy numbers, the value of the game for Players I and II, namely v and w, are assumed to be crisp numbers. This is certainly obvious from the fact that in (FP8) and (FD8) v and w, respectively, are being minimized and maximized and later to get (FP9) and (FD9) there is division by v and w to get ui and sj. Purely from the logical point of view it seems natural that if the pay-o( matrix is fuzzy then the values for Players I and II should also be fuzzy, an argument that has been followed by Werner [12] in the context of fuzzy linear programming. Infact later Campos [2] also mentions that the value of the game FG: (Sm;Sn;A) will be fuzzy and it will be around v(1) and w(1). Thus in Campos [2] model if one takes v and w as fuzzy numbers then problems (FP8) and (FD8) cannot be given any meaning as such and also the division by v and w to get ui and sj (i=1;2;:::;m;j=1;2;:::;n) becomes meaningless. Our e(ort here is to start with fuzzy values for Players I and II and make appropriate modiEcations in (FP8) and (FD8) so that these problems become meaningful in both physical and mathematical terms. However, as noted in Remark 6, in actual practice one may not be able to get exact membership function for fuzzy values and be satisEed with representative values F(v) and F(w).

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2. There is no justiEcation to assume that v; w > 0 except that it is similar to the crisp situation. In crisp situation it is true because if v is the value of the game for the matrix A then v + a is the value of the game for the matrix A(a) = [aij + a]. It is not very clear if this happens for the fuzzy case as well. Infact as such, there seems to be no easy way to check it because a formal deEnition of the value of the fuzzy game is not given in Campos [2]. 3. The constraints Y17=\ ®vxi & v a r e simply written as Y17=\ ®vui & 1 by dividing both sides with v > 0. This is correct if the constraints are crisp but may not be true if the constraints are fuzzy. It will be very much dependent upon the membership function and tolerance chosen. For example, if x &pa denotes the fuzzy relation that x is "essentially more than a" with tolerance p and a > 0 , then for the linear membership function, it gives ax >apaa and not ax & paa. 4. The fuzzy linear programming problems (FP10) and (FD10) as obtained in Campos [2], do not constitute a pair of primal-dual problems in contrast with the usual crisp case. But as shown here in Section 5.3 if one starts with the correct conceptualization of fuzzy game then one can formulate a pair of linear programming problems which are dual to each other in fuzzy sense. 5. In Campos' formulation, if we identify v and w as F(v) and F(w), respectively, then the basic linear programming problems obtained in [2] come out to be similar to (FP7) and (FD7) obtained here for the variables V = F(v) and W = F(w). But then the subsequent development does not seem to be correct in view of the observation (3) above. Example 1. Consider the fuzzy game deEned by the matrix of fuzzy numbers: A =

180 156 90 180

where 180 = (175,180;190), 156 = (150,156;158), 90 = (80,90,100). Assuming that Players I and II have the margins p1 = p2 = (0 : 08 ; 0 : 10 ; 0 : 11), and qx =q2 = (0 : 14 ; 0 : 15 ; 0 : 17). According to Theorem 5, to solve this game we have to solve following two crisp linear programming problems (LP1) and (LD1) for Players I and II, respectively: (LP1)




s:t: 545x1 + 270x2 > (vL + v + vU) - (1 - X) (0:29); 464x1 + 545x2 > (vL + v + vU) - (1 - X) (0:29); x1 +x2 = 1; X 6 1; xx,x2,X Ss 0

C.R. Bector et al. / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 146 (2004) 253-269


and (LD1)


min s:t:

545y1 +464y2 6 (wL + w + wU) + (1 -f/)(0.46), 270y1 + 545y2 6 (wL + w + wU) + (1 - f/)(0.46), y1

y2 = 1 ;

71,72, */ ^ 0.

Now to get the full membership representation of the fuzzy value for Player I (respectively, Player II) one needs that in the optimal solution of (LP1) (respectively, (LD1)) all variables vL;v;vU (respectively, wL;w; wU) come out to be non-zero; i.e. they are basic variables. This seems to be most unlikely as there are much less number of constraints and therefore many of the variables are going to be non-basic and hence take zero values only. This observation motivates us to take V = (vL + v + vU)=3, W = (wL + w + wU)=3 and consider following problems (LP2) and (LD2) for the variables V and W: (LP2)

max s:t:

V 545x1 + 270x2 > 3 464x1 + 545x2 > 3V 3 - (1 - X)(0:29);

x1 +x2 = 1; < 1; X\,X2,X


and (LD2)

min s:t:

w 545y1 +464y 2 6 3W + (1 270y1 + 545y2 6 3W + (1 -f/)(0.46), y1+y2 = 1 ;

7i,72,f/ ^ 0.

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Solving the above Linear Programming Problems, we obtain, (x* =0 : 7725 ; x| =0.2275, V= 160:91; X* = 0) and (y\ = 0:2275; y*2 = 0:7725; W = 160:65 t]* = 0). Therefore, we obtain optimal strategies for Players I and II as (x* =0 : 7725 ; x| = 0:2275) and (y* =0:227 5; yl = 0:7725), respectively. Also, the fuzzy value of the game for Player I is "close to" 160.91. In a similar manner, the fuzzy value of the game for Player II is "close to" 160.65. Here, it may be noted that this solution of the given fuzzy game matches with that of Campos [2] though apparently di(erent problems are being solved in [2]. This is basically because in this case one can assume that V = F{v) = (vL + v + vU)=3 and W = F(w) = (wL + w + wU)=3 are positive, and therefore by deEning u1 = x\/F{v), u2 =x2/F(v), s1 = y\/F{w) and s2 = y2/F(w) problems (LP2) and (LD2) can be rewritten as (LP3)

min s:t:

u1 + u2 545u1 + 270u2 ;> i -


+ 545u2 =5 1 -

(1 -X)(0 :29)

F(v) (1 -X)(0 :29)


X 1S 1; ui,u2,X :5 0 and (LD3)

max s:t:

s1 + s2 545s1 + 464s2 6 1 +

(l->?)(0.46) ; F(w)

270s1 + 545s2 6 1 +

(1-^(0.46) ; F(w)

*l,*2,f? ^ 0.

Now, following the arguments similar to Campos [2], it can be shown that solution of (LP3) and (LD3) will be obtained for X* = 1 and r\* = 1, the Enal result of (LP3) and (LD3) is bound to be the same as that of (LP1) and (LD1). Thus, we may conclude that by the modiEcations as suggested here, the division can be performed to get problems of the type discussed in Campos [2]. It seems that in Campos [2], the division operation for the constraints is not done at the right place in the right manner and that creates some di6culty in getting the correct conceptualization of the corresponding linear programming problems for the given fuzzy game.

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Acknowledgements The authors are extremely thankful to the learned referees and editors for their most valuable comments which have substantively improved the presentation of this paper. Thanks are also due to Prof. M. Inuiguchi for sending his reprints/preprints promptly on a very short request. References [1] C.R. Bector, S. Chandra, On duality in linear programming under fuzzy environment, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 317-325. [2] L. Campos, Fuzzy linear programming models to solve fuzzy matrix games, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 32 (1989) 275-289. [3] D. Dubois, H. Prade, Ranking fuzzy numbers in the setting of possibility theory, Inform. Sci. 30 (1983) 183-224. [4] H. Hamacher, H. Leberling, H.-J. Zimmermann, Sensitivity analysis in fuzzy linear programming, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 (1978) 269-281. [5] M. Inuiguchi, H. Ichihashi, Y. Kume, Relationship between modality constrained programming problems and various fuzzy mathematical programming problems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 49 (1992) 243-259. [6] M. Inuiguchi, H. Ichihashi, Y. Kume, Some properties of extended fuzzy preference relations using modalities, Inform. Sci. 61 (1992) 187-209. [7] M. Inuiguchi, H. Ichihashi, Y. Kume, Modality constrained programming problems: a uniEed approach to fuzzy mathematical programming problems in the setting of possibility theory, Inform. Sci. 67 (1993) 93-126. [8] M. Inuiguchi, J. Ramik, T. Tanino, M. Vlach, SatisEcing solutions and duality in interval and fuzzy linear programming, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 135 (2003) 151-177. [9] I. Nishizaki, M. Sakawa, Fuzzy and Multiobjective Games for ConUict Resolution, Physica-Verleg, Heidelberg, 2001. [10] G. Owen, Game Theory, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995. [11] W. RVodder, H.-J. Zimmermann, Duality in fuzzy linear programming, in: A.V. Fiacco, K.O. Kortanek (Eds.), External Methods and System Analysis, Berlin, New York, 1980, pp. 415-429. [12] B. Werner, Interactive multiple objective programming subject to Uexible constraints, European J. Oper. Res. 31 (1987) 342-349. [13] R.R. Yager, Ranking fuzzy subsets over the unit interval, Proc. CDC (1978) 1435-1437. [14] H.-J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy programming and linear programming with several objective function, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 (1978) 45-55. [15] H.-J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory—its Application, 2nd Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991.