Efficient capacitance computation for structures with
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We researched several data structures for implementing the Re- verse Influence ... lems of influence estimation and influence maximization in large ..... [11] J. Leskovec, A. Krause, C. Guestrin, C. Faloutsos, J. VanBriesen, and N. Glance.
Feb 18, 2005 - gates only succeed with an arbitrarily small probability p. The required computational ..... the A. P. Sloan Fellowship, and the visitor program of. MCTP. [1] M.A. ... and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press. (2000).
not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also ...... part of every product we buy but they will in fact be embedded within us and into ...... end displays for laptops and notebooks, tablets, smartphones, automobile.
linear solution of the oscillator's time- or frequency-domain steady-state ... During system and circuit design, the usual procedure is to ... a time-domain Simulink, MATLAB, or AHDL model that pro- .... known large-signal periodic solution.
{achurc1,gobbert,seidman}@umbc.edu. Abstract. We study a reaction-diffusion system of three chemical species, where two chemicals react with a much faster.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Abstract. In many virtual .... which does a better job in optimizing region size to fit data behavior at the cost of additional storage ... ments) must be well-connected such that there are no gaps that allow
Spectral moments are calculated from the one-sided PSD G( f ) (in units of Hertz) or the two-sided ..... could be integrated directly into the FEA analysis code.
Abstract. The computation of derivatives via automatic differentiation is a valu- able technique in many science and engineering applications. While the.
Jul 30, 2004 - Kenji Kawai. 1. , Nozomu Takeuchi. 2 ... E-mail: [email protected]. Received 2004 July xx; ... K. Kawai, N. Takeuchi and R. J. Geller.
In this paper, a new type of sensing technique for damage localization on large ... Structural health monitoring (SHM) is expected to play a predominant role in infrastructure and .... could be used to construct a stretchable capacitance sensor.
These schemes are designed for shock capturing and produce sharp ...... tions in a shock tube problem, the two-dimensional Euler equations in a forward.
tions of the three chemical species A, B, and C by u(x, t), v(x, t), and w(x, ... this difficult reaction term cancels when one combines the pairs of equations to get.
Oct 8, 2013 - involve simulations of over one million trials in which each trial consists of one ... additional three statistical libraries for use on the CPU. A.
Efficient capacitance computation for structures with
Vikram Jandhyala, Scott Savage, Eric Bracken, and Zoltan Cendes. Ansoft Corporation, Four Station Square, Pittsburgh PA 15219 Fax: 412-471-9427 E-mail:.